Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Feb 24, 2013


It was mid-morning and Connor walked through the village and down one of the lanes on the opposite end from the inn. He kept his eyes focused on the ground, avoiding eye contact with everyone, in the hopes of making his time away from Aiden as brief as possible. If he had to visit with Clare, he didn't want to add to that time by chatting idly with someone else who might recognize him.

He kicked a small rock in the road as he walked along and grumbled to himself. Going to visit her wasn't high on the list of things he wanted but he knew it was important that the sheriff give a good report to his father. That would go a long ways towards his parents allowing Aiden to stay.

It wasn't long before he arrived at his destination. He looked up as he approached their home, recognizing the small rock garden in front of it. Connor turned down the path leading to the front door and paused, a smile spreading across his face.

"Hi Connor!" A younger boy jumped off the porch and ran towards him.

"Hey Dillon, how are you?" Connor resumed walking and shook the boy's outstretched hand. Holding his hand sent a tingle of excitement through his body but he was careful to release it before it became awkward.

"I'm good. How have you been? I haven't seen you since last summer!"

"Yeah, it's been a while since I was in town. I'm good, thanks for asking." Connor smiled happily. Clare's younger brother was growing up nicely and was becoming a very attractive young man. Connor felt his penis twitch as he looked into the boy's eyes.

Dillon had light brown hair that was cut short, in a bowl pattern around his head. He was a few inches shorter than Connor with a happy face and cute, slightly upturned nose.

"That's good to hear. I thought maybe the werewolf ate you." Dillon laughed and raised his hands like claws. "Rar!"

"What?" Connor's face went blank.

"You know, the monster that's supposed to be in the forest. A lot of people are saying it's a werewolf but I think it's a bear, like the sheriff said."

"Oh, I hadn't heard anyone talking about that. We just got into town yesterday."

"Are your folks with you too? My mother said she has some yarn for your mother."

"No, they are at home. I'm here with...a friend."

"Uh sister is going to be jealous." Dillon laughed. "She talks about you sometimes."

"Oh yeah?" Connor shifted uneasily.

"You bet. So who is this friend? What's her name?"

"It's a boy from...another village. I don't think you know him."

"Oh, ok." Dillon looked around. "So where is he?"

"He is with the sheriff for the day, while I visit with you guys." Connor smiled and motioned that they should continue moving towards the house. "So, what's been happening?" They walked up the wooden steps of the front porch. "I hope you are keeping out of trouble."

"Yeah, mostly. My father got pretty mad at me the other day though."

"Uh oh. What did you do?" Connor veered away from the door and sat on a bench on the porch.

Dillon sat next to him and shrugged. "It's no big deal but he was angry. Clare was being a pain while we were carrying water from the well, going on about Henry said this or Henry did that, so I poured my bucket on her feet, on accident of course. She dropped her bucket and stormed back here, crying the whole way."

Connor shook his head. "That's not good."

"No. Dad was waiting for me on the porch with his switch. I got a few lashes across my back. I pretended to cry but it really didn't hurt that much."

Connor thought briefly about asking Dillon to lift his shirt so he could see the marks, and get a good look at the boy's body, but decided to let it drop. "You said Clare was going on about Henry. Who is that?"

Dillon shifted his feet uncomfortably. "Oh yeah, I guess you don't know about him."

"No, I don't know anyone with that name."

"He's Clare's suitor I suppose. I don't like him. He isn't nearly as nice as you are!" Dillon smiled.

"Oh, I didn't know she had a suitor." Connor frowned but inside he was elated. He liked Clare but had no intention of settling down with her as his wife. He hoped this new development would end the crazy notions his parents had about him marrying her.

"Yeah. Well, he's only been coming around for two months so maybe you can win her back. I'd sure like to see you instead of him!"

Connor faced him and smiled. "I'd like to spend more time with you, and Clare." He quickly added.

"Me too. Oh, by the way, Clare isn't here at the moment. She's out somewhere with Henry." He stuck his tongue out. "Hey, maybe you can have dinner with us tonight. I'll go ask mother."

"Oh, no I can't. Thanks for asking though. I'm having dinner with my friend and the sheriff tonight."

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot you had a friend with you. Well, maybe I'll see you in town again before next spring." Dillon laughed and stood. "Come on. Mother is inside and I know she'd like to say hello."

"That would be nice." Connor nodded and followed the younger boy into the house.

Inside, Dillon's mother was folding clothes on the kitchen table. The house was much larger than Connor's and he looked around, always amazed that there was so much room. There was a second story where the bedrooms were, as well as a sitting room off to the side of the main room.

"Oh Connor." She looked up and smiled. "It's so good to see you!" She approached him and pulled him into a hug. After a moment, she released him and looked around. "Are your parents with you?"

"No ma'am, they stayed home."

"Oh that's too bad. Well I want you to take something home with you, for your mother. You wait here while I get it." She walked into the sitting room and promptly returned with a large ball of red yarn. "I know she wanted this last year and I finally spun enough to make a sweater. Be sure she gets it."

"Yes I will. Thank you." He smiled.

"Oh dear, I suppose you are looking for Clare."

He nodded. "Yes."

"Well...she is off...that is..."

Dillon sighed. "I already told him about Henry, mother."

She looked a little embarrassed. "I see." She sighed. "Oh Connor, it isn't that Clare doesn't like you it's just that we never see you. I think she has grown impatient. You understand, don't you dear?"

Connor put on his most convincing hurt face and nodded. "I do and I'm not upset. I know I should come to town more often but there is just so much to do around the farm. Father keeps expanding the pastures and this year we have more animals than last. Mother says I barely have time to get to bed at night before I'm up again in the morning."

"Well, that is a shame but I know your parents appreciate all your hard work." She handed him the yarn ball. "See that you don't lose this." She smiled. "Now then, I have folding to do so why don't you boys go back outside and entertain yourselves."

"It was nice to see you." Connor dipped his head politely and left the house.

Outside, Dillon closed the door and frowned. "So I suppose you are heading back soon."


"What are you doing now?"

"Nothing I guess, as Clare isn't around. I have a few hours before I'm due back in town. What are you doing?" His pulse was quickening at the thought of spending time with Dillon, rather than Clare.

"I have no plans. You want to walk around town together?"


"Come on." Dillon jumped down the porch steps and Connor followed him.

For three hours, they wandered the village, checking on Connor's horse, and just messing around. Connor wanted desperately to touch Dillon, hold his hand, put his arm around the younger boy...anything, but he didn't. He knew that what he and Aiden shared was special but not the normal relationship between boys. It wasn't worth the risk of alienating Dillon.

In the early afternoon, Connor faced Dillon. "I've had fun spending the day with you. I wish I didn't live so far away."

"Yeah, we could always do stuff together out if you were closer. You are WAY more fun to be with than Henry."

"Oh well, there's always the next time I'm in town." Connor smiled.

"Yeah but that probably won't be until next year!" Dillon laughed.

"Actually," Connor grinned, "I might be back in a few weeks."

"Really? That would be awesome, oh...but I suppose you will want to spend time with Clare, if you can get her away from Henry."

"Maybe, or you, if you aren't busy." Connor's pulse thumped loudly in his ears.

"That would be great!" Dillon beamed. "If we have more time we can go riding in the woods. I'll show you an awesome place I've been going to, by the river. It's really nice. Maybe I can bring a line and pole and we can fish."

Connor frowned. "Do me a favor, don't spend too much time in the woods alone, ok?"

"What? You sound just like my mother." Dillon laughed. "Don't tell me you are worried about the bear."

Connor knew he couldn't reveal the truth but he was worried for Dillon's safety, alone in the woods. "No but it's easy for a horse to step badly and you could be hurt with nobody around to help you."

"Gosh...ok mother...I won't go into the woods alone." Dillon laughed again.

Connor smiled. "Thanks, and yes, I'd like to go riding with you, or anything else you want to do."

Dillon was about to say something more when he squinted into the sun and pointed. "Is that's the sheriff walking this way?"

Connor looked down the street and nodded. His heart leapt with happiness when he saw Aiden, walking next to the sheriff. "I think you are right."

"Is that your friend with him?"

"Yes. His name is Aiden."

"I'll stick around to say hello but then I should be heading home. I didn't tell mother I was leaving with you and she is probably wondering where I am." He shrugged.

They walked towards the sheriff and met them in the middle of town. Connor couldn't hide the happiness in his voice.

"Hi Aiden. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Dillon, Clare's younger brother."

Dillon extended his hand. "Nice to meet you Aiden."

Aiden shook the boy's hand quickly and then released him. "Hello." His voice was quiet.

Connor furrowed his brow. "Is everything alright?" He looked from Aiden to the sheriff.

"You bet." Morgan draped his arm over Aiden's shoulders again. "We've just had a busy day; been walking in the forest for a few hours. I suspect Aiden is tired. Isn't that right?" He looked at Aiden and squeezed his shoulders tightly with his arm.

"Yes." Aiden nodded

"Oh no!" Dillon laughed. "Don't let Connor know you went into the forest. He told me to keep out of it. I think he believes in the werewolf." He lifted his hands again and mock growled.

"A werewolf eh?" The sheriff eyed Connor.

"I didn't say that. I'm worried you will get hurt when you are by yourself." Connor corrected Dillon.

"Yeah, whatever. Well, I should be going home." Dillon shrugged. "It was nice to meet you Aiden. I'll see you around sheriff. Don't forget to come find me next time you are in town Connor!" He turned and waved, making his way back to his home.

"So I see you have been spending time with Dillon. Where is Clare?" The sheriff gave Connor a suspicious glare.

"I did. We had a nice time together. Clare wasn't at home; she was away with her suitor, someone named Henry."

"Henry is her suitor? I had no idea." The sheriff scratched his cheek. "Hmmm, that would explain a few things." He let his arm slide off Aiden's shoulders.

"So, I guess that means I won't be marrying Clare after all." Connor couldn't help the corner of his mouth raising in a slight smile.

Aiden looked away and grinned at Connor's boldness.

"Well don't write her off just yet. If you are going to be spending more time in town, during the full moons, you might just be able to win her back from Henry. You are much more handsome than he is."

Aiden turned his head towards the sheriff but didn't comment. His eyes were squinted and his lip quivered.

The sheriff didn't seem to notice. "Well, at least you gave it a try. Now then, I have to make my rounds. You two will need to entertain yourselves for the rest of the afternoon. We will meet again at the inn at six o'clock." He looked at his pocket watch and then closed its cover. "That's in a bit less than five hours. Try to stay out of trouble."

"Alright." Connor nodded. "What are we doing after dinner?"

"Don't you remember? I am going to take you to the bathhouse. It will be fun."

"Oh that's right. I had forgotten." Connor grinned, looking forward to it.

"We won't stay very late, maybe an hour. I want to get you two home at a decent time so you can get a good night's rest. You will have a long ride back to the farm tomorrow." The sheriff turned to leave and caught Aiden's eye before walking away.

"Come on, let's go back to his house. I want to sit down for a while." Connor reached his hand towards Aiden's but pulled it back at the last minute. "Oops, I almost forgot. No touching in public." He laughed happily.

"No." Aiden shook his head.

They began walking towards the sheriff's home. Connor turned to Aiden as they went.

"What's wrong?" He kept his voice low.

"Nothing." Aiden shook his head.

"Come on Aiden, something is bothering you."

Aiden shook his head again and looked down.

"I'd like to think I know you well enough to recognize when you are unhappy." Connor bumped his shoulder into Aiden. "Are you mad at me for spending the day with Dillon?"

"No, not at all. It's ..." He sighed and shook his head. "Never mind." Aiden looked over his shoulder and saw the sheriff watching them walk away, from across the street. Morgan slowly shook his head from side to side, placed his finger over his lips, and then walked off.

Connor turned around and saw the sheriff leaving. "Is it him, the sheriff? Did he get mad at you for something? Has he changed his mind"

"No." Aiden looked ahead and continued walking.

Connor grabbed his arm and stopped walking. "Aiden please! I know something is wrong. Why won't you talk to me?"

Aiden stopped but didn't face him. "We need to keep walking. Just act normal."

Connor released his arm and resumed walking. "So something is wrong; I knew it."

"We can't talk about it here."

"But we will talk about it, right?" Connor asked.


They continued the walk to the sheriff's house in silence. Connor's pulse was racing and he felt sick to his stomach. Something was wrong, enough to seriously upset Aiden.

They reached the sheriff's house and Aiden stopped. He stared at the small house for a moment, as if seeing it now in a different light. How many other boys had passed through that door under the pretense of sanctuary, only to find betrayal?

"What is it?" Connor looked around.

"Nothing. Let's go inside." Aiden climbed up onto the porch and opened the door.

They entered the house and Connor shut the door behind them. He immediately threw his arms around Aiden and hugged him. "I love you so much. Please tell me what's bothering you. I want to help."

Aiden returned the embrace but was silent, hanging onto Connor tightly.

After a moment, Connor released him and kissed his mouth. "I missed you today."

Aiden kissed him back. "I missed you too. I'm glad you had fun with Clare's brother."

"Come on, let's talk." Connor led them to the bedroom and sat on the bed. "Sit next to me." He patted the bed to his side.

Aiden looked around the room, his eyes settling on the clothes the sheriff had given him. The clothes that had supposedly belonged to his `nephew'.

"Do you want to change clothes?" Connor saw Aiden looking at the clothes.

Aiden quickly shook his head. "No! I don't even want those now!" He looked away and sat on the bed.

"Why not? I thought you liked them." Connor was confused.

Aiden looked at the bed and, as if he saw a snake, stood up and quickly moved away, standing in the doorway. He shook his head and closed his eyes, imagining the sheriff having sex with some boy on the bed.

"What is wrong with you?" Connor raised his voice but it was from concern, not anger.

Aiden slumped against the doorframe and tears formed in his eyes. "If I tell you, I need you to swear to me that you will not tell anyone else. You HAVE to swear! And, you have to act like nothing has happened. If the sheriff finds out I told you..."

"Oh my god, what happened?" Connor rose, grabbed Aiden, and pulled him into an embrace.

Aiden trembled in his grasp and began to cry. "He took me into the woods, to see a friend of his." Aiden choked out the words, his voice breaking. He laid his head on Connor's shoulder.

"Did you see the werewolf, I mean the man with black hair?" Connor lowered his voice. "Is he here in town?"

Aiden shook his head. "No. He took me to a cottage in the woods and another man joined us. He..." His voice wavered.

"Aiden, did he do something to you?" Connor's voice was soft but strong.

In his grasp, Aiden trembled and then sighed. He raised his head from Connor's shoulder. "The sheriff let the man...he allowed him to have his way with me."

"What?" Connor couldn't believe it.

"They secured me to the man's bed and he used me." Aiden wiped his eyes on the back of his hand.

"Oh my god! Why would he do that?"

Aiden looked around the room, like a trapped animal. "I need to get out of here." He turned and walked into the sitting room.

Connor followed him and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. "Let's go walking."

They left the house and stopped in the street, Connor releasing his hand. Aiden's face was red and his eyes were puffy. It was obvious he was upset and had been crying.

He looked down. "I don't want anyone to see me like this. The sheriff might find out."

"Come on, this way." Connor led them around the back of the house and directly to the forest, along the edge of the village. They didn't pass anyone along the way and soon were inside the shade of the trees. He took Aiden's hand again and led him deeper into the forest, until they could no longer see the village.

Aiden stopped walking and hugged Connor. For a while, he was quiet, holding him tightly.

"Are you ok, physically?" Connor's voice was soft.

Aiden nodded. "Yes."

"Good, I'm glad." Connor kissed Aiden's mouth and held him. "I'm here for you, you know this."

After a few minutes, Aiden regained his composure and released Connor. "Let's sit down."

The boys found a dry area and sat in the soft leaves. For a while, Aiden moved the leaves around with his feet, avoiding Connor's gaze.

"So, tell me what happened." Connor gently urged.

"You already know what happened." Aiden spoke quietly.

"Yes but why did the sheriff do that? Do you know?"

"Because he can." Aiden frowned.

"I don't understand. He's supposed to protect people."

"He's a bad man. I'm not the first boy he's taken there, to that cottage."

"How do you know?" Connor lowered his voice.

"Because the other man called me the `new nephew'. It seems I'm the next in a line of boys the Sheriff has done this to."

"Oh my god! We need to tell someone, my parents maybe."

"NO! Aiden turned his head and stared at Connor. "We can't!" He shook his head.

"But he might try to do that to you again."

"He told me the next time we are in town, for the full moon, I have to go back to that house. That next time, the sheriff is going to do it too. He said it is the sacrifice I have to make so you and I can be together."

"No, I won't let you do that." Connor shook his head. "There has to be something we can do, someone we can talk to."

"I was warned not to ever speak of this, especially to you. If he finds out, he will tell you parents about us and it will be over."

"What if we stay on the farm and not come to town during the full moon."

"Out of the question." Aiden shook his head. "My maker will be looking for us and I'd gladly submit to the sheriff, rather than see you killed or ...worse."

Connor took Aiden's hand and squeezed it. "We have some time before the next full moon. Maybe we will come up with a plan."

"There is nothing we can do. You can't speak a word of this and I can't refuse him."

"But you shouldn't have to be forced to do that." Connor felt a tear forming in his eye.

"He said it's acceptable because...because I'm less than human." Aiden began to cry.

Connor moved behind him and sat with his legs alongside of Aiden's. He wrapped his arms around the other boy's chest, hugging him tightly. "I know we've only known each other for a short time but I feel so much love and happiness being around you." He kissed the back of Aiden's head. "You ARE human and you have a right to love and happiness."

Aiden burst into tears and his body shook. "I love you so much Connor. I will do what he says so we can be together. The thought of losing you...I can't even think about it. You are all I have now." He slowly rocked backwards and forwards, Connor moving in time with him.

Connor began to say something when a branch snapped behind them.

"What is going on here?" A woman's voice interrupted them.

Connor turned his head while Aiden quickly untangled himself from Connor's embrace. Both boys scrambled into a kneeling position in the leaves.

A few feet away was an old woman, dressed in worn clothes. She leaned on a cane, a cloth bag hanging from her waist. Her hair was gray and tangled and fell about her face and shoulders.

"N...nothing ma'am." Connor shook his head.

Next to him, Aiden wiped his eyes on the back of his hand and also shook his head.

" you say." She gave Connor a penetrating gaze. "Is anything amiss?"

Connor considered the situation for a moment before responding. He had never seen this woman in town before but as infrequently as he visited, any number of people could have moved into the area and he wouldn't know. How much could he reveal to her, not knowing if she would tell the sheriff.

"I'm waiting young man." She tapped the end of her cane against the ground.

Aiden cleared his throat. "I'm hurt and he was trying to make me feel better."

"I see." She nodded. "Well it's a good thing for you that I know a little something about healing. Now then, where are you inured?" She eyed Aiden suspiciously.

" leg?" Aiden looked at Connor.

Connor slowly nodded. "Yes..."

"So your friend was hugging you...and you were crying a river because you hurt your leg." She pursed her lips.

The boys looked at each other but didn't say anything.

"Well take care and see that you are home before dark. This forest is no place for young boys, especially ones that are injured."

"Yes ma'am." Connor nodded and both boys stood, brushing leaves off their pants.

She bent closer and looked into Aiden's face. "It seems you have been injured. Your eyes tell me you have seen great sorrow."

Aiden turned away. "It isn't any of your concern."

"Young man!" She reached out and grasped Aiden's wrist, turning him back towards her. When she touched him, she quickly pulled her hand back as if she had touched a hot ember.

"Lord boy! If you don't have the magic in you!" She spit to either side, wiped her hand on her shirt, and stared at him as if trying to decide what he really was.

"Ma'am?" Connor tried to appear confused.

"Such power! Come on, you next." She faced him and held out her bony hand.

Slowly, Connor placed his hand in hers and felt the bony fingers close about his.

"Nothing." She dropped his hand and put one hand on her hip, the other still clutching her cane. "So come on, out with it."

Both boys shrugged. "What?" Aiden shrugged.

"Don't go trying to pull the wool over my one good eye, boy. I know the old magic when I feel it!" She glared at Aiden.

Connor took Aiden's hand and held it. "We are in love." He hoped to offend her enough that she would leave them alone.

"I see. Well that explains why you were holding him I guess." She momentarily faced Connor and then turned to Aiden again. "Come on...fess up."

Aiden glared at her, becoming angry. "It isn't any of your concern!"

Connor shook his head. "He's in a bit of a mood at the moment. I think we should be going now."

The boys turned to leave.

"Are you a shifter?" Her voice was quiet, as if she feared to be overheard.

Aiden stopped and slowly turned back to face her. "What did you say?"

"That's it, isn't it." She sighed heavily. "I haven't seen one of you in a very long time, but I remember. I was worried you had all left this world."

Connor also turned. It was clear by the expression on his face that he knew they were caught.

She held Aiden's gaze. "So...what are you? Bear? Stag? Boar? You're too big to be a fox." She dug her cane in the dirt.

"I'm a wolf." Aiden answered quietly.

"Oh ho!" She cackled. "So it's you I've been hearing around my home during the moon cycle."

"No ma'am." Connor shook his head. "We've never been around here before today."

"Really? How curious." She turned and began to walk back into the forest. She paused and glanced over her shoulder at them. "Well come on then, don't be rude."

The boys looked at each other and shrugged. Aiden was the first to follow her, slowly.

Connor caught up to him and whispered. "Why are we following this crazy old lady?" He took Aiden's hand as they walked.

"I...don't exactly know."

The old hag called back over her shoulder. "You follow because you wish to understand."

Connor's face was red with embarrassment at being overheard. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."

She turned and face them, smiling. "I'm half blind boy but I have perfect hearing. Now, you two come with me and we'll sort this out."

They boys shrugged and followed her deeper into the forest. They walked for about twenty minutes and came to a rundown shack, presumably the woman's home.

"You live here?" Connor looked around, trying not to sound disgusted. He couldn't believe anyone lived in such a hovel.

"Well you don't see any other houses nearby do you?" She unlatched the door and disappeared into the darkness. "It keeps the rain off my head."

Aiden whispered to Connor. "Do we trust her?"

"I guess so. We can outrun her if we have to." He smiled.

"Boys?" The old lady's voice echoed out of the darkness.

"Come on." Connor ducked under the low doorway and pulled Aiden inside with him.

The room, for there was only one, was cluttered with small tables covered with jars and dried plants. There was a deep, earthy smell to the place but it wasn't a foul smell. In one corner, several well-dried animals hung from the ceiling.

"She's a witch!" Connor pulled Aiden back towards the door.

The old hag turned, her face barely visible in the gloom. `Don't be rude, boy." She pulled a chair away from one of the small tables and with great effort, lowered herself down. "Oh, that feels nice. Come on, gather round." She pointed to the floor in front of her.

The boys looked at the dirty floor and then each other.

"Need I remind you two that you were recently sitting on the forest ground?" She tapped her can on the floorboards. "Sit! While I'm still young."

They took up spots in front of her, while she rubbed her knee. "There's going to be a frost tonight."

Connor raised his hand slowly. "Ma'am?"

"Oh don't be like that. Just speak what's on your mind boy." She shook her head.

Connor nodded and lowered his hand. "How do you know about Aiden?"

"I take it that's you?" She faced Aiden.

"Yes." He nodded.

"And you are?" She faced Connor.

"I'm Connor."

"Are you brothers?"

"No ma'am." Connor shook his head.

"Are you really in love?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Yes." Connor nodded.

"Well that's peculiar." She pursed her lips and then turned to Aiden. "Now then, what about you, young man?"

"What about me?"

"Don't go taking at tone with me, not in my house." She shook a bony finger at him.

Connor draped his arm over Aiden's shoulder and hugged him closer. "He's had a rough day."

"That doesn't excuse rudeness." She softened her tone slightly.

"I'm sorry." Aiden relaxed.

"That's better." She smiled. "Now your pack nearby?"

"My what?" Aiden asked.

"Are you slow, boy? Don't you know what a wolf pack is?"

"I know what a pack is; I just wasn't sure why you think I have one!" Aiden crossed his arms.

"Because you are a wolf, you said so yourself."

"No, I am alone." Aiden sounded suddenly sad and looked down at the floor.

"Well, not completely alone." Connor pulled him close and kissed his cheek. Then, as if he had forgotten the old woman was sitting with them he blushed slightly and met her gaze. "Sorry..."

She waved her hand. "I don't care about that. Now then," she faced Aiden again. "Tell me about yourself.

"Why?" He sounded suspicious.

"Well for starters, if it wasn't you I heard snuffling around my place and terrorizing those witless villagers, there is another shifter around here."

Aiden looked away.

"Young there something you should tell me?" She asked quietly.

Aiden faced Connor, as if asking for his help.

Connor nodded. "Go on, tell her. I think it's ok."

"Yes, it is. I mean you no harm, either of you. I just want to sort this out." She relaxed into her chair.

Aiden faced her and sighed, seeming defeated. "I'm a werewolf."

For a moment, she was quiet, thoughtful. Then, she shook her head. "If you don't wish to tell me about yourself say so openly. If you are going to lie to me...well, that's just rude."

"No, ma'am, he really is a werewolf, well sort of." Connor added.

"That's not possible." She shook her head.

Connor continued. "I thought so myself up until a week ago. I know they are real now."

"I never said werewolves aren't real. What I said is he isn't one." She pointed at Aiden.

"I am. I can prove it but then I'll be stuck in my wolf form for the night and Connor and I have to meet the sheriff in a few hours."

"Bah!" She waved her hand. "That man is as useless as a wax teapot."

The boys looked at each other for a moment and grinned, and then Connor faced her.

"Why don't you believe him?"

She shrugged. "Because he could never have entered my home, that's why."

"How is that?" Aiden faced her, his curiosity rising.

"My home is protected by powerful enchantments. No creature of the dark powers can enter."

Aiden shook his head. "Oh...I'm not evil."

"Then you aren't a werewolf. To be such is to be evil. There is no other way." She shook her head.

"He's a good wolf." Connor nodded. "A beautiful black wolf."

Aiden smiled and looked down at the floor.

"Then he is simply a shifter, and nothing more."

"You are wrong." Aiden shook his head and faced her.

"Then educate me." She held his gaze.

Aiden was silent for a moment and then nodded. "The one who made me like this...he is a demon of the old world, or so he told me."

The old hag was silent then, as if deep in thought. Eventually she spoke, her voice deliberate and quiet. "Tell me."

"Well...when he isn't a wolf he is a tall, thin man with long black hair. I...don't know his name." Aiden was thoughtful, realizing he knew very little of his maker, other than physical appearance.

"You've just described half the village." She frowned.

"Oh no ma'am, we aren't from around here." Aiden shook his head.

"So he turned you into a wolf. How?"

Aiden suddenly looked hurt, memories of that terrible night flashing through his mind. He looked away and then faced Connor. "I don't want to talk about this." His voice was hardly a whisper. "Please, you tell her."

Connor nodded and took Aiden's hand in his, holding him tightly. He faced the old woman and began recounting everything he knew of the man with black hair, how Aiden had been turned, the death of Aiden's family, finding him in the hayloft, and the attack on the farm.

When he was finished, the woman struggled to her feet, leaning heavily on her cane. She hobbled around the room for a few minutes before returning to them. She held out a small dagger. "Take this." She handed it to Aiden, hilt first.

Aiden reached up and carefully took the knife from her. When he did, the blade glowed softly with a pale blue light.

"Just like my great grandfather's sword!" Connor pointed to the blade. "When Aiden held his sword it glowed blue too, just like that."

She took her seat again and pursed her lips. "It seems I owe you an apology."

Aiden handed her the knife. "Don't worry about it."

She took the knife and set it on the closest table. "This makes you possibly the first `friendly' werewolf I've heard of."

"Aiden wouldn't hurt anyone, he's not like that." Connor shook his head.

"It's his nature to harm us. It's only a matter of time." She looked upon Aiden sadly.

"No! I won't be like him." Aiden stood. "I won't hurt anyone." He looked down at Connor. "I won't! Especially you!"

Connor stood and hugged him. "I know that and I'm not afraid of you. I love you!"

Aiden returned the embrace and sighed. "It's just..." He released Connor and faced the old woman. "Sometimes it's so difficult."

"I know, child, I know. I am amazed you have lasted this long, against the curse."

Connor faced her. "Do you know about these things?"

"I know a little, enough to understand that he will eventually fall victim to the evil. All who are cursed do so." She seemed genuinely sad.

"Is there nothing to be done?" Connor asked.

"I cannot help you. I am sorry. In his matter I have no craft."

"Well...what about protecting my farm so we can live there in safety? Can you do that? I'll bring you there." Connor offered.

"I can only protect a small area and those spells need to be reinforced often. I'd have to move in with you." She chuckled softly.

"Can you do anything to him? Cure him?" Connor pleaded.

For a moment, she was silent and both boys had a feeling she may be able to help. Then, she shook her head. "No, I cannot."

Connor sighed and Aiden hung his head.

"I can, however, tell you of someone who may be able to help." She pursed her lips.

"Who?" Connor begged.

"The priests of the old ways, the one like your great grandfather, they were said to be able to fight and destroy such creatures as the one who cursed you."

"Where do we find them?" Connor grasped Aiden's hand tightly, hope filling him.

"I only know rumors of where they once were. I have never been there myself. We would have had our differences, the priests and I."

"Tell us that we might find them!" Connor pleaded. "I don't have much money but I can pay you a little. Maybe more later on."

She shook her head. "Money doesn't mean much to me. The forest provides me most of what I need."

Aiden agreed with Connor. "I don't have anything but if there is something I can help you with, I'd be happy to. If you can tell us more about the priests who could help me I'd be forever grateful."

She picked up the knife from the table.

Aiden's eyes widened. "Umm..."

She chuckled. "Don't be such a sissy. If I wanted to hurt you I would have already. As it turns out you do have something of value to trade."

"I do?" Aiden asked.

"He does?" Connor was confused. Aiden had no possessions of his own, not even clothing.

"Hold still." She leaned forward and carefully sliced off a lock of Aiden's hair, from the top of his head. "Oh yes, that's wonderful." She stood and walked to another table and set the knife and hair down.

She turned back to them. "It will take some time as I don't remember at the moment. I will think on this and try to draw you a map."

Both boys faced each other for a moment, happiness filing their faces. Aiden scratched his head and tried to make the shorter hair blend into his longer hair.

"Come back in a week and see if I have it ready."

"A week!" Connor frowned. "We won't be here in a week."

"Oh?" She faced him.

"We are heading home to my farm tomorrow."

"Well then, the next time you are in town."

Aiden spoke softly. "The next time we are in town is the full moon."

She faced him, holding his gaze. "Then we meet again at that time. Be warned, if you are other than you are now I will not help you and you will not be able to enter this house."

Connor thanked her. "We will stop by in a few weeks. Thank you!" He faced Aiden. "Come on, let's head back to town."

She watched them go and after they shut the door, she picked up Aiden's hair and sniffed it, before pulling an old book from the shelf and returning to her chair.

The boys made their way back to the village, trying to remember exactly where the woman's house was for the next time they were in the area.

They walked into town from the main road and looked around. Connor pointed to the stable.

"We still have about two hours before we meet the sheriff. I want to have a good look at the horse he mentioned yesterday, the one he may sell my father."

"Ok." Aiden was suddenly gloomy again.

"I'm sorry." Connor stopped walking and faced him. "I wish I could make everything better for you." He instinctively reached both hands forward to hold Aiden but then quickly dropped them back to his sides. There would be no hugging in public he reminded himself.

"I'll be ok. There's just a lot going on at the moment." He smiled sadly.

"Hey! Maybe next time I can say that Clare wants to spend time with both of us and that will mean you can't go to the cottage in the woods with the sheriff." Connor's face brightened.

"I appreciate what you are trying to do, I really do." Aiden shook his head. "But we both know what kind of a man the sheriff is. He won't let anything interfere with his spending time with me. I'd rather he use me in the forest than perhaps in his house, with you there. If his lust washed over me and onto you I'd lose control for certain, and end up hurting him, or worse."

"It angers me so much that we are powerless against him!" Connor balled his hands into fists. "I hope my mother is right that what goes around comes around."

Aiden raised a hand to Connor's cheek. "I'll just imagine it's you screwing me, instead of someone else." He grinned seductively.

Despite the unhappy basis for the conversation, Connor felt his dick jump at the thought of sex with Aiden. It didn't help matters that Aiden was gently caressing his cheek.

"I'd like to do that. Remember what we talked about; maybe tonight at the bath house we can have sex." Connor smiled and put his hand over Aiden's, holding it to his cheek.

A man carrying a sack of grain walked by and cleared his throat loudly.

Aiden withdrew his hand and the boys resumed walking.

For the remainder of the afternoon they checked on the horses and wandered around town, looking into some of the shops. They did not return to the sheriff's house as Aiden said it bothered him to be there.

Around six o'clock they headed to the Inn and found the sheriff waiting for them at the bar. He set an empty glass down and ushered them over to a table. When they were seated, he looked directly at each of then, as if trying to read their faces.

"Did you two keep out of trouble today?" He faced Connor.

During the two hours the boys had walked around the village, Aiden and Connor had rehearsed how they would act while with the sheriff. It was mainly Connor who had to keep a pleasant attitude as to be otherwise might tip the sheriff that he knew what had happened.

Connor smiled and nodded. "Yes sir. We spent some time in the stable checking on my father's horse and the other one you said we might be able to purchase for a small sum. It seems like a really nice horse. Tomorrow when we are home I'll tell him about it and see if he's interested."

"Yes, you should do that. What else did you do with your time?" He faced Aiden.

Aiden looked up but just shrugged. "We walked around a lot."

Connor happily added to that. "We went for a walk in the woods, but not too far from town. Just to get out of the crowds. I guess living on the farm has me used to being more alone. All these people bumping into each other, I just can't get used to it."

The sheriff laughed. "No, they don't watch where they're going. So, nothing too exciting then?" He caught Aiden's gaze.

"Not really." Connor shook his head. "Are we still going to the bath place tonight? That sounds like fun." He forced his voice to sound eager.

The sheriff seemed satisfied that Aiden hadn't spoken to Connor about what happened, and he settled back into this chair.

"That's the plan, unless you two have changed your minds."

"Oh no." Connor shook his head. "I know we both want to go. I've only had a bath twice in my life and those times it was cold water. I can't wait to soak in warm water and get really clean!"

"Well alright then. As soon as we are done eating, we'll go. I've already spoken to the lady who runs the house and she has a room saved for us."

Aiden was about to ask what the sheriff meant by `for us' but he didn't get the chance. A serving girl stopped by the table and brought them food and drink.

They ate dinner without much conversation and as soon as they were done, left the inn and walked down the main street.

The sheriff slipped his arm around both their shoulders as they walked. "I have to say, it's been nice having you two around. It gets pretty lonely in my house being just me."

Connor felt a mixture and anger and repulsion at the sheriff's physical contact, imagining him sitting by the bed and watching as the other man raped Aiden. He wanted to shrug his arm off but knew better. Instead, he nodded and smiled.

"It's been fun staying here. I hope my parents let us come back in a few weeks, during the full moon. It should be safer than staying at the farm."

"You bet!" The sheriff lifted his arm and ruffled Connor's hair as he lowered his arm. He kept his arm around Aiden's shoulder.

They turned a corner, next to the doctor's office, and saw a large house at the end of the lane.

"Well boys, here we are." The sheriff guided them to the house, up the steps, and into the main room.

It was smoky inside and there were quite a few people there. To one side, there were several tables with men seated around them, placing money down and trading cards. The other side of the room was full of comfortable looking chairs, mostly occupied. A woman leaned over the back of each chair, or sat in the lap of the man in the chair.

"What are they doing?" Connor pointed to the men in the chairs.

"They come here to relax and the ladies are helping them." The sheriff smiled at him and ushered them towards the stairs in the back.

They climbed to the second floor and saw a hallway with several doors on each side. They walked to the far end and were greeted by an Asian woman, carrying several towels in her arms. She spoke to the sheriff quietly and then smiled at the boys, opening the door to the room.

They followed her inside and Connor's face lit up with honest happiness. There were two, large brass tubs sitting on a tiled section of the room. The center of the tiled section was sloped towards the middle and ran to a hole in the wall. It would carry any spilled or dripped water out of the room.

Under each tub was a metal box filled with burning wood, mostly red-hot coals. She removed the boxes, setting them on a metal-covered table to the side, and slid their lids closed. She then took a large wooden paddle and stirred the water in each tub, placing her hand in the water to confirm the temperature.

The room was lit by a multitude of candles and there was a scent like perfume in the air.

She placed the towels on a stool by the tubs and faced the sheriff, bowing slowly, before leaving the room.

The sheriff stuck his finger in the tub to the right and smiled. "Lovely, the perfect temperature."

Connor felt the water in the other tub and agreed. "It's almost too warm but better than too cold."

"Well we'd best get in before it cools down." The sheriff removed his boots.

Connor looked Aiden and frowned. He had thought they would be alone. Now it seemed they would have the sheriff with them.

The sheriff removed his shirt and faced them. "Well come on, don't be shy. I know you two have seen each other naked so get a move on."

Aiden felt his anger growing. The sheriff had planned this all along. He had never intended them to be alone. Now, he was going to see Connor naked and he didn't deserve to take pleasure from seeing Connor's body.

Connor shrugged and removed his shirt and boots. "Come on Aiden, while the water is warm."

Aiden nodded and slowly removed his clothes, keeping himself between Connor and the sheriff.

Morgan caught Aiden's eyes and raised an eyebrow, realizing what he was doing. Then, he quickly removed his pants and climbed into the tub, water sloshing over the side as he ducked his head under.

"I hate him so much!" Aiden whispered to Connor when the sheriff submerged his head.

"Come on, let's get in the water." Connor shed his pants and climbed into the tub.

Aiden took Connor's hands and together they sat down in the water, a large wave spilling over and onto the tiles beneath.

Next to them, the sheriff surfaced and shook his head, sending droplets of water flying in all directions. He looked at the boys and saw they were sitting in the water, facing each other.

"So? Is this nice or what?" He asked.

"This is better than nice." Connor nodded, smiling. "I could really get used to this."

"Maybe we should make a habit of coming here, when you visit."

Connor nodded and cupped his hands, bringing some of the water to his chest.

"Why don't you two wash each other, it would probably be easier." The sheriff suggested.

Connor faced him. "Really?"

"This will be our little secret." The sheriff winked and ducked his head under the water again.

"What do you think?" Connor faced Aiden.

"He is doing this to gain power over us but I don't care. I want to touch you." Aiden smiled for the first time that evening.

Connor turned around in the tub and scooted back against Aiden's chest as the sheriff surfaced and again shook the water from his face.

Slowly, knowing he and Connor both craved the physical contact, Aiden began to scoop handfuls of the warm water and ladled it over Connor's shoulders, back and chest. He rubbed the water around Connor's skin, cleaning off the dirt and dried sweat. His fingers gently rubbed the tension from his shoulders and neck.

"Yes, like that. I bet it feels wonderful." The sheriff commented quietly, his hand slipping below the water.

Connor leaned his head back against Aiden's shoulder.

Aiden leaned his head forward so his mouth was at Connor's ear. "Relax and enjoy this." He whispered.

The sheriff began to clean himself. "So, Connor, what do you think of your first warm bath?"

"I love it. I shall become spoiled if we do this too often." He laughed happily.

Aiden moved his hands lower on Connor's body, rubbing his abdomen, hips, and thighs. He brushed against Connor's penis several times lightly, feeling the limp organ begin to swell.

The sheriff made himself more comfortable and lay his head back against the rim of the tub. "I had a nice visit to your farm. I'm so used to the busy life of the village that I found myself wishing I could live out there instead."

"Fat chance!" Aiden whispered to Connor. He gently wrapped his fingers around Connor's penis and began to stroke up and down with his left hand, while his right alternated between fondling Connor's testicles and gently pinching his nipples.

Connor began to flex and squirm as his body responded to the stimulation.

The sheriff continued talking about his visit to the farm, seemingly oblivious to the activities occurring in the other tub.

"I sometimes imagine myself giving up my role here and settling down somewhere similar. I'm not sure that I'd want to farm so I'd need to find something else to occupy my time."

Aiden began to stroke Connor quicker and lowered his hand from Connor's nipple to his ass. Connor rose up slightly in the tub and Aiden gently traced his middle finger from the bottom of Connor's scrotum, through the crack of his ass, and up to his lower back. He repeated the motion several time, each time lingering longer on Connor's tender hole. Then, on the last pass, he gently pushed the tip of his finger into Connor's ass. He went in to the second knuckle and wiggled around.

In his grasp, Connor suddenly leaned his head as far backward as he could and arched his back, as Aiden's finger pressed against his prostate. His penis shot several ropes of semen into the water, each trailing off like slender clouds in the sky. As his orgasm subsided, he relaxed back against Aiden and sighed deeply.

Aiden gently withdrew his finger from Connor's ass and stopped stroking his now tender penis. He folded both hands across Connor's heaving chest and hugged him. "I love you." He whispered.

Connor turned his head and their lips met. It was a soft, lingering kiss, which didn't satisfy either of them at the moment, but was all they could do given their position in the tub.

"Let me wash you now." Connor turned around in the tub and moved to the other side.

Aiden nodded and tucked his knees to his chest while he rotated. He leaned back against Connor's chest, feeling his partially erect penis between them.

Connor began rubbing the warm water over Aiden's shoulders and neck, then down his arms. He rubbed the insides of Aiden's thighs, his thumbs brushing his testicles and penis.

Aiden relaxed against Connor and spread his legs as wide as he could in the tub.

Connor used his left hand to stroke Aiden's penis and his right hand to rub his testicles. Remember how good it felt when Aiden had used his finger to rub his hole, he moved his hand as far between Aiden's legs as he could, the tip of his finger just reaching the spot.

Aiden closed his legs, trapping Connor's hand. "No, don't."

"What's wrong?" Connor whispered.

"I'm a little sore at the moment." Aiden whispered. He relaxed his legs and Connor removed his hand.

"Everything ok boys?" The sheriff turned in the water to observe them.

"Yes, just horsing around." Connor forced a laugh. He continued stroking Aiden and ran his other hand up the boy's chest, bushing his erect nipples.

"That feels nice." Aiden relaxed.

"Do you want me to make you shoot?"

"Not now." He whispered. "It isn't very comfortable in the water."

"Ok." Connor stopped stroking Aiden's penis and wrapped his arms around him. "I'll just hold you for a while then." He kissed the top of Aiden's head.

The sheriff lifted one leg out of the water and rubbed his calf muscle. "If you are having trouble because of the water you could always suck his prick, like you did down by the river..."

Connor froze, his blood pounding in his ears. So...that was what the sheriff had seen...but how? They had been alone that day, lying in the grass sucking each other.

Aiden slowly turned to face him. "You followed us."

"Of course I did. I was concerned for your safety, with that man on the loose in the woods. I had no idea I would find you two in the throes of passion, sprawled out by the river sucking on each other like babes on their mother's tits."

Connor laid his head back against the tub and closed his eyes. They had been so careless. If his parents found out it would be the end of Aiden living on the farm and likely a severe caning for himself.

"Now don't go getting all upset about it. I told you, boys will be boys. I'll keep this between us like I promised." He lowered his leg into the water and sat up. "I don't know about your tub but mine is growing chill. I suggest we get out, dry off, and head back home."

The boys agreed that their tub was cooling off. All three climbed out of the water and used the towels to dry off. On more than one occasion, Aiden caught the sheriff eyeing Connor as he dried himself.

In a few minutes, they were dressed and left the room. Two young Asian girls were waiting outside the room and immediately bowed, avoiding their eyes. When they had left, the girls began cleaning the room for its next occupants.

Morgan led them back to his house and locked the door. "I'm going to have a sip of brandy before retiring for the night. Would you two care to join me?"

Connor shook his head. "No thank you. My mother doesn't allow me to."

"A wise woman, your mother." He poured himself a glass and sat in his chair. "Come, sit again for a while so we can discuss tomorrow."

The boys both sat on the small couch again, keeping their hands folded in their laps.

"So, tomorrow you should get an early start. I won't be returning with you, as you know, but it should be safe this time of the month." He looked at Aiden directly.

"Yes." He nodded.

"I'll prepare a letter to your father, Connor. See that he gets it and don't open it." He raised his eyebrows and faced Connor.

"Oh no sir, I wouldn't."

"Good lad." He finished his drink. "The day before the moon cycle begins, I want you to come stay with me. I'll detail all this in my letter so don't worry about your parent's permission. It's the best for everyone I think." He stretched and yawned. "Well, I don't about you two but that warm water nearly put me to sleep. I'm off to bed." He rose and headed towards his room. "I'll see you in the morning."

The boys watched him as he entered his room and closed the door. Aiden faced Connor.

"He lusts for you." His voice was tired and sad.

"You think so?" Connor asked. "I thought he wants you."

"He does, but he also wants you. I suspect he won't do anything to you because of your parents."

Connor put his arm around Aiden's shoulders. "I'm sorry he hurt you."

"I'll be alright." Aiden closed his eyes and leaned into Connor. "I'm ready to sleep if you are."

Connor nodded. "Sure, I want to be up and gone as soon as we can tomorrow. I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait to be back home." He laughed softly. "Come on, let's get some sleep." He stood and yawned.

"You go ahead, I'm not going into that room." Aiden shook his head.

"Oh...because of the other boys?"

Aiden nodded. "Yes. That room sickens me. And I don't want those clothes either."

"But we have to take them or he will become suspicious. Won't he?" Connor asked.

"I suppose, but I won't wear them."

"Well, we will take them with us and thank the sheriff for them but on the way home they will accidentally fall from the horse, somewhere in the woods. Oops!" Connor grinned.

Aiden smiled and nodded. "I like that plan."

Connor moved toward the room. "Where will you sleep?"

Aiden stood and removed his clothing, the light from the oil lamp illuminating his pale skin. "Here, on the floor." He set his clothes on the couch.

"You planning to sleep naked?" Connor's eyes focused on Aiden's groin.

"I'm really tired and...sore." He looked at the floor, ashamed.

Connor didn't understand. "Wouldn't the couch at least be more comfortable?"

Aiden faced him and shrugged. "I need to shift. It will help."

"Oh...I understand. Sorry, I forgot that it heals you." Connor looked at the couch. "Well, then I'll sleep out here with you." He sat back down and then lay back.

Aiden faced him and smiled. "Thanks."

Connor nodded and pulled Aiden's warm clothes over himself, like a blanket. "I'll see you in the morning then."

Aiden nodded and knelt on the floor. He closed his eyes and in an instant, his form blurred and he was a wolf. His black fur contrasted the light pine floorboards as he curled into a ball, his head facing Connor.

For a minute, Connor stared into the wolf's amber eyes at it watched him. Then, smiling, he turned down the oil lamp until it went out. "Good night Aiden, I love you."

Next: Chapter 8

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