Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Mar 9, 2015


Morgan scratched his morning stubble and stretched, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. The wood floor was cold on his feet as he walked into the main sitting room. He glanced to the right, at the room where Aiden and Connor would be sleeping very soon.

It was the morning of the first two days before the full moon and as planned, the boys were due to arrive around noon. He poured a glass of water from a pitcher on the table and slowly drank it down, fantasizing about the two of them sleeping together in the bed and what they might do to each other.

He had been busy while they were away, the town being in a state of unrest most of the time. People were afraid to go into the woods after dark and with the full moon approaching, things were only getting worse. Russell, who had been attacked last month and lost the lower portion of his leg, had ended up dying from infection. The belief in a werewolf was now almost irrefutable. A special group had been formed to patrol the streets at night, hopefully giving the villagers a sense of ease. Morgan, however, knew it was only a matter of time before the beast showed itself again, especially if the boys were in town.

It would be five days and nights this time. He adjusted his groin as his penis swelled, thinking of Aiden. The boy and he had reached an understanding. As long as he behaved and let the sheriff and his friend in the woods use him for pleasure, Connor's parents would never learn the truth about the boys' love for each other.

And if Aiden had told Connor what happened in the woods, as Morgan was fairly certain he would have, it was likely that Connor too would be making a trip to the cottage in the forest. The two of them could do whatever they liked in Morgan's house, as long as they did what he asked of them when in the forest.

He stretched his back and pulled out his pipe. Striking a match, he lit up and sat in his favorite chair. Yes, this was going to be an interesting and exciting time for the boys.

Connor blinked a few times, trying to get his eyes to stay open. Morning light was streaming in through the window in his room, illuminating the wall on the opposite side. He was on his back and Aiden had his arm draped across his chest and a leg over his. He smiled, enjoying the other boy's contact and scent. Still, it was time for chores and it wouldn't do to have his mother or father walk in whey they were intertwined.

He gently rolled Aiden off him and climbed out of bed.

"Uhhgggg..." Aiden groaned and sat up. "It can't be time to get up already!"

"It is. Come on sleepy head, we have chores."

"You do them, ok? I'll just rest here and keep the bed warm." He rolled over onto his stomach and buried his face in the large pillow they shared.

Connor shook his head and gently climbed on top of him, laying down along his body so his penis was in between Aiden's legs, pressing against the material covering his hole. He bucked forward a few times.

Aiden moaned softly and turned his head to the side. "Will you have sex with me in the barn?"

Connor laughed and rolled off to the side. "If I thought we could do that without getting caught you bet I would! Now, get up already." He smacked Aiden on the ass, climbed out of bed, and got dressed.

"Fine..." Aiden smiled and sat up , stretching his arms above his head. "You know, it's a long ride into town and we won't have the sheriff along this time..." He let his voice drop away and batted his eyes.

"If you are suggesting we have sex in the middle of a werewolf infested forest, far away from prying eyes..." Connor threw pants and a shirt and Aiden. "Then I say yes, we should." He grinned and pulled his boots on.

Aiden quickly got dressed and joined Connor by the door. "So what's the plan for today?"

"We do chores like usual, have breakfast, and then ride into town. It's about a four-hour ride and the sheriff is expecting us around noon, per the letter he gave father."

Aiden smiled when Connor said father' instead of my father'. It made him feel like he was actually part of the family. He quickly kissed Connor on the mouth and then opened the door, stepping into the main room.

The room was empty as the boys made their way to the barn. Once inside, they quickly let the animals out to pasture, milked the cows that needed it, gathered eggs, and then started to clean the barn.

While Aiden made repeated trips to the well to haul water to the troughs in the barn, Connor loaded the manure packed straw into the hand cart and transported it to the pile behind the barn. It would eventually be used on to fertilize the garden, once it had aged a bit and wasn't so strong.

Aiden returned with the last bucket of water and wiped his brow. "This is hard work."

Connor nodded. "This is my life, and your now too." He grinned. "Misery loves company, they say."

"I love your company." Aiden stepped up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Agreed." Connor retuned the embrace, noticing Aiden was very sweaty and smelled like he had been working hard. "You stink!" He released him and smiled.

"Working does that to you." Aiden shrugged. "You don't exactly smell like a flower either, ya know!"

"Trade shirts?"

"Sure." Aiden smiled and stripped off his shirt.

"Thanks." Connor removed his and they traded. He pulled on Aiden's shirt and smoothed the damp material to his chest. "I like how you smell."

"That's what I was going to say to you too." Aiden nodded and pulled Connor's slightly less damp and smelly shirt over his head.

"Come on, let's go see if breakfast is ready." Connor picked up the basket of eggs. "Bring the milk pail please."

Aiden picked up the pail and followed him to the house. Upon entering, they were met by Connor's mother, who had begun to prepare breakfast.

Millie took the pail of milk and eggs from the boys and then told them to go clean up before breakfast, informing them that they smelled like a barn.

The boys went to the well, stripped naked, and performed the usual ritual of cleaning, often helping the other.

Connor's mother had tried to dissuade them from touching each other while cleaning but she hadn't been successful.

Once clean, they returned to the house, still wearing each other's shirt. They joined Connor's father at the table and had a quick breakfast. When finished, Bryce laid on the plans for the next few days.

"I am going to send you with some money for a few more supplies and that horse, if it's still there."

"Yes father." Connor nodded.

"And, I don't think I need to restate this but I expect you both to be on your best behavior again. Morgan is your host and you are to do what he tells you."

Aiden stepped on Connor's foot at that comment.

"Yes father."

"You will be there for five days this time. Try to make yourselves useful and help Morgan around the house or with some simple chores around town."

The boys nodded.

"And Connor, I expect you to spend time with Clare and inform her of your intentions."

Connor nodded and put his foot on top of Aiden's this time.

"Alright then. Go pack what supplies you need and get going. He said he will expect you around noon and that's just about when you will get there if you leave in the next few minutes."

The boys rose and headed to Connor's room.

"Aiden?" Bryce called out.

"Yes sir?"

"Please take care of Connor. I'm counting on you to keep him safe." Morgan gave him a stern glare. "You know the werewolf better than anyone else."

"I will sir." Aiden nodded and followed Connor into his room.

Once inside the room and out of direct sight, Aiden leaned close to Connor's ear.

"I'll do better than keep you safe, I'll keep you filled with my prick too!" He licked Connor's cheek and selected one or two of the cleaned shirts that the sheriff had given him. Millie had washed them all so he wasn't as upset about wearing them now.

"Not if you are filled with mine!" Connor laughed quietly and also selected some clothing. He put them all in a cloth sack and returned to the main room.

Millie handed Connor two sandwiches wrapped in a thin cloth. "Here, this is in case you get hungry on the ride to town." Her hands were shaking slightly.

"What's wrong mother?" Connor took the food and looked into his mother's face.

"Oh...I'm just being silly I suppose. I can't help wonder what will happen over the next few days. Will the beast come back here? Will it go to town? Will it go `into' town?"

Aiden shook his head. "I do not believe he will come back here. He will know where I am, approximately, and will follow me."

Millie shivered. "That doesn't exactly put me at ease, young man. You are basically telling me that my son is going to be far away from his home and hunted by a monster."

Bryce came out of his bedroom, carrying the sword, wrapped in a sheet. "The boys are much safer in town, surrounded by all those people, than here." He handed Aiden the sword. "Do you think you can wield this?"

Aiden unwrapped the sword and hefted it by the hilt. The metal began to softly glow blue. He gently pulled the scabbard off the blade and the entire length of metal glowed.

"I think I can sir." He faced Connor. "I will protect you."

Connor was silent but nodded.

Bryce slid the scabbard onto the blade and wrapped it back in the cloth. "Then take this. We have the box of dirt if he comes here."

Aiden was thoughtful and then nodded. "I wonder if you could sprinkle the dirt around the house and make a barrier of some type?"

"Huh. Not a bad idea, actually. I think I'll do that, leaving just enough in the box in case we need to throw it again."

"Alright...enough of this less-than-cheerful talk. You two rascals get going or you will be late." Millie shooed them towards the door.

They all said their goodbyes and the boys headed to the barn. Connor spent a few minutes putting tack on the same horse they had ridden before and then helped Aiden climb up. He handed him the cloth bag with their clothing, the small snack, and the sword, and then climbed up behind him.

"Ready?" He gently wrapped his arms around Aiden and slid them down his chest.

"No. I hate this and you seem to enjoy my suffering."

"You didn't die last time and you won't die this time. Besides, on the way home you may well be on your own horse, if that other one is still available in town."

"God...don't remind me!" Aiden carefully slapped the reins and urged the horse forward and out of the barn.

"See? You're already a much better rider. I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride."

"Oh no you don't. I don't want any sudden movement, you might spook the horse!"

"Well then, I'll sit nice and tight behind you and hold you the entire time."

"Yes, that seems like the best plan. Only, wait until we are in the woods and out of sight of your parents." Aiden turned and grinned back at Connor.

They rode down the hill and entered the forest. In a few minutes they were on the main road and heading towards the village. For a while they were both silent, each contending with his own thoughts about the next few days. Aiden was the first to break the silence.

"You know, the sheriff is going to be worse this time."

"Yeah, I know. He is going to make you do things with that man in the forest."

"I don't mean just that. He is going to have us under his wing for five days. I bet he gets pushy with you too. I don't like the way he leers at you."

"We should try to stay on his good side and find things to keep us busy. I have to go see Clare so maybe you could come with me and hang around Dillon? I bet you two would become friends."

"Maybe but I think Morgan will pull me away from you as often as he can. And, don't forget, we need to go see the witch in the woods."

"I haven't forgotten. In fact, I've hardly been able to think about anything else. Just the chance that she has information that would help break your curse makes me want to go see her first and not go directly to town."

"I don't know how to get to her house, except by returning the same way we went last time."

"Yeah, me neither. I guess we'll just go to town and play it by ear. Do you think we will get to go to the bath house again?" Connor smiled.

"Probably. Morgan likes to see us both naked so I bet he takes us back there."

"I like to see you naked." Connor gently rubbed his hands up and down Aiden's sides.

Aiden twisted around so he could see Connor. "You think we are far enough into the woods that we can stop and fool around?"

"What?" Connor laughed. "We've only been riding for like twenty minutes. Besides, we'll have plenty of time for that over the next few days."

"But I don't want to wait for the next few days. I want to make love to you now." Aiden pouted.

"Let's wait an hour or so; until we are in the middle of the woods."

"Fine..." Aiden turned back around and was quiet.

Connor stopped rubbing Aiden's sides and wrapped his arms around the other boy's chest. He hugged him tightly and pushed his nose into Aiden's hair, inhaling his scent.

"I want to make love to you all day long and never stop holding you. Please don't think otherwise, just because I don't want to have sex right now." He pulled his nose out of Aiden's hair and sat up.

"Yeah I know. I'm just being needy." Aiden turned his head to the side and grinned. "I know you love me."

"With all my heart." Connor stopped hugging him and let his hands slide down until they were resting on Aiden's hips.

Aiden slapped the reins lightly across the horse's neck and it picked up its pace, ever so slightly.

Connor gripped Aiden's sides tighter as the movement caused him to lean backwards.

"You in a hurry to get to town?"

"No, I'm in a hurry to get to the middle of the woods so we can take a break."

"Ah..." Connor smiled.

They continued riding for another hour and then stopped. Connor pointed to the right side of the trail.

"If you go up that way, just into those pine trees, there is a nice clearing with deep grass. The horse can graze for a bit and we can relax."

Aiden nodded and tugged on the right rein and gently prodded the horse's sides with his heels. They moved off the trail and up into a stand of pines.

Connor told him to stop once they were into the small clearing and slid off the horses side.

He took the reins and guided the horse to an area of taller grass.

"Come on, hand me the sword and sack , then climb down."

Aiden handed the items to him and then carefully slid off the horse.

Connor placed the items next to a tree, out of the way and then tied the reins over the horse's neck so they would be out of the way.

"Will he wander off?"

"No, I don't think so. That's what's nice about clearings like this. With the trees all around us it makes a paddock, of sorts. He will just wander around in here eating grass."

Aiden stepped up to Connor and pressed their lips together. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.

Connor returned the embrace and sucked Aiden's lower lip into his mouth.

For a minute, they kissed passionately, and then broke apart, each grinning.

Aiden began to undress and Connor quickly followed his example. In no time, they were both naked in the warm morning sunlight.

Connor sat down in the grass and spread his legs apart. "Me first!" He grinned devilishly.

Aiden smiled and dropped to his hands and knees. He leaned forward and sucked Connor's penis into his mouth, his nose resting against Connor's abdomen. He continued sucking gently and began to roll Connor's testicles around in his fingers, squeezing gently on occasion.

Connor ran his fingers through Aiden's short, black hair and purred contentedly. "That's nice."

They continued like that for a few minutes and then with a deep inhalation and groan, Connor came in Aiden's mouth.

Aiden gently continued sucking, milking the last bit of semen from Connor's now-tender penis, and then gently pulled off.

"Yummy. You mother didn't need to pack us lunch." He grinned and wiped his finger across his lip.

Connor opened his eyes lazily and smiled. "Mmmm...let's just stay here forever..."

Aiden leaned forward and lightly slapped his hands on Connor's abdomen. "My turn!"

Connor nodded and sat up. "I want to do you in the butt."

"I'd like that but we have no way to clean up. How about we do that later and now you just suck me, if you want to."

"What do you mean if I want to? I can't think of anything else I'd rather do." Connor gently pushed Aiden down, onto his back, and began stroking him.

Aiden closed his eyes and stretched his arms out above his head, running his fingers through the grass. "Suck me farm boy." He playfully urged.

Connor leaned forward and sucked Aiden into his mouth. He ran his tongue all around the head and length of his penis, his nose ending up against Aiden's abdomen. He reached his one hand up and rubbed Aiden's chest, alternating between nipples, while he braced himself with his other hand.

After a few minutes of writhing and groaning, Aiden released into Connor's mouth and was still, breathing deeply.

Connor straightened up and then lay down on top of Aiden, pushing his lips against Aiden's.

They kissed for a while and then he rolled off to the side and looked up at the sky. "I'd like to stay here with you forever."

Aiden sat up and laughed. "Come on, we should get going or we will be late."

Connor sighed and nodded. "I suppose." He walked over to where the horse was happily chewing on grass and led him back to where he had placed their supplies and clothing. They dressed themselves and then climbed back onto the horse. Aiden led them back to the main road and they continued towards the village.

They chatted casually for the next two hours and when they were about an hour still from the village they saw someone riding up the road behind them.

They continued on their way and eventually he caught up to them. Connor didn't recognize the man but greeted him anyway. "Hello. Are you from the village?"

The man slowed his horse so he was next to them and nodded. "I am. Where are you from?"

"We live on a far about three hours back that way." He pointed behind them. "We are heading into town for a few days."

The man looked around as if he were afraid of being overheard. "You shouldn't be out here alone, not in these woods."

Connor shrugged. "It's a nice sunny day. I don't think we are in danger."

"True, it is the daytime. Well, don't be out here after dark. Have a good day." The man urged his horse forward and quickly rode off ahead of them, towards town.

Aiden turned partially around so he could see Connor. "Well he sure seemed scared to be out here. He practically raced away towards town."

"Do you blame him? He only guesses what's out here but we know the truth."

"As you said, it's daytime so he really doesn't have to worry." Aiden turned back around and was silent.

Connor noticed Aiden's sudden mood change and hugged him. "But...tonight..."

Aiden nodded. "Yeah..."

"Do you think we will be safe in town?"

Aiden shrugged. "Safer than at your farm but he will come, he always does."

"Well, if he does come to get us maybe we can push the sheriff at him and he'll eat him instead." Connor tried to sound cheerful.

Aiden was thoughtful and just nodded.

They kept going and soon heard the sounds of children laughing and people moving around. They rounded a bend in the road and saw the village ahead. Connor let his hands fall to Aiden's hips.

They rode to the village stables and dismounted, Aiden handing them their belongings before he jumped down.

The same stable boy took their horse from them and they looked around the stalls. Connor pointed to the stall furthest back from the entrance.

"Look, I think that is the same horse the sheriff told us about."

Aiden shrugged. "Maybe."

"Well let's ask." Connor walked up to the stable boy who confirmed that it was the same horse.

"That's good. If I can get it for a small price my father will be happy."

Connor picked up their sack of clothing and the sword and Aiden picked up the lunch Millie had made for them. They left the stable and headed to the sheriff's house.

Morgan was home, rocking slowly in a chair on his porch. He took the pipe from his mouth and stood as they approached.

"Welcome back boys. Let me take those." He reached for the sword and cloth sack, Connor handing them to him.

"Your room is just the way you left it. Come on in." Morgan turned his back on them and disappeared into the house.

Connor took a deep breath and faced Aiden. "Time for smiles and happiness. Let's just get through this and I'll come up with a plan before next full moon."

Aiden walked past him and up the steps. "I'll be fine..."

Connor slumped his shoulders and frowned. He know his burden was measurably smaller than Aiden's, in this place. He had to see Clare but secretly he hoped she was in love with that other guy and he wouldn't have to break her heart. He followed Aiden into the house and saw him heading into the bedroom they would be sharing.

Connor walked into the room and found the sheriff sitting on the bed examining the sword.

"So you brought this with you?"

"Yes sir. My father thought we should. He was worried about us riding alone in the forest." Connor knew the sword was for when they were in town but he had the sudden fear the sheriff might try to keep it so he pretended it was for when they were riding to and from town.

"Your father is a smart man." He set the sword on the bed and looked back and forth between the two boys. Connor was standing in the door way and Aiden was over by the window, as far from the sheriff as possible.

"Sir? Is the horse in the last stall the same one you said my father might be able to purchase?"

"Indeed it is. Its owner never showed up. I assume your father is interested?"

"Yes, he gave me some money. Hopefully it will be enough."

Morgan nodded and rose, walking to the door. He gently put his hand on Connor's shoulder and smiled. "I'm sure we'll be able to work out an agreement." He left the room and returned to his rocker on the porch.

Connor looked to the window and noticed Aiden was breathing heavily, his hands clenched.

"You ok?"

"I swear I'll kill that man if he ever lays a hand on you." His voice was quiet but determined.

Connor walked over and hugged him. "It will be alright. We'll figure something out."

"I already am...." Aiden quietly mumbled.

"What's that?" Connor stepped away so he could face him.

"Nothing. Let's eat those sandwiches, I'm hungry." Aiden pulled the two sandwiches from the cloth and handed one to Connor.

Both boys chewed in silence for a few minutes and then went outside, onto the porch.

"So what should we do today?" Connor faced the sheriff and shrugged.

"What do you want to do? You are free to wander around until it gets dark." Morgan faced Aiden. "Where should we go tonight?"

"Huh?" Aiden faced him, he had been lost in thought.

"I said... where should we go tonight? Should we stay here or go to the inn?"

"We should go to wherever the most people will be. I doubt he will attack the inn as there are too many people there. Still..."

"What's that?" Morgan tapped his pipe on his boot.

"If he wants me and Connor badly enough who knows what he will do."

"Well, I agree that the inn is probably the safest place to be. We'll meet there for dinner tonight and I'll get you two a room."

Connor spoke up. "Pardon me sir but will you be staying with us?"

"No, I'll be part of a patrol that we've established. Don't worry, I'll be in the area if trouble breaks out."

Silently, both boys breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed they would have at least one night alone.

"Come on Aiden, let's walk around a see what's going on." Connor jumped off the porch and looked back over his shoulder.

Aiden nodded and followed him.

Once they were out of eyesight of the sheriff they stopped and faced each other. Connor pointed to the forest.

"Let's go see the witch!"

Aiden looked up at the sky and nodded. "It's not quite noon so we have plenty of time. Still, if he is in the area we need to be careful. Even as a man he is dangerous. He can use guns and knives, though he doesn't have any."

"Well you are a huge bag of gloom." Connor gently punched his arm. "Come on, I think it's this way."

The boys walked off into the closest trees and were quickly lost to sight. For an hour they walked in the general direction of the witch's house. They made several wrong turns and had to backtrack but eventually they smelled smoke and recognized the faint trail leading up to a small shack of a house.

As they approached the hovel Aiden wiped his brow.

"I feel funny." He squinted up at the sun.

Connor stopped walking and faced him. "You want to sit down a minute?"

"No, but I feel faint." Aiden wiped his brow again.

The door to the small house swung open and the witch poked her head out. She looked them both over and shook her cane at Aiden.

"Well look what the cat dragged back." She smiled and began walking towards them.

Connor pointed to Aiden. "He doesn't feel well."

"I would imagine not. You are feeling the effect of my warding spell. I strengthened it after you last visited me." She hobbled up to them and smiled up at the boys.

"Why is that ma'am?" Connor asked.

"There will be time for talk shortly. For now, you two come inside and have some water. You look near dried out." She turned and walked back to the house, disappearing into the darkness within.

Both boys followed her, enjoying the cool shadows inside, having walked in the afternoon sun for over an hour.

The old crone handed them a large glass of water to share and seated herself by a small table. She motioned them to sit in front of her, on the floor.

"As I was saying, I had to strengthen my protection spell after you last visited."

"Did something happen?" Connor asked.

"No, but it probably will as soon as the moon rises tonight."

"I don't understand." Connor shook his head.

She pointed to a large book which lay open on another table. "I've been doing quite a bit of reading about the old ways and the creature you say made you." She pointed to Aiden.

"Did you find a cure?" Aiden looked hopeful.

"Not exactly." She shook her head. "But I did learn a great many things about your...situation.

"Like what?" Connor asked.

She stretched her back, one or two sections of her spine creaking and cracking. She folded her hands and held their eyes. "It is not a happy tale. Still, you deserve to know the truth." She took a deep breath and began.

"Back when the world was much younger, demons walked among us. Some hid their identities, blending in with humans, while others embraced their true forms and invoked terror wherever they roamed. They were the dominant species and we were either their servants or their sustenance. Often, women were made slaves in an attempt to breed more demons but that was rarely successful. The act of trying to birth a demon from a human woman would almost always end up in the death of both."

She faced Aiden. "So, they found another way to make more of their kind. They took human males and bred them, as has happened to you. Of course there could never be offspring from such a union but through their magic they could turn the human male into one of their kind, though lesser in power."

Aiden hung his head, recounting his first rape at the hands of his maker. "Yes, that is what he told me."

"And so, slowly their numbers grew. Often the male did not take to the breeding or if he did, but kept his mind, he would kill himself rather than become a demon. So it was a very slow process for the demons."

Connor took Aiden's hand in his. "Don't even think of killing yourself. I would be so lonely without you."

Aiden faced him and smiled. "I have something worth living for, now."

The old witch continued. "Slow though it was, their numbers began to increase. When a demon makes an offspring, that one must kill another human, on his own, for the complete transformation to demon to occur." She looked at Aiden sadly. "And in all the records I found no case where the human resisted the curse. Eventually, he either killed himself or another human and became demon."

Aiden shook his head. "I said I won't hurt anyone."

She continued. "After a while, the demons grew so numerous that humans were facing a very serious problem. Men and boys were being taken at alarming rates, as each new demon doubled the number of humans that could be turned. A magical order formed, from the clerics and priests of the various old religions. They banded together, shared their knowledge, and eventually formed what became known simply as `The Order'."

Connor nodded. "I wonder if that is what my grandfather belonged to."

She faced him. "Perhaps. They exist to this day, though not as strong as they once were and much fewer in number."

"Why? What happened to them?" Connor asked. "Did the demons kill them?"

"No, they eradicated most of the demons so their numbers also decreased. Still, as a few demons remain, so I assume do a few priests of The Order."

"Where do we find them?" Aiden asked quietly.

"Ahh..." She smiled and pointed to the old book. "I think I have that bit of information."

Both boys faced each other and smiled.

"But I must warn you, it would be a very dangerous journey. The one who made you will never stop hunting you. He has to either change you completely or kill you."

"Why?" Connor asked. "Can't he just forget about Aiden and leave us alone?"

She shook her head. "Sadly, it doesn't work like that. To make Aiden, the demon passed part of his own soul to him. Thus, he is not complete and can not create more offspring until Aiden becomes a demon himself and releases that part of his maker's spirit back to him."

"Never!" Aiden shook his head.

"Your admirable will does not change the facts. You must either become a demon or he must kill you, else he can never reproduce again. For that reason he will hunt you down and kill you, as you seem to have resisted his demon essence and chosen to be human for as long as possible."

"But I thought he wants me too?" Connor asked.

"He has a need to reproduce. If he can't have Aiden, he will try you."

Aiden shook his head. "But I thought you said he can't reproduce again while I'm still human."

"That is true. He would have to kill Aiden before you could be turned. Still, he would most likely rape you and beat you so you couldn't escape, until he was ready to breed you. And if you too resisted him, he would kill you and move on to the next human. It is a cycle he has repeated since the beginning of time. It's also possible that he would make life so unbearable for Aiden that he would kill you, thus sealing his own fate, as well as yours."

Connor faced Aiden. "I know you would never hurt me."

Aiden shook his head. "Never!"

"So here we are." She grasped her cane and leaned forward on it. "He will never stop hunting Aiden and you will either kill someone or yourself before too long." She faced Aiden.

"So what are we to do?" Connor's voice was soft and defeated.

"You must seek out the priests of The Order as only they can aid you. As you travel towards them so will the demon ever be on your heels."

"And you know where they are?" Aiden asked.

"I have a general idea. Far to the east, where the land meets the great sea, you will find a village high on a rocky cliff. In this village is a holy place. The book does not say whether it is a church, castle, house, or the like; only that it is sacred to The Order. There you should find the last of the priests."

"And you think they will help us?" Connor smiled.

"They have pledged oaths to rid this world of demons so I think they must. Still, it is a long journey and you are but boys. It will prove difficult."

"I'm not afraid! We can do this!" Connor cheered and faced Aiden.

Tears slid down Aiden's cheeks and he sniffled.

"What's wrong?" Connor took his hands in his own and held them.

"There is hope..." He smiled.

The old crone cackled. "There is, but only the slightest. The longer you delay the more likely Aiden will succumb to the curse. And each full moon, the demon will try harder to kill you and you will find it more difficult to resist the urge he has placed within you."

"Well we are staying in the village for this full moon cycle. That way we will both be safer than at my home." Connor stated.

"Safer, yet not safe." She shook her head. "Having all those people around you will help but he will become more desperate as the moon cycles pass. Remember, he is not complete until either Aiden turns, or is dead."

"Well, in any event, we have hope now. Thank you." Connor smiled.

"Ma'am?" Aiden asked.

The witch faced him.

"We don't even know your name."

She smiled. "I was once called Mira a long time ago."

"That is a pretty name." Connor nodded.

"Oh go on boy, I'm too old for the likes of you." She cackled. "But thank you."

Aiden shifted his position and crossed his legs. "Mira? Why did I feel sick when we got close to your house?"

"As I said, I had to increase my protection spell. I'm afraid it affected you too, as you are part demon."

"Why did you make it stronger?" Connor asked.

She sighed and tilted her head towards the old book. "There is much in that book that I don't fully understand about the old ones, the demons. I'm not sure if it's anger or some form of jealousy but when a human who has been bred, but is not yet demon, has interaction with other humans the demons seem to become outraged. Perhaps they fear that in the company of other humans he will be more able to resist. I'm not sure. What I do know is the demons will try to kill anyone who has had contact with it's offspring."

Aiden faced Connor. "That must be why he kills everyone who tries to help me."

"My parents..." Connor was alarmed.

"Not to worry, young man." Mira soothed. "As Aiden is here, the demon is certainly not far behind. Your folks are much safer than if you two were back home. As for me, I don't want to take a chance that he comes here, sensing that Aiden has been in my house."

"That makes sense." Aiden nodded.

"So, now you know as much as I do. I suggest you use this knowledge quickly, while Aiden is yet himself."

Connor faced Aiden. "I would have to leave the farm..." His voice trailed off.

"I won't ask you to do that. I love you with all my heart but they are your family."

"So are you and you need my help."

Aiden smiled sadly. "Let's just get through this moon cycle and we can discuss it with your parents."

Connor nodded. "That's a good idea." He faced the witch. "Mira?"

"Hmmm?" She rubbed the top of her cane.

"Will you be safe here, all alone in the forest? I am worried for your safety."

"Thank you child but I'm better off here than with all those dimwits in the village. They don't think to highly of me and that's just fine."

"Could you put a protection spell on the village?" Aiden asked.

"My goodness no. That is too large of an area. It wouldn't be nearly strong enough and would fade too quickly."

"Could you...well...teach me to make the protection spell?" Connor asked.

"Alas no. While it is possible you could perform the incantation, it would take several months to learn the gestures and then you would need to always have the spell components on hand. I am sorry but there just isn't time."

"I understand." Connor nodded and stood. "We can't thank you enough. Maybe some day we'll come back and repay you." He face Aiden. "Come on, we need to get back."

Aiden rose and leaned forward, giving the old crone a strong hug. "Thank you." He stood and smiled. "You've made me very happy."

Mira tried to look tough but a single tear slid down her cheek. "Now look what you've done. Be off now! You two get back to town and don't worry about me."

They nodded and left the small house, walking back towards the village. Connor slipped his hand into Aiden's and squeezed it.

"There is hope." He smiled.

"Yes." Aiden smiled. "Still, I don't want you to think you have to do this with me. I can go alone and return after I'm cured."

"What?" Connor released his hand and punched him on the shoulder. "Then who would make me feel like you do when we are together."

Aiden shrugged and rubbed his shoulder. "I don't know...maybe one of the sheep?"

"Eww!" Connor put his arm around Aiden's shoulder and pulled him in tight. "My prick only goes in your butt and don't you ever forget that."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Back in her home, Mira stood and stretched. She walked to a table and struck a match, lighting a small candle. She quietly spoke a few words and the flame turned blue. For a moment it remained still but then it flickered and the flame leaned to one side and stretched out. It pointed in the direction of the village but not quite directly at it.

"He is near..."

As they approached the village, Connor removed his arm from Aiden and stepped a little further apart. No need to draw unwanted attention. They walked to the sheriff's house but he wasn't home.

"Well...shit." Connor kicked the ground with his boot.

"What's wrong?" Aiden bumped their shoulders together.

"We still have a little less than 2 hours before we meet Morgan at the Inn. I suppose I need to go see Clare..."

"So? Go see her. I'll be fine here."

"Yeah but I don't WANT to go see her."

"I could come with you. That way you won't be stuck with her alone."

Connor smiled. "You'd do that?"

Aiden nodded. "I'm the jealous sort. No way my boy is going to be alone with some girl." He laughed. "I'll make sure you don't get into trouble."

"Then let's go." Connor smiled.

"Sounds good."

They walked through town and approached Clare's house. Connor's heart sank when he saw her sitting on the porch swing, sipping something from a glass.

"Connor!" She waved and smiled.

"Hey!" Connor tried to sound cheerful and turned up the path leading to the house.

Clare climbed out of the swing and walked down the steps to meet him. She pulled Connor into a hug. "It's so good to see you. Dillon told me you were in town last month but I wasn't home."

"Yeah, he mentioned you were out with ...I think he said Henry?"

Clare let go of Connor and looked away. "Yes, I was with Henry."

"That's nice. I'm glad you found someone you seem happy with." Connor nudged Aiden with his foot. "This is my friend Aiden. He's been living with us on the farm."

Clare smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." Aiden smiled back.

Noise from inside drew their attention as the front door banged open and Dillon came running out.

"Connor!" He skidded to a halt in front of them.

"He Dillon. You staying out of trouble?"

Dillon shook his head. "Nah, that's no fun. Hey, are you back in town for a few days?"

"Yes, four days I think." He looked at Aiden who nodded.

Dillon faced Aiden. "Nice to see you again." He stuck his hand out.

Aiden shook the boy's hand and nodded. "Yes."

"So Dillon...why don't you take Aiden inside and introduce him to mother and father." Clare tilted her head back towards the house. "Let me and Connor talk privately."

Connor practically stepped on Aiden's foot, willing him to stay.

"That sounds nice. Lead on my good man." Aiden walked around Connor and Clare and followed Dillon up onto the porch.

Clare motioned to the bench swing. "Want to sit with me?"

Connor nodded. "Sure." He liked Clare, just not romantically.

The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes before Connor got up the courage to begin the conversation he knew he had to tell his father he and Clare had.

" and Henry are serious about each other?"

Clare fidgeted. "Yes, he is very kind."

"I'm happy you've found someone."

She faced him. "You mean that? You aren't mad at me?"

Connor laughed. "For what? Wanting to be happy?"

"No, it's jus that I thought we would eventually...well... you know..." She smiled.

"Clare, I like you very much. We've been friends forever but let's face it. You live here, surrounded by friends and family and I live hours away, surrounded by manure."

They both laughed.

"I'm not mad at all. I will say though, Henry had better treat you well or he'll be hearing from me."

Clare hugged Connor and sniffed back a tear. "Thank you Connor. When Dillon told me you had come looking for me last month I was afraid of how you would feel when you found out about Henry."

"Well, I'll just have to keep looking for someone to fill that special place in my heart. I'll always be your friend, Clare, you know this."

She leaned back and nodded. "I do. And I'll always be yours." She wiped her eyes with her fingers. "You will find someone, Connor. I just know you will."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the gentle rocking of the swing.

Clare faced Connor. "Well, now that we've taken care of that awful business, let's go rescue your friend from Dillon. What was his name again?"


"Oh that's right. Come on." She took Connor's hand and led him into the cool interior of the house.

Clare's mother and father were seated on a couch against the wall, facing out the front windows. Aiden was sitting in a chair to the side while Dillon moved around excitedly, telling them all about something he had been doing earlier that week.

As they entered, Clare's mother faced them and smiled. "Oh Connor, it's good to see you again."

"Hello ma'am, and sir." He faced Clare's parents and smiled.

Clare's father rose and shook his hand. "Glad you are back in town. We don't see enough of you these days."

"Thank you sir. We will be in town for a few days."

"Oh? Anything special happening?" He sat back down on the couch and pulled Dillon down next to him. "Hush now and sit still."

"Nothing too exciting. We are staying with the sheriff for a few days. My father wants me to pick up some supplies and there is a horse in the village stables that I'm going to try to purchase."

"Ah, that's good. Let's sit for a while and catch up." Dillon squirmed for a bit but then held still as they all talked.

After a little more than an hour, Connor excused Aiden and himself as they had to meet the sheriff at the Inn for dinner.

As they walked out, Dillon and Clare followed them.

"Come back again tomorrow Connor, and we can talk a bit more and maybe go walking." Clare waved as they walked down the path to the street.

"Yeah and you come back too Aiden. I've go so much more to tell you!!!" Dillon yelled.

"I'll try to." Aiden waved back at them and then he and Connor headed down the street.

"I think you have an admirer." Connor laughed.

"Dillon? Yeah, he is pretty nice. A bit wild around the edges but so was I when I was that age."

"You should spend time with him. I think he needs an older brother figure in his life. He's always complaining that Clare isn't any fun."

"Maybe. We'll have to see what the sheriff wants me to do..." His voice trailed off.

"Well just tell him we have plans with Clare's family and he'll have to let you go."

"Have to?" Aiden stopped and frowned. "He doesn't have to do anything. But hey, let's not talk about this right now. I want to hear what you and Clare talked about."

"You're right. We can worry about that old pervert later." Connor nodded and filled Aiden in on what he and Clare had discussed.

"So you aren't too heart broken?" Aiden laughed.

"I think I'll survive." Connor frowned. "But it will be tough. I'll need you to hold me close tonight."

"Oh, I'll do more than hold you close, farm boy." Aiden punched Connor on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" Connor punched him back.

They kept walking and soon were back at Morgan's house. He was home, again sitting on the porch smoking his pipe.

"Where have you two been?" He seemed suspicious.

Connor hiked his thumb over his shoulder. "We went to see Clare so she and I could talk."

"Oh I see." Morgan raised his eyebrows. "And?"

"And, while she loves me dearly, she only has eyes for this Henry person now. It seems I'm too late."

"I can tell you are just heart broken." Morgan sneered. "Well you still have him to screw." He pointed to Aiden and then ground out his embers on his boot.

Connor frowned. "That wasn't very nice."

The sheriff smiled. "But I'm right."

Connor shrugged and changed the subject. "I really do like Clare but she's chosen another. I'll just have to accept that and move forward."

"Sure, whatever. Come on you two. Let's go to the inn and get dinner. After that I'll secure a room for you. Go get your belongings and hurry back."

The boys went into their room and picked up the sword and cloth bag with their clothing. They returned to the porch, where they sheriff was standing and gazing out into the middle of town.

He turned when the wood behind him creaked. He saw the sword and shook his head. "No, leave that here."

Connor frowned. "But this is our only protection from the demon if he attacks."

"True but you won't need it, staying in the inn. Besides, people might wonder why you have that and you wouldn't want me to have to explain...him." He hiked his thumb towards Aiden.

Connor walked back inside and set the sword on the bed. He rejoined them on the porch. "Fine...let's go."

They followed the sheriff to the inn and waited by his side as he spoke with the innkeeper, who gave them a key.

The man pointed to a staircase along the far wall and then returned to cleaning glasses behind the bar.

They ascended to the second floor and found the room that had a number matching what was stamped on the key.

Inside, there was a single bed against the outer wall, under a window, a table, and a small oil lamp.

Connor dropped the bag on the bed and looked around. "Cozy."

The sheriff looked at each of them. "I don't need to tell you that under no circumstance are you to hold hands or in any other way show affection toward each other. That would not go over well with the other patrons."

"No sir, we won't." Connor shook his head.

"Good. Now, let's go downstairs and get something to eat." Morgan turned and left the room.

The boys followed him downstairs and for the next two hours they sat and ate, discussing what might happen over the next few days.

Morgan said he would sell the horse to Connor's father for a quarter of its value. He also told Connor to buy the supplies his father wanted but to keep them at his house, rather than the Inn.

Connor nodded and they talked about whether there was a saddle and bridle for the horse. The sheriff didn't know but said he could probably get one of those for little money too.

After dinner, he took his leave of the boys and reminded them that he would be out patrolling the village that night and they were to stay inside the inn. In short, he basically confined them to their room, but that was just fine with them.

Morgan left and they returned to their room.

Connor flopped down on the bed, on his back. "This is a decent enough room, though the bed is rather small." He stared up at the ceiling.

Aiden smiled and removed his shirt. He climbed onto the bed and straddled Connor's waist, sitting down.

"I like small beds." He leaned forward so his hands were on either side of Connor's head. He bent forward and kissed him strongly.

Connor reached his hands up and gently held onto Aiden's waist. He returned the kiss with a passion that caused his heart to pound strongly in his chest.

Aiden pulled back and climbed off the bed. He removed his boots and then slid his pants down and off. His semi-erect dick stuck out in front of him and he gave it a few playful strokes.

Connor smiled and sat up. He removed his shirt and then lay back down. He put his hands behind his head. "You can finish."

Aiden sat on the bed and pulled Connor's boots off. He briefly stuck his nose into one of the boots and inhaled. "Smells nice." He set the boots on the floor and pulled on Connor's pants.

Connor lifted his butt off the bed and his pants were pulled down and off.

Aiden dropped them onto the floor and then resumed straddling Connor's waist. He slowly stroked himself with one hand and gently rubbed Connor's chest with his other.

After a few minutes, Aiden's dick began to drip and he slid off to the side. "Can we have sex?"

Connor nodded. "I kind of thought that's where this was heading."

Aiden smiled and pushed Connor's knees up to his chest and climbed onto the bed below him. He wiped the head of his dick on Connor's ass, spreading the pre-cum around. He squeezed is own dick and another large blob dribbled out. He collected it on his fingers and gently pushed them into Connor.

"Mmm...that feels nice." Connor closed his eyes and stroked himself.

Aiden spit onto his hand and rubbed it onto his own dick, making it glisten with wetness. He placed the head against Connor's hole and gently applied pressure. It was slow going but eventually the head popped inside Connor.

Connor inhaled softly. "Go slowly please."

"Always. I would never hurt you." Aiden pushed slowly and little by little his entire length disappeared into Connor's warmth embrace. "I'm all the way inside you." Aiden said quietly. A warm tightness gripped him in its embrace.

"Feels good." Connor replied quietly.

Aiden gently pushed Connor's hand away and grabbed onto his erect penis, stroking it slowly. He pinched the head and a clear drop of liquid dribbled out. Aiden smiled and began making love to his farm boy.

For some time, they enjoyed a gently session of love making. Aiden prolonged it as much as he could but when he felt the time was near he began to stroke Connor faster and with more pressure.

Connor moaned and arched his back, feeling Aiden's penis sliding in and out of his ass. He was glad Clare had found someone to make her happy. He knew no woman could ever make him feel as good as Aiden did. With a sudden loud groan, Connor felt his ass constrict around Aiden's penis and he ejaculated five or six large streams. The first fell on his abdomen and the remainder dribbled down over Aiden's fingers.

Aiden inhaled as his dick was seized in a tight embrace. He came, filling Connor's ass with his seed. He felt the warmth oozing down his fingers and he brought his hand to his face, smelling the strong scent of Connor's cum.

Both boys were panting quietly and enjoying the afterglow of a good coupling.

Aiden opened his eyes and smiled down at Connor, who was looking up at him. He gently pulled out and used the corner of the bedspread so wipe off his hand and cock. "That was amazing."

Connor nodded. "It was. Thank you." He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at the cum on is abdomen and cock. "Messy."

"Let me get that." Aiden bent down and sucked Connor's dick into his mouth, running his tongue around the length.

"Ahhh...careful. Very sensitive.." Connor closed his eyes.

He felt Aiden pull off and a second later a tongue was cleaning his abdomen too.

Aiden sat up and licked his lips. "All clean."

Connor opened his eyes. "Thank you."

Aiden climbed over Connor's body and lay down between him and the wall. He draped his arm over Connor's warm chest and buried his nose in Connor's shoulder.

"You ok?" Connor turned his head and ran his nose through Aiden's hair.

Aiden lifted his head and their lips met. They kissed briefly, then parted. "Yes, just thinking about how perfect life is when we are alone together."

Connor sighed. "Yes."

"Do you think the priests can help me?" Aiden closed his eyes.

"I think that if anyone can it would be them. We will find out when we meet them." Connor kissed Aiden's forehead.

"I just want to lay here for a while, if that's ok."

"That would be nice." Connor closed his eyes and placed his hand on Aiden's arm, where it lay across his chest.

Although neither had intended to, they both drifted off to sleep for several hours.

Morgan pulled his full-length duster from its hook and slid his arms into the sleeves. The material nearly reached the ground, it was so long. He went into the boys' room and picked up the sword. He tucked it into his belt and felt the weight pulling down on his waist. He let the duster close around him and nodded approvingly. The sword was well hidden yet its weigh was reassuring.

He dropped his pistol into one of the large pockets and put reloading supplies into the other. Satisfied that he was as well armed as possible he made is way to the stable and saddled his horse.

Noise outside the stable drew his attention. Several other men had ridden up on their horses. Most had pistols in their belts and two had long rifles.

"You ready Morgan?" One of the men called out.

"Just now." Morgan led his horse out of the stable and into the early evening gloom. Clouds were building but off in the east the moon was rising; nearly full and filling that part of the sky with a pale light.

"Which way should we go?" Another man asked.

Morgan considered the question. With the boys in the center of town, in the inn, it was difficult to predict where the beast might enter town, if it did at all. Assuming it had followed them to the village it would probably approach from the main road that lead to the east, towards the Darrow farm.

"Let's go to the eastern road and begin there." Morgan mounted his horse and felt the sword slap against the animal's side.

Connor was startled awake but a sudden movement next to him. He blinked his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness. When had night come? He thought back to hours before – to the sex they had shared and then the slumber that had overtaken them both.

"Aiden?" He called out softly. He fumbled for a match on the table next to the bed and lit the small lamp.

Aiden was in the corner of the room on all fours. He was shaking his head back and forth slowly.

Connor pushed the heavy curtains apart and bright white glow filled the room. The moon had risen in the east and its light bathed the room in a cool brilliance. He heard a strange scratching sound on the wooden floor and looked back at Aiden.

Two pale yellow eyes reflected the moonlight back at Connor, as a large black wolf met his gaze.

For a moment, his pulse raced and he felt a sudden chill. The tale Mira had told them came rushing back into his head and he recalled her words – `nobody has ever resisted the curse...'.

Connor held out his hand towards the wolf. "Aiden..."

Next: Chapter 11

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