Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Dec 31, 2017


The werewolf left the sheriff's home and quickly loped eastward, entering the forest. The sun would be up soon and he needed to return to his resting spot and heal the wounds he had received that night.

He needed to seek dark shelter before the sun rose as its light would force him back into his human form. As long as he could avoid the light he could remain in his true form and speed his healing, at least during the moon cycle.

He found the small, muddy hole in the side of a hill, at the base of a large tree. He sniffed the air, detecting no unusual scents that would suggest anyone had been in the area. His clothes were still hidden to the side, buried under the leaves.

Growling from discomfort, the beast crawled into the small depression, the cool mud easing the pain from multiple bullet wounds. The demons had originally come from the deepest places within the earth and so, in some small way, crawling into the dark, muddy depression was especially comforting to him.

He settled back into the soft ground, rubbing his snout into the mud of the hillside. He closed his eyes and rested, feeling the cool mud slide down his muzzle and drip onto his leg. A few small drops of water dripped off the roots of the tree above and either landed on his fur or splatted quietly on the ground nearby.

Absentmindedly, he rolled his tongue around his mouth, freeing a remaining piece of Morgan's intestine that had gotten lodged between two teeth. The beast growled and curled its upper lip into a snarl. That human had been a satisfying kill. Not only had it nourished him but it also ended the life of one who had dared to interfere with his offspring.

He thought about Aiden and growled deeper. The boy was a lost cause. It was time to kill him and free the portion of his essence that had been implanted within him. Then, he would be able to find another to corrupt. He had nearly caught the farm boy but his offspring had interfered. Also, there was that other boy, who smelled like the farm boy. That one had wielded a sword of the Order, defending them. Once again, what should have been an easy claiming had been prevented.

The werewolf squirmed and twisted in the small opening under the roots, turning around and covering most of his fur with the cool mud. He had been so close to mating the boy, so very close. Another few seconds and he would have filled his ass with his black seed and the bond would have been forged.

He would not have passed any of his essence to the farm boy as he could do that but one human at a time. Still the mating would have been enough to give the demon some amount of power over the human. He would be able to find him no matter where he went and able to force the boy to shift into wolf form during the moon cycle.

Alas, he had been interrupted. No matter. He would find Aiden, kill him, and then find the other and corrupt him.

He growled softly as he thought of the other human; the one who smelled like the farm boy but was not. He had nearly claimed that one by accident the other night. Perhaps, after he claimed the one he would then seek the other.

He exhaled deeply and closed his eyes, settling back deeper into the soft ground under the tree. The wet mud slid down over his head and chest. To any that might have looked into the small opening it is unlikely they would have seen the beast, so intertwined in the mud and tree roots as he was.

The werewolf slept, regained his strength, and healed his wounds.

Aiden left Mira's hut and paused near her garden, facing the village. It took every bit of determination he had to not turn around and run back to Connor and Dillon. He hated to leave them but he feared to stay, knowing it would endanger them all.

He cleared his mind and began running. He aimed for the village but planned to skirt the northern edge, well away from people. He would have preferred to shift form as he could cover more ground that way but he had little control over when that happened, especially during the daytime.

Tonight, when the moon rose, he would shift and then he would be able to run quicker.

Branches whipped past his face, sometimes scratching him, as he pushed through the dense foliage. He kept his senses alert, not wanting to make the same mistake as last time and run into his maker. As far as he could tell, he was alone in the immediate section of the forest, save for the occasional animal he startled as he dashed past.

He ran for nearly an hour and knew he was close to the village. He turned to the north and began circling around. He could smell smoke and briefly wondered if that was from someone's hearth or perhaps what remained of the inn.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He stopped running, pulled out his penis, and aimed it at the closest tree, showering it with urine. He tucked himself away and resumed running for a short bit. Then, pausing again, he repeated the process.

It was his hope that by spreading his scent it would keep the demon following him and not bothering Mira, Connor, and Dillon. A few more times, as often as he could force himself to, he urinated on trees, even when he was well west of the village.

He had been running for about forty five minutes, since skirting the village, when he smelled something unpleasant. He stopped running and sniffed the damp forest air. The scent was rotting meat, but not quite the same as his maker. He followed it for a few minutes and then stopped abruptly, concealed within the trees.

In front of him was a forest road and the small house in the woods where he had been raped. The stench of death came from there and, despite his better judgment, he wanted to look inside. No, he needed to look.

Carefully, in case others were nearby, Aiden moved across the road and up onto the small porch. He surveyed the area. The front door was closed and there was no sign that his maker had forced himself into the house. Maybe the man who had lived there opened the door willingly. Aiden smiled with grim satisfaction. That would have been something he would have enjoyed watching, from a safe distance of course.

He opened the door, looked inside, and immediately covered his face with his hand. There were flies buzzing around everywhere and maggots crawled around on the decomposing body, in the middle of the room. He had been disemboweled, a favorite practice of his maker, when he killed someone.

Aiden lingered for only a moment, closed the door, and resumed running west. He ran until he came to a small stream.

He stopped for a while to drink and cool off. He removed his clothes and lay in the cold water, looking up into the sky. He guessed it was a little past noon which meant he had at least six more hours of running, and after that maybe more in his wolf form. How far should he go?

There were several choices. He could run until the sun came up the next day or he could run until he shifted form that night and then begin to circle back, perhaps going around the southern side of the village.

If he ran west until the sun rose he would be too far away to get back to Mira's until dark the next night. That would definitely worry Connor and Dillon.

If he ran for a few more hours and then turned south, he would be closer to the village but on the opposite side than he had already been. Perhaps that would confuse his maker, were he to follow Aiden.

He shivered and climbed out of the water. He shook himself off and then, finding a tree right on the edge of the stream, urinated to mark where he had been. He picked up his clothes and waded across the stream, urinating again on the other side.

"There, that should make it easy for him to find where I crossed."

He pulled his clothes onto his still-damp body and continued west. Assuming his maker was somewhere else in the forest, he no longer ran, but walked quickly and with purpose.

For the next four hours, Aiden moved west and then turned south. He was exhausted and stopped in a dense grove of pines, enjoying the sound of the wind in the branches and smell of balsam. He removed his clothes and lay back in the pine needles, calming his pulse and relaxing.

It would be safe to rest for a while, assuming his maker had been on the eastern side of the village, which was likely, given the attack on the sheriff's house and the Inn.

The werewolf would have needed to rest during the day to heal from the wounds Aiden assumed he had sustained. That meant his maker had to make up most of the distance Aiden had run.

He stretched out in the soft needles and looked up into the sky. He couldn't see the sun, due to the dense foliage, but he could tell evening was approaching.

For almost an hour, he relaxed and rested. His stomach grumbled but he couldn't do anything about that yet. Maybe, after he shifted, he would catch a rabbit or raccoon for dinner.

Speaking of shifting form, it was only a matter of time before he would. Realizing his time as a human was running out, Aiden prepared. He laced his boots together and stuffed his shirt into one and his pants into the other. That should keep his clothes together for the return trip.

He picked up his clothes by the laces and slowly continued heading south and still a bit west. He had no way of knowing how far to go until he was south of the village but he assumed it would be a few more hours yet.

It was late afternoon, the day following the werewolf's attack on the inn. A group of men gathered on the porch of a house near the center of the village. Each had either a rifle or pistol, one even had an axe.

"What are we to do now?" One of them spit to the side of the house, into the grass.

"We need to continue protecting the village. Morgan would want that." Another man spoke.

The men all nodded and agreed. The first man spoke up again.

"Damn terrible way to die, ripped apart like that. And in his own home what's more! We owe that monster a heap of pain for what it's done here." He spit again.

"And we will have our vengeance, but we need to be careful. It isn't some dumb animal. This beast is smart, maybe as much as us. Did you see how it avoided most of the people in the inn? It was as if it was searching for someone in particular."

Another man nodded, thoughtfully. "Aye, I suspect it was."

"What do you know about that?" The first man asked.

"Just something Morgan told me."

"Well go on now. Out with it. What did he say?"

The men all gathered around him, eager to hear the tale.

"Well, he told me the monster is here looking for someone. A teenage boy."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"He never said. He did tell me the boy is not from the village but has come here in his wanderings. He said if we could find him and give him to the beast it would leave us in peace."

"Give it to him?" Another man asked. "How are we supposed to do that? I'm not going anywhere near that monster!"

"Morgan wasn't specific but I think he meant we could tie the boy to a tree in the forest and the werewolf would find him. Once the beast has the boy it would leave us alone. He was going to tell me what the boy looked like and maybe where I could find him...but..."

"But now he never will." One of the men grumbled.

"I might have an idea who it is." The man spit his tobacco juice into the grass again.

"Really? Who?" Several asked.

"I seen 3 boys hanging out together these last few days. One of them is Dillon, from the village. The other one might be Bryce Darrow's boy Connor, but I'm not sure. Now, the third boy, I ain't never seen him before. He's not from around here."

"And you think he might be the one the werewolf is seeking?"

"Could be. I say we find them three boys and see what's what!"

The other men agreed.

"Well then pass the word to every man you can to keep an eye out for them boys. Either together or not I want them found and held for questioning. We've got some time before the sun goes down so make the most of it!"

They all dispersed and began moving through the village, telling other men the plan for holding and questioning the boys.

The afternoon wore on and the village did its best to prepare for another terrifying night beneath the full moon.

Dusk had arrived. Aiden stopped walking and dropped his boots, with clothes tucked inside. He shook himself, as if he were chilled, and dropped to his hands and knees.

His form blurred and a large, black wolf looked around and sniffed the clothing on the ground. For a moment, it seemed about to ignore the boots and walk away but then shook his head again and gently grasped the boot laces in his mouth, picking them up. Carrying the clothing in that manner, Aiden continued walking through the now-dark forest, heading south. His plan was still to circle around the western edge of the village, then southern, and then back to Mira's in the morning.

If luck were with him, his maker would detect his scent to the north of the village and either get lost in that part of the forest searching for him or at the least always be following but never catching him. He had only to elude him that night and then the boys would be safe for another few weeks.

He padded quietly through the forest, all his senses alert to any hint that his maker was in the area. He assumed the werewolf was on the eastern side of the village but he did not know that for certain.

The moon was quickly rising in the East, its pale light making the less dense sections of the forest glow with an eerie light.

For several hours he made his way south, going slowly, ever listening to the woods about him. All was silent, save for the insects and the occasional disturbances in the brush as some small animal fled his approach.

With a deep growl the werewolf opened its yellow eyes and sniffed the air. The muddy hole masked most smells so he carefully untangled himself from the tree's roots and crawled out.

The moon bathed that section of the forest with its enticing light and the werewolf raised its muzzle to the sky. About him, the forest smelled the same. No humans had been near.

He shook himself, mud flying off his fur onto the leaves about the ground. He flexed his muscles, feeling his fully-healed body ripple with power. With a quick sniff of the air, he dropped to all fours and dashed off into the night, towards the village.

Like a blur, the werewolf covered great distance with its powerful hind legs kicking off the ground, propelling it forward. Tonight was the last night of the full-moon cycle so if he were going to capture Aiden and kill him, it needed to be now.

Branches snapped as he tore through the trees. In a short time, he saw lights ahead and slowed, stopping just inside the tree line.

The village was practically deserted. To the south, a few trails of smoke rose from the destroyed inn. All about, small groups of men on horseback were gathered, heavily armed and holding torches.

They were of no concern. He did not want another encounter. This was the time to end Aiden and, if the opportunity presented itself again, breed the farm boy.

The plan the demon had devised was to circle the village and observe what he could, remaining hidden within the forest. With any luck, he would discover where the boys were and attack them before anyone knew he was even there. He slowly made his way around the northern edge of the village, ever alert to where the groups of men were. The werewolf was nearing the sheriff's house when he paused and sniffed the night air.

Aiden was nearby. He growled deeply; the scent strong in the immediate area. Slowly, his head turning from side to side, he followed the scent deeper into the forest.

It seems the boy had chosen to hide in the forest, rather than remain in the village. That was wise. There were so many more potential places to conceal himself. The werewolf loped north, around the village, following the scent trail.

It ran for a few minutes and then suddenly stopped. The boy's scent was very strong in this area. He padded around and sniffed the ground. Aiden had lingered to mark a tree. He growled and ran his claws down the bark, ripping long gashes in the wood, while licking the pungent urine.

He moved away from the tree and picked up Aiden's trail again. The boy was circling the village or at least was headed west. He dropped to the ground and loped off into the forest, the fresh scent leading him onward.

He ran for an hour, pausing frequently at the other trees Aiden had marked. It was foolish to leave such an easy-to-follow scent trail. The beast growled deeply, perhaps he had overestimated the boy's cleverness.

He ran further and then reached a small stream. Here the scent was lost. Which way had Aiden gone? The beast growled deeply and turned its head from side to side, sniffing the night air. The wind was at its back so that didn't help.

With a splash, he leapt into the water and crossed to the far side. Sniffing along the ground he quickly detected the scent trail and dashed off into the moonlit trees. He needed to catch Aiden before the sun rose.

In the darkness of Mira's small hut, Connor lifted his arm and rolled away from Dillon, onto his back. His body was sore from working her garden that afternoon. He sniffed the air, again smelling the terrible stench of whatever hung on the door. He shook his head and placed his hand over his mouth and nose. He was beginning to feel sick to his stomach and wondered if he should wake Mira and ask her about it.

"Connor?" Dillon whispered next to him.

"Yeah?" He turned to face the boy.

"What are you doing?" Dillon rolled onto his side and looked at Connor. "I liked you holding me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Are you ok?"

"No, not really. I don't know what's wrong but I feel sick to my stomach. I think there is some plant or something hanging on the door that is causing it."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Dillon reached out and placed his hand on Connor's chest.

Connor felt his penis twitch and placed his hand on top of Dillon's. "No, I don't think so. I just wish I couldn't smell it."

Dillon removed his hand and reached over, next to him, picking up his shirt. "Here, put this over your face." He dropped the damp shirt onto Connor's chest.

Connor laughed quietly. "Actually, I already did that earlier tonight, when I first smelled the plant. I guess I should have left it here." He took Dillon's shirt and again pressed it to his face, inhaling deeply. He sighed and relaxed, resting his hands to his sides, the shirt still covering his face.


"Yes, thank you." His voice was slightly muffled, beneath the damp shirt. "This smells much better."

"Do you think you will be able to sleep now?" Dillon asked, keeping his voice quiet.

"Probably not, but at least I don't feel sick at the moment. This helps for a while."

Dillon leaned over and gently slid the shirt off Connor's face, setting it next to his head, between them. He looked down into the face of his friend, barely visible in the moonlight shining in through the window.

"Do you want me to move the plant? Take it off the door and put it somewhere else? I could throw it outside."

Connor felt his penis swelling, having Dillon so close, smelling his scent and feeling his breath. "Probably shouldn't. Mira put it there for a reason."

Dillon nodded and then leaned down, pressing his lips to Connor's. He relaxed his arms and allowed his body's weight to press them together.

Connor returned the kiss with passion, once again tasting Dillon on his lips. He moaned quietly and reached a hand down to adjust his penis into a more comfortable position.

He was worried that Dillon might discover he was erect when, suddenly, he felt another hand upon his groin. The hand gently felt around, pushed Connor's aside, and wrapped around his swollen penis.

"This damn thing is awake again!" Dillon whispered. "I swear it never sleeps."

Connor exhaled deeply and let the boy fondle him. He moaned again and turned his head to the side, burying his nose in Dillon's shirt, where it lay next to him.

"Do you mind if I touch you like this?" Dillon gently squeezed Connor's penis.

"Not at all. It feels wonderful." Connor turned and lifted his head upward enough to kiss Dillon.

"Yeah, it does. I like to rub myself when I'm alone." Dillon whispered.

"I do too". Connor agreed.

Dillon stopped groping Connor and maneuvered his body around so he was again laying on top of him.

"Comfortable?" Connor kissed his nose and laughed softly.

"Very." The boy rested his head on Connor's shoulder and sighed. "I feel so safe and loved when we're close like this."

"You are." Connor wrapped both his arms around the boy and held him tightly.

"I miss my parents." Dillon sniffled.

"I know and I'm very sorry." Connor hugged him tighter. "Just remember. You have me and Aiden now. You are part of our family."

Dillon lifted his head and nodded. "I know. I really appreciate that." He struggled free and slid off Connor, onto his side of the blankets.

"But, if you ever get tired of us, you can always go find your sister and Henry." Connor teased. "Who knows, he might be a better kisser than me."

Dillon turned his head to face him and groaned, quietly. "I don't want to find out. You're the only one I want to kiss."

"Oh yeah?" Connor smiled. "What about Aiden?"

Dillon nodded. "Sure, if he wants to. I'd like that." He was silent for a moment and then whispered. "My prick is awake too."

Connor felt his pulse jump and, without hesitation, placed his hand on the boy's penis. Given their recent experiences and how open with their feelings they had become, he no longer needed to worry about Dillon learning he was attracted to him. Connor gave Dillon's penis a gentle squeeze, confirming it was fully erect. He massaged it a few times and then moved down to fondle the boy's testicles, through his soft pants.

Dillon sighed deeply and lay his head back. "Gosh, that sure feels nice."

Connor continued to fondle him for a few minutes and pulled his hand away. He desperately wanted to stroke him to orgasm but not in Mira's home. There would be time to teach him all the fun things he and Aiden did, once they were back at the farm.

"Let's try to get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." He picked up the boy's shirt and placed it over his face again. The stink from the plant on the door was replaced by the scent of Dillon's sweat.

"Thanks for being my friend Connor." Dillon whispered and sniffled a little.

"Always, little brother." Connor replied and drifted back to sleep.

For several hours, the small dwelling was quiet, the occasional wood pop from inside the stove the only sound. The moon moved across the sky and began to go down in the west.

Connor coughed and opened his eyes. His throat burned and his eyes watered. His first thought was that the fire had gone out and filled the small dwelling with smoke but he could clearly see the small table in the moonlight that shone through the window by the door. He realized it was the plant, hanging on the door. He realized he had set Dillon's shirt aside, in his sleep.

He coughed again and covered his mouth with his hand. He felt his stomach twisting and knew he was about to be sick. He quickly looked from side to side, seeking the water bucket.

He didn't see it so he stood and moved to the door. He knew what Mira had said about going outside but he didn't want to be sick in her home. He placed his hand on the door handle.

"Connor hold. Do not go outside." Her soft voice came from the darkness to his side.

"Mira, I'm going to be sick." Connor released the handle and backed away from the door.

"I know. I'm sorry." She got up from her bed, picked something off the table, and handed him a damp towel. "Try this."

Connor placed the cold material over his forehead and face, rubbing it around to cool himself. It smelled nice, herbal. "What is this?"

"Just a cool, damp rag."

"It smells nice."

"I rubbed a bit of lavender on it."

"Why?" He coughed and sat down on the floor, feeling a little better.

"To soothe you." She groaned and sat in the small, wooden chair. She struck a match and lit the candle on the table. Its pale, yellow light cast a soothing glow about them both.

"Mira, what's wrong with me? I've never felt like this before. Maybe it's something I ate?" He rubbed the damp rag around his face again.

"You are feeling the effects of that herb hanging on the door." She pointed a bony hand towards the door. "I placed it there, earlier this eve."

"I wondered if that is what was making me feel sick. What is it?"

She regarded him thoughtfully for a moment and then folded her hands in her lap. "It's wolf's bane."

"What is that?" He rubbed the cloth over his face again, inhaling deeply, feeling better each time.

"It is an herb I use to keep the werewolf away." She rose and removed the wolf's bane from the door and covered it with a blanket on her bed.

Connor relaxed and tilted his head from side to side.

"Better?" She smiled.

"Yes, much. Thank you." He nodded. "But Mira, shouldn't you leave that on the door in case the werewolf comes here?" He set the damp rag on the floor in front of her.

She looked out the window. "It's now the morning after Aiden left. The demon only has a few hours of darkness remaining and I haven't sensed him anywhere near. I suspect he is off chasing Aiden. Besides, I have the barrier in place and he can't pass through. This was just an added protection."

Connor stood and looked towards the door.

"Now don't go getting any fool notion about following him. We have discussed this already and you need to remain here, safe in my home."

He nodded and sat back down and wiped the rag across his face again. "I know. Sorry, it was just a reaction." He stopped rubbing his face. "Mira?" He was confused.


"Why does the herb affect me so? I'm not a werewolf."

"Indeed you are not." She shook her head. "But, I think, you are different now; no longer entirely human."

"I...but...that doesn't make any sense. The werewolf never mated me." Connor rose and paced around in a circle. "I mean, he tried; he almost did." He faced her. "He didn't!"

"No, but Aiden did." She held his gaze.

Connor was thoughtful for a moment and then sat back down in front of her. "Oh."

"Yes. You have his seed within you, do you not?" She eyed him thoughtfully.

"I do. But I did before we came back to the village. We were here just a few days ago, inside, and I was fine. It was Aiden who had trouble getting past your barrier, not me."

"He mated you when he was the wolf, after he shifted, just the other night."

Connor nodded, remembering when Aiden and he had been having sex and the boy transformed into the wolf. He remembered feeling the wolf's long penis sliding in deeply and throbbing within his guts; seeding him.

"So, am I also cursed now?"

She shook her head. "No, sweet boy. Aiden does not have the power to curse others. I think, however, he passed along some of his magic, when you and he joined. You are partly like him now."

"But why didn't I change into a wolf tonight, when the moon rose?" He looked out the small window at the yellow orb that was slowly moving across the night sky.

"He changes because he is bound to the demon. It changes so he must also. You, however, are not bound to the demon."

"No." Connor shook his head.

"But, I believe you may be at risk in your present condition. You are not bonded to Aiden but the magic within you may leave you vulnerable to the werewolf. I do not know if he has any hold over you, as he does Aiden, but it is a possibility."

"Oh, that makes sense, sort of." Connor scratched his head.

Mira faced him for a few moments, her brow furrowed in thought.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I believe you need to complete what you two started, the other night." She nodded slowly.

"What do you mean?"

"You are caught somewhere between human and shifter. I do not know what other issues that may present. I think, therefore, you need to become a full shifter, complete the journey. You need to bind yourself to Aiden."

"" As soon as he said it, Connor knew the answer. "Oh. I need to let him mate me fully, as the wolf. That's it, right?"

"I believe so, yes." She nodded. "You need to finish what you two began." She chuckled. "I am sorry, I do not mean to laugh."

Connor smiled. "That's ok. I know you don't mean it."

"No child, I care for you both very much. I was just trying to imagine what the two of you must have looked like that night. You a naked boy and Aiden a large wolf. Is he striking?"

"That's right. You've never seen him as the wolf. Yes, he is very beautiful."

"I am certain he is." She nodded.

"So you really think that if he mates me fully I will complete my change and become a shifter?"

"I do, but you need not change into a wolf every time the moon cycles, as he does."

"Oh?" Connor got up onto his knees.

"There are, or were, other shifters in the world and they had control over when they changed form."

"Well that is good news! I would be able to hide the ability from my parents!" He grinned.

"I think so."

"So, when should we...uh...mate again?" He asked softly.

"As soon as possible. I suggest later, when he returns this morning.

"Here? In your home?" His eyes widened.

"If he is able, yes. Every minute you delay might be putting you in more danger from the demon. It is a terrible risk."

"Oh, I do not think I could do that with you watching."

This time she truly cackled loudly. "I would not be here!" She coughed a few times and sighed. "I would take Dillon and leave you two some privacy."

"Thank you." Connor nodded and then yawned.

"You should go get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for the three of you."

"Yes." He nodded. "Thank you Mira." He rose and returned to the pile of blankets on the floor, lying next to Dillon. Now that the wolf's bane was gone he felt much better.

Mira blew out the candle's flame and crawled back into her own bed.

Connor exhaled and rolled onto his side, behind Dillon. He draped his arm over the boy and pushed his nose into his hair. It only took a few minutes, nestled behind the warm body, and he was sleeping again.

Dillon blinked and wiggled his nose. It itched but he didn't want to move and scratch it. He had been awake when Connor returned to the blanket but didn't move. He had pretended to be sleeping.

He stared at the door and thought about everything he had overheard while Connor and Mira had talked.

Connor had been sick because of the herb that keeps the werewolf away. He was some kind of creature, a shifter, but it seemed that wasn't dangerous. He'd had sex with Aiden, more than once, and even one time when Aiden was the wolf, but that seems to have been by accident.

Dillon blinked a few times and tried to accept what that meant. Connor and Aiden were both boys, like himself. He knew that eventually Clare and Henry would have sex and he knew how they would do it. His father had explained it to him a year ago, how a man and woman joined. He gently shook his head and tried to imagine what his two friends looked like when they had sex.

In his pants, his penis began to swell. He carefully moved his hand to his groin and squeezed himself. He had fantasized about kissing Connor and had been happy to learn that the feeling was mutual. Did he also want to have sex with Connor?

He closed his eyes and thought about that for a few minutes. He had wondered about it before, at night, when he was alone in his bed. He had always liked the older boy and it seemed Connor liked him too, in that special way, considering how they had touched each other that night.

His eyes popped open. Did Connor want to have sex with him? He now knew that Connor and Aiden had been having sex, so maybe? He began to rub himself more vigorously, unaware that his movement had woken Connor.

Connor felt Dillon gently moving his hand back and forth in front of him and smiled. He knew what the boy was doing for he had done it many nights, alone in his bed; sometimes thinking about Dillon. He kissed the back of his head.

Dillon froze, his hand still on his prick.

"I know you are awake."

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you." Dillon slowly moved his hand away from his groin.

"And I know what you are doing." Connor laughed softly and kissed his head again. He left his nose in the boy's hair and inhaled deeply. "You smell so good."

Dillon struggled free from under his arm and rolled over to face him. "Can we talk for a bit?"

Connor pulled his arm away and gently placed his hand on the boy's chest. "Sure. You ok?"

Dillon gave a little shrug. "Yeah, I think so." He stared at Connor's face for a moment and then took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "So, I overheard you and Mira talking."

Connor's heart missed a beat and he inhaled sharply, nearly coughing. He rolled away from Dillon, onto his back.

Dillon quickly rolled up onto him and looked down into his face, what little of it he could see in the dwindling moonlight. "No, it's ok."

Connor turned his head to the side, looking away, mortified and ashamed that Dillon learned he had been having sex with Aiden.

Dillon used one hand to turn Connor's face back upwards so they were again looking at each other. "I'm not upset."

"I...Dillon, I don't know what to tell you."

"You don't have to tell me anything."

"I'm so sorry." Connor closed his eyes and sighed.

"Why? I'm not." Dillon said softly.

Connor's eyes snapped open. "You aren't?" He felt his penis twitch in his pants.


"I thought you would be. I mean, you probably should be."

"I love you." Dillon whispered.

"I know. I love you too."

"We are best friends right? Brothers?"

"Yes." Connor nodded.

"Ok, so that means we can always tell each other anything we want to and it will be fine."

"Yes, always."

"Please believe me when I tell you that I'm ok with this." Dillon rolled off him and laid his head on Connor's shoulder, so his mouth was at his ear. "I've thought about it before."

"You have?" Connor whispered.

"Yeah, once and a while. I would lay in my bed and imagine Henry and my sister making babies and what that would mean, what they would have to do. Sometimes, I wondered if I would ever make babies."

"You could." Connor nodded

"Yeah, I guess so..." His voice trailed off.

"But?" Connor felt his penis twitch again.

Dillon shrugged. "I don't know, maybe I'd rather be with you and Aiden."

"We can't make babies together." Connor turned and kissed his forehead.

"I know." Dillon tilted his head up and kissed Connor's lips. "But we could still do everything else, right?"

Connor felt his heart race for a second and his penis throbbed harder.

"Connor?" Dillon whispered.

"We could." He sighed, remembering all the times he had fantasized about sex with him.

"I thought so." Dillon smiled. "I get how it's done, ya know. It would just be different, as we're boys."

"Dillon, you are too young and you're all a mess right now because of what has happened." Connor realized he sounded a lot like his mother.

"You are not even two years older than me so you don't know that much more than I do." He sounded hurt.

"I didn't mean that." Connor rolled onto his side and draped his arm over the boy, pulling them together. Their lips were inches apart. "I just meant that you should give it time and see if this is really what you want."

"That's fair." He leaned his head forward and kissed Connor. "I like things the way they are now." He pressed his groin into the older boy's.

"Good, so do I." Connor kissed him back, feeling their erections touching. He gave a gentle thrust forward, into the boy, pressing them together more tightly.

Dillon moaned softly. "But, if I decide I want to join you and Aiden in your sex stuff you have to let me." He lowered his voice.


"Promise me Connor!" He whispered.

"Ok, I promise." Connor nodded. He kissed him again and rolled onto his back. "Now, let's try to get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead."

Dillon leaned up to his ear and whispered. "I know. You're going to have sex with a wolf!" He laughed softly and laid his head on Connor shoulder, snuggling tightly against him.

"Yes, and you don't get to watch."

"Good, I don't want to see that. Yuck!" He laughed softly.

"Shhh..." Connor reached his hand across and ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "Sleep now."

"Mmhmm..." Dillon mumbled.

Connor tried to slow his pulse, get his body to calm down, but it wouldn't. He had so many thoughts racing through his mind at the moment he doubted he would sleep another wink.

In a few hours, when Aiden returned, they needed to have sex. This assumed he would still be in wolf form. Would it be painful? Probably. It had hurt the other night in bed. But then, the change had come over Aiden mid-way through the sex and the wolf had taken over. If Aiden were already the wolf it might be more gentle.

Connor smiled when he imagined what he might tell Aiden, still in wolf form. "Oh hey, before you change back, Mira says you need to mate me, as the wolf. You don't have a problem with that do you?"

He stifled a snort when he imagined just how big and round the wolf's eyes would get. His grin faded. What would that do to him? Mira wasn't certain but there seemed to be some risk to his remaining the way he currently was. It could, potentially, leave him vulnerable to the werewolf. If he were fully mated to the wolf, it would complete his change to shifter and bind him to Aiden. That, perhaps, would help keep him safe.

It seemed he would be able to control when he shifted, something Aiden could not do. That should make it possible to hide his new ability from his parents, which was something that absolutely needed to happen. If they ever found out, well, it would be the end of Aiden living with them and God only knew what his father would do to him.

He sighed, quietly. No use thinking too much about what was soon to happen. That wouldn't change the fact that it needed to and would occur. He changed his focus to how they were going to get back home. He needed to go back into town and get his father's draft horse, as well as the other horse; the one Morgan was going to sell him.

He supposed that he didn't need to pay for it, not now. The problem would be getting both horses out of town, unseen. He was pretty sure that, after all that had happened, some of the men in the village would be looking for them, at least he and Dillon. They might not know about Aiden. Then again, the sheriff had mentioned turning him over to the mob so maybe they did?

How to get out of town? He considered the possibilities. None of which seemed particularly likely to meet with success, if people were actively looking for them. Dillon was probably the safest person to be in town. Yes, that could work; an idea was forming.

If Dillon were to go into the stable and get Connor's horse, he could ride it out casually. If stopped, he could say that he was going to the next village, to be with his sister and Henry. Then, after he went into the forest, he would give Aiden and Connor that horse and he would return to the stable for the other horse. Hopefully he wouldn't encounter the same people the second time through the village. Heck, he could just leave town from a different direction and meet up with them.

He sighed and tried to calm his mind but it was no use. There remained the larger issue of what his parents would say when Dillon came home with him. He was certain they wouldn't turn him away, not immediately, but the boy did have family elsewhere. Unlike Aiden, Dillon had a sister and maybe they would make him go live with her, and Henry.

Connor's pulse quickened. He did not want Dillon to live anywhere else. He loved the boy and he now knew the feeling was mutual. No, he needed to keep him on the farm, but needed to be careful in how he explained everything that had happened. He knew it was important to try to keep what had been done to Aiden private, as that would upset his friend too much.

He knew he had to tell them about the inn, the sheriff, and maybe the attack on himself. Should he tell them about Mira and the priests? No, that would certainly not go over well with his mother. But then, how were he and Aiden to leave the farm and go find them? He knew his mother would never let him leave, not on a journey like that. Heck, after all that had happened in the village, he doubted she would ever let him leave the farm again.

That was just as well as he never intended to return to the village. Not while the people were probably looking for Aiden and probably blaming them both for what had happened.

His eyes shot open and he inhaled quickly. The werewolf! If they couldn't go to the village during the full moon, the demon would seek them at the family's farm.

He began to breathe heavily, his pulse racing. That was a much larger problem for them.

"Connor?" Dillon yawned.

"Yes?" He relaxed a little and ran his fingers through the boy's hair again.

"What's wrong? You are all fidgety."

"I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about everything that has happened and what we have yet to do."

"You mean you and Aiden having sex?"

"That, and other things."

"What else?" He moved his head so his nose was against Connor's cheek.

"It's not important right now. Go back to sleep and we'll talk about it later." He moved his head, rubbing his cheek back and forth against Dillon's nose. He was so happy the boy was comfortable being as close as they had become. Really, in some ways, it lessened the severity of the problems he had been thinking about, at least temporarily. He was rooted in the moment; holding the boy and being intimate.

"I will help you, any way I can." He leaned in tighter, pressing his body closer.

"I know you will. You are a good friend."

Dillon quietly cleared his throat.

Connor laughed softly. "I'm sorry, best friend."

"And don't you ever forget it."

"Never. I owe you so much. You saved my life."

"Yeah, well, I'll think of a way you can repay me." He reached his hand over and placed it on Connor's groin, giving his swollen prick a squeeze.

"Be good. We are supposed to be sleeping." He felt his prick twitch and pressed back against the boy's hand.

"I was sleeping!" He laughed quietly, giving him another squeeze before removing his hand.

"I'm sorry. Try to go back to sleep."

"Ok, fine." Dillon rolled away from him and onto his back. He sighed and pulled the top blanket over his body.

Connor shook his head. The boy was far too eager to `play' with him. He needed to have a serious conversation before they went home. It was absolutely necessary that his parents never find out what they felt and what Dillon now knew had been going on.

Aiden stopped at the edge of another road. He assumed this was one coming from the village and heading West. He sat down and set the boots with his clothes on the ground. He licked his gums, feeling where the laces had dug into the soft tissue, having carried them for several hours.

He tilted his head from side to side and stretched out with all his heightened senses. He was alone, at least as far as his maker. He had not sensed him anywhere, since he had fled Mira's. He hoped they were alright and the werewolf had left them in peace.

He sighed and leaned down, grasping the boot laces in his jaws. He shook himself twice and then crossed the road, continuing south for a few minutes and then turned back east, heading around the southern side of the village. He figured he had about another 4 hours of running and then he would be back at Mira's.

He ran on and the forest flew past him quickly.

Behind him, several miles away, the werewolf raced through the forest in pursuit. It had found his trail an easy one to follow and was doing its best to catch him. It hadn't grasped the boy's plan fully but it did know that Aiden was on the move and not trying to hide. It was a different tactic but one the demon understood.

It only had a few more hours before the sun would rise and force it back into human form. After that, he needed to wait for the next moon to try again. He would not risk an encounter otherwise. There would be no place his offspring could go that he would not follow.

Aiden was very tired but needed to keep running. The sun was beginning to rise in the east and he had less than an hour before he would be back at Mira's, with Connor and Dillon. That last thought made his heart happy. He loved Connor so much and it made everything else bearable. It was a shame, what had happened to the people in the inn, especially Dillon's parents, but he hadn't been responsible. Morgan brought that destruction upon the village and he had paid for it with his life. He didn't like to think Connor's mother was correct in her ideology but he had to admit that the sheriff did indeed get what he deserved. Maybe there was a sliver of justice in the world.

The wolf veered to the northeast and crossed the road that connected the village to the Darrow's farm, several hours away. He was getting close now and he found his second wind, running quicker.

In the forest, behind him, some distance away, the werewolf suddenly stumbled and crashed down into a small ravine, tumbling end over end. It had been preparing to leap across the narrow gorge but the sun crested the horizon and its light lit the woods around him. He stopped falling and lay still, panting. With a deep groan, a tall man with black hair sat up and rubbed his arm, which was bleeding a little.

"Curse you, Aiden." He stood and cracked his neck from side to side. "You have this respite but I will find you again." He crawled his way out of the small ravine and began walking carefully through the trees, back towards the village. He needed to either retrieve his own clothes or steal some others, before someone saw him walking around naked and confronted him.

"Boys? It's time to get up." Mira gently tapped Connor's leg with her cane and moved over to put some wood in the stove.

Connor inhaled and opened his eyes. It took him a moment to remember he was not at home, in his own bed. He looked at Dillon, still sleeping in front of him and smiled. He lifted his arm off the boy's waist and rolled onto his back, stretching, and then sat up and faced Mira. "Good morning."

"Yes, it looks to be so." She tilted her head towards the small window. Morning sunlight was just beginning to filter through, lighting the small room.

He rose and scratched his head, moving over to stand beside her. "Do you want me to do anything?"

"No. I will make you two some eggs and then you need to get ready for Aiden's return." She winked.

"Oh, right." Connor looked away.

"Would you mind drawing a bucket of water for us? Take your sword with you, just in case." She turned back to the stove.

"I can do that." He nodded. Connor walked back to the pile of blankets and pulled on Dillon's boots and shirt. He walked to the door, picked up the sword, and pulled it from the scabbard. The metal was dull and tarnished but more importantly it was not glowing.

He turned to Mira. "I'll be back in a few." He picked up the bucket and stepped outside, making his way around the hut and into the forest behind. The sun was up so he knew the werewolf wasn't a problem, but Aiden had cautioned that the man was also dangerous.

"Connor?" Dillon sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"He has gone outside, to fetch some water from the creek." She turned and faced him.

"Alone?" He stood quickly and looked at the door.

"He will be just fine. It is morning and the sun is shining."

"Oh, alright." Dillon stretched and yawned. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Not at the moment, but thank you." She turned back to the stove and stirred the eggs.

Dillon looked around and saw Connor's shirt and boots. He quickly dressed himself and moved over to the door. "May I go outside?"

"Of course. Just stay near until Connor returns. I don't want you wandering around on your own, unprotected."

"Yes ma'am." He nodded, opened the door, and stepped outside, into the morning brilliance. The sun was warm on his face and he turned towards it, closing his eyes. He was thinking about his parents and what life would be like living on the farm when he heard movement in the trees to the side of the small hut.

Connor stepped out of the brush, his sword in one hand and a full bucket of water in the other.

"Connor!" Dillon smiled.

"Hey Dillon. You get enough sleep?" He moved to the dwelling and beckoned the boy to follow him.

"Yeah, good enough." He ran to the door and held it open.

"Thanks." Connor moved inside and set the sword against the wall, by the door. He crossed the small room and set the bucket of water next to the stove.

"I'm almost ready. You two have a seat and I'll bring it right over."

Connor moved over by her chair and sat cross-legged on the floor.

Dillon sat down next to him, their legs touching. He leaned over and whispered. "I'm hungry."

Connor nodded. "Me too."

Mira brought the small plate of eggs over and set it between them. "Dig in." She smiled and returned to the stove, making something for herself.

The boys busied themselves for the next few minutes, each picking up pieces of egg and stuffing their mouths. When the plate was clean, Dillon stood and retrieved the ladle, dipping it into the bucket of cold water and sharing it with Connor.

"Thank you, that hit the spot." Connor smiled over at Mira, who was standing by the stove sipping some tea.

"Good, I'm glad." She raised her hand and was just about to say something but paused and turned to the door. "Someone is approaching."

Connor stood and moved to the door, pausing to pick up the sword. He was just about to open the door when he lowered his hand and set the sword against the wall. "It's Aiden." He grinned and yanked open the door, running outside.

Mira just nodded thoughtfully, not surprised that he had known it was Aiden. They truly shared some form of bond.

Dillon wiped his mouth on his sleeve and also ran outside.

Aiden approached the clearing around Mira's home and paused. A faint wall of shimmering, blue energy surrounded her home and blocked his path.

Connor and Dillon reached the barrier and stopped. "Hi Aiden!" Connor grinned.

The wolf sat down and wagged his tail, scattering leaves to each side. He looked around them and focused on Mira, who had also come outside.

She walked up to the boys and looked down on the large, black wolf. For a moment she held its eyes and then nodded. "Aye, you seem safe to allow inside." She wiped her hand along the barrier and a small section faded, creating an entrance.

Aiden stood and shook the dirt from his fur before walking through. He rubbed against Connor's leg and sighed deeply.

Connor knelt down and ran his hand along the wolf's back, enjoying the feel of the soft fur. "I was so worried."

Dillon sat on the other side, across from Connor, and also petted Aiden. "I missed you too."

Aiden turned to the younger boy and licked his face.

"Yuck!" Dillon laughed and wiped his face on his sleeve.

"Connor?" Mira faced him. "You don't have much time. He will change back soon." She tilted her head towards the wolf and then moved back inside.

Aiden raised his ears and faced Connor.

"Um..." He scratched his fingers through his short hair. "So we need to do something, while you are still a wolf."

Aiden sat down and tilted his head to one side.

"This is kind of strange but Mira" He looked to the side.

Dillon moved behind Connor, where he knelt, and leaned forward, draping his arms over the older boy's shoulders and faced Aiden. He rested his chin on the Connor's head and grinned. "You two need to have sex!"

Next: Chapter 17

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