Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Sep 27, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 23

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap:" i then start feeling sleepy and then nod off and fall asleep for the night"

Conner POV:

9 A.M Sunday.

i am now waking up in my bed, i roll over and see Jake, my wonderful boyfriend sound asleep next to me, wow he really does looks like a angel.

i then carefully get up out of bed and then go to the kitchen and my mom is already back from Anna`s.

she says "good morning sleepy head, i came home with your sisters around 6 AM. It look like your father was already gone for work for the day."

i then start to get a box of cereal when Jake walks into the room

and my mom says "oh hello, Jake. i guess i thought you would of gone home for the night."

he says "oh yeah, i decided to sleep over for the night, besides i don`t want to go home to an empty apartment

my dad went on a couples retreat with his girlfriend Sophie last night."

my mom says "well that`s understandable."

We all then sit down and eat our respective breakfasts.

after our meal, Jake says "well that was good. I'm going to go home now though, goodbye Connor."

Jake POV

When I got home dad is sitting on the couch cuddling with Sophie watching TV.

i say "hey guys how did it go at the couples retreat."

My dad replies "we had a great time son, thanks for asking! How did your weekend go?

i say "good, I went over to Connor's last night, and slept overnight there.

Its just too quiet in the apartment by myself."

i then say "So what you plan on doing today?"

Sophie even starts talking says " well Jake, your father and I were thinking that maybe we could all go out to dinner tonight, you could even invite Conner if you want.

i say "all right then, what where were you guys thinking good place to eat tonight"

My dad says "I don't know, but just not seafood , we had a bit too much of that yesterday"

Sophie starts laughing and says "oh come on sweetie we could always have some more crab legs"

My dad says no, I'm kind of in the mood for Italian tonight to be honest, what about you kiddo?

I say "sure, Italian sounds fine, what about Olive Garden?

my dad and his girlfriend nod as a sign of approval and go back to their tv show.

i then go to my room, and decide to text Conner

"Hey babe, my Dad is back home with Sophie, they want to go out to dinner tonight, they said you can come if you want, is that ok with you?

he quickly replies back "yes, i am in, where, what time though.

he then goes on to say that a babysitter applicant will be at the house at 3:00PM, and his parents want him to be their so they can all get a feel of the person and see if their all comfortable with them as a babysitter.

i say "probably after 6:00, i will ask from specifics later after they finish their tv watching session

he says "see you later babe,"

later around 6PM.

i am just sitting on my bed scrolling through social media, when I hear a knock at the door.

i go to answer it and then there is Sophie barely beating me to the door and saying

"Hi Connor, welcome in, how are you doing today?

My boyfriend responds "doing good, you?"

Sophie replies "actually doing pretty good, I don't know if Jake told you, me and his father went to a couples retreat, actually a pretty good experience, I highly recommend it."

Connor then says "I don't know, maybe, me and Jake have to try that someday.

Anyways, you guys ready to go to Olive garden.

My dad then walks into the room and says "yeah we were just waiting, for you.

We get into a respective cars and drive to the restaurant.

Once we arrive there, we open the door and a waitress is there and says "welcome to Olive garden, my name is Lily and I will be your server for the night, please follow me and I will take you to your seats.

This restaurant seems a bit fancier than I remembered, it is very clean, everybody is in semi-professional attire,

We all then take our seats, we order our drinks and then then after what seems like a 15 -minute deliberation of what to eat,

Lily comes back to our table and ask us what our orders for the night will be.

While waiting for our meals, Connor then says,'thank you for inviting me, unless you kind of glad to get out of the house, you know my parents are kind of laser focused on the babysitting situation for my sisters, well I totally understand worried about them it's just a bit overwhelming, it's nice to back and relax and not have any worries for a little bit.

I then gently rub Conners hand when he says that.

Now Sophie says, any person that makes Jake as happy as you do, is certainly amazing person in my book.

My face then face turns red at the hearing of the compliment.

My dad remarks, honey, it looks like you made Jake's embassared.

Sophie then says, it's all right son, their is nothing to be embarrassed about.

And then start to feel a sudden rage, you are not my mother Sophie, I am not your son, I am glad my father has found someone to make him happy, but you will never be my mother.

My dad then says, Jake, why are you being so rude, Sophie has been nothing but nice to you, and this is how you treat her.

I then slam the table and say, how dare you try to replace mom, you out of all people, should understand that she is irreplaceable.

I then run out of the restaurant very angry and starting to cry. I hear my dad and Connor shout out my name but I just cannot deal with any of this right now.

I thought I have dealt with all this already, apparently not.

30 minutes later. My Apartment

I hear the door opening and then footsteps in the apartment, my dad then walks into my room and says, "Jake is everything all right, what happened back there.

I say " I don't know, her calling me son, for some reason, put me over the edge, I just really miss mom and in that moment, I felt pure rage and I just thought that Sophie was trying to replace her as if mom never existed.

My dad says, Jake, I hope you know she is not trying to do that, she knows that she is not your mother, and she defiently realizes how much pain it is to lose a parent, please don't take out on her, I love you son, and I just want things to get better.

I am now in tears and my dad hugs me and says " it's all right, let it out"

Sophie then walks in and says "Jake, I didn't mean to make you upset, I could never replace your mother and I would never try to.

I then say, I'm sorry Sophie, I now realize that, my emotions to took the better of me, I hope you can forgive me.

She says, of course Jake, it's all right.

We brought you leftovers, if you are still hungry.

I nod and take the food and say thank you. I then realized Conner has gone home and start to think, oh no, what he must think of me now after that outburst at the restaurant.

I text him and say " Conner, I apologized to Sophie, please don't be upset with me, i was so angry, please text me back.

he does so and says "Jake, its ok, i`m not angry with you, people get upset, you have been through a lot, i will call you later babe."

a sigh of relief flows over me, i was scared that he would break up with me over this, i don`t know why i thought that. but my brain is overdrive right now and my emotions are all of the place.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 24

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