Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Apr 11, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 17

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "i say "ok, we will back with your comfort food."

Jake POV

i am going to start planning a surprise party for Conner`s upcoming 18th Birthday, i talked with his parents, they and my father are got to be a part of it.

for now, i am at school and in History Class with Mr.Smith, i am trying with all my energy to focus on the work and ignore the teacher, if he tries anything with me, he will soon find that is a one-way ticket to the hospital, i am just so angry that he is even still a teacher, i know their is a "investigation" but that better wrap up quickly, i just don`t think i can handle the stress of it.

in the end of class, he says "Jake Davis, can you stay after class."

oh boy, is my Blood Pressure rising, why the HELL does he want me after class, first he says "Jake, i have noticed you seem very agitated in class, is everything alright, i can call Coach Williams and saying football is interfering with your Education.

i reply "you know damn well, what is the matter, you know who i am, right? i am Conner Edwards boyfriend, don`t you recognize my voice, when you called him the other day?

he looks visibly worried, and walks away from me, closer to his desk and picks up the classroom phone and says "Mr.Davis, i am going to ask you to leave my class, now! i am also requesting a transfer for you to Ms.Jacobs room, i don`t want any trouble, you hear?

i then start to calm down, and a smile goes over my face.

wow, he really looked scared, i hope that will stop any future interactions with myself or Conner.

Later in the day- Principal Bee`s Office

during Math Class, i am called down to Mrs.Bee Office and she starts of with

"Jake, i got a request for you to be transferred to Ms.Jacobs class from Mr.Smith,

i want you to be honest with me, did anything inappropriate happen on his end, we got a complaint from another student and i am going to forward my recommendation for dismissal to Superintendent Lewis if that happened to you as well."

i say "i know Conner initiated the complaint, and i cannot lie to you No he did not say or do anything inappropriate to me, but i did start to confront him.

she says "well ok, in that case, i will grant the transfer, also the complaint is anonymous, how do you know Conner was the complainant?. i cannot have leaks in my office, that would hurt the student-principal relationship and be a detriment for the entirety of our school community.

i say, No worries, Mrs.Bee, their was no leaks, actually Me and Conner are very close, we are actually dating so he told me himself in confidence.

she says "oh, ok, nothing you tell me will leave this room, i would like to thank you for being so honest with me, you may now go back to class.

After school- My Apartment:

i decide to call Conner.

Ring Ring Ring

i say "Hello"

he says "Hi Jake!

i say "i wanted to tell you, Conner that i confronted Mr.Smith today after class

he says "Oh no, Conner, i told you to leave it alone, i hope you didn`t make it worse.

i say "No, Conner, i just talked, i kept my emotions in check, anyways i also got transferred into Ms.Jacobs class as well, Mrs.Bee approved it"

he says "whew, ok i just thought you did something you would of regretted

i say "i almost did, but i calmed myself down"

he replies "good Jake, i know you really care about me, and i understand that and i do appreciate that you are so protective of me."

i say "i really do love you Conner, i won't let anyone mess with my man."

he giggles

i say, i would like to continue talking but i have to do some homework, see you, tomorrow babe.

Conner POV

after my phone call with Jake, my mom walks into the room, who is visibly pregnant asks me about how i am doing

i say "fine, why?

she says "because, i am your mother and i love you and i was wondering why you were transferred out of your history class in the middle of the year, your dad told me, please tell me no one is bullying you?

i say "No, Mom nothing like that, but will you promise to not react until i finish telling you what actually happened, i don`t want you to put stress on yourself or the babies,

she looks at me curiously and says "Ok Conner, no out with it.

i say "well, the new substitute History Teacher Mr.Smith told me he was staring at me in class and had inapporiate thoughts about me"

she firsts takes a deep breath and says "he didn`t touch you, did he?

i say "No, mom he did not, i immediately walked away and told Principal Bee about it, she started an investigation, and unfortunately, it does not end there

she says "What? what else happened?

i say "he called me on my cellphone when Jake was here the other night, Jake took the phone from me and told him off, he was very angry, i was actually worried he might do something that he would regret, but he has since calmed down and is here for me

she says "Ok, block his number and if he calls again using a different phone, please tell me or your father, ok

i said "agreed"

i then also say "also, please try not to get to upset, i really think it's just an inappropriate crush, he is not that much older, just 25 and i truly dont think he is a predator, i could be wrong, he is probably lonely. i am not naive just i dont want to overreact, i have in the past with other things and it usually does me no good.

she replies " Wow, Conner, you know you are so mature for your age, i do feel proud to be your mother.

Later in the day.

around 10:30, i receive a text from Jake, he says "You Up?

i say "yeah, why?

he says "come downstairs, to the door"

i say "Ok" and then walk downstairs and open the door and he is standing there with a smile there and i say "it`s kind of late, i am glad you here, its just that my mom has already gone to bed and my dad is working late, and i did not expect a late-night visit

he says "come with me, up to your room, i indulge him, i am genuinely confused though

we walk into my room and he closes the door and kisses me, very passionately with plenty of tongue.

he then pulls away, and says "Conner, please tell me you would never leave me,

i say "never, why would you think that?

he says " i dont know, it's just this whole Mr.Smith situation is starting to get to more, i am not angry anymore, just made me think too much about it maybe? i dont know

i pull him closer to me and say "Jake, i would not want to be with anybody else, that is partly why i got so jealous of Damien before, i just love you too much

he says "i know, i love you too, i guess i just wanted to be here with you, not over the phone or text, but in the flesh.

i say "ok, that's understandable. we then hug each other for a little bit and he says "ok, i am going to go now, see you tomorrow."

he then walks out of the house.

wow, that was weird i think to myself, i am usually the unconfident/insecure one, i guess he was probably just feeling a bit down.

Next Day

during History Class with Ms.Jacobs, i get a call down to the office, and i am told my mom is now in active labor and is en route to the hospital,

i am happy, and the receptionist tells me, my dad is on the way to pick me up and take me to the hospital to see her.

i then start thinking, wait isn`t it a bit early, maybe not. good my brain sure likes to create worries for me daily.

dad then walks in the office, he signs me out and then we go to the car and he drives us to the hospital which is 25 minutes away, i look towards him and say "wait you were not with her, she must have been having contractions and called 911 for an ambulance,

he says "yeah, i was called from one of the paramedic's cell phone and your mother told me she could not wait for me to get home, it just hurt too much.

we then arrive at the hospital and enter, and walk in the waiting room and go up to the front desk and my dad says...

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 18

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