Connecting with My Step Brother

By Muscle

Published on Nov 1, 2017


Story by Connecting with my Step Brother - Part 2

Nothing much happeened over the next day or so.. things went on pretty normally.. Wade had been pretty reserved when i first came back to live here but he had been slowly warming up.. I didnt know what things had been like on his side of the divorce.. He and his older brother (still both younger than me) grew up with thier father..

i never really saw them.. so i had no idea what their relationship was like..

I walked down into the living room and noticed something strange.. he was there watching TV.. but he was laying in the same spot i always lay in. edge of the couch with his knees over the armrest.. legs dangling over the side.. nobody ever did this but me..

"Hey, whats up".. i said as i walked by and plopped down on the other side of the L couch.

"i stole your spot." he kinda snickered as he looked at me..

"it's the most comfortable.. well to me".. i said..

"it's alright.. but not too great on my back" he said squirming a little, but he made no move to vacate it.

I couldnt tell.. was it a power play.. agression.. or was it something more akin to admiration of imitation. I wasnt sure..

but i didnt think more of it.. and a few minutes later Wade crawled up and left the room uncerimoneously..

Not much happened the rest of the day.. but when i went back to our room that night i noticed Wade was playing on my computer..

"sorry, um can i borrow your computer" he asked as i walked in.. " Mine isnt working"..

i was instantly worried but played it off.. "no problem.. i stripped down to my boxers and flopped on my bed..

"so what was it like growing up with an older brother?" i asked genuinely curious.. "i didnt have a brother growin up"..

Wades eyes didnt really leave the screen.. "it was ok.. he was always agressive.. in control.. everything was a damn hand me down.. i never had my own clothes.. i never had my own stuff.. " he trailed off..

"well i kinda undertsand that.. Lisa always got the new car.. the new stereo.. and i always got her old shit.. "

then he looked at me with some steely grey eyes.. "but thats not what you wanted to know about is it??"

i looked over at him questioningly.. and he turned my computer around to face me.. My jaw dropped as i saw.. well this window.. I'm a guy.. there is porn on my computer. straight.. gay.. bisexual.. all kinds of stuff.. THATS what i expected.. not the window containing the notes i made from before.. I mean he was reading part 1 of THIS..

"I really dont know what to say.." I stammered as he kept looking at me.. "It's not like i'm attracted to you or going to rape you in your sleep.."

"but clearly you got off wearing my underwear" he retorted.

"I'm not sure why.." i responded..

"You wonder what me and Chris did growing up.." he turned back to the computer making it face him again..

"I know you said you were into girls..i know you are heavy into anime girls.."

"um yea.. you wrote that here..." he laughed

I was apprehensive to ask the next question but it was burning in my mind. "so did anything happen between you two growing up.."

"Chris was the golden boy" Wade said.. "first born male.. treated like a king.. and he knew it.. everyone in the house did what he wanted them to do.. "

Not sure what that meant i fell silent and just let him talk..

"When he was 15 or 16 he started openly jacking off in front of me because we shared a room.. Of course he said it was natural and normal.. whatever.."

"Well what can i say but he was my big brother.. and i wanted to be like him.. so i started too.."

"We never really looked at each other.. or paid too much attention to each other while we did.. well ok.. i did watch him sometimes to see if i was doing it right.. it felt great.. "

I was only 13-14 at the time.. so i didnt ever really finish.. he did.. and i kinda wondered what that was all about.."

"at first i thought he peed on himself.. but it was white.. ".. "then one day a while later i was jacking off by myself.. and things were just getting so intense.. much more intense than ever before.. and i started to shoot.. i almost couldnt stop.. then i really understood.."

At this point i was absentmindedly stroking myself through my underwear.. wondering if it was uncool of me.. but the story was kinda hot..

The next day Chris noticed i was cumming.. and smiled at me after we had finished.. he wiped himself up with a sock and then threw it at me.. it hit my face and i pulled it off kinda disgusted.. i could smell his cum on it.. but just proceeded to wipe myself up with it.."

"It went on that way for a while.. and we started watching porn togeather.. straight porn.. I have no idea where he got it.. I found out later our dad gave it to him.."

"men and women.. sucking.. fucking.. shooting.. it was great.. each from our own beds.. trying to time our shots with the videos.. "

"It went on like that for a long time.. I mean he also dated.. i dated.. i convinced an easy chick to let me fuck her when i was 15 and it was heaven.. nothing like jacking off at all.. it was the best.."

I realized at this point exactly how straight he was.. he was after pussy plain and simple, i really wasnt suprised..

"we'd lie in bed at night talking about dates.. fucking.. the whole thing in detail.. some nights i'd get laid.. others he would.. but we'd always talk about it over porn and a jack.."

"sounds like a good way to get inducted into sex.." i said.. still stroking my cock. Wade was stroking himself too through his rather thin lycra boxerbriefs.. but i didnt know what he was looking at on the computer..

"ok so what about you.." he responded "i told you my 'induction' story.. tell me yours.. "

I was a little apprehensive.. turned away and laid on my back..

"well.. it's not nearly as good.." i started.. "i guess i'm an early bloomer.. i actually had my first wet dream at the age of 12. I was asleep and dreaming of this beautiful woman.. It was hot.. she was tight.. and it was.. wow.. amazing.. even for a dream.. i woke up covered in spunk with no idea what had happened.."

"So at the time i withdrew from everyone. well i was by myself anyway.. Lisa lived with our mom.. you guys all lived with your dad.. so it was just me and my dad.. and he was always at work.. so i could and did spend all day "entertaining" myself.. "

Wade was silent.. listening.. but still stroking and looking at the computer..

"i was a loner in Jr high.. HS.. and just squeaked by.. when i was 15 or 16 and ended up in public school living at my moms i finally got a few friends and started dating.. "

"I found the cheapest.. easiest girl i could find. Determined for some REAL sex.. Her mother was a titty dancer at some club.."

"After a short dating scene i finally got her back to my house when nobody was home (we were cutting classes).. We climbed in bed and she really just went stiff as a board.. i dont know if she was in shock.. or just a simple and total deadfuck.. honestly i was so turned off i totally couldnt even get it up.. then i was embarrassed.."

"I was kinda saved from discrace because Lisa came home and i kinda darted out of my room with a 'what the hell are you doing here'..

she responded with "we had an assembly and got out early.. what the hell are you doing here.." i turned and went back to my room.. i told heather it was time to go.. and sorry.. and we'll have to pick this up another time.. "

I didnt look over at Wade but just kinda continued on..

"From there i went back to making out and wondering if i might be gay or something.. it bugged me for a long time.. I found myself looking at women longingly.. and even sometimes looking at men questioningly.."

"Kinda like.. wow he has a good body i bet he works out for it.. not 'wow i wonder what his cock looks like..'"

I kinda glanced over at Wade who was quiet and just listening and watching me.. I had stopped stroking my cock at this point and wasnt even hard.. i really couldnt believe i was saying all this to my little step brother..

"so after dating a couple of REALLY uptight girls.. getting nowhere.. i decided to put something to the test.."

"I mean in that day and age there were no illicit massage parlors that i knew of.. the only place i knew a guy could go get his rocks off was at a bookstore.. so somewhere when i was 16 or 17 (i cant even remember).. i went to a bookstore.. found a dark booth with a glory hole.. put on some straight porn and got a blowjob from some stranger.. never saw who it was.. but i'm sure it was probably some 80 year old gay guy.. well maybe 60.. the person had teeth.."..

for the first time in a while Wade said something.. "wow.. i would never have thought to do that at that age.."..

"Yea.. well there werent a lot of options for the day.. and i was tired of playing the 'romantic' games attempting to get sex from the frigid girls at school. You also had Chris to show you how dating was done and closing the deal" i said although i realized i was assuming a great deal at that point..

"How was it" he asked

"Well it was a blowjob.. and after all a blowjob is just a blowjob" i said adjusting my dick. "i mean over the years i have found guys give better blowjobs than girls.. but it's all pretty much the same.."

"huh" he replied and said nothing else..

"So finally i went off to college and hooked up with a girl there.. finally got really into sex.. and how hot it was.. i mean Kats body was incredible.. not supermodel.. big tits and an ass to match.. but soft in all the right places and TIGHT in all the right places.. she had only ever had sex with her one ex and me so she was pretty easy to please. but pretty vanilla.."

"I have to say, tho, at the same time i trolled the guys too.. just like 13 i was insatiable.. and was always wanting to get off.. i didnt care if it was Kat and her tight body.. or some closeted jock giving me a blowjob in the bathroom.. it was all good.."

I noticed i was absentmindedly back to rubbing my cock.. and so was Wade..

After graduation kat wanted to get married.. i wanted to explore the world and what it had to offer so we went our separate ways.. and i've dated some girls and some guys ever since.."

I still dont know why i said so much. I had never say anything to my family before about being even remotely bi. I guess had just outted myself to my step brother who i barely knew.. but hey at the age of 42.. who really cares anymore..

"wow" wade replied.."so did you ever.. you know.. "


"be on the recieving end.. with a guy.." he was stroking while asking..

"not at first.. i was strictly a top.. but after a while i found out that topping a girl was so much better than topping a guy.. I dont know.. they just have soooo many more muscles down there.. they can really GRAB ON!"

"but arent guys supposed to be tight.." he asked..

"Yea some are.. REALLY tight.. like deathgrip, rip your dick off tight.. others arent.. So i take it you never did anything with a guy.."

Wade continued to stroke his cock through his underwear..

"one time before college" wade started " when chris came home horny because he didnt get any..

we were watching porn and he asked me to come give him a hand.. i didnt really know what to do.. but i was curious so i went over to his bed and sat down.. I kinda reached out and grabbed his cock and slowly started stroking it.. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back smiling.."

Wade reached down into his underwear and grabbed his cock looking up at the ceiling..

"It was hard.. yet spongy.. i had never seen another cock upclose.. and never felt anyone's but mine.. especially not one that was boned up.. it was kinda surreal.."

"After a few minutes he wispered 'go ahead.. suck it..' and i thought .. this is my brother.. and i didnt know what to do.. then he moved his hands to my head and pushed me down towards is dick.. I looked at it.. and finally just opened my mouth and sucked it in.. I could feel it jump in my mouth and tasted something sweet...using my tongue i could feel the channel along the underside of his cock filling up.. it was hard.. veiny.. but it didnt tast bad or anything.. smelled a little musky.. "

I Stroked my cock at the thought.. Chris was .. well hot.. he worked out all the time.. had tons of bulk muscle.. but he was short.. one of those guys who made up for his lack of height by being overdeveloped physically..

"Whos bigger" i asked.. the words slipped out of my mouth before i even realized what i said.. "er" i stumbled.. as wade paused for a moment.. "sorry.. i was just curious.. "

"No biggie" he replied and continued stroking.. "actually he's pretty thick but i'm a couple of inches longer.."

I didnt ask if that was approximated or if they 'measured up' with one another somehow.

"After a while he started to tense up.. so i tried to pull off.. but he held my head in place.. I didnt swallow but had the aftertaste of cum once i spit it out.. "

"Yea thats another bonus" i replied "gay guys usually swallow.. keeps things nice and clean for easy getaways if youre in a bathroom.."

wade laughed and then went silent..

after a minute he said "well that happened a couple of times.. but thats all.. nothing more.. "

we lay there stroking for a while.. not talking.. but then we both started at the same time..

"whats your ultimate fantasy" i asked.. at the same time he asked "did it hurt.. to get fucked.."

I hadnt really said I ever bottomed but i guess i implied it..

I jumped back in first.. "why" and i snickered "is that your fantasy.."

"No" he replied not defensivly at all "my ultimate fantasy would be to fuck a girl for six or seven hours straight.. no breaks.. just cum and keep going.. cum and keep going.. cum and keep going.."

He shivered at the thought edging himself to the brink but not coming. He breathed deeply.. "what about you.."

"Honestly.. to fuck a hot girl while a hot guy is fucking me.." it was my turn to shiver a the thought.. "and in answer to your question.. of course.. at first.. but you'd never believe the sensations after that.. Try having a girl use a strapon on you or something if you are weirded out by it.. worth it.." i replied.

by this time Wade had one hand groping his balls and one hand stroking his cock.. yea i was watching.. pretty intently.. and i'm sure he noticed.. i'm pretty sure he even reached down to circle his hole..

"so have you been lusting after me.." he asked tentativly..

I paused.. just to give him the wrong idea for the moment.. well after all he is a little brother and it's my job as a big brother to torture him a little bit.. "No" i said.. and continued stroking..

"Well thats not really the impression i got from.. um.. what you wrote.." he went back to stroking..

"Actually.. if you really read it.. it's more jealousy.. i want to HAVE your body.. not have your body.." i replied. "but i have to admit i did get turned on wearing your underwear.. but it's more of a cock to cock thing.. not necessairly YOUR cock.. i never shared clothes with anyone before.. especially something so.. anatomically molded.." i laughed lightly..

"Oh" wade replied.. "well i'm used to sharing clothes.. i've done it with Chris most of my life.. so your welcome to wear any of them.. if you can keep your cock under control.."

"Thanks" i said.. "and you are welcome to wear mine.. it doesnt bother me either.."

"Well it's late and i'm tired.." i finally said after a few moments of quiet.. "i'm going to go to sleep.."

"Yea me too" wade replied" after i'm finished here.."

We lay there in silence both stroking our own cocks. I kept glancing over at him and his long hard cock.. his flat stomach.. and the definition in his tightened arm.. I noticed he looked over at my cock a few times too.. but mainly kept to himself..

Strangley our breathing kept about the same rythm.. i dont know if i was trying to time with him or him with me.. I kept thinking about his body.. and wondered if i was lusting after him.. until finally we both started muffled moaning at the same time.. both of us shuddering and coming at the same time.. we shook until it finally subsided and lay there realxing for a minute..

without a word we each wiped up.. tucked back into our underwear and fell asleep

Next: Chapter 3

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