Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Aug 15, 2013


Connor closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He was concerned that Aiden was tired, hurt, or perhaps sad enough that he had needed to shift into his wolf form for the night. He opened his eyes, looked to the floor, and found him curled tightly into a ball, his tail over his nose.

His heart went out to his friend, knowing the terrible thing had recently happened. Connor pulled Aiden's discarded shirt up over his face, inhaling the other boy's scent. It was an exciting mixture of sweat and personal odor and it instantly aroused Connor. He loved Aiden so much he began to wonder to what extremes he might go to protect him from the sheriff's lustful desires. They still had about three weeks before the next moon cycle. Maybe in that time he would come up with a solution.

Connor wasn't cold but he rolled onto his side and pulled his knees up to his chest, something he often did when upset. He tucked Aiden's shirt under his chin so he could continue to breath in its scent. Eventually, he slipped into a fitful sleep for a few hours.

Aiden's lupine body began the rapid process of healing physical damage. The shift to his lupine form would do nothing to ease emotional stress, but he could deal with almost anything as long as Connor were with him. He stilled his whirling mind, as best he could, eventually drifting to sleep as well.

The house grew silent as the night wore on. Outside, the crickets chirped and an owl hooted from within the forest.

Aiden began to dream. As a wolf, he was running through a dense, dark forest. It was foggy and cold, and the mist clung to his black fur. Behind him, Connor was trying his best to keep up, but being human, he was hindered by the many branches and loose footing. Behind them, a large black shape loped along, its arms nearly touching the ground as it pursued. Branches snapped loudly in the night as the creature smashed forward through the forest.

His maker was gaining on Connor. Aiden couldn't help him and Connor was slowing Aiden's own escape. They would both be caught if he waited for his friend. As if he knew what the wolf were thinking, Connor waved him onward. It happened in slow motion, Connor's voice deep and slurred. "Goooo...doonnn'tttt... wwaaaiiittttt..."

Aiden turned and sprinted into the night, putting distance between himself and Connor. What else could he do?

In the dream, Connor turned and saw a large, black shape leap into the air behind him. Its arms were spread wide and its mouth had somehow unhinged so it was nearly three times the size it should be. Strings of saliva dripped from the fangs.

Further up the hill, Aiden stopped and turned around. He could not, no...would not, abandon his friend. He dashed back through the trees but he was too late. Connor's body was on the ground, on his back. The demon wolf was on top of him swinging his clawed hands left and right, ripping chunks of Connor's body away. The woods were covered with blood and it dripped from the leaves to either side of the grizzly scene.

Connor's face was turned in an unnatural position, his neck nearly severed from his body. His eyes fixed on Aiden, the wolf, as he stood nearby watching, unable to save his friend. As the demon wolf buried his muzzle in Connor's shredded chest, Connor's lips moved silently. No sound issued but Aiden knew what he had said.

`I love you' and then the light faded from Connor's eyes. Aiden raised his muzzle and released a mournful howl into the night. His own life holding no purpose now.

On the couch, Connor opened his eyes and looked down to the floor. It was very dark in the room and he wasn't sure what time it was. There was just a hint of light from an oil lantern hanging in the street. Aiden was still sleeping but was very active. The wolf's legs kicked and twitched, as if he were running, and his mouth opened and snapped shut in little bite movements.

Connor smiled. Aiden was probably chasing a fat rabbit or maybe a slow chicken.

The wolf begin to whimper and whine, it's movement becoming more frantic. The sound of claws on the wood floor seemed particularly loud in the otherwise silent room.

Concerned that the noise might wake the sheriff, Connor slipped off the couch and onto the floor behind Aiden. He put his hand on the wolf's chest and gently rubbed the warm, black fur. He felt the muscles beneath contracting and relaxing as Aiden dreamed.

"Aiden..." He leaned his head down and whispered into the wolf's ear. "You are dreaming."

In an instant, Aiden was awake. He looked at the couch and didn't see Connor sleeping. Given the intensity of the dream, he panicked. His head shot upwards, smashing into Connor's face.

"Oww!" Connor raised his hand to his nose and cradled it.

Aiden realized Connor was behind him and turned. He sniffed the air, detecting the scent of fresh blood.

Connor felt his hand becoming wet and realized his nose was bleeding. He was worried about getting any on the floor so he pulled his shirt off and pressed it to his face, tilting his head backwards so his nose was pointed up.

The wolf moved closer and sniffed Connor's face. Aiden began to whine, realizing he had injured his friend. He gently licked at his cheeks and chin, tasting the coppery flavor of blood.

"I'm ok." Connor mumbled through the shirt over his nose. "You bashed me pretty good though."

Aiden sat down and gently pawed at Connor's legs.

After a few minutes, Connor removed his shirt and waited to see if the nosebleed continued. When it didn't, he used the shirt to wipe around his nose and slowly looked down, ready to reapply pressure if his nose began bleeding again.

In the dim room, Connor could barely see that the wolf was sitting in front of him. Although it was difficult to see, Connor knew or sensed that Aiden was upset. "It's ok; you didn't mean to hit me. I should have been more careful." He whispered. "I was concerned the sheriff might hear that racket you were making. You were having quite the dream."

Aiden moved closer and licked at his face again. He kept licking until all the blood was washed off.

Connor began to smile and when the wolf was finished, he reached forward, grabbed the scruff on the side of his head, and kissed his nose. "You're forgiven." He grinned.

Aiden pressed his head to Connor chest and sighed, his nose pressed against Connor's abdomen.

"Hey!" Connor pushed him away. "That's one cold nose you have." He rubbed Aiden's head.

Aiden sat back and stared at Connor. The dream had been so real he was incredibly glad to be awake.

"Why are you staring at me?" Connor asked. "Wait, never mind. I know you can't answer. You'll have to tell me about your dream when you shift back. It looked like you were having a good time chasing something." He stayed on his knees and crawled back to the couch. He carefully set his bloody shirt on the table next to the couch, making sure to keep the bloody part on top. He felt for the shirt Aiden had been wearing.

Aiden padded silently over to the couch, next to Connor. He sniffed the boy's back and side, his nose brushing against his ribs.

"Hey, keep that cold nose to yourself." Connor whispered and placed his hand on the wolf's back. "I'm looking for your shirt, ah, here it is." He found the shirt and was about to pull it over his head when a tongue licked his side.

Aiden licked Connor's chest and tasted a little sweat but mostly clean skin. It was the only way he could `kiss' his friend and he wanted to say again that he was sorry.

"What are you doing?" Connor rubbed the wolf's back, his fingers sliding through the silky fur.

Aiden licked his side again and his tongue flicked across Connor's left nipple.

Connor moaned softly. "Hey...that feels really nice."

Glad he was making Connor happy, Aiden licked him again, focusing more on his chest this time. His warm tongue slid slowly across the nipple and he felt it harden.

"Oh my god..." Connor stopped petting the wolf, lost in the new sensation of a nipple tongue bath. He turned his chest towards the wolf.

Aiden quickly ran his tongue across the right side of Connor's chest; across the other nipple. He felt it harden as well.

"That feels so good!" Connor whispered. He turned and sat down, his back to the couch.

Aiden straddled his legs and alternated licking each side of his chest. He focused on the tender nipples and then moved his nose and tongue down lower. He licked across Connor's belly button.

Connor moaned and slid down until only his head was against the couch. He used his hands to rub his chest and felt the wolf's saliva as he spread it over his skin. "This is kind of gross but I don't care. It feels wonderful." He moaned quietly.

Gently, Aiden thrust his snout between Connor's legs. He inhaled and smelled Connor's musky scent and noticed the boy was rapidly becoming aroused. He gently continued to prod around with his snout, bumping Connor's testicles around.

"Ohhh!" Connor moaned happily. "Here, let me..." He removed his pants and spread his legs. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to but it feels incredible." He placed both hands on the wolf's head and rubbed his ears.

Aiden dipped his head lower and lapped at the underside of Connor's scrotum. He could smell the boy's arousal now and it flooded his senses. He licked around the base of Connor's cock, tasting the faintest hint of sweat. He moved his muzzle to the area between his penis and thigh, where the scent was strongest and inhaled, growling softly.

Connor moaned, unable and unwilling to speak, and scooted away from the couch so he was flat on his back. The floor was cold and hard but he didn't care, so long as the wolf continued to lick his crotch.

Aiden smiled to himself. Connor was lost in a sexual haze and had surrendered himself to the wolf's tongue. He licked the inside of each thigh causing the boy to spread his legs further apart.

Connor stopped touching the wolf and laid his hands on the floor to either side. His breathing was becoming more rapid and his dick had swollen to its maximum state. It began to ooze out the tip, running down the side. He pulled his ankles up to his ass and moaned quietly.

Aiden gently licked up and down the length of Connor's penis, tasting the pre-cum that flowed from the tip. Although he realized Connor might regret what was happening in the morning, Aiden made the decision to take things further.

Connor's breath caught in his chest and he nearly choked when he felt a warm, wet tongue slide up the crack of his ass. It started at the back, licked over his virgin hole, and up over his balls.

"You...that...oh my god!" He lifted his head to gaze at the wolf before smiling and setting his head back down. "Don't stop...please." He begged.

Aiden would have grinned if he could. He resumed licking Connor's hole, tasting the most musky and private part of his friend. Back and forth, up and down, he licked his hole, testicles, and penis.

Connor began to writhe on the floor and brought his hand up, wrapping it around his swollen cock and stroking it quickly.

Aiden continued his anal tongue bath and tried to poke the tip of his tongue into Connor's hole, but it wasn't like his human tongue and it wouldn't go in. Still, the effect on Connor was obvious as he raised his hips and his testicles pulled up tightly in his scrotum.

Several thick streams of semen shot out the tip of his penis and landed on his chest and stomach.

Aiden stopped licking and moved his head out of the way so Connor could relax his legs.

Connor stretched his legs out and gasped for air. "Wow!" He breathed deeply.

Aiden moved closer and sniffed his chest and stomach. The scent of fresh sex assaulted his nose and he greedily licked the warm semen from Connor's chest. He cleaned his friend off and then licked his face.

"Yuck. That tongue has just been in my butt." Connor hugged the wolf's head. "Thank you, that was wonderful. I never know what I mean."

Aiden licked his face once more and then climbed onto the couch. He used his nose to flick his shirt at Connor.

"Thanks, I'm getting cold." Connor pulled his pants back on and pulled the shirt over his head, the material clinging to his damp abdomen. Once he was dressed, he climbed back onto the couch and pulled his legs to his chest again. He shivered a few times and wished he had a blanket.

Aiden stood and gently bit Connor's pants. He pulled his legs down so they were straight and then lay down, his back to Connor's legs and waist.

"You are so warm." Connor put his arm around the wolf and hugged him tightly. "Good night Aiden, for the second time tonight." He laughed quietly.

Aiden sighed deeply and soon both boy and wolf were sleeping.

In the early morning, as the sky was just beginning to brighten, Morgan opened his door and stepped out into the main room. He yawned and stretched, scratching his crotch as he looked towards the other bedroom. The door was open and he could see that the bed was empty.

Slightly alarmed that the boys had already left, he frantically looked around the room. He saw them lying together on the couch. Connor was holding Aiden, who was naked.

Morgan walked up to the couch and squatted down in front of Aiden. He looked over the boy's body from one end to the other, finally settling on his crotch. He longed to touch the boy, use him, but not yet and certainly not with Connor around. That would have to wait until the next visit. Oh, the things he was going to do with Aiden. A small part of him hoped the boy might enjoy the sex too but really, that was not important.

As he moved his gaze upwards his eyes locked with Aiden's, who was awake and staring at him.

"Oh, I didn't know you were awake." The sheriff stood. "Good morning."

Aiden held the sheriff's gaze and sat up, placing his feet on the cold floor. He didn't say a word but it was obvious by his stare and body language that he was not feeling in the mood for conversation. He placed his hands on the couch to his sides, blocking Connor's body with his own.

The sheriff smirked and pulled his pipe from a pocket. "Well aren't you the protective dog." He struck a match on his boot and lit the pipe. After a few puffs he walked to the front door and opened it. "I need to speak with the stable boy but I'll be right back. You two should get ready." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

"What was that all about?" Connor sat up behind Aiden and wrapped his arms around the other boy's chest.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you." Aiden turned his head and kissed Connor's mouth before wiggling free of the embrace and standing. "Come on, I want to get out of here."

Connor stood and stretched. He picked up his shirt and small flakes of dried blood fell off. "Ewww...I can't wear this now." He looked at the bedroom. I'm going to get one of the shirts that belonged to his neph..." Connor stopped speaking and bit his lower lip.

Aiden looked down at the floor and shuffled his feet.

"I'll be right back." Connor removed Aiden's shirt and tossed it to him. He went into the bedroom and returned wearing a shirt. "Are you ok if I wear this?"

Aiden looked up and nodded. "Yes." He sighed and shook his head. "I'm being foolish. It isn't as if the clothing has done anything wrong. It's just cloth."

Connor walked up to him and hugged him tightly. "I know why it bothers you and that's fine. You don't have to wear any of it."

Aiden looked up and their eyes met. His were moist with tears that he was just barely holding back. "I see those clothes and that bed and I can't help feel a connection to the other boys that were here before me. I wonder what happened to them. Did they grow up and leave on their own? Were they killed and are buried somewhere in the forest?"

"Try not to think about that. For now, think about me and the fact that we need to go home." Connor hugged him again and stepped away.

"I suppose we can bring the clothes home with us." Aiden shrugged.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We need them and once they smell like you I won't have a problem wearing them." He smiled.

"Then I'll try to get them all sweaty and stinky as soon as possible." Connor laughed. "You stay here while I go get them." He walked back into the room and after a few minutes returned with the clothes in a cloth sack as well as the other items his father had asked him to bring home. He placed the three sacks on the floor.

"Are we set?" Aiden looked towards the door, anxious to leave the house.

"Yes, I think so. Are we waiting for the sheriff to come back?"

"I'd rather not but he said something about a note for you parents so I suppose we should."

"Come on then, let's sit down and wait." Connor moved over to the couch and sat down. He carefully folded the bloody shirt so the bloody parts were on the inside and placed it in the sack.

Aiden sat next to him and leaned his shoulder against Connor. "I want to go home." He sounded very sad and tired.

"Me too. I never thought I'd say this but I want to herd the animals and work the fields. This living in a village is not for me. Too many people and not enough to do."

Aiden turned and faced him. "I want to lay in the grass with you again, by the river."

Connor grinned and placed his hand on Aiden's thigh. "And I want you to..."

The door opened and the sheriff stepped into the room.

Connor quickly removed his hand and set them both in his lap.

The sheriff saw them on the couch and nodded. "Are you ready?"

"Yes sir." Connor smiled happily. "I was just telling Aiden that as much fun as it's been staying here with you I'm sure my father has a huge list of chores for us when we return. I know mother will be glad to have us back."

"Well then let me get the letter I told you I'd send back." He walked to his room, leaving the boys alone.

Aiden whispered. "You are a talented liar." He kissed Connor's cheek.

"It's true; father will have a huge list of work for us."

"I have a few things in mind myself." Aiden licked Connor's cheek.

Connor was about to say something when the sheriff walked back into the room, holding an envelope in his hand.

"Here it is. Connor, give this to your father." He handed the letter to him.

"Yes sir, I will." Connor placed the letter in the sack with the clothes and tied it shut.

"Well then, let's get you two on your way." He moved to the door, where the morning sunlight was streaming into the room.

The boys stood and walked to the door. Connor slung the cloth sack with the clothing over his shoulder and stepped past the sheriff, out onto the porch. "Sure looks like a nice day."

Aiden walked past the doorway but before he could join Connor, the sheriff placed his hand on the boys' shoulder and held him back, speaking softly.

"Remember what we talked about. You do not tell anyone about your visit to the forest and I do not tell his parents that you two are in love and what I've seen you doing."

Aiden shrugged off the man's grasp and faced him. "I understand." He pushed past and stepped up to Connor. "Let's go." He stepped off the porch and began walking towards the stable.

Connor turned and waved at the sheriff. "Bye sir. See you in a few weeks." He smiled happily and then ran to catch up to Aiden. "I think he believes I don't know what happened."

"You did a great job. Thank you." Aiden answered quietly.

They walked to the stable and Connor spoke briefly with a different boy who was tending to the horses. In a few minutes, their horse was bridled and ready to go.

"Up you go." Connor grinned and motioned to Aiden to mount up.

"Me? I don't know now to tell him which way to go." He shook his head. "You should ride in front."

"You really don't have to guide him, not as long as we are on a road or path. Horses tend to take the easiest route so he will just plod along."

"I'd rather not."

"Eventually you need to learn how to ride without me sitting with you, especially if we are going to bring another horse home next time." Connor cupped his hands together and motioned for Aiden to step into them.

"Fine but if I fall off and die I'm never speaking to you again." He grabbed the horse's mane with his left hand and stepped into Connor's hands, placing his right hand on Connor's head to balance. He swung his leg over the horses back, nearly kicking Connor in the head, and then quickly grabbed the mane with his other hand.

"I take it he doesn't ride?" The stable boy laughed quietly.

"Just learning." Connor nodded. "Can you help me up?"

"Sure thing." The boy cupped his hands together and Connor easily mounted the horse, settling in behind Aiden.

"Will you please pass me our bags?"

The boy nodded and handed the three cloth sacks up to Connor.

"Thanks." Connor tied the sacks together and draped them over the horse, between himself and Aiden.

The stable boy stepped away and gently smacked the horse on the rump, sending it on its way out into the morning sun.

"Oh crap!" Aiden gripped the horse's mane more tightly as it clumped along the road.

"Relax Aiden, you aren't going to fall off." Connor laughed.

"Well that's easy for you to say. I don't have anything to hang onto up here except some hair."

"It's called the `mane' and it's very strong hair. It's all the Indians hold onto while riding and they've been doing that forever."

"Yeah well I'm not an Indian." He tensed momentarily when the horse stepped on a loose stone in the street and shifted its weight.

"If you want, you can take hold of those two leather straps hanging around his neck. They are called reins and you can use them to steer the horse." Connor tried to hide the laughter in his voice.

"Very funny. I know what they are I just don't want to let go of his hair to hold them." Aiden carefully reached out his left hand and quickly grabbed the reins.

"Well if you can make it to the forest without falling off I promise to hold onto you tightly for the rest of the ride home."

Aiden turned his head slightly and smiled. "Then I will be sure not to fall off."

They rode on and soon enough were into the forest. True to his word, Connor passed the sacks with the clothes and supplies to Aiden who draped them over the horse's neck in front of him.

Connor then scooted forward and got as close to his friend as he could. He pressed his groin into Aiden and wrapped his hands around the boy's chest. "There, how's this?"

Aiden nodded happily. "I wish we could stay like this forever." He arched his back slightly, pushing back into Connor's crotch with his butt. "Feels nice."

"What does?" Connor smiled.

"Having you behind me, pressed up tight like you are." Aiden relaxed and settled back against Connor, as the horse walked on.

"I'll always hold you tight, whenever I can." Connor kissed the back of Aiden's neck, inhaling the arousing scent rising off his skin.

"Connor?" Aiden turned his head slightly.


"Remember what we talked about at the river? About doing more than kissing and sucking each other?"


"I want you inside me." Aiden turned his head and grinned. "As soon as we get home and can go off somewhere private together."

"I've never done anything like that before, remember." Connor looked nervous.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." Aiden nodded. "It's a lot of fun, once you get used to it."

"What's there to get used to?"

"Well, the first few times it can be uncomfortable. After a while it gets easier as you get used to having something inside your butt." Aiden nodded.

"So, tell me about it. Talking will help pass the time." He inched himself forward and pressed his swelling penis into Aiden.

"Hmm..." Aiden looked over his shoulder and down towards Connor's waist. "Maybe we should just climb down and try it right here." He laughed.

"I wish!" Connor laughed. "But you never know when someone will ride up the road and I don't want that kind of trouble."

"Yeah, you are right." Aiden faced forward.

"So?" Connor hugged him tightly.

"So first, we go somewhere private."

"Well that much I know."

"Then, we strip each other naked."

"I like that part." Connor laughed.

"Then, we get comfortable, maybe lie down or get on our knees. Whatever you want."

"Ok." Connor's penis began to feel cramped in his pants and he adjusted it with one hand.

"Then one of us...oh wait..."

"What?" Connor laughed again.

"We will need something to make things slippery."

"Why would we...oh yeah." Connor nodded. "I never thought about that."

"Does your mother have any cream for her hands or maybe scented oils?"

"I don't think so." Connor shook his head.

"Well, I suppose we could always use cooking grease."

"That we have. When she cooks in the pan or pot she often drains it into a cup."

"Do you think you could get some without her knowing?"

"I bet I could. So we will rub that on our bodies?"

"Sort of. For example, let's pretend you are making love to me."

"Hmm..." Connor frowned.

"What?" Aiden looked over his shoulder.

"I'd rather it was you making love to me." He thrust forward slightly, pressing his penis into Aiden's pants again.

"Ok, for the sake of this conversation let's say I am making love to you."

"Good." Connor relaxed again.

"So you are on your hands and knees, in the grass by the river."

"Sounds like fun." Connor rubbed Aiden's chest with his hands.

"I would hope so." Aiden chucked. "So you are on the ground. I take some of the grease on my two fingers and push it into your butt, into your hole and all around the outside."

"Wow." Connor reached down and adjusted himself again, feeling a growing wet spot in his pants.

"Then, I get some more grease and spread it all over my penis, getting it nice and slippery."

"Uh huh..." Connor was beginning to breathe heavily.

"Then I drop to my knees behind you and line myself up with your skinny, greasy butt."

Connor just nodded.

"The first few times I'll go slowly so it doesn't hurt you. I'll probably play around with your hole a bit with one or two fingers, just to get you relaxed and to spread the grease around inside a bit."

"But after that?" Connor's voice was strained.

Aiden turned his head around as far as he could, leaning his body to the side to better face Connor.

"After you are loosened up a bit...I'll slide myself into you. All the way inside. Until we are as joined as two people can be."

Connor swallowed hard and nodded.

"Are you ok?" Aiden smiled.

"Ye...yes." Connor smiled. "I've often thought about doing that...but never had it explained to me so clearly before."

"Well remember, me and my brother used to love each other at night so I've had some practice."

"Will it hurt much? I mean the first few times?"

"Probably not too bad if I take my time getting you all relaxed and ready."

"Does that part feel good too?"

"Oh yeah, that can feel really nice."

Connor closed his eyes and smiled, scooting backwards a bit on the horse's back. He let his hands drop down from Aiden's chest until he was holding onto his hips for support.

Aiden turned forward and was quiet, waiting for Connor to be the first to talk.

For a while, they plodded along in silence. The forest was alive and noisy with the sound of birds and insects, the occasional morning breeze stirring the leaves.

Aiden closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, searching the surrounding woods, but they were alone; at least as far as his maker was concerned. He couldn't tell if other people were nearby but he would always be able to sense...him.

After a while, Connor spoke. "You will do that to me won't you?"

Aiden looked over his shoulder. "I'd rather think of it as the two of us doing something with each other, not to the other."

"Oh...well you know what I meant." Connor dug his fingers into Aiden's ribs, tickling him.

"Hey stop that or I'll fall off!" Aiden shook his body in an attempt to dislodge Connor's hands.

Connor wrapped his arms around Aiden's chest and sighed. "No you won't; I'm never letting go of you."

"Oh my that you mother and father up ahead?" Aiden gasped.

"What!" Connor quickly removed his arms and looked around Aiden, ahead on the road.

"So much for never removing your arms!" Aiden laughed.

"You sneak!" Connor resumed tickling him.

"I'm sorry! Stop please!" Aiden laughed.

The two laughed and talked the rest of the way home, never meeting anyone else on the road. It was early afternoon when they left the trees and entered the grassy area around Connor's home.

"We'd better behave now. You never know when my mother will be looking out the window." Connor sat up straighter on the horse and scooted backwards.

"Here, put these between us." Aiden passed him the sacks with the clothes and supplies.

"Good plan." Connor draped them between himself and Aiden, making it nearly impossible now to press their bodies together.

The headed up the road towards the barn and saw Connor's father working on the cart they had used to haul wood for the fences.

"Hello father." Connor waved.

Bryce straightened up from the wagon and wiped his forehead with a cloth. He looked at the two boys on the horse and the sacks strung between them and smiled.

"Welcome home. I hope you two rascals left the village in one piece." He moved over to help them dismount.

Connor slid off the side of the horse and his father reached up and removed the sacks.

Aiden let go of the reins and looked down to the side. "Umm..."

"Come one already." Connor placed his hand on Aiden's leg and the boy slid off the horse.

"Are you getting more comfortable on a horse?" Bryce asked Aiden.

"No, not really." He shook his head.

"It will come with time." He opened the sacks, one at a time, and nodded approvingly. "Good. I see you have some clothes for Aiden and you got the supplies I asked for. Any trouble?"

"No sir." Connor shook his head.

"Any sign of the man in black?" He faced Aiden.

"No, probably not for a few weeks; until the next full moon."

"Well we have plenty to do before then. I want that second pasture finished so the next time we go to town I can look for a horse."

"Oh, speaking of which, there is a nice one in the stables that the sheriff said we could probably have." Connor nodded.

"Have? How much?" Bryce eyed Connor.

"He didn't say but it belongs to some man who hasn't returned for it so the sheriff said we could get it pretty cheap, I think."

"Well that would be good. I don't have a lot of money to spend on one and I don't want some broken down old nag." He removed the letter from the sack with the clothing. "What's this?"

"The sheriff sent that for you." Connor pointed at the letter.

"Oh really. Anything you want to tell me before I open it?" He eyed the boys suspiciously.

"No sir." Connor shook his head and looked at Aiden who was also shaking his head.

"Well, you two get the horse taken care of and out to pasture while I take these sacks into the house. Come sit with us when you are finished." Bryce turned and walked to the house and went inside.

"Come on." Connor took the reins and led the horse into the barn.

For a while, the boys combed and watered the horse before turning it out to pasture and making their way into the house. When they entered, they saw Connor's mother and father sitting on one side of the table, with their backs to the wall, facing the door.

They fell silent when the boys entered and then his father pointed to the bench across the table from him. He held the letter in his hand and it was obvious he had been reading it.

"You two...sit."

Next: Chapter 9

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