Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Apr 19, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 18

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "we then arrive at the hospital and enter, and walk in the waiting room and go to the front desk and my dad says..."

Conner POV

"Hello, My name is Chad Edwards and My Wife Melissa Edwards is in labor and was taken here by an ambulance, what room is she in?

the receptionist/nurse says "Ok, wait one second, i need to confirm your identity before i reveal that information

my dad says "ok, shows her his license and she then says

"Alright, she is in the delivery room 5, but before you go, i need your insurance card for Melissa.

he hands her the insurance card to her co-worker, and then says "follow me"

we walk past a sign "geriatric Maternity Ward" and then down the hall and enter "Delivery Room 5".

once inside, my mom is howling out in pain and the doctor is giving instructions to her to "push" "push" "breath.

my dad walks over to her bed and grabs her hand as i stand by in the corner.

soon, i hear crying, one the nurses hands one of the just born babies to my mother, and the doctor grabs the other one but does not hand that one over to my mom or dad.

my mother looks up to the Doctor and says "ok, can i see my other baby now," the Doctor does not and says the one baby is blue and not breathing, my mother says "OMG".

the nurse hits a button on the bed and yells out "CODE BLUE. DELIVERY ROOM 5"

soon other nurses and doctors rush in the room and tell my dad to take the healthy baby and to please exit the room.

they close the doors, right before i can see what is happening in the room.

i hope everything is okay with the baby, my mom must be so worried, a nurse then walks by us and says the baby will need to be screened for any birth, abnormalities but not to worry as she seems very healthy.

oh my god, how can one baby appear healthy and the other one not breathing?

15 Minutes later

a nurse directs us back to the room, and my mom is much calmer, holding the other twin baby, i say to my mom what happened, is she ok?

she says "Yes, love, the doctor assured me it was some fluid in her lungs, they got it out, and she is now breathing fine on her own

i say "oh, thank god."

my mom then looks at my dad and says "where is the other baby?"

he says "oh, the nurses are doing standard post-birth tests.

she looks at dad and says "alright, look here dear, this is one of our daughters. isn`t she such a sweet angel"

my dad says "yes, what are we going to name them?

my mom says "well i was thinking that one could be named Isobella "Izzy"

my dad says "sounds like a lovely name, i was thinking the other child could be named Audrey

my mom replies "that sounds great as well" she also then says "Conner, would you like to meet your new sisters?

i say, yes and walk closer and look at my newly born sisters, and feel a deep emotional connection to them, i don`t know, how to explain it, but i do feel it.

soon the hospital staff introduces themself to us as Dr.Reyes, Nurse Debra And Nurse Karen, they all seem very nice and assisted my mom on the birth.

Dr.Reyes then tells us our mother and baby will be held overnight for observation but should be released tomorrow. my dad and i thank them and say our goodbyes to Mom and Izzy & Audrey.


dad I arrive home after picking up some food from Mcdonalds on the way from the hospital.

i feel so excited that my sisters were born, i will now be a big brother. i text Jake the good news saying "My Twin Sisters were just born!

he texts me back "Amazing! that is good news for your family. did everything turn alright with the births?

i reply back "one of the twins had fluid in the lungs and was not breathing, we had a brief scare, but she was saved by the Hospital Staff.

he replies "oh no, good thing she is ok, did your parents name them yet?

i text back "Yeah, they named on the spot in the delivery room, Izzy & Audrey

he replies "cool names,"

i reply back "yeah, the hospital is holding my mother and the twins for observation for the night, you want to come over?

he replies "yeah, be there in 45 minutes, just hanging out with Damien for a little bit.

i reply "ok, see you soon!"

for now, i am just so excited that my sisters were just born, its sort of unbelievable, i didnt expect to have siblings, but i am glad too.

my dad is in the other room on the phone with mom, checking up on her and the twins, also now dad will be home more often for the immediate future, that's also good

45 Minutes Later.

Jake arrives at my house, my dad enters the room and says "Hello Jake, I`m sure Conner told you, my wife just gave birth to two twins.

Jake then replies "Yeah, congratulations on that, i hope all of you have a great time together.

my dad says "thanks."

i then take Jakes's hand and guide him to my room.

he sits down on the bed next to me and i say "so, yeah things are about to hectic around here, it will take some time to get used to, but i am happy about it though.

he replies "Yeah, so you want me to take your mind of your family for a little while.

i say "yeah, what do you have in mind?

he says "Well, i was thinking that i could give you your birthday present early, i was planning a surprise party with your parents for you for this weekend, but i can clearly see that plans have changed and that is ok, i will make sure that you have an amazing time, nevertheless.

i say "Jake, i dont know what to say, thanks anyway, but i dont need anything, having you is enough.

he says "Yeah, that is sweet, but i will still be giving you the gift i got you, you deserve it, here.

Jake hands me a present with wrapping paper over it, i open it up and it is a new iPhone with an engraving on the phone cover with a message of C+J Heart Emoji.

i smile and say "Jake, this is very thoughtful of you but too expensive, i can`t accept it.

he replies "Conner, please take it, you deserve it, i saved up some money and my father helped me,

i say "Ok, then i will, i really do appreciate it and i love you very much, i then give him a kiss and hug him

wow, Jake, you know you a really good boyfriend, i am lucky to have you.

he giggles and says "Yes you are" and i play hit him on the arm in response.

Jake then says "we can still make sure you have a good celebration, cake and ice cream at my place and whenever your mother is up to it, she can join with your father."

i say "Ok, then, and thanks again."

soon, he begins to rub my shoulders and gives me a massage,

i say "wow, thats nice, i didnt know you could do that, that feels nice

he replies "well, i was trying something new, i glad you like it.

i then say "yeah, i do,

after a few minutes of massaging my shoulders and neck, he moves down nipples and dick.

i say "oh, i see you are a bit horny

he says "yeah, but i mainly want you to feel good tonight,

i say "well it's working.

he then continues and then takes of my shirt and pants.

he then gives me a blowjob, I then cum and he swallows it.

in return, i give him a handjob and he soon orgasms and i kiss him and then we just cuddle for a few minutes and he says "this was amazing Conner, but i better get home now, bye Babe.

Jake POV

after i arrive back to my Apartment from Conner`s House, i see that Dad is sitting down at the Couch with Sophia watching a movie.

i say "Hello Dad, Sophie, how are you doing, Date night i take it?

he replies "Yeah and Sophie then says "Hey, Jake your dad told me that your boyfriend's mother gave birth to twins, you know my sister has twins also, they were lovely kids but can be very tiring quickly, i hope she has a support group to help her.

i say "yeah, she does, her Husband and Conner will help.

Sophie Continues on "that may not be enough, Having a helping Husband and Son is certainly is a good thing, but i think she might need some friends to help as well, who actually been in her situation before,

my dad interjects "Honey, please, you certainly are getting pretty involved, she says "i know, i just like to help out my fellow women,

he then says "I know, you are very caring, that is one of the things i like about you"

i then walk toward my own room, i start thinking about my own mother and how i wish she were here, i get a bit emotional about it and decide that i should schedule another appointment with my therapist sometime this week, it will probably help me.

i then decide to play some video games before i go to bed for the night.

To Be Continued.

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Anways, Happy Reading!

Next: Chapter 19

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