By Astrid Bassira

Published on Jan 19, 2003



There are some people that say I have had a lucky life, usually those who talk behind my back but I am a success because I also have talent and good looks. Some people say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, wealthy family, the best schools and then Oxford University where I achieved enough to be able to take over the business from my ailing father. Steve Jones, my best friend, was my financial brain and business partner while I charmed the investors with my wit and good looks. There was no doubt I had a talent for seduction.

Smiling, I waved goodbye to my beautiful wife, Emily and Steve as I was about to board the `plane, off on another business trip, this time to South Africa. Over six foot tall with sandy hair and, I knew, a boyish smile, I found it very easy to woo the ladies and, of course, the wealth didn't hurt.

Shelia had been easy and our marriage of three months was, from my point of view, a merger as it gave me access to her family's diamond mines. It was time to diversify and her family's assets gave me the capability of moving away from genetic research and pharmaceuticals on which my late father had built the family fortune.

I waved once again before I turned to walk down the bridge to the plane.They had come to see me off at the airport, a sign of Shelia's love and Steve's loyalty. Or so I thought.

The stewardess smiled as she bent over to buckle me in and I smiled back. "It's a long trip from the UK to SA," I smiled, "I hope I don't get bored."

"I'm sure you won't, Mr Robertson."

I lightly touched her arm. "Call me Allan, " I said, letting her have the full force of my smile.

The flight was long but the occasional blowjob from the stewardess in the cramped toilet whiled away the time and I was soon travelling into my hotel in Johannesburg. The hotel staff fawned all over me and I didn't even look at them as I swept through, anxious to sleep so I could attempt to beat the jet lag. I also say that servants are to do the job without being seen, if you notice a servant, fire them immediately.

I had showered and was dressed in a hotel robe when I heard a knock on the door. "Turn down service," a voice called.

"No thank you," I called back.

"It's a special service, Mr Robertson," he persisted. "The management has sent a gift."

A gift? Probably champagne and I was smiling when I opened the door and the black face that was smiling at me was the last thing I remembered.

I woke in a strange room, the lights were bright and I blinked as I tried to move but I couldn't, my body would not respond to my commands. Fighting the panic, I found I could move my eyes and saw I was naked and stretched out what looked like a hospital bed.

The door opened and Shelia Hodges, the head of my research laboratories walked in, dressed in a white hospital coat, her eyes glinting behind her thick glasses. Shelia was a tall powerful woman with short grey hair and there was no doubt she was a genius. Unfortunately, her genius was coupled with a healthy streak of insanity. She was brilliant at research and development but I could never wheel her in to meet the investors, she'd frighten the devil out of them, Lord knows, she frightened me.

"Ah, Allan," she smiled, "welcome back to the land of the living."

"Shelia," I croaked, "what's going on. I can't move."

"Just a muscle relaxant I invented," she smiled. "You are completely frozen and helpless. I suppose you're experiencing some interesting feelings?" She laughed softly and then scratched her head. "It's a pity I don't have some way to record your inner turmoil, your aniexty. Oh well, can't think of everything," she mumbled to herself in a distracted manner.

"What the hell is going on!" I snapped, trying to gain some control through the force of my personality but it was impossible being completely naked in front of her as well as immobilised. "When did you get to South Africa? How long was I out?"

Shelia stood next to me and smiled down, her eyes lingering on my penis. "I heard it was small, it appears the rumours were correct," she said, taking a silver pen from the pocket of her white lab coat to disdainfully poke at it but I felt nothing, nothing at all. "I always suspected your conquests were from your superficial good looks and your wealth rather than your sexual prowess."

I gasped. "What the hell do you think you are..."

"I'm doing whatever I like and I suggest you button your lip so I can explain or I'll immobilise your tongue!" I blinked, shocked at her hard tone and waited. "So much better, Allan," she sneered as she sat in a chair opposite to the bed so I could see her. Shelia crossed her legs, the blue slacks riding up a little to show her sensible flat shoes. "No, you are not in South Africa, you are in England deep inside your own research facility and, before you splutter again, you've been out for two days. As far as the world is concerned, Allan Robertson has disappeared in South Africa and the tabloids are suggesting terrorists and kidnapping. It's all very fascinating, I must admit I have been reading the newspapers avidly lately, enjoying every tiny nuance."

Her words sank in and I felt sick to my stomach. "What's going on, Shelia?" I asked quietly, although my heart was pounding.

"It's really very simple, even for someone of your limited intellect. Allan Robertson, unfortunately, is not going to return from South Africa."

"You're going to kill me?" I said, the horror rising within me. "Why?"

"Why?" Shelia smiled. "Three reasons. One," she ticked off her finger, "I'm being paid to do it by Emily and Steve."

"What?" I exclaimed. "My wife, my friend?"

"Yes, you see, unfortunately for you Emily and Steve are in love. I do so like a good romance, don't you? You will soon, I'm sure," she sniggered. "However, they can't bring themselves to kill you, as they are petrified of the new lie detectors. They do have quite a large motive, I'm sure New Scotland Yard will see that immediately and question them until it's confirmed you've been taken by some terrorist group. They will be able to swear they don't know what happened to you and it will be the truth, they don't know."

"I can't believe it," I whispered, shocked.

"Believe it. They're looking forward to a life together once the mystery of your disappearance is cleared up. I believe the terrorists will be making ransom demands soon," Shelia winked. "They may even send your finger as a sign of credibility or perhaps some other body part." She smiled cruelly and I flinched.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I dare an awful lot, you fool, it's what I do, I dare everyday in this small laboratory. Now, where was I? One, I'm being paid and very well I might add, enough to support me forever. Two, you were going to close my research down and now it's guaranteed to remain open and three, I just don't like you, you've always ignored me as a woman because I wasn't attractive enough for you, not a bimbo, no big hair and large boobs. So I'm treating myself to a small revenge." She laughed. "Well, to be truthful, it's quite a big piece of revenge."

"What are you going to do?" I whispered, hopelessness sweeping over me.

"I'm going to change you," she smiled, standing up and moving closer. "You haven't a clue what I've been doing here, have you?" She sneered. "A lot of people don't. I have been researching cloning, genetic engineering and the process of growing humans for organs etc." I stared at her blankly and she laughed again. "Too much for you Allan? Let me put it simply. I've grown a body, an empty one actually and I'm going to put you in it. Your old body without your mind returns to SA where it will be found." Shelia dramatically placed a hand over her heart. "And I can swear I didn't kill you because you'll still be alive, albeit unrecognisable, but alive."

My head swam, trying to understand what she was saying and she laughed as she took photographs of me with a digital camera. "Something to remember yourself by in the future, to remember what you were." She was still laughing when she injected a syringe into my arm.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, panicking.

"Tut, tut, didn't you listen? Too bad. Goodnight Allan, see you in three weeks or so."


Darkness swirled and I swam toward the light, my head buzzing with a distant voice. "Come on, wake up. Can you hear me?" The voice became insistent and I slowly opened my eyes, the world a blur. "At last," I heard someone say and then a sharp light shone in my left eye and then the right.

The ceiling swam into focus; it was painted powder blue and a fluorescent light glared from the centre. A voice somewhere in the distant said, "Where am I?" and I tried to understand if I had said it or someone else.

I cleared my throat and said, "Where am I?" My voice was weird, high and soft at the same time and I blinked, trying to focus.

"Relax," a voice said and I turned my head to see Shelia smiling down at me. "It appears to have been a success, you're still very much alive, at least."

"I had this dream," I said groggily and realised my voice was still strange so I cleared my throat again. "I had this dream," I began again and stopped as I heard that my voice was still high, different, my mouth even felt different, I felt strange everywhere.

"A dream?"

"I dreamed you kidnapped me, to turn me into something hideous."

"I don't think you're hideous, " Shelia smiled cruelly. "Look," she said holding a mirror in front of me and I yelled in shock when a woman's face looked back, long black hair and an olive skin, dark eyes wide with horror.

"What have you done?" I shrieked, my voice becoming even higher.

"The old Allan Robertson is gone," she said smiling as she sat down. "His body is now in South Africa about to be discovered by the police in a roadside ditch somewhere. Poor Allan, we all cared for him so much."

To my horror, I began to cry, tears rolling down my face and I turned to the wall to escape the shame of Shelia seeing me cry .I heard her leave the room and I lay there for sometime, my mind racing and the tears flowing again every half and hour or so. Could she have changed me? Am I a woman? Tentatively I slipped my fingers under the sheet and flinched when I found breasts, my breasts! The tears came again and I resisted the urge to explore further, I just didn't want to know, although I think I knew in the back of my reeling mind what my fingers would find.

The door opened and Shelia returned and I smelt tea in a cup. Her fingers gripped my chin and she twisted my face around. "Don't you just hate it when the tears start? Men see it as a weakness. No tears, too late for tears, I'm afraid. You're now a woman," she laughed spitefully, "a fitting punishment for a person like you. Sit up!" she suddenly snapped and I found myself struggling to sit up.

"Slowly get out of the bed, we've been manipulating your body while you've been recovering, you'll be weak but able to move."

Tentatively, I crawled from the bed, suddenly realising I was naked and I watched my hands drop to cover my crotch and my breasts. Shelia laughed at that. "A natural reaction for a woman," she said and as I looked at her in confusion, she went on, "You have the knowledge, the body, the behaviours of a woman. In fact, you are a woman totally except you'll retain the memories and thoughts of the old Allan Robertson."

"Why did you do this?" I whispered, looking at myself in the mirror. My new body was one I would have been interested in when I was Allan, long black hair and breasts that weren't overly large but noticeable. What is going on, I demanded silently, looking at myself in the mirror, is that me?

Myself? That wasn't me, was it? I raised my right arm and the woman raised hers, a stunned look on her attractive face. It was I, I realised after lifting a leg, it was. I looked down at my breasts and the woman in the mirror did the same. I tried to focus, to examine the naked woman in the mirror, tried to assimilate what had happened while Shelia sniggered behind me.

The woman appeared to be of Indian ancestry, extremely black hair that trailed down my back, dark eyes, so dark they also appeared black and olive skin. She wasn't tall, petite would be the word someone would use to describe her, medium breasts and large hips. In other words a woman, not ravishingly beautiful but reasonably attractive in an exotic way and a woman!

"Is that me?" I breathed, peering forward at the thick black bush in her crotch but I knew it was, there was no doubt she was me.

"I wish you would listen," She said irritably. "I thought I explained it."

"You!" I suddenly screamed and leapt at her, hands reaching for her throat but she easily brushed me aside, pushing me sprawling against the bed.

"You're a woman now," she laughed, "a small woman and you're no match for a woman of my size so please relax."

"I hate you!" I found myself saying and wished I hadn't, it was so pathetic!

"I'm sure you do. The female responses are kicking in," Shelia said gleefully. "The old Allan will soon be submerged in all that is female. I've done it, I've stripped your good looks from you, I've taken your wealth and I've removed your masculinity, the very essence of you. There is just one more thing I have to take and my revenge is complete."

"What have you done to me?"

"I wish you would keep going on about it, you're becoming very boring. You are now a woman, obviously of Indian descent and of a reasonably attractive appearance. You are female in body and mind but a part of you is still Robertson so you will experience everything for the first time. I'm sure you will enjoy PMS, the cramps, the first days of your period. Of course wondering why that guy you went out with didn't call, wondering if you're effective, attractive and will you ever have children? I think it's marvellous! I haven't tampered with you except for one small thing."

I turned my head. "What one small thing?" I said with dread, part of me still listening to that strange voice of mine.

"I'm afraid you have to obey me." She shrugged. "I couldn't resist it, I thought it would make things easier."

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever I use a certain tone, you will be compelled to obey me. You won't want to but you won't be able to help yourself."

"You're a monster!"

"Probably," she said mildly. "Your new name, by the way, is Ankita. It means; conquered, a symbol, an ornament. Rather appropriate, don't you think?"

"You bitch!"

"It appears you're a bitch as well," Shelia said mildly and then changed her tone. "Ankita," she said sharply, "I think you should get dressed. Go to the wardrobe."

Incredibly, I found myself walking to the wardrobe while trying to keep my hands in front of my groin and my breasts. "Drop your hands," she snapped and I did so. "I think some lingerie?" she laughed. "The slutty pink bra and knickers, suspender belt and pink stockings. I think you'll look sexy in them."

I slipped the panties on and almost with a detached wonder watched as my hands deftly slipped the bra on, clipped it and I then pulled the suspender belt and stockings on. "How did I do...?" I began and Shelia laughed.

"It's in your mind, the knowledge is there and soon the female part of you will engulf what remains of Allan. You will be all woman."

Shelia ordered me to stand in front of the mirror and as I stared at the attractive woman in pink lingerie she showed me the digital photographs of Allan. "That was you and now look at you," she smirked, pointing at the mirror.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the photographs; the photographs of what I was and the tears began to flow again. I had been so handsome, so strong and powerful. I looked at the photograph and at the muscles in my upper arms and wondered why I hadn't noticed how they curved against my chest.

"I've taken it all," Shelia whispered in my ear. "Your masculinity and your wealth, your identity, everything except for one small thing." Shelia pressed a buzzer.

"What?" I croaked, tears still running.

"Your virginity!" Shelia said triumphantly and I looked at her in horror. "The first time is always special, don't you think?"

The door opened and a large man I recognised as one of Shelia's bodyguards stood in the doorway, leering at me. I shrank back in horror, trying to cover myself with my hands as he closed the door.

"There she is, Simon, up and about at last. What do you think?"

"Not bad," he said in an Australian accent.

Shelia smiled at me as I cowered against the mirror. "Simon is the only one who knows about you, Ankita. He brought you here and took the old Allan back and he patiently manipulated you while you were unconscious, exercised all your muscles. Of course, he enjoyed himself looking at your body but now he deserves more, he deserves a reward. Ankita," she said sharply, "on your knees and suck him!"

No, I moaned silently, but I sank to my knees as Simon loomed over me, fumbling with his zipper. "Suck it bitch," he growled, his cock pushing against my lips.

"Take it in your hand, Ankita," Shelia said. "Simon, I had no idea you were so well endowed. Allan would have been humiliated to compare his tiny thing with that."

Humiliated indeed and ashamed, I wrapped my hand around the hot flesh of his cock, gently tugging it to full erection and then began sucking it. I mustn't do this, I silently screamed but I kept at it, his cock and his taste flooding my mouth. Although I desperately wanted to strop, I couldn't, I was on my knees sucking a man, a man!. "Look up at him, Ankita," Shelia ordered and I obeyed. Simon filled his huge fingers with my hair and tugged as I sucked, then, suddenly, he pulled out and almost threw me on the bed.

"No," I cried shrilly as he tugged the panties off, "No! Please!"

His cock pushed against me, I knew, don't ask me how, but I knew I was dry but he pushed and pushed. I called out with the pain, struggling against him but he continued to push. The pain was intense and suddenly he was in me, I could feel him as he moved, tearing against me. He tugged at my bra, pulling my breasts out and squeezed them as he pumped in and out. Stop, I screamed silently, pushing my hands against his hard body but I couldn't even move him, his weight crushing me.

He stiffened and groaned as he ejaculated, I felt it and also felt relief that it was over that he would leave me to my shame. I lay on the bed crying as he pulled out, grinning down at me and I heard Shelia say, "Thank you Simon, can you get the car now?"

"Ok Shelia." The door closed.

"Ankita," Shelia said in that tone, "look at me!" I turned my head, opened my eyes, sobbing quietly. "Remember that!" she snapped. "I've heard you treated women like that in your old life." Did I, I wondered, did I? No, I couldn't have, that was terrible, I wouldn't have done that, I thought, would I? "Now, get dressed, it's time to start your new life."

Groggily, I stood, my panties were around one ankle and I bent to pull them up. My crotch was sticky, wet and with smears of blood. "You might want to put some toilet tissue between your legs, Ankita," Shelia said kindly, "to protect your panties from the blood and other leakages. I don't have any panty liners but toilet tissue is always a good fallback. You won't get pregnant, not this time anyway, it isn't the right time."

Pregnant? The word reverberated within me, I could get pregnant? If that was what

Numbly, I followed her advice, adjusted my bra, noticing my breasts had red marks from Simon's large fingers, and walked to the wardrobe. I was sure I walked in an ungainly manner as I was not at all used to the feel of my new body, the different centre of gravity, the way my legs moved inwards and the constant movement of my breasts. I also found my long hair constantly rustling in my ears to be a trifle irritating.

A grey dress was hanging in the wardrobe and I slipped it on over my head. "Remove the stockings," she said, "they clash with the dress. You'll find some cosmetics and hairbrush so you can make yourself a little presentable. You don't have time to wash, I know you probably feel like it but you can't."

I was frozen inside but I was also amazed at how I easily applied the make up, brushed my hair and made myself look a whole lot better. Shoes with a small heel were on the floor and I put them on.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked quietly when I finished.

"I can't keep you here," Shelia said. "I can't risk that so I've arranged a new life for you. Simon has the car out the back."

Slowly, still in a stupor and uncomfortable in the new body, a body that still hurt from the brutal rape Simon had inflicted on me, I followed Shelia through dark tunnels. At a door, she turned to face me. "Ankita , no one knows about you except Simon and I. I suggest you don't do anything stupid as although you may not realise it now, you need us."

I fully intended to scream for the police the moment we emerged but I just nodded. "Of course."

"I'm not stupid, Ankita," she said. "You probably intend to call out but ask yourself this. Do you think the police will believe you in that body when you say you're Allan Robertson? Then, they'll want to know who you are and you have no identification, no proof and no money. I'd be very careful or you could end up in gaol."

She was right, I had no choice. "I understand," I said coldly in that strange voice and I followed her into the lane where a black car was waiting, motor idling. I sat in the back in silence with Shelia while Simon drove, the dark streets flying by.

Finally, the car pulled up in front of a large house. "Here," she said handing me a purse. "You have identification in there, some other information and a little money. You have a job in that house as a housekeeper. It's better than nothing and they're expecting you."

"But," I started and she waved me quiet.

"It's all there is, Ankita," she said earnestly. "It's a new beginning. What else can you do except prostitution? I'm sure you don't want that! You've been reborn, make the most of it."

"Why can't I stay with you?" I asked in a plaintive voice I immediately hated.

"You are unexplainable. I've done the best I can and you have to build a history, a life. Remember the alternative was death, Emily and Steve don't want any reminders."

I nodded slowly and opened the door. "I don't know if I'll make it," I said quietly, "I don't know what to do."

"Do what is natural, listen to yourself. Simon, get the bag." Simon opened the boot and placed a suitcase on the pavement. "There are clothes in there for you. Good luck."

"Yeah," I said, walking clumsily to the suitcase.

"Ankita?" she called.


Shelia looked a little uncomfortable. "The revenge wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Just thought you should know that. I guess I'm sorry." She waved goodbye slowly, her face pale and the car drove off, leaving me in front of the dark house, before my future.

******************************************************* I will be adding more in the future, I hope as the creative process continues,


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