Connors Compulsion

Published on Oct 30, 2019


Connor's Compulsion Chapter 1

Connor's Compulsion – Chapter 1 – A Rough Beginning

This story is a combination of true and fictional events. The premise and the

main characters are based on actual people and real places, but all the names

have been changed. Literary liberties have been taken to make the story more

interesting_. Depicted are sexual situations involving underage boys which are_

sometimes extremely graphic. If you are under the age of 18, or the material is

offensive to you or is illegal in your locale, read no further. If you enjoy reading

this account please consider a generous donation to Nifty! Now, on with the story.

Connor winced as the locker handle pressed hard against his back. The much bigger

black teen looming over him pushed the fair boy's shoulders roughly against the locker,

causing Connor's shimmering blonde hair to fly and his head to slam back against the

steel door with a bang. "Where's my money, fag?" the dark-skinned teenager hissed,

his face almost touching the blonde boy's, their eyes locked. "I tol' you I want my money

ever' day – so where is it?" Connor had turned out his pockets just a minute earlier to

show the black boy that there was no money. Earlier he had furtively hidden his lunch

money in a book on the shelf of his locker, hoping he could hang on to it long enough to

actually buy his lunch later. The few other kids in the hallway had scattered when DeAndre

Phelps slammed Connor against the locker again.

The black bully drove his fist into Connor's gut, causing him to double over in agony.

"OK, OK," he gasped, tears leaking from his eyes, "You can have it." The slight young boy

straightened up painfully and turned to pull the book with the money off the locker shelf.

DeAndre grinned, snatched the dollar bills and stuffed them into his pocket.

Then he once more pushed Connor up against the bank of lockers and kneed the boy hard

in the groin. "Next time don't fuck wit me," he sneered, and turned to strut away.

Connor collapsed on the floor, sucking in sharp breaths. "Middle school is going to be hell,"

he muttered to himself. His encounters with the school's most notorious bully were apparently

going to be a daily event.


Middle school, especially for Connor Sinclair, was shaping up to be the perfect storm. The root

of the problem was the school itself. In a typically illogical scheme to create a racial balance,

a former junior high school in a predominately black neighborhood was converted to serve as

two distinct schools-within-a-school. The upstairs space was planned to be a magnate school

for gifted students in grades 7 through 9, while the ground floor would be retained as an almost

exclusively black neighborhood middle school for the same age group. The idea was – at least

on paper – to achieve racial balance since all the kids in the magnate school were white or Asian.

The plan was, at best, half-baked. The devil was in the details. While the girls in the magnate

classes had their lockers and bathrooms upstairs, near their classrooms, the boys' lockers and

bathrooms were downstairs. A new upstairs kitchen and lunchroom took up what had previously

been a hallway and boys' bathrooms. Teachers served as guards when the magnate students ran

the gauntlet just to get into the school and make a beeline to the stairs to their safe haven. Taunts

and jeers were the normal experience the gifted students had to endure when both arriving and

leaving school grounds.

But the protection was not there for the boys "from upstairs" whenever they had to access their

lockers or go to the bathroom. There were so many complaints of bullying that, before long, the

school administration and teachers just didn't want to hear them anymore. Most of the younger,

smaller boys avoided the bathrooms at all cost; but sometimes when "you gotta go, you gotta go."

There were whispered accounts of nasty business in the boys' bathrooms on the ground floor.

The first few times Connor was stripped of his lunch money he reported the incidents to his

homeroom teacher; but no one in authority wanted to "make waves". For whatever reasons the

pretty little blond boy from the magnate school became the relentless target of DeAndre Phelps,

an almost 6-foot 9th grader who could have easily passed for 18 years old. Twice he had been

held back from advancing to the next grade. He was feared even by the other black kids, and

more than a few of the teachers. DeAndre was not bulked up, but possessed an enviable physique

and handsome face. His skin was quite dark, almost black, and his eyes were the deepest brown,

reflecting his Sudanese heritage. He kept his hair close-cropped and his broad face shaved smooth.

By contrast his teeth were gleaming white, matched only by the flawlessly maintained white of his

high-dollar shoes. He was an imposing figure, and no one was anxious to cross him. Bullying others

came as naturally to him as breathing.

Connor Sinclair was about as different from DeAndre as one could imagine. Small for his 12 –

going-on 13 - years, he could have passed for 11. His best friend, Evan, even teased that he looked

like a 10 year-old. He was a beautiful child with Scandinavian features and satiny, golden tanned skin

dusted with shiny, almost invisible blonde down that sparkled like glitter in sunlight. His abundant corn

silk hair flowed and swayed like a liquid curtain of gold. It swept down, seeming to always fall into place

naturally, covering the tops of his ears and over his forehead to just hide his eyebrows. Connor's eyes

were an intense azure blue with a darker ring of blue surrounding the pupils. They were eyes any woman

would kill for; and his cute little pointy nose was the perfect focus of his even features. In short, he was

one of those beautiful people whose appearance is simply mesmerizing to men, women, and other kids

of both sexes, and always earned a second glance in public.

Connor and DeAndre were on a fateful collision course.



When Connor's single mother, a lawyer in a high-powered corporate law firm, decided to buy a house in

a recently gentrified early 20th century neighborhood she opted to have the house extensively remodeled.

The plan included converting the attic into an upstairs bedroom for her son. Space was carved out for a

narrow stairway access, and a full bathroom was added at one end of the large room. It was a boy's dream

bedroom: flat screen TV with cable, game console, a new all-in-one desktop computer with an oversize

monitor, a memory foam double bed, and a walk-in closet. Best of all, Connor's Mom rarely made the trek

up the stairs to "invade his privacy". It didn't matter too much anyway, because she often worked late, and

frequently had job demands on weekends.

Occasionally there were out-of-town meetings, and she worried about leaving her young son without an adult

to look after him. So she had a line-up of dowdy older women to call on for babysitting duty. Connor despised

the term "babysitter." They were very content to let Connor say "Goodnight" and head up to his room earlier

than expected because he was "very tired". In truth he would waste no time in absorbing himself in every

imaginable kind of pornography. He didn't need to have a credit card – there were plenty of sites that offered

free porn videos. And he knew a lot of tricks. The young blonde kid loved jerking off to – mostly gay – porn and

reaching fantastic orgasms, often two in one late night session. Connor was not old enough to produce semen,

but he loved the pulsing ecstasy of his dry climaxes. He wasn't worried about being found out because his room

was the perfect hideaway. On his first sleepover with his best friend, Evan, it was revealed that both boys

shared similar interests in porn surfing – gay, straight, kinky, and downright perverse - and masturbation. Of

course the next step was imitating sex acts they had watched online. Sucking each other's small, but very hard

dicks was one of the first pleasures they indulged in – all while watching young twinks pump loads of cum into

willing mouths and asses.


"Mom," Connor asked at one of their dinners together, "Can Evan come to our house for a sleepover tomorrow


"Why not?" she said, smiling at her little angel, "I'm glad you have a best friend. I'll call Evan's mother to set it up.

Will that be OK?" Connor grinned and nodded his head enthusiastically.

The next evening Connor and his mother and Evan had a pizza party, and watched the "Bolt" DVD together.

The boys had Cokes to drink, and Connor's mom had a couple of glasses of red wine. It was barely nine, but

Connor's mother kept nodding off, and was sound asleep when the movie ended. Nudging her awake her son

said softly, "Mom, you fell asleep."

Sitting up groggily she apologized, "I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't very good company." Coming more awake she

went on, "You boys don't stay up all night playing video games. Evan, your mother is going to pick you up for

your soccer game at 10 o'clock. I have to go into the office fairly early, but I won't wake you up before I go."

On she babbled," Connor, I'll be home by 1:00, and we'll go out for lunch. Promise me you'll set the alarm, OK?

There are some Toaster Strudels in the freezer for your breakfast." And as she headed down the hall to her

bedroom she continued, "I'm serious. You can stay up for a little while longer, but you need some sleep." 

She was clueless about their planned activities for the night.

"Okaaaaay, we won't stay up too late," the innocent-looking boys chorused at the same time. They couldn't wait

to be left alone. Once up in the attic bedroom hideaway Connor and Evan sat in front of the desktop monitor

peering at a video called "Two Girls, One Cup". They had first heard rumors about it at their elementary school

where kids as young as third graders were daring each other to watch it online. Now was the time they decided to

check it out for the first time.

The scene begins with pleasant piano music and two not very attractive, scantily-dressed women starting to make

out. Right away one of the women turns and holds a plastic cup under her ass. A gush of semi-soft excrement

overfills the cup like sludgy brown soft-serve ice cream. Then both girls start licking the contents of the cup and

shit-kissing each other. In the following few minutes the women eat the shit, rolling it around in their mouths, and

take turns vomiting it into each others' mouth. Great entertainment for elementary school kids.

As might be expected both boys erupted with, "Ewwwwwwww. Nasty!" at the same time as soon as the raunchy

action began. They scrunched up their faces and stuck their fists into their mouths. But, like a train wreck, they

could not stop watching. It was not the first shocking thing they'd watched on the internet, after all. Connor and

Evan were well-versed in online porn surfing, and had been experimenting sexually with each other for a few

months now. Most boys can spring an erection with very little stimulation, and after seeing "Two Girls, One Cup"

both boys were boned up and ready for sex. "Oh man, that was so fucked up," said Evan, rubbing his stiff little rod,

causing it to bounce up and down, "I can't believe they did that for real." Then, arching his back and pushing his hips

outward, he teased, "Look how hard my dick is. I think it wants you to suck it," followed by a cute little giggle. If

Connor was drop-dead gorgeous, Evan wasn't far behind. A swirl of longish light brown satiny hair framed his pixie

face, and a sprinkling of freckles ran across his turned-up nose. His sparkling green eyes were set off by the longest,

darkest eyelashes Connor had ever seen. His looked almost as if he was wearing mascara – but no make-up could

work anywhere near as well as his friend's natural beauty. His even, perfectly white teeth seemed to gleam as he

grinned wickedly and poked his stiff 3 ½ inch penis at his friends face.

Connor leaned in and took the prize into his mouth, having no trouble taking it all in, until his soft lips pressed into

the hairless mound and the small ball sack rested against his chin. Evan wove his fingers into Connor's silky blond

hair and pulled his head against his smooth belly, and then began hunching back and forth, fucking his blonde friend's

mouth. Connor moaned as the small shaft slid in and out over his lips. Then he pushed his tongue out under Evan's

balls, and teased the snug nut sack into his mouth, causing the firm grape size head of the hard little rod to reach the

opening of his throat. He closed his lips over the walnut-size scrotum, trapping his friend's balls and stiff boy cock fully

in his mouth "Aww, fuck Connor," Evan hoarsely whispered, "That feels so awesome. MMMMMMMMMMM yesssss." 

His mouth now filled with Evan's young package, Connor laved his tongue around the baby-soft flesh and sucked it like

a pacifier.

When the tension was too great Evan backed his boy dick out of Connor's suckling mouth and, just as fast, poked it

back between his friend's lips and began face-fucking him with rapid jabs. "Oh, fuuuuck, man..." he gasped, pulling

Connor's head forward, flattening his nose hard against the soft lower belly as he heaved to an electrifying dry orgasm.

More excited than ever Connor put his hands on Evan's slender hips and guided him to the bed, shoving him backward

and laying him out, sprawling on the covers. Impulsively he did something he had never tried before. Putting his hands

under his best friend's legs, he pushed them up, exposing Evan's sweet little pucker. He dove forward and planted his

mouth right on his buddy's tiny asshole and began teasing it with is tongue. It was a new sensation for both boys.

Connor's first taste of another boy's anus was not that unpleasant – it had something of a coppery taste with only a hint

of bitterness. Kissing and lightly sucking on Evan's boy hole, and pushing his tongue in and out feverishly caused the

brown-haired boy to moan and push his little butt up to press harder on Connor's mouth. After several minutes of lapping

at Evan's butthole, in a near frenzy Connor climbed up fully onto the bed and straddled Evan's head. Poking his straining

young rod against the boy's lips, he moaned, "Suck my dick." Evan's lips parted and Connor rammed his stiff 3 ½ inch

shaft roughly into his friend's mouth. The soft wetness enhanced his horniness, and he started jack-hammering his young

cock in and out of Evan's mouth, his little ball sack thumping against the other boy's chin. "Suck it!" he wheezed, "Suck

my dick, cocksucker!"

"Mmmmffff," was the only sound Evan could make as Connor's slender cock shaft pistoned in and out of his mouth. Then,

putting both hands under the sucker's head he lifted it hard against his groin and froze in a gut-wrenching dry climax, his

small penis pulsing on Evan's tongue. Then he rolled off the other kid's head, collapsing onto the bed, gasping from the

exertion. When Conner had calmed down and was breathing softly, Evan giggled, and said, "That was amazing!" and then,

after a long pause, "You licked my butthole. We never did that before. Did you like doing it?"

"Did you like it?" Connor returned, grinning at his buddy. Of course both boys had seen rimming plenty of times online,

so it wasn't such a foreign concept. They just never had done it before.

"It felt totally awesome," Evan replied, "but didn't it know...nasty?". And after a thoughtful moment he went on,

"I don't know if I would wanna do it."

After a few minutes they got up, totally naked, and pulled up X Hamster on the computer, and looked for gay rimming videos.

One particularly hot clip showed a young twink making love to the smooth hairless ass of his boyish-looking sex partner, the

close-up camera showing his tongue darting in and out of the slightly purplish pucker. Using the flat of his tongue he lapped

under the boy's firm scrotum and made his way slowly up to lock his lips on the large throbbing cock that had been bumping

the top of his head. Almost immediately the cocksucker's lucky friend said hoarsely, "I'm gonna cummmmmm."  Impressive

ropes of creamy jism pulsed from the twink's bulbous cockhead. Two or three streams jetted right into the sucker's mouth,

and he opened wider to show the camera the thick coating of cum on his tongue as the jets of semen continued to fill his

mouth. Closing his lips over the pulsing cock, the sucker swallowed the entire creamy load, smiled sweetly, and winked at the


"I wonder what cum tastes like?" Evan mused, "It can't be that bad. A lot of guys make it look like it tastes pretty good."

Connor shrugged as they continued porn surfing. Neither kid had ever tasted cum, since they were each other's only sex

partner, and both were a year or so away from producing semen.

Little did Connor know that his sex world would change drastically when the best friends entered middle school together next

Fall; and not long after that he would learn exactly what cum tastes like...

- To be continued? -

If you liked this story please send me an email at . Since I last posted a story my email address has

changed. Your opinions and suggestions will be welcome. Dan Price

Next: Chapter 2

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