Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on Feb 19, 2004


************* Standard Disclaimer Applies: Do not read if you do not wish to view sexually explicit material, or if you under the age of 21. *************

Constant Service Part 4: Doing Jimmy

The sting of his piss was nothing compared to how guilty I felt for not being ready, especially since he reminded me a so many times to be ready. He left the pool area, and I jumped out of the sauna, grabbing a towel, and drying myself as fast I could as I couldn't run through the house soaking wet. I had exactly 15 minutes to go shower, clean myself up, prepare my ass for Jimmy, and get dressed.

I rushed up to the small bedroom and bathroom that he had provided for me, I wouldn't dare go use the master bathroom right now. I quickly stripped off my speedos, jumped into the still cold shower, and cleaned myself as best and as fast I could. I bent down and did my best to clean my ass out as I didn't have time for a real enema. I was out of the shower in 3 minutes, still soaking wet as I ran down to the master bedroom to get some clothes.

I passed his spacious office to the left, the door was open and he was on the phone. I didn't have time to listen, and I made my way to my walk-in closet at the back of the bedroom. I rummaged through the drawers and found a white jockstrap, and quickly put it on. My cock was so sensitive to the touch since I still hadn't gotten off. I found a pair of light blue jeans, threw them on, and quickly slipped into a pair of fabric sandals. I ran the towel through my tousled hair a couple more times, turned to the mirror to see if I looked presentable. My hair was still wet, my skin still a bit moist from the shower and sauna, a few drops of water still covered my smooth chest, but it would have to do.

I ran out of the closet, through the master bedroom and quickly down the stairs. I saw that he was waiting for me in the foyer, his keys swinging in his hand. He was still dressed in the dark blue polo shirt and light jeans, and he had his sun glasses on. He looked up at me with a rigid face.

"Get down here, let me inspect your ass," he said.

I made my way down to him and stood facing him, my hands at my side. This was a routine, as he always made sure I was presentable for the men he had me service.

"Your hair is still fucking wet, and you still smell like chlorine, boy. Am I going to have to revoke pool privileges from you? Its a good thing you don't smell like piss, or I'd make sure you smell like it permanently." he said circling me, looking me up and down.

I kept my eyes to the ground.

He stood behind me, reached around my waist and deftly unbuttoned my jeans. He zipped them down, slightly brushing his thumb against my cock through the jock, which sent an electric feeling through me. My jeans dropped to my ankles, and he pressed his palm into my back right below my shoulders, and bent me over so my naked ass was exposed.

He crouched down behind me so his face was in front of my ass, and used both hands to spread my cheeks apart. I felt the cold metal of his keys in his right hand grinding into my ass cheek. He slipped his finger in without so much as wetting it first, and it hurt like hell. He pressed his entire un-lubed finger into my asshole, and I let out a gasp.

"Quiet," he said, pressing his right hand with the keys into my ass cheek. He fingered my asshole for another minute which hurt. My ass was so tender, and the no lube made his finger feel so raw. I was squirming to his touch.

"Stand up straight," he said as he stood up. I stood up and he came around in front of me, looking me up and down. "You really fucked up, ya know that? You didn't clean your ass out well enough, its not even lubed. What happens if Jimmy doesn't have any lube? Huh? Do you have any lube in your pockets? I didn't think so. You gonna let him fuck raw so you can come back to me crying and bleeding? Answer me, boy."

"I'm sorr-" I began to say.

"Look at me when you answer me, pussyboy," he said interrupting me.

"I'm sorry, Sir," I said. I knew it best to leave it at that and not try and offer an explanation.

"You're damn right you're sorry, you cum guzzling lazy shit," he said talking down to me. My gaze returned to the floor, I felt so humiliated. I had really fucked up.

He reached out and grabbed my package in the jockstrap. He grabbed it with the same hand his keys were in, so that I felt the keys against my nuts. It hurt, despite my cock growing hard to his touch.

"I wanted to come home and get some good head from you, and now we don't have time," he said continuing to lecture me while his hand was still pressing into my package through the jock. "I told you to be ready by 5, and it's already 5:30. I guess my blowjob will have to wait while you go suck some trick's nasty cock. What're you, bored with my dick? After last night, and now you're fucking late. If you don't want to stay, boy, I can bring someone else here to help me out. You keep fucking up, and I'll make sure you end up with some fat slob who'll shit all over your prettyboy face, you got me? Now go get some can get your loose cunt ready in car," he finished saying, lightly squeezing my nuts through the jock one final time so that it hurt, but didn't make me wince.

I quickly ran to the downstairs bathroom, and pulled out a bottle of lube. I slid it in my pocket, and quickly made my way back to him in the foyer.

He gave me a quick look, and turned to exit the front door. I walked behind him to the car, and he stepped into the driver's seat. I made my to the passengers seat, when he said no, get in the back. He was so pissed he didn't even want to look at me.

As we made it up to Jimmy's mansion, I tried my best to lube up my ass without messing up the back seat of his luxury Jeep. When we got to Jimmy's place, it was about five minutes to 6 o'clock. I was so relieved we made it on time, and I almost think he drove fast so that we did. Deep down he knew how much I hated doing Jimmy, so I was glad about that. He really was good to me.

"There'll be a car here at 10 to get you," he said, not even looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

I opened the door to the Jeep, got out, and made my way to Jimmy's front door. Jimmy's mansion was also really nice, not as nice as the Danes' Estate, but still nice. I rang the doorbell, and one of Jimmy's maids answered the door. She didn't speak any English, and didn't even bother to look at me.

"I have a 6 o'clock appointment with Jimmy," I said to her. She just nodded, and I walked in. She directed me to the living room, where Jimmy was sprawled out on the couch with a beer watching the evening news. I turned to say thank you to the maid, but she was gone. Jimmy let out burp, and took notice of me. He was only wearing a bathrobe, his hair was buzzed on the sides different than last time, and his legs were spread as he leaned back in on the sofa. The room was somewhat dark, all the shades had been drawn closed, so the setting sunlight was barely visible. Jimmy was bathed in the fluorescent light of the tv. He nodded in my direction, letting out another burp, indicating to me to come over to him. Here we go I thought. With a deep breath a walked into the living to Jimmy, feeling the lube squish between my ass cheeks.

Jimmy made no indication that I had even come over to him, he just took another sip of his bottle of beer.

"Tongue my ass," he said as he continued to stare at the tv.

I got down on my knees, and made my way over to him. His robe was still tied, so I reached up and undid it, spreading both sides open. A waft of his stench filled my nose as I opened his robe, and his crotch smell was more pungent than last time. It must have been the July heat. I reached in with my face, and put nose to his balls, and my tongue to his slightly hairy crack. I flicked out my tongue and got my first taste of his rank crotch. It wasn't unpleasant, but very ripe. I continued to lean and flick my tongue in and out of his crack as he still made no indication that I was even there. He just sat there watching the local news, drinking his beer, as my tongue dashed in and out of his stinking ass crack, feeling the hairs along my tongue and the sides of my mouth. My nose was pressed right underneath his balls, and all my senses were of Jimmy's musky crotch. This went on for a good 15 minutes, and my knees were starting to get sore on his hardwood floor. I kept pushing my tongue into his crack, trying to keep it wet.

He had finished his beer, and placed it on the table next the couch. He wrapped the sides of his robe around him again, my face still buried in his ass and crotch. I couldn't see anything cause the robe was covering him, and I was still down there repeatedly fucking my tongue into his ass crack.

"WingNa, get me another beer," Jimmy yelled out to his maid. Fuck, I thought, that maid is gonna see me down here, how fucking embarrassing. I felt footsteps around me, and as fast as they came, they went, and I heard Jimmy twist open another beer bottle. I lost track of time for how long I had been buried in his stinking crotch, resigning myself to it.

He suddenly let out a huge fart, the smell filling my nose, it stunk so badly. I felt the warm air around me, and I couldn't believe what was happening. It was so nasty, it smelled awful, but what could I do? I still had my tongue in his ass crack, my nose pressing into the underside of his smelly nuts. I felt him shift above, and he slumped further into the couch so his ass was half hanging off the seat.

"Tongue my asshole," I heard him say above, which was punctuated by a long burp. What a fucking pig, I thought.

I slid off my knees and onto my back so that I could reach my face underneath his ass. I lifted myself up into his stinking ass so that I was in a sit-up position, and I used my hands to spread his cheeks apart. The smell of his ass made me hesitate for a moment it was so strong and rank, but I knew better than to keep him waiting. If Jimmy got bad service from me, he'd call and tell Him, and I'd be really in dog house.

I lifted my head into his crack, and stuck my tongue to his hairy asshole. The taste was even worse then the smell, but I slipped my tongue in. My stomach and legs were getting sore from this position, but I persisted. I french kissed his asshole the best I could, despite the awful taste and smell. The more I did the more it stunk, and the more I hated it. He farted again, this time as my tongue up his chute. It was so fucking awful and intense, I was holding back from gagging. He let out a few more wet stinking farts, and I still held my tongue in his asshole, flicking it in and out. I had made an O with my mouth so that it covered Jimmy's asshole, and I sucked with my lips as my tongue dashed in and out, so all his farts were directly in my mouth. I was so sick by this point, I was hoping he would get tired of this soon.

He didn't. He continued to fart in my face, as he sat there watching the news. I heard the news wrapping up, so it must have been about 6:30 - only 3 and half hours to go I thought.

He got up off of me, and I was so relieved to be out of his stinking ass.

He stood above me, facing away from the tv, and undid his robe. I got a good look at his hairy crotch, and a good wiff as well. My head was leaning against the sofa, and he stepped forward presenting his crotch to my face. His legs were on either side of me, and shifted so my back was against the couch, and my face was directly in front his cock. His cock stood at attention, hard and glowing a bit with his pre-cum in the fluorescent TV light. It hung slightly down and curved a bit to left. It had a thick shaft and pointed head.

He moved his crotch forward so his cock was at my lips, and I parted them to let it in. His cock slipped into my mouth, and from the awful taste of his ass, this was a welcomed change. I tasted his pre-cum, and it was very salty but not bad. He continued to slide his 8 inch dick into my mouth so that it hit the back of my throat and pushed its way in. After having taken Him for countless times, Jimmy's cock was nothing. Jimmy pressed his cock into the back of my throat so finally his tight balls hit my bottom lip, and my nose was lost in his pubes. His manly stench filled my noise, but it wasn't unpleasant.

He began to fuck my mouth in an easy steady rhythm, and I did my best to give him some good head. I swirled my tongue across the head when his cock was almost out, and sucked in my cheeks when he was in, darting my tongue along the shaft. He would stop and pause when he cock was all the way in my mouth, and grind his crotch against my face so that the back of my head pressed against the couch behind me.

I heard him softly moaning above me, barely audible. He continued fucking my face harder and harder for a while, and I lost track of how long. He began to really slam his cock into my mouth, cramming his crotch into my face as much as he could. I gagged a few times cause he kept entering my mouth so quickly. His breathing was quickening, and his thrusts into my mouth were becoming more persistent.

"Ah ah ahhhh ah ahhh, uuuh, ahhh, oh yeah," I heard him whispering above me. I looked up at him and saw him standing there fucking my mouth, one hand was pinching his hairy nipple, his head was back staring up at the ceiling. "Oh yeah, yeah yeah, aha ah ah ahhhh." With one final thrust into my mouth, he buried his cock into the back of my throat, and began to dump his load. I opened my eyes, my nose once again buried in his pubes, I saw his slightly hairy stomach contract as I felt his warm cum coat my throat. He pulled back a bit so that the last two shots filled my mouth, and I tasted his thick stringy cum. It was pretty foul tasting, strong like bleach. He kept his cock in my mouth for a brief moment, then pulled it out and wiped it a couple times on my cheeks, covering them with saliva and cum.

"Hmmmmmm," he moaned a bit above me, his hand slowly sliding up and down his taut stomach. His cock began to soften in front of my face, and I was staring directly at his crotch. I could smell his crotch very distinctly, his cum stank like bleach, and the after sex-smell filled the air. His legs were and chest were sweaty from fucking my mouth, and my legs and knees were really sore from straining them for so long.

"Upstairs," he finally said.

Now the real fucking was about to begin. I still had about 3 hours to go with Jimmy, and I was dreading every minute of it. The first hour was bad enough, and I knew the worst was to come. Taking Jimmy's cock up my ass was never pleasant. He'd contort me in the most awkward positions, never stopping to lube up, just jamming his cock up my anyway he could. I waited till he left the room, and picked myself up off the ground and made my way to the stairs. His maid was standing there, waiting to escort me to his room. My face was still wet from saliva and cum, and I'm sure I turned a few shades of red from embarrassment.

We made our way up the stairs, past the mirror filled hallway. I took a quick glance at myself, and my lips were a bit swollen and red, my face glistened with saliva and cum. We made it to the master bedroom, and his maid motioned for me to enter. Jimmy wasn't in there when I walked in, so I took the opportunity to reapply some lube to my ass, as I knew he wouldn't do it, and I could use all the help I could get. The sun had gone down, and the evening light filled the room. The whole room was dark and unwelcoming, unlike at the Danes' estate where every room was warm and vibrant.

I heard the toilet flush from the bathroom, and Jimmy finally entered. I just stood there, staring at the ground as he approach me. He stood right next to me, I could see his bare hairy feet, and he was still wearing his robe. I breathed him in, his pungent scent ever-present. He smelled like bad BO, and I wondered when was the last time he showered. Plus, he had worked up a good sweat fucking my mouth.

He grabbed the back of my head with his right hand and forced my lips to his left nipple. I darted out my tongue, flicking his nipple with it, feeling the coarse hairs surrounding it. He had a firm grasp at the back of my hand, his fist holding onto a chunk of my hair. He held me at his left nipple for a moment, then forced my head down to his crotch. I dropped to my knees, and began licking all around his musky hairy crotch.

"Get it hard," he said, as he grabbed his soft cock in between his fingers presenting it to me. I stuck out my tongue and licked the head of it until it started to get hard.

"Balls," he said to me still clutching the back of my head. He forcibly moved my head down to his balls, and I began lapping them up. His balls were bare and sweaty, and I tried to take them into my mouth. I got a swift slap at the back of my head,

"Watch your damn teeth," he said in disdain. His cock was now hard. It was resting on my face and forehead as I continued to tongue his sweaty nutsack.

"Strip," he commanded. I hated being with Jimmy so much. His whole tone and demeanor was so arrogant, as if he didn't even want to be fucking me.

I took off my jeans, leaving on my jockstrap. This was what Jimmy always wanted. He always fucked me with my jock on so as not to deal with my cock flopping about. Plus, he always used the strap for leverage. One time, he was fucking me so hard holding on to the strap, it broke and my jock came undone. Jimmy smacked my ass so hard after, I made sure to get better quality ones.

Once my jeans were off, he grabbed my waist and pushed me onto the bed. I was bent over on the bed so my legs were still on the ground and my face was buried in the mattress. He kicked opened my legs, grabbing my ass, and hoisting my left leg on the bed so it was straight, and my asshole was exposed. My right leg was still on the ground, so it was very uncomfortable to be in this position.

He held onto my left leg, holding it on the bed so my legs were spread, and stepped forward. I felt his cock at my asshole, and he didn't hesitate to push in. I was grateful I had time to reapply some lube, as he just pushed his dick in all the way. I could feel his crotch hair on my soft ass cheeks, as he pushed into me with his cock all the way up me. He repeated this motion a few times, trying to jam into me as much as he could. I felt so full, he was pressing against my guts so hard inside of me.

He lifted his left leg up over my left leg, so that his foot was firmly planted on the bed. His cock still buried all the way up my asshole, I felt his weight shift as he gained more leverage. My body was twisted in such an awkward way, but my asshole was much more exposed for him. He was bent over me with his left leg on the bed above mine, his right leg still on the ground, and I felt him begin to slide in out of my asshole as if he was testing the position.

I guess he liked it, cause all of a sudden he pulled out almost all the way, then slammed into me so hard, the bed shook, and it felt like he was ripping my asshole apart. His cock wasn't going straight up my asshole now, it was angled to the side so it stretched my hole open. I screamed out when he plowed into me which prompted him to grab the back of my head by the hair, and push my face into the bedspread.

He started fucking me deep and hard, with each thrust I felt his crotch and pelvic bone hit the back of my ass hard. The only sounds in the room were of me gasping into the bedspread, and of his sweaty skin slapping against mine as he drilled his cock in and out of me. 'Squish squish squish slop slop slop'. The bed was creaking as he kept fucking me harder and harder, in and out. I can just imagine how obscene it must have looked.

I cried into the mattress I was in so much pain, as his cock was jabbing in and out of me, pushing into different places in my ass. It'd hit one spot, then he'd pull out, and hit another. I felt tears at the corner of my eyes, I couldn't take his fucking me like this. It didn't stop him, he was lasting a long time as he had just dumped a load down my throat...a load I could still taste.

He got more rough with me, as he kept one hand clutching the back of my head pushing my face into the mattress, then he pressed his left leg down on mine to keep me in position, and he used his free hand to start slapping my ass. He kept up his fast-paced fuck in and out, in and out, of my ass and he kept slapping my left ass cheek over and over again. With each slap, I felt his cock inside me even more, ravaging my entire ass.

I have no idea how long he kept this up for, but it felt like hours. I was in so much pain from the weird position, my sides were hurting, and I could barely breathe cause my face was being held into the bed. My ass started to get numb from all the pain. I tried to trick my mind into being anywhere but here, but he kept finding new spots in my ass to exploit for his pleasure.

It was never like this with Sir as even when he was being rough with me, it was never this cold and detached. Jimmy just kept fucking me like I was some rag doll, never talking to me, never even acknowledging I was there. I continued gasping and lightly screaming into the mattress as his cock kept drilling into me back and forth, in and out, fucking me so hard.

I heard the bed creaking, I heard his crotch slamming into my ass, I heard my gasps, I heard his cock slopping its way in and out of my now twitching asshole, and I heard him above me somewhere, breathing heavily as he continued to slam me harder and harder. I felt his cock claw its way down into me, I felt full, violated by this cold heartless bastard. I could smell his stench in the room, and I felt his sweat on back, his sweaty leg enclosed around mine. I thought I was gonna be sick from his smell. I felt him fuck into me hard a few more times, holding each thrust fully, his free hand grabbing my ass cheek, his other hand forcing my face down into the mattress even harder. On the final thrust, he screamed out above, "AHHHHHHH, YESSSSSSSS," pumping his cum into my twitching ass. His cock spurted a few times, pulsing into my tender hole, as his cum filled me up. I felt it squish around in me, every nerve in my ass was on fire, so every movement inside was magnified as he dumped his load into me.

I was dizzy, but still very aware of everything that was happening. It wasn't a good dizzy, I felt nauseous, so used.

Finally, he pulled out, cum dribbling out of my hole as he did, and stepped off of me. I had no clue what was next, but knowing Jimmy, there was something. He always got his money's worth.

I stayed lying on the bed, still bent in that awkward position. He reached over and grabbed my hair again, dragging me across the bed to the ground. I swayed a bit when I got to my knees, and he stepped forward and put his still hard, cum covered cock to my lips. I opened my mouth and tasted his second load of the night, and tasted my ass juices on his cock as well. He slid his cock in and out of my mouth, not even looking at me. I was dumbfounded, and just took his cock without any thought. Finally, he popped it out of mouth.

"Get clean," he said to me.

I stood up wobbly, his cum leaking out of my ass, and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the the full length mirror, and my body was red, flushed from the pounding I just received. I went over to the sink to wash off his cum from the first load earlier tonight. I still felt unsteady, and I leaned against the sink to help balance myself. My ass was sore as all hell, and I my hole never stopped spasming. I washed my face, then went and sat on the toilet, shitting out his cum. It hurt just to sit down since he had smacked my ass repeatedly. I hated doing Jimmy so much. The only thing I was looking forward to was being back at home and sleeping next to my Man, even if I knew he was gonna use me roughly tonight. I felt safe there, and I did not feel safe here in Jimmy's bathroom. I finished cleaning my ass as well as I could, applied some more lube and made my way back to the bedroom.

Jimmy had sprawled out on the bed, legs spread and he was pinching his nipples again. I gave him a look over, and again I noticed he was a pretty attractive man. He chest was well defined, his stomach flat but meaty, his legs were powerful. Jimmy wasn't nearly as cut and built as my Man, but he was in good shape. Too bad Jimmy was such an asshole and treated me like fuck-me-toy.

He had turned on the TV so the now completely dark room was filled with the flickering light of the TV and sounds of two people fucking. He was watching one of his favorite porn tapes where this muscle bound football jock was fucking the shit out of some dumb blond cheerleader. Her whiny screams filled the room.

He motioned for me to come over to the bed, and I crawled up on to it in between his legs. This was typical of his routine. After fucking me hard, he needed to get it up again, so he'd have me lick and suck around his crotch while he watched some porn. I leaned in to his rank crotch and began to tongue his balls. He never looked at me, he just kept his eyes on the porn. I heard the football jock on TV talking to the bitch cheerleader, and it was kind of turning me on. I realized my cock was hard as I was orally servicing Jimmy, and it surprised me. I hated servicing Jimmy, but I guess it was the porn and the fact that I still hadn't shot a load in over 3 days.

For the next couple of hours Jimmy used me anyway a bitch could be used. I was twisted and turned and fucked in almost every position possible except face to face. Jimmy never fucked me face to face. I was fucked bent over on the bed, up on all fours, on my side, on top while I rode his cock facing the opposite direction, back down on all fours as he fucked me holding on to my jockstrap for leverage, down flat on the floor, up against the wall, always the with the same force and roughness. My ass must have been bright red from how often he slapped it, and my hole never stopped spasming around his cock. I felt tender down there, so every movement felt so sensitive. Jimmy grunted and groaned above me, and I stank of his smell. The whole room smelled like Jimmy. At times my entire face was buried in his crotch so all I could see was the his hairy rank crotch, then he'd pull me up and fuck me over the bed, all the while watching his porn.

I was flat on my stomach, staring up at the TV watching that same football stud bang another chick. Jimmy was on top of me, bent over and fucking me so that my whole body was being pressed into the mattress. I heard him above me, moaning "Ah aha ah ah aha" and I heard his cock driving in and out of my asshole, 'slop slop slop slop'. I couldn't help but watch the porn as well, and I realized again my cock was hard. The football stud was really hot, and he was fucking some bitch hard just like Jimmy was fucking me. My cock was pressed up against the mattress, and the head had slipped out of the jockstrap so it was rubbing against the bedspread. The motion of Jimmy fucking was pressing my cock against the bedspread over and over creating friction. It was starting to feel really good, and I couldn't help but imagine that football stud from the porn on top of me. I heard the football stud talking "Yeah, take it, take my cock," and I shut my eyes and was reminded of my man fucking me like that. I couldn't control myself, the friction was too great and it felt too good, and I started cumming all over Jimmy's bedspread.

This must have sent Jimmy over the edge since my asshole clamped down on his cock as my orgasm happened. I felt him plow into me one last time and dump another load up my ass, I lost track of how many that was. I was too concerned about my load, and how Jimmy was going to reacted to it. I had never cum in the presence of Jimmy, in fact, I don't think I was ever even hard because I hated servicing him so much.

He pulled out of me and I just laid there motionless, too afraid to move. Jimmy went over and turned on the lights and turned off the TV. This was unusual, normally when it was time for me to go he'd just tell me to get out.

"Get. Up." he said to me in an extremely harsh voice. I got up, and the pool of cum was obvious on the bedspread.

"What the fuck is this!?" He yelled at me, "Your filthy cum is all over my bed!"

I tried to respond, but I was too afraid to speak.

"You fucked up WHORE!" he continues yelling, "Who told you could cum all over my sheets? Damn pussy can't even control himself," he started mumbling to himself as he pulled open a dresser drawer.

I just got up from the bed and tucked my cock back in the jock pouch. I wasn't sure what to do or what time it was, but Jimmy came over to me with tape and the rolled up money.

"Spread your legs. I aint paying full price tonight since you ruined my sheets." he said as I got on the bed and pulled my legs apart so my asshole was exposed. He slid the roll of money into me, and taped it up. This was always so very humiliating, and I must have turned bright red. I couldn't believe I let myself cum in the presence of this twisted bastard. I was more angry at myself for letting Jimmy think I actually enjoyed myself.

"Now get the fuck out of my house and take that cum stained sheet with you," he said as he finished taping the money in my ass. I quickly grabbed the sheet off the bed crumpling it up in my arms, and made my way over to my jeans and just grabbed them without stopping to put them on. I never took my eyes off the ground, I was too afraid of pissing him off further. I stepped out the bedroom and it was immediately shut behind me.

His maid was waiting a few feet away, and again I blushed a crimson red. I was so humiliated. I'm sure she heard the whole thing, and here I was, standing in my jock with a dirty sheet and a pair of jeans in my hand reeking of Jimmy's sweat and sex. She walked me downstairs, the house was dark. I found my sandals, and she opened the front door so I could leave. The door, again, was shut immediately behind me. I stood there in my jockstrap, holding onto the cum-stained sheet, my jeans, and my sandals shaking. I felt so used.

I found the watch in my jeans pocket and it was already 10:15. Jimmy always got his money's worth. I heard the limo pull up, and I took a deep breathe, relieved that the night with Jimmy was over. Now I had to go home and face Him, knowing I had fucked up earlier today, then last night, and now Jimmy not paying me enough. I had no idea how He was gonna react, or what he had in store for me now...

Part 5 Coming soon

***Thanks to all who emailed, its very encouraging and your feedback has been great!

This 'series' is my first attempt at erotica. Hope you liked part 4, and please let me know what you think. Email me with anything at I would love to hear from anyone, particularly any tops who have ideas. Thanks!

Copyright 2004.

Next: Chapter 4

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