Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on Feb 16, 2004


Constant Service Part 3: Before Jimmy

I heard him turn on the shower, and I went to my walk-in closet and found a pair of clean track pants to put on. I still felt his cum up my bum, and it was slowly leaking out a bit. My whole body was sore from sleeping on the floor, and then the rough morning fuck was making my asshole twitch and spasm. He stepped in the shower and was singing some old tune that I didn't know.

I was really horny this morning, as I hadn't gotten off in a couple of days, and he had me so riled up from the constant sex. I wasn't allowed to jerk off when he was home, that was his time, but I was allowed to do whatever I wanted when he was at work or away provided my chores were done and I didn't have anyone to service that day. So suffice it to say I was really looking forward to some alone time, especially with having to put out for Jimmy tonight.

I walked backed into the bathroom, and I could see him through the shower doors. He was soaping up his well built hairy chest, and he looked absolutely gorgeous all wet. I had to smile a bit as he was still singing that old song.

"Its Saturday, do you want your usual for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Yeah, and make the coffee strong," he said as he continued showering.

I walked back out to the bedroom and pulled opened the curtains. It was a really beautiful Saturday as I looked out onto his estate. His estate sat on top of a hill on a rich part of town in Northern California. It was very private, secluded, and the mountains were on one side, the ocean on the other. It was pristine. I realized again how lucky I was to be here.

I looked at the clock, and it was already 10am. That only gave me about 5 hours to get some housework done, jerk off, eat, and try to get some rest for later tonight. I knew immediately the rest wouldn't happen.

I quickly made my way downstairs, and the one of the maids was still finishing up in the Kitchen. I wasn't wearing anything except the track pants, but it was no big deal. The help knew exactly what my function was in the house, and they didn't seem to mind. He compensated them well, and they were all genuinely nice people.

"Morning Sean, I'll be out of your way in no time" she said in her accented english.

"Its ok, Roberta, I just have to make breakfast quickly." I replied.

She was finishing putting the groceries away and I quickly got out the eggs and bacon and started on the coffee.

"It looks like another too hot day," Roberta said, trying to make conversation.

I just nodded, and kept cooking. I didn't feel much like talking, and I wanted her to hurry up what she was doing so I'd have the house to myself. I was looking forward to a doing laps in the pool, then using the media room to jerk off. The help never came on Saturday except Roberta. I didn't realize he had made his way downstairs, so I was a bit startled when I heard his voice.

"Morning Roberta, nice to see you," he said in his most charming voice. He was very good at making people feel good, which is one of the reasons I was so taken in with him initially. I turned around and smiled at him, which he did not return ignoring me completely. He was too busy beaming at Roberta. He was dressed in a pair of light jeans and a nice dark blue polo shirt. He looked good, the shirt hugged his chest and stomach just right.

"Oh, Hello Mr. Danes, I was just finishing up. I'll be out of here soon." Roberta said in sweet voice that she didn't use with me.

"Tell the kids I said hello, and that they need to come by for a swim soon. They're always welcome. Sean can watch them anytime," He said politely. So now he was turning me into a babysitter?

He sat down at the wooden dining table, his paper already waiting for him. He opened up to the sports section, and I brought him his morning coffee. He still didn't look at me. I continued making his breakfast while he sipped his coffee and made small talk with Roberta. When she was about to leave, he pulled out an evelope for her which was filled with money.

"Oh no, Mr. Danes, I can't accept this too much money. You take back this," she said handing him back some cash, but he refused to take it.

"Please accept it, Roberta, you have been most generous tending to me. This place wouldn't function without you." he said so warmly, even I cracked a little smile.

"Oh thank you, Mr. Danes, you are too kind. I'll be off then, good weekend to you." and she left.

The minute after we heard the alarm sound from the front door shutting, he stood up and came over to me. My back was turned cause I was making breakfast, and he grabbed my ass and put one arm around me, bending his head down so it was right next to mine. He smelled fresh, masculine, and clean. This was how I liked him most.

"Mmmmm, breakfast smells great. Is it almost ready?" he said talking warmly in my ear. I loved it when he this playful with me.

"Almost, stud, after this morning, you must be hungry," I teased back at him, reaching up and touching his face which was still unshaven.

He reached his right hand in front of me sliding it up on my naked chest. I felt the weight of him behind me, his crotch pressing into my ass, and his left hand was grabbing my ass firmly. He put his middle finger through my lips, and I sucked. He then smacked my ass with his left hand, and moved his right hand in between the waist band of my track pants. I felt his moistened middle finger find my hole, and he pushed it in without hesitation. I leaned my head back against his chest cause it hurt, and gasped, I was still sore from the rough fuck earlier.

"You still got my load up there, huh? You saving it for later?" he asked taunting me with a smile.

"You must have dumped a gallon up there, its been leaking out this whole time," I responded.

He kept figering my hole, "Well, just make sure you're cleaned up for Jimmy tonight. He's been bugging me for you, so I upped your price. More money for you, but if he's paying more, he'll get better treatmet, ya hear?" he said completly calmly as if it were a normal business transaction. His finger was still up my asshole, working its way in and out.

"Of course, Sir, I'll be ready by 5" I replied obiedently.

"Good boy," he said lightly smacking my ass with his other hand, "One more thing, boy, you are to treat the people who work here with the same respect you treat me, is that clear? You're slipping, and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. After you get back from Jimmy's, be prepared for me, cause after the crappy head last night and now this, you best be on your best behavior. Is that understood?" he said in a stern voice, his finger never stopping its motion in my ass.

"Now let's eat." He pulled his finger out of my hole, and presented it back to my lips. I sucked it clean, tasting his cum. I was still miffed about the Jimmy thing, and now he wanted me to kiss ass to the help? He knew how much I hated putting out for Jimmy, and I'd have to be there for 4 fucking hours tonight. He let me keep 3/4s of the money I made from these men, so that was my spending money, but still...He controlled who I serviced and when.

He left immediatly after he finished eating, reminding me again to be ready at 5 so he could take me to Jimmy's place. I cleaned up the dishes, wiped down the counter, and went back upstairs to get started on the laundry. I had about 3 loads to do, all of them his. No time for mine today, not that I needed any clean clothes. He kept me naked or half naked most of the time. I knew for tonight with Jimmy I only needed a clean jockstrap and pair of jeans. When I finished the laundry, and completed my other chores, it was about 3pm - Enough time for me to take a swim and jerk off.

As I slipped on my speedos, I checked myself out in the mirror. I knew I was an attractive guy, and that's why all these horny men wanted me. I was completely smooth, except for a little hair around my crotch and on my legs. He really loved this about me, as he said there was no maintenance needed. I looked at myself in the mirror, a pare of blue eyes stared back at me. I traced my hands down my slimmed, toned chest, and onto my waist. Years of varisty swimming had given me a lean, tight, toned body, and I had to maintain it for him. That was one of the rules.

I walked downstairs to the indoor pool, the entire house was quiet and serene. The afternoon sun bathed the house with a warm light through the many windows. This is why I liked it here, for these quiet moments all to myself. The Danes' Estate was one of the nicest properties out here, and I knew I was lucky to be here. I jumped in the pool feeling the cool water sooth my aching body and proceeded to swim laps. I did about 20 laps, an adequate work out for me since I was pressed for time and I was pretty beat from last night and this morning. I jumped out of the pool and quickly made my way to the sauna which was always kept warm. I went in and it felt wonderful. I knew I was being spoiled.

I looked out the big windows out to the gardens and the patio and my mind drifted back to that day last week when he fucked hard in the Gazeebo. I remembered being bent over the ledge, looking up at the house as he violated my ass from behind. My cock grew stiff in the warmth of the sauna, which suprised me cause it wasn't that pleasant of a memory at the time. He was extremely rough with me that day, pulling at my nipples while he pushed his huge prick in and out of me, smacking my ass repeatedly from behind. He was silent that day while he ravaged my ass, which is rare cause he's usually a talker. Later, I found out its because the gardeners were only about 15 feet away and could hear us going at it. Well, mostly they heard me screaming and gasping which is probably why he was so rough with me. I was completely humiliated, despite all the hired help being friendly. I know he did it on purpose, its on the list of a lot of humiliating things he's done to me.

My thoughts shifted again towards servicing Jimmy. I hated it, and he was probably the worse of the men I had to do. Its not that Jimmy wasn't attractive or that his cock was too big. In fact, he was a pretty decent looking guy for 43 - fit muscular meaty body, light dusty of hair on his chest, thick bush, hazel eyes, dark greying hair, and his cock was about 8 inches hard. The reason I didn't like doing Jimmy was because it was completely mechanical, he treated me with complete disdain, and made me feel like a whore.

Which I suppose I am, but of all the men who I've done for money, I've never actually felt so used. Jimmy never talks to me, he barely makes eye contact with me. When he's fucking me, he just treats me like a hole to use, giving me one or two word commands. Jimmy is rough as all hell, even more so than with him. I usually come back from Jimmy's place with my ass bright red, and my lips swollen. Jimmy's favorite way to abuse me was to roll up the cash he's giving me after having thoroughly used my holes, and stick the roll partially into my ass, tape the end so it doesn't get lost in me, and send me on my way. I'm not allowed to remove it until I'm back home, and he removes it for me. He always laughs his ass off about that, and of course, its completely humiliating for me.

The worse bit was that Jimmy always made sure he got his money's worth. From the second I walk into his house, he has me servicing him in some way, whether it be from tonguing his ass while he sits and watches TV with a beer, to fucking me in the foyer on his cold marble floor.

My cock was still rock hard as I sat there relaxing in the sauna. It felt so good resting my tired body and mind, and I began to drift off in the pleasant afternoon light...

I awoke to the sounds of pissing again, and there he was, standing above me pissing into the sauna. SHIT! I completely dozed off, and it was probably 5 o'clock and I was no where close to being ready. He stood above me, jeans open, shirt lifted with one hand so I could see his hairy flat stomach. He was holding his cock through the hole in his boxers, his face rigid and angry. I had really fucked up this time. As he finished pissing, he held his cock out so that he began to piss on chest, then upto my face. He rarely pissed on me, I hated it so much, so he must have been really furious. His piss hit my face and it stung like a son of a bitch. Some went into my mouth and I had to taste it, I almost started to gag but I knew better. He pissed into my hair, so that some was dripping down back onto my face. It was awful, and I felt so guilty.

Finally, he finished. "I want your lazy ass ready to go in 15 minutes, or I will have you spend the entire night at Jimmy's for free." He said, as he stared me down with complete disdain, putting his dick away in his boxers, and zipping up. I was completely fucked.

Part 4 Coming Soon...

*** This 'series' is my first attempt at erotica. Hope you liked part 3. Thanks to all the comments/feedback from those who have emailed. Let me know what you think of Part 3, or any other comments/suggestions/story ideas always welcomed. Email me with anything at I would love to hear from anyone, particularly any tops who have ideas. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 3

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