Connors Pretty Horny

By Connor Witmer

Published on Sep 17, 2017


Connor's Pretty Horny Chapter 1

Note to the Nifty people: I can't wait to see this on the site! 

–Please Read!–

Author: Connor Witmer

Sorry, I know these are super boring. I skip them on almost every story.

Hi all. I’m about 99% sure Nifty is what helped me realize I’m gay, and I have used it consistently through my teens. Now that I’m a little over 20 and have developed as a writer, I decided it was as good a time as ever to give back!

I’ve never tried anything like this before, so I’m counting on you horny dudes to help me  out along the way with figuring out what gets you hard.

Please send me your feedback, encouragement, and ideas for the story to: - thank you so much!

Slinging my backpack off my shoulder and onto my small twin bed, pulling my small laptop out of it as I go, twisting the blinds closed, and throwing myself into my desk chair. Letting the stress of a long Chem lab fall off my shoulders, I pull up a favorite porn clip and haul my cock out of my above-knee khaki shorts- very much the college style of the moment. Basically, repeating the post-Chem jerk-off ritual I’d followed for about a month now.

About a month prior, I’d set off from my parent’s house an hour south of here and the drive was filled with fantasies about what college life might be like. My dick was basically hard the entire drive, even, as I imagined hitting crazy college parties and hooking up with jocks, twinks, and otters alike. Over the summer, I had come out proudly and to great reception by family and friends - even from my dad. Now, I was ready to really get out there and experience hot guy-on-guy action.

Nope. College, in reality, had meant mostly studying and being exhausted this far. Even as a freshman, I was foolishly taking some tough classes and more credits than I needed. Plus, it turned out going to college hadn’t suddenly made me an outgoing, extroverted person. I was out, gay, in college - but still shy, uncertain, and probably gave off a geeky vibe at best - and a nerdy one at worst. Don’t quiz me on the difference between the two in modern culture - but geek is unequivocally better than nerd. In fact, geeks could be sexy.

So, instead of getting wild and crazy in some sort of college locker room orgy, I was jerking off quietly in my dorm. Between videos, the screen went black and I caught a glimpse of myself reflected on the laptop screen. I smirked, as I looked so typically college freshman that it hurt. A short brown haircut, buzzed on the sides, skinny with just the very start of some muscle definition, tall but not quite lanky. Then, the clip started back up again and I was furiously pounding my dick again.

There was a light knock on the door, and I anxiously stuffed my cock back into my pants and minimized the window, pulling up Facebook instead. I huffed and I’m sure my face went red when my suite-mate, Dean, poked his head into the room.

“Hey, Connor - me and the guys are going to go grab dinner if you’re hungry.” Dean was conventionally attractive and was here on a great tennis scholarship. For just a second, my eyes flitted down to his toned calves and my dick throbbed in my shorts.

“Uh–” I was out of breath from the near brush with extreme embarrassment, “I’m gonna pass, I need to finish some homework.” I smiled at him to say ‘I really would come’ - once again trying to suppress my impression as an introvert.

“Cool, we’ll be back in a bit.” Dean turned to leave, but as I watched his face, I saw the tiniest smirk and wondered if he knew what I’d been up to. Even if he had, I doubt I’d been the first dude to jerk off after class… Right? This kind of thing had to happen to basically every set of roommates in the history of men.

I slipped my hand back into my shorts, my knuckles grazing against my zipper as I kneaded my dick and waited to hear the door swing shut behind the guys. When it finally did, I reopened the clip of two hung blonde dudes flip-fucking and went back to stroking.

Well, I did that… and something else, too. Fishing my phone out of the pocket of my shorts that now laid on the floor, I opened Grindr. Now, Grindr isn’t an everyday fascination of mine, and I was still yet to secure a hookup on the app, but today I was feeling especially horny and couldn’t resist temptation. I flipped to a conversation I’d been having over a couple of days with another guy on campus, David. We hadn’t even really made plans to hook up yet, but I found him easy to talk to - and talking over the app kept just enough distance for comfort. I lazily stroked my cock as I looked through pictures he had sent me a few days ago. He had a pretty sizeable dick, probably 7 inches, cut, and thick as hell. My dick swelled back to full attention as I tapped out a quick “Hey, what are you up to this afternoon?”

Probably nothing would come of it - he probably wasn’t even online. Even if he did reply, I’d be way too nervous to seal the deal - David was a sophomore and had clearly been with other guys. I had no experience beyond the clip playing on my laptop in front of me.

Then, before I’d even finished thinking about whether or not I should just close the app and cum - he’d replied: “Sup? Just jerking off, lol.” I huffed again, whispering “Fuck” quietly to myself. I could be brave over text at least.

“Oh ya? Let’s see.” I responded. Within seconds, he had replied with a picture of his hand wrapped around the base of his dick in the midst of his neatly trimmed black pubes. He was standing up and you could see the characteristic V of a nicely toned body and his legs. I had to reply: “Fuck yeah man. I’d love to suck your dick.”

It was a simple, stupid message. I’d said stuff like that to dudes who sent me dick pics all the time on Grindr, and here I was, lips still virgin as ever. But I was crazed with horniness from his last picture, and I actually really could see myself sucking David off with the chance.

“You’re in The W right? Room mates around?” Oh fuck. He was actually trying to make something happen. And my room mates weren’t around. I pulled up my shorts and ventured into the shared living room.  Dean’s door was open, room empty, and Jake’s was too. For good measure, I softly called out “Hello?” - no answer. I was actually alone, and David actually wanted to hook up.

Everything in my brain was saying not to do this. It would be scary. He might want to do more than just get a quick blowjob, and I was definitely not ready for that. He might be weirder in person than he had been on Grindr. Fuck.

“Yeah. I’m alone. Suite B200.” Maybe I had short-circuited or something, and I for sure was letting my dick do the talking here, but I couldn’t let another Chem lab go by without having done something at college. I figured getting down on some thick dick couldn’t possibly be too bad - but again, maybe that’s my dick talking.

“K. I’m in Old House so like not too far. Be there in like 10.” My heart was hammering in my chest. My cock stayed hard, but I probably hadn’t been this nervous since I spoke at graduation last spring. My stomach churned as I stood in the living room, eyes glazed over as I looked down at my phone.

Suddenly, I was in a whirlwind. Nothing could stop my stomach from attempting to explode or my legs from shaking with anticipation and nervousness, but I rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. Three swigs of Listerine later, a mostly useless roll of deoderant, and a light spritz of Febreeze to my button-down blue shirt later, and I felt presentable enough to give my first blowjob. Is this what gay sex was supposed to feel like? I had no idea.

I sat down on the couch and just tried to relax. My cock still throbbed senselessly in my shorts, and I wanted nothing more than to yank them to my feet, rub out a quick one and tell David my roommates had come back unexpectedly. In reality, I had texted Dean while I swished around mouth wash and he said that him and Jake were going to go play basketball after dinner.

After picturing 6 or 7 other disaster-level scenarios for how this could go horribly wrong, I heard a light knock at the door. The bottom of my stomach dropped out as I rose to my feet, cock leading the way and straining against my boxer-briefs, to answer it. Swinging the door open, I was greeted by the grinning David. He honestly was handsome: short black hair and the slight beard that most sophomores were growing out. He wore a tight white t-shirt and was in gray, comfy-looking joggers. There was a noticeable tent in his sweats, the first hint of that thick dick. He was unequivocally handsome, and seeing that goofy pre-blowjob grin helped wash away some anxiety. Not even close to all of it, but I felt like my shaking would be less noticeable.

He walked in and I closed the door behind him. “Hey Conner - sorry, running late to meet a friend at the gym.” He exuded confidence. Usually confident guys put me off, but in this moment, I needed exactly the personality David offered - some clear direction.

“Can we do this kinda quick?” I hadn’t even said a word at this point, and he was groping his cock through his pants. I nodded silently and gave a half smile, running my fingers through my hair. I remembered some words that had guided my life thus far: Fake it ‘till you make it.

Suddenly, David’s handsome face was coming towards me and he pulled me into a kiss. Well, kissing is probably not particularly close to what David initiated. Violent make-out is probably a more apt description. He thrust his tongue into my mouth and pressed his hand against my ass, grinding our cocks together. We kissed, standing there in the living room, before I welled up the courage to whisper in his ear: “I’m looking to just blow you today, if that’s alright.”

I pretty much needed it to be alright, but David didn’t respond before he was placing a hand on my shoulder and pushing me to my knees. In a flash of sweats and black boxer-briefs, his cock was hanging out of his underwear. It had the kind of weight where his thick dick pointed lazily, directly at my mouth. Fuck - I felt like I had never, ever wanted to taste anything so badly. A single glisten of precum hung there, and like I’d done it a thousand times before - I pressed my tongue to his slit at first, then licking down his thick shaft, and finally back up to take the shaft into my mouth. His dick felt so natural there, and using the sum of everything I had ever read online about giving a blowjob, I gently massaged the shaft down my throat, slowly.

I used my hand too, since there was no way I could take the full thing at this point. David groaned in approval as I took his dick into my mouth, and his hand rested on the back fo my head.

“Oh, fuck yeah. Fuck yeah.” He said quietly, as I jerked him off and used my tongue against the head. His dick tasted so fucking good, and hearing him love the feeling was so hot to me. I fished my own dick out of my shorts and stroked it as I sucked him. I did my very best, taking the most length I could and using my hand to supplement the rest. David would groan as I started to withdrawal, and then push me back down again on his cock. My knees rested on the floor and I beat my own cock with more vigor than I could remember.

I looked up at him, and he pushed his t-shirt up with his hand, his face pointed toward the ceiling as he groaned “Fuck, that’s so good.” I looked at his belly and pubes as I sucked him, wondering if I was doing it right - wondering if I should be playing with his balls, or if I was supposed to give him a break, or if I should be using my tongue mo—“Man, I’m going to cum. I’m gonna cum.”

I took his cock out of my mouth but kept stroking, watching his legs shudder and felt his cock sputter as he shot 3 jets of cum over my shirt. Briefly, the thought of swallowing his load flitted through my mind but was quickly rushed away as I felt my own orgasm building. Within seconds after he finished, my own long cock shot a long spurt and dribbled cum onto our laminate floor.

“Fuck. That was awesome.” David said, but he was already pushing his spent dick back into his underwear. “I have to run to meet my friend - but I’ll send you my number on Grindr, we should totally do this again when I have some more time.”

I got steadily to my feet and opened the door for him. I was starting to wonder if we should like, hug or shake hands or something when he said “See you around on campus!” and was gone. A whole blowjob, and I wasn’t sure if I had even said a word to him the whole time.

Maybe that’s just what one should expect from a Grindr blowjob, or maybe David was just that informal. At least, that’s what I was thinking about as I got back on my knees with a paper towel to clean my spent load off the floor. My first college blowjob, finally over - and it wasn’t even half as hard or momentous as I thought.

Hi, if you'd like to leave me feedback on my blog, that would be great too! I'll also include some photos and more updates on my writing process/more discussion. Thank you!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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