Conquering the Straight Boy

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jun 20, 2001


Brian, Rob, Nick, and Drew were all dancing up a storm at the party and before they knew it midnight has come and gone. Rob and Drew had downed more drinks and were a little on the tipsy side while Brian and Nick were still sober.

"This is so much fun!" Rob yelled as he danced closer to Brian.

"Yeah, I am definitely feeling a lot better now!" Brian agreed. Unfortunately Brian was developing a crush on Rob and the fact that he knew he could never have Rob was tearing at his heart. The song finished and everyone began to clap as Fred Durst got on the stage and bowed graciously. Rob hugged Brian and smiled.

"You are so fun!" Rob said into Brian's ear.

"I am glad you think so, but Rob you are not thinking straight, normally you wouldn't be talking to me." Brian responded.

"Awe, well. You are right! But for some reason I just can't hate you. And I really mean that Brian." Rob huffed out as Fred began to talk.

"ALLRIGHT! IS EVERYBODY HAVIN A FUCKIN' GOOD TIME!!!???" Fred screamed into the microphone as the crowd yelled to the top of their lungs.

"Well good! It is getting close to the beginning of our dancing competition. Anyone can compete, but if you aren't gonna compete than get the fuck off the dance floor!!!!" Fred laughed.

"All right check this out! This is gonna be like a tag team competition. Find yourself a team mate and I will explain the rules!" Fred explained.

Brian looked around the dance floor and saw Rob standing by himself.

"Do you wanna be my partner?" he asked.

"That would be cool." Rob said as he smiled and followed Brian to a clear space on the dance floor.

"Ok, now shut the fuck up and LISTEN! We are gonna have some professional dancers and shit walking around while you are dancing and if they don't like what you are doing they are gonna tap you on your shoulder and that means you and YOUR PARTNER have to get the fuck off the floor. It is gonna go like that until we have a winning couple and they are gonna win a shit load of my money! SO GIVE IT UP FOR THE CONTESTANTS AND START THE MUSIC!!!!!"

Brian and Rob stood next to each other and began to dance their little hearts to pieces. Rob had been dancing since he was 18 and Brian had learned to dance when he was first a member of the Backstreet Boys so they both had a clear advantage over the rest of the field. The couples dropped like flies and the only two that were left were Rob and Brian and two black girls that were twirkin their asses off. The judges surrounded the two couples and put twice the amount of pressure on the dancers than before. Rob felt the heat on him and his feet got tangled up and he tripped...The contest was over and he had lost.

"Awe dude man you fucked it up! You let the pussy girls get it man!" Fred made fun of Rob as he gave the two girls their money. Brian kneeled down and gave Rob a hand.

"I am sorry Brian. It is all my fault we didn't win." Rob sniffled out.

"Don't worry about it! You win some you lose some! But you did have fun doing it right?" Brian asked.

"Yeah it was a lot of fun! But I needed that money so bad for books this coming semester!" Rob sniffled again in defeat as he sat on the ground.

"Rob, don't worry! I'll give you some money for books!"


"Of course! It is the least I can do for someone that is letting me stay at their place!" Brian smiled.

"Thanks Brian!"

"Awe, don't say that!" Brian blushed as he helped Rob stand up. Rob and Brian made their way over to a table where Drew and Nick were sitting making out. Rob closed his eyes while Brian quietly laughed.

"Why do you think that is so gross?" Brian asked Rob.

"I....I....It just isn't right! I mean girls and guys can do that, but not two guys!" Rob explained.

"OH, well do you like seeing two girls have sex?" Brian asked.

"HELL YEAH!" Rob laughed.

"Then what is the difference seeing Nick and your best friend making out? Is it not obvious that they like each other?" Brian asked another question.


" are close-minded and you don't have any basis for argument!" Brian giggled as he put Rob down nicely.

"HEY!!!! I am not close-minded!!!" Rob said hurt.

"Awe don't give me that puppy dog face!" Brian pleaded.

"Why not?"

"Cuz the I will have to kiss you."

"Ok, ok ok ok....I will never have that face again!" Rob laughed.

"Gosh...I am not even gonna say anything!" Brian rolled his eyes. Brian gently tapped on Nick's shoulder, which slowly ended the two young boys kiss.

"Brian!!! Don't you see I am busy?" Nick giggled as he held Drew's hand.

"Yeah, I do but if you don't stop Rob Is gonna beat your ass because you are kissing his best friend not to mention Rob is totally a close-minded homophobe!" Brian laughed as he finished his sentence.

"Oh, shut up!" Rob sighed. "I am getting tired Drew. Can you take me and Brian home?"

"You and Brian? Am I missing something?" Drew asked curiously.

"Yeah Brian is staying at my place until he leaves. He needs some space from the other guys and I obliged him by letting him stay at my place." Rob explained.

"Uhuh....well I guess I am ready to go....let me say goodbye to Nick and I will meet you guys out at the car." Rob nodded his head and he guided Brian through the crowd and out to Drew's car. They both leaned on the car and Brian leaned his head on Rob's shoulder.

"Umm...Brian? I am new at this so if I am timid about all of your umm....affection please don't get pissy at me." Rob asked.

"I won't I am just really tired. I got no sleep last night because I was crying all night long." Brian told Rob as Rob put his arm around Brain's shoulder and rub his head. For some reason Rob felt a little at ease holding Brian by the car. It was as if Rob was comforting his older brother.

"God this is SO weird! Is this right?" Rob asked out loud.

"It is right if you want it to be right Rob. I can't make that decision for you." Brian told Rob as he closed his eyes and sighed.

Back inside of the hotel Nick and Drew were hugging and kissing the night away.

"Baby, I have to go." Drew sighed as he pulled away from Nick's lips.

"I don't want you to go though...Can't you stay here with me?" Nick pleaded.

"I need to take Rob and Brian home. Besides...if I stay with you and I get attached to you it is going to be even harder on me and you when you have to leave for good." Drew explained.

"But....Drew....I like you so much and we click and I wanna spend all the time I can with you." Nick whined.

"I tell you what..." Drew started as he pulled a pen and a piece of paper out of his pocket, "Here is my number.....You call me when you wake up and I will come hang out with you ok?"

"I guess that is fine" Nick sighed as he leaned in to Drew and kissed him goodbye. Drew ran outside while Nick went back to his room and to sleep.

"All right boys; let's get back to Athens!" Drew said as he approached Brian and Rob cuddling on his car.

"Awe...look at the two lovebirds!" Drew cooed them.

"Shut up!!!" Rob laughed as he pushed Brian off of him abruptly and got in the car. Brian sat in the back all by himself while Drew and Rob sat in the front.

"What took you so long man? Were you in there making an ass of yourself slobbering all of Nick?" Rob joked with Drew.

"For your information, I happen to like Nick and when we kissed it meant more than just a sexual thing. At least I can think about love rather than lust constantly!" Drew bit back. Rob looked back at Brian to seek some comfort, but Brian looked away.

"Well, wonderful I am surrounded by two gay guys!" Rob said while Drew and Brian ignored him. Rob, feeling defeated sunk in his chair and sulked the rest of the way home while Brian and Drew conversed about the band and Brian's life. The 45 minute trip was soon over and Drew dropped Brian and Rob off.

"Hey Brian, Don't let Rob mess with you...he is just a puppy dog inside!" Drew teased Rob, which made him smile.

"Ok I will probably just go straight to bed tonight." Brian said as he thanked Drew and shut the door.

"So this is it eh?" Brian asked as he grabbed his bags and walked towards the door next to Rob.

"Yeah, it is a pretty nice place. I like it. It is away from all of the party places on campus, but it is also in a good location relative to my classes so it works out pretty well. I have an extra room for you to sleep it. It is a three bedroom apartment, but one of the rooms is Drew's and he gets picky about who sleep in his bed." Rob explained.

"Well, I wouldn't want to make him mad so I will take the extra room." Brian replied as Rob opened the door and turned on the lights.

"Just go down the hall and it is the first room on the right. I know it is late, but I am hungry. Do you wanna order a pizza?" Rob asked Brian.

"Sure...Let me just go put my stuff up in the room and change into some night clothes and I will be right there."

"Ok what kind of pizza do you want Brian?"

"Pepperoni is good."

"Sweet! I'll make the call and get some movies out."

"Ok, see you in a bit." Brian said as he walked to his room and shut the door. Brian threw his suitcase on to the bed and opened it up slowly. Brian's day had started off pretty badly, yet in the end he had met Rob who he genuinely likes and gets to spend time with him. Brian smiled at the thought of the next couple of days as he rummaged through his luggage to find himself a pair of boxers and a white t-shirt. He changed clothes quickly and went back into the living room where he saw Rob on the floor lying on his stomach with nothing, but boxers on. Just seeing Rob like that sent shivers up Brian's spine. He had never been this affected by a guy before and the weirdest thing about it Rob is straight. Brian walked over to the lounge chair and hopped in it.

"Hey there! I ordered us a Xtra Large Pizza and a 3 liter of Pepsi from pizza hut so I hope you are hungry." Rob told Brian .

"Cool." Brian said as he and Rob both stared at the TV in silence.

"Damn my back hurts." Rob yelled as he rolled over to look Brian in the face.

"Do you need me to massage it for you?" Brian asked innocently.

"Do you mind?"

"Uh...sure. I guess it is the least I can do since you are letting me stay here." Brian said as the inside of his body was melting. Brian was going to massage an almost naked Rob who he had a crush on.

"Where does it hurt?" Brian asked as he sat on Rob's butt and began to massage around his neck.

"It hurts around my shoulders and in the middle and on the sides....It hurts everywhere." Rob laughed as Brian massaged deep into Rob's back. Rob moaned and sighed as Brian rubbed his hands harder and harder into Brian's back.

"That feels SOOOO good Brian." Rob said as he closed his eyes and relaxed all of his muscles. Brian could not stop smiling, it was all he could do to contain his cock from getting hard as a rock. Brian stopped massaging Rob's back and laid next to him on his side looking at Rob almost asleep on the floor.

"Rob....? Brian whispered.


"Are you ok?"

"Yuh....That felt so good Brian." Rob sighed out as he yawned.

"I'm glad I did a good job."

"You don't have to do things for me to get me to be happy Brian." Rob said as he stroked Brian's hair.

"Ok." Brian was about to burst. Goosebumps popped all over his body and he shivered.

"Are you ok?" Rob asked concerned.

"Yeah, I am just fine." Brian said barely able to get the words out of his mouth.

"Good....oh there's the doorbell. Let me go get the pizza." Rob said as he jumped up and ran to the door.

"If he can't tell I like him after that, then he is the blindest straight boy I have ever met." Brian said to himself.

"Well, here is the pizza. I am going to go get some cups and some napkins and we can eat in here." Rob said as he threw the pizza box on the ground and walked into the kitchen. Soon he was back and threw himself on the floor.

"So are you hungry?" Rob asked Brian.

"A little."

"Are you still stressed out?"

"Yep...I think I will always be stressed out until I find my dream guy." Brian sighed.

"Well who exactly would your dream guy be?"

"Ummm...well a guy around my height would be nice and someone with a great body. A loving guy who is sweet and knows when to be gentle and caring, but tough enough to protect me and someone who will let me kick someone's ass if they hurt them."

"Hmm...I think I know a guy like that." Rob smiled.

"You do??? Where can I meet him?" Brian asked with his hopes set high.

"You are lookin' at him but this boy is straight!" Rob joked.

"Awe you suck Rob!" Brian giggled.

"You wish I did right?" Rob joked back.

"Shut up!" Brian yelled. Rob immediately jumped on Brian and started to tickle him hard.

"!!!!!" Brian could barely see with the tears in his eyes.

"You told me to shut up!" Rob laughed as he continued to torture Brian.

"I was joking!" Brian screamed as he laughed hysterically.

"Say your sorry and I'll let you go....." Rob said as he leaned in closer to tickle Brian harder.

"IMMMMM SORRRYYYYY!!!" Brian screamed as Rob let go with his lips inches from Brian's. Rob and Brian locked eyes and lingered for almost a minute. When Rob finally woke up out of the daze.

"Uh....yeah. Well let's eat some pizza." Rob said as he got off of Brian and started eating.

"Uh...ok." Brian replied as he took a bite of pizza.

"Pizza Hut has the best pizza in the world." Rob said as he devoured two slices.

"Yeah, it is pretty good." Brian said trying to control his emotions. Sitting next to Rob was becoming very difficult. "So how is your love life?" Brian asked.

"It sucks. I got stood up by this girl today." Rob sighed.

"Oh? Tell me about her."

"Well, I met her yesterday at the mall and she was hot! She was working at Gap and I flirted with her and shit and asked her to come to the party with me tonight. Well she gave me her number and I called her and I thought she was going to come and I was all excited. Well she never showed up and we had to leave or we couldn't have gotten into the party." Rob explained.

"Want some advice?" Brian offered.


"I bet you a million dollars she didn't just give you her number. You are the type of guy that badgers people until you get what you want. She probably didn't come because she sees right through you and she knows you are the type of guy that just wants to fuck because, let's be honest you are extremely good looking. Secondly, you probably don't know how to flirt correctly because you are so young. I am guessing you made sexual connotations and that never works with girls. Thirdly, she wouldn't go to a party with you for a first date. So just don't do that again ok?"

"Well don't you have incredible tact!" Rob laughed in shock.

" your self-confidence crushed?"

"Yes." Rob sniffled jokingly.

"You are so stupid." Brian laughed.

"Whatever, so what movie do you wanna watch?" Rob asked.

"Actually, I really am tired. I think I am gonna go to sleep."

"Awww...well if you want to that is fine." Rob frowned.

"I will still be here tomorrow! It isn't like I am going anywhere!" Brian soothed Rob's feelings.

"I know I just enjoyed chilling with you."

"Well I enjoyed chilling with you too, Good Night." Brian said as he walked towards his room and closed the door. Brian stripped down to his boxers and jumped into the bed.

"Finally, a night without tears!" Brian said as he closed his eyes and smiled. "I just hope I can get him to open up." Brian whispered as he drifted off into sleep.

"This has been a really weird day! I can't believe I actually met Fred Durst and two Backstreet Boys." Rob said to himself. "I really do feel sorry for Brian. It is really weird, but I think I might have a crush on him. But that is impossible because I am straight! Rob fought in his head. "He probably doesn't like me anyways. I am too close-minded.

Rob turned the TV off and put threw away all of the trash. He passed Brian's room and cracked open the door to see if Brian was ok. He couldn't hear Brian breathing so he walked closer to see if his chest was moving.

"Oh my god, he is so beautiful!" Rob whispered. "What the fuck did I just say?" Rob quickly ran out the room and shut the door.

"So I am beautiful eh?" Brian whispered and smiled. "How interesting!"

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