Conquering the Straight Boy

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jan 6, 2001


Well, I have been gone for a while and I am a year older and hopefully a better writer now! My name is Rob and I am the writer of Life Saver(which crashed and burned) I hope this is more of a realistic story for you to relate with. This story will contain false information about the lives of the Backstreet Boys and in NO way has anything to do with their real lives! I hope you enjoy this story....I really think this is going to be a good story and I hope you like it. This is just the first like hour of the saga that will hopefully unfold. I hope you like it. Please send all of your comments to or if you have ICQ please send look me up my ICQ# is 59404214.

Thank you once again to everyone who emailed me and ICQed me about this story. This is part two of the saga of conquering the Straight Boy. Hopefully everyone can see who is the straight boy and everything else! Please! I love to hear comments so please keep emailing me! Also if you have already emailed me email me again and give me updates on whether you like it or not! I love you guys!!!!

Thanks for editing this dude! You know who you are!


Robwoke up early the next morning with slobber all over his face. He saw Drew lying next to him with his shirt off also with slobber on his face and he remembered the night before. Drew and Rob had hung out all night long and passed out while drinking a ton of beer and watching movies.

"What a fuckin' night!" Rob said as he cracked his back and scratched his balls. "I hope last night doesn't catch up with me today. I don't need a headache at the party!" Rob walked down the short hallway to his bathroom and quickly turned the shower on and started to take a nice and long piss. The beer he had drunk from the night before sat in his bladder all night and needed its release. Finally, he stripped his boxers off and stepped into the hot shower. The hot water felt great on Rob's tight and tired body. It was obvious that Rob wasn't just the average kid on the block. Rob had a great body that he took advantage off. A tight six-pack glimmered as the soap ran over his chest. His hard pecs were ever so glimmering in the light from the ceiling. Rob grabbed the shampoo and began to lather up his hair when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and there was Drew naked just as he was.

"What the fuck are you doing, fag!" Rob screamed as he pushed Drew out the shower and closed the curtain.

"What man you act like you have never seen a dick before! What is up with you?" Drew asked almost scared that Rob was mad at him.

"I'm sorry dude. It is just that you scared the shit outta me!" Rob laughed it off.

"Oh shit dude! I am sorry. I just figured that we could get both of our showers out of the way faster. And since you aren't gay...I figured I would hop in!" Drew said timidly.

"Naw Brah....I think we have enough time to take our own showers! But thank you anyways Drew...I'll be out in a sec."

"Aight man!" Drew said as he closed the door behind him.

"Damn, that was really weird of him!" Drew said as he shrugged the encounter off and walked back to the TV room. Soon afterwards Rob walked back into the room where Drew was at and sat next to him.

"Are you mad at me?" Rob asked.

"For what?"

"I am sorry I screamed at you and pushed you." Rob said looking down.

" is ok! I promise! I gotta go take a shower...I will be out in a few!" Drew laughed as he punched Rob in the chest.

"Bastard!" Rob laughed as he went to his bedroom and threw some loungin' clothes on. Soon both studs were done with their showers and had some sweats on.

"Well bro! I think I am gonna jet! I have some things I need to do before the party so I will see ya at 7 here? Then we can wait for your girl and we can leave all right???" Drew proposed.

"Sounds good buddy! See ya at 7!" Rob said.

"Later man!" Drew said as he waved goodbye and left Rob's apartment.

The morning sun shined through the window of Brian Littrell's room and lit up his face like a firecracker.

"GOD!!!! SUN!!!!! STOP!!!!!" Brian screamed as he threw his head under his covers and tried to go back to sleep. Brian had had a tough night. He had alienated himself from his friends and in the process upset himself even more. Brian could really tell no one what he was going through. Everyone thought they knew his situation, but no one knew the truth. Brian slowly peeked his head out of the covers and awoke to another beautiful Atlanta day.

"I have got to get in a better mood!" Brian said to himself as he jumped out of bed and strolled into the bathroom. Brian hadn't taken the liberty of introducing himself to his suite. His bathroom was bigger than most hotel rooms anywhere. Needless to say he was surprised when he walked in.

"Whoa! Where is the shower"? Brian giggled slightly. Brian walked through the bathroom and finally got to his shower. He turned on the hot water and slowly turned the cold water on to get it just right for his emotionally distraught body. Brian slowly crept into the shower and was immediately soothed.

"God...this feels SO good!" Brian moaned as he began to wake up more and more. Brian began to daydream again about the recent events in his life and soon lost track of time.

"BRIAN! Get out of the damn shower! Do you know what time it is?" Kevin yelled.

"Uh no." Brian answered.

"It's noon! When did you get in the shower?" Kevin asked,

"I think at 10, but I am not sure." Brian answered. "Why does it matter? I thought we could jerk off this entire vacation if we wanted to!" Brian rationalized.

"You sure can! But don't you think it would be nice of you to spend some time with your friends?" Kevin asked gently.

"Aweeee....Kevin you always make me feel guilty!" Brian pouted sarcastically.

"Whatever Bri....Come on we all wanna go grab a bite to eat.....with YOU!" Kevin said as he walked away from the bathroom door and Brian finished his shower. Brian walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and went over to his closet. He quickly found his favorite outfit and put it on. As a fan of Kentucky, Brian loved the color blue so he put on a blue sweater shirt and some cargo pants. Brian got his UofK visor and finished it of with some Oakley's. Brian looked in the mirror and smiled.

"You are just too fine for your `wife', Brian!" He said as he giggled and walked out the door. Brian caught up with his friends and joined in on the laughter.

"So are you feeling better Brian?" Howie asked.

"I am trying to feel better, but it is very hard to act better when I feel so rotten!" Brian answered. Nick ran up behind Brian and gave him a bear hug.

"I know you are upset about something. I will sit with you and talk about it if you would like." Nick whispered into Brian's ear.

"It's ok Nicky...I will be ok." Brian responded.

"But Brian!" Nick whined.

"End of story!" Brian ended it. The boys piled into the two rent-o-cars and headed off to Applebee's for lunch. Although they had to remain anonymous, it would be easy this time because Applebee's closed down the store just for their arrival. The boys engaged in conversation while Brian stuck to his window. Looking outside in a world he wished he was in. A naïve world, a world that never knew the truth: Brian's truth that he had to live with until he died. Another tear rolled down Brian's face and he quickly swiped it away. The boys arrived at Applebee's in no time and quickly were seated and served.

"Thank you for coming to Applebee's! My name is Jessica and I will be your server for lunch. We can start off with drinks!" The woman said with a great smile. She quickly took down all of the drinks and ran off to fix them.

"So what are our plans for tonight boys!" AJ said hoping to get an answer.

"Well I was thinking we could all go to Six Flags. I am sure they could open it just to us!" Howie suggested.

"I'm sure they would too!" Kevin said in agreement.

"I don't have a problem with that." AJ thirded the motion.

"I'll go if Brian goes." Nick said looking at Brian. Brian was not paying attention to the conversation and did not here what Nick said.

"So Brian. Are you going to come?" Kevin asked.

"What?" Brian said confused.

"I am not going unless you go." Nick said again.

"Go where?"

"TO SIX FLAGS!" They said in unison.

"Uh....we are going to six flags?" Brian asked really out of it.

"Were you not paying attention, again?" Howie asked in an upset tone.

"I am sorry guys. I am just not into there this week. I think I am going to have to pass on that one!" Brian answered as he took a sip out of his drink.

"Well then we don't need to call for the entire park to ourselves. I am sure we can camouflage ourselves just fine!" AJ said perturbed.

"Well there is your answer. I am not going and neither is Brian!" Nick answered as he glanced at Brian staring out the window.

"Let's just order our damn food!" Howie stopped the arguing as the woman appeared at the table's side. "I would like the Chicken Fajitas please." Howie gave his order first.

"The steak will be for me. Well-done!" Kevin asked next.

"I will take the R&C basket please." AJ asked kindly.

"I'll just have Chicken Fingers." Nick said shyly.

"And for you Brian....I mean sir." The girl could not help herself.

"I will have the Oriental Salad then can you bring me a blondie?" Brian asked with a fake smile.

"Sure can...thank you! Your food will be here soon!" The woman took their menus and sped off to the kitchen. Brian hummed a song to himself and the other guys engaged in small talk.

"I am so sleepy!" Brian yawned as he took a sip out of his cup.

"Brian, you slept all day yesterday. You relaxed in the shower for 3 hours and you are still tired?" Kevin asked amazed.

"I am not a day person though. I like the night time." Brian answered.

"I guess. So then why won't you come with us to Six Flags?" AJ asked.

"I don't like roller coasters. I don't like heights! I don't wanna go and be bored." Brian explained.

"Dude, that is the best part about theme parks!" Howie said.

"Yeah, well whatever D." Brian brushed off the conversation. Nick just gazed at Brian trying to figure him out. Nick swung back and forth in his swivel chair and kicked Brian in his side.

"Ouch!" Brian huffed out as he looked at Nick with stupidity. Nick just stared back with curiosity. The pain quickly left Brian's leg and he forgot about it. Minutes later the food came out and all at the table were devouring their food. It had been a while since the boys had eaten together. Usually one of them had something else to do or more recently Brian wasn't in the mood to be around anyone. Finally, they all sat at a table together as friends.

"Well, since we have two cars you and Nick can go back to the hotel. Me, AJ, and Howie will go to Six Flags and stay for a while. Is that cool with you?" Kevin asked Brian.

"That is cool." Brian said as he finished his salad. "I am ready for my desert now!" Brian said as the waitress was behind him carrying his blondie.

"Oh, I am sorry I didn't know you were right there." Brian blushed as he spoke.

"Not a problem. Is there anything else I can help you guys with?"

"No, I think that is it! Can you just bring us a to-go box and our bill?" Howie asked.

"Sure can. I will be right back!"

"She is just like OH MY GOD....way too happy!" Nick said in a cheerleaders' voice.

"Like totally for sure!" Brian giggled along with him. "Anybody want a piece of this brownie? It is too much for me." Brian asked politely.

"I'll have some." Nick asked. Brian cut off a piece with his fork and fed it to Nick like a baby.

"Awwwe....Brian now is feeding Nick! How cute!!!" AJ cooed the two boys.

"Shut up!" Brian said laughing.

"All right guys, here is your check I hope you enjoyed your meal and please come back anytime you would like."

"We will...." Kevin said nicely as the guys walked towards the cashier and the front door.

"All right, your total is 60 that is with gratuity added." The cashier person said.

"K here is my card." Kevin said as he hand her the MasterCard.

"Alright, thank you gentlemen and come again!"

"Bye!" the guys said in unison as they walked back to their cars.

"Ok, so what time will you guys be back from Six Flags?" Brian asked.

"Probably not til late. I would imagine one or two." Kevin answered.

"Ok that is cool. Just come to my room and let me know that ya'll are back and safe when you get in ok?" Brian requested.

"Sure thing dude. We will see you guys later alright?" AJ said as he got into the car and the three guys headed towards six flags.

"Well bud. Let's head back to the hotel." Brian said calmly.

"Ok." Nick said as he got in the other car with Brian and they headed back to the hotel. Not a mile into the ride back Nick interrupts Brian's thoughts.

"Talk to me." Nick demanded.

"About?" Brian asked.

"What's bothering you."?

"Nothing is bothering me. But if you keep asking me what is wrong you are going to get on my nerves."

"It is obvious something is bothering you Brian. You haven't been very social with us lately and you just haven't been your cheerful self lately." Nick explained.

"Well, maybe something is wrong with me, but I don't feel like talking about it right now. Not at this stage in my life." Brian answered back.

"I am your best friend and you can't even talk to me about it???" Nick asked hurt.

"Nick, I am trying to figure out what I really want and who I really am. When I figure it will be the first person I talk to." Brian promised.

"If you say so." Nick pouted. Brian just shrugged Nick's immaturity off and drove the rest of the way to the hotel in silence. It was a short drive back and once they were to their floor they both went to Brian's room to hang out.

"Wanna rent some video games?" Brian asked Nick.


"Ok, Let me call downstairs and we can get them and chill for a little while!" Brian suggested.

"Sounds fine to me." Nick replied. Brian dialed room service and asked for a couple of Nick and his favorite games.

"They should be up in a couple seconds. I am gonna go grab a drink from the machine in Kevin's room. Would you like one?" Brian asked Nick.

"Sprite will be fine." Brian left the room momentarily to get the drink, while he was gone the video system was delivered and Nick began setting it up. "I hope Brian is all right." Nick said to himself. "This is getting out of hand!"

The night came quickly for Rob and Drew. It was now 6:30 and Rob's date for the party would be at his apartment any minute. Drew came over early to give Rob some glow sticks and some rolls.

"Let me go get dressed Drew. By the time I get done, Katie ought to be here and then we can head to Atlanta." Rob explained as he ran back to his room and got out his clothes. The GAP shirt he bought the day before was nicely laid out on his bed and he put it on himself. Rob grabbed a pair of Khaki dress pants and put them on. Rob looked in the mirror and smiled. "God! I look so fuckin HOT!" Rob said to himself. Rob ran out of his room and back into the living room where Drew sat by himself.

"She isn't here?" Rob asked.

"Uh. No she isn't what time did she say she would be here?" Drew asked.

"7:30!" Rob said worried about his date.

"Dude, not only is it only 6:45, but girls are always an hour late!" Drew explained to Rob.

"Oh, well she's got 45 minutes then. I thought it was later than 6:45."

"Nope. Dude, you might wanna go shave. You look like Hairy the monster!" Drew laughed as he pointed out Rob's stubble.

"I completely forgot man! Thanks. I will be right back!" Rob ran back to the bathroom and began to shave. Drew walked towards the window and saw a beautiful woman standing outside the apartment door looking as if she were hesitating to knock on the door. Drew went to the door and opened it quickly.

"Katie?" Drew asked politely.

"Uh, yes?"

"Great! Rob was just waiting for you! Now we can go to the party and not be late!" Drew said happily.

"Uh yeah! About the party. Ummm... I wasn't going to come here at all, but my conscience got to me. I am not gonna go to the party with Rob." Katie said politely.

"Dude! That's not right!" Drew said amazed.

"I am sorry. Please, don't tell him the truth. Just tell him that you have to leave now so you can get in. It is my fault. I didn't want to go with him in the first place. I was just going to play with him. I have to go. Goodbye." Katie said as she walked off quickly. Drew closed the door quietly and sat on the couch waiting for Rob to get done shaving.

"Alright! Is she here?" Rob asked as he returned quickly.

"Naw dude. Umm...I forgot to tell you, but if we don't get there at a certain time we won't be able to get in. I'm sorry dude, but we are just gonna have to go without her." Drew explained to Rob. Rob's face immediately turned from happiness to sadness.

"Rob? You ok?" Drew asked quietly.

"Yeah, Let's go." Rob said as he grabbed his coat and walked out to Drew's car. Drew got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Don't let this one bitch fuck your night up Rob. You are going to have fun whether you want to or not!" Drew tried to cheer Rob up.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just drive!" Rob said as he stared out the window for the entire 45-minute drive to Atlanta.

"There it is Rob! That is where our party is!" Drew pointed out as he veered off the highway and entered the parking lot. There was already a line outside and some people were already high off of their asses.

"They only let people in from 7:30-8:00 so we gotta hope they are fast in getting everyone in!" Drew explained to Rob as he stood and sulked his way in the line.

"Rob. Don't stink this party up!" Drew pleaded.

"I won't. Just leave me alone and I am sure you will have a good time." Rob answered.

"I am not gonna have a good time unless you do." Drew said back. The line moved closer and closer towards the entrance and both Drew and Rob were getting excited. Finally, they were at the front door. Drew pulled out his two tickets and they were in immediately. Drew led the way towards the party floor and once they got there they could not believe their eyes. Lights, smoke, naked girls on poles, rock bands galore, and they were right next to the Limp Bizkit.

"Holy fuck! Fred Durst! You are fuckin' awesome dude!" Drew said to the lead singer of Limp Bizkit.

"Awe yeah man! Hey! I hope you enjoy this party!" Fred said as he walked over to greet more people.

"AHHHH!!!!! I just talked to FRED FUCKIN DURST!" Drew screamed.

"I don't think he would like it if he knew you called him Fred Fuckin' Durst." Rob said as he pulled himself and Drew further and further into the crowd.

"I win again!" Brian said as he turned the N64 off and jumped on the bed.

"I am so fucking bored." Brian said as he sighed.

"I am sorry. What is there to do here?" Nick asked.

"Well, Kevin was saying something about a party here tonight and from the sound of it...I think it just began!" Brian laughed as he could here the crowd outside waiting to get in.

"Wanna go?" Nick asked Brian.

"I dunno. I mean we are a pop group. If they recognized us we would be shot!" Brian joked with Nick.

"No we won't! Come on! Let's go!" Nick pleaded.

"Ohhh.....I guess so. Let me go get dressed." Brian couldn't resist a party. Brian walked to his closet and grabbed one of his shirts and put on some nice pants to go with it. Brian always made his clothes look good because he knew exactly what type complemented his style and taste.

"I'm back!" Brian popped out of his bedroom.

"That was fast. Alright! Let's go!" Nick said as he switched off the light and the two friends headed down to the party floor. The elevator doors opened and they were greeted with the traditional party atmosphere.

"Dude, this party is already off the hook and it isn't even 8o'clock yet!" Nick said as he started bobbin his head to the music.

"Yeah it is pretty tight." Brian agreed.

"Hi, I am Fred Durst! How do you like the party?"

"It's great so far! I am Nick and this is Brian. We are also in a band and we admire you guys a lot!" Nick started a conversation with Fred.

"No shit really? What is the name of your band dude?" Fred asked.

"The Backstreet Boys. Have you ever heard of us?" Brian asked sarcastically.

"No fuckin' way! You guys are Nick Carter and Brian Littrell?" Fred asked surprised.

"You have got to be kidding me! Damn you are gonna have girls all over ya'll tonight!" Fred laughed.

"Well, if you could help us out. It would be cool if you wouldn't tell anybody that we are here. We just wanna chill and have fun if that is alright?" Brian asked kindly.

"Sure, but you have to promise me both of you guys will compete in the dance competition later tonight!" Fred said.

"It's a deal!" Nick said without asking Brian.

"Alright! Enjoy yourself and don't get laid too many times tonight!" Fred laughed as he made his way around the room.

"He's a colorful character isn't he?" Nick laughed as Brian just shook his head.

"Let's go get something to drink!" Nick said as he pulled Brian towards the bar and ordered two drinks.

"I would like a beer!" Nick asked.

"Uh...I will have a jack and coke." Brian requested.

"Sure thing boys." The bartender said as he fixed both of their drinks and they sat down to watch the dance floor.

"So what shall we do first? Grab a drink or hit the dance floor?" Drew asked Rob.

"I need a drink!" Rob said as he ran towards the bar and Drew followed him.

"Uh, Can I get a jack and Coke. Actually, I need to of them!" Rob asked quickly.

"Just give me a screwdriver and that'll be all!" Drew asked next. Their drinks were fixed quickly and Rob downed his first like a shot.

"Rob, take it easy! Don't get drunk on me tonight to fast anyways!" Drew giggled.

"I just need to relax Drew and I will be fine." Rob explained. Rob set his second drink down on the table and watched everyone come in the door and be surprised at all the music stars in the room. Rob reached for his drink and accidentally grabbed the drink while someone else was trying to take his drink.

"Awe, fuck man! I am sorry. I thought that was my drink." Rob said as he kicked himself.

"What do you have?" the man asked.

"Jack and Coke. What about you?" Rob asked.

"The same thing. Kind of weird huh?" the man said.

"Sure is. I am Rob and you are?"

"Brian. Nice to meet you!" Brian smiled as he shook Rob's hand.

"Enjoying the party?" Brian asked Rob.

"To tell you the truth no. I have had a bad day and I just don't feel like being here." Rob told Brian.

"Yeah, I have had a bad week man; Just too many serious things on my mind that I don't want to be there. I need a break and hopefully this party will loosen me up." Brian said.

"Yeah, I hope I get in a better mood before the night is over." Rob smiled.

"So are you from Atlanta?" Brian asked.

"No, I go to school in Athens at UGA, but I am originally from Savannah. What about you?"

"Well, I travel a lot. Everyone thinks I live in Atlanta with my wife, but the truth is I don't have a wife. I am originally from Kentucky though." Brian confessed what he was hiding to Rob.

"Why do you tell everyone you have a wife?" Rob asked curiously.

"Public Relations. I am in a band and there is something about me that if it got out I would be hated all across America." Brian explained.

"That fuckin' sucks dude."

"Sure does. I don't like acting like someone who I am not. I want to be the real Brian not the fake Brian."

"Well, I don't really understand. What about you is so bad that you can't tell anyone?" Rob asked. Brian hesitated to answer, but Rob's crystal blue eyes could not be any more innocent. Brian just felt at ease with Rob and felt as if he could tell him anything.

"Um....I am gay." Brian confessed. Rob's eyes widened big and he almost went sick to his stomach.

"You are what?" Rob asked to confirm his worst fear.

"I am gay." Brian repeated. "You aren't homophobic are you? You seem way too cool to be that close-minded." Brian said in hopes that Rob would still speak to him.

"Uhhh...No...uhhh...No I am not homophobic! Get outta here. As long as you just don't touch my dick I will be ok!" Rob laughed it off.

"You are just like all the other straight guys. Everyone thinks that gay people want to have sex with every guy they see. That just isn't true." Brian explained.

"Yeah, I guess not. So, uhhh. What band are you in?" Rob asked trying not to look Brian with his eyes.

"Well, take a good look at me and guess." Brian said as he smiled.

"Hmmmm....your name is Brian?" Rob asked.


"Last name?"


"No shit?!?" Rob recognized the name. "You are a Backstreet Boy?" Rob asked amazed.

"Yup!" Brian smiled.

"Dude. This is impossible! I thought you were married to some girl!" Rob said amazed.

"Were you not listening to me?" Brian asked hurt.

"Yeah I was listening. PR right? Oh shit dude. You have to act like you are straight when you are really gay! That has got to fuckin' suck!" Rob finally pieced the puzzle together.

"Yes. The hard part is acting like I am ok with it though. I am not ok with it at all and it is slowly killing me." Brian let another tear escape his eye. Rob could not help, but to feel sorry for him.

"Brian, I am sorry dude. I wish I could help you, but I am straight and shit." Rob said as he patted Brian on the shoulder.

"Well, all I need is a friend that isn't in the band. I need someone I can talk to. I need someone who will listen and care. We are going to be in Atlanta for a while. Do you think I can stay at your place for a couple of days." Brian pleaded softly.

"Uhhh...Brian. I don't know you except for the songs that come on radio and I have to admit that I am scared of the whole gay thing. I don't think I am ready to be so close to someone that may have a fantasy about me." Rob said harshly.

"I understand." Brian said as he turned away slowly. Robert pondered the idea in his head. "This guy is really in bad shape. If I help him out I will have a good friend not to mention he is famous! I can't say no to him, he is way too nice!" Rob said to himself. Rob grabbed Brian's chair and turned it towards him.

"All right you can hang with me for a couple of days." Rob said with his killer smile.

"You are kidding!" Brian began to crack a smile.

"Naw man. You are too nice to say no to dude." Rob smiled back and patted Brian on the shoulder. Both Nick and Drew had made their way to the dance floor and were dancing up a storm.

"Is that uh Nick out there?" Rob asked Brian.

"Yeah, that's him!" Brian laughed as he saw Nick

"Is he too?" Rob asked.

"Yeah...but don't act like you know. He has only told me." Brian explained.

"Gotcha. Well if it makes you feel better. If I were gay; WHICH IM NOT! But if I were, I would ask you out on a date before I would Nick." Rob said which made Brian smile extremely big.

"Why thank you!" Brian said as he gave Rob a small kiss on his cheek. The kiss lingered for a couple seconds and butterflies began to enter Rob's stomach.

"No problem Brian." Rob said as he smiled back. Rob and Brian made their way to the dance floor and found themselves next to Drew and Nick.

"Brian, I met this great guy and guess what he's is bi!" Nick said loud thinking that Rob and Drew didn't know each other.

"That's wonderful! Hi I am Brian! Nice to meet you." Brian said as he shook Drew's hand while Drew looked at Rob.

"You are bi?" Rob asked Drew.

"Well I was gonna tell you in the shower, but you freaked out so much that I figured you wouldn't ever speak to me if I told you." Drew explained scared to hear Rob's reaction.

"Well, I am your best friend." Rob said hurt.

"Yeah, but you are also homophobic!" Drew said.

"No I am not! Brian and I are friends and he kissed me on the cheek and I didn't punch his lights out!" Rob said proudly.

"Brian is gay?" Drew asked.

"Well I was gonna tell you before they walked up, but uh yeah!" Nick told Drew.

"Damn!!!!!" Drew laughed as he continued to dance and soon all 4 hotties were dancing up a storm on the dance floor. Before they knew it midnight rolled around and the real party had just begun.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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