Consented Blackmail Journal

By Matt LastName

Published on Nov 24, 2008


This story is Copyright 2008, by matt4rentdc. All worldwide rights are Reserved.

This story may not be sold or made part of any collection without prior written permission by the author.

Those of you who have read the "Consented Blackmail" and "Consented Blackmail - The Other Side" stories should be familar with me. For those who aren't, I'll give you a quick synopsis of some events that recently transpired.

About a year and a half ago, I found myself very aroused by the thought of being a slave. I could never make myself go through with it, however, and would instead spend hours in front of my computer jerking off to pictures and sites like Nifty. I became tired of that and came up with the retarded plan to give some personal information to a guy I met on a master/slave personals site. With this information and some naked pics of me, he would effectively be able to blackmail me into meeting up with him and actually following up on my slavery desires. After I gave him the info, I came and begged him to let me go. He'd had enough though and tied me up and fucked me anyway. He obviously saw how much I hated the entire situation and left me alone after that.

Now we come to about a month ago. He read my "Consented Blackmail" story on Nifty, accused me of being a cocktease, and said he was going to take control of me and turn me into his cock bitch. He wrote the real story of our first encounter and posted it for all of you to see. I've asked him several times to let me go since then, but he continues to refuse. Partially, I assume, because so many of you fucks e-mailed him and told him to keep using the "cockteasing bitch." Thanks alot for that.

Let's look into the cocktease theory. It's quite true that I used to lead many guys on, talking to them online with no real intention of ever being their slave. That was years ago, and if anything, I should be commended for moving beyond that and actually giving someone the information required to make me follow through with my twisted desires. Master made me go through with it, I hated it, he let me go, end of story.

He says I'm still being a cocktease to this day. However, I disagree. He's seen me on escort sites, houseboy sites, and my stories on Nifty and believes he's just in retaking control of me. Not true. I do enjoy the attention men provide me sometimes, and it's nice to hear that "I'm hot" or whatever, but it's not why I posted anything anywhere.

I posted myself on escort sites as I'm constantly hurting for money and like to keep that option available in case I'm desperate for cash.. I don't converse with the clients and lead them on or make appointments and not show up. It's just a safety net in case things go bad. I'm not proud of being a whore, but clearly I have a lot of things I'm not proud of. Oh well.

I may lose my job soon, so I posted myself on some houseboy sites. I'd rather be some guy's boywife instead of ending up homeless cuz I can't pay my rent. Plus, alot of the guys pay a salary in addition to room and board, so it's a good backup plan if I can't get a job somewhere else.

And the Nifty story? Yeah, I still jerk off hardcore to slave fantasies and pics of dudes. All the time actually. But I know the difference now between fantasy and reality. I hated being under Master's control before and I don't want to be now. I jerk off to stories of guys being turned into nothing more than human toilets, or having their cocks cut off, or getting "cumdump" tattooed on their bodies, but I don't actually want any of that to happen to me either. I was super horny one day and decided to post my own story on Nifty. I continued to add chapters due to the compliments provided by you, the reader. However, many of you wannabe slaves e-mailed me and told me you were thinking about becoming blackmailed slaves yourself. And what did I tell you??? "Don't do it!"

Anyway, all that info above is kind of another way of imploring my Master to let me go. The real reason for this entry is that he has instructed me to write a detailed account of what has transpired since he retook control of me. I'm assuming, (unless he graciously lets me go), that he will want me to continue to update you all on my status, so this is "Entry 1." Everything from here on out will be true.

So as I said, Master saw my story on Nifty, recognized the base storyline and my e-mail address, and shot me an e-mail. He basically said that now he "has" me again and hopes I can look forward to my new life as his bitch. He still has all the info necessary for outing me to my parents and my boss/co-workers, (info he had from the last time we hooked up)..

I replied, telling him I wasn't trying to get his attention or anything and asked him to just forget about it. He said "no way" and said some more nasty things, such as how he's going to take me to gay bars and piss down my throat after every beer, and how when I turn tricks in the future, it won't be because I need the money but because he wants my ass fucked.

I responded and asked him if I could maybe just pay him a little money each month if he'd leave me alone, but he said the only money he's interested in from me is the money I earn sucking the cocks of the pigs he whores me out to. At this point, he began collecting more of my personal information as well. He says if I'm not a good slave or if I annoy him or piss him off, he'll sell me and all my info to some really sick fucker or even into abusive slavery somewhere.

By now he was done with all the e-mailing and wanted to meet up. We made plans twice, both times of which he was nice enough to allow me to cancel, (I had some shit going on). The third time, I was able to make it.

He instructed me to meet him at 5AM in the parking lot of a semi-local coffee shop, (it's actually kind of an annoying drive for me fyi). He had told me to make sure my ass was clean as I didn't want to face him with shit on his cock. I've only been fucked the one time before, so I'm not really in the know about ass cleaning. I wanted to be sure I was as clean as possible though, as he had threatened to make me lick off any shit off I got on his cock. So, I didn't eat at all the day before our meet, (to try and prevent any internal buildup). When I showered that morning, I'd soap up one finger and just kind of move it around in my hole, hoping it did the job.

He also ordered me to wear loose pants and a loose shirt with no underwear, so I made sure to follow that protocol. I left my place and arrived in the parking lot at about 4:30AM. I sat in my ride and waited, downing tequila shots in the hope that they would help numb the situation, but I was too nervous for them to help I guess because I didn't get drunk at all. I watched cars go by on the street, praying that each oncoming vehicle would continue down the road.

Master eventually arrived and parked beside me. We looked at each other and I knew it was him. Still, I froze and continued to hope that it was just another customer going to the coffee shop. He got out of his SUV, walked around to my car, opened the door, and told me to get in his passenger seat. I hopped in and he started driving. We talked, although I can't remember what was said...He ordered me to to take off my shirt. I did, and he began squeezing my nips. They're sensitive and it was painful, but I knew worse was to come.

He parked not far from the coffee shop behind some storage or shipping building or something. He told me to get the rest of my clothes off. I slowly began untying my shoes, trying to drag out my last moments of my clothed protection as long as possible. He yelled at me to hurry up so I quickly tore off my pants, socks, and shoes and was soon naked in his passenger seat.

He groped me a little bit, gave me a deep kiss, (knowing that I despise intimate crap like that), then pushed my face into his crotch and held me there. He played with my ass for awhile and then ordered me to pull his cock out and start sucking it. He said if I could get him to cum from sucking his dick, then he wouldn't fuck me. I'm not a great cocksucker, but I tried my best...

While I worked at that, he answered some questions I had asked him earlier, (how long will he use me, is he really going to do stuff to me in public, etc...). Most disconcerting, he told me he had no idea how long he was going to keep me. Weeks, months, years, he has no clue. During this discussion, he's occasionally pushing his cock all the way down my throat or has me pulling out his balls so I can lick them as well.

He knows he isn't going to cum from my blowjob so he tells me to get in the backseat. I began to climb my way there. Apparently, I was too slow and he slapped my ass until I found my way. He got out of the car and walked around to the back and sat down and had me lay across his lap with my ass up. He reached into a bag he had on the floor and pulled out a shoe. He ordered me to lick the sole. I did as I began shaking in fear of the coming pain...

He started with somewhat light taps on my butt spaced a short time apart and quickly got into hard slaps with the shoe. It hurt a lot, but I was able to take it. He moved down to my upper thigh, which is considerably more sensitive and acted like he was going to give me a hard slap but thankfully ended up giving me just a slightly painful rap. At this point, he took the shoe and began hammering my ass with it nonstop for what seemed like 5 minutes. It was probably only 1 minute, but it was truly painful and I cried out for him to stop...and he actually did!

He ordered me to get off of him and lay down on my back. I was glad for the beating to be over but was now dreading the inevitable fucking. He kneeled down, put my legs on his shoulders, held my balls in his hands and began tugging on them. I can't stand pain inflicted on my balls - it's just too awful. He knows this, and so he loves to hurt them but he was kind of nice with them that day, (although he still beat on them a bit). I was so scared, I don't quite remember, but I'm pretty sure he pulled on them until I asked him to fuck me.

He let go of my balls and stuck his thumb up my ass. I don't know if it was his thumbnail scraping me or what, but it was the most pain I think I've ever felt. I actually thought it was his cock inside me, so when he said it was just his thumb, I was in shock. He said his cock was next and asked me if I thought he should use lube. I emphatically said "Yes!" He lubed up and just plunged his dick into me and immediately began hammering back and forth. I've never yelled or screamed from pain before, but I did the entire time he fucked me. It was terrible. Luckily, my tight hole and anguished screams had him cumming in my ass pretty quickly.

He pulled out and told me that was a lesson, (the spanking was deserved for rescheduling our meet, and the hard fucking was for being a cocktease), and I wouldn't always be fucked that roughly. However, he gave the impression that it will happen again. He wiped his cock off on my shirt, allowed me to get dressed again, and dropped me off at my car. I drove home, crying the whole way, unable to believe that this is going to be a regular thing for me.

Now he wants to meet me again tonight for a face-to-face. I don't know if he just wants to talk, or fuck me, or who knows what. I'm sure it'll come up in the next entry.

You can e-mail my Master at You can e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 2

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