Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 16, 2012


It was midafternoon when the boys returned to the barn with the cart. Connor unhooked the ox and let him out into the closest pasture to get a drink and graze. Aiden remained by the cart and unhooked the various straps and the yoke.

"Let's get this unloaded and stacked. I'm really hungry." Connor pointed to the cut trees in the cart.

Aiden lifted the lunch basket from the cart and set it on the ground. "We never ate the food. Will your mother be angry?"

"No, we can eat it tomorrow when we cut more wood or dig holes for the posts. Nothing goes to waste around here."

"Do you want me to hang this stuff up in the barn?" Aiden hefted a few of the leather straps and tilted his head towards the barn.

"Sure, thanks." Connor smiled.

"I'll be quick." Aiden carried the tack into the barn, disappearing into the shadows within.

Connor began unloading the wood, dragging them out of the cart one at a time. After a few minutes, Aiden returned and helped him stack the wood into a small pile.

"We could lean them against the barn." Aiden suggested.

"No, that makes them warp and they need to be straight if they are going to be fence posts." Connor shook his head.

"Oh, sorry. You sure know a lot about this kind of stuff."

"Farm boy, remember?" Connor smiled.

"I do." Aiden raised his eyebrows. "My farm boy."

Connor grinned happily and they continued unloading the wood.

"Well, that's a lot more wood than I thought you two would gather." Connor's father approached, pointed to the stack of cut trees, and smiled approvingly.

"Thank you. It was much easier with Aiden's help." Connor nodded.

Bryce faced the other boy. "Thank you for lending a hand."

Aiden nodded politely. "I want to be useful."

The sheriff joined the conversation, again smoking his pipe. "How cold was that water?" He looked from Connor to Aiden, and back to Connor.

"What?" Connor felt his pulse leap. Had they been observed?

"The cold was it? You did say you were going to clean up after cutting the wood. Or did you change your mind?"

"Oh...right! It was really cold, we didn't stay in very long." Connor relaxed.

His father grabbed the front of the cart. "Give me a hand Morgan, would you please?"

The two men pulled the cart to the side of the barn and then returned to where the boys were standing.

"Shortly after you left this morning, the sheriff and I walked down the lane and along the road leading to town. We didn't see any sign of the werewolf, or that man." His father shook his head. "Did you see anything in the woods or at the river?"

"No, everything was like usual." Connor shrugged.

"Well, let's hope he has moved away from here for the time being. I don't want to worry about him every time I leave the house and I don't want to overly worry about you and your mother."

"Amen to that!" The sheriff agreed. He took another puff on his pipe and exhaled.

"Connor, you and Aiden should start bringing the animals into the barn. Dinner is in an hour or so and you will need to clean up again before then." His father turned and walked towards the house.

"Yes father." Connor nodded. "Come on Aiden, let's get the horses." Before he realized what he was doing, he reached out and happily took Aiden's hand, leading him towards the pasture.

"Are you worried he won't follow?" The sheriff quietly asked, gently tapping the ember from his pipe on his boot.

"What?" Connor turned and immediately dropped Aiden's hand. He suddenly realized what he had done.

For a moment, the older man looked at the two boys and then cleared his throat. "I'd appreciate it if you would comb my horse again." He turned and followed Connor's father to the house.

"God, I'm so stupid!" Connor smacked his hand on his forehead. "I'm going to get into so much trouble." He picked up a rope from a hook on the side of the barn.

Aiden shrugged. "The sheriff didn't seem upset. Maybe he won't say anything."

"Let's hope not." He moved to the pasture where the horses were grazing and led the first one back to the barn, looping the rope carefully around its neck.

It took about half an hour to get all the animals into the barn and then another half hour to get them settled in for the night. Connor picked up a dozen eggs, placed them in a small basket, and headed out of the barn, towards the cottage.

Aiden caught up to him and walked alongside. "Thank you."

Connor faced him. "For what?"

"A wonderful day, and for being my friend."

"Oh, sure!" Connor smiled. "And thank you too."

They walked inside and Connor handed his mother the eggs.

"Thank you dear." She kissed him on the forehead. "Dinner will be in twenty minutes. You two should get out of those dirty clothes and wash up." She didn't make eye contact with Aiden.

"Come on." Connor led them to his room and closed the door. "Undress and I'll get you something clean to wear." He opened the chest at the foot of the bed and began to rummage around inside.

Aiden removed the boots and set them at the foot of the bed. He then removed the pants and shirt. "Where should I put these?"

Connor looked up. "What?" He looked from the clothes in Aiden's hands to Aiden's naked body, his gaze settling on the other boy's groin.

"The dirty clothes, where should I put them?" Aiden began to smile. It was obvious Connor was becoming more at ease with their growing relationship and his own feelings.

"Oh, just set them on the bed. I'll do something with them later." He reached into the chest and removed some clothing. "See if these fit."

He handed Aiden a soft shirt and loose-fitting pair of pants.

Aiden pulled them on and nodded. "Yes, they fit perfectly. Thank you."

"I figured they would; we're the same size." Connor removed a second shirt and pair of pants. "Hmmm..." He studied the chest, holding the clothing in his hands.

"What's wrong? Aiden came over to stand next to him.

"See that?" Connor pointed inside the chest.

"There's nothing in there but a straw hat." Aiden shrugged.

"Exactly. We've gone through all my clothes. I'd have my mother wash something but you're using my spares."

"I'm sorry." Aiden slumped his shoulders.

Connor felt the sadness in his friend's voice and took his hands, setting the clean clothes on the edge of the bed. "No, don't be! I love having to share my things with you. It makes me feel like we're brothers." He grinned.

"Yes but we are going to run out of clean clothes."

"Maybe we can ride into town tomorrow or the next day and get you some. I'll see if we can ride back with the sheriff. My mother won't be as likely to say no, if he's along for half of the journey."

Aiden looked away. "...maybe..." His voice was quiet.

"Now what's wrong?" Connor squeezed Aiden's hands in his own.

Aiden faced him and shrugged. "I've never ridden a horse."

"Oh that's easy. I'll teach you." Connor beamed. "I've been riding for years. Come to think of it, we only have two horses, and I doubt my father would let us take them both as that would leave him without."

"Should I stay here? You can pick something out for yourself, as it will fit me too."

Connor stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Aiden's waist. He leaned his head on the other boy's shoulder. "No, we will ride the same horse. I'll be in front and you can hold onto me from behind."

Aiden felt Connor's penis twitch between them, next to his own hardening shaft. He quickly kissed Tanner and then struggled free of the embrace. "Deal."

"There, that's settled. We shall get you some clothes of your own." Connor stepped back and grinned.

"Umm..." Aiden bit his lip.

"Now what?" Connor laughed.

"I don't have any money."

"Oh. That's not a problem. I'll see if I can get some from my father and if not I have a little saved up."

"No, I don't want to be a charity case!" Aiden shook his head. "Maybe I can do some odd job around the village in exchange for clothes or money."

"Like what?"

"Well maybe I could...actually, I have no idea." He frowned.

"Well, let's worry about that when the time comes. I'm sorry to say but you kind of are a charity case, no offense intended." Connor put both hands on the other boy's shoulders and faced him. " are my charity case. I want to take care of you."

Aiden faced him and smiled. "Thank you."

For a moment, they stood there, face to face. Between them, Connor's erection was full and bobbed with each beat of his heart.

Connor was just leaning forward to kiss Aiden when a knock on his door broke the mood. He quickly stepped back and picked up the clean clothes from the edge of the bed as his door opened.

His mother looked into the room and frowned. She saw Aiden fully clothed but noticed Connor was still naked. From her angle, she was unable to see the front of him so she did not notice his raging erection.

"I thought I told you two to get cleaned up!" She put her hands on her hips. "What are you doing in here?" Her voice was heavy with suspicion.

Connor pulled on his pants and tried to move his penis into a less obvious position. He turned around and pulled the shirt over his head. "We are changing into clean clothes before we go to the well. You don't want us walking through the house naked do you?"

She shook her head and turned around. "Why start being modest now..."

When she was clear of the doorway and out of sight, Aiden reached forward and squeezed Connor's semi-hard erection through his pants.

"I want this tonight." He whispered and then removed his hand.

Connor grinned. "Let's go get washed up. I'm starving!"

The boys left Connor's room, Aiden carrying a towel and piece of soap. They walked past the three adults who were either milling around the kitchen or sitting at the table.

Outside, the air was cooling off and the sun was sinking in the West. A few large, dark clouds were approaching in the distance.

"Looks like rain." Aiden pointed to the sky.

"Yup." Connor walked up to the well and began to remove his clothes.

"Do you always get completely naked out here?" Aiden looked back towards the house.

"Sure, why not? There isn't anyone around and it's what I've always done. Don't tell me you are suddenly shy." He gave Aiden a gentle push backwards.

"Not shy around you but maybe a little around them." He hiked his thumb back towards the house.

"Nah, don't be. We have to undress to clean up." Connor set his clean clothes a little ways from the well to keep them dry, and then began to hoist the first bucket of water.

Aiden followed suit and set his clothes next to Connor's. Both boys were as naked as the day they were born, when the bucket reached the top of the well.

Connor pulled the washing rag from its hook on the well cover and handed it to Aiden. "You can go first."

"I bet it's cold." He took the rag and dipped it into the water. "Oh yeah..."

Connor grinned as Aiden quickly wiped the sweat and dirt from his body. When he was completely wet, Connor handed him the soap.

Aiden worked up some lather in his hands and began to spread it over his body. He lingered on his groin and his eyes began to close as his body relaxed.

"Be sure to get nice and clean down there." Connor pointed and nodded. "I want to play with it tonight."

"Hmm?" Aiden opened his eyes. "I will. It's nice to finally be able to clean myself properly."

Connor leaned against the side of the well. "How did you wash when you were know."

"Not like this. If I wanted to clean myself, I had to use my hands in a river or lake. I never had soap." He finished lathering up his body and handed the soap to Connor. "What now?"

"Here, I'll show you." Connor smiled and picked up the bucket.

"Oh no!" Aiden laughed and then quickly shut his eyes as the bucket was dumped over his head. He felt Connor's hands on his body, wiping off the soap and water. The sensation of another's hands on him, after being alone for so long, was wonderful.

Aiden opened his mouth and gasped, spitting water, as his penis was gripped in a slippery embrace and massaged.

Connor playfully rubbed Aiden's penis back and forth a few times before returning the bucket to the well. "My turn." He hoisted another bucket of water and began wipe down with the washing rag. He rubbed the rag around his face and then used it on the rest of his body. When finished, he dunked it into the bucket. He picked up the soap and lathered his entire body.

"Here, let me help you with that." Aiden stepped forward and grabbed onto Connor's already hard penis, gently working it back and forth. "They say cleanliness is next to godliness."

Connor shook his head. "You sound like my mother. Though, I don't think she would have that to say about what you're doing at the moment."

"True." Aiden removed his hand and lifted the bucket. "Allow me."

Connor closed his eyes as the water poured down over his head and body. He shook himself off and then lowered the bucket back into the well. "Where is the towel?"

"Over here. I put it with our clothes so it wouldn't get wet." Aiden picked up the towel from the grass and handed it to Connor.

"No, you go first." Connor refused the towel.

Aiden nodded and wiped the water from his body. "Here, your turn." He handed the towel to Connor.

"Thank you." Connor wiped his body dry and draped the towel over his shoulder. "Let's get dressed.

They each pulled on their pants and Aiden his shirt. Connor handed him the towel and put his own shirt on. They headed back to the house and as they entered, his mother was just putting the food on the table.

"Perfect timing. I'll take that." She took the towel from Aiden and carried it to two hooks on the wall, spreading it out to dry. "You two take a seat next to the sheriff."

The boys each sat down on the bench with their backs to the wall. Connor was on the end and Aiden was in the middle, next to the sheriff.

The sheriff leaned over and his shoulder bumped into Aiden's. "Please pass me the milk." He continued to lean into the boy, until he was handed the pitcher.

Although physical contact with Connor was exciting and fulfilling, the prolonged contact with the sheriff was something entirely different. Aiden wasn't offended or repulsed, but it did nothing to arouse him or satisfy his need for companionship. If anything, he found it a bit unnerving, though he wasn't certain why.

"Thank you." The sheriff took the pitcher and straightened up. He poured himself a glass and passed it to Connor's father.

Connor's mother began passing food around the table and in a short time, their plates were filled. Dinner was relaxed with conversation covering the woodcutting and general activities of the day.

Bryce cleared his throat, after swallowing some bread. "Connor, it looks like it may rain tonight. If that's so, the ground will be soft so tomorrow I want you and Aiden to start digging holes for the new pasture. Do you remember where I showed you I want them?"

"Yes sir." Connor nodded. "Do you think we have enough fence posts?"

"No, but it's a very good start. You will also need to cut smaller limbs or trees for the rails, don't forget.

"No, I haven't. I thought we'd do that after the posts were in place."

"Yes, that's the plan. I think it will take about a week of cutting and digging to get the pasture ready for use. I want to get another horse, if I can find one I like."

"Father? Before we begin work on the new pasture, would it be alright if Aiden and I take a horse and ride to the village when the sheriff heads home tomorrow?"

Connor's mother set his knife and fork down. "What? Why do you want to go there?" She did not look pleased. "That's a long ride through the forest."

"We need to get Aiden some clothes of his own. We've already gone through all of mine. I thought we could ride there with the sheriff. That way, only half of the trip will be alone."

Bryce nodded. "While I had hoped you would start on the new pasture, that's actually a good idea. I don't plan to go looking for a horse for another month or two so I won't be heading into town sooner than that. It would make me happier if I knew you were with them, at least for part of the journey." He faced the sheriff.

The sheriff took a bite of cheese and nodded. "That's fine. And come to think of it, I have some clothes at my home that should fit either of them."

"Why?" Connor asked. "Do you have a son?" He wasn't aware of the sheriff having any children, or of ever being married.

"No, but my nephew lived with me for a little over a year and when he moved on, he left some of his clothes behind. He is the same size as you two so his things should fit Aiden."

"Thank you very much." Aiden nodded and smiled.

"Well I don't like it, not one bit." Connor's mother shook her head. "You will be alone on the ride back and you know what...who is out there."

"He isn't as dangerous now, as when the moon is full." Aiden shook his head.

"It will be dark when you get home. The ride is nearly half a day."

"Mother, what if we stayed one night with the sheriff? That way we could leave in the morning and be home in the afternoon?" Connor asked.

The sheriff faced his mother. "If it's alright with you, they are welcome to spend the night and even the next day with me. I'll show Aiden around the village. On the following day I'll be sure to start them home early."

His mother seemed ready to protest but his father nodded. "An excellent idea." He faced the boys. "You two will ride back with the sheriff. Once there, gather what clothing he has to offer. In case it doesn't fit or you need something else, I'll send a little money with you. Spend the next day too if you'd like but then come straight home. Connor, I'll prepare a small list of things I'd like you to bring back."

"Yes father." Connor grinned. Under the table he pressed his leg against Aiden's and felt the other boy push back.

"Well I'm not overly pleased with this but you two do as the sheriff says while you're with him. I don't want a negative report the next time he visits."

"Yes mother." Connor nodded.

"Oh I'm sure they'll be just fine. It's not the first time I've had boys under my wing so I've got a few tricks, should they get out of hand." The sheriff chuckled.

"Well these two seem like they could be more than a handful for most." She scowled at them.

The rest of the meal was spent discussing the new pasture and what type of horse Connor's father wanted. The sheriff offered to keep an eye out at the auctions and put a word in with several horse traders he knew.

After dinner, the adults took up seats around the main room and the boys sat in front of the hearth. The conversation turned towards farming and local issues and soon Connor felt his eyes drooping.

His head lolled to the side and rested on Aiden's shoulder. He sighed contentedly and drifted to sleep.

Aiden felt his eyes closing and he head slowly tilted back, until it was against the stones of the fireplace.

The sheriff motioned towards the boys with his pipe. "Seems like we've lost our audience."

Connor's mother shook her head and rose, smoothing her apron. "They worked hard today."

"Send them to bed Millie and then come back and sit with us." Connor's farther resumed speaking with the sheriff.

His mother gently shook Connor's shoulder until he opened his eyes. "You two need to get some proper rest, if you are going to be riding tomorrow." She pointed towards his room.

"Yes." Connor nodded and yawned. He gently shook Aiden, until the other boy opened his eyes. "Come on, let's go to bed."

She watched them stumble half asleep still, into Connor's room. She lit a candle and followed them. "I'll leave this here." She set the candle on the table next to the bed and left, pulling the door partway closed.

Aiden collapsed on the bed and lay back. Connor smiled down at him and began to remove his own clothes. In a moment, he was naked and stretched his arms upward, the muscles in his back protesting.

"Come on; let's get you out of these." He unlaced Aiden's boots and gently tugged them off. Next, he removed the boy's pants, Aiden assisting by lifting his butt off the mattress.

Connor slid his hands up Aiden's waist and chest, gently lifting the shirt over his head. When Aiden was also naked, Connor gently climbed onto his legs and sat down. He leaned over and blew out the candle, plunging the room into near darkness.

With is right hand, Connor gently stroked his own penis and with his left, Aiden's. Beneath him, the other boy moaned softly.

"That feels nice." He put his hands behind his head and relaxed.

"Aiden?" Connor stopped stroking them both and placed his hands on either side of Aiden, so he was leaning forward.

"Yeah?" Aiden lifted his head off the bed to face him.

"I meant what I said earlier, by the river." Connor held his gaze.

"About what? We talked about a lot of things."

"I...want you to put this in me." He reached down and gave the other boy's penis a gentle squeeze.

"I'd like to do that. And, afterwards, you have you do it to me."

Connor smiled and lowered himself onto Aiden's chest, kissing him softly.

"I don't mean to spoil the mood but your door isn't closed and your parents are just on the other side."

"Yeah..." Connor sighed and rolled onto his side. "They are always nearby when I want to have fun."

"Hey, we have a lot of time ahead of us. Besides, we are going to be alone in the woods together in a day or two. I can only imagine the kinds of fun we can have there, with nobody else around." Aiden gently cupped Connor's testicles and rolled them around.

"Do you think it's safe to stop in the woods?" Connor bucked his hips forward, forcing his groin into Aiden's hand.

"Should be, at least during the day. We'll have to sneak off to the side of the road if we want to play but I don't think `he' will be a concern."

"Good. I don't think I'll be able to concentrate on anything else until we do"

"Does it mean that much to you?" Aiden stopped stroking him and placed his hand on Connor's chest.

"When I thought you were going away I felt sick inside, like my life was over. Then, when we were at the river today, I confirmed that I don't want to be with a girl. I want you. Knowing that, and what we are going to be doing, I can hardly sit still." He turned his head and smiled. "I want to touch you all the time and I think having sex like that means we are truly together."

"I know, I feel the same. But, as you said, we have to be careful. If your parents find out I'm sure they'll send me away, not to mention the serious trouble you'll be in."

"Yeah." Connor turned and rolled onto his back, facing the ceiling. "Let's go to sleep now and later when they have gone to bed I'll close the door and we can have a little fun."

Aiden laughed softly. "You do like to live dangerously."

"So my mother tells me." Connor rolled onto his other side and scooted back against Aiden's warm body.

"Good night Connor." Aiden rolled onto his side and leaned back against Connor.

"Good night brother." Connor smiled.

In minutes, both boys were asleep. In the main room, the adults continued talking for another two hours before retiring to the bedroom and a mat in front of the hearth, respectively.

The sheriff lay in front of the dying embers, the sword at his side, just in case. Behind him, Bryce closed the door to their bedroom.

In the morning, an hour or so before dawn, Connor yawned and opened his eyes. He smiled when he felt Aiden's arm around his waist and the other boy's nose against his shoulder.

Gently, he slid out from under Aiden's arm and left the bed. He looked out into the main room and saw the sheriff on the floor in front of the hearth, his arm draped across his eyes, snoring quietly.

Connor closed his bedroom door and gently climbed back into bed, next to Aiden. He was having second thoughts about waking his friend but he gave into the lust he was feeling and gently shook him.

"Hey, wake up."

Aiden opened his eyes and focused on Connor's dark shape kneeling above him. "Is it breakfast time already? I think I'll have toast please." He stretched and yawned deeply.

"Oh, it's time for something much more exciting than toast." Connor flopped down on the bed next to him and took hold of the boy's penis. It was already semi-hard. "You need to wake this thing up so I can have some fun." He gently stroked Aiden's penis back and forth.

"Hmm...keep that up and you'll see just how much fun it can be." Aiden reached out, latched onto Connor's already stiff penis, and tugged gently. "No fair, you got a head start."

"What do you want to do?"

"Let's suck each other." Aiden sat up.

"Is that all?" Connor sounded sad.

"Well I'd like to do more but what I have in mind tends to be a little noisy and not easily hidden, should we be interrupted."

"But I want to do more."

"I know you do, and I want to do more with you...but we need to be patient. Maybe this afternoon we'll be alone."

Connor shook his head. "No, this afternoon we'll be riding through the woods with the sheriff. Then, we'll be spending the night at his house and probably the next day. I don't want to wait that long." He stopped stroking Aiden and sat up.

Aiden leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Connor, pulling him close. He kissed him deeply, running his tongue over the other boy's lips.

Connor gave into the love he felt and kissed Aiden with all his heart. He knew what Aiden said was wise. They wouldn't easily be able to do what he wanted, not without the risk of waking the adults just outside the room. He moaned softly and rolled onto his back, pulling Aiden down on top of him.

Aiden ground his erect penis into Connor's, the two leaking large amounts of precum onto Connor's belly. Slowly, Aiden kissed his way down Connor's chest and abdomen until he was able to lick the head of his dripping penis. He licked the head and shaft for a moment and then took the throbbing shaft into his mouth.

"Ohhh..." Connor groaned and pushed his hips upward. He gripped the bed sheet with his hands and curled his fingers.

Aiden pulled up and smiled. "So this is acceptable, even if I'm not making love to you?"

"It's nice...don't stop...please." Connor's breathing was ragged.

Aiden grinned and went back to sucking Connor. He continued for a few more minutes and then, with an alarmingly loud groan, Connor erupted in his mouth. Aiden sucked hard for a few seconds, milking all the semen he could, before swallowing the slimy, warm liquid.

Connor was breathing heavily and grinning from ear to ear. "That was awesome."

Aiden listened with his improved hearing, alert for sounds outside the bedroom, but all was quiet. He smiled. "Glad you approve. My turn?" He lay back next to Connor and spread his legs a bit.

"You bet!" Connor rolled over onto him and began kissing his chest and belly. "You are nice and clean." He resumed kissing his way down.

"That happens when you bathe before bed."

Connor looked up. "I know that. What I meant was you don't smell like you but rather the soap."

"Well I think that's a good thing, don't you?"

Connor didn't immediately answer. He looked to the side and then back at Aiden.

"Connor?" Aiden propped himself up on his elbows.

"I like how you smell, after you've been working." He quickly continued kissing Aiden's belly and then began licking the tip of his dripping penis.

"Well then, remind me not to use soap next time. If you'd like, I'll get all sweaty again and you can suck me before I clean up."

Connor groaned with lust at the thought and swallowed as much of Aiden's penis as he could, sucking strongly.

"Wow!" Aiden lay back down and moaned softly.

Connor continued sucking for a few minutes and was rewarded with several large bursts of semen. He hungrily swallowed and pulled off, milking the last few drops as he did.

"Yummy." He grinned at Aiden and crawled up to lay next to him. "I could do that all day."

"I know, me too." Aiden leaned forward and kissed Connor, tasting a little of his semen on the other boy's lips.

They broke the kiss and as it was still dark, they regretfully fell asleep again, in each other's arms.

A little more than an hour later, the sun began to rise and the cottage was lit with a warm glow.

Millie opened the door to her room and made her way to the kitchen. She looked towards the hearth but the mat was empty.

"I'm over here." The sheriff took a puff on his pipe, the red glow lighting his face where he sat in the common room.

"Oh, good morning. How did you sleep?" She stirred the ashes in the hearth and added a few small pieces of wood to warm the water pot.

"Like a rock. For being only a straw mat on a wood floor it is surprisingly comfortable."

She moved across the room and took a seat near him. "I'm embarrassed that we don't have a proper bed for you. I should have made the boys sleep out here and you could have had Connor's bed."

"Don't worry yourself. I'm not so fragile that a night or two away from a soft mattress will harm me." He laughed and took another puff.

"Well, I'll make it up to you with a nice warm breakfast. How do you like your eggs?"

"Over easy please." He stood and moved towards Connor's room. "If you don't mind, I'll get those lazy bones up so we can get an early start towards town."

"Please do. Lord knows Connor would sleep until noon if I didn't wake him for chores." She turned back to the sink and readied some plates.

The sheriff nocked three times on the door and then opened it, not waiting for an answer. He quickly looked into the room and saw them still asleep, in each other's arms.

Not wanting to draw attention to them, he closed the door most of the way and walked to the bed. "'s time to get up." He shook the bed.

Connor yawned and opened his eyes, taking a moment to focus on the man at the end of the bed. For a moment, he was confused as it wasn't his father. Then he recognized the sheriff, and realized the compromising position he and Aiden were in. He quickly untangled himself from the other boy's arms and sat up. He stretched as if it were any other morning.

"Good morning sir, did you sleep well?" He quickly climbed out of bed and pulled on the closest pair of pants to hide his nakedness.

The sheriff's eyes followed him around the room and he nodded. "I slept like a rock, thank you for asking."

Connor pulled the work shirt Aiden had previously been wearing over his head and shook the boy in the bed. "Time to get up."

Aiden rolled over and stretched. "Too bad...I was having a wonderful dream about you. We were being naughty."

"Uhh..." Connor cleared his throat nervously.

Aiden opened his eyes and sat up, seeing the sheriff standing by the door. " morning sir." He quickly climbed out of bed and grabbed the clothes Connor had been wearing the night before.

The sheriff shook his head and left the room, pushing the door fully open as he left.

"Oh my god, I am SO sorry Connor. I didn't know he was in the room too." Aiden looked down at the floor.

"That's the least of our problems. He walked in while we were still asleep in each other's arms." Connor smiled sheepishly.

"Well...maybe you'll be having that conversation about girls with your parents sooner than you thought." Aiden smiled weakly.

"God, let's hope not!" Connor tossed him some boots and they both finished dressing.

"Hey, you're wearing my dirty clothes from yesterday." Aiden poked Connor in the arm.

"Well, technically they are all my clothes." Connor grinned. "I just grabbed the closest ones when he woke me."

"Hmm...funny that the closest ones just happened to be the ones I was wearing. You know, the ones that probably stink." Aiden tried not to smile.

"Well if it bothers you to wear my dirty clothes we can trade." Connor crossed his arms.

"No, I'm good." Aiden shrugged and headed towards the kitchen.

Connor quickly walked up next to him and whispered. "Good because I think they smell wonderful." He carefully slapped Aiden's butt and pushed past him.

"Good morning mother. Something smells great." He gave his mother a hug.

"Lord sakes child. Don't go getting your grime all over me. You know I hate when you hug me in your work clothes!" She shooed him away with a towel. "Now sit down and have something to eat before you start your chores. You need to get done quickly so you two can ride to town with the sheriff this morning."

Aiden stepped up to Connor's mother and smiled. "Good morning ma'am. It sure smells nice, what you're cooking."

Millie faced him and smiled politely. "Thank you Aiden. Now you go sit down too." She turned back to the plates.

The boys took a seat across from the sheriff, as Connor's father entered the room and hugged his wife. "Good morning dear." He gave her a quick kiss.

"None of that, I'm busy. Go have a seat, breakfast is ready." She swatted him with the towel.

Bryce chuckled and took a seat next to Aiden, sliding his arm around the boy's shoulders. "So, what do you think of life on the farm?"

Aiden smiled and nodded. "I like it sir. It's hard work but I have the feeling I've done something worthwhile at the end of the day."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." He removed his arm and picked up his silverware, as the plates were set in front of them.

Millie took a seat next to the sheriff and passed the milk around. "After breakfast the boys will do their chores and then the sheriff wants to head to town."

"You sure you can handle these two rascals Morgan?" Connor's father laughed. "It's a long ride to town. You have time to reconsider."

Connors mother quickly spoke. "I feel like we are imposing upon you to take them and ..."

"Now don't worry, either of you." The sheriff cut her off mid-sentence. "I'm more than capable of handling these two. Remember, I'm the law in these parts. Besides, I have some things we can talk about on the way, to pass the time." He made eye contact with both boys.

Connor choked on his milk, nearly spitting it on his shirt.

"Good lord boy, what's gotten into you?" Millie tossed him a hand towel to wipe up the table.

"Sorry mother." Connor wiped up the table and his face.

"You see what I mean?" She faced the sheriff. "You still have time to reconsider."

The adults all broke into laughter and even Aiden grinned happily.

When breakfast was over and the table cleared, the boys began the morning chores. It took about two hours to complete and the sheriff walked into the barn, as they were gathering the eggs.

"Are you two about done?"

"Yes sir." Connor nodded.

"Then let's not waste any time. It's a half day's ride to town and I don't want to be in the woods any longer than necessary. Please saddle my horse and prepare yours." He nodded and left the barn.

Aiden frowned. "Well this isn't going to be a fun outing if he's going to be all stuffy like that."

"I know. I think he's mad that we were sleeping together." Connor pulled the sheriff's saddle off the rail and let his horse out of its stall.

They spent the next ten minutes saddling the sheriff's horse and then selected one of his father's. As he and Aiden were going to be riding the same horse, Connor didn't put a saddle on it. Instead, he only selected a bit and reins.

"No saddle for us?" Aiden looked confused.

"I can't use one. There won't be room for both of us if I do. Don't worry, it won't hurt the horse to go without one."

"It isn't the horse I'm thinking of." Aiden grimaced. "What if I fall off?"

"Well, you'll just have to hold onto me tightly so you don't." Connor grinned. "Come on, I'm sure he's waiting on us."

They led the two horses from the barn and up to the cottage. The sheriff was indeed waiting, smoking on his pipe and talking to Connor's father.

When the boys arrived, Bryce shook his head. "There's going to be a pair of sore bottoms tonight Morgan. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." He laughed.

"Oh, I think I can handle them." The sheriff extended his hand. "I'll keep them safe as long as I'm with them and send them home two mornings from now."

"Thank you my friend, I know they are in good hands."

The sheriff mounted his horse and turned it around. "You two ready?"

"Yup." Connor nodded. "Father? A hand please."

Bryce cupped his fingers together and Connor stepped into them, lifting himself up onto the horse's back. "Come on Aiden, it's easier than it looks."

"You're next." Bryce nodded to Aiden.

"I'm not sure about this." Aiden took a step backwards.

"There's plenty of room and you two don't weigh enough to bother the horse. Now stop wasting time and get up there behind Connor." Bryce again cupped his hands together.

Aiden took a deep breath, placed one foot into the man's hands, and swung his leg over the horse's back. He slid into place behind Connor and immediately wrapped his arms around the other boy's chest.

"I can't breathe." Connor was overly dramatic.

"Go on, get out of here you two." Bryce gave the horse a gentle slap on the rump and it trotted forward.

"Oh my god!" Aiden squeezed Connor tighter.

"Seriously...I'm having trouble breathing." Connor laughed. "Relax Aiden, I won't let you fall."

Aiden took a deep breath and released his death hold around Connor slightly.

"Are we ready?" The sheriff turned his horse around and headed down the lane towards the forest.

"I guess we'd better be." Connor spoke over his shoulder.

They two horses headed away from the cottage and down the hill. Millie came out to stand next to Bryce and took his hand.

"That poor child looks frightened to death." She shook her head.

"Hmm...I was thinking the same thing about Morgan." Bryce laughed and they two of them returned to the cottage.

Next: Chapter 6

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