Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Nov 11, 2019


Conner & Jake Part 2

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

Chapter 2- Jake POV

I guess, i might of came on too to strong to Conner, because he got weird and left the room.

I just really like him, he might not feel the same way, i really hope he does. i am getting very tired of Tashas antics, she is getting on my last nerve, but at the same time, i cannot break up with her, she did promise to pay for my college, and i certainly dont come from a rich family such as the Johnsons, so i guess

i might have to deal with her at least until i graduate, get a job and save up enough money, maybe by sophmore year in college i can kick her to the curb.

she really has always been this way, she was far nicer in middle school and 8th grade, oh has time changed.

Next Day.

i was having a really nice dream with Conner in it, when my mom barges into my room and says

"Jake, get up, you are going to be late to school and i did not raise my son to be lazy or late.

i respond " Ok Mom, sheesh. i am getting up, i just forget to charge my phone and set an alarm.

she says. "ok, dear, love you" and walks out of the room and gets ready for work as a receptionist at Johnson Industries

oh i might of not told you, she and my dad work for my girlfriends parents. that`s how me and tasha got together, with a few pushes from them and her parents we got together, their constantly harping on me finally worked.

End Of 1st Period.

i walk up to History Class and see Conner walk out, with his cute smile and his gorgeous body as leaves class Unfortuantly Tasha walks up to me and says

"Ahem, Jake what has got you so happy , i texted you last night and you did not answer"

i say " oh, sorry i just must of forget to charge my phone, because it died last evening.

she says "sure, jake. you better get your phone charged, because when i text or call you i expect a answer"

i say "excuse me, you do not own me and i am not your property," and angrily walk away from her and into the classroom . i think to myself who the hell does she thinks she is. i am my own person and should not have to take her bullshit anymore. i calm myself down a bit and find a seat.

i then listen to Mrs.Bee drone on about the Revolutionary war. this is incredibly boring and history is sure not my strong suit, football is.

15 Minutes later, the phone rings and Mrs.Bee answers and tells me that i am needed at the office. i say ok, but am very confused, i didn`t do anything wrong.

i then walk into the main office and Principal Daniels tells me to walk into his office and tells me with a smile "Jake, i am so glad you could make it, Coach Williams says you got a really good chance to get into a great college and possibly drafted in the NFL someday.

i say "oh, you are exaggerating , but i am pretty good,

Principal Daniels laughs and says " well Jake, your Guidance Couneslor wanted me to tell you that you did not seem very interested in any of her suggestions and that you are failing History class, i hope that will change, because the district sets high standards for all of its athletes and specifically ther school football captain is expected to pass all classes with at least and 85.

i say "i`m sorry , it is just that i am very bad at history" (and bored).

he says " well thats ok, i am going to assign you a tutor that will help lift up your grades. and the student i will be assiging you will be Conner Edwards, he is a junior, but he does have the highest GPA of any student in the school, and he is a very nice kid and is willing to help.

i say, "well thank you Mr.Daniels, i am glad we can reach an agreement so i can stay on the team as captain."

he says, "well ok then son, we got a deal, now go back to class, before Mrs.Bee yells at me for taking a student out of class again ." I smirk in response.

Wow, i was initally a bit worried about being called down into the office, but Principal Daniels told me postive news, i actually get to spend time with Conner as i am being tutored by him.

at home after pratice, i sit down on the couch and turn on the tv to try to relax, when the home phone rings and mom answers it, she tells me that Conner Edwards is calling and wants to talk to me, finally i say out loud and immediatly regret saying, Mom hands me the phone and conner says....

To Be Continued.

Feel free to send an email to comment on the story, i would love to hear any suggestions or your reaction to the story.

Next: Chapter 3

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