Consented Enslavement

By Subtoy Kimy

Published on Sep 15, 2005


Consented Enslavement (Chapter 6) by Subtoy_Kimy < >

Warning: This story is about gay sex and domination between young adults. If this subject offends you, or if it is illegal in the country where you live, or if you are under 18, then read no further and quit this page now.

(c) Subtoy_Kimy 2005 - All rights reserved


Damien kept rubbing my butt, and working it, and playing with it, while Kevin's penis was hardening inside my mouth. As my naked body was tangled up between their four gracefully muscled legs, they both felt free to subject me to whatever they desired, no matter what it was, and in a total disregard of how I was feeling about it. The leather belts whipping session I just had, made the blushing skin of my buns extremely sensitive to the slightest touch, and obviously to Damien's fingers cruising around them, softly, nonchalantly, but also unmercifully. I was sighing.

Damien kept turning me on from behind, and the sensation he was bringing me surely eased my task of tightening my lips around the shaft of Kevin's penis, and I started sucking it in and out, almost robotically. The more it hardened, the more I could realize how perfectly straight and smooth, and otherwise huge, it was. With such a graceful and powerful tool, the reason why most of the TC girls turned mad had become obvious to me. While I tried to concentrate on cocksucking Kevin, Damien's fingertips started running along my back, which boosted the heat in me to its up most, as it did to my feeling of melting inside. It didn't take long before I totally surrendered to both of them.

Knowing that he defeated me, and that I wasn't anymore able to resist anything, Kevin released his fingers off my hair and crossed his hands behind his head. Beyond the physical sensations I was bringing him, he mostly enjoyed watching how I was serving him with an obedient humility.

"Yeah, c'mon! Faster!" he ordered, underlining his enjoyment, but also revealing his kind of sadistic nature that makes him always ask for more.

From behind me, Damien's arms circled my body across my armpits, and the palm of his hands went brushing against my chest, then his fingers went gently pinching my nipples. His hands spread their unbearable magic on me. I sighed deeper and deeper, but without daring to interrupt sucking Kevin's penis, and my sucking went even harder.

When he had enough with my nips, Damien slid his hands all over my body, till his fingers reached my groin. The sensation he was bringing me soon became unbearably hot. As he traced the lines of my groin with one fingertip on each side, the physical vibration of it made my body bounce under the magic of his fingers. I was hard like a rock.

"Now, lick my balls," ordered Kevin with an arrogant contempt, and while sliding his back till his body was almost lain down. "C'mon!" he added, which left no place for hesitation.

I adjusted my position to reach for his balls. While still on my knees, I bent my body down, which obviously lifted up my ass. I was like at fours, except that my arms were laid on the sofa, nearby his thighs. I had no choice but to pull out my tongue, and the head of it brushed lightly against the shaved skin of the tight pocket. At this, his balls twitched and retracted instantly, and he moaned loudly. Then he grabbed my hair again with his fingers, so that he keeps his own control over the sensations that my tongue would bring him. I started licking his balls, slowly and softly.

"Mmmmm... yeaeaeah..." he carried on moaning.

While I did, Damien spit on his hand to lube two of his fingers, and without prior notice, he started forcing them into my ass, breaking a frontier that no one had ever passed before. I tightened my buns as much as I could to protect myself, but I couldn't control coming out with this, half screaming, and half begging:

"Uhhhhhhh.... Noooooo... Damien... Stop it, pleaeaease..."

What Kevin had teased me with earlier, Damien did it. Never my intimacy was so raped, and I felt awfully humiliated, to be so freely played with.

I wasn't allowed to complain, and I noticed that I did, and worst of all, I wasn't allowed to interrupt executing what I was ordered, which I did as well. I suddenly realized that I had just given each one of them a serious reason to punish me. I feared they'd slap my face again, so I rushed licking Kevin's balls as if nothing had happened. Hopefully, none of them seemed to have noticed the reasons of my fears. Or perhaps their mood was just not for punishments, as long as they were having fun getting what they wanted.

While Damien carried on exploring my hole, I grabbed one of Kevin's balls with my lips. When I had it all in my mouth, I just rubbed it all around with my tongue, and Kevin's body bounced under the vibrating sensation of this. He sighed loudly, while his fingers tightened on my hair. I moved my lips from one ball to the other, sucking it the same way, and his breathing started going faster. At the same time, Damien's unmerciful fingers kept fucking my ass deeper and deeper, and he only removed them out to lube them again, and restart.


I probably did much better than expected or asked for, and when Kevin offered Damien to change their places, it was obviously because he just needed a break. But of course, he never would have said it.

"Your turn" was all he addressed to Damien, clearly confirming how he considered me like nothing but his own toy, worthy of nothing else but to be played with. On these words, they both suddenly moved, crossing their legs and shoes over my head. It didn't take a few seconds before I was tangled up again between their knees, except that Kevin was now behind me, and Damien lain down on the sofa, pulling down his working out short, to exhibit his smooth and milky white huge cock to my face. It was beautifully cut, perhaps a little bit longer than Kevin's, though very slightly curved to the left. Beside, it was already hard like a bone:

"C'mon! Suck it!" ordered Damien with attitude, and while clenching his beautiful bright teeth.

Though I could have begged for it, they allowed me no break. I was brutally invited to grab the pinkish glans of Damien's penis with the inner sides of my lips, and I started moving my tongue all around the glans:

"Yeahhh!" he moaned, while his hands grabbed my shoulders.

I slid my lips along his graceful shaft, lubing it all the way with my saliva. When the head of it hit my throat, I started jerking it in and out, tightening my lips over it, and sucking it as hard as I could. While doing, Damien tried to keep his self-control over his own reactions, but judging on how wide his thighs were opened, on how deep he went breathing, and also on how tight his fingers grabbed my shoulders, I could feel how turned on he was, and this, he couldn't hide it. The more he was turned on, the more I sucked him faster and harder.

With his legs crossed, right behind me, Kevin was brushing my naked back with one hand, while lubing and stroking his cock with the other.

After a few minutes of a cocksucking sprint, my exhaustion reached its highest. I released Damien's cock out of my mouth, but kept on slowly stroking its shaft with my lips, and brushing the bottom side of his glans with the tip of my tongue. At this, he lifted his legs over my shoulders, and crossed his shoed feet behind my neck, as if he meant to keep me tied up there, endlessly. My lips slid down slowly to the balls, and I started sucking them, the very same way I just did Kevin's: Damien reached paradise. After a few more minutes, I slew down, as my jaw was burning in pain, and so were my knees. When I released his balls out of my mouth, Damien untied his feet from behind my neck, and addressed to Kevin saying:

"Man, your slave sucks better than all TC girls united."

It only sounded flattering, but for me, there was nothing to be proud of. Beside, I feared this would cost me to be more abused, and also more often. I bent back wondering what was I to be ordered next, but Damien pinched my tits with two fingers each, squeezing them while pulling my body back towards him. I felt outraged. The arrogance of a junior jock driving me by the tits offended me deep inside, like nothing else ever did, not even their earlier slaps across my face. Every new humiliation I was subjected to, was worse than the previous one. I couldn't handle the way I was being treated, and I never thought I'd be subjected to that much of arrogant contempt.

"Who said you could stop?" he asked, while he squeezing my tits.

I bowed my head, and before I could apologize, the full palm of Kevin's hand slammed as hardly as it could, against my burning buns.


The pain was such that it curved all my body and my shoulders back.

For the sake of these juniors's insatiable pleasure, I had to subject to their selfishness, enduring the pain in my jaw, in my knees, and last but not least, in my butt. I had to subject to their whims, and surrender to their wishes, without a rest. I also had to bear their treatments, and degrading humiliations, no matter how cruel or degrading they are. Indeed juniors, and especially such gorgeous ones, barely have limits, and while I couldn't think I'd be that much abused, for them, all this was nothing but a cool appetizer, a kind of warming for further 'funny things', yet to come. But for now, the least of what their unmerciful whims went for, was to make me keep cocksucking them, for as long as they enjoyed it or just felt like.

I bent again and reached for Damien's balls, and I sucked them as hard as I still could, and it went as if I was begging his balls to get enough, and relieve me. It didn't take seconds before Damien reached again his heaven on earth.


While I struggled to keep serving Damien's penis and balls, and when I least expected it, I just felt Kevin's hands grabbing my hips, and the second after, his huge fully erected shaft slammed deep into my ass:


"Hey li'll slut, you're rather noisy," he said cynically. "Should I remind you that you begged for it?" And with no transition, he started jerking and fucking my ass in and out, hard and raw. As his huge and powerful penis was inside me, the pain was awfully hard to bear.

After a while that seemed to me endless, Damien finally stood up right beside where he sat. They both winked at each other's, and decided to change their places, once again. This time, Kevin stood right in front of me, grabbing his gracefully erected cock in such a way that the head of it was pointing straight to my lips. Damien went behind me, and I feared his penetration would be as brutal and painful as Kevin's, but it was rather smooth, which made it seem much deeper. I was kept at fours, right between their slender bodies, simultaneously fucking my holes. Kevin fucked my mouth with the hardest arrogance he was capable of, while Damien invaded my ass.


When Damien released my ass, he went sitting right beside where Kevin was still standing. Not daring to move, I kept kneeling down at their feet. Before Kevin shoots his load, he grabbed my chin and lifted up my face, forcing me to keep my mouth wide open.

"Uhhhh...pleaeaeaease, not thaaaat..." I begged, while looking up at him inquiringly, hoping this would just be a bad joke.

From where he sat, Damien just watched the scene, while brushing his balls with one hand, and stroking his cock with the other:

I just couldn't bear thinking that Kevin would shoot his load into my mouth. There got to be limits. Everything he did to me till this moment was suddenly nothing compared to the humiliation I was about to be inflicted. But how I felt about it was none of his problems. While he kept jacking off hard and fast, he closed his eyes and dropped his head back, till he suddenly shoots his load. Four or five jets of cum burst out successively, all of them hitting my throat. And as if this was not enough, he also laid his glans over my lower lip, and kept jacking off slowly, and squeezing his penis gently, until more drops of his cum came out, and he finished shaking it and rubbing t on my lip, till no trace of his cum was left on it, nor anywhere else than inside my mouth. Back to himself, he looked at me with a killing ironic one-side smile on his lips:

"It surely tastes good, doesn't?" he said, cynically.

My blood ran cold. I closed my lips tight, and waved my head down. Damien burst out laughing, while I could feel my face blushing red. Of course, I couldn't say a word, but every part of me, and especially my eyes, was begging Kevin to release me, at least for a minute, just what I needed to run to the lavatory, and spit all his cum out of my mouth. But when he replied to my silent begging, his verdict fell on me like a blast:

"Now c'mon, swallow it all."

I wouldn't be able to say how much I was stoned by the power of Kevin's unbearable beauty, all I know is that I did it: I closed my eyes, and swallowed it all, just as ordered. And in front of him. I kept on feeling the thickness of his creamy milk, for as long as it dripped all the way down in my throat. But then I wondered how after this I could face him anymore.


By the time I did, Damien had already started to jack off faster and harder. I couldn't stop wondering if he was going to order me the same. I kept wondering why he wouldn't he, and who could stop him. I surely didn't have an answer to this, but I just could notice that he hopefully didn't seem to want it. He had removed his I-shirt, and was almost totally lain down on the sofa, eyes half closed, clenching his teeth, tightening his half opened lips, and breathing loudly and deeply. Suddenly, he lifted up his ass, arched his back, and while sighing, he burst out his load, splattering his own body with a huge amount of cum, all the jets of it landing in straight lines, from his chest, down to his belly button.

I barely thanked God, he had spared me another worst, when the worst came out: "C'mon, now lap it up, " he ordered.

As I tried to resist hopelessly, Kevin intervened threatening:

"Lap it up now, or go get the Snobbrits' belts. Your choice."

I made a few steps on my knees, till my body reached Damien's legs, and his thighs surrounded my body. I never was so close to such a slender tummy, so firmly muscled in separated packs. I looked up at him still hoping to find on his face the slightest sign of a possible renouncement, but I only read the expression of his unmerciful thrill and determination:

"C'mon!" was all he said.

I bent down over his pubic hair, and pulled out the head of my tongue over his tummy, just below his belly button. His cum was milky white, and so heavily concentrated that it looked creamy and almost appealing, though hardest to slurp. On the first contact of my tongue, his abs twitched instantly, and he sighed. I closed my eyes to ease it, and started licking.

Under the sweet pressure of my moving lips, Damien's belly muscles kept twitching. Beyond the sadistic thrill of it, he obviously was enjoying the physical sensation that my execution was bringing him. My lips were softly stroking his body all the way, up to his chest, while at the same time, my tongue was licking and lapping the skin with an extreme sensuality.

"Yeah.... C'mon, lick it clean," he went saying.

As if the order I was being inflicted was not enough degrading in itself, these verbal interventions he used to come out with, increased my feeling of being so cruelly humiliated. But same as for Kevin, the only one thing that eased my submission, was nothing else but their awesome beauty.

The hardest of all was that I also had to suck and clean his tits, though I still could feel the pain he had just inflicted me, when his fingers squeezed mines. Unexpectedly however, this is where my lips were most burning, and where my tongue mostly took its time, before starting again with a new line.

"Uh, yeaeah.... C'mon, clean it goooood, mmmmm."

With his hands crossed behind his neck, he kept watching and enjoying how I was slurping his cum off his body, and swallowing it till not a drop of it was left.

"Good," was my reward, before they ordered me to go showering and come back naked.


When I finished showering, Kevin and Damien were sitting side by side, facing the TV set. The football match was about to start. They both were laying their shoed feet over the glass top of the central table ...

(to be continued)

PS: This story is dedicated to Jason (NYC).

To all of you readers, I apologize to have taken that much time before writing this chapter. I'll try the best I can to make the next chapters come faster. Also, and as usual, I apologize for the weakness of my frenchy English. You'd understand that the X vocabulary needed in this story, wasn't really part of the English courses I was taught in school.

As long as a fictional story is just a story, protagonists of sexual scenes don't need to use condoms. Reality is nevertheless different: Please, protect yourself while practicing sex with unknown.

Names featuring in this story are fictional and totally invented. If they happen to belong to existing people and / or places, it's only by pure coincidence.

Finally, and as usual, comments (positive or negative), corrections, and suggestions are of course, mostly welcome. < >

Next: Chapter 7

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