
By Sasha Steele

Published on Aug 13, 2019


Conquistador By Sasha Steele

The Armada had been at sea for two weeks. It would criss cross between islands for provisions and make rendezvous with supply ships enroute to the Americas. Its mission to escort Aramanabella, Marquis de Adormorase, who was on a secrete undertaking at the bequeath of the king of Spain.

The Admiral and officers of the flagship Santa Arabesques stood as the exoticly beautiful Aramanabella entered the ship's dining guarters. In fashionable shoes with high fluted heels Aramanabella towered over the men around the dining table. Aramanbella took a seat at the head of the table and they all sat back down.

Aramanabella has a strikingly beautiful square shaped face with a broad mouth and full boat shaped lips. An aquiline nose with a prominent bridge. Beguiling dark protruded almond shaped eyes that were heavily made-up with black mascara, eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. Thick black hard angled eye brows. Lips and long fingernails were painted a ruby red color.

The elegant evening gown Aramanabella wore featured a straight neckline with large puffed shoulders and arms. The billowing skirts of the dress issued outward from a tight intricately detailed bodice. An ornate gemstone bib necklace worth a king's ransom sat above the dress's straight neckline. The necklace was matched by large earrings and a multitude of bracelets and finger rings.

Most striking of all was Aramanabella's thick coal black hair that hung in tight curls to below the waist. Constantly fussing with it Aramanbella flicked loose strands back and twirled them through fingers as they dined. Finished their repast the men stood as the Marquis de Adormorase retired to the spacious dignitaries cabin.

Later in the evening a knock came at the Admiral's door. It was Aramanabella's assistant. "The Marquis summons your immediate presence," he said. The Admiral followed him to the dignitaries cabin.

That the Admiral's compliance was immediate and without question was a matter of duty for he was charged with the Marguis de Adormorase's comfort and safety. And the Marquis clearly held favour with the King. Not two weeks prior to their departure the Admiral had witnessed the Marquis de Adormorase receive the king's blessing for this mission.

Aramanabella dressed in an ornate white courtisan's gown with intricate beading, massive flounced sleeves and a long train had knelt on a pouffe while the King taped one shoulder then the other with his sword while he blessed the alluring Marquis. The king's blessing to the Admiral had not been as ceremonious. With the power of the crown behind the Marquis, the Admiral's head was clearly on the line.

Aramanabella sat at the vanity in an elegant white silk robe with ballooning shoulder caps and sleeves, admiring the beautiful image in the mirror occupied with preening tresses of long black curls. Aramanabella rose to face the Admiral. Loosed the ribbon sash to the silk robe and let the robe fall to the floor.

Standing naked before the Admiral in not but silken round heeled boudoir shoes Aramanabella's body could be described as thick skinned with a sguarish torso and tubular arms and legs.

Aramanabella's torso, though longer than it is broad, is more or less straight of line between heavy hips, wide midriff, thick back and chest. Ankles meld into calves and calves into knees and thighs in a smooth upward line gaining in diameter as the legs rise to the hips. Arms as well are of such line. Hands and feet, fingers and toes thick of skin. Neck and face similarly so.

And though the muscle masses beneath the thick skin may have been substantial there were no decernable muscle contours. Aramanabella's lustrous body showed no intrusive bulges save a rather large backside. Aramanabella's thick satiny light brown color skin is entirely hairless and without defect.

"On your knees," the Marquis de Adormorase ordered.

The Admiral sank to his knees. The Marquis de Adormorase's massive cock in full erection loomed before him.

When fully erect the Marquis' cock reaches ten inches length, twice that of a normal man. It is of substantial thickness, as it's skin is thick and smooth like the rest of Aramanabella's body. The shaft's skin tone is a darker brown than his light brown color body. The scrotum beneath it too is thick skinned and is yet a darker hew than the shaft. Aramanabella's scrotum is a good size with a rounded contour.

The brown colour glan head at the shaft's tip is bullet shaped with a modest ridge that remains equal in circumference to the shaft when in erection with the foreskin retracted. The frenulum at the base of the cock head on its underside is an extremely sensitive spot for Aramanabella, though the bulky shaft be less so.

The Admiral opened his mouth for the Marquis to insert his cock. Aramanabella took hold of the Admiral's head with both hands and began to oscillate his heavy hips and backside. His cock moved back and forth in the Admiral's mouth. It slipped across his tongue and poked against the back of his throat. The Admiral could taste the pre seminal fluid that leaked from the urethra slit in its head.

The tempo of the Marquis motions guicked and became more aggressive as he neared an orgasm. With every inward stroke the Admiral gaged. His face had turned red. He fought for each breath. With the Marquis intent on his own satisfaction he showed no concern but rammed his cock still harder into the Admiral's mouth.

The Marquis canted his head downward to watch himself fuck the mouth of his subjugated vavasour and sneared at his distress. A lock of his long tresses fell from Aramanabella's right shoulder to his hand on the Admiral's head. Aramanabella pushed it back over his shoulder as he continued to ravage his captive's throat.

The Marquis stopped his motions, drew the Admiral tight to him while pressing his cock as far down his throat as it could possibly go. He lifted his head and groaned amorously as globules of semen were expelled from his cock. The Admiral made retching noises. He coughed and semen escaped from the corners of his mouth.

Aramanabella withdrew his cock from the Admiral's throat into his mouth proper. The Admiral knew the action was not to give him respite, if only temporary, but simply because of a slight delay in time between the Marquis' orgasm and urination. And, as though to prove him right, not but a few seconds elapsed before Aramanabella caught his breath to bring pressure upon his bladder and urinated heartily into the Admiral's mouth.

The Admiral knew well Aramanabella's reputation. His total distain for women and unquenchable lust for men. So he would swallow the Marquis de Adormorase's semen and he would drink his urine knowing that soon Aramanabella would grow tired of his mouth and his ass in favour of the Captains and officers of the Armada. Which the Admiral would bring to the flagship on a rotationary bases.

Aramanabella dismissed the Admiral with a flip of his wrist. Turned to the massive ornate mirror he had specially installed in his spacious cabin for this voyage. The glan head of his cock had retracted into its foreskin. His thick cock cascaded over the round scrotum and hung seven inches infront of his heavy thighs.

Aramanabella gazed at his beautiful self in the mirror. He lifted his long tresses and shook them out behind him. Gazed at the flawless beauty of his face. And at the expression of strain there upon as he gathered his breath to bring pressure upon his bowels.

Where most of the Armada suffered loose bowels Aramanabella with the powdered potion the doctor had prescribed was the opposite. The hard turd poised at his sphincter, and which felt enormous, would be difficult to dislodge. Aramanabella studied his face as he took his breath and bore down once more, to see what others saw when at times fully dressed he had moved his bowels in front of them.

"My chamber pot," he ordered.

Women in any station disgusted the Marquis de Adormorase. At best he tolerated those of his own station. Always from a distance. For the most part the Marquis surrounded himself with men. He didn't want women near him, let alone touching him. And so his servants were all young men.

Aramanabella placed his hands against the mirror and with legs spread pushed out his rear end. An young attendant stood behind with a chamber pot at the ready. The Marquis grunted loudly as he bore bown to remove the obstruction. He did so intermittently between the taking up of heavy breaths.

Finally the fecal mass emerged and slowly grew in length. It was thick at nearly two inches in diameter and solidly packed. The exoticly beautiful Marquis de Adormorase observed closely his facial expressions as he struggled to make his bowel movement. Until finally he was rewarded when a long shiny black turd landed with a thud in the chamber pot.

Breathing heavily the Marquis straightened and tore himself away from the mirror. He sat down at his vanity where servants would begin the long process of preparing him for bed.

By the time the Spanish ships dropped anchor off the shores at St Augustine, the Marquis had used most of the officers in the Armada. The ships were alive with activity as cargo and provisions passed both ways. Aramanabella on the other hand took a leasurrely breakfast and bask in a tub before his young male attendants dressed him.

The Marquis de Adormorase would regale himself in the latest and most esquisite styles Europe had to offer. When he would be rowed up the River of Dolphins and stepped foot onto the dock at St Augustine he wanted every man who laid eyes on him to be smitten by his beauty. Their cocks to stiffen. Just as his was now as Aramanabella examined himself in the mirror dressed in not but his undergarments.

His gorgeous face was rendered even more enchanting by adornment with heavy dark eye makeup and crimson lip paint. The liberal use of which made Aramanabella's appearance extravagantly exotic. The same shade of crimson adorned his long manicured fingernails.

Aramanabella's exquisite black hair was drawn back in front and lifted at the sides to expose his ears by a delicate gold and diamond encrusted tiara worn at the hairline. His ears, substantial though not overly large, were adorned with large gold and diamond earrings. Aramanabella disliked covering his lustrous locks and so the curls hung down in back to his waist.

Aramanabella's hose was of glistening silk satin that clung to his smooth skinned legs and were drawn up to his crotch. On his feet were red embroidered dress boots that had four inch fluted heels, wide red ribbon laces and large bows in back of his ankles.

He wore the latest style of short pantalettes made from two small triangular patches of silk elaborately decorated with needle lace that attached together at their narrowest points. One patch to cover the buttocks and the other Aramanabella's bald pubic area. The triangles tied at the hip with ribbon bows. Aramanabella's seemstress had to modify the the size of such patches for proper fit and install a pouch in the front panel for his oversized genitals.

And though Aramanabella was a man with a man's thick chest he wore a modified version of a woman's breast bags. These also of the latest European fashion. Aramanabella's modified chest covers were trangular silk patches of the same needle lace work as his pantalettes. The breast patches fit flat against Aramanbella's fleshy chest with ribbon straps over the shoulders attached to a back strap.

Of course Aramanabella's cock in its erectile state did not fit properly into the pounch which was stretched outward at the moment. Aramanabella could have relieved his erection. But chose instead to leave it as he desired to step ashore and be recieved by the governor and officials of St Augustine in the state he was in. A hard cock under his skirts while gentlemen kissed his hand and swooned as they were taken by his very presence in their company.

A tight fitting white silk camisole with a low rounded neckline and shoulder straps replete with lace trim covered his middle from chest to stocking covered thighs. Aramanabella grasped the bed rail as servants tightened the draw stings of a corseted girdle worn over top his camisole. A flounced petticoat was tied about Aramanabella's thick waist with a ribbon in back. And on top of that a short wide flairing crinoline. Replete in his glistening white undergarments Aramanabella was ready for his gown.

To show off his beauty and wealth the refined Marquis de Adormorase had chosen a most elaborate crimson satin gown. And would adorn himself with the most expensive jewelry; a broad crochet necklace of fine gold chain incrusted with diamonds would cover his chest from neck to the dress's low neckline. Gold and diamond earrings, gold and diamond bracelets on both wrists. A gold and diamond ring on every digit.

The Basque bodice of Aramanabella's bright crimson gown had a square neckline with criss cross ribboning up the front terminating in a classic bow at the top. The bodice's front had a pointed bottom that terminated on the belly just above where the Marquis's hard cock lurked below the skirts. In front and back the bodice was accented with beading and fancy needle scrolling.

The dress had puffed shoulder caps and huge ballooning sleeves that gathered at the elbow with bell shaped lace cuffs. Loose folds of the wide bell shape skirt cascaded over the flaring ruffled crinoline atop his petticoat. The large cresent shaped bustle in back emphasized Aramanabella's rump. A huge flower bow sat above the bustle with two broad ribbon tails that flowed over it and hung nearly to the ground.

When the Marquis de Adormorase was helped from his launch onto the dock at St Augustine his regal appearance created quite a stir. Highly fashionable, cultivated and seductive. Among the dignitaries on the dock there were perhaps a few erections besides that of his own.

Aramanabella rested but a few days before setting out on horseback in the continuance of his quest. Regaled in his armor the Marquis de Adormorase mounted his armor clad white stallion. And though his armor was light in weight, it along with the Marquis's own two hundred and twenty pounds of bodyweight, caused a need for him to use a pedistal and the aid of attendants to help him into his saddle.

"Are you a Conquistador my Marquis?" The armourer had asked when Aramanabella had come to him with a design for his armor. "I am a conqueror of men, yes," he had answered.

The Marquis de Adormorase's highly polished fine steel Conquistador armor was designed more for fashion than function. It consisted of not full body body armor but parts there of as Aramanabella did not wish to hide his beauty. Even in the primitive lands of the Americas.

Aramanabella's helmet was specially designed enhance the beauty of his face and not compromise his long precious locks. The roundish helmet had a sguare forehead tab on it that was set in the middle of his forehead just above his arched eyebrows.

The front edge of the helmet circled above the eyes and came to a point infront of each ear. Then circled around the ear terminating in an outward flare at the base of the skull. A small fin each side ran from the tab on the forehead upward and outward to the sides of his head.

There was a fluted opening at in the center back of the Helmet high up below the crown of his head. Aramanabella's long black hair in a thick braid issued through the open and hung to his backside. It was stayed by a black satin ribbon tied in a classic bow with long hanging ends.

High on the round top of the helmet was a shorter fin. A large white plume issued up and backward from the back end of it.

A gorget covered the bottom of the Chin and throat area. A cannon ball like pauldron the shoulders. Rear branes the upper arms. And vanbraces the the forearms. The plackart breast plate had a round neck with an engraved flat front, straight back and a small flare at its bottom. The gauntlet gloves were made of steel silver mess with a fluted steel cuff.

Aramanabella wore a short camisole under his upper body armor. The white silk camisole had lace straps over the shoulders and a lace hem. He wore skin tight stretch silk leggings. The glistening white leggings were drawn up high on his waist beneath the camisole's lace hem and had a pouch to accomodate Aramanabella's large size genitalia.

A glistening white corseted girdle was laced tight with ribbons tied in bows. The girdle fit snuggly to Aramanabella's middle overtop the camisole and waist band of the silk leggings.

Covering his genitals was a las boss, a steel downward pointing cresent cup much the shape of his leggings penal pouch. The cup was held in place with three silver ribbons attached to it. One at the back of the scrotum issued under and upwards in the cleft between his buttocks. Two at the top, one each side on the pubis mound issued at an outward angle on the front of his hips. The three ribbons attached to a heavier silver ribbon secured around Aramanabella's thick waist and tied in the front.

Covering but a small portion of the steel cup and his backside was a short flairing brigandine skirt made of fine mesh. The skirt's mesh was so fine that it's folds seemed to flow with Aramanabella's movements as would a material such as taffeta or damask.

The Marquis had decided to not cover his thighs as the greaves with attached poleyns rose to above his knees. The greaves had a fluted bottom just above the ankle and encompassed the lower leg to below the calf in back from where it rose upward on an angle to the knee in front. The attached poleyns strapped behind and covered the front the knee with a round cup.

Of all the considerable concessions to fashion of the Marquis de Adormorase's Conquistador armor perhaps the greatest was in footwear. The Marquis Conquistador's sabatons made of fine mesh and polished steel had three inch fluted heels and steel pointed toes. The top dorsum and heel were steel, the sides and uppers mesh. The sabatons tied in a bow at back above the ankle with a heavy silver colour ribbon.

And though dressed as a Conquistador, the Marquis de Adormorase let no consession to his wealth and beauty slide. He wore heavy dark eye makeup. His lips and fingernails were painted silver. His exposed substantial ears were rimmed with gold studding and their lobs were hung with large gold and diamonds chandelier earrings.

The Helmut tab on his forehead was edged in gold with three diamonds imbedded in it. On top of the steel gorget covering his neck were gold chain and diamond necklaces. Gold and diamond bracelets covered the steel cuffs of both guantlet gloves. On the gloves steel finger tubes were gold rings with large diamonds. His shoes had gold scrolling and diamonds on the dorsum strap.

The glistening white cape across Aramanabella's back attached to two large golden bottoms at the shoulders. Its hood hung in cresent drapes. The cape's hem was cresent shaped with the shortest portion at low back above his skirt and long outer ends hanging to the knees. Unnecessary in this warm climate it was more for show.

After many mouths of councultation with his personal fashion designer, armourer, seemstress, fine chain maker and jeweller, the Marquis de Adormorase was finally satisfied with his armor. As he turned in full regalia before the mirrors in order to view himself from all angles Aramanabella felt his hardening cock press against the steel cup between his legs. He truely was a Conquistador, conqueror of the minds and hearts of men.

Visually stunning as the Marquis de Adormorase's Conquistador armor was it proved impractical. It was deficult to walk more than a few paces in the armored shoes. And the metal las boss cup between his legs was not only uncomfortable but troublesome when Aramanabella needed to urinate.

For him to do so attendants had to untie the bow in front as it sat to the outside of his skirt in order to loosen the ribbons that held the cup in place. An attendant then had to hold the cup aside while the Marquis spread his legs to urinate through the silk pouch in his leggings.

The ride to a Spanish outpost would take three days. Two overnight bivouac camps had been set up ahead of the party. The journey was painstaking slow as the Marquis, unaccustomed to the saddle, had to make frequent stops for a rest. Aramanabella arrived at the camp exhausted.

He was bathed, pampered with oils and perfumed. Then lay naked belly down on a soft cot while an attendant massaged his aching backside. Aramanabella was fed sections of fruit and sweetbreads, and offered sips of wine as he lay there.

Having need to move his bowels Aramanabella rose on his knees so as to lift his backside with his back arched and thighs splayed. His face and arms against the cot. An attendant knelt on the cot behind him with a chamber pot. Aramanabella groaned loudly as he struggled to make a bowel movement. That his grunts and groans could be heard throughout the camp was of no concern for the Marquis de Adormorase.

Young male attendants dressed the Marquis in a formal gown for dinner. He dined then retired back to his tent where his attendants prepared there mistress for the evening. A Conquistador of the his chosing was brought to the Marquis' tent and knelt before him as Aramanabella dropped his robe to reveal his hard cock.

The trek to the outpost was uneventful as there were no savages or enemies of Spain along the trail. They arrived in good order. Stayed the night. Then set out for the gruelling journey back to St Augustine next morning. Aramanabella would then rest a week in St Augustine before the long voyage back to Spain.

The outpost's commandant had given the Marquis de Adormorase a tube containing a sealed scroll. Spain had plundered a cortege of Royal French vessels. Crippled and burdened with treasure the last of the Spanish ships had tried to make port at St Augustine and sank in shallow waters of the coast to the north. Its Captain, the lone survivor, had made it overland to the outpost. He had drawn a map of the sunken ship's location and charge the commandant with its safe keeping.

The commandant had gotten word back to Spain and the King was adamant that the treasure be his. So he had dispatched his most trusted diplomat, the Marquis de Adormorase, to fetch the map.

In the mean time the French had planned an attach on St Augustine. They had landed a ground force that would attack the city from the rear while their ships pummeled her from the sea.

Morgan the pirate's ship had been seized by him from King Charles' navy. It was fast and loaded with fire power. Morgan had renamed her the Swift Charley. Swift Charley was anchored in a cove up the coast from St Augustine. Morgan had caught wind of the French invasion and chanced entering St Augustine covertly overland to warn the governor of the impending invasion.

Upon hearing the news the governor foolishly dispatched his garrision to intercept the ground force while the Armada chased the French ships out to sea. Leaving St Augustine virtually undefended. Morgan's nemesis, the ruthless French buccaneer Lapointe, grasping the situation, decided to take advantage.

Then, as the Marquis de Adormorase was here in St Augustine, the governor decided to make points with him by double crossing Morgan, and arrested him as there was a price on the pirate's head. When Mogan was taken away he chanced to see the black sails of Lapointe's pirate ship, the Drugeon, headed into the bay and quickly realized what was happening.

Morgan spied one his men and shook his head. Then nodded toward the the sea to the Drugeon's black sails. He then flicked his head in the direction of the Swift Charley. The mate understood and hurried off.

"Morgan the pirate is here in St Augustine!" The Marquis de Adormorase said incredulously.

"He has been arrested my Marquis. And is on his way to the dungeon as we speak," said the governor.

Morgan, the Englishman. Once the Earl of Wesinmore and now the king of the pirates. Though never formally introduced Aramanabella had met the Earl on occasions of court. He had thought the Earl ruggedly handsome. Morgan's ass had escaped his cock then, but it would not now.

"No." The Marquis de Adormorase commanded. "Bring him to me. Now!"

Morgan was brought to him in chains. "Aramanabella?" He said, surprised to see the Marquis de Adormorase in St Augustine.

Morgan had not seen the the Marquis in years and thought he had found him strikingly beautiful then he thought that Aramanabella was even more so now. His dark eye makeup was heavy. His lips and long fingernails were painted gold. And he was positively dripping in elaborate gold and diamond jewelry with a tiara, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and finger rings.

The coal black curls of Aramanabella's long hair hung in back to his backdside drawn back from his beautiful face by the tiara. Those locks were the talk of the court when Morgan had first took note of the Marquis de Adormorase whilst on a diplomatic mission in London.

Aramanabella looked resplendent in a white satin gown with gold trimmings. The front of its bodice was an hour glass shape, gold coloured with ornate gold on gold ribboning, roping and stitching. It ran from shoulders to a pointed termination above his crotch.

The gown had regular loose fit shoulders and tubular sleeves to the elbows. From there the sleeves opened into long gold trimmed cuffs that issued nearly to the ground. Tight sleeving issued from under the loose sleeves covering his forearms from elbows to wrists.

In front the skirt, though flowing, was not as such a broad bell shape, as Aramanabella had no petticoat or crinoline beneath it. In back the skirt was gathered in bustle from where it flowed in a long broad train. The skirtting terminated with a wide gold laced hem. A magnificent gold satin flower bow sat atop the bustle, its two broad tails hung half way to the ground.

A tenting from Aramanabella's hard cock was noticeable in the front skirting of his gown.

"Strap him across the table," the Marquis ordered.

"Aramanabella you should not be here," Morgan said with genuine concern in his voice.

The guardsmen wrapped the chains holding Morgan around the stout legs on the far side of the table pressing his face into its surface holding him there.

"It is not safe for you in St Augustine," Morgan protested.

"Down with his trousers," the Marquis de Adormorase ordered.

Aramanabella lifted his skirts exposing high heeled white ankle boots with gold scrolling and ribbon laces. And glistening white stockings drawn up tight to his crotch. He freed his erection from the pouch of his white lace embroidered short pantalettes while a guardsmen pulled down Morgan's trousers.

"Aramanabella you must leave at once," Morgan demanded.

"And deny you the pleasure of my cock," Aramanabella sneared as he rammed his cock hard into Morgan's ass.

"Aramanabella!" Morgan insisted as the Marquis fucked him, "you must listen."

It was to no avail. Aramanabella was not listening. But continued to drive his cock hard into Morgan's ass. Morgan felt the Marquis' cock penetrate deep into his rectum. It was warm and hard as stone. Morgan had been fucked before but Aramanabella's cock felt twice the length and thickness of any other that had been inside him.

Morgan sensed that Aramanabella was nearing an orgasm as the aggressiveness of his thrusts had escalated. Aramanabella was breathing heavily now and groaned loudly with each stroke.

Then he pulled hard on Morgan's hips drawing him closer. Morgan felt the head of Aramanabella's cock pressed to its deepest. Felt a surge of warm semen burst from its opening. And he heard Aramanabella cry out with the ecstacy of his release as his semen pumped into Morgan's rectum.

Aramanabella withdrew his cock from the deep inner cavity of Morgan's rectum into his anal canal where it remained momentarily paused. Aramanabella gathered his breath then bored down to realease his pee. Morgan felt a warm surge as Aramanabella's urine invaded his ass. The fluid filled his rectal cavity then poured out onto the floor when Aramanabella had finished urinating and withdrawn his cock.

"Take him to the dungeon," the Marquis de Adormorase ordered as he returned his cock to its pouch and straightened out his skirts, done with Morgan.

"Aramanabella, St Augustine will soon be under seige. You must flee to safety. Go now!" Morgan shouted as they hauled him away in chains.

Then they heard the cannons fire and the Marquis de Adormorase recoiled in fear.

Lapointe came ashore with his landing party while the Drugeon's cannon fire raked St Augustine's defensive positions. They immediately began to loot the city. In a failed bid to escape by launch up the River of Dolphins the Marguis de Adormorase was among the first to be captured.

"We should feel honored to have such a courtesan as the exquisit Marquis de Adormorase in our company, eh." LaPoint said mocking the Marquis. "Let's see what treasures are hidden beneath such finery," he said clasping hold of Aramanabella's sleeve.

The Marquis de Adormorase retched his arm back. "I demand you release me immediately," he ordered. Lapointe laughed. Withdrew his knife and put it to Aramanabella's face. Aramanabella recoiled in horror. The very idea that a man could even suggest to defile a beauty such as his was unthinkable to him.

"Off with His Ladyship's clothing," Lapointe said to Aramanabella's servants. They looked to their mistress for direction. Fear welled within the Marquis. "Very well then," he said angrily and allowed them to remove his dress. "All of it," Lapointe demanded waving his knife about. Aramanabella reluctantly complied.

Morgan's men had caught up as he was being led to the gallows. A brutal fight ensued. Though equal in numbers the Spanish guards were no match in skill. Morgan and his men dispatched them without incurring damage. Freed, Morgan set out to find the Marquis de Adormorase.

Once the Marquis had been stripped completely naked Lapointe put all his jewelry in a sack. Then he grasped Aramanabella by the hair and pulled his head back to kiss him.

"Let go of my hair!" Aramanabella screamed attempting to fight him off.

Lapointe tightened his grip and yanked hard on Aramanabella's long trusses. Aramanabella held on to them as if attempting to keep them to his head while he cursed Lapointe. Lapointe's first mate punched Aramanabella hard in the stomach. It knocked the wind out of him and Aramanabella fell to the ground letting go hair. As he went down Lapointe yanked hard on Aramanabella's luxurious curls attempting to keep him on his feet.

It had long been rumored that the Marquis de Adormorase's prescious locks were nothing more than an intricately designed wig of the utmost quality. The wig came off in his hands and Lapointe stood there with it in his hand momentarily stunned. Then he broke out in laughter.

Stripped of his elegant clothing and his long luxurious locks Lapointe saw the exquisite Marquis de Adormorase for what he really was. Nothing but a shapeless, hairless and heavy set man with freakish genitalia. Aramanabella clasped his hands to his head as though he could hide his shame. Completely subdued he cowered on the ground before his captors and wept.

"Get the lout to his feet," Lapointe growled. Lash him over a barrel and we'll have our way with his fat arse. Then we'll cut of his balls so he no longer need just pretend to be a Lady." They all laughed.

Aramanabella had raped the ass of a thousand men. Yet his own had never been violated. He vaguely wondered, as they led him to his fate, if it felt much as did the hard turds he oft times struggled to pass.

Oh that HE, the resplendent Marquis de Adormorase, the most beautiful and sought after man in all of Europe, should suffer a fate such as this at the hands of these barbarians. As he was about to be led away Lapointe stopped them. He had the tube with the treasurer map inside in his hand. That too lost, Aramanabella thought.

"What is this?" Lapointe asked.

He was about to open the tube when Morgan shouted his name.

"Morgan?" Lapointe had been unaware of Morgan's presence in St Augustine. Seeing Morgan Lapointe instinctively looked to his ship, just in time to see the Swift Charley draw along side of the Drugeon.

"Unhand him," Morgan shouted angrily. "The Marquis de Adormorase belongs to me."

"Ah yes Morgan. He would fetch a fat ransom," Lapointe said. "If you live collect it. Better to have do with him now and be done with it."

Lapointe drew his knife as he stepped toward the Marquis. Morgan moved quicker, withdrew his sword and Lapointe fell to the ground dead. More of his men fell in succession at the hands of Morgan's men.

Swift Charley raked the Drungeon port side with cannon fire. A powder keg on board exploded and the Drungeon was set ablaze. Swift Charley did a quick roundabout and raked the Drungeon's starboard. The Drungeon went down with all hands. Their ship gone and its Captain dead what remained of Lapointe's men fled.

Morgan sheathed his sword. Picked up the sack that contained all of Aramanabella's jewelry. He put the tube with the treasurer map in with it. "Gather up every stitch of the Marquis de Adormorase's clothing and follow me," he ordered Aramanabella's servants. Then he took the naked bald headed Marquis by the arm and led him to the nearest dwelling.

"What fate must I now suffer at your hands?" The Marquis asked indignant of Morgan. "Free me and I shall see you well rewarded Morgan. Or take your revenge and have done with it," he snapped.

"I have but one score to settle before you are restored to your former dignity Aramanabella." Morgan turned the naked Marquis face about and bent him over a table.

"Morgan. No!" Aramanabella protested as Morgan slipped the ties to his breaches and withdrew his already hard cock. The Marquis straightened and turned toward Morgan to further protest. Morgan pushed him back down to the table. "No Morgan, please," the Marquis de Adormorase begged.

Morgan ubruptly pressed his hard cock through the Marquis' sphincter ring and into his anal canal. Aramanabella cried out loudly. "Morgan! No!" Morgan pushed his cock through to Aramanabella's rectal cavity and began to undulate his hips to fuck him. Just as the Marquis de Adormorase himself had done to so many men before.

To Aramanabella's great surprise the feeling was not in the least unpleasant. In fact he liked the feel of Morgan's cock in his ass. Aramanabella's cock had grown hard. Morgan reached around and took it in hand. Aramanabella moaned as Morgan fucked and masturbated him at the same time.

Aramanabella could tell that Morgan was nearing an orgasm as his motions had become desperate. That raised a sence of intense longing within him, which made Aramanabella's cock all the harder. He placed his hand to Morgan's hand on his cock and increased the tempo of its motions.

Morgan let go of Aramanabella's cock, took hold of his thick hips with both hands and pressed his cock deep. Aramanabella felt Morgan's semen ejaculated inside his rectum. It felt warm and fulfilling.

Aramanabella's hand motions had reached a frenzy. The tip of his cock was beet red. The frenulum on the underside of the cock head itched. He lifted his head and with eyes shut groaned loudly as his semen was ejaculated onto the floor. Breathing heavily Aramanabella collapsed to the table.

Morgan withdrew his spent cock. Leaning onto Aramanabella's thick back Morgan again took hold of his cock to weigh it's bulk. "After he has spent his seed the Marquis de Adormorase further pleasures himself by urinating. Does he not." Morgan whispered in Aramanabella's ear.

The Marquis needed not Morgan to prod him, as he did indeed have a great urge to urinate. Aramanabella bore down and presently a heavy stream splashed on the floor beneath the table upon which he had been violated. His lust satisfied the Marquis grew apprehensive. Surely Morgan would robe him and hold him for ransom.

Morgan picked up the sack with jewelry and map in it. Tossed and caught as though weighing it in his hand. Aramanabella thought of his mission here. Perhaps he could to bribe Morgan. "Take that jewelry if you wish but the scroll tube is mine," he said.

"Awe, the map to the sunken treasure. Worth a hundred thousand times that of your jewelry," Morgan said. Then added, "you are safe now the threat is gone. Put yourself back together Aramanabella. He tossed the bag to Aramanabella.

It was incredulous, thought the Marquis de Adormorase, that knowing what it was, notorious Morgan the pirate had just handed over to him the map to an imeasurable fortune. Aramanabella looked at the sack as though it were not real. "l don't understand," he said confused as to the pirate's motives.

"Your Armada sets sail on the morrow," Take it to your King as your mission wants," Morgan said. "Farewell Marquis de Adormorase." Morgan bowed, turned on his heel and left.

Morgan had taken a room and was drinking ale in his quarters when there came a knock upon his door. His manservant opened it and said, "I am sorry to disturb you Captain but the Marquis de Adormorase is here to see you. Morgan was taken aback. The Marquis should have been aboard ship by now. "Send the Marquis in," Morgan told his man.

The Marquis stepped into the Captain's quarters. In the flowing black gown that he wore Aramanabella looked even more splendid than he had when Morgan first saw him that day. The gown had a straight neckline with bulbous houlders and upper arm sleeves. The sleeves were tight form elbow to wrist where a small fluted cuff covered the upper part of his hand.

The bodice was tight and pointed with ornate beading and stitching. The skirts folds flowed to incredible width over top of a short flaring ruffled crinoline. Aramanabella's beautiful eyes were painted in heavy black makeup. His lips and nails in red. His magnificent black hair was up in an elaborate bun atop his head set with ribbon and beads. Long curls issued down in back all the way to the gown's bustle. And there was a large black velvet bow with long tails tied at the top of the bun.

The Marquis de Adormorase would be remiss to go anywhere without the adornment of jewelry to celebrate his beauty. A splendid silver and blackstone necklace encircled his neck and literally filled his upper chest. Earrings that matched the necklace with there silver and blackstone were just as magnificent. Many silver and blackstone rings adorned his fingers. And silver chained bracelets were worn at the wrists over the long sleeves.

"You are supposed to be aboard the Santa Arabesques," Morgan said to Aramanabella. "What are you doing here?"

"A few hours delay is niether here nor there," Aramanabella said. "I must know. Why did you set me free with the map. The treasure it shows the location of is worth a King's ransom. Yet you gave it freely to me."

Morgan put his hands on the Marquis shoulders and looked deep into his beautiful dark eyes. He drew him close and kissed him passionately. Aramanabella had not before been kissed by any man in such a way. It provoked an odd feeling he had never had before. He thought of Morgan's cock in his ass and how wonderful it had felt. His cock stiffened. He grabbed hold of Morgan and kissed him passionately.

Morgan reguarded the exotic beauty before him. True Aramanabella was a man. Yet Morgan had fallen in love with him. "The Armada will provide you safe passage home. The map will secure your future. You must go Aramanabella and put the unfortunate incident with Lapointe behind you," he said.

Aramanabella knew that he must. But his cock was hard and he burned for Morgan to satisfy it. They kissed once more and Aramanabella whispered, "my cock is hard for you Morgan."

Morgan smiled. "Then perhaps my magnificent Marquis should lift his skirts," he said.

Aramanabella gathered his skirts and drew them up to his chest as Morgan sank to his knees. As with his extravagant black satin dress all of Aramanabella's undergarments were also black in color.

On his feet where black dress ankle boots with black velvet ribbon laces tied in classic bows. Flower bows decorated the back of the heels. The toes were pointed and the four inch heels were of the latest fluted style.

Aramanabella's legs were clad in black stockings of a stretch - silk fabric that clung to his legs. The stockings were drawn up high into Aramanabella's crotch. They had back seams with classic bows at the top of the seams. The lace frills of Aramanabella's camisole issued from beneath his corset girdle. And a short highly ruffled crinoline tied around his waist flared straight out ten inches to his front, around his hips and atop his backside.

The short pantalettes that Aramanabella wore were also black in color with ornate needle stitch designs on the front panel modified into a pouch to house Aramanabella's unusually large genitals. At the moment however the pouch was stretched beyond its limit with Aramanabella's erection, which compromised the ribbon ties that held it in place.

Morgan freed the Marquis' hard cock from its confines and began to masturbate him. Aramanabella closed his eyes, lifted his head back and open mouthed breathed a lustful sigh of pleasure. Morgan took the Marquis's cock into his mouth, furthering Aramanabella's moans.

Aramanabella trapped his skirts with his arms to clasp his hands on Morgan's head. He rolled his hips in the action of intercourse with Morgan's mouth. The Marquis articulations grew aggressive as he brought himself to an orgasm. Aramanabella pressed himself hard into Morgan and cried out loudly as his semen raced through his urethra into Morgan's mouth.

The Marquis had the urge to relieve himself in Morgan's mouth but thought the better of it and stayed his cock. Withdrew it. And Morgan stood to kiss with Aramanabella's semen fresh in his mouth.

"Fuck me Morgan," , Aramanabella whispered and turned his backside to Morgan.

Morgan had his trousers down with cock in hand. He lifted the back of Aramanabella's skirts. Took aside the fancily stitched patch of silk that covered the mid portion of Aramanabella's ass and inserted his hard cock. With Aramanabella in shoes that had four inch high heels and Morgan barefooted, the depth of his penatration was compromised.

Morgan backed up a step to sit down on a chair. Aramanabella sat on his cock with his legs to the outside of Morgan's. Aramanabella held up his skirt's front. The back was ruffled against Morgan's chest. Arabella rode himself up and down on his lap.

Morgan's cock slide in and out of Aramanabella's rectum. In a short space of time Morgan clasped Aramanabella by the hips and held him there. Aramanabella heard him moan as Morgan ejaculated inside of him. It felt as wonderfull as it had the first time. Perhaps even more so.

With Morgan's cock still inside of him Aramanabella's remained hard. Leaning back onto Morgan his cock stood up at a slight angle away from him. Aramanabella bore down and his stream discharged in a high arch away from him. Aramanabella moaned with pleasure in his release as a great puddle of pee formed on the floor before of him.

Morgan helped Aramanabella straighten out his clothing. He drew the Marquis to him and they kissed. Then Morgan took Aramanabella's hand and kissed it. "Until we meet again my Lady Marquis de Adormorase." Aramanabella bid Morgan farewell and took his leave.

Back in his cabin aboard the Sata Arabesque attendants prepaired the Marquis de Adormorase for bed. Aramanabella regarded his amorphous image in the mirror, naked as he was without elegant clothing, jewelery, makeup nor wig. Aramanabella smiled as he gently stroked his hard cock knowing that Morgan loved him regardless. Where Aramanabella saw only beauty in his own reflection he now new that Morgan saw it too.


Next: Chapter 2

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