Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Jan 8, 2012


Connor sighed and stood, turning towards the door. He had his evening chores to do and he hoped they would take his mind off his situation.

"Do you need any help?" The sheriff asked.

"No, I do my chores alone but thank you. Please tell my father..." He paused.


"Never mind, I don't think it will make any difference." Connor pulled on his boots and left the cottage.

The sheriff followed him outside. "Would you do me the favor of tending to my horse? He needs to be brushed, watered, and fed. Is there room in the barn?"

Connor turned and walked over to where the sheriff's horse was tied to the tree. "Yes sir, we have room. I'll take care of him." He untied the horse and led him to the barn.

"Thank you." The sheriff looked around the property, especially down the road leading to the forest, before returning to the cottage.

For two hours, Connor groomed the sheriff's horse and readied the barn for the animals. He closed the windows, leaving only the main doors open. With a milk pail in hand, he went into the pasture with the cows to milk any that looked like they needed it. He doubted his mother was going to come out and do it. It took about an hour and after setting the pail by the front door, he returned to the barn and began to let the animals inside.

The sun was beginning to set and he knew he only had a little more time before his mother or father would call him to clean up. He didn't want to go back inside tonight. He was in trouble and no amount of apologizing was going to change the fact that he had disobeyed his mother by going to the river. He regretting losing his temper and speaking so rudely, but her obvious disapproval of Aiden upset him.

What had his father said? That his mother thought Connor fancied Aiden. He thought for a moment. He had felt a rush of adrenaline and emotions whenever he had touched Aiden. Also, for most of the day, while he was working, his thoughts had been about him. Still, that didn't mean he `fancied' him did it? He shook his head. No use thinking about that now, not with the trouble he was already in. Still, he had thought Aiden was attractive, for a boy.

The cows shifted uneasily in the barn, jostling each other into a group. Even the sheep seemed unusually quiet. He watched the chickens peck at the food scraps for a while and then decided to head inside.

Connor sniffed the barn air. It smelled oddly different but he couldn't place the scent. He checked on the sheriff's horse and secured the latch on the stall. His father's two horses were happily chewing on some grain in their own stalls, pleased to be home again it seemed. He leaned over the stall door and patted the closest on the rump.

"Do you want to trade places? You guys never seem to get into trouble." He gave the horse one final swat and stepped back from the stall. He bumped into what he thought was a cow but before he could turn around and shove it away, a hand clamped over his mouth and an arm wrapped around his waist.

Connor froze, terrified. Nobody else had entered the barn with him so whoever held him now had been waiting for him. Outside, the sun was rapidly going down. As nothing had torn him to pieces yet, he struggled to turn around.

"Wait..." A voice spoke softly. "Promise me you won't run away if I let you go."

The hand over his mouth was removed.

Connor stopped struggling. "Aiden?" He whispered. He had feared it was the creature from the river.

"Yes. Promise me you won't run." He sounded sad and exhausted.

"Yes, I promise. I've...really missed you." Connor admitted, realizing he sounded a little needy and perhaps too happy to see the boy. He was released and turned around, looking directly into Aiden's face. "What happened?" He gasped.

Aiden lowered his hands and stumbled, dropping to his knees in the dirt. He looked up at Connor.

"You look terrible!" Connor knelt down in front of Aiden. One of his eyes was swollen, as was the side of his mouth. There was dried blood under his nose and a large bruise on his upper chest.

"I came back to warn you." Aiden felt a twinge of happiness, knowing Connor had missed him. "Someone is looking for you."

"Do you mean the man with black hair?"

"Yes but how did you know?"

"I saw him at the edge of the woods this afternoon and he saw me. he dangerous?"

For a moment, Aiden didn't answer.

"It's alright. My father and the village sheriff are here. We are safe."

Aiden quickly shook his head. "No, you aren't. You have no idea what he is capable of, or even what he truly is."

"What he `is'? You make it sound like he isn't human."

"He isn't. He is a monster; a demon wolf. Some would call him a werewolf, but he's more than that."

Connor took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "So...he is the creature I saw at the river that night. And the thing that scratched the barn and came to my widow."


"Did he do this to you? Hurt you?"

Aiden nodded. "He found me and... well, he wasn't happy I ran away again."

"So he beat you?" Connor looked at the other boy's body. He was covered in dried mud from the chest down. "How did you get so dirty?" He reached forward and gently picked some dried mud from Aiden's chest.

"I was following his trail along the river. I wanted to find him and lead him away from here. There's a lot of mud along the bank and I got stuck in some trying to climb up. Later, when he found me, he knocked me to the ground and held me down in the dirt while he..." He closed his eyes. "Connor...I'm a mess." Aiden turned his head and tried not to cry.

"But you're back now and I'll help you." Before he knew what he was doing, Connor leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Aiden, hugging him gently. "I'd like to be your friend."

Aiden returned the embrace, hugging Connor tightly. "Thank you. I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to frighten you, and I didn't want to leave. It seemed the only thing to do, at the time."

Connor released him and pulled back. "I'm ok, but warn me next time before you do that." He smiled uneasily. Truth be told, he was concerned that Aiden was able to turn into a wolf, but at the moment, his friend was back and his heart was lightened.

Aiden smiled. "Thank you. I hoped I'd have the chance to explain what happened...and what I am."

"Are you a werewolf too?" Connor asked quietly and looked around the dark barn, afraid just saying the word might conjure the stranger.

"No, not like him." Aiden struggled to his feet. "I want to wash off and then I need to speak to your father and the sheriff." He winced and took a step to the side, regaining his balance.

Connor stood and pulled Aiden's arm over his shoulder. He put his arm around Aiden's waist and supported him. "I've got you. Lean into me."

Aiden turned to face him. "Thank you." He smiled.

Connor could smell the river mud on him. "You stink." He grimaced. "We need to get you washed up."

"Will you help me?" Aiden asked.

"Of course." Connor nodded. His heart was pounding and in his pants, his penis was swelling again. It was becoming uncomfortable and he longed to adjust himself. Holding Aiden was making his pulse race. Even though the he was battered and mostly covered with mud and dirt, he was still as beautiful a boy as Connor had ever seen.

Aiden smiled. "I missed you too." Aiden could feel the warmth of Connor's body and he longed to hold him tighter and not let go.

For a moment, they stood still and just looked into each other's eyes. They were nearly the same size and the physical contact felt good to them both. Connor realized that he did fancy Aiden, even if that were wrong and certain to get him into even more trouble. Just being close to the boy made his body ache with longing.

"Do I frighten you?" Aiden held his gaze, looking into Connor's brown eyes.

"No why?" Connor looked into Aiden's amber eyes.

"Your heart is really pounding and you're breathing heavily."

Connor looked away. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what?" Aiden asked quietly.

"Connor turned back to face him. "I like you...a lot. I've never had these feelings before and I don't understand them. I get all excited and my stomach ties itself into knots when we're together. I can't stand to be near you and not...touch you."


"Does that bother you? I know it's sinful to feel this way about another boy." Connor spoke quietly. "I don't want you to be mad at me."

"No. I'm glad you feel this way."


"Yes. I haven't had anyone in my life for a while and..." Aiden looked down.

"And what?" Connor whispered.

Aiden faced him. "I feel the same about you." He felt his own pulse spike. "Can I..."

"What?" Connor's voice was hardly more than a whisper.

"I want to kiss you." Aiden looked like he might cry at any moment.

"You do?" Connor felt his penis throbbing in his pants, longing to be freed.

Aiden just nodded.

"I've never kissed another boy...but..." He couldn't stand the excitement of the moment. He leaned forward just a bit, then pulled back, only to lean forward again.

Aiden leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to Connor's cheek.

Connor gasped and his penis ached, practically ripping free of his pants. For a moment, he was frozen, feeling Aiden's warm lips against his skin. It was a quick kiss, more of a thank you than anything passionate.

For a tender moment, the boys held each other as best they could without inflicting more pain on Aiden's abused body. Neither said anything, they just looked into each other's faces.

Connor hugged Aiden to him, his arm around the boy's waist. "Come on, the well is next to the house." He gently led Aiden from the barn. "We've got to get you cleaned up if you are going to come inside."

The sun had set and the fields were quickly becoming cloaked in darkness.

Aiden looked to the forest. "There isn't much time."

Connor looked at him in the red glow from the sunset. "You are naked again. My mother won't like that."

"I don't own any clothes. He won't let me have anything of my own."

"So you always walk around naked?" Connor grinned.

"No, usually I'm covered in black fur." Aiden met Connor's gaze and smiled timidly.

"Oh yeah. Well, you can't stay naked, my mother will have a fit." Connor led them to the well and pulled up a bucket of water. "Start cleaning off and I'll get you some clothes."

"Alright but please hurry." Aiden began splashing the cold water on himself, rubbing off the dried blood and dirt.

Connor ran to the cottage and ripped open the front door. His father looked up from the table.

"Good, I was just coming to get you. It's almost dark and none of us should be outside."

Connor ran to his room and pulled his clean sleeping clothes off the bed. He ran back through the room and out the front door. "Be right back."

"Connor!" His father stood and walked to the door, the sheriff following. "Back inside, now!"

They watched as Connor ran across the yard, stopping at the well.

"Who is that with him?" The sheriff peered out into the gloom.

"I have no idea." Bryce left to fetch the rifle from Connor's room and then returned. He walked outside, the sheriff with him. He also had his rifle.

Aiden had washed where he could reach and Connor helped by rubbing the dirt off Aiden's back, both boys again enjoying the physical contact. When they were finished, Connor removed his work shirt and Aiden used it to dry off. He reached for the sleeping clothes as the two men approached the well, rifles at the ready.

Connor stepped between them and Aiden. "Father, this is Aiden." He held up his hands and slowly moved aside.

Aiden pulled Connor's sleeping pants on and nodded. "Hello sir."

"I thought you said he left this morning." The sheriff questioned.

"He did, but now he's back." Connor couldn't help smiling.

"Well, we should get inside. I don't want to worry your mother." His father frowned. While he didn't comment on it, he could see the straining bulge in Connor's pants and hear the overwhelming happiness in his voice. He needed to speak with his son sooner, rather than later.

The sheriff looked at the horizon. "The sun has gone down." He turned the other direction, towards the barn. "And the moon is rising."

As if on queue, a long, mournful howl echoed up from the river.

Aiden turned to Connor. "He is coming."

"Who is?" The sheriff asked.

"Inside everyone, quickly." Connor's father ushered them all back towards the cottage.

Aiden remained standing at the well, facing the forest, holding Connors sleeping shirt in his hand.

Connor's father grabbed his arm. "You too, come on." He pulled Aiden along and they closed the door and bolted it.

The bedroom door opened and Connor's mother came out. "Did you hear that howl? It came from the forest, down towards the river I think."

"Yes Millie, we heard it. Do me a favor please. Close the bedroom doors and come sit at the table with us.

She did as requested, placing a few logs on the hearth to brighten the room. She noticed Aiden, sitting next to Connor, their legs touching. "Oh, you came back." She didn't sound pleased. She looked more closely and saw the swelling on his face and the bruise on his chest. "Oh my word. What happened?"

"It's a long story." Aiden looked away and pulled Connor's sleeping shirt over his head.

"Son?" The sheriff placed his hand on Aiden's shoulder. "Did someone do that to you?"

"Well he didn't do it to himself!" Connor glared at the sheriff, feeling protective of his friend.

"Connor! Mind your tone!" His father barked.

Outside, another howl disturbed the otherwise quiet night.

Aiden looked up. "He will be here soon."

"Who will?" The sheriff picked up his rifle.

"My...the man with the black hair."

"Is he making that howling sound?" Connor's mother whispered.

Aiden faced her and nodded. "Yes."

"Aiden, if you know something about him you need to tell us." Connor's father gave him a stern look.

"You won't believe me." He shook his head.

The sheriff laughed quietly. "After what I've seen recently, I'll believe just about anything." He leaned his rifle against the table and pulled out his pipe.

Aiden faced him. "So you have seen him before?"

"I saw something in the forest last night and it attacked one of the villagers. Tore part of his leg clean off. And I've heard that howl before."

"That man was lucky. Usually, he kills you."

"What are you talking about?" Millie put her hands on the table and clenched her fingers.

Aiden took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He looked around the room, meeting each of their gazes. "By day, he is a tall man with long black hair that some of you have seen." He faced Connor. "But, at night, when the moon is full, he is something much worse."

"A werewolf." The sheriff shook his head. "I never thought I would believe it. Men who change into wolves. That's just crazy."

"But he is not a true wolf. He is a demon of the old world in the form of a half wolf, half man."

Connor's father nodded. "So he has somehow been cursed to transform into a monstrous creature during the full moon. The old bedtime stories are true it seems."

"No, you don't understand. He truly is that creature, but has been cursed to transform into a human. By day, he is vulnerable, his power taken from him. But, for a few nights each month, he regains his strength and true form. It is on those nights that he hunts and feeds."

"So how do we kill him?" The sheriff lit his pipe. "I mean, he can be killed, right?"

"I don't know. When he is in his true form, he is nearly impossible to seriously injur. It is during the day that he could be killed, so he hides, staying away from people most of the time."

"How do you know all this?" Connor's mother narrowed her eyes and pointed at Aiden.

"That isn't important right now." He shook his head

"But you do know him...don't you!" She glared. "You and that thing are connected somehow."

"Yes." Aiden nodded and looked down, ashamed.

"And now you've led it here! I knew you were trouble the moment I saw you." She pointed to the door. "I want you out of my home! Go, and take that thing with you!"

"Mother no!" Connor shook his head.

Aiden rose. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." His voice was strained.

"Sit down Aiden, you aren't going anywhere, least ways not outside." Connor's father shook his head. "Millie, please, now is not the time."

"Oh? When will it be the time? After that thing breaks in here?" She faced Aiden. "It's after you, isn't it! Following you!" She faced the sheriff. "We never had a problem until he showed up. We should give him to the creature. Maybe then it will leave us alone."

The sheriff looked shocked and started to reply but Aiden cut him off.

"I will leave, if that would make you feel better. He won't kill me; I'm not the one he is coming for."

Connor's father sighed and shook his head. "He's after me. I spoke with him in the village and then he stole that black wolf pelt from me. He knows I hunt wolves and I'm sure that upsets him. He's come to punish me."

"No, he's after me." The Sheriff took a puff on his pipe and exhaled. "I shot him in the forest, remember? I'm sure that hurt, werewolf or not. He has come for revenge."

Connor rose, his hands shaking. "He wants me." He faced Aiden. "I saw him at the river when he killed that man, and then he chased me to the barn. He almost came into my room that night but he didn't for some reason. Now, he has come back."

Aiden faced Connor, tears forming in his eyes. "Yes, he is coming for you."

"No!" Millie moved around the table and grabbed Connor's arm. "My boy hasn't done anything wrong." She began to cry. "Oh Connor!"

Aiden took a step closer to Connor and placed his hand on Connor's bare arm. "I'm sorry. I wanted to warn you sooner, so you could leave."

"Get away from him!" Connor's mother shoved Aiden backwards. "This is your fault!"

In his weakened state, Aiden was easily knocked off balance and crashed down on a small table, breaking it. He landed on his back on the floor and winced with pain.

"My god Millie! What has gotten into you?" Connor's father rushed to Aiden and helped him stand. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Aiden grimaced, struggling to his feet. "My injuries heal quickly, when the moon is full." He looked at Connor and smiled weakly. "But I still feel pain."

Connor's father looked surprised. He faced Connor. "What is he talking about...when the moon is full?" He slowly backed away from Aiden.

Aiden nodded. "It's ok, you can tell them." He limped over to the hearth, holding his hands out to the flames.

"Tell us what?" The sheriff set his pipe down and hefted his rifle.

Connor saw the man raise his gun and moved to stand in front of Aiden. "Put your gun down, please sir. It isn't what you think."

"Connor? What do you know that you aren't telling us?" His father moved over to stand next to the sheriff, his hand on the pistol tucked in his belt.

Connor turned and spoke quietly to Aiden. "Are you sure you want me to tell them? I could make an excuse that you are delirious from your injuries and not thinking clearly. You don't have to reveal your secret."

Aiden turned and faced Connor, their faces inches apart. He spoke quietly. "I doubt they will be alive much longer so it really doesn't matter what they think of me." He turned back to the fire.

Connor nodded and turned around. "If you put your guns away and agree to listen to me calmly, I'll tell you."

The sheriff lowered his rifle, propping it against the table.

Connor's father removed his hand from his pistol and nodded. "Fair enough."

"Aiden is...I mean he can turn into a wolf too."

None of the adults said anything. The sheriff picked up his pipe from the table and put it into his mouth.

"Well? You asked!" Connor glared. "But he won't hurt any of us."

Aiden turned and stood next to Connor. "No, I won't." Their shoulders touched and it gave him strength.

"Werewolf." The sheriff placed his hand back on his rifle. "Am I mistaken?"

"No, not like the creature out there." He pointed to the door. "I am a shape shifter. I can either be as you see me now, or as Connor said a wolf."

"How is that possible?" The sheriff puffed on his pipe.

Aiden took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I was born human and had a family. One night, for whatever reason, the beast came into my home. I listened, terrified, as he killed my parents in the next room and then he came into the room I shared with my brother. We were in bed, having gone to sleep for the night. He pulled my brother from my side and tore him to pieces, while I watched. I still hear their screams sometimes..."

"God almighty..." Millie covered her mouth.

"Then, he dragged me from the house and into the forest behind our home. There, he raped me repeatedly. It was a full moon that night. He mated me and made me the way I am now -- able to transform into a wolf."

Connor's father sat down. "So, why are you different? Why aren't you a monster like him?"

"I have refused the `gift' as he calls it. I will not embrace the curse so I only have the ability to become a normal wolf."

"What is it you won't embrace?" The sheriff asked.

"On some night, during the four days surrounding a full moon, I have to murder and eat someone, as a wolf."

"I'm going to be sick." Millie rose and walked to the washbasin. She pulled the cloth out of the water and wiped her forehead and face.

"Once I do, the curse is complete and I will transform into a creature like him. I will lose my soul forever and become a demon. Or so he has told me." Aiden shook his head. "But I won't do that. I'm not a killer."

"When did that attack on your family happen?" Connor's father asked gently.

Aiden closed his eyes. "A little over a year ago, during the fall."

"And you been alone ever since?" Connor took Aiden's hand in his own and held it. He looked at into the other boy's eyes.

"I'm never alone. He is always with me. The few times I tried to run away, he found me, and killed those who were offering me shelter."

"And now you are here, seeking shelter with us." Connor's father sighed. "I'm sorry for what has happened to you and your family but I can't help wishing you had never come here."

"I did not intend to interact with any of you. I just needed a place to rest and heal. That is why I was hiding in your hayloft. I thought this time of the year nobody would go up there."

"That's right; you were hurt when I found you." Connor nodded.

"Connor said you had a wound in your side." The sheriff pointed his pipe towards Aiden. "Did that creature cause that too?"

Aiden lifted the shirt, exposing the mostly healed wound on his side. "No, I was shot."

"When?" The sheriff raised in eyebrow.

"A few days ago. I killed someone's sheep, as I was hungry. If I get too hungry, it's difficult to fight the urge to attack people. I was leaving the area when someone shot me."

The sheriff faced Connor's father. "I bet it was Russell. Remember? He said he shot at a wolf in the woods near his farm."

"Aye, I remember. I wonder if the creature outside attacked him as some kind of retribution for shooting Aiden."

"I think you could be right."

Aiden faced the cottage door. "You don't have a lot of time. He has left the river."

"How do you know?" Connor's father asked.

"I can sense when he is near and that feeling is growing stronger."

"Is there anything we can do?" Connor asked. "I don't want to die." He felt a tear slide down his cheek.

Aiden shrugged. "I'm not sure. At his core he's a demon and I don't know how to fight one."

Connor's father though a moment. "Connor! Under my bed is a box with your great grandfather's possessions. Go get it, quickly!"

"Oh right!" Conner ran from the room and into his parent's room. He returned in a moment with a long wooden box.

Bryce took the box and set it on the table. He unlatched the lid and opened it.

"What is all that?" The sheriff leaned over and looked at the contents.

"These belonged to my grandfather. He was a clergyman of sorts, or so my father told me. It was an old religion, one that held to traditions that were passed down through each generation, all the way back to the middle ages. He died before he ever passed them on to my father." He removed a red stole and handed it to the sheriff. "Hopefully this isn't blasphemy."

The sheriff took the stole and draped it over his shoulders. He pointed to a long object, wrapped in silk. "What is that?"

"It's his sword." Bryce removed the weapon from the silk wrappings and pulled it from its scabbard. A tarnished blade poorly reflected the light from the candles on the table.

"Silver?" The sheriff asked. "The folk tales we've all heard say silver hurts werewolves."

"I don't think it's real silver, maybe just plated. My father said it was valuable and forbade me to sell it. He said if I did, it would dishonor the family and bring misfortune to us."

Still standing at the washbasin, Connor's mother shook her head. "Oh rubbish! That old religion is dead for a reason. It was heresy then and is still so today. We need to put our faith in the cross. There's one over the door." She smiled smugly.

"What else is in there?" The sheriff ignored her and peered into the box.

"I don't remember." Connor's father dug around and pulled out two red candles, a book, and a wooden box. "I remember this." He opened the lid exposing the contents that appeared to be dirt.

"What is that?" Connor looked too.

"My father said it is dirt from their holy lands or something. He said it would bring good luck if you sprinkled it around your home. I always assumed he was joking."

The sheriff held is hand out. "May I?"

"Of course." Bryce handed him the box of dirt. It was a little larger than his hand and was square.

The sheriff sniffed the dirt and shrugged. "Smells like normal earth to me."

Connor's father hefted the sword and got a feel for its balance. "Well, if your bullets didn't hurt that thing, maybe cutting its arm off will." He set the blade on the table and looked into the box. "There is a dried plant in there but I don't know what it is. It smells a bit like rosemary."

Aiden reached out his hand and held it a few inches above the wide, flat blade.

"Well look at that!" The sheriff sounded amazed.

Connor and his father looked. The blade was glowing a pale blue, below Aiden's hand.

Aiden faced Connor's father. "This blade is enchanted."

"How is that possible?" Connor's father held his hand over a different section of the sword but it didn't glow. "Magic isn't real."

"Neither are werewolves." The sheriff lowered his voice.

"I don't know." Aiden shook his head and pulled his hand away from the sword. "I only know what I've personally seen. There is another world out there, if you know where and what to look for."

Behind them, a metal bowl crashed to the floor. They turned and saw Connor's mother standing at the counter, looking out the small window towards the well. Her hand was over her mouth.

"He is here." Aiden faced the door.

Slowly, Millie backed away from the window and took a seat on the bench. "It...I've never seen..." She covered her mouth again, trembling. "God help us." She crossed herself and began to whisper a prayer.

Something heavy slammed into the door and it rattled on its hinges. The cross that hung above the door fell from its hook and broke on the stone floor.

Connor's father moved into the middle of the room. "Morgan, I'd appreciate it if you'd back me up with the guns." He handed the sheriff his pistol and hefted the sword with both hands.

The sheriff took the pistol and tucked it into his belt. He lifted his rifle and put Connor's rifle against the table next to him, within easy reach. "Can he break through the door?"

Aiden nodded. "Yes." He moved to stand next to Connor, by the hearth.

Connor intertwined his fingers with Aiden's and squeezed his hand. He leaned close and whispered. "If this is my death, I'm glad I met you and I'm glad you're here with me now."

Aiden squeezed Connor's hand. "Me too. I'll do what I can to protect you."

Another loud crash against the door and the bolt broke. The door swung open, the moonlight blocked by something large standing just outside.

Connor's mother screamed.

The sheriff cocked the rifle and fired. The shot was deafening in the small dwelling and the room filled with smoke and the acrid stench of gunpowder.

The creature howled with pain and reeled backwards for a moment. Then, with a deep growl, it crossed the threshold and entered the cottage. It was massive, standing over six and a half feet tall and nearly as wide as the doorway. The werewolf was covered in black fur and its eyes were bright yellow. For a moment, it looked at each of them as if sizing them up. Then, its gaze landed on Connor, holding Aiden's hand. It growled again and lowered its head.

Connor met the eyes of the werewolf and mentally noted how similar they were to Aiden's, except these were filled with rage and madness. The creature opened its mouth, saliva dripping onto the floor. It had huge teeth, similar to a wolf's mouth but grotesquely twisted.

The werewolf took a step towards Connor, reaching forward with its long arms and clawed hands. Beneath its feet, the broken cross crunched on the stone floor.

Bryce stepped in front of the two boys and raised the sword. He didn't know how to properly use the weapon so he held it point forward. "Get back!"

The creature took a second step towards Connor and then, a strange thing happened. It stopped and focused its gaze to Connor's father, and the tarnished sword. Its eyes narrowed and it sniffed the smoky air.

"I don't think he likes this!" Connor's father spoke loudly, looking over his shoulder at the sheriff.

With a snarl, the creature swiped at Connor's father with a clawed hand, striking his arm and knocking the sword from his grip. When it did that, however, it brushed against the blade and howled with agony. A flash of bright blue fire leapt up from the tarnished blade and the room filled with the scent of burnt hair.

The sword clattered to the floor, to the side, landing in front of the boys. Connor's father stumbled backward, grabbing his arm in obvious pain. He recovered his composure and moved to place himself between the werewolf and the boys, though unarmed now.

Another shot rang out in the cottage and the creature recoiled backwards. Blood flew from its chest, splattering the wall by the washbasin.

The sheriff set Connor's rifle down and picked up the pistol. He cocked the hammer back and took a step forward. "Get out of here! Go on!" He aimed the weapon and fired, towards the creature's face.

More blood splattered on the wall and the creature howled with rage, covering its eye. It moved its clawed hand, a piece of its cheek missing, and turned to face the boys. It took a step forward, gnashing its teeth.

Aiden pushed Connor back and knelt down, picking up the sword. It was heavy, but he lifted it and held it steady, tip pointed towards the creature. "You can't have him. I won't let you."

The sword began to glow with a faint blue light, brightest where Aiden was holding it. The creature stopped, its eyes narrowing on Aiden. It realized its creation had betrayed it, choosing to protect the human it had targeted. That treachery it would deal with later. But for now... that sword...

It growled deeply and its hands twitched, claws clicking together. It considered the blade, having felt the pain from the earlier contact. Clearly this was a weapon of the old religion, but how did these humans come to possess it. It weighed the dangerous weapon against the desire and need to have Connor. It wanted to feel the boy's pain as it forced itself into him, mating him and filling his guts with its black seed, bonding them together.

"Get away from my son!" Connor's mother stepped quickly in front of the boys, the box of dirt in her hands.

The creature turned its gaze upon her, drool spilling from its maw. It raised a clawed hand, poised to slash at her face.

Millie's hands were shaking badly as she dipped her fingers into the box of dirt. "Be gone!" She threw a handful of the dirt towards the werewolf. "Leave our home!"

The dirt struck the creature on its chest and immediately, the fur burst into blue flames. It howled in agony and tried to brush the dirt away, only succeeding in spreading the fire to its arms.

"Oh my word!" She flicked another handful of dirt towards it. "Away with you!"

Before the second handful of dirt struck it, the creature jumped backwards, towards the door. The fire on its fur went out and an oily black smoke filled the cottage, causing them all go cough and gag.

It looked around the room, eyes settling upon Connor again. The werewolf lifted its head to the ceiling and howled. Then, it left the cottage and disappeared into the darkness. It had been unprepared for such resistance. It was wounded and needed time to heal.

With the sword in his grip, Aiden followed it out into the night.

"Aiden! Come back!" Connor chased after him.

"Connor no!" His father yelled.

"I've got him." The sheriff hooked an arm around Connor's waist as he dashed past.

"Let me go!" Connor struggled but the sheriff was stronger.

"Not tonight." The sheriff released Connor and blocked the doorway.

"He's right son. Aiden knows that thing better than any of us." Bryce cradled his injured arm in his other hand, trying to stop the bleeding.

"He's out there alone..." Connor wiped his eyes.

"No, he has your great grandfather's sword. I guess it's a good thing I never sold that!" Bryce commented.

"Is everyone alright?" The sheriff looked around the room.

"I'm fine." Millie nodded. She had taken a seat at the table, the box of dirt clutched tightly in her hands.

"You did well." Connor's father sat next to her. "I think you are what finally drove it away." He winced in discomfort and picked up a towel from the table.

"Well...I never would have put any faith in these relics but tonight...well let's just say I have had my eyes opened a bit. God certainly works in mysterious ways." She wrapped the towel around her husband's arm and tied it tightly.

"Look!" Connor pointed past the sheriff, into the darkness.

The sheriff turned and saw an aura of blue light approaching. "Aiden is back."

Connor darted forward and squeezed past the sheriff, running out into the darkness. He ran up to Aiden and stopped next to the well. "Is he gone?"

"Yes, for now." Aiden stuck the tip of the sword into the ground and held his arms open. When he released the sword, it ceased glowing and they were enveloped in the night, lit only by the moon rising into the sky.

Connor fell into his embrace and hugged him tightly. "I was so worried for you."

Aiden hugged him happily, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I was too. Come on, let's go back inside." He released Connor and pulled the sword from the ground. It began to glow again, in his grip.

They walked back to the cottage and stepped inside. The sheriff raised an eyebrow when Connor made eye contact, but didn't say anything.

Connor's father and the sheriff managed to get the door closed and secured, though it would need a more permanent repair.

For a while, everyone sat in silence, reflecting upon what had happened that night. Connor's parents sat on the bench, the sheriff in a chair, and the boys sat on the floor, in front of the hearth, their legs touching.

"Well? Is that it?" Connor's father looked at Aiden. "Is he going to come back?"

"Not tonight. You really hurt him and I bet he thinks twice before returning." Aiden couldn't help the smile that crept across his face.

"That is the creature that raped you and made you into a werewolf...I mean shape shifter?" Connor's mother asked quietly.

"Yes." Aiden nodded

She shuttered, recalling the horrific sight of the werewolf and imagining it sexually brutalizing the boy sitting next to her son. "I...want to apologize for treating you so badly. I was terrified of course but that is no excuse. I saved us all tonight and for that I am grateful."

Aiden dipped his head. "Thank you. As I said, I never meant to endanger any of you. I was only looking for a place to hide and rest."

The sheriff yawned. "Oh, excuse me. I'm worn out."

Connor's father stretched his arms and flexed the one that the werewolf had struck. The shirt was damp with blood. He removed the towel and rolled up his sleeve. The wound had mostly stopped bleeding and didn't look too serious, just a few scratches.

The sheriff picked up his pipe and lit it. "I have to ask, Aiden, is that wound going to be a problem? Is he going to turn into a werewolf too?"

"No, it doesn't work like that. If he wanted to make you a werewolf, he would need to breed you." Aiden glanced sideways at Connor. "I think that is why he came here tonight."

"What?" Connor's mother looked up.

"He was going to take Connor and make him like me." Aiden reached out and took Connor's hand in his own.

"But...why?" She sounded exhausted.

"He has given up on me and wants to create another to take my place. And, after I protected Connor with that sword, I think he won't just give me a beating next time we meet. He will kill me."

Connor's father rose and walked over to where the boys sat in front of the hearth. He noticed they were holding hands, but let it be. "I want to thank you for helping us tonight and protecting my son. You are welcome here as long as you wish to stay."

"Yes, please stay." Connor's mother agreed.

"Thank you. I would like to stay for a while, at least until I'm healed and rested." He released Connor's hand and rubbed his swollen eye.

"I'm all worn out." She rose, smoothing her apron. "I don't know if I can sleep a wink tonight but I feel I must try."

"I'll be out here and I'm a light sleeper." The sheriff nodded. "If nobody objects, I'll keep the sword with me, just in case."

"Yes, please do." Connor's father agreed. "What about our rooms? Are they safe? They each have a window."

Aiden nodded. "I think so. I believe the reason he didn't come in two nights ago and take Connor then is the windows are so small. He wouldn't have been able to just crash through, he would have had to squeeze in, and that puts him at a disadvantage."

"Still, if anyone hears anything out of the ordinary tonight, wake me right away." The sheriff puffed on his pipe.

"Well, with that, I'm off to bed." Millie moved over to where the boys were sitting. "Please Aiden, consider this your home." She ruffled his hair and opened the door to her bedroom.

"Morgan, I'll see you in the morning. Thank you for keeping watch tonight." Connor's father shook the sheriff's hand and followed his wife into their room, closing the door behind him.

"And what about you two? Are you going to keep me company out here or go to the other room?"

"We'll go to my room." Connor nodded and rose. "Come on Aiden."

Aiden stood, wincing from discomfort. "I think I could sleep for a week."

"Well, see that you do." The sheriff gave them a knowing look. "No horsing around."

"Yes sir." Connor nodded and opened the door to his room. When he and Aiden were both inside, he closed the door. "I think he saw us kiss and hug at the well."

Aiden quickly grabbed Connor around the waist and pulled him close. "He didn't say anything. Maybe you are mistaken."

"Maybe." Connor looked into Aiden's eyes. His lips pursed and relaxed. "Can I..."

"What?" Aiden smiled.

"Kiss you?" Connor looked ashamed for asking.

"I'd like that." Aiden nodded.

Connor gently kissed Aiden on the cheek and then hugged him tightly. After a while, he pulled away and gently pushed the other boy backwards, careful not to hurt him. He kept Aiden at arm's length. "You have charmed me with some spell. I have never felt like this before." He whispered.

Aiden shrugged. "I don't think I did."

"Well, I don't care if you have. I love feeling like this." Connor grinned and pulled Aiden to him again, kissing him once more on the other cheek. Then he released him. "I'm going to get in so much trouble if my parents find out."

"Then you shouldn't do it." Aiden shook his head. "I don't want you to be in trouble, and certainly not because of me."

Connor gently ran his hand down Aiden's arm, feeling the smooth skin. "I can't stand being near you and not touch you. It's crazy."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Aiden smiled. "But now, I'm tired and sore. Can we go to bed?" He yawned.

"Sure." Connor nodded. "I'm tired too." He removed his boots and pants, and climbed into bed, on the side closest to the window.

Aiden removed Connor's sleeping clothes and set them on the floor. "Thank you for letting me wear those again." Naked, he climbed into bed and lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

"We'll get you some of your own soon. You can have anything you want." Connor rolled onto his back too.

"What if I want to keep wearing yours?" Aiden whispered.

"That's fine too." Connor felt around with his left hand and grabbed Aiden's right hand. "I want you to be happy. You've had a terrible life."

Aiden intertwined his fingers with Connor's and sighed. "It wasn't always bad. Just the last year or so."

"Well yeah, that's what I meant." Connor squeezed Aiden's hand. "Will you tell me about your brother?"

Aiden was quiet for a few minutes and Connor did not press him further. Aiden pulled his hand free of Connor's and rolled onto his side, so he was facing him. He rested his head on Connor's pillow.

"He was two years older than me, and he was my best friend. I miss him terribly."

"How old are you?" Connor rolled onto his side so he could face Aiden.

"I'm fifteen but will be sixteen this fall."

"Oh wow, we're the same age. I'm going to be sixteen in July."

Aiden smiled. "I know we've only known each other a short time but I've begun to think of you as my brother. I hope you don't mind; you are a lot like he was." He turned his face upwards and sniffled.

"Don't cry. Things are going to be better now."

"I hope so." He faced Connor again. "Thank you for all you've done."

"That's what brothers do for each other." Connor replied happily. "I've always wanted a brother and now..."

"You have one." Aiden sighed happily. "If you want me to be, that is."

"I do." Connor nodded.

"And you know what?" Aiden asked quietly.


"I used to kiss my brother too."

"Oh." Connor whispered.

"Does that upset you?"


"Good. We used to touch each other too. He and I were very close." His voice drifted off.

Connor reached out and placed his hand on Aiden's hairless chest, touching the cool skin. "I feel close to you too." He slowly ran his fingers up and down Aiden's chest.

"That's because we're sharing a bed." He smiled.

"You know what I mean!" Connor frowned.

"Yes. I feel the same." For a while, he lay still, enjoying Connor's affection.

"What are you thinking about?" Connor rubbed lower but kept his hands well away from Aiden's groin, not wanting to behave improperly.

"You." Aiden whispered. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, but I need to tell you something and I hope you don't get upset with me." Connor also whispered.

"I won't."

"I've lived my life alone, except for my parents. I don't have a lot of friends as we live so far from the village. A few weeks ago my father told me it is time I seek the attention of a girl, and form a relationship." His voice trailed off.

"So why haven't you?"

"I..." Connor sighed.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable."

"No, I want to tell you." Connor's breath was becoming ragged.

Aiden nodded and placed his hand over Connor's hand, pinning it to his chest. "So tell me and stop worrying."

" goes..." Connor took a deep breath. "I don't want to be with any girls from the village." He held his breath, waiting for Aiden's reaction.

"Why, are they all fat and ugly?" Aiden grinned.

"Well no...not really. are trying to change the subject." Connor frowned.

"Connor, it's alright. I know what you are trying to say, and what you are feeling."

"Still...I need to hear myself say it, if only to you."

"I'm waiting." Aiden smiled.

"I don't want any of them I want to be with you." Connor blurted it out quickly and hardly more than a whisper.

Aiden leaned closer. "I'm sorry? I didn't hear you."

Connor sighed, frustrated. "I said..." He leaned closer.

Aiden moved his face against Connors and kissed him on the mouth. He felt Connor's wet lips and then quickly pulled his face away a few inches.

Connor was speechless, trying to catch his breath. His penis felt like it was going to burst, it was so hard. His stomach began to churn and he didn't know if he was overjoyed or going to be sick.

"Is it alright that I kissed you?" Aiden asked quietly. He had expected some reaction but Connor seemed to be frozen.

Connor didn't answer, his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, but he nodded quickly.

"I need you to say something, talk to me." Aiden whispered.

"You kissed me."

"That wasn't the first time we've kissed."

"No but...on the mouth." Connor inadvertently licked his lips, searching for Aiden's taste.

"I enjoy kissing like that, but I don't do it with just anyone." He smiled.

Connor's lips twitched a few times and then he slowly leaned closer to Aiden.

Not wanting to startle him, Aiden remained where he was and let Connor come to him.

Connor tentatively touched his lips to Aiden's, then pulled back an inch. He took a deep breath, inhaling Aiden's wonderful scent, and then pushed his lips forcefully against Aiden's. He gave in to the lust and need he had been feeling, the sensation overwhelming him.

Aiden received Connor's kiss and excitedly joined the union. He gently chewed Connor's lower lip, pulling it into his own mouth, then sucking it.

For several minutes, the boys explored each other's lips and mouths. Connor reached his right arm around the back of Aiden's head and gently held him.

Aiden felt his heart racing. It had seemed like an eternity since he had received any emotional or physical love and his body and soul drew it in. He reached his hand forward and felt for Connor's penis. He found it, and gently cupped the other boy's testicles, applying pressure.

Connor gasped and then moaned quietly.

"You like this?" Aiden asked, pulling his mouth away from Connor's.

Connor pressed his hips forward. "Yes."

Aiden wrapped his fingers around Connor's penis and gave it a gentle squeeze. He felt its stiffness in his grip and slowly moved his hand up and down, careful not to tug the dry skin.

"Oh God, yes, that feels incredible." Connor moaned.

"Shh, not so loud." Aiden cautioned. "My brother and I used to stroke each other like this..." His voice trailed off.

Connor reached forward and timidly felt for Aiden's penis. He found it and was not surprised that it too was fully swollen. He gently wrapped his hand around it and mimicked what Aiden was doing to him. "Am I doing this right?"

"Yes." Aiden whispered.

Connor continued to stroke Aiden gently. He knew he would be in serious trouble should his mother or father walk in, but he didn't care. This was the most exciting thing he had ever done and he didn't want to stop. He felt a strange sensation, deep in his groin and shifted, pressing his hips toward Aiden.

"Are you ok?" Aiden asked, slowing his hand.

"Yes, but I feel strange, down there."

"Good, that means you are almost ready." He squeezed tighter and resumed, quickening his pace.

Connor moaned and reluctantly let go of Aiden's penis. The sensation was too powerful and he couldn't focus on anything else. He rolled onto his back and breathed heavily. "Oh god, that feels fantastic." He groaned.

"Shhh..." Aiden laughed quietly. "The sheriff is just outside your room."

"Something is happening!" Connor gasped quietly.

Aiden felt Connor stiffen and then his penis twitched and convulsed, shooting several streams of semen onto Connor's stomach and chest. He continued to stroke Connor, gently now that he would be sensitive, and milked the last few spurts from him.

"How do you feel?" Aiden smiled and pulled his hand away.

"Wow! That was incredible!" Connor gasped, breathing heavily.

"Good." Aiden licked his fingers, tasting the salty sweetness of Connor's semen.

Connor lifted his head but couldn't see anything. "I made a mess."

"You released quite a bit." Aiden pushed himself up with his hand and leaned over Connor's chest. He sniffed a few times and then lowered his lips to Connor's chest, sucking up the semen and licking the skin clean.

"Stop, that tickles!" Connor writhed beneath him. He placed his hand on the back of Aiden's neck and gently rubbed the muscles. "Ew, you ate my stuff" Connor smiled.

Aiden finished cleaning Connor off and licked his lips. "You taste good."

"What does it taste like?"

"Everyone is probably a little different. I only did this with my brother and you don't taste like he did."

"Do you want me to continue stroking you?" He stopped rubbing Aiden's neck and placed his hand on the boy's chest.

"Yes, but not tonight. I'm really tired, and sore. Maybe tomorrow, if I feel better." He lay back down and sighed. "Good night Connor. I'm glad we're brothers now."

"Good night Aiden, and thank you." Connor laid back and stared at the ceiling. He was still coming down from the rush of the strongest ejaculation he had ever had, and his mind was whirling with questions about what had just happened. He knew it was sinful and he should be ashamed, but he wasn't. He could only think about when Aiden might do that to him again and what else they might do together.

Next: Chapter 4

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