Conquering the Straight Boy

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Well, I have been gone for a while and I am a year older and hopefully a better writer now! My name is Rob and I am the writer of Life Saver(which crashed and burned) I hope this is more of a realistic story for you to relate with. This story will contain false information about the lives of the Backstreet Boys and in NO way has anything to do with their real lives! I hope you enjoy this story....I really think this is going to be a good story and I hope you like it. This is just the first like hour of the saga that will hopefully unfold. I hope you like it. Please send all of your comments to or if you have ICQ please send look me up my ICQ# is 59404214.

Thank you to everyone who emailed me about the short prologue!!!! was only two paragraphs, yet I got many emails! Thank you to everyone. Hopefully, more people will be pulled into this story....Can anyone guess what is going to happen???? What you think may not be what happens!

Please email me with comments and questions. Thank you!


From Prologue:

"Why are there so many buses and car here?" Howie asked as the limo pulled around to the back entrance.

"I don't know, but I am sure we will find out eventually."

********** Part One

"What to buy, what to buy?" Robert pondered as he walked through the shopping mall.

"I think I am gonna go with a tight gap nit shirt with some khaki's I already have. That always looks good on me." Robert thought.

Robert walked into GAP and was immediately approached buy a guy with a black headset on with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to GAP! Is there anything I can help you find?" The man said.

"Uhhhh...yeah how bout my personal space??? Damn!" Robert said sarcastically as he walked away from the man and searched for his shirt. The shirt he wanted was easy to spot. They had shirts in every different color, yet Rob knew exactly which color was his: Blue.

"God, I might as well not be a UGA student. I can't even wear my school colors!" Rob grabbed the shirt off the shelf and walked over to the registers in the center.

"Is this all sir?" the cashier woman asked. Rob looked up and was in shock.

"DAMN she is FINE!!!!!" Rob said to himself. "Uh yeah yeah that will be all" Rob said as he smiled with his beautiful smile that he has always had.

"Ok, that will be 27 dollars."

Rob hesitated a minute and pulled out his checkbook and a piece of paper. He filled out the check and wrote something on the paper.

"There you go sweetie." Rob said as he handed the check to her and lingered his hand in hers.

"Uh yeah...thank you sir! Good bye!" The girl said as she hand Rob his shirt in a GAP bag and put the check away. Rob smiled as he walked out the store and sat on a bench outside the mall.

The girl unfolded the piece of paper that Rob gave to her and laughed as she read it:

Hey baby, you are pretty cute. I am Rob and I wondered if you would like to go with me to a kickin' party tomorrow night. My cell number is 555-3456. Please call me ASAP!

Love you,



"Hello?" Rob answered his phone.

"Hi." A voice spoke timidly.

"Hey cutie! What's up."

"Nothing....My name is Katie. Tell me about this party again."

"Well, it is at the Hilton and I think it is some kind of Rock and Roll get together. Every Rock band you can think of is gonna be there! It is gonna be awesome and I kinda need a date!" Rob Explained.

"Why do you want to take me?" Katie asked.

"Well, because you are hot and I would be proud to be your man for a night and maybe longer!" Rob said confidently.

"Oh yeah, well I guess I can go with you. What time is the party?" Katie asked.

"It starts at eight tomorrow night."

"Ok, where do you live and I will meet you there at 7:30." Katie explained.

"You know the University of Georgia Campus well?" The apartments next to the stadium?" I live in apartment number 303."

"Ok....Rob! Well I will see you at 7:30." Katie said.

"Wonderful! See you then cutie!" Rob giggled out with a smile as he hung up the phone."

"YEAH RIGHT!!!!!" Katie laughed as she threw away the piece of paper with Rob's number on it.

"YES!!!! I got the finest girl in the world to be my date!" Rob said with glee as he walked out to his Jetta and drove back to his apartment.

The boy's pulled themselves out of their limo and walked into the Hilton to see awaiting them hosts of bellhops, one for each of the boys.

"Mr. Dourough. Your suite is 1120. I shall show you to your room and your luggage shall arrive shortly there after." The short man said as he showed Howie towards the escalator.

"Mr. Mclean. I will be at your service for the weekend. My name is Reginald. Most peeps call me Reggie." A tall lanky black man explained.

"DUDE!!!! You are black!!! And your name is Reginald!" AJ laughed as Reggie began to snicker along. Yeah yeah...right this way sir! You are in suite 1121. A young woman walked up to Nick and before she could begin her speech Nick interrupeted her.

"I got the only babe bellhop in this place!!!! How lucky can I guy get!" The girl blushed and smiled and then spoke.

"Thank you. Mr. Carter my name is Michelle and I am your room service crew chief. You are in suite 1122. I hope that you enjoy your stay at the Hilton and if you will follow me we can get to your room and you can relax before dinner. "Well thank you Michelle and I will follow you ANYWHERE!!!!" Nick laughed as he winked back at Kevin and Brian.

"He is such an idiot." Brian laughed and went back to staring off into space.

"Hello Mr. Richardson. My name is Samuel and I am your service man for the weekend. I understand you are in the Master suite on floor eleven. All of your conferences and eating times will be in the master suite. Your suite number is 1123 and if you follow me I will show you to it."

"Why thank you sir." Kevin said as he picked his hand bag up and looked at Brian. "You ok cuz?"

"Yeah, I just need a nap to clear my mind. Just my luck I get my room last!" Brian always made a joke in the spare of the moment.

"Allright man. What time do you want me to wake you?" Kevin asked.

"Dinner time....I think that will be long enough."

"OK dude. See you at dinner." Kevin said as he followed Samuel to his suite.

"Let me guess! You are David. And you are here to take me to suite number 1124! Also, my luggage will be here soon and if I just follow you I can get to my room right this way?" Brian recited the speech drilled into the bellhops head perfectly.

"Uh, yeah! Right this way!"

"Thank you sir." Brian spoke softly and followed him.

All the boys were now in their suites. Howie, AJ, Nick, and Kevin went down to the indoor pool and went swimming until dinner time while Brian stayed in his room. Something was on his mind.

"God! Why do I have to be this way!" A single tear streamed out of his eye and slowly, but surely Brian drifted to sleep.

"Dude!!!!!!!" Drew yelled as Rob stepped out of his car with his shirt!

"Drew!!!! WASSSSUPPPP!!!!" Rob yelled back as the slapped hands.

"What did ya buy?" Drew asked.

"Just a tight blue GAP shirt. But I got something better than that from GAP." Rob smiled as he spoke.

"What could it be?" Drew pondered.

"Oh...just the most beautiful girl you could imagine is going to the party with me as my date!"

"DUDE!!!!!" Drew yelled as he laughed.

"For real dog! Now we gotta get you a date!" Rob demanded.

"Naw man. I am not gonna bring a date! Because I know the girls at this party are gonna put out anyways and you know....I am just toooo irresistible!!!"

"Yeah, let me just puke right now." Rob giggled.

"Fuck you!"

"Uh no." Rob defended himself.


"So. Let's play Nintendo for a couple of hours and relax. Then we can order a pizza and get some movies." Rob suggested!

"Sounds cool to me!" Drew agreed.

"Allright man. Go set up the N64 and I will go grab some beer and food from the kitchen. Aight?" Rob explained.

"Aight will do!"

Drew and Rob went their separate ways and came back together minutes later. Rob had the beer and Drew popped in Wrestlemania 2000. After going through QBC2000 and MLB2000 both Rob and Drew were getting restless.

"You are never going to beat me." Drew laughed as he beat Rob at another game.

"Well I am not the twenty year old that drinks beer and plays games every day for fun I actually have a life!" Rob spitted back with laughter.

"Fuck you ass!"

"Why do we always have to fuck after I cuss you out?" Rob laughed.

"I wouldn't fuck you in a million years! If you were the only fuckable object on this earth!" Drew fought back.

"Sure ya wouldn't! Well ass what type of pizza do you feel like eating?"

"Uh...Pepperoni is my fav!" Drew said.

"Well, that is what we are gonna get then." Robert called pizza hut and ordered the pizza while Drew flipped through the Pay-per-view listings.

"Allright, the pizza is ordered. Find any movies?" Rob asked.

"The Patriot, X-Files, Mission on Mars, and The Matrix." Drew answered.

"I wanna see all of them! But let's only pick two. My pick is the Matrix. What do you wanna see?"

"I heard the Patriot was awesome!" Drew replied.

"Allright, can you order those two movies. I gotta go piss here is the phone!" Rob said as he held his dick in one hand and threw the phone with the other.

"I got ya covered Rob."

The rest of the night was spent downing pizza and beer while watching movies. Drew and Rob were best friends since they entered college at UGA. Both being twenty years old, they had their whole lives left to live and they truly close enough to call each other brothers. The two young studs fell asleep next to each other with the tv left on. They were both drunk off of their asses, yet they both knew that tomorrow night would be the party of their lives. ********

"BRIAN!!!!! Wake up!!!!!" Kevin screamed from outside Brian's room. Brian woke up frantically and almost had a heart attack from the racket.

"Damn, damn, damn!" Brian yelled as he got out of the bed and threw so blue silk pants on and a white t-shirt.

"Dinner-time?" Brian asked as he opened his door and light poured into his tire baby-blue eyes.

"Sure is sleepy-head! We even got you some Macaronni!" Kevin laughed out.

"Oh wonderful. Show me the way!" Brian said with no emotion. Brian followed Kevin down the hall to the master suite where the other guys were waiting to eat. Kevin and Brian sat down and they said grace.

"So, I found out why there are so many cars and buses." Kevin spoke after the bread had been broken.

"Why?" Nick asked curiously.

"Well there is the huge Rock and Roll party with a shit load of people here tomorrow night at 8. All the major names in hard rock and pop rock will be here. I say we go out of the hotel at that point. Have our own BSB party by ourselves!" Kevin suggested.

"I agree!" All the boys said except Brian.

"I don't know about tomorrow night, but if I feel like I fell right now tomorrow. I am not going anywhere." Brian spoke up.

"Well, that's your B-Rok. We won't force you to anything you don't want to do." Howie said.

"Thanks D. Guys....I'm sorry, but I am just not hungry tonight. I am going to go back to bed." Brian said as he stood from his seat.

"Ok Frick." Good night buddy.

"Good night Nick....Good night guys.. I am sorry." Brian left the room and went back to his quietly.

"Guys, something is really wrong with Brian!" Aj said.

"Really? You think so?" Kevin said sarcastically. "I think I know what is wrong." Nick spoke.


"He is tired of pretending to be someone he's not. He doesn't want to be fake anymore. He doesn't want to put up a front anymore. He wants to be Brian Thomas Litrell." Nick explained.

"Uh...Nick he is Brian Thomas Litrell!" AJ said.

"You guys just don't understand." Nick said.

"They don't understand!" Brian cried as another tear escaped his eye and he fell asleep.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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