Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Jan 14, 2017


Connor took one last look into the darkness and then, as carefully as he could, he slipped out of the stable. He rounded the corner and paused, listening. Apart from the commotion at the inn, the night was mostly quiet.

He lifted the sword and it looked normal. It had ceased glowing when he moved away from Aiden. The fact that it didn't glow now meant the werewolf was not nearby, hiding, ready to lunge at him.

He took a deep breath and left the safety of the building, making his way slowly and carefully towards the sheriff's home. He moved from building to building, always staying within the shadows. On several occasions, he was forced to crouch low to avoid a person running past, in the moonlit gloom.

Such was the case at the moment. He was lying flat on his stomach in the damp grass, as two men paused nearby to talk. He couldn't hear what they were talking about so he used the time to rehearse his plan, while he waited for them to move on. The idea was to sneak into the bedroom, via the window he and Dillon had so recently escaped through, and retrieve the cloth sack with their clothing. In and out, quick and quiet, nobody noticing him. With any luck, the sheriff would not even be there to hinder him.

It was a foolish plan, he realized, with a werewolf on the loose somewhere in the darkness around him. Then again, he didn't want to have to explain his scratched and bloody legs and why he didn't have any pants on, when the sun rose and people saw him. There would be enough chaos without that adding to the mess and drawing attention to them.

He hadn't gotten very far from the stable when, ahead in the darkness, he heard a single gunshot. He froze and melted into the shadows of the closest building, listening. It had come from the general direction he was heading but there had only been one shot, and no screaming.

For a while, he heard nothing else, other than the general yelling coming from the area surrounding the inn. There was still quite a commotion there and as he looked back, he could tell the entire second floor was completely engulfed in flames. The building would be destroyed by morning.

Again, his thoughts returned to Dillon's parents. Had they escaped? If not, Connor knew without a doubt that he would take him home with him, when he returned. Dillon had saved his life tonight and he owed him, plus he really did care for his friend.

He shook his head and pushed those thoughts aside. He had a task to do now and it demanded all his attention and wits.

Connor moved away from the building and resumed heading toward the sheriff's house. It took him about ten more minutes of creeping from building to building but eventually he ducked into the shadows of the house next to Morgan's.

The moonlight was shining brightly on the south side of the home and, from his hiding spot, he could see that the front door was open, which was odd.

There was no light inside so he doubted the man was home. He stepped out of the shadows and quickly crossed the open area, crouching below the bedroom window. He looked up and froze.

The window was completely destroyed. Had the sheriff done that in a rage, after the boys had escaped?

Carefully, Connor stood on his tiptoes and looked inside. Other than broken glass, the room looked undisturbed. There were still a few long, glass shards pointing upwards from the bottom of the window frame so it was too dangerous to try to climb in. He saw the sack of clothing across the room, next to the far wall.

He sighed and turned toward the porch. "The front door it will have to be." He whispered to himself.

Connor crept along the side of the building until he could peek around the front corner. Everything was quiet.

As stealthily as possible, he pulled himself up and over the porch railing, rather than use the front steps. Carefully, praying the porch boards wouldn't creak under his weight, he approached the door.

He peered inside but couldn't see anything in the darkness. He poked the sword through the open doorway and it didn't glow. That was good. At least he didn't have to worry about the werewolf.

Connor quickly ducked inside and looked over his shoulder to see if anyone had seen him. No, the lane in front of the house was empty. In the distance, he could see a bright, orange glow - the burning inn. He shook his head sadly and turned back around. He carefully moved across the room, towards the bedroom he and Aiden had shared. In the dark, he accidentally bumped into the door, the hinges creaking loudly, as it swung open further. He froze and listened but nothing stirred within the house.

Quickly, he ducked inside and crossed the room to where the sack of clothes lay against the wall. He lifted it and turned around, heading back to the main room.

He stepped out into the room and froze, the sound of something falling across the room disturbing the silence.

The sword was not glowing but that didn't mean the sheriff wasn't lurking, ready to grab him if possible.

Connor remained still for what felt like ages but no other sounds came out of the darkness. What had he heard? He tried to place the sound. Not really a person moving but maybe a piece of wood falling to the floor? Bolstering his courage, he stepped out into the main room and moved towards the front door.

Outside, a man ran past the house and then stopped, noticing the front door was ajar. He backed up a pace and then ran up, onto the porch.

"Sheriff? Are you home?" The man peered inside but didn't see anyone. "Are you here? Hello?"

Connor had seen the man turn towards the house and had ducked into Morgan's bedroom. Were the man to enter the home Connor could get out through the sheriff's bedroom window, something he could not do in the other room. Morgan's room was directly across from the front door and he could see the man's silhouette against the moonlit sky.

"Hello?" The man again called into the empty dwelling. Not getting a reply, he shrugged and pulled the front door closed, before running back down the front steps and continuing on his way.

Connor breathed a sigh of relief at not having been discovered. He listened for a few moments longer and, not hearing anything else, stepped out into the room. He hoisted the sack over his shoulder and gripped the sword tightly in his left hand. Taking a deep breath, he began crossing the room. He did not like that the front door was now closed. He couldn't see if anyone was standing outside, in the lane. He would have to check carefully before he opened it.

About halfway across the main room, he caught his foot on something and went down hard. The sword clattered on the wooden floor and the sack rolled off to his right side, into the darkness.

"Damn it!" He cursed softly and rubbed his elbow.

Connor froze. His fingers were wet.

"What the hell?" He brought his hand to his face but it was too dark to see what he had landed in, on the floor. He sniffed his fingers but couldn't quite place the scent. It wasn't alcohol and it wasn't lamp oil.

Where was the sword? He patted the floor to his left side, feeling for the metal.

`Splat', his hand landed in a puddle.

He jerked his hand back and wiped it on his shirt. "What the hell is going on here? Did somebody spill something?" His voice sounded harsh in the still darkness of the room.

Carefully, he felt around with his fingers, trying to find the sword. He had heard it land on the floor to his left side, in the general area he was searching. It had to be nearby.

Suddenly, his fingers touched hair and cold skin. With a yell that was far too loud, given the circumstances, Connor yanked his hand away.

"Who is there?" He called out.

Nothing moved and no one answered him.

He shook his head. What to do? He needed to find the sword but someone was lying on the floor next to him.

He closed his eyes and steeled himself for what he knew he must do. Carefully, he reached out in the same general area and again felt the person. This time, his hand felt the damp material of a shirt.

"Hey, are you ok?" He called quietly. Gently, he shook the person but he or she did not move.

Realizing that whoever was on the floor next to him was not about to get up, he resumed patting the floor and then he felt the cool metal of the sword.

"Got it!" He grasped the hilt and got up onto his knees, feeling the wet dampness against his skin. He shivered in the cool darkness, wondering what he was kneeling in. Remembering the body on the floor next him, he reached out a shaking hand and again felt the damp shirt. He shuddered, moved his hand lower, and felt...well... he wasn't exactly sure what he felt.

He set the sword on the floor next to him and put both hands on the person's chest. His right hand felt cloth and buttons, though the material was cold and damp.

His left hand felt... nothing. There was a hole where the person's abdomen should be. Then, he felt it – bone and something soft and squishy.

"Oh my god!" Connor yanked his hands away and scooted back from the body, or rather from what he had determined was all that remained of a body.

He grabbed the sword off the floor and rolled to the side, over to where he assumed the sack with their clothes lay. He didn't care that he was now almost completely wet and his shirt soaked, he wanted to get away from there as quickly as possible.

From the little bit of moonlight coming through the window to the side of the front door he could barely see the white lump that was the sack. He reached out, grabbed it, and stood, moving towards the door in one fluid motion.

He carefully pulled the door open a crack but didn't see anyone outside in front of the house. He pulled the door fully open and ran down the steps, heading towards the shadows of the closest building.

The moon was now further across the sky, preparing to trade places with the morning sun, but was still bright enough that he could see himself.

His legs, arms, and much of his shirt were covered in something red. Slowly, he realized it hadn't been lamp oil or liquor as he had thought. It was someone's blood!

He realized that the soft, squishy stuff he had felt was the person's entrails. He dropped the sword and sack and fell to his knees, retching onto the ground. Two more times he emptied his stomach, until he had nothing left to vomit up.

For a few moments, he remained like that, his mind having difficulty processing what he had just experienced. He wanted to wipe the grime off his mouth but his hands were covered in blood and gore.

Connor burped loudly and spit to the side. He shook his entire body, which was now chilled from being wet. He looked around but nobody was in the area. Quickly, he picked up the sword and sack and continued to head back to Aiden and Dillon.

Again, he moved from one building's shadow to another and eventually, he arrived at the stable. He paused to listen. There didn't seem to be any unusual sounds from within so he carefully moved around the side of the building.

As he neared the doorway, the sword began glowing softly but not enough to cause concern. It was because of Aiden, who lay just inside.

Connor peered around the doorway and saw Dillon still sleeping in the pile of hay where he had left him. Breathing a sigh of relief, he quickly ducked inside.

He retrieved the scabbard, sheathed the sword to mask its faint glow, and dropped the cloth sack to the floor. He laid the sword in the hay, next to Dillon. With a violent shudder, he tried to clear the horrific memory of what had just happened from his mind.

Movement from the stall to the side of him drew his attention.

Aiden walked out of the stall and looked at Connor, sniffing the air. His ears were sticking straight up and he was very alert. He huffed softly and sniffed Connor's legs and chest.

"It's ok, this isn't my blood. I'm not hurt." He dropped to his knees and faced the wolf. "I think...I think the sheriff is dead."

Aiden growled softly and licked Connor's face several times.

"At least if he isn't, someone else is dead in his house. I didn't see who it was but there is blood everywhere." He motioned to his body. "Obviously. Anyway, I got our clothes."

"Connor?" Dillon stirred and stretched, sleepily. "What are you doing?"

"I'm here." Connor ducked down behind Aiden, trying to hide as much of himself as he could behind the wolf's large body.

Dillon yawned and looked towards Connor. "Oh, hi...Aiden."

The wolf was standing next to him with Connor on the opposite side.

"Is everything alright?" Dillon whispered.

Connor nodded. "Yes but I need to tell you something and I don't want you to be frightened."

"Ok." Dillon nodded.

"I went back to the sheriff's house to get our clothes. I need some pants to wear, as mine are ripped up."

"What? You left me here alone?" Dillon whispered, sounding slightly hurt.

"No, you weren't alone. Aiden was with you. I assumed you would be safe as the werewolf knows we have the sword and would have assumed we were all still here together."

"I guess so, but it was a big risk." He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Believe me; I wouldn't have left you had there been any other choice."

"I know. And, as you said, Aiden was here too so I really wasn't any danger."

"Exactly. He would have protected you." Connor knew that would not have been the case, given Aiden's wounded condition, but he didn't need Dillon to know that.

"So what happened? Did you see the werewolf again?" He whispered.

"No...but..." Connor thought about how to explain what had happened.

"What is it?" Dillon stood. "And why are you hiding behind Aiden?"

Connor shook his head. "Don't come over here."

"What's wrong?" Dillon didn't try to mask the fear in his voice.

"Nothing, I'm alright, it's just that there's been an accident."

"What? You just said you're alright. What happened?" He moved around the wolf and in the light of the lantern saw all the blood on Connor's legs, arms, and shirt.

"Before you panic, this isn't my blood." Connor stood. "I'm not injured."

"Oh my gosh!" Dillon stepped back a pace. "If that isn't your blood, whose is it? Did something happen on the way to the sheriff's house?"

Connor stepped around the wolf. "I was in the sheriff's house and I tripped over a body on the floor. That's how I got all messy. I'm not hurt, I swear."

"Who was it?" Dillon whispered.

"No idea but I'm guessing it is the sheriff. Who else would be in his house?"

"Do you think...that is, do you know what happened?"

"I can guess. The body was pretty torn up and we all know what could do that to someone." Connor lowered his voice as if the act of talking about the werewolf might make it appear.

"How do you know it was torn up?"

"I sort of tripped over it, rather, what is left of it. And I felt..." As he remembered the mangled body he had touched and the gore, Connor suddenly rose and ran out of the stable. He dropped to his knees, just outside the door, and vomited again.

Aiden whined softly and, unconsciously, Dillon placed his hand on the wolf's back, petting him softly.

"I know, poor Connor. What a night!" He paused, realizing what he was doing, and slowly pulled his hand away. "Sorry, didn't mean to touch you."

Aiden turned to face him and wagged his tail slowly, trying to ease the boy's fears.

Dillon smiled and then approached Connor. "Come on; get back in here before someone sees you." He took Connor's bloody hand and pulled him back inside.

"No, don't touch me, I'm a mess." Connor pulled his hand free of the boy's grasp.

"It doesn't bother me." Dillon shook his head. "Brothers, remember?"

Connor nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

Aiden huffed softly and nodded his head a few times.

Connor tilted his head towards the wolf. "I think someone else wants to be your brother too."

Dillon smiled. "I'd like that. Brothers, the three of us!"

Aiden moved over to the boy and gently bumped his leg with his large head.

"Um..." Dillon laughed nervously and patted him on the head. "Good boy."

Aiden stepped back a pace and growled softly.

Connor chuckled. "He gets upset if anyone treats him like a dog."

"Oh gosh, that's not what I meant at all." Dillon shook his head and faced the wolf. "I'm sorry."

"He knows. He's just being difficult." Connor moved into the stall where Aiden had been resting. In a moment, he came back out with a mostly-filled water bucket intended for whatever horse would be using the stall next.

"I'm going to clean up a bit. I want to get all this blood off me." He moved over by the door and removed his blood-soaked shirt, dropping it on the ground.

Dillon watched him strip naked and moved over to stand by him. "Do you have a towel or anything in the sack I can use to clean your back?" He looked at Connor's body in the lamplight.

"What?" Connor was caught off guard by the offer. He hadn't thought the boy would help him clean up. Instantly, he recalled the numerous fantasies he had enjoyed, back home at the well, where Dillon was nude with him while they cleaned each other and explored their bodies together.

"Well I doubt you can see or reach it but your back is bloody."

"Oh, yeah, I hadn't considered that." He felt himself becoming aroused and turned away enough to hide his erection. "No, we've only got a spare pair of pants and two shirts. Nothing I want to get all dirty. I suppose I could use that but it's soaked with blood so it won't be much good for cleaning." He pointed to the shirt on the ground.

"Give me a minute." Dillon moved across the stable, into the tack room, and rummaged around for a moment, before returning with a small rag.

"This isn't very clean but it will have to do."

"Thank you."

They spent a while cleaning Connor as best they could with the dirty cloth and bucket of water. In the end, it was a good effort and he was mostly blood-free. What remained he could clean off properly when he got some soap and fresh water.

"Ok, that will have to do for now. At least it should keep people from asking me what happened." Connor dropped the rag into the empty bucket.

"Would you do me a favor and get a shirt out of the sack?" He faced Dillon and pointed to the sack on the ground, next to Aiden. "I'm going to move around a bit more and try to dry off."

"Sure." He nodded and opened the sack.

Connor moved to the middle of the stable. He walked in circles, moving his arms around to dry them.

Dillon had just removed one of the shirts from the sack when he felt a tug on his own shirt. He looked down and saw Aiden with the bottom edge in his mouth, pulling gently.

The wolf released his shirt and tilted his head towards Connor, who was walking around flapping his arms.

"I don't understand." Dillon whispered.

The wolf gently tugged the boy's shirt upwards and then released it, again tilting his head towards Connor.

"Oh right!" Dillon smiled. He removed his own shirt and set it on the wolf's back while he pulled the clean shirt over his head and put his arms into the sleeves.

Aiden huffed quietly and nodded his head.

Dillon retrieved his warm shirt and moved over to Connor. "Here you go." He tossed the shirt to him and walked quickly away.

He sat down in the hay next to the wolf and awaited Connor's reaction.

"Thanks, I'm about all dry now." He felt the shirt and looked at Dillon. "Hey, this is warm."

"Probably, I've been wearing it all night. It might be a little stinky too; I've been sweating." He rubbed Aiden behind his ears, the wolf growling contentedly as they both watched Connor.

Forgetting for the moment that he wasn't alone, Connor lifted the shirt and inhaled deeply, the damp material pressed tightly against his face. His penis twitched again and, remembering where he was, he was mortified that the boy would see it, as he had no pants on. He hoped the general darkness would hide his erection. The shirt did indeed smell strongly of Dillon's personal scent. Connor hungrily pulled it over his head and put his arms into the sleeves.

"See that?" Dillon faced the wolf. "He likes the way I smell."

Aiden sniffed the boy's chest and then huffed softly, licking his face.

"Ah do too." Dillon hugged the wolf's large head.

Connor walked across the room and looked down at both of them. "Thank you."

Dillon met his gaze. "You told me that exchanging clothes makes you feel closer to people."

Connor nodded.

"Well, I feel the same way."

Connor placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm glad."

Dillon looked at Connor's waist. "Your prick is awake again!" He pointed at Connor's painfully erect penis.

"It does that..." He blushed, though Dillon couldn't see it in the faint light.

"Well here, cover that damn thing up. I don't want to look at it." He laughed and removed his boots and pants, handing Connor his warm pants.

Connor smiled and pulled the boy's pants on, enjoying the warmth. "Thanks, I was getting cold."

"Sure you were. You just want to smell even more like me." He handed him his boots. "Better wear these too."

Connor nodded and pulled the boy's boots on.

"Now, something for me to wear." Dillon dug in the sack and pulled out the pants. He put them on and looked around. "Where are your boots?"

Connor pointed to the doorway. "Over there but I wouldn't put them on. They are pretty messy. I will clean them off later this morning when the sun is out so they dry quickly."

"Well, I guess I can wait until then, as long as we don't have to run anywhere." Dillon shrugged.

Aiden huffed and bumped Dillon with his head.

"What? I don't understand." He faced the wolf.

Aiden bumped him again, pushing him towards the stall with Connor's horse inside.

"What is he doing?" He faced Connor.

"No idea. I think he wants you to go into the stall with our horse."


"You will have to go and find out." Connor shrugged.

"Fine." Dillon walked over and opened the stall door. He stepped in and for a moment looked around, careful not to disturb the large horse. Then, with a quiet `ah hah' he walked out of the stall holding something in his hands. He closed the door and returned to where Connor and Aiden were waiting.

"And?" Connor asked.

"There was a pile of clothes and some boots in there. Any idea whose they are?"

Connor nodded. "Sure, they're his." He pointed to the wolf.


"Yes. He removes his clothes before he shifts form so he doesn't destroy them or get tangled up."

"Oh, I see. So, he wants me to get them for him so he can wear them when he changes back?"

Aiden huffed and shook his head side to side.

"No, I think he wants you to wear them." Connor smiled. "You did say you needed some boots and mine are too dirty. I think Aiden wants to wear his clean pants and shirt that were in the sack; the ones you are now wearing."

"Oh he does?" Dillon faced the wolf and smiled.

Aiden nodded.

"Well, then I don't want to upset him." Dillon removed the pants and shirt he had taken from the sack and set them on the hay, next to the wolf. He then dressed himself in Aiden's shirt, pants, and finally boots.

"Better?" Dillon faced the wolf.

Aiden nodded twice.

Dillon lifted one arm and smelled the material. "I like it; smells nice." He faced Connor.

"Yeah, he does." Connor smiled, feeling his penis throbbing in his pants.

"So what now?" Dillon sat next to the wolf and ran his hand down his back, enjoying the feel of the soft fur.

"We wait until the sun comes up. After that, I don't know." He had been enjoying the happy, relaxed mood while they exchanged clothes, but now his tone darkened and he frowned. His thoughts returned to their immediate situation and it did not look promising.

"You are worried about what will happen when they find the sheriff dead." Dillon whispered.

"If that was the sheriff. That's only part of the problem. I know he told some of the men about Aiden and I fear they may try to capture him and hurt him. They may even try to leave him chained up for the werewolf to find him, like some kind of peace offering."

"Yeah, that's right." Dillon nodded.

"Heck, they might even try to capture me, and maybe even you." Connor shook his head.

"I suppose that's possible."

"Even if they don't do anything to him, or us, tonight is still part of the full-moon cycle. That means the werewolf will be healed and will come back, looking for us."

"But, we have the sword. He can't get us, can he?"

"I don't think so but he has to keep trying. We will have to find somewhere to hide, all three of us. And, it has to be somewhere that Aiden can change without getting into trouble. Nobody must see that or there will be hell to pay. But, no matter where we hide, the werewolf will find us and people will surely notice."

"We should leave." Dillon suggested.

"You mean leave the stable? Find a different place to hide tonight?" Connor questioned.

"No, I mean leave town altogether. Get out of here."

"But Dillon, what about your parents?" As soon as he said it, Connor regretted bringing that topic back up. "I mean..."

The boy shuffled his feet in the hay and looked down. "I don't think they are still alive. I took a look at the inn while we were cleaning you up and there's not much left." His voice quivered.

"But they might have gotten out, before the fire..."

Dillon faced him, his cheeks damp in the lantern light. "Then why haven't they been looking for me? They thought I was with you at the sheriff's house but they haven't gone there. And nobody is calling my name." He sniffed and wiped his eyes.

Connor hung his head and agreed. "I'm so sorry, Dillon. I really am."

The boy stood and hugged Connor. "I don't blame you. It isn't your fault all this happened." He rested his head on Connor's shoulder.

Connor fiercely returned the hug, holding the boy tightly. He could feel him shaking. "Thank you. I was afraid you might blame me."

"Never!" Dillon released him and stepped back a pace. "But, now it's just the two of us." He wiped his eyes again.

Behind him, the wolf growled.

He turned to face the wolf. "I'm sorry Aiden, the three of us."

Aiden nodded his head and turned to look at the stable door.

The other two followed his gaze and saw that the sky was beginning to lighten. The sun would be up shortly.

"Almost time to decide what to do." Connor said softly. "We can't stay here much longer."

Aiden shook his fur and moved out into the middle of the room. He closed his eyes and shook again, but nothing happened.

"What is he doing?" Dillon asked.

"I think he is trying to change back."

"Oh. It isn't working." Dillon shook his head.

"Yeah, he can't really control when it happens."

Aiden hung his head and walked back over to them. He lay down and wrapped his tail over his nose.

"It's ok." Dillon sat down in the hay, next to him. "We'll wait for you." He laid his hand on the wolf's back and gently stroked his fur.

Aiden sighed and closed his eyes.

Connor moved over to the stable door and looked outside. There was still quite the flurry of activity around the inn. He looked back at Dillon. He knew the boy's parents were most likely dead.

He looked back out into the growing gloom of early morning. What should they do? They couldn't stay in the stable. They couldn't go back to the sheriff's house. He felt his stomach lurch at the very thought of the body lying on the floor in a pool of blood. There were really only two choices. Find another place to hide within the village and wait out the last night of the moon cycle or leave and go somewhere else. He didn't want to go back home until the moon cycle had ended. Maybe they could go see Mira. She might have a good idea about what they should do.

"What are you thinking about?" Dillon asked quietly.

Connor turned and faced him. "Trying to decide what we should do next." He moved over and sat down in the hay next to the boy. "I don't know what to do." He put his head in his hands.

A hand landed gently on his back. "I know you will come up with a good idea."

Connor nodded but didn't lift his head. "Let's hope so."

The wolf looked up and then quickly stood, shaking the hay from his fur. He moved a few feet away and then, with a blur of movement, Aiden was on his hands and knees, in the dirt. He stood and stretched, his shoulder joints cracking.

"Aiden." Dillon smiled.

"Hey." The other boy smiled. "I'm really sorry if I frightened you earlier."

Dillon looked at Aiden's naked body. "Nah, I'm fine. I mean, it was scary at first but not now."

"Good." He looked around and saw the shirt and pants lying in the hay. He moved over and started to dress.

In a moment, he stood next to the other two. He faced Connor and smiled. "What a night!" He opened his arms.

Connor stood and hugged Aiden. "I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry. The change came over me right after you left to find Dillon. I couldn't stay here because the horses were really spooked. They were making too much noise and someone was bound to come check what was upsetting them."

"I can imagine." Connor released him and stepped back a pace.

"Aiden?" Dillon rose and stood next to him.

"Yes?" He faced the boy.

"Does it hurt when you change?" He shuffled his feet in the straw that covered the ground.

"No. In fact, if I'm injured it helps me heal."

Dillon nodded but didn't comment.

"Come here." Aiden held his arms open.

Dillon smiled and stepped into the embrace. For a few moments, the boys hugged and took strength in their friendship.

"I would never hurt you, Dillon. I'm not like the werewolf." He released the boy.

"I know. Connor explained it to me."

"So what now?" Aiden faced Connor.

"That is what I'm trying to decide. The sun will be up soon and we can't stay here."

"No we can't." Aiden shook his head.

"Dillon? Do you have anything at your house that you want to take with you?" Connor asked softly, knowing the boy was upset about his parents.

"I have some clothes and a knife but that's it really."

"Do you want to go get that stuff?"

"Is it safe to be seen?" Dillon asked.

"As long as I'm not with you it should be." Aiden shrugged. "At least for a bit longer, while there is still a lot of chaos."

Connor nodded. "Ok, then let's go get your stuff and hurry back here. Aiden, you can hide until we get back."

"No, I don't think I should stay here. Before the sun is fully risen I need to get out of the village."

"Where will you go?" Dillon was alarmed.

"Not far. Just into the forest a bit." He faced Connor. "Hey, why don't we go to Mira's?"

Connor agreed. "Yes, I've been considering that. She'll know what to do. Ok, let's do that. I'll take Dillon home now to get his stuff. After that, we'll meet you there."

"Alright, I'll see you two later." Aiden moved to the door and looked out. People were beginning to move around the village more and it was now or never. "I'll take your boots with me. I don't mind the mess." He pulled Connor's bloody boots on and looked once more to the left and right. Seeing the area was empty of villagers, he sprinted across the open area between the stable and the closest house. From there, he moved quickly into the forest and disappeared.

Dillon touched Connor's hand. "Come on. Let's go to my house and get my things."

"Ok, if you're ready." Connor picked up the sword and sack with their spare clothes. "I'd better take these with us." He was worried about what people might think if they saw the sword but he dared not leave it behind. He stuffed his bloody shirt under the hay where, hopefully, nobody would discover it.

They left the stable and quickly moved off into the glowing morning light. Nobody interfered with them and they soon arrived at Dillon's home. The front door was closed and it looked undisturbed.

"Be careful." Connor placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'll wait out here. If something happens, like someone starts questioning me or whatever, stay inside until it's safe to come out again."

"Ok. I'll make this quick." Dillon dashed up the front steps and ran inside. He made his way upstairs and in a few minutes returned with a cloth sack containing his clothes. His knife hung on a cord around his waist.

"You all set?" Connor looked around the deserted street.

"Yup, let's go."

The boys moved away from the house and circled the outside of the village, not wanting to go through the middle. It would take longer but they were much less likely to encounter anyone who might ask questions or try to detain them.

They were moving around the northern edge when they saw a large group of men gathered around the sheriff's house. A few exited the house, carrying something on a board, covered in a sheet. The sheet was soaked with blood.

Connor turned his head and looked the other way. "Come on, let's enter the forest here. I don't want to see that."

They pushed through the branches and into the trees. It took Connor a few minutes to gather his bearings and then he steered them towards Mira's home. He found a small game trail and followed that, as it was slightly less tangled with brush.

"Where are we going?" Dillon asked, ducking under a thorny tree branch.

"We are going to see a friend of ours who lives deeper in the forest. Her name is Mira."

Dillon shook his head. "I don't know who that is."

"She doesn't usually go into the village, or so she said."

"Can she help us?"

"I hope so. She already knows about Aiden and the werewolf. I don't know if we can stay with her but at least she will have some good suggestions about what we should do."

Dillon nodded and fell silent. He had his own thoughts to contend with, now that he was out on his own, an orphan. He assumed his sister, Clare, was safely away in the next village with Henry. Should he go find her and stay there?" No, he much preferred to be with Connor and Aiden. Besides, the werewolf might track him there and hurt his sister. He smirked to himself, imagining Henry coming face to face with the same monster that he had stood up to only hours prior.

The boys headed deeper into the forest and suddenly the trees opened into a small clearing. A garden lay to one side and a small hut to the other.

"Is this it?" Dillon looked around.


At that moment, the door to the small hut opened and Aiden walked out. He waved them over. "Come on inside."

Connor nodded and led them to the small dwelling.

Aiden moved away from the door and stepped up to them. In turn, he hugged first Connor and then Dillon.

"I'm glad you made it safely."

"Same." Connor nodded. "Any idea if your maker is nearby?"

"I don't sense him anywhere close. But hey, come on inside, Mira is cooking us breakfast."

Dillon faced Connor and smiled. "I am hungry."

The three entered and were immediately bombarded with the smell of frying bacon and eggs.

"Connor, there you are." She hobbled over to stand in front of him.

"Hi Mira." Connor smiled. He set the bag with their clothes on the floor and rested the sword against the wall, by the door.

"And who is this?" She looked at Dillon.

"I'm Dillon, ma'am." The boy stayed close to Connor, again touching his arm. He recognized the woman as the `crazy lady' from the forest.

"Nice to meet you, young man." She dipped her head politely and then hobbled back over to the small wood stove where their breakfast was cooking. "I hope you like this. I'm not much of a cook I fear." She scraped the bacon onto a small plate and turned the eggs over in their skillet.

"I'm sure it will be fine." Connor smiled. "Thank you."

"Well you boys take a seat and I'll bring it over." She slid the eggs off the skillet and onto the plate with the bacon.

"Where is the table?" Dillon whispered to Connor.

"There isn't one. We sit on the floor when we visit."

Aiden took a seat in front of Mira's chair and crossed his legs.

"Come on." Connor grabbed Dillon's wrist and pulled him down next to Aiden.

When all three were seated next to each other, Mira brought them their breakfast.

"Eat up." She set the plate on the floor in front of Connor and turned back to the stove.

Dillon looked first at Connor and then Aiden. There were no plates for them and no forks.

Connor grabbed a piece of bacon with his fingers and hungrily stuffed it into his mouth.

Aiden grabbed a piece of egg and did the same.

"Come on Dillon; get some before wolf boy eats it all." Connor laughed.

Dillon grinned and took both a piece of bacon and some egg.

Mira hobbled over to her chair and sat down. She watched them eat, her hands resting on her cane. "I should have made more."

"This is perfect, thank you." Aiden nodded.

"You three finish that and if you are still hungry I'll see what else I have."

They continued to pick at the bacon and eggs until the plate was clean.

"Ma'am, can I have some water?" Dillon asked.

"Certainly but please call me Mira." She started to get out of her chair, leaning heavily upon her cane.

"Stay there, I'll get it." Aiden rose and moved over to a bucket by the stove that had a ladle in it.

He returned to the others with the bucket. "Here." He dipped the ladle into the bucket and brought up some clear, cold water. He handed the ladle to Dillon.

Dillon momentarily looked at Connor, having expected a cup or other type of drinking vessel.

"Go on." Connor urged. "I'm thirsty too."

Dillon nodded and put the ladle to his lips, tasting the cool, refreshing water. He dipped it into the bucket again and drank a second time. Then, he passed the ladle to Connor.

Connor took his turn drinking, making certain to put his lips in the same spot Dillon's had just been, and then passed the ladle to Aiden, who took his turn.

"There now. Everyone better?" Mira looked at them.

They each nodded. Aiden set the bucket to the side and faced her.

"Mira, we need your help again." Connor got right to the point.

"So he tells me." She tilted her head towards Aiden. "We briefly discussed what happened last night, before you two arrived."

Connor nodded. "And now, I don't know what we should do. I don't want to go back to the village and I dare not go home. That would bring the werewolf back to my parent's house and I don't want to endanger them."

"I know what you wish child but I'm sorry, you cannot shelter here. For the rest of the morning and afternoon you can stay but you need to be gone by dusk."

Connor looked down and nodded. "I assumed as much. We don't want to put you in any more danger than we already have."

Aiden shrugged. "Do you have any advice for us? Where should we go?"

She pursed her lips and gently tapped her cane on the floor. After a few quiet minutes, she faced them.

"There are two possible choices before you."

They all faced her, eager to hear her advice.

"One, you hide here with me." She pointed to Connor and Dillon. "Two, all three of you return to the village and find a very safe place to hide tonight. You can return here as soon as the sun rises tomorrow."

Connor scratched his head. "But Mira, you just said we can't stay here."

"That is true but I think I need to revise my comment. When I said `you' I was referring to all three of you. If only you and Dillon wish to remain that would be acceptable."

"But that means Aiden would be on his own, somewhere else." Connor could not keep the anxiety from his voice.

"Yes it does." She faced Aiden. "Well, what do you think?"

"I..." He faced Connor. "I don't want to leave you two but I also don't want to endanger you further."

"Aiden no!" Connor reached out and took his hand. "We are in this together and we should stick together."

Dillon saw them holding hands and reached forward placing his own hand on top of theirs. "I agree with Connor. We stick together."

Aiden looked from one to the other and shook his head. "I see no other option. I don't think we should all return to the village. Not after what has happened. Where would we hide?"

Connor pulled his hand back. "I guess we would have to hide in the stable again. That's about the safest place I can think of."

"But I can't stay there when I shift. Imagine the racket the horses will make and the attention that will draw, especially considering what has happened. Plus, what if someone sees me in the village? Remember, they are probably looking for me, maybe even all of us."

"If Dillon and I stay here where will you go?" Connor asked.

Aiden faced Mira and shrugged.

She tapped her cane on the ground a few times. "You would need to find a place to hide, from both the demon and the villagers. Either that or you could run away, far and fast, and return later."

"I do not like this." Connor shook his head.

"What other choice do we have?" Aiden faced him, sorrow lining his face. "You know Mira is right. I need to go. If I start running now, by night I should be so far away he won't know where to find me."

"When will you come back? Tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, just as soon as I can."

Dillon faced Connor. "So we're staying here?"

Connor looked at Mira. "If that is ok?"

The old woman nodded and pursed her lips. "I'll strengthen the protection barrier after Aiden leaves. We will be fine."

Aiden stood. "Then I should leave now." He dusted off his pants. "Thank you for breakfast Mira."

"You are most welcome, child. Head West and stay as far from the village as you can. I will keep these two here and out of trouble."

"Thank you." Aiden faced Connor. "I guess it's time to go."

Connor stood and nodded. "I know this is for the best but I'm so afraid for you."

"Just promise me you two will stay here so I know you are safe and don't have to worry. It would kill me if anything happened to either of you." He reached forward and hugged Connor tightly.

Connor turned his head and pressed his lips tightly to Aiden's, kissing him passionately. "I love you so much." He kissed him again for a few seconds and then stepped back a pace.

"Umm..." Aiden cocked his head towards Dillon.

"What?" Connor followed Aiden's gaze and saw the younger boy staring at them.

"You kissed me on the mouth." He whispered to Connor.

"Oh, right."

"I'd better go now." Aiden waved to Dillon. "I'll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself and Connor for me." He turned and, without further delay, walked out of the small hut, into the morning sunshine.

Connor took a step after Aiden but Mira called to him.

"Let him go, child. This is how it must be."

Connor hung his head and stayed facing the door for a few moments. Then, with a large sigh, he turned and faced Dillon.

"So, it looks like we will be staying here tonight. That ok with you?"

"Sure." He nodded, regarding Connor with a puzzled look on his face.

Connor faced Mira. "Is there anything I can do to help around here? If we are going to be your guests I want to be useful."

The old woman nodded. "Are you any good with a rake and hoe?"

"I'm a farm boy, remember?" Connor smiled proudly. "Just show me what you want done."

Dillon shrugged. "I've never done any farming but I want to help too."

Mira groaned and stood, her back cracking. "There is more than enough work for the both of you. Head on outside please."

For the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon, the boys worked the garden area around her home. It was all too familiar work for Connor but Dillon had to get used raking and hoeing the soil, removing any large stones and weeds he unearthed.

She cautioned them to stay within the barrier that protected her home, in case Aiden's maker were nearby.

Mira checked on them occasionally, bringing them water and a light lunch, but otherwise kept busy inside the small dwelling, preparing to strengthen the protection barrier. It was likely that, not finding Aiden in the area, the werewolf would come to them, drawn by Connor. Fortunately, she had the lock of Aiden's hair and that was an incredible advantage for them.

After a while, she turned her attention towards preparing a spot for them to sleep. Her home was very small, having only a cot for herself. She spread some blankets on the floor for padding and saved the largest and heaviest for the boys to cover up with, should the night turn chilly.

It was late afternoon when she leaned out the door and called them inside.

The boys put the tools down and stretched. They were tired and a bit sore but Connor knew that would make sleeping easier.

He put his arm around Dillon's shoulder and pulled him close. "For never having farmed before you did great! I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks. This was actually kind of fun. I'm not saying I want to do it every day though." He grinned.

"Yes but after a good day's work like this you know you've accomplished something." Connor pulled the damp shirt off his chest and let it fall back. "I got all sweaty."

"Me too." Dillon patted his damp shirt. "I bet this really stinks."

"Hey wait a minute...that's my shirt!" Connor removed his arm from around Dillon's shoulders and laughed.

"Yeah well you're wearing mine!" Dillon countered.

Both boys laughed and Connor pointed to the small dwelling. "Come on; let's go see if Mira has a wash rag so we can clean up a bit. I hope she has something prepared for dinner."

"I hope so too. I'm hungry."

The boys entered the dimly-lit hut and saw her stirring something on the small stove. She turned when they approached.

"Well you two did a wonderful job on my garden today. Thank you."

"Do you have a wash rag we can use to clean up?" Connor asked. "We both got pretty dirty."

"I'm sure I do, somewhere around here." She set the wooden spoon on the table next to the stove and wiped her hands on her apron. She spent a moment rummaging around and then handed Connor a shirt-sized piece of cloth.

"Thank you. Do you have a well nearby? I don't know where you fill the water bucket."

"No, but there is a small stream a short distance behind my home. It has a pool where I draw the water. That should suffice."

"Which way is it?"

"Almost straight back in the woods, behind us." She pointed to the opposite wall from the door. "Go about three minutes. You can't miss it."

"Do you think it's safe to be in the forest?" Dillon quietly asked.

"Take your sword with you." She pointed to the sword leaning against the wall by the door.

"Come on Dillon, let's get cleaned up." Connor moved to the door and picked up the sword.

The boys walked outside into the late afternoon gloom, behind Mira's home. Connor took his bearing and headed straight away from the dwelling. They walked for about three minutes and then, as Mira had said, came upon a small stream.

"We should look around for that pool she mentioned." Connor pointed to the left.

They walked a bit to the left and found nothing.

"Ok, let's go the other way." Connor shrugged.

"If we don't find the pool we can still clean up in the stream I guess." Dillon quickly caught up with Connor and fell into step next to him, their arms bumping together.

"Sure, it just won't be as much fun." Connor playfully nudged the boy and walked upstream.

Dillon faced him and smiled. "I know this is a dangerous time for us but I like being out here with you, in the forest."

"I know, I feel the same way." Connor smiled back at him. "Ah, here it is." He pointed to an area of the stream where it widened out and became the pool Mira told them about.

"This kind of reminds me of my secret place." Dillon stopped on the edge of the stream and removed his boots.

"It does." Connor sat next to him and removed his boots and shirt. "This is going to be cold." He stood and removed his pants, standing naked on the edge of the water.

Dillon quickly removed his shirt and pants and then pushed past Connor, wading out into the pool and then diving in when it became deep enough.

He broke the surface a few feet away. "Oh yes, this is cold!"

Connor followed him into the water and also dove under. He surfaced next to him and wiped the water from his eyes. "Let's hurry and clean up before we get too cold." He looked back to the stream bank. "Oh no, I forgot the wash rag."

"Don't worry, I'll get it." Dillon waded back to the shallow part of the stream and climbed out. He bent over and picked up the rag from where Connor had set it down.

Connor watched him climb out of the water and bend over. Fantasies from the last few years came rushing in upon him and he felt his groin tighten. He was glad for the cold water as it would hinder an erection.

"Got it!" Dillon straightened up and turned. "What?" He pointed at Connor who was watching him. "Why are you staring at me?" He asked suspiciously.

Connor shook his head as if trying to clear it. "Oh...nothing. I was just thinking of stuff."

Dillon waded back into the water and handed Connor the rag. "Here you go."

"Thanks. Turn around, ok?"

"Uh huh." Dillon turned his back to Connor and shivered. "I'm cold."

"I'll make this quick so we can get out and warm up." He dunked the rag in the water and began rubbing the cloth around the boy's shoulders, back, and sides. Connor closed his eyes and smiled to himself. The act of cleaning his friend was innocent in intent but he found himself barely able to resist reaching forward and wrapping his arms around the boy.

"What's wrong?" Dillon asked.

"Hmm?" Connor opened his eyes and realized he was standing still, his arms at his sides.

"You stopped washing me." The boy turned to face him. "Are you sleepy?"

Connor nodded. "Oh, not really. I was just thinking about stuff again." He reached forward and rubbed Dillon's chest and arms with the rag.

"That's ok; I can clean the rest of me." Dillon smiled and took the rag from Connor. For a few minutes, he scrubbed the dirt and sweat from his body. Then, as clean as he could get without soap, he pointed to Connor and made a spinning motion with his finger. "Turn around."

Connor turned his back and felt his hands rubbing the cloth around his back. He barely suppressed the moan that threatened to burst forth. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the fact that the fantasy object of so many of his nightly cleanings, back home at the well, was the very boy who now had his hands on him. Despite the chill of the water, his erection rose up and out from his body.

"Turn around." Dillon started to turn Connor. "I'll wash your front."

"No, I'm good." He squatted down in the water and ducked his head under, rubbing his fingers through his hair. He remained under water as long as he could, willing his erection to go back down.

When he could no longer hold his breath, he surfaced and shook the water from his head. He turned to face Dillon and smiled. "I'm ready to get out of the water if you are."

"Sure, let me just rinse off again." Dillon dove under, next to Connor, and rubbed his hair with his hands. He splashed around a bit more and then stood, shaking the water from his head.

"All clean?" Connor smiled.

"Yup, and almost frozen to death too." Dillon wrapped his arms across his chest, shivering. He glanced down Connor's body. "Hey, your prick is awake again." He laughed. "It sure does that a lot."

"I guess so." Connor shrugged and turned toward the riverbank. "Let's go." He gave his penis a squeeze and a large drop of clear fluid dribbled out the tip, hanging by a slender thread. "Stop it you." He whispered and squeezed it again. "You are going to get me into trouble." He tugged on his penis again.

"Did you say something?" Dillon stepped up next to him

"Nope!" Connor blurted out and dropped his hands to his side, a little too rapidly.

"That thing is still awake!" He laughed. "I'd have thought with the cold water it wouldn't be." Dillon grabbed his own penis and tugged on it. "See? Mine is all shrunken."

Connor turned and looked at the boy's penis, held lightly in his hand. "It looks good to me." Mentally, he cringed, realizing he should not have said that.

"I guess so, but yours is larger. Then again, it never seems to sleep." He laughed and began wiping the water from his arms and legs. "We need a towel."

Connor turned away from him and wiped himself off. "Yeah."

"Oh well, we can just put our clothes back on I guess. They are already damp with sweat." Dillon picked up his shirt and smelled it. "This stinks."

Connor quickly pulled his pants on and turned around, hoping his erection was less noticeable. "I suppose you are right. Let's just dress and head back. It's going to be dark soon."

Dillon looked at Connor's groin and then up to his face. "Here." He tossed him his sweaty shirt.

"You want me to carry this?" He caught the shirt.

"No, I want you to put it on." He smiled.

Connor nodded. "Ok." He held it up to his face. "I should check first."

"You know it stinks and you know you like how it smells. Just put it on already. I'm getting cold." Dillon laughed.

Connor laughed and pulled the damp shirt over his head, inhaling deeply as the material passed over his face. For the hundredth time that afternoon, his penis throbbed and leaked a bit into his pants.

Dillon cleared his throat. "I'm waiting." He crossed his arms.


"Your shirt; hand it over, I'm cold." Dillon held his hands out.

"It stinks." Connor warned, picking up his shirt.

"I'm sure it does...but..." Dillon shrugged and looked away. "I like how you smell." He was looking at the ground when a damp shirt landed on his head and covered his face.

While the boy was momentarily blinded, Connor used the opportunity to adjust his swollen penis into a more comfortable position.

Dillon pulled the shirt off his face and grimaced. "Wow, this thing really does stink." He faced Connor and smiled, then, pulled the shirt over his head. "That's better."

For a moment, Connor just stared at the boy. It was both sexually arousing and emotionally satisfying to know that Dillon was so comfortable with him and his desire to wear each other's clothes.

"Come on, before it gets dark out." Dillon reached over and pulled Connor's boots on. He stood and crossed his arms. "You going to finish dressing or stand there staring at me?" He smiled.

Connor nodded and pulled the boy's boots on. "I'm ready."

They turned and made their way back to Mira's house. They returned and entered, seeing her at the stove again.

Connor propped the sword by the door and closed it.

"You two are certainly giving me the opportunity to brush up on my cooking skills." She cackled. "Have a seat."

"We don't want to be any trouble so don't go out of your way please." Connor sat on the floor, Dillon joining him.

"There now, you two are no bother." She scooped two large ladles of stew into a wooden bowl and set it on the floor next to them. She pulled a small, wooden spoon from her apron and handed it to Connor. "I only have the one bowl and spoon so you two will have to share." She turned back to the stove.

"That ok?" Connor faced Dillon.

"Sure." Dillon took the spoon, dipping it into the hot stew. He ate a few mouthfuls and then handed the spoon and bowl to Connor.

"You done already?" He took the spoon and dipped it into the stew. He lifted it and blew across the top to cool it down.

"No but I don't want to be a pig and eat it all before you get any. We can just pass it back and forth." Dillon licked the corners of his mouth. "Mira? Can I have some water please?"

"Of course child, it's over here." She continued stirring the pot on the stove.

Dillon rose, retrieved the bucket and ladle, and sat back down. He dipped the ladle into the water and took a long drink, then another.

Connor ate a few more bites of stew and then passed the bowl back to Dillon. "Your turn."

Dillon set the water ladle into the bucket and nodded, accepting the bowl.

For the next few minutes, they swapped the stew and water ladle back and forth until they were both full.

"Thank you Mira, that was really good." Connor carried the bucket and bowl back to the stove area.

"Yes, thank you!" Dillon agreed.

"You are both welcome. Now, let me clean this mess up and then I have a little work to do on the protection barrier. After that, we should consider going to sleep.

"Where are we sleeping?" Connor looked around the room. He had seen the small pile of blankets that hadn't been on the floor before and assumed that was the spot.

"On that pile of blankets yonder." She pointed across the room. "It isn't much but it should keep the chill out of your bones."

"It's perfect." Connor moved over and smoothed out the blankets. "Come on Dillon." He motioned the boy over.

"I've never slept on the floor before." Dillon lay on his back and folded his hands behind his head. "This is fun." He closed his eyes.

Connor let his eyes wander up and down the boy's body before flopping down on his back next to him. "Yup."

Mira lit a candle on the small table and looked down on them, before heading to the door. "I'll be outside for a little while. Don't bother me as I need to concentrate. When I return and close the door for the night don't either of you leave again until morning, or you might weaken the barrier."

"Mira?" Connor stood. "I need to use the outhouse."

She paused and turned to face him. "I don't have anything as fancy as that. Go out back, behind a large tree." She laughed and exited the room.

"I'll come too." Dillon stood.

Connor nodded and they walked outside, into the darkening evening. They quickly took care of their needs and went back inside.

They lay back on the pile of blankets and Connor removed his shirt. He set it on the floor next to them and pulled the blanket over himself. "Are you going to sleep in your shirt?" He faced Dillon.

"I was going to. Should I take it off?" Dillon turned to face him, looking up and down Connor's naked chest.

"Up to you. I just thought it might be damp. I'll cover us with the blanket when you are ready to sleep."

Dillon hesitated, still looking at Connor's chest. Then, he nodded and pulled the shirt over his head and set it on the floor next to him. "I'm ready." He lay back down and put his hands behind his head again, propping his head up a bit.

Connor pulled the blanket over the two of them and also lay back.

"What did she mean about a protection barrier?"

"It is a magical barrier that keeps the werewolf away. We are quite safe in here." Connor explained.

"But, then why couldn't Aiden stay here too?"

"Because if he's here, inside the barrier, I think that weakens in. Mira explained it to us last month but I don't really understand. Something about because he's connected to the werewolf."

"Oh." Dillon yawned and sighed deeply.

For some time, the small dwelling was quiet, save for the occasional pop of wood within the stove. Both boys lay quietly.

Connor could barely hear Mira, outside talking to herself. He assumed she was casting some spell, or something similar, to protect them. He wondered how far away Aiden was and if he had found a safe place to hide. For a moment, his pulse spiked when he considered that maybe he had been captured by the villagers, if he had gotten too close. Then again, where was the werewolf? What if Aiden were running right towards him, unknowingly.

"Connor?" Dillon whispered.

"Hmm?" Connor turned his head to the side, facing him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, always."

Dillon turned to face him. "Do you love Aiden?"

Connor's pulse jumped. "Uh..." He paused, not sure how much of their relationship to reveal to Dillon. "Yeah."

"That's good."

"Why do you ask?" Connor prodded.

Dillon propped himself up on his elbow. "I saw you kiss him earlier, on the mouth."

"Oh." Connor turned his head back so he was staring at the ceiling.

"I've never seen two boys kiss each other like that. I've seen Henry and Clare do it lots, of course." Dillon relaxed and lay his head back down.

"Sorry, I hope that doesn't upset you." He wondered if he had injured his friendship with Dillon.

"No." Dillon sighed. "I've just never seen it before."

"I never did it before I met Aiden."

Dillon rolled onto his side and faced Connor again. "I've thought about it before."

Connor's heart quickened its pulse. "Oh?" He rolled onto his side to face Dillon.

"Yeah, just a few times. Usually when I'm all alone in my room and feeling sad."

"Why would you be sad?"

"I guess because I don't have anyone I like to be with, I mean other than you and Aiden. Clare always ignores me, Henry hates me, and none of the other boys I know from the village hardly ever want to do anything with me. I can't even get anyone to wander the woods."

"I was always alone too, before Aiden came to live with us so I know what you mean."

Dillon nodded. "I'm glad it's not just me."

"You could have asked Henry to kiss you." Connor couldn't help teasing Dillon.

"I'm trying to be serious." Dillon tried to sound tough but smiled.

"I know you are. I'm sorry." Connor quickly made up his mind that Dillon was trying to tell him what he had always fantasized the boy wanted to do. He took an incredible chance. "Hey Dillon?"

"Yeah?" Dillon whispered.

"I'd like to kiss you."

Dillon did not answer him; he stared at Connor for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry, that was improper." Connor shook his head.

"I'd like that." Dillon said softly.

Connor looked him in the eyes and leaned forward a little over half the distance between them.

For a moment, Dillon hesitated but then he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to Connor's. He held them together for a moment and then pulled away.

In his pants, Connor's penis was leaking a river, all down his abdomen and thigh. He could hear his pulse thumping in his ears and taste Dillon on his lips. It had been a brief, tender kiss, probably Dillon's first, but it did little to quench the lust in Connor's heart.

"Thanks, that was nice." Dillon leaned back a little and ran his tongue over his lips. "I'll be honest; I've thought of doing that with you before but was too scared to ask. But then, when I saw you kiss Aiden, I thought maybe..."

His voice was suddenly muffled as Connor reached his arm around the boy's waist and pulled him over, on top of his chest. He used his other hand to pull Dillon's head down and pressed their lips tightly together. This time, he let his tongue wander over the boy's lips, seeking entry into his mouth.

Dillon only resisted for a second and then surrendered to his own passion. He loved Connor, he realized, probably more than a brother. The older boy had been the image in his mind, most of the times he envisioned himself kissing another boy.

Connor tilted his hips to the side and, with his leg, scooped Dillon up and over. The boy was now laying directly on top of Connor, with his legs between the older boy's, their groins pressed firmly together. Connor felt his erection resting against Dillon's own erection.

He felt Dillon's lips part and their tongues met, each caressing the other's. He sucked and drew Dillon's tongue into his mouth, tasting his saliva. He held the boy's head with both his hands and continued to kiss him passionately. Then, he gently separated their mouths.

Dillon looked down onto Connor's mouth and then into his eyes. He smiled. "So I guess maybe you've wanted to do that too?"

Connor nodded and rolled the boy off, onto his side, next to him. "I've thought about it a few times before." He smiled. "I hope that's ok."

"Heck yeah, it's ok!" Dillon propped himself up on his elbow and ran his tongue over his lips, tasting Connor's saliva. "So you do that a lot with Aiden?"

"As often as we can." He smiled sheepishly. "But, you HAVE to promise me you will never tell anyone that I've kissed Aiden, or you."

Dillon nodded.

"I mean it. Promise me."

"I swear it." He reached forward and put his hand on Connor's chest. "Brothers look out for each other."

Connor placed his hand over the boy's and nodded. "Always."

"Do it again?" Dillon asked shyly, pulling his hand away.

"Gladly." Connor gently rolled on top of Dillon and pressed his lips to the boy's. He kissed him passionately for half a minute and then rolled back over to his side of the blankets.

Dillon rolled onto his back and sighed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Connor rolled onto his back and smiled up at the ceiling. "I really care for you, Dillon."

"I know. I feel the same about you and Aiden."

For a moment neither said anything. Then, Dillon spoke, quietly.

"What's going to happen to me? Where should I go?"

"You are coming home with Aiden and me, to the farm."


"You bet. I mean, unless you don't want to. I guess you can go anywhere you'd like." Connor added.

"If I go somewhere I'd like then it would be wherever you and Aiden go."

"Then that's settled. You are coming home with me. The three of us will be together."

Aiden sniffled. "Thanks. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, now that my parents are..." He didn't finish the thought.

"Don't worry. I said I'd take care of you and I meant it."

"Thank you." Dillon closed his eyes. "I'm going to try to sleep now, ok? Good night Connor."

"Sleep well. Tomorrow Aiden will come back and we'll head home." Connor lay quietly for a while, his pulse slowing down. He continued to occasionally lick his lips, trying to taste Dillon but he no longer could.

After a while, Mira returned and closed the door, latching it for the night. She reached into her apron, pulled out a circlet of some dried plant, and hung it on a nail in the door. She glanced at the boys and saw they were already in bed, sleeping quietly. She blew out the candle on the table and made her way to her small cot. She stretched out and removed her apron, setting on the floor next to her. On top of the apron, she set the small knife, in case she needed it that night.

For a while, Connor lay still, listening, unable to sleep. He heard the occasional noises from the fire, the sound of Mira mumbling and groaning as she got comfortable, the sound of insects waking for the night, and Dillon's breathing.

Outside, the moon rose in the night sky, bathing the small hut in a yellow-white glow and lighting the small room through the window by the door. A gentle wind blew from the east, blowing the smoke from Mira's hut towards the village.

Connor sniffed the air. Something stunk. At first he wondered if it were the werewolf, but then realized it was different. It was a pungent aroma and it stung his nose and eyes, causing them to water. It wasn't wood smoke and it wasn't himself or Dillon, the latter being a scent he enjoyed. Carefully, not wanting to wake Dillon or Mira, he stood and turned his head from side to side, sniffing the air.

The odor came from over by the door.

He moved across the small room, careful not to kick any of the jars or miscellaneous items lying about the place. He approached the door and acknowledged the smell was strongest here. He leaned forward and then recoiled quickly. Some kind of plant was hanging on the door and it was that which stunk so badly. He put his hand over his mouth and nose and quickly returned to the pile of blankets. It had been awful enough to nearly make him gag and vomit, had he not withdrawn quickly.

Connor rubbed his face, trying to wipe off any of the lingering scent. He could still smell it so he reached next to the blankets and found Dillon's damp shirt. He rubbed it over his face, replacing the scent from the plant with the scent of Dillon's sweat. That seemed to work as he no longer smelled the stench of whatever hung on the door.

He dropped the shirt to the floor and lay down, pulling the blanket over them again.

Next to him, Dillon mumbled in his sleep, rolled onto his side, and scooted back against Connor, coughing softly in his sleep.

Connor inhaled the scent rising off the boy's neck and rolled over against him, pressing his chest to the boy's back. He protectively wrapped his arm around Dillon and hugged him close, kissing his shoulder tenderly. Then, relaxing, he slept.

On her cot, Mira lay back down and closed her eyes. She had been propped up on one elbow, sensing when Connor had been moving about. Having observed his actions and his dislike for the wolfs bane hanging on the door, she had something new to think about.

Next: Chapter 16

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