Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Dec 7, 2019


Dillon opened his eyes and yawned. The sky was just beginning to brighten, outside the small window in Connor's room. He felt a weight around his waist and on his groin. He looked down to his crotch and smiled. Connor's arm was draped over him and his hand was covering his prick.

Dillon pushed his butt backwards so it pressed firmly into Connor's crotch.

Connor inhaled deeply and rolled onto his back, pulling his arm off the boy, as he did.

"Hey!" Dillon scolded him quietly. "Don't stop!"

"What?" Connor yawned and stretched his arms over his head. "What are you talking about?"

Dillon rolled over to face him and placed his hand on the older boy's chest.

"You were holding me and holding my prick."

"I was?" Connor smiled and placed a hand on top of the boy's hand, where it rested.

"Yeah, and I was enjoying it." Dillon playfully tugged his hand free and sat up. "Where is Aiden?" He looked around the room.

"I don't know. He never gets out of bed before me." Connor sounded slightly alarmed and made his way off the bed.

Dillon leaned over the bed, looking down on the straw mat, and smiled. "He's over here." He whispered, pointing down. "I think he's still sleeping."

Connor made his way around the foot of the bed, over to the side by the window, and looked down.

Aiden was on his back, breathing slowly.

Connor faced Dillon and they both smiled.

Dillon pointed at Aiden. "Does he kick and thrash if he wakes suddenly?"

"Uh, I don't think so. At least he never has. Why?"

"Because I want to wake him with a kiss." Dillon grinned mischievously.

"I know he would like that." Connor smiled.

Dillon slid gently off the bed and onto Aiden, lying lengthwise along his body. He lined his face up with Aiden's and kissed him on the mouth.

Beneath him, Aiden moaned softly and returned the kiss with vigor. "Good morning, my love." He mumbled against the moist lips covering his own.

Dillon broke off the kiss and lifted his head, still lying on top of him. "Hey sleepyhead. It's time to get up."

Aiden's eyes shot open, realizing it wasn't Connor on top of him. "Oh, hey, Dillon. I thought..."

Dillon sat up, straddling Aiden's waist. "You thought I was someone else." He grinned and stood, licking his lips.

"Yeah." Aiden sat up and stretched. "But..."

"Yes?" Dillon held out his hand to help him stand.

Aiden took the offered hand and was pulled up. He hugged Dillon. "I'm glad it was you." He pulled back and planted his own passionate kiss on the boy's mouth.

Connor cleared his throat. "What about me?"

The other two turned to face him.

"Well come over here." Aiden smiled.

Connor grinned and walked to them. First Dillon, and then Aiden kissed him on the mouth.

"Good. Now I feel included." He removed the clothes he had slept in and pulled a shirt and pair of pants from the pile at the foot of the bed. He wasn't sure who had worn them last but that didn't matter.

The other two smiled at each other and also changed into some work clothes.

When they were dressed, Connor led them through the house and into the barn to begin the morning chores. Dillon did everything Connor requested of him and soon all the animals were out to pasture and a few eggs were gathered. There would be more throughout the day but there were enough for breakfast.

"This is fun." Dillon smiled, gently shaking the basket of eggs. "Much better than sitting around the house and..." His voice trailed off.

Connor realized he had been about to say something negative about his family or the house. He faced Aiden. "Please stand by the door and listen for anyone approaching."

Aiden nodded and took up his post by the barn doors, just inside. He kept one ear to the outside and turned to watch.

Connor took the basket with eggs from Dillon and set it on the ground. He held open his arms. "I'm sorry you are still sad. I hope you get over it soon."

Dillon nodded quietly and stepped into the embrace. He hugged Connor but didn't cry.

"We both love you and you have a new family now, here with us."

The boy pulled back. "I know. I love you guys so much."

Connor grinned and slowly lifted the boy's shirt to his neck, exposing his damp chest. He bent down and smelled the sweat, licking upwards gently.

"Gosh Connor, that feels great." Dillon spoke softly.

Connor enjoyed the boy's scent, more than he ever had before. It was so much stronger now, though he didn't know why it would be. He gently rubbed both cheeks against the boy's damp skin, getting as much of the sweat on himself as he could, and pushed his nose into one of his arm pits, inhaling deeply.

Dillon gave a small laugh and pushed him away. "Stop that, it tickles."

Connor closed his eyes and smelled the air between them. "You smell wonderful."

"Yeah, I know. You fancy me." Dillon teased, lowering his shirt.

Without responding, Connor put both hands behind the boy's head and pulled his lips to his own. He kissed him strongly, running the tip of his tongue over the boy's lips until they parted and he slipped his inside. He lowered one hand, reached forward, and cupped the boy's groin, squeezing gently.

Dillon trembled slightly but it was from love, not unhappiness, and he moaned softly.

After a moment, they separated and each licked his lips, tasting the other.

Connor smiled. "Sorry. I hope that wasn't too much."

Dillon shook his head. "Heck no. It was great!" He smiled and faced Aiden. "You want a kiss too?"

Aiden shook his head. "Not now. I hear movement in the cottage. Later we can play around." He grinned.

"Deal!" Dillon grinned and picked up the basket with eggs.

Connor turned, adjusted the bulge in his pants, and together they left the barn. They had tended to a few of the cows before turning them out to pasture so there was also fresh milk. Connor picked up the pail and left the barn.

The boys walked to the cottage and Connor stopped them outside.

"Please remember, we need to conceal our feelings for each other from my parents. They would be very angry with me, all of us really."

Dillon nodded and Aiden just smiled.

Connor turned and opened the door, stepping inside.

The cottage door opened and Millie turned to see all three file into the kitchen.

Connor handed her the partially filled pail of milk and Dillon gave her the egg basket. Aiden stood a little ways behind them.

"Thank you." She took both and set them on the counter, by the water basin.

Bryce came out of his room and smiled. "All the morning chores done?"

"Yes sir." Connor nodded.

"Good. After breakfast I want to get started on the gate in the new pasture. I don't want to crowd the new horse too much, in case he gets picked on. Give him some time to get adjusted."

They sat down and, after a brief prayer of thanks, ate breakfast. Conversation was sparse and soon they were finished.

Connor gathered the plates and he and Aiden washed them, setting them aside to dry.

Millie stood and removed her apron. "Dillon, dear. Would you like to help me in the garden today?"

"Me?" He faced her.

"If you'd like to. I certainly could use the assistance." She smiled softly.

"Sure, I'll help." He nodded.

"Oh that's wonderful. The weeds are threatening to take over and something is eating the leaves off of the tomatoes. I assume we have a worm or two to hunt down and capture for the chickens." She moved over to the kitchen and inspected the dishes that were now drying.

Dillon faced Connor. "Is that ok?"

"Yes, of course." Connor nodded. "There is plenty for all of us to do around here."

"And, that being true, let's get started on the gate." Bryce rose and stretched his arms to the side, his shoulders cracking.

Connor and Aiden left the cottage, heading towards the pasture. The door opened behind them and Dillon ran out.

"Hey, wait up."

They stopped and turned to face him.

"You sure you guys don't mind if I help your mom?"

Connor shook his head. "No, of course not. I'm sure she appreciates the help."

"Ok, good. Just wanted to make sure you didn't want my help with the gate."

"Well, I would love your help, standing next to me, all sweaty, but you go help my mom." Connor grinned.

"Be good or you will get us in trouble." Aiden elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ouch. Yeah, I know." Connor rubbed his ribs but they didn't really hurt.

"Ok, I'll see you guys in a bit." Dillon turned and ran back to the house, dodging Bryce as he came out the door.

"Whoa there!" He pivoted to the side as Dillon ran past and into the cottage. He walked up to the boys and draped an arm over each of their shoulders.

"It's a really good thing you two are doing for Dillon, making him feel included and part of the family." He removed his arms and walked ahead of them, to the pile of cut trees at the side of the barn.

"Thank you father." Connor called after him. He faced Aiden and smiled.

Together, they walked up to stand by Bryce and looked down at the wood they had cut days prior.

"Do we have enough?" Aiden asked.

Bryce nodded. "Yes, more than enough. I know which ones I want to use so let me fish them out and we can carry them over to the gate area and get to cutting them down to size."

He spent a few minutes selecting the wood he wanted and they each took turns helping carry the pieces to the area where the gate would be.

For a few hours they measured and cut pieces into the general shape they needed. Bryce left them alone and went to the barn for a coil of rope for lashing the pieces together.

Aiden leaned close and spoke softly. "You seemed unusually aroused this morning and in the barn." He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I suppose so. Not sure why but I was really attracted to Dillon. His scent is amazing this morning."

"I bet." Aiden said knowingly.


"Your senses are enhanced." He sniffed the air around Connor. "You seem different."

"Oh yeah?" Connor looked puzzled. "I wonder why?"

Aiden looked at him with a look that suggested Connor `should' know why. He looked around, making sure he wouldn't be seen, and gently pressed his middle finger between Connor's butt cheeks, against the cloth covering his hole.

"I was in there yesterday, remember?"

Connor gently pushed back against the finger. "I remember. I wish you were in there again and as often as possible."

"As a wolf. I mated you." His voice was hardly more than a whisper as he pulled his hand back.

Connor straightened up and stared at him. "Oh. I didn't know what might actually change in me. Mira wasn't sure if anything would."

"You are different." Aiden nodded. "I can smell it."

"Really? Do I stink?" Connor grimaced.

"Not at all. You smell fantastic, better than you ever have."

"And Dillon? What does he smell like to you?"

Aiden shrugged. "He smells the same as he always has. I like his scent but it hasn't changed."

"Huh. So you think I can smell him more strongly because we mated?"

"I don't really know what else it could be. And I think ..." His voice trailed off. Bryce was approaching with the rope.

"Ok, this should be enough to secure the gate pieces together. If not, we'll have to get more, somewhere."

Connor though about suggesting they could ride back to the village but quickly realized that wasn't soon to happen.

They spent the next few hours supporting the various pieces of wood for the gate while Bryce lashed them together with rope. Eventually, the gate was completed and all that remained was to secure the top and bottom of one side to one of the stationary fence posts. They did that with more rope and Bryce lifted the other end and closed off the pasture. He used a final piece of rope and secured it closed.

"There, that looks really nice." He faced the boys. "Thank you for the help."

Aiden nodded. "It was very interesting. I've never seen a gate constructed before."

Bryce smiled and cocked his head towards the cottage. "Let's go see about getting something for lunch."

The three of them walked back and inside. Millie was busy in the kitchen area, slicing some apples and pears.

"Would you three like something to eat?" She wiped her hands on her apron.

"That would be wonderful, thank you." Bryce nodded and took a seat with his back to the wall.

Connor looked around the room but they were alone. "Where is Dillon?"

His mother pointed towards the garden, behind the cottage. "He is still out there, working in the garden. We found a few worms on the tomato plants and he is certain there are still more, lurking around."

Connor smiled. "I'm glad he is having fun hunting them."

She crossed her arms. "I'm just glad someone is willing to help me in the garden."

Bryce chuckled but didn't say anything.

Millie set a plate with sliced fruit on the table between them and also a pitcher of cold water and three wooden cups. "Enjoy." She walked out the door and soon they heard her voice talking from behind the cottage.

In a moment, Dillon came running into the main room and stopped next to Connor, at the table.

"I'm hungry too." He saw an empty spot next to Bryce and sat down. "May I have some water."

"Sure, Connor pulled his cup away from his mouth and handed it to Dillon.

The boy quickly emptied the water and sighed. "That tasted great."

Bryce eyed Connor. "We have more cups, son. Get Dillon his own."

Connor detected a slight change in his father's tone but didn't comment. He rose and pulled another cup down from a shelf by the wash basin.

He returned to the table and refilled his cup and also the clean cup, handing it to Dillon. "Here, this is for you." He retrieved the one he had been using.

"Thank you." Dillon quickly drained his cup. He picked up a few slices of fruit and quietly at them.

"Well? What are you going to do for the rest of the afternoon?" Bryce faced the boys.

Connor shrugged. "No idea. Is there anything you need done?"

"Not at the moment. Why don't you take your pole and mine down to the river and try to catch some fish for dinner." He pointed out the door and down the hill.

Connor nodded. "Yes, we could do that."

Aiden shook his head. "I don't know how to fish."

Dillon laughed, a piece of apple falling out of his mouth. "Well it isn't very difficult."

Connor smiled. "Yeah, you just bait a hook with a worm and toss the line out into the water."

Bryce shook his head, trying not to laugh. "Ok, then get going and get us some dinner." He rose and walked into his bedroom, returning after a moment with two slender pieces of wood with a length of thin cord attached to each. He also held a small wooden box.

"Here. Get going." He cocked his head towards the door.

Dillon stuffed a last piece of fruit into his mouth and jumped up. "I'll take one, if that's ok." He held his hand out.

"Take them both." Bryce smiled, happy the boy was fitting in so nicely.

Dillon smiled and accepted the two poles. "What's that?" He pointed to the small box.

"Hooks and a few flies I made." He looked seriously at him. "Take good care of these."

"Yes sir." Dillon nodded and accepted the box too.

Bryce faced Connor and Aiden and winked. "Now get going."

"Yes father." He was trying not to smile but the thought of spending the afternoon at the river had his emotions racing.

The boys left the cottage and made their way down through the tall grass to the woods along the river.

Connor stopped and faced Aiden. "Is it safe?" He jerked his thumb towards the river, a ways through the trees.

Aiden closed his eyes and stood still `listening' with all his senses. In a moment he opened his eyes and shrugged. "I think so. I don't sense him anywhere nearby."

Dillon frowned. "Good. He has caused enough trouble."

Connor started to remind Dillon that things would again be dangerous during the next moon cycle but didn't. The boy had enough to think about without worrying about the future. "Alright, then let's get to the river. I hope the fish are biting." He resumed walking.

Aiden walked next to Connor and took his hand. "I hope the sun has warmed up the riverbank." He grinned mischievously.

"Hey, I want to hold someone's hand too but I've got all this stuff." Dillon held out the poles and box of hooks.

"There will be plenty of time to hold Aiden's hand." Connor laughed.

"Good!" Dillon laughed, knowing he would also get to hold Connor's.

They walked for a few minutes longer and then the trees thinned and they saw the river, flowing quickly past.

"Is it deep?" Dillon carefully set the poles and box on the riverbank and stretched.

Connor shook his head. "No, not really. Maybe just over my waist. It flows pretty fast but you'll be fine."

"I know, I was just asking." He removed his damp shirt. "Remember, I took you to my secret spot and that water was as deep."

Connor stared at the boy's hairless, damp chest and felt a stirring in his pants. "Yeah I remember..." His voice trailed off.

"What?" Dillon saw him staring and smiled.

"Nothing." Connor shook his head.

"Oh? You think I'm cute. You want to kiss me." Dillon laughed.

Connor shrugged. "Well...sure." He smiled and lunged forward grabbing him around the hips and lifting him up so his face was against Dillon's damp chest. He inhaled deeply and the licked him, tasting the saltiness.

"Eww, stop that." Dillon wiggled free and fell back into the grass.

Connor dropped forward and leaned over Dillon's face. He pushed their lips together and they kissed for a little while.

"If you two can pull yourselves apart we really should try to catch some dinner." Aiden laughed.

"Fine, ruin all our fun." Connor pulled back and stood.

"I think you are jealous!" Dillon challenged.

"What, me?" Aiden casually walked over to him.

"Yeah." Dillon nodded.

"Maybe!" Aiden pounced on him and forced their lips together.

Dillon laughed, as best he could, and returned the kiss.

After a minute, they separated and each stood.

Connor looked towards the river. "Come on, there is an area downstream a bit that has a deep hole. I've caught some good fish there." He lifted the poles and moved away. "Bring the box of flies too, please."

Dillon quickly scooped up the box and followed Connor.

Aiden looked around the clearing and sniffed the air. They were alone, as far as he could tell.

Connor led them to the bank that overlooked a bend in the river. There was a fallen tree and the root ball had made enough current to carve out the river bottom around it.

"I'm going to get some worms. Give me a few minutes." He wandered down the river bank a bit further, turning over logs and rocks. In a bit, he returned with 5 worms. "These should get us started."

"Pass me one." Dillon held out his hand.

Connor handed him a worm and they each speared one onto a hook, attached to each pole.

Aiden wrinkled his nose. "That's awful!"

"What is?" Connor faced him.

"You are killing that worm."

Connor faced Dillon and their eyes met. They both turned to Aiden and nodded.

"Yeah, that's how it's done." Dillon shrugged.

"Well I don't want to do that." Aiden shook his head.

"You don't have to. We can set you up with one of father's flies, if that's ok."

Aiden nodded. "Nah, don't bother. I really don't want to fish so you two go ahead."

Dillon smiled at Connor and then cast his hook into the water, where it was deepest.

Connor moved to his side and did the same.

Aiden walked up behind Connor and looked down into the water. "So what happens now?"

Connor tugged gently on the pole, getting the hook and worm to dance a bit under the water, and shrugged. "Now we wait and hope a big fish is hungry and takes the worm."

"Hmm... sounds a bit dull." Aiden stepped back and sat in the grass behind them. "Wake me when something happens." He lay back and draped his arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun.

Dillon looked at Connor and grinned, before working his own bait up and down.

"Hey." Connor whispered.

"Yeah?" Dillon nodded.

Connor leaned over and pursed his lips.

Dillon laughed quietly and kissed Connor before turning back to the water.

Connor faced the river too and licked his lips. "Thanks."

"Any time."

For almost an hour they continued fishing but none were biting.

"I'm bored." Aiden sat up.

Connor sighed and stretched his shoulders. "Yeah, this isn't working. I guess they aren't hungry."

"Well then let's do something else." Aiden smiled.

"Like what?" Dillon set his pole on the grass and faced him.

Connor shrugged. "I don't know. We have chores to do later today."

"Oh wow, that sounds like fun." Aiden groaned.

"You have a better suggestion?" He asked.

"Well, we could..." Aiden tilted his head towards the section of the river where they had previously played in the warm mud.

"Uh..." Connor looked from Aiden to Dillon.

"What are you two talking about?" Dillon smiled.

"Well, you see..." Aiden began.

"Aiden wants to go play in the river." Connor interrupted.

"That could be fun." Dillon nodded.

"See?" Aiden grinned.

"He doesn't know what you really mean." Connor shook his head at Aiden.

"So show me already." Dillon lifted his hands to the sky. "I'm bored too."

"We take things very slowly and just play around a bit." Connor glared at Aiden.

"Of course." Aiden smiled and stood. "Let's go." He headed back the way they had come, to the riverbank directly across from the muddy area.

Connor sighed and took the pole and box from Dillon. "Go on."

Dillon chased after Aiden and leapt onto his back. "I'm going to sink you under!"

Aiden stumbled forward but managed to keep his balance. He locked his arms around the boy's legs and held him tightly. "Maybe, we'll have to see."

Connor followed them and smiled. He knew they should probably not do this with Dillon but the strong feelings of lust he had felt earlier in the day were returning and he found himself wishing he had Dillon on his back.

At the bank opposite the mud Aiden stopped and dropped to his knees. Dillon rolled over him and laughed.

"That was fun."

"Yeah, it was." Aiden agreed.

Connor set the rods and box of flies further away from the river. "Ok, here we are."

Aiden stood and began undressing.

Dillon looked at Connor. "You coming in too?"

"Sure." Connor began to undress.

"Woo hoo!" Dillon laughed and quickly removed his clothes.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Connor shook his head. "I think maybe we should take things slower."

Aiden shrugged. "Nah, we'll just horse around a bit. Nothing too wild."

"Says you!" Dillon challenged. "I'm going to get both of you so wet!" He walked into the river and began splashing water back at them.

Connor and Aiden both ran into the water and dove under, trying to make as much of a splash next to Dillon as they could.

They both surfaced a little ways off and looked back at him.

"Hey, no ditching me!" Dillon dove under and surfaced next to them. "This is really nice. It's a lot deeper and wider than my secret spot."

"You know, I wonder if the water from your stream joins this river up by the village."

Dillon started to say something and then closed his mouth, a thoughtful look on his face.

Realizing he shouldn't have mentioned the village, Connor quickly changed the subject. He grabbed the boy's hand and tugged him towards the far bank. "Come on, I have something to show you."

Dillon's face brightened and he gripped Connor's hand firmly. "Ok."

The three of them waded across the river and stopped just short of the muddy bank.

"Is this it?" Dillon looked around. "I don't see anything special."

"Follow, if you dare." Aiden challenged and stepped out of the water and into the creamy, black mud. He took a few steps and turned, the mud up to his knees.

"Oh wow." Dillon beamed. "Look at all that mud! I thought it was just damp ground."

"Do you like mud?" Connor asked. His heart beat began to quicken.

"Yeah, I do. It feels so nice between my toes. All slippery." Dillon nodded. "I've never seen so much and so deep!"

"So come on in here already." Aiden beckoned him over with one hand.

Dillon quickly left the water and stepped into the warm mud. He moved over to stand next to Aiden and smiled.

"This is warm and it feels great!"

"Yes, it does." Aiden nodded. Quickly, before Dillon could react, he scooped up two large handfuls of mud and pushed them onto the boy's chest. He packed the mud into his arm pits and pushed it around his slender chest and onto his back.

"Haha!" Dillon laughed. "I knew you had something sneaky planned."

Connor joined them and nodded approvingly. "Looks nice."

"You think so?" Dillon asked with a mischievous tone to his voice.

"Yup." Connor nodded and then, before Dillon could do anything, he carefully dropped backwards in the warm mud. He sank down and lay back, sinking mostly under; up to his ears and chin.

"Wow!" Dillon beamed. "Me too!" He spun and fell back next to Connor with a wet splat.

Some mud splashed up onto Connor's face and Dillon frowned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get that on your face."

Connor looked over at the boy, laying in the mud next to him, and smiled. "That's ok. I am going to completely cover my head too."

"Really, you are?" Dillon asked quietly.

"Sure." Connor felt his penis twitch in the mud. "Would it be ok...if..."

"What?" Dillon asked.

"Can I cover your face too?" His penis twitched again and rose partway out of the mud.

Dillon faced Aiden. "You coming in too?"

Aiden nodded. "Sure. Just letting you two get settled."

Dillon looked back at Connor and as his gaze resettled on the older boy he noticed his penis.

"Hey, your prick is awake!" He recalled the intimacy they had shared in Mira's hut and smiled. "Can I touch you?"

Connor nodded and his penis gave another twitch.

Dillon gently wrapped his slimy hand around Connor's penis and gave it a few strokes.

Connor moaned happily and closed his eyes. He used his hands to shovel mud over his face until he was completely covered.

The mud next to him moved as Aiden fell back into the ooze next to him.

"You seem to enjoy that." He shoveled mud over his body and head until he was completely covered.

Connor spit mud from his lips and sighed. "Yeah, it feels wonderful."

Dillon removed his hand and rolled onto Connor's chest. "My turn." He pressed his own aroused penis into the older boy's.

"You sure?" Connor carefully opened his eyes, careful not to get mud in them.

"Uh huh." Dillon nodded.

"Roll over." He gently dislodged the boy, flipping him onto his back in the mud, next to Aiden.

"Well hello." Aiden smiled and scooped mud onto Dillon's chest.

"Hi!" Dillon beamed and stared up into the sky.

Connor slid over onto Dillon's legs. "Close your eyes."

The boy snapped his eyes closed and pursed his lips together, holding his breath.

"Ha ha... breathe!" Connor laughed. "I'm not going to smother you."

Dillon exhaled but kept his eyes tightly closed.

Connor leaned forward and lovingly smeared the boy's hair to his head with mud. He then coated his forehead and cheeks, finally covering the rest of his face.

Dillon laughed but didn't open his eyes.

"He looks perfect like that." Aiden looked over and nodded.

"He is perfect." Connor said quietly. He scooted down onto Dillon's lower legs and gently took the boy's penis in his muddy grasp.

Dillon gasped and then spit mud from his mouth.

"This ok?" Connor asked?

"Heck yes!" The boy nodded.

Connor gently stroked up and down, Dillon's penis thickening and rising up from his chest.

"You going to take him all the way?" Aiden asked quietly.

"You think that would be ok?" Connor increased his stroking

"He seems fine." Aiden nodded.

"I want to." Connor scooped up more mud and smeared it on the boy's chest, continuing to stroke him.

"Oh Connor... that feels great!" Dillon moaned. "Please don't stop."

Connor further quickened this pace and moved his other hand down between the boy's legs, pressing against his hole. He rubbed his fingertip back and forth across his hole and then carefully pushed the tip inside.

Dillon gasped and tensed, a thin stream of semen shooting out his penis to land in the black mud on this chest.

Connor slowed his stroking and then stopped, his hand still gripping Dillon's penis as it finished its spasms.

For a moment he stayed still, while Dillon came down from his orgasm. Then, he quietly asked. "How was that?"

"Connor that was amazing!" Dillon beamed. "It felt wonderful."

"Good. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Oh I did, thank you." The boy opened his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Do you want me to do that to you now?" He lifted his head out of the mud a little and traced the lines of semen on his chest with a finger.

"No, not yet. I have something else in mind for him." Aiden sat up.

"Oh?" The other two asked at the same time.

"Yes." Aiden moved through the mud until he was also on top of Dillon's legs, behind Connor.

"I see." Connor nodded.

Aiden looked around Connor's body and faced Dillon. "You ok if I have sex with Connor?"

"Heck yeah!" The boy nodded, mud sliding over his chin and lips. He spit the mud from his mouth.

Aiden adjusted his position and began to stroke himself. In a moment, his penis was rigid and he gently guided it into Connor's ass, the mud making it slide easily inside.

Connor moaned and leaned forward. "All the way inside." His voice was a bit husky.

Dillon smiled up at him. "I'm glad we are all such good friends."

Aiden pushed deeper until Connor leaned forward and was resting on his hands, his face above Dillon's. In that position, he was able to push fully inside and felt his testicles resting against Connor. He began slow, long pulls and pushes, moving in and out of his mate.

Dillon looked up into Connor's eyes and smiled. "This is so much fun!"

Connor nodded and inhaled. He could smell the scent of Dillon's semen, on the boy's chest below him. He braced himself on his left hand and with his right hand he scooped the muddy semen off the boy's chest and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply.

"Does that smell good?" Dillon asked.

Connor gave a grunt/growl and nodded. Then, he brought his muddy, semen-covered hand to his face and smeared it all around.

Aiden pushed forward strongly and ejaculated into Connor. He waited a moment and then gently pulled out of Connor and rolled to the side.

Dillon looked up into Connor's eyes and saw his own semen on the older boy's face. He pulled one hand free of the creamy mud and wiped Connor's face, bringing the mud and semen to his own. He rubbed it around his face and sighed.

Connor inhaled and opened his eyes. He looked down on the boy and smiled. Then, he pressed their faces together, rubbing them against each other.

"You two look perfect like that." Aiden laughed. "Come on, let's get cleaned up."

"But Connor hasn't had release yet." Dillon commented.

"He will be fine. I'll take care of him tonight, in bed." Aiden stood and began wiping mud from his body.

Connor sat back, on Dillon's legs and smiled. "Come on, I'll be fine. I had loads of fun with you and can wait." He stood and helped Dillon to his feet.

Dillon threw his arms around Connor and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for being my friend."

"I am your brother, Dillon." He pressed their foreheads together. "Come on."

They walked into the water and the three of them spent some time making sure the mud was fully cleaned off. When Connor was satisfied that no traces of mud remained, they all left the water.

"Ready?" Connor picked up the poles and handed Dillon the box of tied flies.

"Yup." Aiden nodded.

The three of them made their way back to the cottage in the late afternoon.

Bryce met them at the door and frowned. "No fish?"

"I'm sorry father, they didn't want our worms." Connor shook his head.

"That's fine. There will be plenty of other days to try your luck this summer. Your mother has some stew on the hearth." He took the poles and box and headed into the cottage.'

"Yum." Conner smiled at the other two.

At the door, Bryce turned and pointed to the barn. "Get going on the evening chores and dinner will probably be ready when you are done."

The boys walked to the barn and Connor tasked each of them with different chores until they were all completed. The animals were all back inside, fresh hay was provided, and the water trough was filled.

Aiden wiped his brow. "Well, I'm all sweaty again. So much for cooling off in the river."

Dillon nodded. "Me too."

"I know," Connor agreed, "we will wash up before dinner so it's not really a problem."

Dillon hugged Connor and pushed his face into the older boy's shirt. "I like how you smell."

Connor wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly, pushing his nose into the boy's hair. "You smell nice too."

Aiden laughed. "Come on you two, I'm hungry."

The boys walked towards the cottage, Dillon holding a few eggs in his shirt. They had forgotten to take the basket.

The cottage door opened and Millie came out, handing Connor a bar of soap and a towel. "You three need to clean up before we have dinner." She walked up to Dillon. "Thank you dear, I'll take those." She collected the eggs and made her way back inside.

They moved to the well and took turns drawing water and cleaning off. After a few frigid minutes, they were dry and back in their work clothes.

Connor led the way inside and Millie took the towel from him. "No you don't. Get out of those dirty clothes before you sit down." She pointed to his room.

The boys moved into the room and changed into clean clothes, and then returned to the main room.

They sat at the table and waited patiently for dinner.

Soon enough, a nice thick stew was steaming in each of their bowls. The boys made short work of the meal and afterwards, Connor and Aiden cleaned the dishes while Dillon talked with Millie and Bryce.

When they were done cleaning up, Connor and Aiden joined the others, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of Millie's rocking chair. Bryce was sitting with his feet propped up on a piece of wood, smoking his pipe.

"Mother?" Connor asked. "Is it alright if we go to bed?"

She shrugged. "I suppose so. It's kind of early though, isn't it?"

"Yes ma'am." Connor nodded. "We won't go to sleep yet but I thought we could just relax and talk a bit until we are tired."

Bryce nodded. "I think that's fine. Actually, we need two more chairs, now that the family has grown." He smiled at Dillon.

The younger boy met his gaze and returned the smile.

"I will begin making two more but it will take me most of the summer. You three had better get used to sitting on the hard floor." He laughed and exhaled smoke.

The boys moved into Connor's room, saying goodnight to the adults, as Connor closed his door.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" Aiden sat on the bed.

Dillon jumped onto the bed and leaned against Aiden.

"Nothing specific. I just wanted to be alone with you two." Connor smiled. "Let's change into our sleeping clothes and then lay on the bed."

"Your parents are in the next room." Aiden jerked a thumb towards the door.

"I meant we can talk and stuff. I'm not foolish enough to do anything else while they are awake." Connor shook his head.

Dillon removed his shirt and tossed it at Connor. "You should sleep in that."

Connor held the warm material to his face and inhaled. "Smells nice. I think I will sleep in this."

Aiden shook his head and laughed softly.

"What about you?" Dillon faced the other boy.

"What about me?" Aiden shrugged.

"You want to sleep in my pants?" He smiled.

"Sure, that would be nice."

Dillon removed his pants and tossed them to Aiden.

Aiden rose and removed his clothes, pulling the younger boy's warm pants on. He rubbed his legs and grinned. "There are all nice and warm."

"Well yeah, I was just wearing them." Dillon laughed.

Connor handed Dillon his pants and pulled Aiden's pants on himself. He passed Aiden his shirt.

Dillon dressed in Connor's pants and Aiden's shirt. "There, we are all happy." He smiled at the older boys.

Connor stepped up to him and cupped his face in his hands. He leaned forward and kissed Dillon passionately for a moment and then stepped back, nodding. "I know I am."

"Come on you two, up here." Aiden climbed back onto the bed and moved up to the head. He patted the mattress to either side of him.

The other two joined him and soon enough they were talking about chores, hunting, fishing, and everything else they could think of. The one topic they did not discuss was the village and the werewolf.

The evening wore on and Dillon fell asleep, his head resting against Connor's chest with Connor's arm holding him.

Aiden spoke quietly. "He really loves you."

"Yeah, and I him." Connor agreed. I've always fancied him and now that he's here, with us, touching me, it's almost too much to believe. I feel like I'm in a dream and I'm afraid to wake."

"I know. I feel the same about you, and Dillon too. I thought I would never have a family again and had resigned myself to death." His voice trailed off.

"Hey, none of that talk." Connor scolded him. "You are here now and have a family, and a mate." He added playfully.

Aiden nodded. "I am thankful for that." He closed his eyes and sighed. "I think I'll sleep now. See you in the morning." He started to climb off the bed, planning to again sleep on the straw mat, on the floor.

Connor stopped him. "Hey, don't go. Sleep here with us."

Aiden lay back again. "You sure? It will be crowded."

"It will be warm and wonderful." Connor took a deep breath, smelling Dillon's hair. "A bed filled with boys." Connor's voice deepened slightly and for a moment his upper lip curled. Just barely, his canines extended from his upper and lower teeth.

"Woah!" Aiden's eyes widened.

Connor closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. "What? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. You... you changed."

"I did?"

"Yes. Your voice was deeper and I swear you had fangs." Aiden nodded.

"What? How is that possible?" Connor removed his arm from around Dillon and felt his face and teeth with both hands.

"Mira did say that you would probably be able to control your shifting, if that were to ever happen. I wonder if it is starting?"

"Well I don't want it to happen, not in the house. I always assumed you would show me how to be a wolf when we are out in the woods or down by the river."

"I can't show you how to change. I can only tell you what it's like when I change. If you aren't cursed like me I don't know what it will be like."

"I think maybe we should try tomorrow. See what happens? I want to know what's changing before it happens around my parents. They will be furious that we mated."

Aiden was thoughtful. "We could experiment a little tomorrow. Let's plan on the two of us going off into the woods."

"What about Dillon?" Connor smoothed the boy's hair to the side and then sniffed his fingers, detecting the boy's scent.

"No. Just the two of us. I don't know what might happen if you change and I don't want to risk him getting hurt."

"You think I might attack him?" Connor sounded sad.

"I don't know what to expect. Let's be safe rather than sorry."

"Ok, you are right." Connor agreed. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Good night."

"Mmmhhhmm..." Dillon sighed and closed his eyes too.

Outside, the moon began to rise but was getting smaller each night.

Several miles away, in the village, a special church service was underway for the victims of the Inn fire and the werewolf attack. Almost all people had been accounted for in the days since the fire and most bodies had been recovered from the remains of the inn.

Father Thompson led the service and had words both soft and harsh. He soothed those who had lost family members and cursed the creature that had brought the destruction down upon their community.

His fire and brimstone sermon had them all nodding and begging for forgiveness for whatever they may have done to cause the dire event.

After the service, the men who had been patrolling with Morgan gathered just outside the church and spoke of the events days prior.

"Well, that's it then. Everyone is accounted for, or as many as ever will be."

"Aye." Another man nodded. "What a terrible time but I hope it is behind us now."

"But do you think it is?" Another man asked. "I mean, do we really know why the beast came here?"

To the side, a man stepped out of the shadows. He was larger than most and wore a heavy, leather duster. "A beast you say?" He had a slight accent.

The men turned to face him. "Who are you then?" One asked defensively.

The newcomer stepped closer and into the light cast by one of the church's lanterns.

"My name is Grisham." He gripped the front of his wide-brimmed hat in greeting.

"And what is your business here?" One of the men asked angrily. None of them were fond of strangers, especially after the recent events.

Grisham relaxed and tilted his head towards the remains of the inn. "Seems you had a fire."

"What of it?" Another man grumbled. "This isn't your concern, stranger."

"No, it isn't." Grisham shook his head. "But the beast you speak of might be." He gave them a slight smile.

"How so?" One of them demanded.

"I have been tracking a creature for several years now and I wonder if it's the same as you speak of."

"Oh is that so?" Another smirked. "And just what do you know of our village and what has happened?"

"Nothing yet but I'm hoping to change that. If your situation is not related to my search then I shall be gone in the morning but I ask you to hear me first."

The men faced each other and spoke in hushed whispers. Some said yes, other no. Eventually it was agreed that they would give just enough information to see what the stranger really knew. Perhaps draw some information from him during the conversation.

They faced him and one nodded. "Fine. We shall speak, but not out here. Let's go back into the church."

"Thank you." Grisham nodded and followed them into the church.

Inside, the men gathered and sat together in two rows near the front. Father Thompson came over and asked what was happening. They filled him in and he joined them.

Grisham began speaking, when none of the villagers would.

"I have traveled far, for many years, seeking a creature and others like it. The one I have most recently been following as led me to this area. When I overheard you all talking and speaking of a beast I thought it prudent to introduce myself."

Father Thompson nodded. "Thank you. If I am not being to forward, what is it that you seek?"

The other men leaned forward, holding their breath.

"Forgive me Father but I do have my own secrets to keep." He apologized. "I have told you a bit about myself so I think it fair that you do the same."

Father Thompson faced the men. "Well, what of it?"

One of them nodded. "So be it. I'll speak my peace."

Grisham just nodded, facing that man.

"It was last month when we first encountered the creature, in the forest. It attacked one of the farmers a ways off and he died."

There was some murmuring and nodding. They remembered Russell and what had happened.

"That was during the full moon, last month. Then, during this full moon, the creature returned. It killed quite a few people and caused the fire at the inn, killing more. This time, it actually came into town, not just keeping to the forest."

Grisham nodded. "It was following someone."

The men grumbled. "What's this? How do you know? Who?" Many of them spoke at once.

Grisham held up his hand and they quieted. "Who is the law in this town? I should speak to him if he isn't here now."

Father Thompson shook his head. "That would be Morgan, our sheriff. He was killed by the creature in his own home."

"In his home?" Grisham raised an eyebrow. "Did he live alone?"

"Yes, he did." Father Thompson nodded. "Well, I mean except he had two boys staying with him this time."

"Did he?" Grisham nodded.

"Aye, that's right!" One of the men chimed in. "Bryce Darrow's boy and that stranger."

"Yeah, that other boy wasn't from around here." Another added.

"I would like to speak to Bryce Drarrow's boy, if I may." Grisham said.

"Well he don't live here." One man shook his head. "His family is a few miles out of town, to the East."

"What was he doing in the village?" Grisham asked.

"Not sure." Father Thompson shook his head. "His father comes to the village on occasion to buy and sell goods. Come to think of it, Bryce was here that time Russell was attacked."

The men grumbled amongst themselves. Some of them wondered if Bryce were connected to the beast and its attacks.

"What of the other boy?" Grisham asked. "Where is he now?"

"No idea." Father Thompson shook his head. "I'd never seen him before. The way he hung near Connor you would think they were brothers. Might be he lives with them on their farm."

"Thank you. I will spend the night here and head to their farm tomorrow." Grisham stood.

"Now wait just a minute!" One of the men also stood. "We gone and done told you what happened and you haven't so much as offered an explanation. You owe us that much!"

Father Thompson soothed the man but agreed. "Please sir, if you have information that may help us won't you share it?"

Grisham was quiet for a moment, meeting each of their gazes in turn. Finally, he nodded. "Very well. The creature I seek is a demon in the guise of a large wolf. You would probably call it a werewolf." He waited for their reaction.

The men all stood and began nodding and talking quickly.

"Please... please!" Father Thompson raised his hands. "Let Grisham speak." He faced the stranger. "Is that all?"

"No." Grisham shook his head. "If it came here twice it was looking for someone. And, given what you have said about those boys, I suspect it is one of them."

"The one boy! That stranger!" One of them cried. "He wasn't from around here and he wasn't Bryce's boy. It's him!"

"Now calm down!" Father Thompson spoke loudly. "We will get to the bottom of this but nobody is to go off and do anything rash. We still have to appoint a new sheriff."

At that moment the doors to the church opened and a boy came running in.

"Where is Father Thompson?" He looked around and then ran to the gathered men. "Father Thompson!" He was nearly out of breath.

"What is wrong, Caleb?" The priest asked.

"In the stable..." He was panting. "In one of the unused stalls. I found bloody clothing!"

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