Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Dec 16, 2018


Dillon grinned from on top of Connor's head, looking into the wolf's startled eyes.

"Yeah, we do." Connor slowly nodded.

Aiden backed up and shook his head side to side. He lowered his ears and tucked his tail between his legs.

"I know, it's crazy." Connor shrugged. "Mira said something has happened to me since you and I...uh...accidentally had sex the other night, when you were the wolf. She says it isn't safe for me, the way I am now."

Dillon playfully slapped his hands on Connor's chest and then pulled up and away. "So come on already. You two need to do this before you change back into a boy." He pointed at the wolf.

Connor held his arms open. "Come on, come here." He wiggled his fingers towards the wolf.

Aiden sighed and moved forward, resting his big head against Connor's chest.

Connor ran his fingers through the soft fur and spoke quietly, though Dillon could hear him.

"Mira said I'm partly like you now, a shifter, but I haven't been fully changed."

Aiden looked up and into his face. He tilted his head to the side, curious.

"Yeah. She said you've passed me some of your magic. She is worried that the werewolf might have some control over me now, like he does you. The best thing to do, she thinks, is for you to fully mate me, claim me as yours."

Aiden started to pull away again but Connor grabbed the scruff of his neck and held him. "No, it's ok. I want this."

The wolf whined and pawed the ground. Aiden's large eyes focused on Connor's and he whined again.

"I know, you are still upset about what happened the other night. Don't be. It will be different this time."

Aiden leaned forward and licked the boy's face, still whining softly.

"I love you so much, Aiden. I want this; want to be yours. Please." He playfully licked the wolf's nose.

Aiden exhaled deeply and looked to the side, focusing on Dillon.

"It's ok Aiden. Connor and I talked a lot last night and I pretty much know everything. I know all about the stuff you two have been doing and I don't mind. In fact, I kind of want to do that stuff too."

Aiden pricked up his ears and faced Connor again.

"Yeah, we have become better friends now." He grinned sheepishly.

"Best friends." Dillon reminded him.

"Yeah." Connor smiled. "So come on, we need to do this."

The wolf looked around the small clearing and then back at Connor.

"Don't worry, it's private enough. Mira is inside and I doubt anyone is going to suddenly wander by."

"I'll keep an eye out too." Dillon nodded sternly.

Aiden whined again.

Connor stood, removed his boots, pants, and shirt, and then dropped back down onto his knees. "So, before you change back into you, let's go."

From the side, where he sat, Dillon whispered. "Can I watch?"

Connor faced him and shrugged. "I guess so but I thought you didn't want to."

"I...I kind of do." He faced the wolf. "If you don't mind, that is."

Aiden slowly shook his head and moved up to Connor. He lovingly licked his chest, passing his tongue over the boy's sensitive nipples.

"Oh god, you know I love it when you do that." He moaned softly and leaned his head back, looking up, into the morning sky.

Aiden continued to lick him for a moment longer and then gently bumped him with his head, pushing him off balance.

Connor tipped backwards and braced himself on both hands. "Oh yeah, I guess I should get into position." He turned, got up fully onto his hands and knees, with his butt to the wolf, and then looked over his shoulder. "I'm ready."

Aiden cautiously moved forward and gently put his large front legs on either side of Connor's waist. He lovingly licked the boy's back, tasting sweat. Even though he had reservations about what they were going to do, his body recognized the scent of his mate, and based on the position they were now in, understood what to do.

Between the wolf's rear legs, the long, thick, pink penis slid out of its furry sheath and began to bob in the air, a little liquid dripping off the tip.

"Wow, that's pretty big." Dillon whispered.

Connor hung his head and didn't answer. He knew this was probably going to hurt but it needed to happen.

Aiden gently inched forward until the dripping tip of his penis contacted Connor's butt. He gently bucked his hips forward, lubricating the hole with his pre-cum. The head of his penis was pointed so it easily began to push into Connor's ring.

"Go gently, ok?" Connor whispered.

Aiden slowly pushed forward and the head of his penis and about an inch of its length slipped into Connor. The warmth felt wonderful and, although he was trying to be gentle, the animal part of him recognized what was happening and he bucked his hips forward, almost uncontrollably. Three more inches of his slick penis pushed inside.

"Uhhh..." Connor grunted. He felt ashamed to admit it but the wolf's penis felt really good inside him.

Aiden sniffed the back off Connor's neck, detecting a change in his pheromones. His mate was aroused, wanting to be bred.

He inched further forward and another two inches of his thick penis sunk inside Connor. He was nearly all the way inside and with one final, gentle thrust, he pushed fully inside the boy, his furry sheath pressed against his hole.

"Oh god, I feel so full." Connor moaned.

Aiden gently humped in and out until he felt his seed begin to rush up and out, into Connor.

Connor began to feel warmth within his abdomen and knew what was happening. He was being bred by the wolf, his love, his mate. He could feel the wolf's penis throbbing slightly, within the grip of his stretched hole.

Aiden held still while his seed flooded into Connor. Quickly, he felt his knot beginning to swell outside Connor's hole and rather than risk it popping through Connor's ring and hurting him, he quickly pushed in deeper and held still while it continued to swell within the boy. It was half inside and half outside his ass, sandwiched by Connor's spasming ring.

"What? What's that?" Connor tried to turn and see what the new, greater pressure in his ass was.

Gently, Aiden gripped his neck with his teeth. He needed Connor to hold still until they were tied.

"It feels so big!" Connor stopped moving, held in place by the wolf's jaws.

Aiden's knot continued to swell and then, when it was larger than the ring of muscles attempting to keep it out of Connor's ass, he bucked forward and it slipped through, into him. He removed his teeth from Connor's neck and gave a gentle tug backwards. He didn't slide out and his penis continued to spurt within Connor, filling him even fuller with his seed.

Aiden gently climbed off Connor and slowly crossed one leg over the boy so he could turn them ass to ass. Once they were in that position, he backed up against him to ease the pressure of his knot.

"Ok...uhh. Don't move. Hold still." Connor was breathing heavily. There was an incredible pressure in his ass. It felt like a large apple was inside his butt and trying to pop back out. His ass muscles were clamping down tightly, holding it inside as the wolf's penis continued to throb inside him.

Dillon slowly crawled over to where they were tied and bent down, looking under Connor. He could see the wolf's furry sheath pushed up tightly against Connor's hole but couldn't see its penis.

"Wow, it's all the way inside you." He turned to face Connor.

Connor was breathing rapidly and had his eyes closed. He didn't say anything but he quickly nodded.

"Does it hurt?" He asked softly, looking back to where the two were tied together. He noticed Connor's penis was fully swollen and leaking onto the ground.

"Yeah, a little. It isn't bad if we hold perfectly still." Connor exhaled deeply and hung his head. He kept his ass muscles clamped tightly around the wolf's penis. He was afraid that if he relaxed at all the large thing in his ass would pull out and be really painful.

Aiden was panting and hung his head. He felt bad that he was probably hurting Connor but at the same time it was a wonderful feeling to be breeding the boy, his mate. The way he was feeling, at the moment, he wondered if Connor would let him do this again sometime. It felt much different than when they had sex as boys. This awakened a primal urge within him and completed him, as a wolf.

For the next fifteen minutes they stayed locked together. Then, slowly, the wolf's knot began to shrink and its spurts of semen tapered off. Aiden gave a few gentle tugs and on the last one, he slipped completely out of Connor.

Connor exhaled deeply and lay down on his side, in the leaves. He clenched his ass, trying to relieve the soreness.

Aiden also lay on his side and began to clean himself. His penis had mostly retracted into his sheath but the tip still protruded, dripping a little liquid.

Dillon moved over next to Connor and rubbed his back. "There, all done."

Connor opened his eyes and smiled up at the boy. "I'm exhausted."

"I bet. You two were like that for about twenty minutes!"

"Really? That long?" Connor groaned and sat up.

"Yeah." Dillon nodded. "How do you feel otherwise?"

"I guess ok. He stood and looked for his clothes. He put one hand on his abdomen and pressed inward. "It feels warm."

Dillon reached a hand out and pressed it against him. "I don't feel anything, I mean other than you." He rubbed Connor for a few moments longer and then sat back, smiling.

"Maybe it just feels warm inside me, if that makes sense." Connor stood and pulled on his pants and boots.

Aiden stood and shook himself a few times and then his form blurred and he was back to human. He stood and stretched, his back cracking.

"Hi Aiden." Dillon smiled.

"Hey." Aiden smiled weakly and then walked back to the barrier. He stooped and picked up his boots with his pants and shirt tucked inside. He returned to the other two and started to dress.

Connor pulled his shirt on and stretched his arms over his head. "Well, that's done."

Aiden pulled his shirt over his head and nodded. "Yeah."

"Come here." Connor held his arms wide.

Aiden smiled and stepped into his embrace. For a few moments they held each other, and then he stepped back.

"I hope I didn't hurt you too much."

"It was very tight for a while but I feel fine now."

"That looked fun." Dillon spoke from the side.

They both turned to face him. Connor smiled. "Really? Maybe you should try it too."

Dillon looked shocked for a moment and then shrugged. "Maybe I will." He looked towards the small hut as the door opened.

Mira stepped outside and faced them. "All done?"

Aiden nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Come in here for a bit and then you should probably get going." She turned and disappeared back inside.

The boys followed her inside and stood waiting.

"You need to get out of town before it gets too late in the morning. I suspect with all that happened that place will be a hornet's nest of activity. It would be best to slip away unnoticed."

Connor nodded. "Yeah, we need to get our horse and get home."

Dillon stepped up next to Connor and took his hand. "Don't forget about me. I'm coming too."

Connor gave his hand a firm squeeze and nodded. "You are. I told you we'd look after each other and I meant it. I want to get that other horse too so we have to talk about how best to do that."

Mira stepped up to them and handed Connor the small, enchanted knife. "You take this. My heart tells me you need it more than I do."

Connor accepted the blade. "Mira, what will you do for protection, without this?"

"Oh I don't really need that thing. My protection spell is more than enough. Besides, with the two of you far away, back on your farm, I won't have anything to worry about." She reached over to the small table and picked up a cloth sack. "I have some dried meat in here for you three. Something to hold you over until you are home. Also, I put the map I made you in there. You left it, last time you were here."

Aiden accepted the small sack and smiled. "Thank you so much, for all you have done."

"Yes, thank you very much!" Conner nodded quickly. He picked up the other two sacks, with their clothing and Dillon's, and the sword.

"Well, I just hope everything works out for you. Should you ever be in this neck of the woods I'd like to see you again." She smiled.

"We will definitely stop by if we can." Connor nodded.

"Then go on, get going." She shooed them towards the door.

The three boys left the small home and, once outside, Connor turned and gathered them together, in a circle.

"Ok, here is what I think we should do."

Aiden draped his arm over Dillon's shoulder and the younger boy smiled at him.

"We have to go back to the stable for our horse and the other one too, I guess. I suppose we don't have to pay for it now. I don't know who we would pay and I don't want anyone to see us."

"Yeah, we need to sneak in and out as fast as we can." Dillon agreed.

"Dillon? Do you think you could get the two horses, one at a time, and bring them to us in the forest?"

"I guess so. Aren't you coming into town with me?" He sounded a little afraid.

"It would be better if we aren't seen, especially Aiden. Remember, the sheriff told some of the others about him and after the other night, I don't want to take the chance of him, or me, being caught."

"I guess so." He sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'll do it."

Connor smiled. "Thank you." He faced Aiden. "Ok, let's go."

They made their way back to the edge of town and looked around. As Mira had speculated, the place was very active. People were moving all over, in every direction. The inn still smoked a bit and people were digging around in the remains.

Connor faced Dillon. "Ok. People seem preoccupied so I guess it's now or never. Do you know which horse is ours and which is the one the sheriff was going to sell us?"

Dillon nodded. "Yeah, I was in the stall with yours the other morning. And I'm pretty sure I know which horse the other one is."

"Good. We will stay here and wait for you." Connor gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze and let go.

Dillon took a deep breath and nodded once. He looked to both sides, confirming nobody was in the immediate area, and walked quickly to the stable. He didn't run, as that might attract attention, and was soon at the building.

He slipped quickly inside and after only a few minutes he came back out, leading the large draft horse along by the reins.

As if it were any other morning and he were going about his business, Dillon walked casually to the woods and slipped into the cool shadows where the other two waited.

Connor had watched his approach and confirmed Dillon had not been followed.

"Ok, good." He took the reins and led the horse further into the trees, hiding them from any prying eyes.

"One more." Dillon took a deep breath.

"Please be careful!" Connor cautioned.

"I will be. Just be ready to get out of here when I come back." He looked both ways and then casually exited the trees and made his way back to the stable.

Once inside, Dillon spent a few minutes looking around the horse's stall. There was a saddle, blanket, and halter with bit draped over a wooden post that stuck out from the wall.

He removed the saddle and set it in the straw, by the stall door. Next, he draped the thick saddle blanket over the horse, while it stood patiently still. Once that was in position, he hefted the saddle up and tossed it onto the animal's back. It was no easy feat as the saddle was heavy and he wasn't an adult. Eventually, after a few minutes of repositioning everything, he had the saddle strapped under the horse and tightened. He was fitting the bridle to the horse's head when a voice spoke behind him.

"What are you doing Dillon? That isn't your horse."

It was a boy's voice and it sounded very suspicious.

Dillon spun around and saw one of the older boys who usually worked in the stables. He forced himself to relax and appear as though nothing were out of the ordinary.

"Huh? Oh hello. I'm riding to WestField, to see if my sister is alright." He named the next village to the west, where Henry's family lived.

"But that isn't your horse. It belongs to the sheriff." The boy blocked his path.

Dillon finished buckling the bridle in place and tossed the reigns over the horse's neck. He turned to mount up and nodded.

"I know. He told me the other day that I could take it riding if I wanted to. He said it needs the exercise. I think he plans to sell it, not sure."

He placed his left foot in the stirrup and swung his right leg over the saddle and took up the reins.

The boy didn't move. "I don't think you should take that horse. You know the sheriff is dead, don't you?"

Dillon shook his head. "No, I didn't. I'm sorry to hear that but I really need to see if my sister is alright. I'll be back later this afternoon, I promise."

The stable boy still looked suspicious but stepped aside. "Alright, but be sure you come back this afternoon."

"Of course." Dillon nodded and gently nudged the horse in the sides, steering it out of the stall and stable.

Once outside, he paused and looked around and then casually made his way to the forest, where the other two waited.

The stable boy came out after him and looked in the direction he was headed. "Hey!" He cupped his hands together and called out. "WestField is the other way!" He pointed to the other side of the village, to the next town over, where Dillon's sister was.

Dillon heard him but didn't turn around. He wanted to get into the trees and out of sight as quickly as possible.

The stable boy looked around and then ran off towards the smoldering remains of the inn and began talking to some of the men gathered around. He talked for a moment and then pointed to where Dillon was slowly riding the horse towards the forest.

Once inside the shadows of the trees Dillon urged the horse forward and came up alongside where Connor and Aiden waited. They were on the larger horse and had the sword and three cloth sacks draped over the horse's neck.

"I think we need to get out of here and fast!" Dillon nodded.

"What happened?" Connor asked and urged the horse through the trees and to the road that led towards his farm. They had to duck to avoid the many branches but soon enough were at the road. Town was a quarter mile behind them and nobody else was on the road with them.

Dillon reined his horse to a halt next to theirs and pointed back to the village.

"I got stopped by one of the boys who works in the stables. He told me I couldn't take this horse but eventually let me. I'm worried he will tell someone."

"Then let's get moving. Can you ride if we trot?"

Dillon nodded. "Well sure. I've been riding for a few years now."

"Ok, let's go." Connor dug his boot heels into the horse's side and clicked his teeth. It took some coaxing and heel jabbing but eventually the large horse began to trot along next to the one Dillon rode.

"Oh god, this isn't very comfortable." Aiden groaned, bouncing along on the horse's back.

"I know, sorry." Connor bounced along with him. "It's easier if you have a saddle and stirrups to support yourself."

The bounced along like that for an hour and then Aiden shook his head. "I can't do this any longer. It hurts too much."

Connor stopped their horse and looked over his shoulder. They were still alone on the road so he exhaled deeply and stretched his arms over his head.

"Ok, I think we are far enough away that we can just walk the rest of the way." He lowered his hands and hugged Aiden.

"Good." Aiden nodded. "I didn't think I could take any more of that damned bouncing!"

Dillon rode up alongside them and smiled. "I think we got away unnoticed!"

"Let's hope so." Connor agreed. "Are you able to keep going or do you need a rest?"

"Oh sure, I can go on. I have a nice comfy saddle." The boy grinned.

"You want to trade places?" Aiden asked.

Dillon looked at them, his gaze lowering to where Connor's arms were wrapped around Aiden. "If you want to, sure." He looked up at Aiden.

"Um...well, I don't really know how to ride yet so I guess I wasn't really serious." He smiled sheepishly.

Dillon shrugged. "It's ok. Should we keep going?"

Connor nodded and gently kicked the horse back into motion, though at a gentle walk. "We have a bit more than two hours yet. We've covered about half the distance already."

They moved off down the road but kept their voices low, hoping to hear anyone else on the road before meeting them, especially coming up behind them, from town.

As Connor had said, in a little over two hours they turned off the main road and headed up a narrow lane, towards a small cottage.

They walked both horses up to the barn and stopped. Dillon dismounted and Connor handed him the three cloth sacks and the sword.

Dillon held up the sack Mira had given them. "We never ate the dried meat."

Connor slipped off the back of the horse and helped Aiden down. "No. We can eat it later but somewhere private so my mother doesn't find out about Mira."

"Oh, alright." Dillon nodded.

"But now, I have to tell my parents what has happened." Connor took the sacks and sword and laid them down by the barn and then leaned closer to Dillon, keeping his voice quiet.

"Dillon, you can't say anything about what you and I talked about or anything involving Aiden. Do you understand? My parents would be very, very angry if they knew I love him, and you."

The boy nodded. "Gosh Connor, I'm not an idiot. I know those things are just between us." He looked at Aiden. "I won't say anything, I promise."

Aiden smiled. "Thanks Dillon. You are a good friend."

The door to the cottage opened and both of Connor's parents came out. His mother looked at Dillon for a moment and then smiled.

"Dillon? Is that you?"

The boy nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Bryce walked up and shook his hand. "What are you doing here? Not that I mind seeing you."

Dillon didn't answer but looked over his shoulder at Connor.

When Connor didn't immediately answer his mother's face darkened.

"Oh no, what is wrong?"

Bryce looked at him too. "Son? Is anything wrong?"

Connor let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding and breathed in another. "Yes sir. Let me put the horses to pasture and we can talk."

Millie shook her head. "I knew it. I just knew it was a bad idea for you to go to the village." She turned and walked back into the cottage.

"You two tend to the horses and Dillon you come with me." He turned and walked into the cottage.

Dillon faced Connor.

Connor pointed to the cottage. "Go on, we'll be right there."

The boy nodded and followed Connor's parents inside.

Aiden sighed. "I hope they aren't angry about everything that happened."

"I don't see why they would be, at least not with us. We didn't do anything wrong."

He removed the bridal from his father's horse and set it out to pasture. He returned to the other horse and spent a few minutes removing the saddle, blanket, and bridle. Then, he also let it into the pasture.

"Help me with this stuff." He picked up the saddle and walked into the barn.

Aiden picked up the heavy blanket and bridle, and then followed him in.

Connor placed the saddle over a stall door to air out and motioned for Aiden to do the same with the blanket and bridle, on a different door.

Then, before going into the cottage, they briefly hugged each other. When they pulled away, Connor leaned forward and kissed Aiden passionately on the mouth.

"It will be fine." He nodded.

"Let's hope so." Aiden kissed him quickly. "Where is the sack Mira gave us?"

"It's just outside, why?"

"I want to hide the map she made me."

"Good idea. In fact, let's just hide the entire sack for now."

Connor walked outside and quickly returned with one of the sacks.

"I'll be right back." He climbed up into the hay loft and carefully, as he couldn't see well in the dark, felt around and hid the sack behind some bales. Then, he climbed back down.

"Ready?" He picked up the sword and two sacks of clothing.

"Sure." Aiden nodded.

They walked to the cottage, opened the door, and went inside. Bryce was sitting at the table and reached for the sword.

"I'll take that."

Connor handed him the sword and set both sacks on the table. He looked around and saw his mother in her rocking chair. She was cradling Dillon in her arms, holding him as he cried.

Connor's heart went out to the boy, knowing he had suffered a terrible loss. He chastised himself for not being more receptive to the boy in his time of need. Yes they had been tender in Mira's home and had talked a little but he had never really allowed the boy to open up, encouraging him to confront his feelings. Now, it broke his heart to see his friend in such obvious pain.

Aiden stood just inside the doorway, looking at Dillon. He slowly shook his head, not wanting the boy to feel such pain and feeling it was almost entirely his fault that he did. He mentally played through all that had happened since that fateful day he had hidden in the barn. If only he had gone elsewhere.

"Aiden?" Bryce called softly to him. "Come over and sit down. He patted the bench next to him.

Aiden lingered for a moment and then took the seat, as requested. Connor quickly sat across from his father, facing the two of them.

"I know a little about what happened." He tilted his head towards the two in the chair, keeping his voice low. "I need to know everything."

Connor nodded and recounted quite a bit about their visit to the village. He did not mention anything about Mira or that he had been in the sheriff's house and tripped over his dead body. He did recount that he had seem the men carrying a body out of the sheriff's home and that he assumed he was dead. He fabricated a small lie about their looking for Morgan and not finding him anywhere. He explained about the werewolf attacking the inn and its subsequent destruction, leading to the death of Dillon's parents. He summed up the events with them taking the horses and returning home.

"I hope I did not do wrong by taking the second horse, sir." He faced his father.

Bryce was thoughtful. "Well, it wasn't the most honest thing to do but I suppose it isn't really stealing as it doesn't belong to anyone in the village. Still, if we get the chance, we should offer to pay for it, though I'm not certain to who, now that Morgan is dead."

Connor nodded. "Yes." He reached into his shirt and removed the small bag with the coins his father had given him. "Here. I'm sorry but I never picked up the extra supplies you asked me to." He handed over the small pouch.

His father took the coin pouch and set it on the table. "Well, with everything that happened I think that is fine. Is it all here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes sir." Connor nodded.

They heard movement to the side and Dillon walked over to the table, taking a seat next to Connor. He sniffled a few times and cleared his throat.

"You ok?" Connor asked him.


"He will be fine. He is a strong boy." Millie walked to the kitchen area and came back with some milk and bread. She placed it on the table and turned to face Connor. "Eat that."

The boys spent a few minutes silently eating. During that time, Bryce rose and spoke quietly with Millie, at the wash basin. After a while, they both returned to the table. Millie pointed to them.

"I want you three to get out of those dirty clothes so I can wash them." She waited a moment and then slapped her thigh. "Quickly now! There are chores to be done."

The boys all rose and went into Connor's room. He closed the door behind them and they held still for a moment.

Connor leaned forward and pulled Dillon into a strong embrace. "I am so sorry Dillon, I really am."

The younger boy snuffled again and hugged Connor tightly in return. "It's ok."

They stepped apart and Connor faced him. "Is it? Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes, as long as you two are with me." He looked back and forth between the two of them.

"We will be." Aiden nodded.

Connor leaned forward and gently kissed Dillon on the mouth. "I love you Dillon."

Dillon nodded. "And I love you too."

"Ok, let's get into clean clothes before my mother has a fit." He smiled. He opened the chest at the foot of his bed and removed three sets of clothing.

Dillon also smiled, feeling better. "And we need to clean up too?"

"Yes." Connor nodded. "Let's do that first." He picked up a towel and headed back to the kitchen, the other two following.

Millie scowled when she saw them still in their dirty clothes. "I thought I told you to put on clean clothes?"

Connor jerked his thumb towards the well. "We are going to clean up first."

"Well...alright. But be quick about it. I can wash the clothes and they will be dry by tonight if you don't dilly dally about." She turned back to the basin on the kitchen counter and continued to slice tomatoes.

The three boys walked to the well and, after Dillon's brief moment of shyness, all stripped and took turns soaping up and rinsing off in the frigid well water.

After a few minutes they were dry and in clean clothes. They returned to the cottage and Connor handed his mother the dirty clothes.

Millie took them, commenting on how bad they smelled, and headed outside to wash them.

Bryce tapped his finger on the table. "Connor, we need to discuss what to do with Dillon."

"Me sir?" Dillon sounded anxious.

Bryce waved his hand, calming the boy. "No, nothing drastic. Come sit down." He pointed to the bench across the table from him.

All three boys sat with Dillon in the middle.

"Now, given all that has happened, I don't want to bring up an uncomfortable topic but I want to decide what's best."

"Sir?" Dillon faced him. "Can I stay here?"

Connor held his breath. He had promised the boy he would stay with he and Aiden but really couldn't do anything if his father chose to send Dillon away.

"Well, we haven't talked about your sister. Where is Clare?"

"She is in the next town over, in WestField. She left the day of...of the fire." He looked down.

"I see. Is she with some of your relatives?"

Connor waited for Dillon to answer but the boy was wiping his eyes again so he spoke. "No father. She is with Henry, her suitor. His family lives there."

"Her suitor?" His father frowned.

"Yes sir. She has found someone she loves."

"I see." He cleared his throat slightly. "Well, we can talk about that later." He faced Dillon again. "So, do you want to stay here?"

Dillon looked up and his eyes were red. He sniffled and quickly nodded. "Yes sir, I really do."

"Alright. For now you can stay here, while I think more about everything that has happened."

Dillon smiled. "Thank you!"

Under the table, Connor gently pushed his leg against Dillon's, who pushed back.

"Well, then I suggest, Connor, you show him the chores and you three get busy." He tilted his head towards the barn.

"Yes sir." Connor nodded and rose. Come on Dillon, we'll show you what to do."

The boys rose and left the cottage, making their way to the barn.

Millie returned from behind the cottage, where she had been washing, and took a seat next to her husband. She shook her head. "I always thought one son was enough of a handful and now it seems I have three! Lord but I'm going to need more sleep." She smiled and folded her hands in her apron. "It's a terrible shame about his folks." Her own eyes began to water and she felt her own loss, having been friends with Dillon's mother. She reached up a hand and wiped her eyes.

Bryce put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her tightly. "I know." He kissed her forehead. "Look on the bright side, we can double the size of the garden and plant more crops."

She shrugged his shoulder off and made her way back to the wash basin. "All that means is even more cooking and cleaning for me." She sounded gruff but a slight smile formed on her lips.

In the barn, the three boys stopped in the shadows and faced each other. Connor put one hand on each of their shoulders and smiled.

"So, it's the three of us now, just like I promised."

Aiden nodded and faced Dillon, who was smiling. "You will like it here. There's a lot of work to be done but we also find time to play." He raised his eyebrows.

Dillon smiled at him and faced Connor. "I want to learn everything you do."

"Sure, we can start with milking the cows."

"Well, yeah, that stuff but also the fun stuff you do too." He grinned challengingly.

"Dillon..." Connor looked serious. "We will show you that stuff too but please remember to keep it between us. My father will be furious if he ever finds out how we feel."

"I know, I'm just so happy to be able to stay here."

Connor removed his hands and pointed to two buckets by the doors. "Let's get to milking."

For the next few hours they walked around the farm showing Dillon where everything was located and explaining what the daily chores entailed. It was late afternoon when they finished the chores and were all sweaty again.

"I'm hungry." Dillon smiled.

"Yeah, me too." Aiden agreed.

Connor picked up the basket with eggs and pointed to the two pails. "Pour each half into one bucket and bring that along please."

Aiden dumped the less-full bucket into the other and picked it up.

The three boys walked into the cottage and handed the eggs and bucket of milk to Millie.

"Thank you." She took the bucket from Aiden and wrinkled her nose, pointing to the well. "Clean up."

The boys went into Connor's room and pulled out more clean clothes from the ones Morgan had given Aiden. Connor's chest at the foot of his bed was nearly full and now, with Dillon's clothes, it would be completely full.

He smiled. "Hey Dillon?"

The younger boy faced him. "Yeah?"

"Is it ok if I wear some of your clothes?" He felt his dick jump in his pants.

"Sure." Dillon nodded happily.

Connor opened the cloth sack Dillon had taken from his home and pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt.

Aiden watched, smiling happily. He knew how much Connor enjoyed wearing other boys' clothing. He removed some of `their' clothes from the chest and set them on the bed.

Both boys stripped and dropped the dirty clothes to the floor. They turned and faced Dillon.

Connor pointed. "You should change too."

Dillon nodded and quickly removed his clothes, pulling clean ones from his own sack. He faced Connor. "Hey, your prick is awake again."

Connor nodded. "Yup." He smiled. "I think it likes you."

Dillon laughed. "You're funny."

They each dressed in the clean clothes and went out to the well again, cleaning up before dinner. When they were finished, they returned to the cottage and Aiden and Connor sat down on the same bench while Connor hung the towel over a peg to dry. He put the soap in a small dish by the wash basin and joined them, sitting next to Dillon.

Bryce faced them. "Did you show Dillon the chores?"

"Yes sir." Connor nodded.

"Good. I will have to think up new chores to keep you three busy, now that you will be getting done even sooner."

Millie joined them and set a large pot of stew in the middle of the table, along with a loaf of bread.

They spent the next while silently eating and soon enough were finished. Connor cleared the plates away and the other two helped him clean and dry them.

Millie faced Bryce and they both smiled.

After the plates were all cleared Connor's parents each took their usual spots and Bryce lit his pipe. The boys sat in front of the hearth, leaning back against the stones.

Bryce took a few puffs and then faced them. "Well, what should we do about finding a spot for Dillon to sleep?"

"I assumed he would sleep with us." Connor hiked his thumb towards his room.

"Oh Connor." His mother shook her head. "That bed is barely large enough for you and Aiden."

"I don't mind." Connor shook his head.

"I don't either." Dillon quickly shook his head.

"I can put the spare mat out here if one of you wants to sleep in front of the hearth." Bryce suggested.

"If it's not a problem I'd really like to stay with Connor." Dillon said quietly.

"No, it's not a problem. I just can't imagine there's room for the three of you in that bed."

"You could put the mat in there, on the floor, next to the bed." Connor suggested. "That way one of us can sleep there but we will all be together still."

Bryce nodded. "Not a bad idea." He rose and walked into his own room, returning with the mat the sheriff had used. He gently tossed it into Connor's room. "Put that where you think it fits best."

"But not under the window!" Millie quickly added.

They each shook their heads.

"Alright then. You three should get some rest. Don't forget we need to finish the new pasture, especially now that we have the new horse."

Connor nodded. "Sure. Just that corner and the gate need to be finished, right?"

"No, just the gate section. I completed the remaining corner while you two were in town."

"Ok, alright."

"I waited on the gate until you could help me. It's a big job for one person."

"We will help tomorrow." Connor nodded and rose. "Come on."

The three of them moved to his room, Connor picking up the mat from where it had landed. He carried it to the side of the bed and set it down.

"Close the door most of the way please." He nodded to Aiden.

Aiden gently closed the door but not completely, knowing Connor's mother wanted it to remain partially open. He returned to the bed and pointed to the mat.

"So who gets that uncomfortable thing?" He frowned.

"None of us." Connor shook his head. "I just said one of us would use it. I think we should try to sleep together."

"Yes." Dillon quickly agreed.

"Well, your father is right that your bed isn't very large." Aiden shrugged. "I don't mind sleeping on the mat if there isn't enough room."

Connor removed his clothes and pulled a set of sleeping pants and a shirt off the foot of the bed. "Maybe, but let's try it together first."

Aiden nodded and also removed his clothes, dressing in the ones he usually wore.

Dillon dug in his sack and removed the clothes he usually slept in. He undressed and was just about to pull the sleeping pants on when Connor cleared his throat.

"What?" Dillon faced him.

Connor held out his sleeping clothes. "Trade."

Dillon smiled and handed over his clothes.

They each dressed in the other's sleeping clothes and Connor lifted the shirt sleeve to his nose inhaling deeply. "These smell nice."

"I wore those at Mira's last night."

"I know, I can smell the slightest hint of that herb Mira used to calm me."

"Yeah, but I know you like my scent better." Dillon teased.

Connor looked quickly towards the mostly-closed door and then pulled Dillon's face to his own and kissed his lips. They kissed passionately for a moment and then stepped apart.

"I do." Connor grinned.

Dillon licked his lips and smiled. He turned to face Aiden. "Your turn."

Aiden smiled and walked up, tilting his head to the side so they could kiss.

Connor rubbed his swollen prick, through the sleeping pants. He let out a small moan and sighed. It was almost perfect, the three of them living together.

The other two heard him moan and broke apart.

Aiden faced Dillon. "He is so lustful."

Dillon agreed. "Yes, but that's ok."

Connor jumped into bed and scooted to one side. He patted the mattress in front of him. "Right here, Dillon."

The boy grinned and jumped into bed, snuggling back against the older boy.

There wasn't much room left but Aiden lay down, facing Dillon. He playfully bucked his hips forward, so their groins were pressed together.

"I like that." Dillon whispered.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Connor asked quietly.

"Nothing." They both answered at the same time.

"Now why don't I believe either of you?" He laughed softly. He gently pushed his groin forward, into the crack of Dillon's ass.

"I like that too." Dillon whispered over his shoulder.

Both older boys pressed forward and sandwiched Dillon between them. The younger boy gave a soft moan and then sighed deeply.

Aiden was the first to break off. He rolled over and leaned back against Dillon. He smiled when he felt the younger boy press his own arousal into the crack of his ass. He knew they were going to have a lot of fun together.

One by one they dropped off to sleep. Neither of Connor's parents looked in upon them that night, choosing instead to go to bed quietly. Had they done otherwise, they would have seen the three of them spooned tightly together, Connor's arm draped over Dillon and around his waist.

Away in the forest, near the village, a man with long black hair stood at the edge of the trees surrounding Mira's hut. He cautiously moved his hand in front of him and a slight, blue flicker of light rose before it. The witch's protection spell was strong but he no longer needed to concern himself with her.

He stepped back a pace and took a deep breath. Aiden's scent was very strong here. He dropped to his hands and knees and sniffed the ground. Although the scent was not strong on this side of the barrier he could detect the sex that had occurred. He didn't know what it meant but it was terribly arousing.

He moved away from the barrier and began moving about the forest breathing deeply. He quickly detected the familiar scent of Aiden, farm boy, and the other boy. They had left the area together.

He followed the scent trail, tracing their path to the edge of the village and then away into the forest. It was dark now but he needed no light to track Aiden. The bond he held over him would always lead him to Aiden.

He began to walk through the forest, back towards the farm on the hill. He wasn't sure what he would do, knowing they had the sword, but he had time before the next full moon to plan.

Next: Chapter 18

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