Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on Feb 21, 2004


************* Standard Disclaimer Applies: Do not read if you do not wish to view sexually explicit material, or if you under the age of 21. *************

Constant Service Part 5: In the Limo

The black limo stopped right in front of me, and the backdoor opened. I stepped in, grateful to be leaving Jimmy's place and to be on my way home. He was in there, sitting in the corner seat of the limo, looking out the window not even acknowledging me as I stepped in. He was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and wife-beater tank top that hugged his body nicely. I presumed he had just finished working out. I couldn't read his mood, and I was still only wearing my cum stained jock with my jeans and the dirty bedspread clinging in my hands.

I shut the door, and the limo started moving, and he still didn't look at me. I took the seat diagnol from him so my back was to the driver. The black wall between the driver and the passenger area was up so we were in private. I just took a big sigh of relief to be here, the plush seating underneath me felt wonderful and comforting.

Finally, after another minute or two, he looked over to me but didn't smile. I stared back at him, anxious for him to speak. He didn't. He just motioned for me to come over to him with a nod, and I did so, trying to maintain my balance in the moving limo. I felt Jimmy's cum continuously dribbling out of my hole, and the roll of money taped to me. My whole ass was sore and my body ached everywhere. I sat down next to him and I could smell his manly scent, and it lifted my spirits. He smelled so good, a mix of his masculine sweat and soap. I, on the other hand, must have reaked of cum, Jimmy's nasty scent, and sex.

He grabbed the back of my head, not forcibly, but strong enough to make his point clear. He held on to my head with his whole hand, and directed me onto my knees in front of him. He spread his legs open, and I knelt in front of him, breathing in his intoxicating aroma. He brought my head to his crotch and began rubbing my face into it. I felt his cock move all about through the fabric of his sweatpants, and he pressed my face into him. His smell was even stronger down here, and I was so happy to be here at the moment.

I felt his dick begin to get stiff, stretching the fabric of his sweatpants. I opened my mouth and began to kiss the shaft through the light cotton. I was breathing him in, and I loving what I was doing. This was more gentle but still he showed me who was boss, his hand never leaving the back of my head. He had placed his hand on my head so he was in control, but wasn't grabbing fistfuls of my hair. It was the perfect balance, and I responded to it by kissing and sucking his crotch through the sweatpants.

Still he didn't speak, but his eyes never looked away, he was watching me. He didn't look pissed, but just serious. He kept his hand at the back of my head, and kept pushing me into his crotch, his cock dancing inside the fabric. I could feel it all over my face, and it was making me horny. His scent alone was driving me crazy. This is how I liked him, clean but with a touch of his masculine aroma, the perfect blend.

He kept this up for a while, the limo still driving. It was dark outside, the tinted windows just revealing the passing street lights. I didn't notice, I was too focused on my man, worshiping his crotch as he saw fit. Light moans were escaping me as I was so into being buried in this covered crotch, and I could see a dark spot where his pre-cum started leaking from his big dick.

Finally, he pulled my head back a bit and paused, never looking away from me. I knew this was my cue, and I reached up feeling his hard dick through his sweatpants. I stroked it a few times through the cloth, his hand holding onto my head gently rubbing it. I reached up to his waist band, feeling the heat from his crotch and the hairs on his flat hard stomach. I pulled the waist band down so that his hard cock was exposed, and he lifted his ass so that I could pull his sweatpants down completely. I reached up with both hands, and pulled his sweatpants down, and they collected at his ankles on his running shoes. His cock and balls and ass crack were exposed, looking magnificent in the light of the limo, and his smell was magnified turning me on even more.

I leand into his crotch, kissing the head of cock and his hand was still at the back of my head, encouraging me. I kissed his entire dick up and down a few times, my lips making obscene smacking sounds in the limo. I went to his balls, and took the left one in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the hairs covering it, and I heard him sigh above me.

I slowly took my gaze up his body, taking in the sight of his hairy bush, up towards his other hand holding onto to his white wife-beater, exposing his hair on his stomach. I continued looking up, seeing his well defined pecs, his hard nipples pointing through the thin fabric of his tank top. His hairy chest was exposed at the top, his chest sligtly glistening with sweat. I reached his chin, he still had that sexy stubble on it, and I met his gaze, he seemed pleased with the oral attention I was giving him.

I moved my down to the little part where his ass crack was exposed, and I lifted his heavy balls with one hand and move my face into his ass. He smelled good. I reached my tongue out, and slid it into his buttcheeks, feeling the coarse hairs, taking in his manly scent again. I swirled my tongue down there, something I'd never do for anyone else. I always saved my best oral talents for Him. I tongued in between his cheeks for a few minutes, loving the taste and smell. He was breathing heavier, his hand rubbing the back of my head letting me know he was enjoying my service. Still, he said no words to me, but his eyes never looked away.

I had no idea how long we had been driving for, but I was intent on pleasing him the best I could. He guided my head back up to his shaft, and I began to lick it up and down, feeling its smooth skin and hardness. Finally, I took the head into my mouth, tasting his sweet pre-cum. He took a deep breath above me as my tongue flicked in and out of his pisshole, swirling around the head of his throbbing cock. He always produced a lot of pre-cum, and I loved it.

I bobbed my head up and down his cock a few times, each time taking slighly more in my mouth. I knew he loved this, and he spread his legs further, reclining more in his seat. I was using my tongue underneath his shaft, and I slurped up on his head when I'd reach the end of his cock. Saliva and pre-cum was dripping down his shaft, and I was really enjoying giving him head. I held out one hand and cupped his balls, fondling them as I work my mouth up and down his shaft.

His hand on the back of my head guided me up and down, and he moved his other hand onto my head. He grabbed my head by the sides with both hands, and began moving my head up and down on his cock. I lost control of my own movement, and he took over. He forced my head down onto his cock so it slipped into the back of my throat, and I felt it throb and pulse back there. My whole face was pressed up against his hairy crotch, I could smell him so strongly. My cock was hard again, his smell and cock were turning me on so much.

He used my head to jerk his cock off, meeting each up and down motion with a thrust of his hips. He had lifted his ass off the seat so that he was fucking my mouth. He'd alternate his rhythms, sometimes going fast, shoving his hard dick into my mouth in and out quickly, then he'd slow it down, circling his hips when he was completely buried in my throat so that I felt his cock move all around my throat and his pubes rubbing into my face.

I looked up at him to see his face full of pleasure but still serious. He was pumping his cock in and out of my mouth hard now, and my throat was constricting around his cock. The sounds of my sucking were filling the limo, "slurp slurp slurp slurp," and I kept tasting his salty pre-cum in my mouth. I was using my tongue to lick the underside of his shaft. I felt his wet balls slapping against my chin, and the tickling feeling of his pubes against my nose and face. He was breathing heavier now, his fucking motion becoming faster and harder.

"Uh, uh, uh, oooh, uh, uh, oh oh oh, uh," I heard him moaning above me, and my eyes met his as he pushed his cock as far as it would go into my throat and let loose a huge load. It felt like he would never stop cumming, but he just held my head onto his huge dick to the root, pumping his thick cream into me. He pulled back a bit, and my mouth was flooded with his thick tasty cum. I felt his cock spurt all around into my mouth like a garden hose let loose, as he continued to hold my head in place, his ass still lifted off the seat. I kept swallowing as much as I could, and the taste of his cum was so pleasant, it finally washed the nasty taste of Jimmy out of my mouth.

He sank back down into the seat, the limo still driving, my mouth still sucking on his cock, his cum tasting so strong in my mouth. His hands were still at the sides of my head, and I milked his cock. He took a deep breath, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm," he sighed above me. I looked up at him and finally a smile cracked his face. His right hand tousled my hair playfully, and I felt so good. His cock popped out of my mouth, and I kissed and licked the remnats of his cum off of it, savoring the taste. He just looked down at me, relaxed and smiling. I continued to kiss his shaft and balls.

"You smell like shit, Sean. I take it you had a good time doing Jimmy?" he said talking to me for the first time, looking down to me, teasing me a bit. He knew how much I hated doing Jimmy.

"No, I didn't have a good time, I'm sore as hell right now," I replied in between kissing his shaft. I moved my mouth down to his sweaty balls and began lapping them up.

"I figured has much, you look hell, boy...what'd he make you do this time?" he asked as his hand was still playfully rubbing my hair.

"Same as usual," I responded as I licked his hairy nuts up and down, "but he farted all over my face and in my mouth when I was sucking on his nasty hole."

I heard him chuckle above me, his free hand scratching his stomach. "Serves you right, were almost late getting to him. You are such a fucking pansy though...Every cocksuckin houseboy I know likes that crap," he said.

He grabbed my head and brought it down to his crack, and I felt him tense his ass, and then he let out a huge loud wet fart. My nose was right at his crack, and it stunk like hell. He just laughed above me.

"See, you like it..." he said as he let out a couple more smaller farts.

I just knelt there frowning looking up at him. I was still only dressed in my jock, the taste of his cum still strong in my mouth. I knew he was just playing with me, and I was glad he was in a better mood than I expected. I have to give him credit for being better to me than some of the other men I've been with. He always treated me well, despite some of his more "playful" acts.

"Come on, get back on my nuts...what else he do to ya? and what's with the blanket?" he asked.

Shit, I thought, there goes his good mood. I licked his nuts a couple more times before answering, my voice quivering, "Well...I had an accident..." I said.

He sat up in the seat, letting go of my head, and pulling his crotch away from my face.

"What kind of accident?" he asked in a more serious tone.

"Um...well...Jimmy was on top of me," I started to answer, my voice kind of shaking, "and I was flat on my stomach...and, um, my cock was rubbing against his sheets and there was this porn video on with this hot football guy, and...I'm sorry, sir, but I came all over Jimmy's bed." I finished saying, looking up at him with my most apologetic face.

He just looked down at me, his sweatpants still at his ankles, his soft cock hanging out, his elbows on his knees.

"Was Jimmy pissed?" he asked.

"Yes, he was very angry,, he didn't pay me full price." I replied.

"What!?" he said raising his voice, "Turn your ass around, let me see how much that cheap sonovabtich gave you."

I turned around so I was on all fours, my ass was exposed as I was still only wearing the jock.

"Damn, boy, he really did a number on your ass..." he said as he crouched down feeling my ass with the back of his hand. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"I...I think so," I stuttered, suprised by the question. I was sure he was gonna be pissed at me.

He spready my cheeks, and pulled off the tape slowly, but it still stung since my ass was so sore. He removed the roll of money, but still held my ass open open, inspecting it. I felt a finger pressed into and around my ass. He was checking out the damage done to my ass.

"That fucking bastard uses you this rough, and then doesn't pay you full price. I tell ya, there are some fucked up people in the world...count the money, boy," he said to me, tossing the roll of money to me. He continued to inspect my ass, as I unrolled the money and counted the bills. There was exactly 300 dollars there, and normally I'd get at least 500 from Jimmy.

"300 hundred, Sir," I told him.

"That aint so bad, but I won't tolerate it. No one stiffs me," he said. He reached over to the intercom, "Hi Jeffrey, could you please turn around and head back to Jimmy's place, thanks." I heard him say to the driver.

I straightened up, still on my knees and looked up at him. I felt so grateful he wasn't angry with me and that he understood the situation. I put out well for Jimmy, and I had the red ass to prove it.

He had sat back down in his seat, pulled his pants back up, staring out the window. He turned back to me.

"I don't like this one bit, Sean...I don't blame you for cumming, but things are not going well with you lately. We still need to talk about last night, and then this morning with that direspect to Roberta, and dont even get me started on your falling asleep this afternoon. What do you have to say for yourself about that? Huh?" he asked me, looking down at me. I was still on my knees and he was sitting on the seat.

"I'm so very sorry, Sir. I don't have an explanation, Sir. I just messed up, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that." I replied.

"I know you didn't mean to, but we're gonna have to make sure it doesn't happen again. Maybe get you a watch or something with an alarm...but tommorow you're gonna pay me back for being late. I got poker tommorow in the guest house, and you're gonna be on tap...I don't care how sore you are tonight, you're gonna have to learn...and you're gonna be on your best behavior and pretend to fucking enjoy every minute of it, understand?" he said.

"Yes, sir. Again, I'm sorry, Sir." I responded. But fuck, I hated being on tap for his poker buddies. I always had to be there for them whenever I had seriously fucked up. They were loud, crude men who did all sorts of humliating and nasty shit to me. One time they served dip out of my ass, that's how fucked up they were. Another time they made me sit underneath the table while they played poker, and I had to drink their piss so they wouldn't have to get up. That doesn't even compare to the time they kept me in a downstairs closet, my legs strapped to the walls, and every one of them fucked my ass, talking all sorts of shit to me. Another time He put me up for a bet, and I was sent to one their places over night and got the shit fucked out of me all night long. There were no limits, and each time was different.

As the limo made its way back up to the Jimmy's place, he had me sit next to him, snuggled up to his chest with his arm around me. His hairy pit was right next to me, he smelled so good. I knew it couldn't have been that pleasant for him, as I stank of Jimmy and cum and sweat, but he held me close anyway. I felt so safe resting against him, and his arm lightly brushed mine, soothing it. He took good care of me and knew my emotional needs well. I felt his warmth, his hearbeat, and I was so comfortable. We didn't speak, it was just a comfortable silence.

When we reached Jimmy's place, I had dozed off in his arms when I felt him move and open the door. He told me to wait in the limo, so I had no clue of what happened. All I knew is that when he came back, he and additional 300 dollars, so the total for the night was 600 bucks, and that the next time I did Jimmy I was gonna get at least a 1000. I couldn't help but smile since I knew no one could mess with my man. He didn't tell me what was said, he just picked me up and wrapped me in his arms again.

When we made it back home, I followed him up the stairs to the master suite.

"Not tonight, Sean. Get yourself cleaned up nice and good, and get to your own room. You need to earn back the right to sleep in here with me," he said as he stood in master suite's doorway not letting me come in.

"Of course, Sir, I'm sorry again I've been messing up, Sir," I said, pleading to him, the disappointment in my voice evident. I wanted nothing more than to curl up next to him and sleep for a couple of days, I was completely exhausted.

"Now get some rest, you're gonna have a long day tommorow. First you're gonna have to deal with me and this monster," he said with a smirk crudely grabbing his crotch, "And then the poker game with the guys tommorow night...I always know how much you enjoy that." He said with a wink. "Now come here and kissed it."

I stepped forward and knelt down and pulled down his waistband. I kissed his cock a few times breathing in his musky scent, knowing I'd get to experience it full blown tommorow. He put his hands underneath my armpits and pulled me up. He grabbed my chin, moved in, and kissed me square on the mouth, his tongue invading my mouth. He reach around behind me and grabbed both my ass cheeks with both hands, pulling me in close to him. I took him in, feeling his muscular body against me, his manly smell filling my senses.

He broke the kiss and stared directly in my eyes, still holding on to my ass. "Now go shower, you smell like shit," he said to me as he smacked my bare ass lightly. He shut the door and I stood there staring at it, so dissapointed I wasn't allowed in. It was really a big deal to me that I couldn't sleep in his room, and I knew he was really pissed with me, and I knew this wasn't the only punishment I'd have to endure.

I made my way to my little room, knowing tommorow was going to be both heaven and hell...

Part 6 with the Poker game coming soon, let me know if you have any ideas for it!

Thanks for all the feedback, and please feel free to email me with anything at

Your comments keep me going with this series!

Copyright 2004.

Next: Chapter 5

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