Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Jul 12, 2023


Conner & Jake Part 25

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Author Note: first of all, I would like to thank you all for reading my story, I hope you have enjoyed it.

I am by no means a professional writer, so hopefully, you have bared with me, through the grammar and spelling issues.

7/12/23 UPDATE:

if you read this chapter when it originally came out, it said this will be the last chapter in the Conner & Jake story

I have decided to continue the story; albeit taking place after High School.

I am so thankful for the loyal readers and the nice comments I have received.


Jake POV

Recap: "My dad then responds and says "Thank you, Conner, that is very nice of you, ok bye you two".

Sophie recovered relatively quickly from her accident, and my dad has been with her a lot during this. the whole ordeal did speed up the move-in process though, my dad insisted on her not being alone and effectively moved in with us the day she was released from the hospital.

Next-Day: Final Day of Senior Year.

I wake up with a mix of emotions; refreshed, excited, and a tiny bit of sadness, it's my final day of high school, and that is going to be a turning point in my life, I exit my bedroom and then go to the kitchen to make breakfast, and I see Sophie sitting at the table, with my dad making Pancakes and Eggs.

he looks at me and says "Good morning, Jake, I figured I would get up early to make you and Sophie some breakfast, and see you go to school for the final day.

I then see some tears form in his eyes, and I say "What`s the matter Dad?"

he says: "Nothing for you to worry about Son, I just wished your mother was here to see you, you are growing up way too fast and I feel old you know.

I say, "You are and I start snickering and he hits me in the shoulder, and then Sophie and I give him a hug and I say "I know, I miss her lots too, "

he then says while wiping away tears" All right, I better get back to making breakfast, I don`t want anything to burn,"

we then sit down at the table and wait for the food to be finished be done.

once we finish eating breakfast, I head out the door to my car and head towards the High School building for a final time as a student.

1st Bell rings

Ms.Jacobs says to the full classroom, "Hello Students, it was an honor, being your teacher for this incredible group of Seniors, I hope everyone has a good day today."

during class, we have a group discussion on modern-day events and how they shape our future for generations to come (i.e. Climate Change, Terrorism, U.S Politics, etc..)

After History class ends, I head toward the School gymnasium for my final Physical Education (P.E) class. It's a " free" period, we just do warmups and then either play basketball or walk outside on the track.

my high school football "career" ended two weeks ago, we held our final game against St.Matthews, and we beat them 31-16, I was so happy, it was a good game.

I decide to play basketball during the remainder of the gym class, once gym ends the final bell rings of school, and a sense of excitement and relief rolls over me. and I think SCHOOL IS OVER. THANK GOD!

I then get into my car and head home, and my dad immediately asks "How was it?"

I reply "Good,"

he says "Now you are a free man, well not really, you now are an Adult and will have some big decisions to make."

I say "Dad, don`t ruin the moment"

he says "Sorry, not trying to, anyway, enjoy it lasts, anyways when is graduation? you still haven`t told me

I say "It's next Saturday,

he says "Next Saturday? I wish you would have told me sooner, but that's alright, I think I have that day off and Sophie will be there too, so it should be a blast".

Conner POV

the final day of high school has come and gone, the full weight of the day has not hit me yet, and I am sure it will sooner than later it will an emotional rollercoaster.

when I arrive home and my mom greets me and says "Hey Honey, how was school today, and then I start crying.

she says "It's ok sweetie, you are all right, it's a turning point and your life and you will miss it, but greater things are ahead for you, I`m sure.

I then reply "It's not that I just finished high school, well it partly is, but more that I don`t know what I will do and what will happen to me and Jake's relationship if he goes to college, what if he does not want to continue seeing me, it will be so hard.

she replies s "Well Conner, that will have to be a conversation for you to have with Jake, but I am sure you guys will get through it, you love each other so much, I can see it.

I then say "Thanks Mom, I appreciate your positivity and hopefulness, I truly hope you are right."

Later in the Day.

I call Jake and ask him to come over and prepare to have a difficult conversation about our future.

I am very nervous and when he finally arrives at my house, I rush down the stairs to the entrance door, I say "Hello, Jake thanks for coming over, he can immediately see I am very anxious and says "Is everything all right Conner?"

I reply "I don't know, but we need to talk"

that sure does not reassure him, he then starts to get nervous and replies "You're scaring me, Conner, please tell me did I do something wrong, please tell me you are not breaking up with me.

I say " No Jake, I don't think that's what is happening, at least I hope not."

he gives me a confused look and says "What do you mean, you don`t think that is happening? , you're confusing me"

I try to relax by breathing deeply in and out, and say "Jake, this was our last day of High School, and we never talked about the future, and that is partly understandable, there has been so much going on in our lives, but now that school has ended, we can't avoid it anymore."

he says "Oh, your right, I guess that events of the past few months have consumed our attention fully, we can talk about it now if you want"

I say "I don`t want to, but we should, so I guess I will start, are you planning to go to college,"

he says "No, I think I will go right to work first; I might go to college in the future but not right now. what about you?

I then say "I was hoping to, but I missed all the deadlines for applications, I think I will try again next year, but for now, I was just thinking about getting a job somewhere in town, maybe at the grocery store or convenience store, I'm not sure.

he says "Well that sounds good, it looks like we won`t have to worry about being at different schools, at least for now, so we can continue being boyfriends. right?

I say "Yeah, I was just worried you were leaving to go somewhere far away, I didnt think you would want to keep seeing me; I dont know, what I was thinking.

he says "Are you kidding me, I love you, you big doofus, I don't want to break up with you, even if we went to separate colleges.

I say "ok, that makes me feel better.

he then says Good," Actually, I never want to lose you, and on that note, I have a surprise for you,

I say "ok, what is it, he grabs a ring out of his pocket and gets on one knee, and says "Conner my sweetheart, and forever love, will you marry me?

I am overcome with emotion and say...

To Be Continued.

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