Connors Compulsion

Published on Jan 29, 2020


Connor's Compulsion Chapter 7

Connor's Compulsion - Chapter 7 – Going the Distance

You should know by now that this story is a combination of true and fictional events. The premise and the main characters are

based on actual people and real places, but all the names have been changed. Literary liberties have been taken to make the

story more interesting.

Depicted are sexual situations involving underage boys which are very graphic, and will get much more so as the story unfolds.

If you're under the age of 18, or the material is offensive to you, or is illegal in your locale, read no further.

If you have enjoyed reading this account, or any of the other wonderful stories on the site, take a few

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In this chapter Connor unexpectedly expands his sexual adventures beyond his best friend, Evan, and DeAndre. New erotic

experiences are causing the boy to test the limits even more. This chapter does not include piss play – more of that later.

Now, let's get on with the story:

In the half-awake haze of the morning Connor absently touched his puffy little anus, teasing it with one slender finger. His

boy pussy was so tender from DeAndre's powerful fucking that it made the boy wince with mild pain and become wide awake.

He let his fingers trace his ass lips lightly as he recalled the previous evening with his black nemesis – or was DeAndre his

sex partner? The tousle-haired blonde boy roused himself and padded into his bathroom. Since he had taken a shower last

night, he just splashed some water on his face and brushed his teeth again. His small penis began to stiffen as he recalled

what he and DeAndre had done together, but he resisted jerking off because he knew more fun was bound to come soon

enough – this time with Evan.

Connor was already dressed for the day when he stomped down the stairs from his room. His mother was still asleep, taking

the rare opportunity to sleep in. Realizing what a racket he had made coming downstairs, when his mom wasn't up yet, the

blonde preteen tried to be extra quiet as he fixed himself a bowl of cereal. He carried his breakfast into the den and

switched on the TV to watch SpongeBob SquarePants.

When he finished eating, he sat on the sofa with his legs spread wide as he watched cartoons. Without really thinking, his

small hand drifted to his crotch and began rubbing his once-again swelling boy cock. "Fuck," he swore under his breath,

"After last night I can't believe how horny I am." The oversexed young boy really wanted to whack off, but he knew it would

be more fun if he waited until he and Evan could mess around later.

His best friend showed up a couple of hours later; and, as Connor had suggested, Evan had his skateboard with him. Both

boys liked playing around on their boards, but neither was serious enough about it to put in the practice necessary to get

really good at skateboarding. Still, they thought it was cool to go to the skate park now and then – mostly to watch some

of the amazing tricks the more experienced kids could do.

"Mom," Connor called out to his mother, who was busy in the kitchen, "We're gonna ride our bikes to the skate park for a while."

"Oh, Connor," his mom fretted, "You boys need to be careful over there. Watch out for each other, all right?" They chimed in

together that she didn't need to worry, and stormed out the door, waving back.Their boards strapped onto their bikes they took

off, laughing and kidding around with each other.

"I don't know why we go to the skate park, we suck so bad," Evan joked, "And you suck a lot worse than me. I'm gonna act like

I don't even know you."

The place was busier than usual, with kids streaking back and forth in every direction. The two boys had decided to take some

pictures of each other in cool poses with their phone cameras. They set up shots where they would each try to pull off some basic

board moves. Evan was better, and managed a decent ollie one time without busting his butt, which Connor caught on camera.

They played around, skating down the park's long ramp, navigating shallow quarter pipes, pump bumps and bowl corners – and

they weren't too bad at it; but neither had nerve enough to try the park's huge 10-foot deep bowl. They fumbled and fell so many

times it was exhausting; so, they went to catch their breath on a bench under a shade tree. It was Evan who first noticed an

older boy who seemed to be checking them out. When the teenager, who looked to be maybe 17, saw that Evan was looking at

him, he started showing off, dropping down into the bowl, and actually pulling off some impressive tricks. Evan jabbed Connor

with an elbow and inclined his chin toward the older boy so his friend would catch the show. Every once in a while, the tall teenager

would look their way – to be sure they were watching. And they were. The guy was amazingly good, and never fell a single time. A

little later he did some great kickfilps right over a rail at the bottom of the ramp.

Connor was watching intently when Evan poked him in the ribs. "Holy shit," Evan whispered loudly, "You know who that guy looks

like?" Connor shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Remember that time we got on Omegle, and you didn't want us to show

our faces? Remember the guy we were doing it with could suck his own dick, and shot his cum right in his mouth for us? I think that's


"No way, Evan" Connor shot back, "I bet the guy we saw was in, like, Sweden or somewhere. Anyway, his hair was `way different. No

chance it could be the same one – that's impossible."

When the tall skateboarder got close by, as he had been doing, he cut a glance at Evan and Connor and tilted his head ever-so-slightly

in greeting. Impulsively Evan circled his fingers and held his hand at his mouth, moving it in and out, and poking his tongue against the

inside of his cheek as if he was sucking an air-dick. The older teenager caught the obscene gesture, they could hear him laugh as he

dropped smoothly into the half pipe.

"What the hell did you do that for, Fuck Wad?" Connor demanded, "You know what? You're fuckin' crazy."

"Hey," Evan muttered, "If that's the same guy we saw on Omegle, he'll get it."

"How is he supposed to know it was us watching him that time – if it is him? Remember, Shit-for-Brains, he never saw our faces,"

Connor reminded him. Evan shrugged and shot his friend the finger, lacking any snappy response.

For a while longer the boys rode down the ramp and took some more posed pictures. They cruised around on their boards, trying to

look like they were awesome skaters – not that successfully. Finally, they sat on a bench and watched the kids that were showing off

with some pretty incredible tricks. "I'm getting hungry," Connor complained, "You ready to go?" Evan nodded and they started walking

toward their bikes.

"Hey," came a voice from behind them, "Wait up." It was the older teenager that had been watching them all morning. Catching up

with the two very cute boys, the tall young man said, "I'm Gabe," and, sticking out his hand, went on, "You guys need a ride?"

Connor and Evan could get a better look at him so close by now. He was elegantly tall, and had a nice body – not too over-developed.

Connor figured he had to be about 17 years old. His hair was long, light brown, and a little wavy – a lot like a girl's hair, and his face

was smooth and blemish-free. But his best feature had to be his eyes – they were a stunning blue and were surrounded by long

dark eyelashes. Connor peered at him intently to try to see if he was wearing mascara. He wasn't. Those mesmerizing eyes were

almost hypnotic, and, he realized, they looked very much like Evan's, only blue instead of green. Without saying so, both the younger

boys knew it definitely was not the self-sucker they had seen on Omegle.

"Uh, no, that's OK. We have our bikes here," Connor mumbled. "Fuck!" he thought in a rush, "This guy is fuckin' HOT." Maybe it

was his looks, or his hair, or that he was such a fantastic skater – or all of it; but he was making the pretty blonde kid a little bit horny.

"It's cool, no prob," he said, "But I've got a van. We could just load up your bikes and boards, and I could take you home...or

somewhere." Gabe offered a friendly smile, flashing perfect, movie-star teeth.

Connor and Evan looked at each other, uncertain, until Evan decided for them, "OK, whatever..." was all he said. Gabe walked

with them to get their bikes, and then showed them where his van was parked. They chatted amiably, getting to know each other;

and talked mostly about skateboarding as they ambled toward the parking area.

"Well, here she is," Gabe announced when they reached a beat-up 10-year-old Chevy van. The younger boys thought it looked

like a piece of shit, and had a moment of doubt. The older teen smiled and went on, "It's not much, but it's just what I need for my

boards and stuff." Connor and Evan piled onto the big bench seat in the back, both feeling slightly uneasy, and Gabe slid into

the driver's seat. Both of the younger boys noticed that there was a distinct odor that permeated the interior of the van –

vaguely revealing that abundant sexual activities had taken place there. It wasn't anything that could be easily described,

but rather a lingering scent that stirred primitive sensations – traces of pheromones that triggered deep-seated emotions and

stimulated sexual desire.

Unexpectedly, he turned in his seat and locked his eyes on Evan. "I saw what you did back in the park," the older teen said in a

low voice, "Did you mean you want to suck my dick?"

Startled, Evan's pixie face blushed, and he mumbled, ", man. I was just messin' with you." Beside him Connor nodded

in agreement. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it." Connor glared at his friend with a "see, I told you so" look.

His stunning blue eyes darting from one boy to the other, Gabe said in a raspy whisper, "Then can I suck yours?"

Whether it was the tantalizing circumstances of being in the van with a very hot teenager, the smells surrounding them, or just

their usual horniness, Connor and Evan would never know why they allowed themselves into Gabe's carefully-crafted web.

Connor was already feeling his small dick growing harder, and before Evan could say anything, he blurted out, "Yeah, OK, if

you want to." Evan looked at his friend in a near panic, but his hand was rubbing the bulge in his tight jeans. Gabe had figured

correctly that they knew what was up sex-wise the moment these super-cute boys agreed to get into his van.

Smiling at his good fortune, Gabe started the engine and drove out of the parking area. "I know a place we can go," the good-

looking teenager reassured the younger boys. Nervously they glanced at each other, not sure that this was a good choice.

In just a couple of miles Gabe turned onto a dirt road and stopped in front of a sagging barbed-wire gate. He turned to Evan

and asked, "Can you drive?" The eager boy nodded enthusiastically, and grinned at the older teen. Just a few times before

Evan's dad had let him take a turn at the wheel while the small boy sat in his lap. Connor doubted that Evan's experience

counted as being able to drive. "OK," Gabe instructed Evan, "Hop up here and drive through the gate when I get it open.

Got it?" The beautiful young boy beamed at his new friend as he wriggled into the driver's seat when Gabe got out. Evan's

small feet could barely reach the pedals, and he had to stretch to see over the wheel.

On Gabe's signal Evan pressed the gas pedal, and the engine sped up, but the van didn't move. "You gotta put it in `drive',

Dumb Ass," Connor giggled.

"Oh, yeah," Evan muttered. After a bit of fumbling with the controls he managed to get the van through the gate somehow.

Gabe secured the flimsy excuse for a gate, and slid back into the driver's seat, nudging Evan off. When they reached a thickly

wooded spot, he turned off the road and stopped the van in a well-hidden clearing.

What neither of the younger boys knew was that 17-year-old Gabe was a dedicated boy-lover; and had been for as long as

he could remember. He and one of his cousins had started messing around sexually when they were both 7-years-old, and

had kept up their nasty little games for two years, until they got caught. But the scolding they got and the forced separation

was no deterrent for Gabe. Young Gabe found it easy to seduce other boys. They were more eager to engage in all sorts of

sex-play than anyone would imagine. By age 10 Gabe was into internet porn big-time; and his range of sexual activities

expanded considerably. He loved making cute younger boys suck on his small, hard dick, though he would not be able to

produce cum until he was well into his 13th year. From that time on his sexual appetite was insatiable. Skateboarding

became a tailor-made means of attracting sexy little admirers who were willing to do just about anything he wanted. At 16

he got his driver's license, and persuaded his clueless parents to buy the van for him. It had been a long time since his

"sexual experimentation" with his cousin, so they knew nothing of his sexual proclivities, and were somewhat relieved that

he hadn't begged them for a fast sports car.

Getting the van marked a turning point for the young man. It was nothing short of a mobile sex den for boys. Literally dozens

of kids had shed their clothes in it, and let Gabe use them as sex toys. The moment he had laid eyes on Connor and Evan,

he knew he had to lure the gorgeous boys inside. He wasn't certain, but he had guessed that they might already be into sex


"Let's see what you've got," the lascivious teen cooed. Shyly at first, Connor and Evan began to undress at the same time,

as Gabe's hungry eyes savored every move. By the time they were naked, sitting back on the vinyl van seat, their hairless

little stalks were beginning to stiffen. The tall teen stripped quickly, and proudly showed them his rock-hard cock, jutting out

from a thicket of curly pubic hair. Just the sight of these two little beauties made his dick throb. Connor could see that it was

fairly long, and wasn't nearly as big around as DeAndre's black snake; but to Evan it looked gigantic – the biggest dick he had

ever seen in person. A musky, teen-boy scent rose from Gabe's warm genitals – not the smell of a grown man, but the unique

perfume of one poised between childhood and adulthood. It caused a reaction in both of the younger boys that made them

pop boners.

Kneeling in front of the bench seat, he first reached for Evan's slim hips, and pulled him forward so he could get his mouth

on the boy's little white dicklet. "Mmmmm," he hummed, as he took the brunette boy's small penis and scrotum into his

mouth, laving his tongue lovingly over the velvety flesh. The pixie-like Evan hunched his slender hips forward, causing Gabe's

nose to press into his smooth, flat belly. Connor watched intently and fingered his own perfect little penis as Gabe made

love to his friend's dick and balls. Then he maneuvered the younger boy's body so he could lift up his legs to expose his little

boy pussy. The teenager leaned in and lapped at the cute boy's steamy, not-too-clean butt crack and sweet little pucker,

inhaling the intoxicating fragrance of the child's ass. Kissing and licking at the tiny hairless anus, Gabe caused Evan to moan

in pleasure. Sure, Connor had rimmed his asshole before; but nothing like this.

As mind-blowing as this sex show was, Connor was afraid Gabe would want to do the same thing to him. As desperately as

he wanted that, he knew he couldn't allow the teenager to see his hole because it was still so puffy and tender from

DeAndre's epic fucking. The experienced teen would be sure to know that the blonde boy-god had been fucked, and fucked

hard. He was worried that Gabe might blurt out that observation; and it would raise too many questions from Evan.

Connor could see Gabe's long tongue poking into Evan's tight boy-hole as his friend moaned and pounded the vinyl seat with

his small, balled-up fists. Connor could see the older boy's pendulous cock swaying back and forth as he worked over Evan's

delicious boy-ass with his mouth.

All at once Gabe raised his head, grinned at Connor; then reached to scoot his light-weight body closer so he could suck his

cute little stiffy. The teen's mouth engulfed Connor's dick and tight nut-sack entirely. "Fuuuck," the blonde boy thought to himself,

"This guy can really suck a dick!" But when Gabe started to lift Connor's body so he would be able to feast on the kid's sweet

boy-pussy, the younger boy resisted, and whispered, "No, I don't wanna do that." A bit puzzled, Gabe went back to sucking the

tasty mini-cock instead as Evan looked on, curious as well. He was surprised that Connor would turn down a chance to get his

ass eaten out.

All three boys were in sexual overdrive. Gabe was thrilled with his luck at hooking up with two of the most gorgeous young

boys he had ever seen; and Connor and Evan had already been anxiously looking forward to their little sex games for days

before this unplanned encounter came up. The handsome teenager would have loved to stick his long cock in both kids' tight

little asses and mouths, but the fact was that he craved, just as much, sucking the immature dicks of little boys – the younger,

the better. Of course, he had swallowed plenty of young boy semen from cute kids just edging into puberty, but he preferred

the illusion of innocence, as hard little-boy dicklets pulsed to ecstatic dry climaxes in his mouth. His practiced oral ministrations

always gave his boys the maximum pleasure.

Again and again Gabe switched back and forth between Evan's sweet little ass and dick to Connor's delicious ivory penis,

every time bringing each horny kid to the brink of boygasm before turning his attention to the other. As he serviced his

promiscuous little angels, he continually masturbated his own throbbing member. When Connor's slender hips arched up,

pushing his small dick as deep as possible into Gabe's sucking mouth, his whole young body shuttered with an intense dry

climax just as he grasped the teenager's head with both clasping hands, and hugged it tightly against his tingling groin.

Then, gasping for breath like a long-distance runner, the younger boy collapsed back onto the wide seat, his silky blonde

hair feathering out over the vinyl.

Evan's orgasm wasn't far behind. As soon as he was able to free his head from Connor's grip, Gabe turned to take care of

Evan. Lifting the young boy's hips, he began by licking sensually up and down the kid's irresistible ass furrow. His full lips

nipped at the virgin boy-pussy, causing Evan to writhe in ecstasy. Connor, coming down from his orgasmic high, leaned in

to get a closer look at Gabe's tongue-fucking of his best friend's pretty little ass. He smiled at the wet, smacking sounds,

and secretly wished that he could be the one nibbling at Evan's smooth butthole instead of Gabe.

Licking up from under Evan's walnut-size little scrotum, the sex-crazed teen captured the wagging boy meat and began using

his lips to bring it to a gut-wrenching dry climax. The pixie-boy had never felt such sexual stimulation; and his stunning green

eyes rolled back as if he was in some kind of ritualistic trance. His grape-size balls convulsed, trying to produce the young

boy's first ejaculation, but it just wasn't time yet. Evan bucked and shook as he raced to the most erotic climax of his life –

in Gabe's expert mouth. His sweet little ass cheeks clenched as the intense boygasm wracked his beautiful youthful body,

and he grabbed Gabe by his flowing hair and pulled him tight to his heaving groin as if he was straining at the reigns of a

galloping horse.

Then, all at once, his body went limp, and he flopped back onto the vinyl seat cover, his breath coming in gasps as if he had

been held underwater. His rapidly deflating little-boy dick glistened with Gabe's saliva. "Fuuuuck," Evan gasped, "That was

fuckin' amazing!"

Connor, having watched the whole show, giggled and teased, "I thought you were having some kind of fit. You never do that

when I suck your dick." Then he suddenly panicked when he realized that he had revealed their secret to the smiling Gabe,

who wasn't at all surprised to hear the confirmation, and said in a low voice, "And it's not over yet."

The teenager's rigid dick was still unsatisfied; so, with a wicked smile he reached out and scooted the two young boys

close together, hip-to-hip. Then, rising to an awkward, half-standing position, holding onto the seat back with one hand, he

managed to get his rampant cock close to the boys' hairless, softening little dicks. Connor and Evan watched, frozen

in place and fascinated, as Gabe fiercely masturbated his engorged cock. They were impressed that the teen's long

circumcised penis left plenty of exposed flesh both above and below his grasping fist, and how his fat nut sack swung

wildly like a loose, fleshy wrecking ball.

"Ahhh, ahhhh, ahhh," Gabe rasped, "I'm gonna cuuuuummmm." At that moment a torrent of thick cum jetted out of the

angry-looking cock, spattering directly onto Connor's little stub of a dick and across his flat tummy. Then Gabe directed

his still-spurting cock toward Evan's boy-meat; and watched as gobs of pearlescent jism coated the young boy's pubic

mound. Back and forth he pointed his pulsing cock like a fireman's hose putting out a fire. By the time the last of teen's

cum had dribbled out, Connor and Evan were blanketed in warm, oozing semen. The bleachy smell of cum wafted in the

stale air.

Neither kid had ever seen anyone shoot that much cum – even in the wildest porn videos. "Shit," Evan thought to himself,

"Gabe must not have unloaded his balls in, like, a month." Pleased with his hosing down of the cute boys, the teen got to

his knees and bent over to lap at the massive cum load. Licking and sucking at the slimy mess, Gabe vacuumed the

impressive discharge into his mouth and swallowed it down. Curling his tongue around each boy's semi-erect dick he

licked up every trace of the bleachy-smelling jizz, and moaned in pleasure. The angelic-looking boys giggled as Gabe's

tongue traced along the skin above their little hairless dicks, and on up to their smooth bellies. They watched, mesmerized,

as the lumpy gobs of teen cum were lapped up as if Gabe was licking the filling stuff from an Oreo cookie.

When nothing was left but Gabe's glistening spit, the teen kissed their navels, and tickled them with the tip of his tongue.

Now the beautiful young boys actually did feel like they had been in a real porn video. Then the good-looking teen tossed

his head to sweep back his long, wavy hair, and gazed adoringly at the nude boys.

"You two are the hottest kids I've ever seen," Gabe gushed, "No shit, you ought to be in movies... I'm serious." The

boys were flattered, and grinned at him and at each other. But even 12-year-olds aren't quite up to such intense instant

replays; so, after the incredible blow jobs and cum-eating show Gabe had given them, they felt a little self-conscious.

They both realized that they were all naked in a van, not far off one of the city's main roads. What if somebody

happened by?

"You guys want more?" the excited teenager urged.

"Nah," Connor piped up, "We gotta go. My mom will freak out if we don't get home soon. She's probably already

getting worried." The three of them located their tangled clothes, and started getting dressed.

They navigated the barbed-wire gate again, and Gabe headed toward town. "So, where do you live? I can take you

home." The teenager offered. Not wanting Gabe to know where Connor's house was located, they insisted that they

would just like to be dropped off at the skate park. Connor and Evan both liked Gabe, but the idea of him showing

up at the door one day would be hard to explain to Connor's mother.

When they got to the skatepark Gabe drove the van over where there were plenty of empty parking spaces. He turned

off the engine, turned in his seat to look at the boys, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, do you guys have any little

brothers you could bring along next time?" They glanced at each other, and shook their heads simultaneously.

"Sorry, man," Evan said, "We don't have any brothers." Then he went on, his curiosity rising, "You like doing this stuff

with younger kids?" Gabe flashed a wicked grin and nodded. "Uh, how young?" Evan inquired.

"As young as I can get," the good-looking teenager answered in a loud whisper. He didn't elaborate for fear of shocking

his latest conquests; but just about two weeks earlier he had lured two young brothers into his sex van for an hour-long

orgy. One was 10, and the other was 8. It had been quite an education for the two virgin kids.

As they unloaded their bikes and skateboards at the park, Gabe muttered, "I don't see why you won't let me take you

home..." The younger boys said nothing as they strapped their boards onto their bikes. Then they rode off, waving

back at Gabe, heading to Connor's house for a late lunch. Now they had really worked up an appetite.

When they finally got to Connor's house both boys were famished. They charged into the house like stampeding buffalos,

and headed straight for the kitchen. Connor's mom heard them come in and wanted to talk to them. "Where have you

been?" she demanded, "I was getting very worried." She gave them a stern look and went on, "That skate park isn't my

favorite place. I've heard...well, never mind – you're home now." Her mood softened, and she managed to ask, "Did you

have a good time? Did you get any lunch?"

"We had a great time, Mom," Connor chirped, "It's such a cool place. I don't know why you think it's so bad. And, no,

we didn't get any lunch, so we're starving." She sighed, and started getting sandwich makings out of the fridge.

After wolfing down their lunch the boys went up to Connor's room to get cleaned up from the morning's...activities.

They stripped down and ended up in the shower together, helping each other scrub off any possible remnants of

the massive cum load Gabe had shot on them. Playfully they grabbed at each other's dicks until both started to

stiffen. With the water flowing over them, Connor dropped to his knees, and took Evan's cute dick into his mouth.

The brown-haired elf-boy grabbed Connor's wet head, and began an exaggerated face-fuck, his little nuts banging

against his friend's chin. "Fuck," Evan giggled, "I can't believe we're getting all horny again after Gabe's awesome

blow job."

His stiffy popped out of his best friend's mouth and bobbed up like a spring. Then Connor stood up in the shower

spray, and muttered reluctantly, "I guess we better wait `til tonight."

They decided to play around with their skateboards on the driveway. Gabe's skills had impressed them, so they tried

to imitate some of the tricks he had done. Mostly, they just fell on their asses over and over again; but it was fun

anyway. The weather was nice; so they wanted to stay outside as long as they could.

Over a delicious dinner of grilled pork chops and mashed potatoes, Connor's mom beamed at the two incredibly

cute boys, and said, "Tell me all about your day. Did you have fun at the skate park today?" With his mouth full,

Connor nodded enthusiastically, but cut his eyes to see what Evan's reaction would be. "You were gone so long

I was beginning to worry," she went on, "But, hey, that's just what mothers do. So, you'll have to put up with it,

I guess."

The boys gave her the rundown on the excellent skaters they had watched, and admitted that, as for themselves,

they had a lot to learn. They left out any mention of the best skater of all: Gabe. Anxious to change the subject,

Connor turned the conversation to the evening's plans. After talking it over, they decided on just watching a movie.

Connor wanted his mom to head for bed before the fun and games he and Evan would be up to later; so they

picked "Shipwrecked" to watch together to pass the time until then. It was an older Disney movie, but turned out

to be excellent. The Norwegian boy playing the main character, Haakon, is a striking beauty; and during the film

Connor's mother asked Evan, "Don't you think that boy looks a lot like Connor, only maybe three years or so older?"

Evan agreed, and elbowed his best friend playfully in the ribs.

After the movie Connor's mom said goodnight, knowing that the pair would want time to themselves, "You boys

don't stay up all night. Try to get at least some sleep," she admonished them.

They assured her that they were "pretty tired" from their skateboarding, and probably wouldn't stay up much later.

Of course, the truth was that the two little sex-fiends couldn't wait to get upstairs to stage their much-anticipated

boy-orgy, despite, for all the world, looking to her like the picture of innocence.

They had scarcely closed the door to Connor's "boy cave" before they had the computer monitor already

displaying an array of hard-core porn, and both kids had stripped naked. In anticipation of a beyond-his-years

sexual romp with Evan, Connor stood in the middle of his room, a model of boyish perfection. His flawless,

velvet-smooth skin glowed with an exceptional quality: lightly tanned with just a suggestion of amber. He was

one of those children of Scandinavian heritage who, with only nominal exposure to the sun, could achieve

a rich tone that harmonized exquisitely with his flowing, golden-blonde hair and uniquely stunning blue eyes.

Even the area of skin shielded from sunlight was a creamy ivory color, rather than pasty white. Connor was

ideally blonde, but utterly without the washed-out, pale-eyelashed, almost albino look of some blondes.

The boy's perfectly-proportioned penis stuck out hard and proud, angling upward sharply, revealing his

slightly wrinkly little pouch of a scrotum, hugging tightly underneath. One day it would be capable of

producing the precious fluid that could create near-clones of himself, once injected into the right female.

If Michelangelo's David is the ideal measure of manly perfection, then Connor's sublime body and alluring

face had to be the most glorious example of boyhood.

Evan, too, was a boy-lover's dream. His light brown hair was often mussed and a little shaggy. A dusting

of tiny freckles marched across his small nose and upper cheeks, giving him a sort of impish look. His eyes

were his best feature: emerald green – not a darker hazel shade – and perfectly set off by absolutely

stunning long, dark eyelashes. They were the brightest, most sparkling eyes imaginable; and, combined

with his slight build, helped give him an elvish appearance. If he'd had some gossamer wings he would

have been the perfect image of a legendary fairy. His skin tone was quite fair, lighter than Connor's, despite

the fact that he wasn't blonde; and the pliable skin covering his sweet circumcised penis had an almost

translucent quality – like a tiny, beautiful spring roll. Especially together, the two boys never failed to attract

admiring – or was it lustful? – looks from passers-by.

"Look," Connor said, pointing at the screen, "This is hot!" He had managed to find some surprisingly young-

looking boys without have to delve into his "special websites", those featuring really young boys engaged in

graphic sex acts. On the screen were two gorgeous blonde boys who looked possibly 14-years-old, and

maybe even 13. It was a webcam video, homemade porn clearly shot in one of their bedrooms. In the

background there was a curious assortment of boyhood effluvia – everything from stuffed animals and kid

toys to sports trophies and ribbons on the wall, along with a Slipknot poster. The teenage boys on camera

started with some passionate kissing. Their lips locked, and their tongues darted into each other's mouths

feverishly. They had obviously done this many times. "We should do that," Connor suggested, "It looks like fun."

Evan peered at the monitor and fiddled with his stiff dick. "OK," he mumbled, "Yeah, let's do it." It was

something new for Connor, too, since DeAndre always just wanted to get satisfaction using the blonde

boy's mouth and body to service his big black cock. Kissing never entered into his plans. The two best

friends climbed, naked, onto the bed and hugged. Their small hairless dicks bumped against each other

as the boys squirmed around to get comfortable. "I bet Gabe would've done kissing with us," Evan

whispered. Awkwardly at first, the cute boys kissed with their lips pushed out like guppies. Then Connor's

pink tongue snuck out from between his soft lips, and slid across Evan's lower lip, teasing at entering his

warm mouth. Then, trying to imitate the kissing boys they had just seen online, their mouths opened at the

same time, and their tongues came in contact. It was a new sensation for both kids, and a unpleasant one.

As they warmed to the stimulation of tongue-kissing, they grew more eager, and began to let their tongues

wiggle and intertwine like writhing snakes. If they already had erections before, the deep kissing made them

even harder. Now, almost in a state of frenzy, their mouths opened wider, and they used their slippery tongues

to lap at each other's mouths and tangle erotically. As Evan's small tongue plunged into Connor's mouth, the

pretty blonde boy closed his lips on it, and sucked it like a tiny dick. Saliva oozed down their chins and cheeks

as the frenetic kissing went on. Evan quickly caught on, and did the same to his friend's wriggling tongue.

For a full five minutes the young boys probed their joined mouths until their jaws started to get tired. Then,

unable to suppress their desire any longer, Connor pulled away and dove down to take Evan's throbbing dick

into his mouth, balls and all.

The blonde boy sucked and bobbed his head up and down on Evan's stiff little boy-meat, moaning in ecstasy.

He licked, kissed, and massaged it with his tongue; and then rolled his friend onto his back, and lifted his legs

by the underside of his slender thighs, exposing Evan's tightly-puckered asshole. Connor began lapping at

his little lover's winking hole and teasing at it with his stiffened tongue. Though the boys had showered together

just a few hours before, Evan's anus retained a musky, erotic fragrance and taste that drove the blonde boy

wild with passion. He knew that Evan wasn't really into rimming his boy hole, so he wasn't worried about his

friend getting too close a look at his still slightly puffy, DeAndre-fucked asshole. Evan may not have wanted to

put his mouth on Connor's little pucker, but he absolutely loved his friend doing it to him. The brown-haired pixie

boy writhed and slapped the bed before reaching to grasp his blonde buddy's head to hold it firmly in his ass

furrow. Connor was able to push his tongue into the delicious opening and tongue-fuck him passionately. Evan

loved the fact that he had gotten his pretty little ass rimmed twice in one day.

Wanting more, Evan pushed Connor back, and flipped over so he was on his hands and knees, his petite butt

sticking up invitingly. Catching on instantly, the blonde kid spread the soft ass cheeks wide, and got his face right

into his lover boy's trench. Sniffing it as he licked at the now-protruding boy pussy, Connor lost himself in sexual

delirium. He made love to Evan's sweet hole with wicked abandon – kissing it as he had just done with his friend's

mouth. His corn silk hair draped like a fluid curtain, slightly tickling his little lover's ass crack, and adding to the

boy's sexual arousal. "Suck meee," Evan pleaded, beginning to flounce around on the bed. Connor pulled away

from the dripping boy-ass and lay down on his back, letting his best friend straddle his head. Evan poked his hard

boy spike right into his blonde buddy's mouth roughly. Tangling his fingers in Connor's silky blonde hair, Evan

took control, and began wildly face-fucking his best friend. "Ah, ah, ahhh," the pixie boy wheezed, as his young

body stiffened and shuttered. As if he was momentarily frozen, and holding his breath, Evan suddenly reached

an electrifying dry climax in the blonde boy's mouth. Both kids wished he could have squirted ribbons of cum onto

Connor's tongue, just as Gabe had spattered their bodies with his massive load; but not yet, not yet...

Breathing hard, and coming down from a sexual high, the boys flopped back onto the bed. "Whew," gasped

Evan, "That was totally awesome!" After catching his breath, the brown-haired beauty went on, "Man, Connor,

after Gabe sucked us off, I didn't think I would ever get a blow job that great again, but I think you're as good as

him now."

"Since you liked it so much, how about letting me fuck you?" Connor proposed, pushing his damp blonde hair

out of his eyes.

"Nah," Evan said, shaking his head, "I don't think I'm ready for that yet, but I'll give you a good blowjob." Connor

smiled, climbed over his friend's prone body, and brought his rampant boy dick to Evan's pouty lips, as if he

was about to do push-ups over his friend's elvish face. The cute boy opened his mouth, and let Connor's hard

young cock enter his mouth. Hunching his slim hips over his best friend's head, the blonde boy's mini-dick plunged

in and out between Evan's lips like a jackhammer. As he pistoned his small penis up and down in rapid-fire motions,

his small nut sack bounced against Evan's spit-slick chin. He was literally face-fucking his best friend. It didn't take

long for Connor to achieve a gut-wrenching orgasm in his buddy's warm mouth. He let his full weight collapse onto

Evan's face, driving his stiff little penis as deep as it would go in the brunette's sucking mouth. His rock-hard boy

dick convulsed one, two, three times, but nothing came out. It didn't matter anyway, because nothing could have

given him a better feeling – cum or no cum. Exhausted from an incredibly sexy day, both boys rolled over and fell

asleep with the lights still on.

To be continued? If you want this story to go on drop me an email at Your opinions are

always welcome, and your suggestions will be considered.

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Dan Price

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Next: Chapter 8

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