Connecting with My Step Brother

By Muscle

Published on Nov 2, 2017


Story by Connecting with my Step Brother - Part 4

I awoke the next morning to the smell of sweat, sex, and cum.. and remembered what happened the night before.. i was instantly hard again and my ass was quite sore.. he really rode me hard..

I looked over and Wade was still asleep with the sheets kicked down to the bottom of the bed.. his rock hard cock still barely contained within my boxerbriefs..

"well" i thought "i guess being a big step brother has some advantages.."

I got up..and after searching a while for a fresh towel.. headed towards the shower..

The cool water felt good as i rinsed away all the remnents of last night.. I dried off and went back into the bedroom.. i dropped the towel at the door and started rooting around in my dresser.. after a moment i decided 'fuck it' and went and grabbed a pair of Wade's boxerbriefs out of his dirty clothes hamper.. i put them up to my nose and inhaled deeply smelling all the sweat and musk there was and then bend over and pulled them on.. yea i was rock hard..

I looked over as Wade opened his eyes "morning" he said and then got up and headed for the shower..

We went through the day as normal.. nothing seemed weird or different.. we didnt even look at each other strangely or even lustilly.. just .. hey this is my step brother..

My cock didnt even stay hard all day in his shorts.. they just felt.. comfortable..

I kinda wondered what was going through his mind.. but didnt ask.. and he didnt say.. and so things went.. for about a week.. just .. normal..

I mean periodically i would see he was wearing my underwear.. even tshirts etc.. and other times he was wearing his own.. I did the same..

but i was still jealous of his body.. so i started working out again.. i was lifting heavy.. trying to regain my tone and size.. it was work..

At one point i asked him if he wanted to work out with me and he casually said "en no.. i dont need it..".. i laughed.. "yea yea.. i dont want to hear it.. prepetually toned fucker..."

after a few days we did go back to jacking off at night.. just ourselves.. not each other or anything.. but i noticed he always used both his hands now.. one on his cock and the other on his balls with a finger circling his hole...

then late in the week while we were jacking off he asked me.. "so how did you do that.." as he stroked his cock..

"how did i do what.." i asked a little confused.. "you'll have to be more specific.."

"um.. cum so much .. i mean without even jacking it.. without even touching it.. "

I kinda laughed.. mostly at the fact that he wouldnt even say 'your cock' or 'your dick'.. just IT.. "Well you just know how to fuck.. really well".. i thought i would throw him a bone... haha .. get it..

"really" wade sounded astonished.. "you mean i made you cum just by fucking you.. "

"Um yea.. what did you think i had an invisible hand or something.." i laughed..

"well no.. i just didnt know you could do that.. cum without touching your dick...." he replied..

"you have odviously never had a prostate exam.." i said..

"no.. what does that have to do with anything.. " he asked..

"When you rub the prostate it's like overcharging your dick and balls at the same time.. and when you.. um.. fucked me like that.. you beat the shit out of my prostate till it was endless electricity in my entire body.. i couldnt do anything else but cum.. i couldnt control it or stop even if i wanted to.."

"oh" he said and contined to jack off..

"Yea.. i'll say though that i'm pretty sure any woman you've had has walked away satisfied.. if not limping.." i laughed..

"never had any complaints.." he smiled..

we continued to jack off until we came.. and then drifted off to sleep.. thinking back on it tho.. that night i cleaned up with a dirty pair of boxerbriefs.. not the "good" contoured ones.. just some lycra i had found on the floor.. I thought i tossed them towards the laundry basket.. but i havent seen them since..

the next few days were pretty normal.. working on the houses.. jacking off.. but we pretty much kept to ourselves.. somedays wearing our own clothes.. other days.. wearing each others..

It was cool having a brother.. someone who looked up to me.. someone i could learn a little about being a brother from.. but it was always about being a brother.. not really about lust or anything.. i mean we are both guys.. and both horny all the time.. (yes even at 40 and 42).. and it was nice to be able to jack off openly whenever i wanted..

Some nights i would just go to bed earlier and jack off.. Wade would come in and we'd bs while i jacked off.. he would glance occassionally over at me.. or climb on his bed and jack off too..

I'd come in during the afternoon and find him jacking off... talk a little and then jack off myself.. it never really seemed weird..

As the days and weeks went on i started to get back into shape.. I think it was a wednesday night a few weeks later.. i was laying there jacking off when he came in and started to undress for bed.. he looked over kinda raking over my body with his eyes..

"Ya know.. your chest and arms are really starting to shape up.." he said..

"Thanks bro.. i've been working at it.." i replied "i'm nowhere near your definition but it's coming along." I flexed my jacking arm a little bit..

he stripped down to his underwear (or were they mine.. i couldnt remember anymore).. he came over to my bed and grabbed my bicept and squeezed.. "Yea i think it's all this jacking off that has really worked your arm out.. " he laughed..

i let go of my cock and gave his cock a light whap through his underwear "yea you're one to talk little bro.. you are at it as much as i am.."

He laughed.. "hey" he said bending away and grabbing me by the wrist.. He tried to twist my arm around but it didnt work..

I pulled him forward knocking him off his feet onto my bed. I quickly had him face down and was on top of him pinning him to the bed.. my still hard cock pressing into his back..

"I thought you would have figured out from Chris.. dont mess with your older brother.. you will lose.. i took martial arts dumbass.."

"Fuck you" he responded drawing out the syllables..

I smacked him alongside his head "yea i bet you want to.. but i'm the big brother and what I say goes.."

I dont know why i was feeling so cocky.. i guess being the big brother was finally wearing off on me..

"then what do you say big brother" he said totally submissive..

I let go of the arm i had pinned behind his back and felt the cuts of muscle in his back..

"I say go back to your own bed and jack off.. " and smacked him on the head again and rolled off him..

He lay face down next to me for a moment while i lay face up next to him on my bed.. I grabbed my cock and started stroking again.

He pulled his face up and looked at me jacking my cock then slowly up to my eyes..

"What" i said looking back at him..

"i was wondering something.." wade replied and rolled onto his side facing me..

"Whats that" i asked with genuine concern.. i noticed his cock had gotten hard and was even poking out the top of his boxerbriefs..

"Well" he started hesitentaly "i really want to know what it's like.."

"Want to know what WHAT is like.." i asked truly not knowing..

"I want to feel what it is like to cum without touching your dick.. " he said

"What so you want me to fuck you?" i asked.. because thats not really what he said..

"um.. well no.. ur.. i guess yes.. i mean that was really amazing that you could cum like that without actually touching your dick.. and i really want to know how that worked.. feels.. whatever.. "

I was silent for a moment.. thinking.. 'do i really want to do this.. to my little step brother.. ' i mean i didnt want to damage the brotherly relationship we had built.. i had really begun to enjoy it.. but then again it's not like we were really brothers that grew up togeather..

"but i thought you liked fucking girls.." i said looking at him.. i had stopped jacking off at this point..

"I do.. i REALLY do.. i love fucking girls.. but it just seemed.. looked.. so.. intense.. i wanted to experience that too.. " he looked so sheepish..

"OK.. fine" i said.. "if that is what you REALLY want i can show you.."

"really" he said as his eyes brightened up..

"yes.. BUT you have to do exactly what i say when i say it.." i replied "and it's gonna hurt"

his face contorted a little.. "really"..

"Well yea.." i replied "you've never had anything stuffed up your ass before have you.. "


"Ok then.. it's gonna hurt.. " i replied honestly "but the pain doesnt last.. and once the pain is over it will be intense.. and lets be honest.. i dont have the 'thinnest' dick out there.. "

Wade looked down at my cock which was still hard in my hand. He reached out and grabbed it and i let go.. he spent some time feeling the girth in his hand.

"I'm not going to force you to do anything.. especially this.. it's not something you'll forget" i said feeling his warm hand squeezing my cock.

He didnt take his eyes off my cock.. "i just saw how you felt when you came.. i could feel you under me.. around me.. it just looked.. felt.. like you were experiencing something amazing.." then he looked up at my eyes.. "i want to feel that too.."

"If thats what you want i can try to help you.. but remember.. i'm not really big on fucking guys so i dont know how well it will go.." i said looking him dead in the eyes.. and YES for all you rabid readers out there.. i'm really NOT big on fucking guys.. i'm big on getting fucked by them tho

"Yes.. lets try" he said.. and let go of my cock..

"Ok then.. turn over.. lay on your stomach.." i said and Wade flipped face down..

I pulled off his underwear and put them to my nose.. inhaling deeply from the pouch.. it smelled so good my cock throbbed a little.. I tossed them to the side.. i grabbed a bottle of lube from the nightstand and spread his legs some.. getting in between them i poured a fair amount into his crack..

I reached out grabbing the cheeks of his ass.. they were tight and muscled.. they felt amazing in my hands.. for a second i wished i had an ass like that.. rubbing gently then kneading the mounds of muscle..

then i took my middle finger and started running it along the crack of his ass.. up and down pausing slightly when i passed his hole.. pushing a little each time.. and with each pass he moaned a little..

Then most uncerimenosuly i slowly and steadily pushed my middle index finger into his hole..

He gasped for breath and clamped down on my finger.. "ugh" he said..

"Yea.. having second thoughts yet.. Now.. breathe.." i said and he blew out a long breath.. "He relaxed a little and i started moving my finger in and out.. wiggling around a little.. spreading lube around as much as i could..

I completely slid the finger out and applied more lube and he sighed some relief.. i ran the length of his crack again.. and slid the finger back in.. he tensed up again so i stopped moving.. "breathe" i said again.. he started breathing and i started slowly working his hole.. Honestly i was only past the first ring of muscle.. sliding .. lubing.. while he squirmed and grunted..

"This is a finger little bro.." i said trying to warn him "thats all.. and it's not very far in.. are you sure you want to do this.. because if you do there are a lot bigger things to come.. "

He was silent for a moment but then started wriggling his ass to create more movement.. "yes.. " he said "i want to know"..

just as he finished saying it i pushed my finger all the way in past the second ring of muscle and he yelped and clamped down on my finger.. i stopped moving again.. "breathe.. relax" i told him as he wimpered in pain..

After a few moments he relaxed a little and i started working his second ring.. i withdrew at several points adding more lube trying to get as much as possible up inside him..

Now i may be tall .. and my fingers may be long.. but i couldnt reach the third ring of muscle.. but i knew something else i had could.. we just werent there yet..

After working his hole for a while he seemed to loosen up.. accepting of my finger.. even pushing back some at times.. at this point i knew he was ok.. so i added my middle finger on the next assualt.. he grunted.. tightened.. but then breathed again..

So here i was 2 fingers deep into my little step brother who i really didnt know the month before.. 'what am i doing' i thought to myself. 'i must be crazy..' but i was rock hard the entire time..

After a few more minutes of loosening him up accompanied by squirms and moans from wade i slapped his tight ass and said "move".. he lifted his head for a minute breathing kinda heavily..

"NOW" i said forcefully.. and he rolled over out from under me..

I laid down on my back and grabbed my cock.. pointing it straight up i said "ok.. straddle me.. line up.. and sit back.. SLOWLY"

Apprehensivly he climbed on top of me.. on his knees straddling me.. i rubbed a more then generous amount of lube all over my cock and started teasing his hole with it..

He started to sit back on it and i stopped him.. "Take a deep breath.. then exhale slowly and ease yourself down.." As he exhaled he pushed into my cock but nothing seemed to happen.. he kept pushing but i wasnt going in.. "nothing is happening.. it's too big.."

"Fine" i said "bring your face down here.. " and he looked at me strangely..

"you arent.. are you going to kiss me?" he asked.. I thought about it and honestly i had no desire to kiss him.. like i said before there was no real desire between us..

I smacked him moderately accross the head.. "I told you to do what i said.. now do it.. bring your face closer.." i said in an angry voice.. not that i was really angry..

He slowly leaned down to me.. Suddenly i leaned up real quick and bit him HARD on the ear drawing blood.. at the same time i pulled his legs forward and jabbed upwards.

"OOOOOWWWWWWW" he yelled and grabbed his ear squirming ontop of me.. "what did you do that for"

"shutup you want to wake everyone.. " i said sternly.. Then he realized the head of my cock was past the entrance to his ass and brushing gently against his second ring of muscle.. and his ass clamped down on my dick threatening to rip it off.. I supressed a deep moan..

"Dont move.. relax and breathe.." i said.. Well he really didnt listen.. he relaxed and breathed but also moved around on my cock as he did..

Periodically his ass would tighten.. strangling my cock.. after a minute or so of moving around i asked "you ok?"

"um.. yea.. it's just .. um.. uncomfortable.." wade replied..

I knew if i pulled it he would contract.. tighten up.. and i'd never get it back in there.. so i decided to push forward..

"Ok.. take a deep breath.. exhale and as you exhale push down and out.. yes out like you are taking a dump.."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.. after holding it for a second he gritted his teeth and pushed.. "breathe out"..

He did and my cock slid down past the second ring of muscle.. he collapsed forward onto me.. I had to raise my hips and thighs up to stay in position and not slide bak out..

He was breathing heavy against my chest but he didnt cry out again.. He was being a real trooper..

I put my hand on top of his head and rubbed his bristly crewcut hair while he adjusted to me being there.. I wasnt totally nice and supportive.. yes.. i cradled his head and pet it while he adjusted.. but my other hand groped his sinewy arm.. feeling his strong tricept muscles flexing as he breathed in and out..

"It's ok little bro.. just one more to go and you are home free.." i said quietly..

as we laid there for a few minutes i couldnt help it.. my cock pulsed every few seconds.. i mean his ass was hot and tight.. the softness gripping me in it's grasp..

alternately his ass would clamp on my cock and release it.. he pulsed every few seconds.. I felt his hands run down my sides feeling my lats to my waist.. slowly i lowered my hips and legs and he followed staying in position until i was flat against the bed again..

I thought maybe this had gone too far.. but before i could say anything.. as in response he sat up straight and drove himself home on my cock..

He growled through gritted teeth as he pushed past the third ring of muscle and i felt my cock mash directly into his prostate.. He WANTED this.. and he wanted it bad..

When i hit he shook and shuddered for a second not knowing what happened.. honestly i thought he might have blacked out for a second there..

"Holy crap" he said as my cock sat there pushed just past his prostate..

"yea?" i asked him..

"oh yea.." he grinned.. and lifted up and slammed himself back down onto my cock..

He shuddered again and instinctivly reached down for his own cock..

I slapped his hands away "No. bad boy" and he wimpered.. "again"

He pulled up and slammed down on my cock.. and i throbbed inside him as i passed his prostate.. He paused each time as he shuddered.. and i slapped him in the face.. "hey.. who told you to stop" obediently he pulled up again and this time i angled my hips so i didnt slide past his prostate this time i just mashed right into it.. He shook but continued.. up down shudder.. up down shudder.. He wasnt pulling out far.. just far enough so the entire time i could feel almost my entire dick encased in his soft velvety tight ass gripping my cock.. trying to pull all the cum out of it.. then rushing back the other way firing every nerve ending possible in my cock.. I grabbed on to his bicepts and felt as they flexed when he pushed himself up and shiver.. going weak as he landed back down..

I could tell he was getting close because his cock was throbbing.. bouncing off my stomach evertime he landed.. not just oozing but almost shooting precum accross me..

I felt his right arm move as he went for his cock and i immediately slid both my hands down his arms and locked his wrists onto the bed..

"I said NO. now ride"

"you dont understand.. UGH.." wade pleaded "I need ..UGH.. to cum.. OH.. I just need a pull or two.. AHH.."

I said nothing but fought to keep his hands locked and my aim true.. I could almost barely take anymore.. A few more thrusts and he was begging "PLEASE.. ugh... let go.. ugh.. my cock.."

"NO Speed up." I barked at him

And he did.. his strokes got shorter and shorter.. my cock pulverized his prostate repeatedly.. he started shaking uncontrollably.. I could feel the cum rising up in my shaft.. and all of the sudden his cock erupted.. he shot a rope of cum clear over my head hitting the wall behind me.. his ass clamped down on my cock so hard as he pulled back up slightly that my cock exploded inside him coating his prostate with warmpth and wetness.. as he twiched and shot he involuntairly moved slightly up and down on my cock pulling more come out of it while shooting more cum out of his.. He shook.. almost vibrated my cock against his prostate.. as ropes of cum flew all over me..

Then as if he was caught in an endless time loop he twiched.. bounced.. shot.. twiched.. bounced shot.. over and over.. he must have shot 8 or 9 times before he finally collapsed onto the left side of my body..eyes rolled up in his head.. shaking almost uncontrollably. his head resting on my shoulder..

laying there spent.. he kept twitching and shuddering.. no longer able to cum anymore.. gasping for breath.. until he finally slowed down..

As the time between his shudders and twitches increased my heartbeat finally started to decrease.. my cock was totally spent but still rock hard pulsing in his ass.. i didnt know that it would ever soften.. I had cum so much my cock ached..

I didnt want to disturb him but curiousity got the best of me.. i reached down with my right hand and ran my finger through the thick coating of cum he left on my chest and absentmindedly brought it to my mouth.. sweet cum mixed with sweat.. wow what a flavor..

I reached over and went back to stroking his head.. and for a moment i wondered if he had a seizure or something.. If it werent for his breathing i would have wondered if wade was still alive.. he lay there motionless ontop of me.. i grabbed the back of his head and ruffled playfully for a second before holding his head up so i could see into his eyes..

He looked back at me with a lost amazement.. most unfocused.. then smiled at me.. and i knew he was ok.. I put his head back down on my shoulder and rested for a minute..

at some point my cock softened and slipped out of his ass.. and we must have drifted off.. because the next thing i knew he was still there but now laying half ontop of me and half off.. his head still in my hand but his legs were stretched out straddling my left leg.. and his soft cock was slumbering next to mine.. he was snoring lightly..

i went back to sleep..

I woke up the next morning with wade still sleeping there.. i peeled myself out from under him and he actually remained asleep.. or as least i think he did.. i went in and grabbed a shower.. i was covered in lube and caked on cum.. when i finally got clean and out he was still crashed out.. i searched my dresser and realized i didnt even have any clean underwear.. so i went over to his and grabbed a pair of briefs.. slid them on.. and lay down on his vacant bed for a minute.. then drifted back off to sleep..

I woke up to see wade groaning and stretching..sitting up on my bed naked with his long soft cock laying there still spent between his legs.. i guess he was too used up for even a morning wood.. he looked at me and laughed "thanks for showing me that" he said and got up heading for the shower..

"no problem.. " i said after him..

nothing else really happened for the next few weeks.. jacking off here and there.. but thats it.. i finally finished repairing my house by the end of the month and moved back in.. now i really only see him at family gatherings.. and it was months later i saw him at my fathers house for some event.. superbowl.. whatever.. but i noticed when he bent over to get a beer out of a cooler on the floor.. yea.. that familiar blue and white lycra band flashed over the top of his low cut shorts.. the boxerbriefs from that night of jacking off.. and i had to wonder.. did he ever wash them..

notes from the author:

Well i have to say it really didnt take me long to write this.. however i was tempted to.. shall i say.. delay the release.. of each section.. just to intensify the reading pleasure..

I had fun documenting this.. and i hope you enjoyed reading it. Please feel free to email me with comments etc..

And yes, if you are wondering, people have asked me if this is a true story..

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