Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Jan 28, 2013


They entered the forest and for a while, nothing was said. Connor walked his horse a few paces behind and noticed that the sheriff kept looking from side to side, as if expecting trouble.

His pulse was racing but not from fear. Rather, he was enjoying the firm grip Aiden had around his waist, and the other boy's warm chest pressed tightly against his back. Connor passed the reins from his left hand to his right and placed his left hand on Aiden's, giving them a reassuring squeeze, before grasping the reins with both hands again.

"Don't worry, you won't fall off." He said quietly. "But you'd better keep holding me tightly, just in case."

"I thought my first time on a horse would be in a saddle. There isn't anything to hold onto, except you." Aiden gave Connor a hug and slid his right hand down to cup Connor's crotch. He gently moved his fingers around, squeezing lightly.

Connor sighed happily. "That feels nice."

"I agree." Aiden moved his hand back up and gripped Connor in a death hug as the horse plodded on.

"Is everything ok back there?" The sheriff called back to them but didn't turn around.

"Yes sir." Connor replied. "Just reassuring Aiden that he won't fall off."

"Alright but try not to talk for a while. I want to make sure we are alone on the road. We can relax when we are further away from your farm."

Aiden closed his eyes for a few minutes and `felt' for the familiar presence of his maker, but they were alone. "He isn't nearby, sir." He called out from behind Connor. "If that's who you are worried about."

The sheriff reined his horse to a stop and turned partway around to face them. "Are you absolutely certain? I don't want to take any chances."

"Yes." Aiden nodded. "I would be able to sense him if he were nearby."

"Alright then, let's relax. You two can ride next to me, if you want." He turned the horse back towards the village and resumed moving.

Connor kicked his horse gently, urging it forward. He rode up alongside the sheriff and matched his pace. "Thanks again for letting us ride to town with you. My mother would never have allowed it if you weren't along."

"Don't mention it. It will be fun having company for a couple of days. My house is awfully lonely with just me in it." He glanced casually at Aiden. "You are welcome to stay longer, if you wish to. That offer still holds."

"Thank you sir but I want to stay with Connor." Aiden hugged him tightly as the horse bounced along.

"I'm sure you do." The sheriff's voice trailed off and he faced forward again. "Still, if you change your mind you know you have somewhere else to go. Maybe during the next full moon you two and Connor's folks should come to town. It would be safer."

Connor shrugged. "I'll ask but I doubt my mother will want to leave the house and at least one person needs to stay behind to tend to the animals."

"That's a good point. Well, then maybe just you two should come stay with me. I'll mention it to your father when I see him next, or you can when you get home."

Connor subtly looked over his shoulder, catching Aiden's gaze. He gave him a puzzled look and then shrugged.

They rode on for a while in silence, nobody striking up conversation. When they were a little less than an hour from the village, Aiden cleared his throat.

"Can we stop?"

The sheriff faced them. "Is something wrong?" He glanced around the woods to either side of the road.

"I have to go to the bathroom and my butt is getting sore."

The sheriff laughed and nodded. "Sure, we can stop for a while." He reined his horse to a halt and dismounted, tossing the reins over the animal's neck.

Aiden carefully slid off the side of the horse, stumbling a little before gaining his balance. "I'll be right back." He moved off into the trees and lowered the front of his pants.

Connor watched Aiden move into the woods a few feet and stop next to a large tree. He considered joining him as he too needed to urinate, but he knew they were getting close to town and didn't want to get off the horse.

In a moment, Aiden walked back to the horse and looked up. "How should I get back up?"

"Here, I'll help." The sheriff walked around Connor's horse and locked his fingers together. "Put your foot in here and throw your other leg over the horse's back, just like before."

Aiden did as instructed and once again found himself behind Connor. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged tightly.

"Aiden, we aren't even moving yet." Connor laughed.

"I'd just getting ready in case the horse jumps or something." He grinned.

"Hmmm..." The sheriff eyed them both and then climbed back onto his horse. He removed his pipe and lit it, taking a few deep puffs to get it burning. "If I didn't know better I'd say you two are having way too much fun."

Aiden relaxed his death grip and slid his hands to the sides of Connor's waist. "I'm not all that comfortable around horses, and this my first time riding."

"You have nothing to worry about." The sheriff kicked his horse gently and it began to walk.

"That's easy for you to say, sir, your horse isn't as huge as this one." Aiden grabbed two handfuls of Connor's shirt as their horse moved forward and caught up to the sheriff.

"Actually, with my horse being a riding horse and yours being a plow horse, I am the one who is more likely to be thrown. Your horse is larger and stronger, but also less temperamental."

"If you say so. I wouldn't want to fall of either." He wrapped his arms around Connor again as the horse sidestepped a rock in the road.

The sheriff turned to face them, exhaling smoke and nodded. "Well, keep holding Connor like that and you should be fine." He raised an eyebrow and then faced forward.

The again fell into silence as they continued towards the village. After a while, they saw two riders approaching and the sheriff stopped.

"I recognize them and wish to have a word. This will only take a moment." He relaxed in his saddle and waited.

Soon enough, the two riders stopped alongside his horse and for a few minutes, they talked about events in town over the last two days, since the sheriff had left. Eventually, they moved off and continued deeper into the forest, away from town.

"Seems things have been quiet while I was away." Morgan kicked his horse in the sides and continued towards town.

"Quiet is good." Connor nodded.

"I'll take it over what happened at your place." The sheriff agreed.

After another twenty minutes, they saw the edge of the forest and the first few houses approaching.

"Well boys, here we are." The sheriff kicked his horse into a trot and moved ahead.

"Don't you DARE try to match pace with him!" Aiden hugged Connor more tightly.

"No, I won't. That wouldn't be any more fun for me either. I don't think I can sit here a moment longer."

The boys continued at their slower pace and eventually caught up to the sheriff, where he had stopped to wait for them.

"Let's stable these horses and go get something to eat. I'm hungry and I bet you two are also."

The boys both nodded and followed him to the village stables.

They were met by a boy, a few years younger than Connor, who took the sheriff's reins and held them while he dismounted.

"The usual sir?" He asked.

"Yes please. Also take care of this other horse. These two are my guests for a few days." He pointed to Connor and Aiden.

"Of course sir. I'll put their horse next to yours." The boy led the sheriff's horse to a stall and removed the tack.

"Come on you two." The sheriff flexed his arms and waited for them to dismount.

Aiden slid off the side of the horse, stumbled and landed on his butt in the straw.

"Well that wasn't graceful." Connor laughed and dismounted. He landed squarely on his feet and faced Aiden.

"Show off!" Aiden grinned and held out his hand.

Connor grasped Aiden's hand and pulled him to his feet, bringing the other boy to within inches of his face. For a moment, they stood there, staring into each other's eyes.

The sheriff cleared his throat. "If you two are done making eyes at each other I'm starving and would like to eat." He walked out of the stable.

Once he was out of sight, Aiden leaned forward and quickly kissed Connor on the mouth. "I'm hungry too."

"Would you like me to do anything special with your horse?" The stable boy asked quietly from behind them.

Connor and Aiden turned to face him, both red in the face, having forgotten they were not alone when they kissed.

" Just..well yeah, could you brush him?" Connor asked sheepishly.

"Sure thing mister." The boy led their horse to a stall next to the sheriff's horse and began left to go find a brush.

"Come on, let's get out of here before he comes back." Connor laughed and moved off after the sheriff, Aiden following closely behind.

They stepped out into the village and noticed the sheriff talking to a woman by a store that had clothing in the window. He motioned them over and they crossed the street to join him.

"Boys, this is Ms. Cartwright. She is the best seamstress in town."

Connor and Aiden both nodded.

"If Aiden needs more clothes than what I have at home, we will come here and get them." He faced her. "Until later."

She nodded and returned to her store as the sheriff and boys walked towards the middle of town, towards a large, three-story building. A sign swung lazily above the door proclaiming the building as the village inn.

The sheriff held the door for two women leaving and then ushered the boys inside. They moved across the main room and selected a table toward the back. "Eat what you'd like, it's on me." The Sheriff patted Aiden on the shoulder and waved at one of the bar maids.

They took a few minutes to discuss the choices of food and then the sheriff began to explain what would occur over the next two days.

"After lunch we will head to my home and Aiden can see if any of my nephew's clothes fit him. I suspect they will as you are about the same size as he was, then. After that, you two can wander the village as you please. I have to make my rounds and see what has been happening in my absence. This evening we will meet here again for dinner, when they sound the six o'clock bell."

"Yes sir." Connor nodded.

Aiden raised his hand slightly. "Sheriff?"

The sheriff sighed. "As much time as we are going to be spending together I want you boys call me Morgan. It feels too official when you call me sheriff." He smiled to set them at ease.

"Oh...alright." Aiden nodded.

"Connor?" The sheriff faced him.

"Sure, sir. If that's what you'd like." He nodded.

"Good. It feels like we're better friends already. Now, Aiden, you have a question?"


"Go on."

"Besides looking for clothing and filling the small list that Connor's father gave him, what are we going to do?"

Morgan grinned. "I take it you want to explore a bit? Maybe Connor wants to find a certain special lady?"

Connor shrugged. "Maybe." He looked away.

"Let's see, have either of you been to a bath house before?" The sheriff raised his eyebrows.

Both boys shook their heads.

"Then tomorrow night that's where we'll go. Other than that, you two can wander around seeing the sights. Just don't get into trouble or you will have to answer to me." He frowned for a moment and then smiled.

They talked casually for the next few minutes about some of the various shops in the market and Morgan mentioned a few that would have the supplies his father requested.

Eventually, their food arrived and they eagerly began eating. When they had finished, the sheriff pushed back his chair and placed his napkin on the table.

"Are you ready to go to my home?"

"Sure." Connor nodded.

They left the tavern and walked down the main street to a one-story home set almost in the middle of the town. The sheriff unlocked the door and motioned them inside.

It was a modest home with a sitting room, kitchen, wash room, and two bedrooms. The sheriff pointed to the larger bedroom.

"That is my room. You two will use the smaller room to the side."

"Thank you." Connor nodded.

"I don't have many rules in my house other than keep out of my room and don't take anything that doesn't belong to you."

"Oh no, we would never steal anything." Connor shook his head.

"I know. Now, I've got to make my rounds and check in with everyone. Under the bed in your room is a box or two with my nephew's clothes. Help yourself to any that fit you." He turned towards the door.

"When will you be back?" Connor asked.

"I'm not sure. If I don't return before the six o'clock bell I'll meet you in the tavern as we discussed."

"Yes sir." Connor nodded.

"Until later." The sheriff left the house, closing the door behind him.

The boys moved into the bedroom and looked around.

Aiden pointed to the bed, under the window. "Wow, that is even smaller than yours."

"Hmm...then I guess we will be sleeping very close together." Connor slipped his hand into Aiden's.

"Come on, let's have a look at the clothes." Aiden pulled his hand free and looked under the bed. There were two boxes and he slid them out, placing them onto the bed.

The first box contained a few pairs of pants and shirts, while the second box had some shoes and boots, along with a belt and some work gloves.

"Wow, this is a lot of clothes. I'll have more than you will!" He grinned at Connor.

"Will you share yours with me?" Connor picked up one of the shirts and held it against his chest for a size comparison.

Aiden nodded. "Sure. We can trade back and forth. Your clothes are mine and mine are yours."

Connor set the shirt on the bed. "Thanks."

They spent some time laying all the clothing on the bed and once it had been casually inventoried they boxed it back up.

Connor looked around the room. "I'd rather have a sack for these clothes, than boxes. I don't know how to secure those to our horse."

Aiden stepped behind Connor and wrapped his arms around his chest. "Our horse...I like that."

Connor leaned his head back on the other boy's shoulder. "I know, me too."

Aiden released him and turned Connor around, to face him. "I want to play."

"Do you think we should? What if the sheriff comes back?"

"He said he would be gone for a while, probably all day. Besides, I will hear the front door if he comes home early and that should be enough of a warning."

"You are wicked boy!" Connor laughed.

"Perhaps, but you love me anyway." Aiden gently shoved Connor backwards, onto the bed.

Connor landed heavily but the bed's ample padding absorbed any discomfort. For a moment, he sat still and just looked up, into Aiden's eyes.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Aiden stopped grinning.

"No, this bed is really soft...but...I was just thinking..." His voice trailed off.

Aiden turned and fell back on the bed, next to Connor. "Yes?"

"I do, you know. Love you, that is." Connor lay back too.

Aiden rolled over, on top of Connor, their faces inches apart. He gently bucked his hips back and forth, rubbing their groins together. "I know...and I love you too. No matter how sweet the offer, I won't ever live anywhere but with you."

Connor reached up and placed his hands on either side of Aiden's face, before pulling it forward and kissing him passionately.

For a few minutes, the boys lay like that, kissing and feeling each other's bodies. Eventually, Connor rolled Aiden to the side and propped himself up on his elbow.

"Let's play!" He grinned.

Aiden nodded and climbed out of bed to remove his shirt, boots, and pants. "Come on, you too."

Connor joined him and also stripped off his clothes. When naked, he jumped onto the bed and sat down.

Aiden narrowed his eyes and slowly crawled up onto the bed, as a beast might. He curled a lip and growled softly.

Connor got up onto his knees and held his hands out in front of him. "Hey now, you are kind of creepy like that."

Aiden crouched lower and began sniffing the bed cover, moving closer.

Connor held still and watched, not entirely certain what Aiden was doing. He remained in place until Aiden suddenly lunged forward and tackled him, knocking him back onto the pillows.

"I gotcha!" He straddled Connor's waist and sat down on his semi-hard penis. "There is no escape from me now, farm boy." He grinned wickedly.

"You are under the assumption that I want to escape you, wolf boy." Connor grinned back. He bucked his hips upwards and his penis poked Aiden in the butt.

"Hello hello? What's this then?" Aiden reached between his legs and pulled Connor's penis forward, the tip appearing under Aiden's testicles.

"It's for you, if you want it. All of me is." Connor placed his hands on Aiden's thighs and rubbed them gently.

"I do want it but now isn't the time. I want it to be special for you and making love to you in the sheriff's spare bedroom isn't what I have in mind."

"I can wait, if you want me to. Maybe we can do it in the barn or down by the river." Connor bucked his hips upwards again, enjoying the sensation of his penis between Aiden's butt cheeks.

"Well, if you keep doing that, I'm going to ask you to take me right here." Aiden moved his butt back and forth, grinding down against Connor.

"As you said, too risky. Still, maybe we can suck each other for a while?"

"Deal!" Aiden quickly rolled off Connor and stood. "I want to teach you something new."

"Woo hoo!" Connor sat up grinning.

Aiden grabbed Connor's ankles and pulled him down the bed a little, so he was more in the middle. Then he climbed back onto the bed and lad down the opposite direction. "Roll up onto your side."

Connor did and Aiden rolled up onto the opposite side, so they were each facing the other's groin.

"I think I understand." Connor nodded.

"Not your turn...then my turn. It's `our' turn." Aiden reached forward and pulled Connor's penis into his mouth.

Connor did the same and began working Aiden's penis around in his mouth, trying to repeat what he had been taught at the river the previous day.

The boys lost track of time as they pleasured each other, each enjoying the scent and touch of the other. Connor was the first to pull away.

"I'm going to shoot." He was panting.

"I hope so or there isn't much point in doing this." Aiden smiled and resumed sucking Connor.

"Have I mentioned I love you?" Connor grinned and took Aiden's penis back into his mouth. He didn't last more than fifteen seconds before, with a satisfied groan, he ejaculated into Aiden's mouth.

Aiden sucked hard, milking all the essence he could from Connor's penis before climaxing himself, and spraying into Connor's mouth.

Both boys rolled onto their backs and panted, trying to catch their breath. Connor sat up and turned around, laying back down facing Aiden.

"I have a thought."

"Do share." Aiden gently traced Connor's chest muscles with his fingers.

"Maybe tomorrow, in the bath house, we can have sex if we are alone?"

" waiting until we are home then?"

"I don't know. Is there really any reason to wait?"

"I want it to feel nice for you." Aiden moved his hand down and cupped Connor's testicles.

"I thought you said it did feel nice."

"Oh it does, but the first few times it can be painful at first, as you are not used to having anything in your butt."

"But it gets better each time, right?"

"Yeah, it gets easier as you get used to being opened up a little."

"Well, then the sooner we start the sooner I'll be `opened up'." Connor leaned forward and kissed Aiden.

"I wonder if they have scented oils at the bath place." Aiden mused.

"Why? Do I stink?" Connor pouted playfully.

"No, but it might be less painful for you if I can oil myself up before pushing into you."

"Ohhh...I hadn't thought of that. And maybe we could get a bottle of oil to take home."

"Maybe. What if your parents find it?"

"Then we will have to hide it so they don't. I know a few spots around the barn where nobody would look."

"Good." Aiden nodded.

"So...can we?" Connor grinned.

"Can we what?"

"Have sex in the bath house tomorrow?"

Aiden grinned. "You aren't going to take no for an answer, I can tell."

Connor shook his head. "Not unless you really think we shouldn't."

Aiden leaned forward and kissed Connor, sliding his tongue into his mouth for a minute before pulling back. "If we are alone, we shall breed!" He grinned wickedly.

Connor reached forward and hugged Aiden tightly. "Then I hope we are alone."

For a while longer, the boys stayed in bed playing around and feeling each other's bodies. For a second time that afternoon, they sucked each other to orgasm, then got dressed and went out into town.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon gathering most of the supplies that Connor's father had requested, as well as a few cloth sacks for transporting the supplies and the clothing for Aiden.

They had just returned to the sheriff's house and dropped everything on the bed when the six o'clock bell chimed.

"I guess we should go to the tavern." Aiden shrugged.

"I suppose so. I hope the Sheriff is there."

The boys left the house and made their way back to the tavern, stepping into the crowded interior and looking around. It seemed most of the town was gathered and already eating or drinking, or both. A haze of smoke from many pipes filled the air and cast a gloom about the room.

They found a bar maid and asked if the sheriff were there but she said no. Connor explained they were meeting him and she found them a table to the side and less open where they could wait for him.

The boy's sat down and tried to talk but the room was quite noisy and the eventually fell silent and just people watched.

Around six thirty, the sheriff arrived and they waived him over. He joined them and ordered a mug of mead.

"So did you two ruffians manage to keep out of trouble today?"

"Yes sir." Connor replied. "We found the clothes and they are perfect. Thank you."

"Well good. I'm glad someone can use them. I've tried to find another boy who could wear them but haven't had any luck."

"And I have already picked up most of the supplies my father requested. I even bought some cloth sacks for carrying them home."

"Good. So, I was talking with the stable boy just now, which is why I was delayed. He told me something interesting." The sheriff made eye contact with both boys before continuing.

Connor gently kicked Aiden under the table, wondering if the stable boy had told the sheriff they had kissed. Aiden returned the kick suggesting he too was thinking the same thing.

"It seems..." The sheriff began. "A man came into town a day or two prior to my going to your farm. He left his horse with the stable boy and has not been back to claim it. Nobody knows where he went.

Connor visibly relaxed. "Oh...I hope he is alright."

"That is my immediate concern as well. But, on a happier note, should he not return for the horse I have made arrangements for the stable boy to keep it as my own. Should your father desire the animal it can be his for a greatly reduced cost. If not, it will go to the auction like any other horse."

"Oh wow. I'll be sure to tell him when we get home." Connor smiled.

"It isn't a plow horse but is large enough that it could probably pull duty as one." The sheriff's mead arrived and he took a long drink and set the mug down. "Let's have dinner and then head home."

They ate and after an hour or so, during which time several people stopped by to greet the sheriff and inquire about the boys, they left the tavern and stepped out into the dusk.

The streets were busy with people heading to the tavern or home and the three walked casually back to the sheriff's house and entered.

The sheriff closed and locked the door, hanging his coat and hat on hooks to the side. "Let's sit down and talk a bit."

The boys nodded and both sat on the small couch, while the sheriff took one of the two larger chairs. "You don't both have to crowd onto that couch. There is a second chair." He pointed to the side.

"I don't mine." Connor shook his head.

"Nor I." Aiden agreed.

"No, I suppose not." The sheriff pulled out his pipe and lit it. After a few long puffs to get it going, he cleared his throat. "So Connor, you father asked me to make sure you have a chance to talk with Clare. He said it is important." He inhaled deeply and blew smoke over his head.

"Oh, I didn't know he told you that." Connor looked at Aiden.

"Yes, well, we had a nice long chat while you two were cutting wood for the fence posts. I learned a few things about farm life and crops and...well...there isn't really any way to put this delicately so I'll just get it out into the open. He shared his concern that you two are improperly fond of each other and that Aiden would be better off staying here in town."

Connor began to protest but the sheriff held up his hand.

"Hear me out. He said I am to keep a watchful eye on you two and if his suspicions are confirmed, Aiden is not to return home with you. Whether he stays here or goes elsewhere is his decision." He inhaled from the pipe again and blew it towards the ceiling. "So, now that you know what I was told, let me add my own thoughts, if I may."

Connor nodded, his pulse racing. He was feeling a little ill and feared he might be returning home alone.

"I was once your age and I too had `adventures' with some of my friends. I think that's part of being a normal boy and discovering life. There is a time, however, when you outgrow that phase and settle down like everyone else, with a wife and eventually have children."

Connor just nodded.

"I am not a complete idiot, despite being an adult." The sheriff frowned. "I have seen how you look at and touch each other. I know you fancy each other but I am willing to overlook that, for the time being. There is a time and place for such antics and you need to learn the where's and when's. If your father or mother saw half of the things I've observed you two doing there would be serious consequences."

"Um...sir? What have you seen?" Aiden asked innocently.

The sheriff took a pull on his pipe and exhaled. "Let's just say I've seen more than enough to give a really bad report to Connor's father if I wanted to. But, I do NOT plan to do that, as long as you behave."

Connor nodded before Aiden could respond. "Thank you sir, we will behave."

"See that you do." He tapped his pipe onto a plate next to the chair and stood. "Well, I nearly forgot that I have to make a brief house call tonight and then I will be back. You should probably stay inside as there can be some unsavory elements out around town in the evening."

He rose and pulled his coat on, then left the house, pulling the door closed behind him without another word spoken.

"Well...this is a problem." Connor faced Aiden. "I thought maybe my father didn't know, well, at least no more than a casual suspicion."

"It sounds like he knows, or at least thinks we are in love." Aiden looked down. "This is my fault."

"What? How can you say that?" Connor reached forward and took Aiden's hands into his own. "You haven't forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. I've been in love with you since I found you in the hayloft."

"Yeah, well that's part of the whole mess you are in at the moment. I never should have gone to your farm to hide. I should have run the other direction."

"Are you saying you are unhappy we are together?" Connor let go of Aiden's hands.

"Oh god no! Aiden shook his head. "I don't recall ever being this happy, not even with my brother. I would be so alone without you."

"And I've never been this happy either." Connor shrugged. "But what are we supposed to do?"

"Have you ever thought about leaving the farm?" Aiden spoke quietly.

"What? No, never."

"Not even if you found a wife and wanted a family of your own?"

"Well, I never really wanted a wife so I haven't given that much thought." Connor shrugged.

"Yeah, me neither. Still, there are other reasons to leave home I guess. Maybe to join a fishing ship or head out West in search of gold."

"Yeah, maybe. Still, I don't think I would ever want to do those things. I'm really just a farmer at heart I guess." Connor smiled.

"You are perfect, that's what you are." Aiden hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, you are too." Connor returned the hug and for a while, the two enjoyed the embrace.

Eventually, Aiden pulled back and released Connor. "I don't know what to make of the sheriff. He seems like a nice guy, telling us of your father's suspicions and all..." His voice trailed off.

"But..." Connor urged him to continue.

"I'm not sure. I get strange feeling when he is around. I think it's the way he looks at me."

"Do you trust him?" Connor whispered.

"Yes. I don't think he will hurt either of us."

"What about not telling my father about us?"

"I guess so. He wouldn't have said that if he were going to tell him." Aiden shrugged. "He would just tell him and not give us any warning."

"Still, we shouldn't do anything else until we are alone." Connor sounded sad.

"It's probably safe to hug and kiss, in bed, after he goes to sleep but I agree that we shouldn't do anything else, especially not outside of this house."

"Agreed." Connor nodded. "Well," he said after a moment, "this is really depressing."

"Yeah." Aiden smiled. "But, we have the long ride home to ourselves."

"You always find the bright spot in an otherwise dark moment." Connor laughed.

"I have to. Life isn't any fun if you are always sad or scared..." His voice trailed off.

"You don't ever have to be sad or scared again, not with me around." Connor hugged Aiden tightly.

"I know. Thank you." Aiden whispered.

Connor released him and yawned. "I don't know about you but I'm tired."

"I could go to bed now, if you are ready." Aiden casually rubbed his crotch.

"Hmm." Connor looked down. "What are you thinking of?"

"You, the bed, us." Aiden grinned wickedly.

"We are supposed to be on our best behavior." Connor stood and stretched.

"Oh, we will be." Aiden stood and took his hand, pulling him towards the bedroom. "At least while the sheriff is here."

Connor shook his head. "We are going to get into so much trouble!"

The boys retired to their bedroom and closed the door. For a while, they lay naked in bed, exploring each other's body tenderly, but nothing more. The mood was subdued after the sheriff's revelation that he knew they were in love.

Eventually, after about an hour, they drifted to sleep.

Two hours after he had left, Morgan returned home and quietly closed the door. He moved silently through the dimly lit house. Outside, the sun was quickly going down and the last rays of light would soon be gone, leaving the house dark.

He struck a match and lit an oil lamp in his bedroom. Picking up the lamp, he walked to the other bedroom and quietly turned the handle, looking inside.

The boys had gone to bed judging by the pile of clothes on the floor and their soft breathing. He set the lamp down on a table by the door and stepped up to the bed. Connor was laying on his right side with his right arm above his head and left arm across his waist. Behind him, Aiden was also on his right side, spooned up tightly behind Connor. His right arm was also above his head but his left arm was draped over Connor.

The sheriff stared at the boys for a moment and left the room, taking the lantern. He pulled the door closed behind him and took a seat in his chair, lighting his pipe to smoke in silence.

In the bed, Aiden opened his eyes and lifted his head. He looked at the door and sniffed the air before laying his head back down and scooting closer to Connor.

After a while, Morgan poured himself a glass of brandy and carried the oil lamp to his room. He closed the door and undressed, setting the lantern on the table next to the bed. He downed his drink and crawled under the covers. He lay in bed thinking about the two boys in the next room. He had promised Connor's father he would report back if he confirmed they were indeed behaving improperly, but...

He rolled onto his side, hugged one of his pillows to his chest, and sighed. "Aiden..." He reached out and turned the wick down on the lamp, extinguishing its flame.

In the morning, Morgan woke first, as the sun was just beginning to brighten the sky. He dressed and opened his door, wondering if the boys were already awake. Seeing their bedroom door still closed, he smiled and took a seat in his chair, lighting his pipe. He smoked for a while in silence, his eyes fixed on the closed bedroom door, various thoughts crossing his mind.

In bed, Aiden's nose twitched and he sniffed the air, sitting up. He looked around the room and then down at Connor, sleeping on his back. Aiden smoothed a strand of hair off Connor's forehead and kissed his nose.

Connor stirred and opened his eyes. "Good morning." He yawned.

"We should get up. The sheriff is awake." Aiden climbed out of bed and pulled his pants on.

"How can you tell?" Connor rolled out of bed and stood, stretching.

"I can smell his pipe." He tossed Connor a shirt and they dressed.

"You smell everything. I can't smell it." Connor frowned.

Aiden stepped up to him and hugged him tightly, kissing his mouth. "I suppose it's one of the better parts of being what I am, if there are any."

Connor kissed him passionately, chewing gently on Aiden's lower lip before pulling back. "I love everything about you. Don't be like that."

"Well, you are probably the only one." Aiden smiled.

"Good, you don't need anyone else to love you." Connor crossed his arms. "I'm more than enough for you to handle."

Aiden laughed and pulled his boots on. "You ready for another day?"

"Yup. Lead on." Connor pointed to the door.

The sheriff exhaled smoke as the boys opened the bedroom door and joined him in the main room. "I wondered if you would be sleeping all morning."

Connor shrugged. "I accomplished most of the things I needed to do yesterday. It felt nice to sleep in without having to get up and do chores."

"Well, I'm hungry." Morgan tapped his pipe into a bowl on the table next to the chair. "Let's go get something to eat."

He opened the front door and the morning sun streamed inside. "Looks like it's going to be a nice day."

The boys followed him outside and down the street to the inn. Once inside, they selected a table and ate a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and warm bread.

"So Connor, I suspect you will want to go and find Clare today." Morgan took a bit of bread and looked across the table.

"Oh...sure." Connor looked down and scooped up some egg.

"Her family still lives in the same house, I'm certain you remember the way."

Connor nodded but didn't look up from his plate.

"And that will give you and I a chance to talk." Morgan looked at Aiden.

"About what?" Aiden chewed on a piece of bread.

"I'd like you to tell me everything you know about who is following you."

"I see." Aiden looked at Connor. "I thought maybe I'd go with Connor today."

"No, you won't." The sheriff set his fork down. "He has things to do and you will be with me. It isn't open to discussion."

"Fine." Aiden met the sheriff's gaze. "Whatever you want."

"Now, finish eating, I have things to do." Morgan shoveled the last bit of egg into his mouth and held Aiden's gaze.

Both boys ate in silence until the meal was finished. They left the inn with the sheriff and Connor, after an uneasy look towards Aiden, took his leave and headed to the far side of the village, to where Clare's family lived.

"Now then, you come with me." Morgan turned and headed towards the forest.

Aiden's gaze lingered on Connor's back, as he walked away, and then he turned and followed the sheriff.

They left the village and followed the main road heading in the opposite direction from the way they had entered town the day before.

"Where are we going?" Aiden asked once they were within the dense trees of the forest.

"To visit a friend of mine."


Morgan stopped walking and turned. "Are you always so full of questions?"

"Sometimes." Aiden held his gaze.

"Don't push me, boy." The sheriff glared. "Out of respect to Connor's father I am willing to overlook the misplaced affection he has for you. In your case, however, you don't have a family, hell, you aren't even human."

"Meaning?" Aiden's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Watch your step, that's all I'm saying. Nobody would miss you or even raise a care if I locked you away. All I have to do is reveal what you truly are and you are finished. After what that werewolf did to some of the villagers here, how do you think you would be received, once they know what you are?"

"I'm not a demon like him."

"Do you really think that makes a difference to God-fearing folk? You are as much an evil creature in their eyes as the one who made you." The sheriff frowned.

The trapped feeling Aiden had experienced when he was with his maker returned to him in full. The peace he had found with Connor dissolved as he realized he was at the mercy of this man. The sheriff held the power to separate Aiden and Connor and would no doubt use it to his own ends.

"So...what do you want?" Aiden sighed, defeated.

The sheriff took a step closer to Aiden and smiled. "There now, that's better. Be a good boy and things will work out for everyone."

`Except for me', Aiden thought.

"Now then, come here." The sheriff held out his hand.

Aiden remained where he stood and sniffed the air deeply. The scent of arousal flowed from the sheriff. He shuddered and looked down at the road.

"Aiden, I won't ask again." The sheriff beckoned with his fingers.

With hands clenched into fists, Aiden walked forward until the sheriff reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him into an embrace.

"I don't want to hurt you Aiden, please don't make me."

Aiden allowed the sheriff to hold him but did not return the embrace.

"Come on, let's go." The sheriff released him and continued walking down the road, away from town. Aiden followed, a few paces behind.

For almost an hour, they walked in silence until the sheriff turned and headed up a small lane to the left of the road. Aiden followed and soon they came to a small cottage, set against a stone ledge. The roof was thatched and the wood on the outside walls was weathered and in need of repair.

"Where are we?" He stepped up next to the sheriff.

"A friend lives here. Come on, let's go inside." He pushed the door open and walked inside.

Aiden sighed and followed him in. For a moment, he considered shifting to his wolf form and running away, but he wouldn't leave Connor, not because of this man.

The inside was dark and smelled of wood smoke. The sheriff pushed open the wooden shutters on two windows, illuminating the inside but they were alone.

"I guess he's out at the moment. No matter, we will wait." He took a seat on a wooden chair by the table and propped his feet up. "Get me some water."

"What?" Aiden faced him.

"You aren't deaf, I said get me some water." The sheriff pointed to a bucket by the door. "There is a well around back."

"Fine..." Aiden picked up the bucket and walked outside.

"And don't get any crazy notion about running off. If you do, Connor's father will get a very negative report and you won't be seeing your lover again."

Aiden faced the sheriff, a coldness in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Then, he turned and walked around the house to a crumbling well.

"Well hurry up then." The sheriff lit his pipe and inhaled deeply.

In a few minutes, Aiden returned with the bucket of water and set it on the table, in front of the sheriff.

"Now get me a ladle."

Without a word, Aiden turned and looked around the small room, eventually spotting a wooden ladle hanging on a hook. He returned with it and handed it to the sheriff.

Morgan dipped the ladle into the cold water and drank a few times. "Refreshing. You should have some."

"No thank you, I'm not thirsty." Aiden stood a few feet away with his arms hanging at his sides.

Just then, a shadow filled the doorway as another man entered the room.

"Morgan!" A man quickly approached the table and held out his hand.

The sheriff stood and shook the other man's hand. "I thought you'd forgotten I was coming by today."

"No, I was out checking my traps." He turned and looked at Aiden. "Is this your nephew?"

"It is." The sheriff smiled.

"I am not his nephew!" Aiden shook his head.

"Hah!" The other man laughed. "This one has spirit. I like that!" He walked over and grabbed Aiden's chin, turning his head back and forth. "He sure is a pretty boy." He faced Morgan again. "But then you never did go for the ugly ones." He laughed and released Aiden's face.

The sheriff laughed. "I take what I can get. I'm just blessed with luck is all." He set his pipe down on the table and pointed to Aiden. "Take your clothes off."

"What?" Aiden was confused.

"Is he stupid?" The other man frowned.

"No, just willful." The sheriff sighed. "Aiden, remove your clothes, now."

Aiden closed his eyes for a moment, fighting back a deep sorrow that flooded his soul. `So this is how it has to be if I am to protect Connor', he thought. Slowly, he pulled his shirt over his head and let it fall to the ground.

The other man whistled. "Nice!"

The sheriff nodded. "Would you mind getting the things?"

"Aye. I'll be right back." The other man crossed the room and dug around in a chest, retuning with a box. He opened the lid and dumped the contents onto the table.

Aiden looked towards the table and saw an assortment of leather belts and manacles. For a moment, he was shocked but then he removed his boots and pants and waited patiently for what he knew was coming.

"He seems better behaved than your last nephew." The man laughed and picked up a thick collar.

"We won't have any problems with this one. He and I have an understanding." Morgan caught Aiden's eyes and nodded slowly.

"Yes sir." Aiden said quietly.

The other man stepped behind him and quickly wrapped the thick collar around Aiden's neck, securing it tightly from behind.

Aiden didn't struggle as two leather restraints were secured to his wrists and two more to his ankles. A metal bar was placed between his ankles, keeping his legs apart and making resistance impossible. He could no longer walk without being supported.

The two men carried him to a bed in the corner of the cottage and laid him face down in the middle. His wrists were secured to the headboard at opposite corners with leather leads. He turned his head to the side so his face wasn't pressed into the straw mattress, his breath coming in ragged gasps as the collar clenched his throat.

"Just relax boy, you'll be fine." The other man removed his pants and let them drop to the floor. "You mind if I go first?" He looked at the sheriff.

"He's all yours." Morgan pulled a chair over to the side of the bed and sat facing Aiden. "I don't suspect this will hurt you very much, given your life over the last year." He crossed his legs and lit his pipe.

Aiden felt the mattress sink down on either side of him as the other man climbed on top of his prone body. He heard the man spit and felt something wet slide down his ass crack a second before the man began forcing himself inside Aiden.

It's true he had been raped nearly every day since his maker had claimed him but this pain was different, it was emotional, not physical. Aiden grunted and turned his head away from the Sheriff's eager gaze and tried to imagine it was the demon raping him. Somehow, that was easier to accept than a person.

It was over quickly, as the man on top quickly pounded in and out of the boy's ass. He growled once and slammed himself home one last time, emptying himself into Aiden. He collapsed on top of the boy and whispered into his ear.

"You took that like a pro. I think next time we will do without the restraints." He pulled out and wiped himself off, before pulling his pants on pulling a chair over by Morgan. "That was as good as it gets. Where did you find him?"

"He is an orphan, has no family. He's been living alone for the last year." The sheriff took a long pull on his pipe.

"How kind of you to take him in. It's been a while since you've had a `nephew'." The man laughed and slapped the sheriff on the arm.

"It has been a while." Morgan nodded.

"Well, it's your turn." The man reached for the sheriff's pipe and nodded his head towards the bed.

Aiden turned his head to the other side and met the sheriff's gaze. The anger and pain in his face were all too clear.

"Not today my friend. I should be returning to town. I have a few matters to attend to. I just brought him by to see how he performed."

"Well feel free to bring him by any time you want." The man stood and untied Aiden's wrists from the bed frame. He helped him to his feet and undid the bar spreading his legs apart. "Hell, you can leave him here for a few days like the last boy, if you want. I promise not to break this one." The man laughed and undid the thick collar around Aiden's neck.'

Aiden reached a hand up and rubbed the sides of his neck where the thick collar had squeezed the skin.

"Oh, I don't think you will break him. He can handle a lot." Morgan tossed Aiden's shirt and pants to him. "Get dressed." He walked outside and tapped his pipe on the rocks by the door.

In a moment Aiden joined him but did not make eye contact.

"Are you ready to head back?" The sheriff asked him.

Aiden nodded but didn't say anything.

Morgan turned to the other man and nodded. "We will be seeing you again." Then, he headed back down the lane to the main road leading back to the village.

"Any time!" The man called after them.

For a while, neither of them spoke as they walked down the road. The sheriff would occasionally steal a glance at Aiden but the boy never looked anywhere besides straight ahead.

As they neared the village, he stopped. "Aiden, wait."

Aiden stopped walking but didn't turn to face him.

"You may hate me for what just happened, I suspect you do."

Aiden faced him but said nothing.

"Know this, as long as you cooperate with me your love for Connor and his for you will remain our secret. I consider this a fair deal."

Aiden's upper lip curled slightly and his words were slow and deliberate. "You think I'm less than human and somehow that makes what you did acceptable."

"Well...yes." Morgan smirked. "You need to remember your place is our world."

"It's my world too." Aiden's voice faltered slightly.

"No, it was your world. You were taken from it and made less than human. Now, you have no rights. You are not really a person. You can accept that or you can leave."

Aiden shrugged. "Where else would I go? I don't want to leave Connor."

"I know that and I'll do what I can to make sure you never have to. In return, you will see to my needs." The sheriff gave him a stern look.

"And I suppose your needs are similar to that other man's?" Aiden smirked.

"They are, but I am not so...eager, as he is. I prefer to make love to my partners, not just have sex with them."

Aiden started to respond but closed his mouth.

"So here we are. You are my nephew if anyone asks and in return to what you now understand that means, I'll give a glowing report to Connor's father and calm his fears that you and his son are in love."

"When do we return to the farm?" Aiden looked down.

"Tomorrow morning. I won't be riding with you this time but you will be safe enough I imagine."

"Yes, it's safe for now." Aiden nodded but didn't look up.

"Until the next full moon I would imagine."

Aiden lifted his head and met the sheriff's gaze. "He will return then and try to take Connor, and kill me."

"Then you two will have to stay in town with me. I'll speak with Connor's father about that and make the arrangements."

"And I suppose next time you and I will..." his voice faltered again.

"Yes, we will. Consider it payment for being with Connor. Really, it's more than you deserve, considering what you are."

"I suppose so."

"Come on, let's go find Connor. I'm hungry for lunch."

Aiden fell in step behind the sheriff as they entered the outskirts of the village.

"And Aiden, if you tell Connor what happened today or what will happen to you in the future, this will be the last time you ever see him. Am I understood?" The sheriff's voice was low but stern.

"Yes sir. He doesn't need to know."

The sheriff slipped his arm around Aiden's shoulder as they joined the people in the village and smiled. "That's a good boy."

Next: Chapter 7

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