Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Apr 7, 2015


(((Caution – this one gets a bit wild but doesn't quite go off the deep end; that is still to come. Aiden is going to be taken to visit the man in the forest again, in case that upsets anyone. You have been warned.)))

Morgan and the other men rode to the forest's edge and stopped. With the little bit of light left they could see only a short distance into the trees. None of them had the slightest desire to venture into their shadowy embrace. It was unnerving enough just to be so close.

"The moon will be up shortly." One of the men said quietly and pointed to the pale orb rising in the East.

Morgan nodded. "Yes. We will stick to the plan. Nobody leaves the group and nobody fires a weapon unless in dire emergency. I do not need someone getting shot by accident."

"Yes sir." They all agreed.

He turned his horse and began to ride along the forest's edge, a dozen feet away from the closest trees. At his hip, under his long coat, the sword bumped into his thigh each step the horse took. It was a reassuring presence.

"Sheriff? Do you think the beast will show itself again this moon?" One of the men asked.

Morgan shrugged. "Who can say. We don't honestly know what it is or why it was here last month. Whatever it was, it might have moved on." He knew that was not the case. It was highly likely that the demon wolf would come, indeed it might be here now, watching them from within the forest.

"Well I'm ready if it does! Russell was my friend!" One of the men raised his pistol above his head. "I have a score to settle with that monster."

"Let's hope you don't have to do that." Morgan clicked his teeth and his horse trotted forward. He knew that, perhaps with the sword, he alone stood a chance in a confrontation.

"Aiden?" Connor held out his hand, towards the wolf that was regarding him with bright yellow eyes. "Are you in there?" He felt a bead of sweat slide down his cheek. His heart thumped loudly in his chest.

The wolf growled softly and moved across the room towards him.

Connor pulled his feet off the floor and onto the bed. He scooted as far from the wolf as he could, feeling his back against the outer wall, next to the window. For a moment, he wondered if could get the window open and get out before the wolf made it to the bed.

A few feet from the bed, the wolf stopped and lowered its head to the floor, standing motionless.

Connor reached for the oil lamp on the small table, hoping more light might keep the wolf away from the bed.

The wolf's gaze shot up and locked onto his hand as it extended towards the lamp.

Connor froze, his eyes meeting the wolf's.

For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, with a heavy sigh, the wolf relaxed its gaze and wagged his tail slowly from side to side.

Connor breathed deeply and smiled. "You gave me a scare!" He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and felt the cold floor beneath his feet. "Do you want to get up here with me?"

Aiden shook his fur and padded over to the bed, sniffing Connor's toes and legs. Then, with a graceful leap, jumped up on the bed and looked out the window at the moon.

Connor climbed up onto the bed and got on his knees, next to him, also looking out the window. "I know it means that `he' is probably near but the moon is very beautiful tonight." He ran his fingers through the soft fur.

Aiden turned to face him and then suddenly his tongue shot out and licked Connor's face.

"Eww..." Connor laughed and hugged him. "Do you want to go back to sleep?"

Aiden looked around the bed and moved to the pillow. He turned around in a circle three times and then curled up on the pillow.

"Hey!" Connor pushed him but Aiden didn't budge. "Fine. You asked for it." He stretched out and lay down, his head resting against the wolf's side.

Aiden growled softly but it wasn't in anger. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. In the morning he would apologize to Connor for frightening him.

Connor gently ran his finger along the wolf's rear leg, enjoying the soft fur. After a little while, he dropped his hand to his side and slept.

Morgan and the other men had been riding for a few hours, it now being close to midnight. A fog lay at the edge of the forest, clinging to the deeper darkness within. They had completed several laps around the village perimeter, stopping occasionally to talk and to listen.

"Anyone need a rest break?" Morgan reined his horse to a stop and stretched his arms and shoulders.

All of them shook their heads no. The possibility of what might happen was keeping their adrenaline running high.

"Well I could use a stiff drink. Why don't we head back to the inn for a brief rest and give our butts a break from the saddle." Morgan turned his horse towards town. He knew if he were tired so were the other men. It wouldn't do to get fatigued and lose focus. It would only take a single moment of distraction to invite disaster.

Behind him, several men nodded and one stretched. If the sheriff were going to rest then there was not shame in their doing the same. They followed him to the inn and dismounted.

"Go in and get what you want. Tell them it's on my tab. I'll be right back." Morgan disappeared into the inn and headed upstairs. He paused outside the boys' room, pressing his ear to the wood. It was quiet inside. He tried the handle but the door was locked.

In the bed. Aiden lifted his head and faced the door. A low growl echoed in his chest, causing Connor to mumble something and roll over and off the wolf's chest.

In the hall, Morgan half thought he heard a growl from inside but he shrugged and walked back downstairs. Obviously the boys had gone to sleep. He joined the other men who now each had a glass of whatever they enjoyed.

For fifteen minutes he allowed the men to relax and then he signaled that it was time for them to mount up and continue the patrol.

They all climbed back into the saddle and moved to the eastern entrance to resume their vigilance. For the next few hours they circled the village, as the night cooled down and became silent.

At about four in the morning, as the moon was going down in the western sky, Morgan stretched in the saddle and called a halt to the patrol. They were in near the eastern entrance but close to the village stables.

"It is nearly dawn and all has been quiet. I say we disperse and get some rest. Tonight we will again patrol."

The men mumbled, yawned, and one by one headed to either the main stable or their own homes.

Morgan took one last look to the eastern entrance and then, for no particular reason, spurred his horse into motion once again. He approached the deeper darkness at the edge of the forest.

He pulled his long coat around his shoulders as there seemed to be a deeper chill to the air in this part of town. He stopped twenty or so feet from the woods and was motionless. The forest was deathly quiet. The usual night insects were still. His horse twitched its ears back and forth, listening to something beyond his range of hearing.

Morgan patted his horse's neck. "You ready to call it a night?"

The horse shook its neck and stared into the darkness.

"Come on boy, let's get some rest." Morgan turned the horse's head back towards town and clicked his teeth, urging him forward.

They hadn't gone very far when behind him, in the darkness of the trees, a loud branch snapped, shattering the silence.

He turned his horse back towards the woods and threw open the left side of his coat. He placed his right hand on the sword hilt and drew it from the scabbard. He half expected it to be glowing but the metal was dark. Only a slight reflection of the fading moonlight shown on its surface. The blade was heavy and that weight was reassuring.

"Do you imagine yourself a match for me while I have this?" He spoke quietly and calmly, holding the sword above his head. "If that is you and you can understand me, know this: the boys are under my protection. You cannot have them – they are mine."

He waited, expecting at any moment to see a great shape launch itself from the trees at him but all was still. He remained like that for several minutes longer and then slowly turned and made his way to the stable, sheathing the sword as he went. It might have been his imagination but before he disappeared into the musty innards of the stable he thought he heard faint movement within the forest, as if something were pacing at its edge.

Connor opened his eyes and stretched. It seemed to be about mid morning. Laying next to him, legs pulled up to his chest, was Aiden, naked and breathing quietly.

He smiled and pulled the exposed part of the blanket on over him. He gently tucked the edge under Aiden and then spooned in behind him. From the time they had spent together at the farm he knew Aiden would sleep soundly for a while longer.

He draped his arm over his friend's body and tucked his nose in behind his head, inhaling Aiden's scent from his hair. His penis stirred but he ignored his lustful thoughts and closed his eyes.

They slept like that for an hour longer before being rudely awakened by a loud knocking on the door.

Aiden opened his eyes and rolled over, facing Connor. "Hi." He smiled.

"Good morning." Connor kissed him gently on the lips and then climbed out of bed. He walked to the door. "Who is it?"

"Morgan. It's time to get up."

They heard heavy footsteps walking away from the door and down the hall towards the stairs.

Connor stuck his tongue out towards to door and returned to the bed. He wrapped his arms around Aiden and hugged him tightly.

"You suppose we could hide in here all day and ignore him?"

Aiden hugged Connor back and sighed. "No. He would either go get a spare key or break the door down."

"Well hell. I suppose we need to get going and meet him downstairs." Connor stood and pulled on the closest pants and shirt, from the pile of clothes on the floor.

"I suppose so..." Aiden's voice trailed off as he also dressed.

"What do you want to do today?" Connor pulled on the closest pair of boots.

Aiden shrugged but didn't answer.

"We could go see Clare and Dillon again."

Aiden pulled on the other pair of boots and stood, facing Connor. "You know what he wants..."

Connor sighed and slowly nodded. "I do. I'm sorry Aiden. I can't think of any way to keep you safe."

"It will be fine. They won't hurt me, at least not too badly. Nothing that will be visible to other people." He opened the door and stepped into the empty hallway.

Connor followed him, pulling the door closed behind them. He dropped the key into his pocket and then wrapped his arms around Aiden, hugging him tightly. "I love you so much. Don't ever forget that."

Aiden nodded. "I know."

Connor released him and Aiden turned to face him.

"And that's why I can endure whatever he does to me. He may have my body, for now, but you will always have my heart."

Connor smiled and stared into Aiden's eyes, at their strange amber color. "What happened last night after you changed? You didn't seem to know me. It was kind of frightening."

"I'm sorry about that. Usually, right when I change, I momentarily lose myself to the wolf. That is when I'm most dangerous. I might kill someone though I don't mean to."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"It was the wolf part of me, just for a minute. I think it recognized your scent though."

"Well, I'll just have to be more careful tonight. I mean, you will change again, right?"

They reached the top of the stairs and saw Morgan standing at the bottom, an impatient look on his face.

Aiden faced Connor. "Yeah, I'll change again. I'll probably be really tired..."

Connor gripped his hand. "I'll be here to hold you, all night." He released him.

"And that makes everything perfect." Aiden led the way down the stairs and to the main floor.

Morgan crossed his arms. "Took you long enough. Were you sleeping?"

Connor nodded. "Yes sir."

"I see. Busy night?" He raised an eyebrow and sneered a bit.

"Not really. We went to bed early. How about you sir? Did you see anything?"

"No. It was quiet." He led them to a table and ordered them all something to eat. He faced Aiden. "What about you? Did you sense anything last night?"

"No. I fell asleep about the same time Connor did."

"I see. Well, today you and I are going to go look around in the woods. See if you can sense anything or if we can find any tracks."

"I thought Aiden and I would go see Clare and Dillon again. She asked us to stop by if we could." Connor took a bit of his bread and tried to look relaxed.

"You are welcome to go but Aiden is coming with me." Morgan took a sip of his milk and wiped his lips on his sleeve.

"Then I'll come too." Connor replied, a little too quickly.

Morgan set his drink down and looked back and forth between the boys. "Now why would you want to come with us? You think you will be missing out on something?"

Aiden nudged Connor's foot with his own. "No, I'll go alone with the sheriff. You go see Clare and Dillon. Don't worry about me." He turned and stared at Morgan.

"Worry about you? Why would he need to worry?" Morgan met Aiden's gaze and returned its icy stare.

Connor could feel the tension between the two and shrugged. "Ok, I'll go spend the day with Clare and Dillon. Maybe I'll bring them back here afterwards and we can all have dinner together."

Morgan dropped his gaze back to his plate and shoveled some eggs onto his fork. "Sure, maybe."

They finished breakfast and left the inn. The village was alive with people going about their usual business; the fear of the full moon forgotten for a while.

"No use wasting time. Let's get going." He put his hand on Aiden's shoulder.

Connor faced them, forcing a smile. "Ok, I'll see you later."

"We will meet for dinner at the inn. You are on your own until we return." Morgan nodded to Connor. "Stay out of trouble."

"Yes sir." Connor smiled, inwardly despising the man more every passing moment.

"Come on, let's go." Morgan turned Aiden towards the western edge of town and pushed him forward.

"Bye Aiden." Connor called out but Aiden didn't turn around. He watched them move off until they were lost amidst the crowd of people moving about. Connor considered following them but wasn't sure what he could do once they were in the forest. He knew Aiden would be angry if he did so. It was Aiden's wish that Connor keep as far from the cottage in the woods.

"See you tonight." Connor sighed and turned towards the village stable. He would spend the morning checking over the horse his father wanted him to purchase, maybe take it for a short ride to see how it moved.

Morgan led them a short way into the forest and then stopped, far enough from town to not be seen. He spun Aiden around and slapped him across the face.

"Just what the hell was that all about? You told him what happened!" His face was red and spittle flew from his mouth as he yelled.

Aiden faced him, refusing to rub his cheek, though it burned with pain. "I did not."

"I don't believe you."

"I can't help you with that." Aiden glared at the sheriff.

Morgan slapped him across the other cheek. "Watch your damn tone around me. Maybe you've forgotten about our little arrangement but I have not. You do what your told and do it with a song in your voice or Connor comes with you next time."

Aiden balled his hands into fists hard enough that he thought he felt his fingernails cutting into his palms. "Leave him alone."

Morgan pointed deeper into the forest. "Go."

Aiden turned and walked down the forest road, towards the small cottage he had been taken to last time.

They walked in silence for an hour and then they arrived at their destination. This time, the other man was home, sitting in a chair by the front door. He spit into a pail to the side and stood.

"Good to see you again my friend." He walked past Aiden and shook Morgan's hand. "I wasn't expecting you for another hour or so."

Morgan shook the man's hand. "I'm feeling a bit restless this morning."

"Aye, I am as well. Let's get to it." He turned and grabbed Aiden by the back of the neck, his large hand easily wrapping around the boy's neck. "Move!"

He guided Aiden into the small dwelling and shoved him towards the bed.

Aiden landed roughly on the dirty top sheet. He turned and faced the two men, his eyes betraying the hatred he was feeling.

"Watch out Morgan, this one has a fire in his belly. Just look at how he glares at us; like some wild beast." The man chuckled and removed his shirt. He calmly walked up to where Aiden had taken a seat on the edge of the bed, towering over him. He undid his belt and pulled open his pants, his swollen cock flopping out.

Aiden looked from the man's groin up to his face.

"Don't push me boy. I'd better feel you sweet mouth around my cock by the time I count to three or I'll beat half the life out of you and then force it down your throat."

Morgan also removed his shirt and stood next to the other man. "I'd not anger him if I were you, Aiden. The last boy who did is buried out back, in the woods."

The other man scoffed. "I remember that one. Couldn't handle me inside his mouth or ass. What a waste." He stepped closer, his manhood a few inches from Aiden's face.

Aiden took a deep breath and steeled himself for what he knew was going to be a very log and uncomfortable afternoon. He opened his mouth and took the head of the man's cock into his mouth, tasting the bitterness of stale piss and sweat.

The man purred approvingly and placed his hand on top of Aiden's head. "That's a good boy. Don't just play with the head, get down on the whole damn thing! But be warned, if I feel your teeth there will be hell to pay."

Aiden was careful to cover his teeth with his lips, the way his brother had taught him. A momentary pang of sorrow shot through him as he remembered the times he had done this to his brother. Those have been moments of love and passion. This...this was hell.

Morgan pulled his own cock out of his pants and rubbed the head on Aiden's cheek, which was still red from being slapped earlier. It left a smear of cock drool down the side before he pulled it away and began to slowly stroke himself.

"You want to skewer him?" The man asked Morgan.

"That works for me." Morgan stepped back a pace and stopped stroking himself.

The man pulled his cock out of Aiden's mouth.

Aiden wiggled his jaw around, trying to work some of the soreness from the muscles. The man's cock was much larger than Connor's.

The man moved around him and sat on the edge of the bed. He faced Morgan and smiled.

"Bend over the bed." The sheriff pointed to the dirty sheet. "Now!"

Aiden turned and bent over the edge of the bed, supporting his upper body on his hands. His head was now above the other man's cock.

The man roughly grabbed Aiden's hair and pulled him down. "Nobody told you to stop!"

Aiden felt the inside of his lower lip split as it was forced into his mouth and pushed down over his teeth by the man's cock. He tasted blood but resumed sucking the man.

Behind him, Morgan grabbed Aiden's pants and pulled them down, around his ankles. He grabbed both of Aiden's ass cheeks and squeezed them. "Nice."

Aiden heard the sheriff spit and then felt two fingers slide up his crack, pushing the spit into his hole. He heard him spit again and felt a repeat of the fingers invading him. He braced himself for what he knew was coming.

Morgan lined himself up and, without any tenderness, buried himself in Aiden, until his balls were pressed against the boy.

Despite his best efforts, Aiden cried out at the sudden, intense pain but didn't pull of the man's cock. He knew that would earn him a beating or worse –it could get Connor in trouble too. He knew the sheriff was itching for a reason to bring them both to this horrible place.

"He took that like a seasoned whore!" The man laughed and pushed Aiden down further onto his cock. "Breed him like the little shit he is."

Morgan bucked his hips forward forcefully, pushing every lasts inch into Aiden. He pulled out and then slammed the entire length back inside in one, strong thrust. He built up a steady rhythm, forcing Aiden to brace himself more strongly so he wouldn't lose his position.

"Ah, not too hard Morgan. Don't force the boy off my prick. His sweet lips almost have me at release." The man placed both hands on the sides of Aiden's head and steadied him. "almost there...!"

With an satisfied groan, the man emptied his cock into Aiden's mouth.

Aiden continued to suck, not sure whether he should stop. A quick cuff to the side of the head confirmed that had not been the correct choice.

"Back off! I'm done with you." The man pushed Aiden's head aside and climbed off the bed, as Aiden straightened partially upright. "You spit that out and I'll beat you down, boy!"

Aiden fought the urge to vomit and swallowed the man's seed.

A strong hand on his middle back pushed him back down so he was again bent over the bed. Behind him, Morgan continued to breed him until, with a loud groan, he emptied himself into Aiden's ass.

"Now that was a screw!" He pulled out and a string of cum trailed the tip of his dick, breaking off and landing on Aiden's thigh.

Aiden cautiously stood and stretched his back, sore from being bent over for so long.

Both men lit up their pipes and relaxed in chairs, talking causally, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occured.

Aiden stood by the bed, uncertain of what he should do. He slowly pulled his pants back up and then stood still. He was trying his best not to tremble but it was proving to be a losing battle. He felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He closed them and took a deep breath. No, these men would not see him cry.

"I have to piss." Aiden faced them.

"So? Go outside and do it." Morgan pointed to the door. "Where the other forest beasts piss."

The men laughed as Aiden turned and left the house.

"Will he run off?" The man asked.

"No, he knows what will happen if he does." Morgan took a draw on his pipe.

"So you are beating him? Keeping him in line?"

"No, I have an ace in my hand." Morgan smiled.

Outside, Aiden walked around to the side of the cottage, to the back side, under a window. He could hear the men talking inside as he pulled his penis out of his pants. Morgan was explaining something so Aiden leaned closer to the window.

"He has a lover and if he doesn't do as I say, that one comes here next time."

"Now know I like a screwing asses and mouths as much as you do but I don't want no girls here. Just boys."

"Not a problem, my friend. The little bastard's lover IS a boy."

"What? Are you bullshitting me?" The man groped his crotch.

"I swear. I've witnessed them sucking each other. You should see how they make eyes at one another when we are alone or they think I'm not looking."

"So bring the other boy here too. We can each have one to satisfy us. Hah!"

Aiden clenched his hands and fire brewed in his eyes.

"You know, I've been considering it. The only reason I haven't is I have too much respect for his father. Still, if Aiden doesn't straighten up and take this in stride, his boyfriend will be here right next to him on the bed. I'd love to sink my prick into that ass." Morgan took a long drag on his pipe. "Hell, I may just do that anyway, one of these days. You'd have to see him to believe him. He's as pretty as this one. Just spending time with the both them under the same roof is almost more than I can bear."

Aiden stumbled back from the window. He looked up into the sky, tears flowing down his cheeks. He realized he was unable to protect Connor from the sheriff. The man was likely to have his way with him whether Aiden cooperated or not.

Behind him, in the woods, a twig snap drew his attention back to the present situation. He spun around, expecting to see his maker standing amidst the trees. He looked to where the sound came from.

His sudden movement caused a large fox to scamper off into the woods.

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure which was worse: being here with the men or back in the custody of his maker.

His sole priority was to protect Connor from danger and that now included the sheriff. But how? He had two foes to contend with now. At least at night they were mostly safe at the inn. He needed to keep him there, not in the sheriff's home. Still, it was only a matter of time before his maker became desperate, probably on the last two days after the full moon. The beast would most likely enter the village and try to claim him or Connor, maybe both.

Aiden thought about how that might unfold. His maker didn't know where the boys were but he would smell them out. Anywhere they went they left their scent, some places more strongly than others. He would be able to trace their steps throughout the village.

Wait! That's it! Aiden faced the window again, a malicious grin spreading across his face.

He stepped up to the house and grabbed his dick. He pushed out with all his might and sprayed the side of the building with a hot yellow stream. When he was empty, he pulled his pants down and squatted next to the wall. He pushed hard and the sheriff's semen, along with some blood, dribbled out onto the ground. He picked up a leaf and wiped the rest off before dropping the leaf and pulling his pants up.

"What are you doing?" Morgan yelled from inside. "Get back in here!"

Aiden stood and made his way around to the front door. He entered the small house and waited a few feet away from them.

"What took you so long?" Morgan stood and set his pipe on a small table by the bed.

"I had trouble getting started."

"Figures, good for nothing; that's you." He stretched his back.

"Now I wouldn't say he's completely useless." The other man laughed. I can think of the perfect use for him at the moment."

Aiden sighed quietly.

"I'm not ready to use him again so soon." Morgan stretched, his back cracking behind his shoulders.

"Me neither, but I have other needs." The man fished around in a box at the end of the bed and came up with a few items. He laid them on the bed and motioned Aiden over. "Strip."

Aiden slowly removed his shirt, boots, and then pants. He set them neatly on the corner of the bed.

The man handed him the same thick leather collar they had made him wear last time. "Put that on."

Aiden frowned but wrapped the leather around his neck and did up the large buckle.

"These next." The man tossed him some metal manacles for his wrists, connected by a chain.

"I won't run away." Aiden didn't want to put those on. It was humiliating and made him feel like even more of a prisoner than he was. That, obviously, was the intention.

"Of course you won't. But put them on anyway."

Aiden fumbled with the metal cuffs, not sure how to put them on.

"Oh for fucks sake!" The man grabbed them out of Aiden's hands and roughly closed one around his right wrist. The metal pinched Aiden's skin as it closed.

"Ouch, that hurts." He winced.

The man ignored him and closed the second cuff around Aiden's left wrist, also causing him pain. He said nothing this time.

"There, a right proper house boy now." The man turned Aiden around to face Morgan.

"He looks perfect." He rubbed his groin and traced the outline of his hardening prick. "I'm getting all worked up over here."

The man shoved Aiden towards the sheriff. He stopped a foot in front of him. He kept his eyes looking down, avoiding the sheriff's gaze.

Morgan stood and slid his own pants down, his penis stirring to full attention. He sat back down and patted his thighs. "Sit."

Aiden continued to face him, momentarily uncertain where he was supposed to sit, though he had an ide.

"Jesus..." Morgan swore and grabbed Aiden by the hips, turning him around. He spit on his hand and wiped it down his prick and then slowly lowered Aiden onto it.

Aiden gritted his teeth and tried to accommodate the sheriff without pain but failed. He felt like the skin was being ripped from his ass as the penis forced its way into him.

Morgan released Aiden's waist and the boy's weight carried him all the way down onto his lap, embedding his cock deeply inside the warm tunnel of flesh.

"No, just sit there and enjoy the ride." Morgan chuckled and began thrusting upwards with his hips, driving his cock in and out of Aiden.

The other man stepped up to him and waved his dick in Aiden's face. "Come on, get back on this."

Aiden had to bend forward and lower his head but he was able to get the man's cock in his mouth. It didn't taste nearly as bad this time, having cleaned it off already, but the man's groin stunk of sweat and his musk. He sucked slowly up and down, trying to watch that he didn't scrape it with his teeth. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine it was Connor in his mouth and behind him.

For the next few minutes the small house was filled with the sounds of sex but nobody spoke.

Morgan was the first one to climax, pumping another, smaller load of semen into Aiden's ass. He stopped bucking his hips and relaxed, enjoying the warmth of Aiden's ass around his cock.

The other man grunted once and Aiden felt something wet and warm land on his tongue. He paused only momentarily before swallowing it down.

He grabbed Aiden's hair and pulled him off his cock. "There, that will keep me happy for a while."

"Get off me." Morgan shoved Aiden forward.

Aiden staggered forward, gaining his footing, and sighed, defeated.

Morgan removed a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his cock clean. "You have something in mind to occupy his time?"

"Aye, this place is a sty."

Aiden faced the man.

"You know how to clean?"

"I do."

"Then clean. I want all of it swept and dusted. Make the bed, get me fresh water, all of it."

The man pulled his shirt on and walked to the door. "Morgan, let's go outside for a bit. I'm tired of his company." The man left the house.

Morgan also dressed himself and followed him outside. He stuck a small piece of wood into the flame of the oil lamp and relit his pipe, settling into a second chair.

Aiden felt tears sliding down his face and didn't try to suppress them. This truly was hell. It was no different than when his maker had raped him. He reached behind and felt his ass. The skin around his anus was puffy and irritated. When he examined his fingers there was blood on them.

"I don't hear any cleaning!" The man yelled into the house and then spit into the bucket.

Aiden looked around and spotted a rag by the bed. He picked it up and decided it was slightly less filthy than the rest of the place so he began to wipe the dust off various things around the place. While he worked, the chain connecting his wrists together clinked and clanked. The thick, leather collar was now becoming tight; his throat slightly swollen from the abuse of twice having the man rape his mouth.

For the next few hours he cleaned the place, drew water from a well, and generally tidied things. It was after noon when he though surely he must be done and stepped out onto the porch, facing the man.

"I am done."

"You think so?" The man stood and roughly pushed him aside, walking into the house. He looked around and seemed satisfied. "Not bad."

Morgan stretched and stood. "We should get back to town. I need a nap and, now that I look at this place, my house could use a good cleaning too." He laughed.

"Alright. See you tomorrow?"

"Yes." Morgan stepped up to Aiden and unbuckled the collar.

He leaned in close and taunted him. "Connor would look very nice in this, don't you agree?"

Aiden shot him a look that was positively venomous but did not respond to the sheriff's taunts.

The other man approached and removed the wrist restraints, dropping everything into the box at the foot of the bed. "Get dressed."

Aiden pulled his clothes back on and stepped out onto the porch.

"Where are you going?" Morgan asked.

"I need to piss again." He went around the side of the house and urinated on the same spot as before, adding to the scent. Quickly, before they saw him, he returned to the porch.

He and the sheriff left the small cottage and headed back towards town.

"I will see you again tomorrow, my friend." Morgan waved as he and Aiden headed off.

They walked in silence the entire way home. As they approached the western entrance, Morgan paused and pulled Aiden to him roughly.

"I don't know what you told Connor last time but if I even think for a moment you have told him about what happened today I promise you he will be right next to you on that bed; a cock in his ass and another in his mouth."

"Please...don't. He wouldn't be able to handle that." Aiden hung his head.

"No, he's not like you." Morgan released him. "Get going, back to my house."

They continued walking and soon enough were at the sheriff's home. They entered and Morgan took off his boots and dropped down into his favorite chair.

Aiden stood just inside the doorway, reluctant to spend any time in that place.

"I need to get some sleep so I'll be awake for tonight's patrol."

"What should I do?"

"I would have you clean this place too but I don't want you making a ruckus while I'm trying to rest."

"May I go lay down in the bedroom?"

"Fine, just be quiet." Morgan rose and went to his own room, closing the door.

Aiden walked into the second bedroom and looked at the bed. He shook his head, unable to bring himself to sleep there. It would only be bearable if Connor were with him.

Just the momentary thought of Connor brought tears to his eyes. He knew that what happened to him in the forest would break Connor. He was too innocent and naive. He had to be spared that experience.

Aiden hung his head and wept, his tears splashing on the wood floor. His body shook with a combination of rage, sadness, and fear; fear of what they might do to Connor. He looked around the room, feeling suddenly trapped.

He left the room and the house altogether. He stepped out into the fresh air and felt better, but still terrified for his friend. He thought back to what they had done to him this time, recalling the taste of the man's cock in his mouth and the pain of Morgan taking his ass. He felt his throat tightening and knew he was going to be sick.

He moved around the side of the house just in time and dropped to his knees, vomiting up what little he had eaten that day, along with two loads of semen. He heaved again and a smaller amount of liquid splashed out onto the ground next to the house.

Aiden coughed and stood, wiping his mouth with his hand, then wiping his hand on the ground. He felt the sudden need to find an outhouse and get whatever might be in his bowels out.

He made his way to one of the town outhouses and quickly took care of things. He wiped himself on a small cloth he found inside and was pleased to see he was no longer bleeding. He dropped the cloth into the pit and walked out, into the fresh air.

"Now what to do?" He looked around the village, seeing all the people going about their business. They were oblivious to the danger that could descend upon them at any time during the next few days. On one hand, he felt sorry for any of them that might die. On the other hand, he was quickly losing his love for humanity, considering how he had recently been treated. Aiden tried to keep in mind that the two men were not representative of most of the villagers. Yet, what wouldn't they do to him if they found out what he truly was.

He began walking towards the inn. It was mid afternoon and maybe Connor was still at Clare's house and he could be alone for a while.

Aiden approached the inn and stopped outside. He could hear several voices inside. Oddly, that wasn't comforting to him. He wanted to be alone but he needed to get past them and up to the room.

He took a deep breath and entered the inn. He was slightly surprised that there weren't more people inside. But then, he supposed they were all taking care of everything they could while the sun was in the sky. Tonight, he knew, the place would be full; everyone taking shelter from the night and what might be hidden within it.

Aiden quickly ascended the stairs and moved down the hall to their room. He reached for the door handle and then stopped. He didn't have the key, Connor did.

He tried the handle, just in case, but the door was locked. He wondered why they had bothered. Most everything they had with them they were wearing, save the few clothes in the cloth sack. The sheriff had the sword and he assumed Connor was carrying his father's money and hadn't left any in the room.

He slumped down the door and sat on the floor, his back against the cold, hard wood. He closed his eyes and tried to relax.

A man and a woman walked past, pausing when they were next to him.

She looked down at him. "Are you alright young man?"

Aiden lifted his face to her and nodded. "Yes ma'am, just waiting for a friend."

She looked startled. "Oh my! What happened? Your face is red and your lower lip is swollen. Did you get into a fight?"

"What?" Aiden felt his lip and discovered it was a bit sore and swollen. Probably from when his teeth cut it as... No, he wouldn't think about that. "Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you." He smiled as best he could.

"Well take care then." She looked sad and they continued walking and descended the stairs, leaving him alone again.

Aiden lowered his head again and closed his eyes. He almost fell asleep but it wasn't very comfortable, leaning against the door. He had lost track of the time when, suddenly, he smelled Connor. He looked up and a relieved smile spread across his face.

"What are you doing?" Connor looked down at him.

"Waiting for you. I don't have a key." Aiden stood. "I'm locked out."

Connor looked both ways down the hall, confirming they were alone. He pulled Aiden into a hug, inhaling deeply, enjoying his friend's scent.

"You could have asked for another one." He released him.

Aiden shrugged. "I didn't want to talk to anyone." He looked away.

Connor could tell Aiden was upset and he knew why. He quickly pulled the key from his pocket and let them into the room, locking the door behind them.

"Come here." He pulled Aiden close and hugged him tightly.

Aiden melted into the embrace and began crying, softly.

"Come on, let's go sit on the bed." Connor released him and then looked closely at his face. "What's wrong with your lip?"

Aiden shrugged and moved over to the bed. "I guess I bit it." He sat down.

"You guess?" Connor followed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really."

"Did the sheriff do that to you?"

"No, the other man did...but they..." Aiden began crying again.

Connor sat next to him and put his arm around Aiden's shoulders. "If you don't want to talk about it that's ok. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, I'll be fine. I just need to rest."

"Ok, we'll stay in here for the rest of the night."

"What about diner? You mentioned Clare and Dillon might be joining us."

"Oh, I kind of made that up. I didn't even go see them today."

Aiden faced him. "What did you do all day?" He was briefly frightened that Connor had snuck into the woods, following he and the sheriff.

"I checked out the horse I'm going to buy. It seems really nice. I took it for a short ride."

"Not into the woods!" Aiden seemed panicked.

"No, of course not. Just around town. Why? Is `he' near?"

"I don't sense him but he must be, with us here and the moon being full."

"Would you like a bath?" Connor smiled.

"Is there a bath here?" Aiden seemed to perk up a little.

"Maybe not in the inn but we aren't far from the bath house."

"How will be pay for it?"

Connor reached into his shirt and pulled out a small bag with coins inside. "We can use a little of the money my father gave me for the horse."

"We shouldn't."

"But we could." Connor grinned. "It will be fun, just the two of us."

"What if we use too much and there isn't enough for the horse?"

"Hmm...that would be a problem." Connor was thoughtful. "I'll be right back." He got off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Aiden sounded scared.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to ask if there is a bath in here."

"Hurry back...ok?"

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Keep the door locked." Connor left the room.

Aiden followed him into the hallway and watched as he descended the stairs. He remained in the hallway, waiting.

After a few minutes Connor came back upstairs.

Aiden smiled. "Yes?"

Connor shook his head. "No."

"Oh well, it was a good idea to ask." Aiden went back into the room and sat back down.

Connor entered the room but remained standing by the door.

"Why aren't you coming over here?" Aiden asked.

"I'm waiting." Connor smiled.

"For what?"

"Be patient." Connor held up his hand.

For a few minutes nothing happened and then they heard footsteps coming towards there room. A boy about their age stepped into the doorway and held out a bucket of hot water, a towel, and a small cloth.

"Here you are sir."

"Thanks." Connor took the bucket from him and then the towel.

The boy turned and walked away.

Connor closed the door and locked it. "I have here...your bath, good sir." He set the bucket down and spread the towel on the floor next to it.

Aiden smiled. "It's perfect."

"Really? You aren't upset that we can't have a proper bath?"

Aiden removed his clothes and sat cross-legged on the towel. "No, this is fine." He grimaced slightly when his ass touched the floor.

Connor removed his shirt and knelt next to Aiden. "Can I wash you?"

"I'd like that." Aiden closed his eyes, shivering slightly without his shirt on.

Connor dipped the wash rag into the hot water and rung the excess water out. He started with Aiden's shoulders and gently wiped down his entire body. He left his groin and head for last.

"Lay back and lift you knees." He dipped the rag into the water.

Aiden sighed and did as requested. He pulled his ankles in to his butt, his knees I the air.

Connor gently wiped around his penis and then cleaned the crack of his ass. He noticed how red and puffy the skin around his hole was but said nothing. He wiped down his penis a few times, noticing it was beginning to swell.

Aiden gently pushed his hand aside. "I...don't want to do that right now." He extended his legs and sat up. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now." He dipped the rag into the water and rung it again. He brought the rag to Aiden's face and wiped him off. "There, all shiny and clean." He smiled.

"Thank you, that was nice. I do feel better. I was...dirty." Aiden smiled weakly.

"Good, glad I cold help." Connor rung the rag and draped it over the side of the bucket. "Go ahead and get into bed. I need to put this outside. He said he'd be back to get it later."

Aiden nodded and climbed into bed, covering up with the blanket.

Connor put the towel, rag, and bucket out in the hallway and then closed and locked the door. He joined Aiden in the bed and together, under the blanket, they snugged.

After a while Aiden sighed. "You always make everything better."

"I try." Connor kissed him. "And I always will."

Aiden scooted to the side and faced him. "Can I suck you?"

Connor looked surprised. "Do you really want to? I know..."

"I do. I can't explain it but I feel violated right now and having you inside me will help."

"Ok, if you're sure." Connor stood, removed his pants, and sat back down.

Aiden nodded. "I am." He dropped to his knees on the floor. He lowered his face to Connor's groin and inhaled. This wasn't the dirty stink of the man in the woods; it was the scent of his love, his mate, and it got him instantly aroused.

Connor purred as his dick was enveloped in a wet warmth.

Aiden didn't `suck' Connor, he made love to him. He was both tender and needy, trying to coax Connor's seed forth.

It didn't take long to get what he wanted. Aiden felt the penis in his mouth twitch and then a pool of slimy liquid puddled on his tongue. He gently pulled off, milking the last from Connor's dick, then sat back on his heals.

His eyes were closed as if he were savoring the taste of a vintage wine or a piece of meat cooked to perfection. Then, with utter contentedness, he swallowed.

Connor watched the scene with a grin on his face. It was obvious just how much Aiden was enjoying the semen in his mouth.

Aiden opened his eyes and looked up at Connor. He rose and then sat next to him on the bed. He leaned forward. "Kiss me."

They kissed and Connor tasted himself on Aiden's tongue. It didn't matter; they were one again.

Connor pulled away and sighed. "There, you seem better." He wrapped the blanket over both their shoulders.

"I am, thank you." Aiden nodded. "I needed that."

For a while, they sat together, under the blanket, taking strength from the close contact.

Then, a knock on the door brought them back to earth.

"Who is it?" Connor asked.

"Morgan. Is Aiden in there with you?"

"Yes." Connor said, shortly.

"Mind your tone." Aiden whispered.

"Yes, he is."

"Well come on, it's dinner time."

They heard the sheriff walking away, his boots clomping on the wooden floor.

"Dinner time?" Connor looked amazed. "I had no idea it was that time. I had so much fun bathing you I lost track of the time."

Aiden looked out the window. "Yes. The moon will be up in a few hours."

"I'm hungry. Let's go." Connor rose and held out his hand. "My love?"

Aiden grinned and took his hand. "You make me laugh."

Connor pulled him up and then released his hand. "Don't worry, I'll make the proper conversation."

Aiden looked down. "Thanks."

"Hey, don't be like that. We are in this together and it will work out." Connor lifted his chin. "I just know it will."

Aiden nodded and together they dressed, walked down stairs, and joined the sheriff at a table in the corner.

"Where you two sleeping again?" Morgan took a drink from his glass.

Connor nodded. "Yeah, a little. I got back to the room late in the afternoon."

"I didn't know you had left." He faced Aiden. "I was surprised to find you gone."

Aiden just stared at him.

"Yup. He was here when I got here. He was sleeping." Connor nodded.

"I see. I thought you had the key, not him." Morgan locked eyes with Connor.

"No, I gave it to him this morning." Connor reached into his pocket and passed the key to Aiden, under the table.

"That so?" Morgan faced Aiden.

"Yes." Aiden produced the key from under the table.

"Well, that's good. Of course you can always ask for a second. They probably have one." Morgan took another drink.

"So what are you going to do tonight, sir?" Connor asked as their food arrived.

"I have to patrol, same as last night." He helped himself to the largest piece of meat.

"Hopefully it's a quiet night." Connor took a piece and handed the plate to Aiden.

"Let's hope." Morgan ripped a large piece off with his teeth and faced Aiden, chewing quietly.

"Did you find any trace of the man in black?" Connor took a sip of water.

"What?" Morgan faced him.

"I was just wondering as, you know, you spent the day looking in the woods for him." Connor swallowed and set the glass down.

"We didn't find anything." Morgan looked away and cut off another piece of meat.

"Well, that's good." Connor smiled. "So the day was uneventful."

Aiden kicked him under the table, none too gently.

Connor kicked him back. "I went to check out that horse. I think it will do nicely. Do you know how much you want for it?" He asked.

"I have a rough idea. We can discuss it tomorrow." He faced Aiden. "Why don't you two come by the house in the morning. We'll talk and then maybe go explore the woods again, together."

"That would be great." Connor nodded. "I hope I have enough money with me."

Morgan faced him. "I'm sure we can work something out."

"Great, my father will be pleased." Connor smiled and resumed eating. "He kept saying how nice it was of you to offer to us at a reduced price. My father really respects you, sir."

"Uh huh." Morgan chewed quietly.

They were all quiet for the remainder of the meal. When they were finished the boys excused themselves and said they'd see the sheriff in the morning.

Morgan agreed and watched them head back upstairs. No doubt Connor knew what had happened in the woods. The boy had been too polite and happy...and Aiden had been too quiet.

Connor unlocked the door and walked inside.

Aiden closed and locked the door. He spun around and glared at Connor. "Are you insane?"


"You are provoking him. You have no idea what he is capable of."

"I was just trying to have conversation. Besides, he won't do anything to me; he wouldn't dare."

"That's not true. I overheard him telling the other man that he desires you. He wants to take you to the house in the woods and..." His voice trailed off.

"But he won't. Not if I keep talking about my father. The sheriff has too much at stake to risk it."

"I think you are mistaken." Aiden hugged him. "It would kill me if he ever hurts you."

Connor kissed him. "Come on, let's get into bed. I want to hold you for a while before you get all hairy."

Both boys stripped and climbed under the covers. For two hours they lay together talking quietly and enjoying each other's warmth.

The sun had gone down and the moon was rising when Aiden sighed and sat up.

"Is it time?" Connor asked sleepily.

"Yes." I want you to remain still when I change. I'm very tired and sore and I don't want you to startle the wolf, before I regain control of myself. It could take me longer tonight."

"I understand. Would it be better if I left the room and came back after a few minutes?"

"Actually, that's a really good idea. Do you mind?" Aiden looked embarrassed for asking.

"Not at all." Connor pulled a shirt and pants on fro the pile on the floor and then left the room, pulling the door closed.

Aiden looked out the window and then got onto all fours in the bed.

The door opened and Connor stuck his head inside. "How will I know when I can come back in?"

Aiden faced him and shrugged. "I'll scratch at the door?"

"Ok." Connor closed the door.

Aiden closed his eyes as a warmth began to spread through his body.

The door opened again.

"How will I know if it's you scratching to tell me to come in or the wolf scratching to get out?"

Aiden faced him, his eyes glowing pale yellow, and his form blurred and became the wolf.

"Ok then..." Connor closed the door and waited.

The wolf looked around the room, trying to understand where it was and make sense of all the strange scents. It jumped off the bed and snuffled the clothes and boots on the floor. The scent was familiar and calming. It looked at the window and then the door, cocking its head, aware someone was on the other side.

After about a minute, Aiden's consciousness woke from what felt like a deep sleep and looked around the room, his heightened senses noting Connor's scent and his presence on the other side of the door. The wolf's awareness faded as he took control of the lupine body.

He walked to the door and gently scratched at it. He turned and climbed back onto the bed, waiting

The door slowly opened and Connor peeked inside. "Everything good?"

Aiden nodded his head once.

Connor entered the room and closed the door, locking it. "Good. Don't want to be eaten." He moved over to the bed and rubbed the wolf's head.

Aiden dipped his head towards Connor and growled softly, pressing his head against Connor's chest.

"I know, this feels good." Connor continued scratching and then hugged the wolf's head. "I'm tired, let's go to bed."

They curled up together, Connor spooning in behind the wolf, with his back to the window. He fell to sleep quickly, the warmth of the wolf better than any blanket. For some time he slept soundly, safe and secure.

Aiden took comfort within Connor's embrace but he was having trouble relaxing. The hours slowly crept past and still sleep eluded him. The events of the day weighed heavily on his mind, and, there was something else...

He carefully untangled himself from Connor's body and looked out the window. He faced the woods and closed his eyes. He `listened' with all his enhanced senses.

The mattress sank down next to him. "What's wrong?" Connor whispered, getting onto his knees next to the wolf.

Aiden faced him, unable to answer, then looked back out the window towards the woods. He began to growl softly.

The demon wolf was near.

Next: Chapter 12

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