Confessions of an Interior Designer

By Matt Smith

Published on May 24, 2023


Confessions of a Interior Designer

All the legal stuff applys.

These are true stories of my encounters in my 10 year career as an Interior Designer.


I went out that night and met with some friends. I was really horny, really up for some action but all I could think of was Ben and his cute cute cute arse. I left the bar early and headed home to get some sleep.

I lay in bed naked, rock hard and thought of Ben. How could I be obsessed with this 19 year old? Ok there were only four years between us, but he was in college and I was a professional, who his parents had hired and I really wasn't sure if it was wise that I make a move on my clients son.

I drifted off to sleep, resisting the urge to wank off. I has planned to sleep in the next day, but I was woken by a knocking at my door in the early hours. I tried to ignore it but it went on and on. I slipped out of bed, found some jogging bottoms, put them on and headed for the door. I glanced at the clock and it was a little after 4.30am.

The knocking on the door continued and I peered through the peep hole to see who it was. To my surprise, my heart missed a beat as I saw Ben standing there. I opened the door.

"What the fuck?" I said

Ben burst into tires.

"You'd better come in" I said putting my arm around him. My cock stirred as I walked Ben into my lounge. "Whats the matter?"

"Its stupid, stupid, I thought he wanted it"

"Wanted what? Who?" I asked

"Ryan" he eventually blurted out, "We were messing around, y'know, talking girls and that and he said he's never had a good blowjob from a girl and said that he heard that guys were better at it."

I could sense where this was going, my arm squeezed Ben a little tighter.

"He got his cock out and came over to me, pushing it in my face. I thought, I thought he wanted it" he was pretty much weeping now "I opened my mouth and grabbed it. He pushed me away and said that he didn't want no gay boy staying at his house and threw me out. I had nowhere to go, no money, I didn't know where to go."

Ben and I assumed Ryan, lived the otherside of London to me, and it was a long and dangerous walk to get to mine.

"You must have been walking for hours" I said, "let me get you a drink"

I headed to the kitchen, my boner obvious in my joggers. I was slightly ashamed of myself for getting turned on by a distressed 19 year old who had just lost his best friend cos he was gay, but he was just so damn sexy and I was so damn horny, I just wanted to take him to the bedroom and fuck him senseless, actually I could just fuck him on the sofa. My cock twitched and I snapped out of my daydream and poured Ben some juice.

There was no way of hiding my erection as I walked back to Ben, he looked up at me as I walked towards him and saw the bulge and smiled.

"You can stay here tonight" I said, "I've got a spare room. I'm sure it'll be better in the morning."

"You don't mind do you" he said, "I couldn't go home, mum and dad would know something was up. I didn't know whereas to go, I had your business card in my pocket"

I smiled "I don't mind, you're a good lad and hey if people see you leaving here tomorrow morning they'll be well jealous"

I thought I might have pushed it, I has just insinuated that we'd "spent the night together".

"You'd better get some sleep" I said and showed him to his room.

When I woke the next morning I popped my head round the door of the spare bedroom. Ben was laying in tight black boxers on the bed, the covers half drapped on the floor. He looked so cute as he slept. I headed back to my bedroom and showered in my en suite. My cock was rock hard and I just needed to pump it. I closed my eyes, imagining Ben as he lay in bed. My hand moved quickly back and forth, this was a fast and frantic wank and soon I shot my load. As I opened my eyes, I half hoped that Ben would be standing there, naked pumping his own cock as I watched me, but alas he wasn't.

I'd eaten breakfast, watched the lastes news and done some work, before Ben appeared. He hadn't dressed and was just in his black boxers, with that just got out of bed look - so cute.

"Hey," I said "good sleep?"

"Great" he said, "It's kind of good that someone knows I'm gay"

I smiled, "It's always a relief to tell someone" I said "I cam remember what its like. Want some food?"

I made a quick lunch and we chatted some more. I was less horny now so although I still wanted to jump on him and fuck his brains out, I didn't have the rock hard erection which I had had in the middle of the night.

"So what do you like doing?" Ben asked, "sexually I mean."

I was taken aback by the question. We'd just been chatting and now he wanted to know what I liked to do in the bedroom. I didn't know what to say, I looked into his eyes, their was a glint, I took a gamble.

"Well, why don't I show you, it'll be more fun."

Ben smiled and I walked over to him, taking him in my arms. He was still half naked and I could feel his cock pushing aganist my thigh, he was already hard. I kissed him, deep and hard, pushing my tongue into his mouth. I felt his hands on my back, he began to kiss back. It had begun. I had crossed the line from friend to lover and he had crossed the line from being the clients son to my lover.

We continued to kiss and I felt as his hands went up the inside of my t-shirt. Within minutes I was topless and Ben was kissing and licking my chest. We kissed some more I was desperate to get to the next stage, but Ben stopped kissing me and said:

"This is great, but I've gotta get home, my mum and dad..."

"I know" I said "Why don't you come back later? Say 7?"

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Next: Chapter 4

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