
By Chuck

Published on Feb 16, 2002


One thing first, my deepest apology (i'm soooo SORRY!) Half a year people... WOW! Actually almost a year since the last chapter! I am so sorry, man, there goes my audience! Lol!

Chapter 6

It's been two weeks after Philip told me about Leo moving to another house and all, and this was when I found out that Philip interpreted it dead wrong. Leo WAS moving but not exactly OUT of the city. He was just moving to another house. Of course, it was kind of too late for that. I cried my eyes out in front of Philip and Gabriel when I found out two weeks before, and plus I had another argument with Leo about not telling me. And this time, the fault was 50/50. It was his fault because he didn't tell me, but it was also my fault that I acted too serious about this and that I didn't bother hearing what he's got to say. Of course now that I know, I don't even have the guts to look at Leo.

He did break up with Angela though, and the reason was far fetched from what I've heard from Philip. Clarrissa told me that Leo cheated with this girl he met that day when I was with them to watch a movie. It was kind of weird that Leo did this stuff. I mean, it's like I didn't even know him at all. I mean Leo...cheating, I've known him for years! That word and his name just doesn't go together. She wasn't sure either if it was true or not since someone else, not Leo, had told her about it.

Other than that, vacation was already halfway done, and I just received my marks which were actually way much better than I had expected since I wasted half of my after school time with Philip. I didn't want summer vacation to end but I was bored as heck. I haven't even been outside my house yet expect the time I managed to talk to Clarrisa. I was avoiding Leo and since Philip had been spending a lot of time with Gabriel(he's gotta good reason though, I mean it's not like I live halfway across the globe), I practically had no one to chill with.

"Where are you going?" my mom asked casually. Really, I didn't know either where I was actually going. I was bored to death that I actually called people to hang out with me, which I never do in my whole life. One person actually caught me by surprise when he gladly wanted to go with me to the mall: Eric. It's not that he's anti-social or we're not friends or anyhing, can never get his attention! His plan A's always includes Adrien. I said to mom, "Out with Eric."


"Oh, this guy from school. I think you've seen him before. He came here before to help me with my project last two months ago. Gotta go," I said, putting my shoes on. I kissed mom on the cheek and left. I got to the mall a bit late and went to our rendezvous. Eric was there sitting all alone at the fountain where water shoots up two storeys high every few minutes. I envy him sometimes. He dresses sp simple: dark blue denim jeans with a combination of stripe polo shirt and Adidas shoes, trying not to show off a bit, and yet he STILL looks awesome! I would love to have a body that would fit nicely on any kind of clothing. Like me, I don't think I would look good on thug clothes, showing my boxers, pants way down around my legs and big ass bling blings, or even preppy clothes, not that I would convert to being a preppy, or even GQ clothes. Somehow they're always too wide. Sigh, I guess I should just convert back to being a skater.

"Hey Eric, sorry I'm late, major streetcar jam," I said. He looked my way and took a few seconds to recognize me from the big crowd. Then he smiled half-heartedly and got up and walked towards me. He really does look cute! He could actually pass off as a CK model. To think that I never hung out with this guy before! Dear me! Where have I been? He also got a nice tan too. Not perfectly tanned skin, but at least he managed to make his skin look more healthier than before, which before looked major pale. "Going out a lot lately?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"It shows, you got a tan," I said trying not to sound so impressed. He looked at his arms and said, "Yeah, I spent like 2 weeks down in Cuba."

"Cool, did you lose anything there?" I asked jokingly. He laughed and shook his head. At least someone had some memorable moment with their summer vacation. He asked, "How about you?"

"Naw, nothing really. Just killing time with friends. That's pretty much it," I said, which was 110% true lately. We both walked around the mall, then outside, talking about life in particular and about people we knew from school. I really had no idea that Eric was this talkative. Back then in school, the first time I met him, and the days that followed that, we barely even talked! We knew we each other but it's as if we've got nothing to say. Maybe this is why he likes to hang around with Adrien more than anyone. I guess Adrien is much easier to talk to for him.

Out of curiosity, and also since I started wondering why Adrien wasn't around and how Eric hasn't brought his name up, I asked him, "Hey by the way, how's Adrien? I haven't seen him since the last day of school."

"Oh he's ok I guess. I haven't heard from him for awhile now," he said. I didn't know if it was my ears getting old but he did somewhat sound worried. I asked casually, "How come? "

"I don't know...he got busy and we sorta lost touch," he said.

We ended up watching this movie which was kind of weird really. It was suppose to be funny but I just don't see the joke about humping a dead moose. I guess Eric was kinda bored to since he kept on looking around, checking his cell phone, and talking to me which kind of pissed off the people around us. We ended up leaving halfway around the movie and sneaking into another movie theatre. I have the rights to do that! I wasted twelve bucks on a stupid movie. After we went to this Japanese restaurant, a block away from the movie theatre, and had our dinner there. Sushi, god who doesn't love those? I must've ordered a lot since I was so strapped of cash when we left that store. Ah well, there's always the 'rents to keep the cash flowing! Eric, didn't eat that much though. I guess he was keeping his figure. All he ate was this Mino soup and a bowl of salad. I don't know how he can fill himself up with just vegetables! Eck! And instead of ordering soft drinks, he ordered sparkling water instead! I started laughing, "Eric, what's up with you?"


"The soup, Caesar salad, water?! This is not brunch. Okay...are you in a diet or something?"

"I'm just not hungry," he said. "What are you talking about? I haven't seen you eat today."

"I'm fine, don't worry. Just finish up your meal will ya?" he asked trying to smile a bit. I rolled my eyes and finished my food. Once I was finished, we paid for our food and left. He lived about a two subway stations from my place but he told me he'd walk me home. By then, I was really flattered. Of course I didn't show it though. We weren't really talking until we were a block away from my place. He asked, "Jake...I'm just wondering...have you and Leo ever had an argument?"

"Heh yeah, and the funny thing is, we're not on speaking terms right now. But give it a week or so. Why you ask?"

"No I mean, like a major argument?"

I wasn't really sure what the extremes are when it comes to 'major' argument, but I'm pretty sure I haven't had that. "No...I don't think so..why?"

"Oh...nothing...uhhh...there's your house," he said pointing to the left since he figured out that I wasn't paying attention on where we were going. He laughed a bit and said, "Well see ya later Lauren, call me sometime k?"

"Yeah, I'll do that. Later," I said as I went inside my place feeling sort of off that he asked that question. I did have a major argument with Leo before, but I didn't tell him since he didn't have any business to know about it, and also because that was the time that I told Leo that I was gay.


"You're not listening are you?" I asked pinching Philip's side. He laughed a bit and snuggled closer to my side as we both laid down on his bed. Finally, no one with the name 'Gabriel' can bother us today! "Just tired babez...I stayed up all night playing pool somewhere in downtown with Gabe."

"Oh I see now why you didn't bother calling me! Hmph! So He's MORE special than I am in your life huh? You can't even waste at least a quarter to call me while you can use like all your allowance for Gabe! I see what's happening," I said sarcastically. He hugged me while he barely nodded, "Uhuh...who wouldn't do that to someone who's got bubble butts?"

"Yeah ummm...ok," I said a bit more serious. He smiled and squeezed his arms around me. "I was just kidding you know? Gabe paid for the game last night and I was going to call you but I figured out that you might be out with someone else."

"Lucky guess, but yeah I was...with Eric. We just hang around downtown and watched a know, the usual when you're bored. He's so cute eh? I didn't know that he was that hot! Nice tan, blue eyed blonde, and tall! And that awesome high cheek bones! It was like I was dating some older guy when I went with him, Whew! See, I'm dehydrating already!"

"Yeah I saw him with Adrien last week and Eric does look awesome...but I prefer Adrien better! He's more giving and loving and sweet..."

"-Er than me?" I asked interrupting him. He shook his head, "Nah, he's sweet but not as sweet as you. But he has that look that you just want to fuck him, and dump him in the next day."

"What?" I asked, this time I was very serious. The way he said it was so disgusting like he's this sex freak or something. He snickered, "Yeah, he has this dominant look that kind of wants to be dominated by me. I wouldn't mind screwing his ass and kicking him out of the house the next day."

"Great! My boyfriend can't even set a bit of his time to spend it with me and now he's thinking of leading a non-monogamous relationship just like the other gay guys out there! Just great, Call me when you get a new day job." I got up on my knees and tried to get off the bed but he grabbed my arm and pulled it back with both his hands. He was chuckling as he pulled me back down on the bed. "Hey chill out handsome I'm just kidding!"

I tried to let go from his bed and especially from him, but the more I pulled away, the more he pulled me closer. He pouted his face, "Come on! Give Boodgie-Phily a kiss on the lips."

I tried not to giggle as I tried to look away from him while he chanted in this aunt-ish voice, "Come on! Give Boodgie-Philip a kiss! Come on!" Then he began to caress my neck using lips, while still chanting those words. I grinned and turned around to look at him. He asked in this puppy voice, "Aren't you going to kiss little Boodgie on his liiiiips? Pwease?!"

I laughed while trying to aim my lips to his. Then as soon as my lips touched his, he wrapped his arms around me and pushed down into the mattress. I giggled and asked, "What are you doing?"

He bit my bottom lightly and gave butterfly kisses on my neck and ears which literally gave me goose bumps everywhere. The quiet smacking of his lips against my skin and the silent ruffles of my shirt while he roamed his hands around my body made increased my desires to touch him in places I've never explored. My legs quenched from the unbearable pain of my dick trying to push out of that cheap CK briefs. He whispered, while he kissed me, "Hey you said to have a relationship with only one sex partner...and that's you!"

"Oh...really?" I didn't what to say! I just wanted to distract myself from getting even more horny. But apparently, that didn't work. My hand already made its way up to his back and it tucked inside his shirt to feel the smooth skin of his back. It radiated this natural warmth, and I could feel his body actually shaking and beating in the same time. Slowly, he crawled on top of me, sucking and kissing my lips endlessly. His hands roamed even deeper down below my waist level, so deep that I could actually feel the nails of his fingers touching the head of my cock which was eagerly waiting to come out of my underwear. He was actually teasing my cock a bit. He knew his nails were touching my cock, for the very first time if I might add, so he tickled my abdomen lightly while purposely touching the head of my cock with his fingers that made my cock twitch a few times. Then he stopped and pulled his hands away.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I already knew what he was asking for approval. I immediately said yes. The same hand slipped inside my pants again, and slid under the briefs, and cautiously wrapped his fingers around my cock. This weird ecstasy feeling surged from my toes up to my head. My breathing pattern became faster and my feet felt cold and all I could think of was to touch him everywhere. Philip caressed my shaft while circling his thumb on the head of my dick. My waist moved uncontrollably up and down left and right, and I could actually hear myself groaning. As he cupped my balls with his hands, juggling my balls, his other hand took one my hands and whispered, "I want you to feel mines too."

My face was red and my forehead was soaked with sweat as my hand was slowly guided to the garter of his shorts. From there, he let go of my hand and began to feel my rock hard nipples. My hand trembled as it went in his shorts. The first thing I felt was the tremendous heat inside there, then the next I felt was the patch of pubic hair which tickled the back of my hands. Philip closed his eyes and licked his lips, losing his concentration on rubbing my shaft as my fingers felt the thick shaft of his hard penis. I was becoming a bit dizzy, I guess from too much excitement and adrenaline in my body. I could feel how long it was as I slowly wrapped my fingers around the shaft and slowly started to jack him off. He also started rubbing my cock up and down, but in a slower pace than I was doing it. His cock twitched in my hands and his butt on my belly started moving. He licked his lips again and wiped the sweat off his face. He whispered half groaning, "Don't...stop..."

"Hey Phil, I'm..." Philip's hand retracted quickly and jumped off from me. My eyes were wide open and my heart beat pumped so FAST that I could actually hear it beating in my ears! Gabe stood there, without his sunglasses, and stared at both of us in bewilderment. My face flushed a bright red glow and so did Philip, who had been pulling his shirt down to hide the tent in his short. "...Oh my god!"

"GET OUTTA HERE!" Philip roared throwing two pillows at Gabe who was apologizing and laughing non stop. I dumped a pillow on my head from MAJOR embarrassment, feeling like there could be no embarrassing moment that would beat this one throughout my whole life! Philip was still shouting like crazy, and he was so major pissed that he stood up and was about to knock down Gabriel if he only didn't run out of the bedroom. The time Philip closed the door, I asked, while taking a peek out from the pillow, "Is he gone?"

He didn't say anything and slumped back down on the bed with his arms crossed. I could still hear him laughing outside the bedroom which made Roel asked what was so funny. I was still beet red but I calmed down a bit. Philip murmured, "Sorry about that."

I smirked and looked down on my pants that was unzipped. I didn't know wether to laugh, or cry, or to feel guilty, or kill myself for what just happened. It's like an emotion that's made up of other emotions mixed together, creating this emotion that's totally weird. "It's okay...don't worry about it."

Don't worry about it?! That's the last thing I should've said! Yeah...umm...ok, the first sexual appearance we've had HAD to be interrupted by someone and I said don't worry about it. It really hurt his male pride, and mine too, I mean, how can I ever face Gabriel without even thinking about what just happened? Well, there's two people in my avoid list now! I zipped up my pants, and suddenly, Philip started giggling. "Oh my god! I can't believe that we almost did it!"

Thank god he laughed, the dead silence in the room wasn't really comfortable. I ended up giggling too. It wasn't everyday you get your first experience and in the same time being caught by someone you know well. He continued on and he had this look like he beat me at some game, "Heheheh! I finally got to touch your NC-17! Guess even people below 17 can get into those things too!"

"Oh shut up!" I said. He laughed. "Oh god Philip! I can't believe Gabe interrupted us...god how embarrassing. There is no way I could possibly look at him now without thinking of him laughing or poking fun at me. God, can't he see that we're expressing our love...and he's LAUGHING?! What an immature brat. Making love is supposed to be the event where the special bond between two people are woven together to keep the partners even closer," I said proudly. But Philip went silent and stared at me strange. "I sounded like a total dork didn't I?"

"Worse, you sound like my mom. What's next, the birds and the bees? I already know that, and that ain't gonna happen to us, unless we're related to Arnold Scwhanegger." We laughed hysterically while imagining ourselves giving birth out from my ass. We went to eat dinner afterwards with Roel and Gabe. Gabe cooked this time since Philip's parents weren't home. In the dinner table, Gabriel kept on saying he could smell Javex, then he'd started laughing, and Philip would tell him to shut up. They're the ones who only got the jokes since Roel and I sat there ignoring them both.

That's it for chapter 6. I know, I was ALSO expecting a shocking chapter 6, but don't worry, it'll be soon! Thanks for reading my story!

Next: Chapter 7

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