Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on Feb 14, 2004


************* Standard Disclaimer Applies: Do not read if you do not wish to view sexually explicit material, or if you under the age of 21. *************

Constant Service

Part 1: The Late Night

I felt something wet slapping my face. Of course, I knew exactly what it was. It was His cock. I opened my eyes and it was really dark all around me with only the outside lights illuminating the bedroom. I felt the weight of His cock on my face, rubbing all over wet with His pre-cum, and my senses suddenly came to me. I opened my eyes to see His hairy crotch right in front me. His familiar smell filled my nose. I was lying on my back and, and as it happens on so many nights, He had climbed on top of me so that he was straddling my face. I looked up at Him cause I knew that's what he wanted, and His dirty smirk was barely visible in the dark.

"Open up, suck boy, I'm horny as hell," He said down to me. I complied and opened my mouth to let His hard dick in my mouth. He didn't wait and immediatly slipped His huge dick in my mouth and began sliding it back and forth. He met little resistence at the back of my throat as I had become so used to His cock. I felt His hairy balls press against my chin, and my nose was buried in His thick dark bush. He held His cock all the way to the root for a few moments before pulling it back. This went on for a while like I knew it would.

My only vision was His hairy stomach going back and forth as he fucked my mouth relentlessy. I could hear and feel his voice above me, moaning: "Mmmmm, that's it, boy, squeeze your cheeks together, make it tight for Daddy. uh uh uh, take it you cocksucking fairy, uh uh, oh yeah, make it feels good." He pushed His cock down my throat so hard that my head was pressing hard against the matress. The bed was creaking from His motion above me, and his sweaty balls were leaving my chin wet.

This Man was always horny. Even after fucking me earlier in the night non-stop for an hour or so and shooting two loads up my abused ass, He wanted to get off again. I suppose it was the summer heat or His work stress, but lately He always needed to get off. He had been home the last three days and I never got a chance to catch up on my chores because He was always around, making me suck his dick, sitting on my face while I cleaned out His ass for hours, or fucking my ass whenever He wanted to. He stunk of sex and sweat as He always hated showering when He didn't need to.

My mind began to drift back to when I first tasted His prick, but he was intent on keeping me in the moment. Usually when He woke up for a late night blowjob He would just straddle my face and fuck my mouth till he blew his load down my throat. Tonight, for some reason, was different. I felt Him pull out and smack my face with His cock a couple of times, and I knew I would have to service Him more tonight.

"You awake yet?" He said as He rubbed his wet stinking dick all over my face. It felt heavy resting on my face, and the head was well above my forehead while his balls pressed on my chin. The July heat did nothing to help his smell.

"Come on you cocksucker, get on your knees, I wanna fuck your throat right tonight," He said gruffly scratching his stomach.

He moved off of me, and got out of bed waiting. I quickly crawled out of bed as not to piss him, and got on my knees with my back against the foot of the bed - his favorite position. He stepped forward holding his cock up and presented his hairy nutsack for me to lick. I stuck my tongue out and lapped up the sweat on his hairy balls like an obedient little boy. I knew he loved this, and the quicker He got off, the quicker I could get back to sleep. While I was tonguing his balls, He rubbed and slapped His cock against my face, leaving his pre-cum all over it.

"You fucking fag, you really do love my nuts, huh? I guess you would, they practically feed you. Now open up, I wanna feel your tongue on my dick."

He placed his cockhead on my tongue and I began to swirl it all over. He was leaking pre-cum and I could taste him very strongly. Then, without warning, he smacked my head throwing me to the ground, chuckling. "Boy, you don't know how good you have it. Do you know how many people want a chance at this cock?" He said stroking it above me. It always amazes me how large of a man he is. I was sprawled on the ground on my side at his feet, and I knew better than to move. I just wasn't sure what he wanted me to do now, and I had become really good at anticipating his actions.

"You still look like you're half asleep. I think all this is becoming too routine for you and you need to remember how lucky you are to be getting my piece of meat. Now wake up, I want to see you fuckin smile when I present you with my cock, got it?" He said this as his foot was firmly planted on my hip as I was lying on the plush carpetet floor staring up at him.

"Yes, Sir" I said in my meakest voice.

"Tell me how much you want it, boy, and then maybe I'll give it to you," He said.

I had to play along, and the truth was, I wanted to please him, but it was the middle of the night! He was one sick bastard, but what choice did I have?

"Oh, sir, I'm sorry I wasn't more attentive, please let me service you and make you feel good. I want to feel your cock down my throat, Sir, please let me suck it" I said in my most respectful tone.

I guess he was tired as well, cause usually that never works. He usually would end up throwing me out of the bedroom and making me sleep downstairs. While he was always horny, he always let me know who was boss, even if it meant me not getting him off. He knew how much I needed him and his cock.

Tonight, he must have been really horny, and he bent down and straddled my face again like he was doing in bed earlier. He wasted no time and put his dick in my mouth and began to fuck like no tommorow. He was silent now, I could only hear his breathing getting heavier which meant only one thing. He was pissed. He contined to fuck my face with no care for me, my neck was straining and I could barely breath. He fucked hard, making sure I felt his balls and pubes press against my face, and the back of my head pressing hard against the floor.

I heard him whispering above me, "Take it you cocksucking piece of shit, uh uh uh, mmmmmm, yeeah, take it, take it, I know how much you like it". I was doing my best to accomodate his thrusts and get him off, swirling my tongue and sucking in my cheeks.

Finally, he pulled out of my mouth and with a few quick strokes began to dump his load on my face - he knew how much I hated that. He usually came a lot, which is no suprise with how hot he is, and tonight was no different. His cock erupted on my face at least 6 times, big spurts of cum. He point his cock right at my face, and dropped his load. His cum was everywhere, dripping down the sides of my face into my ears, all over my forehead and in my hair, on my lips and nose, I had to shut my eyes cause there was so much cum covering them.

He sighed in relief of his orgasm, and I heard him lightly chuckle above me. "You dicklicker, look at you, covered in my cum. You can stay that way the rest of the night, boy. Try and get some sleep tonight like that you ungrateful suck boy." As if to emphasize his point further, he rubbed his cockhead all about my face which was now throghouly covered with his thick cum. He jabbed his cock into my cheeks with that lewd grin on his face. He put his cock to my lips, and I opened them, and he slid his manhood in. I tasted his cum, a taste I was all too familiar with. He finally pulled out with a loud popping noise and got up and stood over me. "Night, you cum pussy, sweet dreams" he said laughing as he got back in bed. I caught a quick look as scratch his ass and climbed in bed.

I layed there licking my lips as I heard him drift off to sleep. Obviously I wouldn't get much sleep like this lying in his pool of cum on the floor. I wiped the cum from eyes, and it stung like a bitch. He knew how much I hated getting cum on my face, and this was his way of telling me I fucked up. He was off work again tommorow, so I knew tommorow was going to be rough. I had to try to get to sleep, or I'd be worn out.

I heard him fart in bed above me, and I shut my eyes, knowing I'd have to eat that stinking ass out in a couple of hours...

Part 2: In the Morning

I awoke to the sounds of him pissing. I was still on the floor on my back after having very restless sleep, and I was only a few feet away from the bathroom. I propped my elbows up to see him standing over the toilet holding his semi-hard cock through the hole in his boxers pissing away. He was a loud pisser. I have to admit, he looked really good standing legs spread with his package on display.

He is a very attractive man. He's 39 years old, thick muscular body, 6'3, dark complexion, strong chiseled face with dark eyes, dark hair. That description doesn't do him justice. He gets a lot of attention from horny women when he's out, and he's called me at home on occassion on late nights when he wants to bring one home and bang them. On those nights, I usually hide in the closet and listen as his bitches scream with pleasure from his huge cock. His cock is a thing of beauty - its about 10 inches long, thick as beer can, and surrounded by a thick dark buch of pubic hair. His balls hang down when he's lounging around, they also have a hair on them. His ass crack is hairy, and I've spent many hours with my tongue in between his ass cheeks. He has a cocky swagger about him, but also a calm demeanor that makes you respect him. His body is covered in hair, his chest is fully developed that narrows down into a muscular waist, and his treasure trail is perfect. He used to model for catalogs when he was younger. Its no secret how hot I found him, and he knew it.

When he was finished pissing, he tucked his cock back in his boxers and walked back into the bedroom and noticed that I was awake. He smiled down at me adjusting himself in his boxers, that smile always made me melt. I smiled sitting up.

"Didja sleep ok?" he said in a sarcastic joking way.

"Not at all," I replied not sure what his mood was this morning. I didn't want to make him mad, and I knew I was in for trouble today. As I spoke I felt his dried cum crack on my face.

"Get yourself cleaned, you look like a fucking hooker covered in my cum. Its even all in your hair, did you put it in there you dirty boy?" he asked as he stood there arms are his waist looking so gorgeous.

"No, I didn't put it in there, you shot it in there last night, don't you remember?" I asked him, definitely testing his mood.

"I remember you gave me crappy head last night, boy. Now get yourself cleaned up, get your ass ready, cause I wanna fuck. And don't take all day" he said.

"Yes, sir" I replied, and prompty got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. I saw him him get down on the ground and start doing his morning push-ups. 'Great', I though to myself, 'now he'll stink even more'. In the bathroom, I tended to myself, took a quick shower cleaning out my asshole, washing my face and hair. I looked in the mirror as I was drying off, and I thought how could such a good-looking guy end up as a houseboy. Back in High School I was fairly popular, lettered in Varisty swimming, and made pretty good grades. If it weren't for senior year, I'd be well on my way in college drinking, expirementing, everything a normal guy my age should be doing...but I couldn't linger on these thoughts for long, I had a man to attend to. I made sure I looked ok, my dirty blonde hair was still a bit wet, my smooth body still moist from the shower. I grabbed the bottle of lube and generously fingered some all the way up my asshole. I knew he wasn't going to be in a gentle mood, so I had to prepare myself. I hung my towel up and exited the bathroom feeling the lube squish between my ass cheeks.

He was sprawled out on the bed, hands behind his head so his armpits were exposed, and his legs just made the end of the king size bed. His legs were spread and he was still wearing his boxers. He looked me over with a dirty smile on his face, looking at me like piece of meat. In truth, I loved it. I worked hard to keep in shape for him, so his face excited me.

"Get up here," he said affrimitavely.

I crawled up on the bed and stradled his waist so I could feel his semi-hard cock on my ass through his boxers. He just laid back, and I started grinding my ass into his crotch.

"Mmmmmm, that feels good, get up here and give me a kiss," he said, motioning for me to get in close. I leaned over and laid myself on top of his strong thick body, loving the feeling of his hair against my smooth chest. His smell was intoxicating, and as much as I complain about it, I really liked it. I moved my head closer to his, and felt the sexy morning stubble on his face. He grabbed the back of my head and put his open lips to mine. His tongue invaded my mouth, as it often did, and he fucked my mouth with it. I was suprised by his intamacy this morning. I thought for sure he would bang the crap out of me, but he was in a much more pleasant mood than I originally thought.

His left hand found its way to my ass, and he grabbed my left cheek and squeezed it like it was a stress ball. I felt his strong, masculine hands grind their way into my cheek, and his middle finger found my asshole. He pushed his finger into my clenched asshole, and I felt him slide it in and out. I gasped, probably because I thought he wanted me to, and because it also felt good. The truth is, I really loved making-love to him...most of the time it was sex, and on some precious occassions we "made-love". More often than not he used me to get off, but I didn't mind too much, afterall, that was the arrangment.

I started to suck on his neck as he gently shoved his middle finger in and out of my ass. He moaned a bit underneath me, and I loved feeling his voice vibrate. He had worked up a good sweat doing his morning push-ups, and I could taste it on him as I worked my way down to his chest and nipples. I ran my hands up the sides of his chest, taking in his well muscled body, and I felt his cock throb underneath me. I was naked, and my cock was rubbing against his huge dick still inside his boxers.

"Get it ready, baby," was all he said, and I knew what he meant. I leaned over to night stand and took out the bottle of lube, then worked my way down his body, kissing and licking his chest, nipples, his flat strong stomach, down to his boxers. I pressed my face into his boxers, and I could smell his crotch through them. That masculine, sweaty stench that only male crotch can give. I licked at his balls through his boxers, and the top 3 inches of his cock were sticking out the waistband.

"Enough, come on, get it ready, I'm gonna fuck you silly and you're gonna beg for more," he said, pressing his crotch into my face.

I pulled down his boxers, and his cock sprung free, slapping against my face then back down to his stomach. His cock stood tall, perfectly up in the air like a pole. It was completey straight, cut, with a perfectly proportioned head and piss-hole that was leaking pre-cum. I kissed the shaft working my up to the head, and kissed the head sticking my tongue into his piss-hole. "Good boy," I heard him whisper, and I was pleased. I got the bottle of lube and put a whole lot onto his cock (we went through more lube in a week than I think most people do in a year), and got him ready.

He leaned up, took both his arms and hooked them under my arms, and picked me up like I was a rag doll. He threw me back down on the bad so I was on my back, and swung my legs in the air, kicking them open with his knees. I felt his massive body hover over mine, and he leaned in first through my spread legs so our faces were touching. He looked right into my eyes, his hands holding me at my sides, and then I felt his huge cock at my asshole.

"You want it?," he asked looking directly at me, teasing me. "Tell me how bad you want it."

"How, please fuck me, Sir, please, I want to feel your cock in me, please, I want to feel your dick inside of me, sliding in and out, I want to make you feel good with my ass, please sir, please put your cock to me..."

And before I could finish begging, he lunged into me, shoving a good 6 or 7 inches of his monster dick into me, never taking his eyes off of my face. Of course, I wasn't expecting it, so I screamed out. He start sliding in the rest, still holding onto my sides so I didn't move, his face right in front of me, his stubble touching my chin, and began to make mini thrusts in and out so that only a couple inches went out. Those quick jabs hurt like hell, especially after being invaded so quickly, and he kept looking at my face the whole time. I couldn't look at his, I had my eyes closed in pain, and I kept gasping for air cause it hurt. "Oh sir, slow down please...sir" I was whispering, trying not to provoke him.

"You can take it, come on, you like it, take it, boy, uh uh, take it, yeah, come on, take me how much you like my fucking cock, let me hear you moan, come on, boy, take my fucking dick..." he was talking above me.

I opened my eyes to see him hovering above me, moving up and down as he fucked my ass in quick, hard, jabs. I felt the weight of him over me, pressing me into the bed and against the backboard as if to make me smaller. His sweaty body moved over, assualting me. His cock was in me so deep, I could feel it stretching my asshole and I felt completely full. He jabbed at my insides with his huge dick, and I felt his hips grind into me when he was all the way in. I felt his balls press against my asshole, as if they were going to come in me as well.

He started fucking me hard. He put one hand on the head board as if for leverage, and plowed into me like he savage animal. He was grunting like a madman, fucking me in and out in and out over and over again, his sweat dripping down from his chest onto me. I could smell him so strongly, as he hadn't showered for 3 days, and his pit was directly above me. He kept up this pace for a while, fucking me hard so you could hear it when his body slapped against my ass. We were both covered in sweat by this point, and he kept going. He always did last long, he had the stamina of a fine thoroughbred.

"Uh uh uh, oh yeah, uh, take it, take my fucking cock, uh uh uh" he grunted above. The only thing I could do was moan in ecstasy, as his cock was really doing a number on my asshole.

"Come on, boy, make it tight, squeeze your ass on my cock, come on, push out, uh uh, how do you like that...take my dick boy, take it..." he kept saying to me as he continued to ravage my ass. I felt him fuck in and out of my ass really hard for a few strokes, and then he finally buried his cock in me to the hilt, collapsed on top of me so his entire weight was on me, and shot his morning load up my ass. His cock pulsed in my ass, and I felt it expand.

He laid there on top of me, a sweaty mess, as his breathing slowed and he regained his composure. I felt his warmth on me, and I was hard as a rock, but he didn't seem to notice. My getting off was never a concern of his, and he let me take care of that on my own time. I felt his cock softening inside of me, and he slowly got up off of me, and pulled out.

"That felt good, I needed that", he said as he looked down on me. I lowered my legs and he climbed out of the bed and went into the bathroom.

I got up and joined him in the bathroom, and he was sitting on the can taking a shit. The bathroom smelled like shit, and I heard him fart and drop a turd into the toilet. He was a really masculine guy, and I knew I liked being around him, even when he was taking a dump.

"I'm gonna go to town today to run some errands, so that should give you some time to catch up on your chores", he said as he scratched his balls. I just looked at him and nodded, still feeling a little discomfort from our morning session.

"We're gonna have to talk about last night sometime, but I don't feel like it right now. I'm gonna have to teach you some respect, and how to take better care of the man of this house. I don't want to have to treat you like a bitch, but I will if you don't show some appreciation. Now come here on your knees and kiss my cock...I'm gonna have you do this everyday now until you get it right." he said, and farted one more time.

He knew I was such a priss about things like this, that's why he made me do it. He knew how much I hated going down on him when he was on the can, and that's why he loved it so much. He told me early on that he was going to take the priss out of me. I dropped to my knees, and made my way over to him, and kissed his cock a couple of times. The smell was of his shit was intense, and I hated it. I looked up at him and he had that lewd smirk on his face when he knew I hated doing something, but made me do it anyway. It was a power thing for him. I kissed his dick a couple more times,

"That's enough, now getto your work," he said. I left the bathroom, and I heard him yell

"Oh, by the way, you're at Jimmy's place tonight from 6-10, so make sure you're ready by 5".

'Fuck', I thought, 'not Jimmy, again...'

Part 3 Coming soon.

***This was my first attempt at writing erotica. Any comments/suggestions/story ideas appreciated. I'd love to hear from guys who top like the one in the story, and what they like. Or anyone who enjoyed the story. Drop me an email at

Copyright 2004.

Next: Chapter 2

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