Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Nov 3, 2023


This story is fantasy. Unsafe activities take place. You should not take part in anything that isn't safe.

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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 9

Phil smiled as he took the key from the waiter and pocketed it.

You caused quite a stir among the other diners with all your moaning and groaning,' he said. You sounded just like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally'. In fact one of the guys on that table said, I'll have what he's having' when his waiter came to take his order. You really were quite shameful.'

I blushed, but secretly I was somewhat turned on with this latest piece of humiliating information and there was a stirring in my groin. I guess that Phil was aware of how I would react too, because he seized the controller and I began to feel an arousing vibration in my arse and this was accompanied by pulsing electrical stimulation to my prostate. Within seconds my erection had fully returned even though it was only a few minutes since my orgasm at the hands of the waiter in the toilet. Looking down I saw that the semi-dried patch of precum on my jeans was getting wetter and was increasing in size.

`What about a dessert?' suggested Robin.

`'Good idea,' agreed Phil.

Again we studied the menus and I relaxed into the stimulation. At least I was sure that I wouldn't need the toilet again, so I hoped to be spared the ignominy of having to walk through the crowded room with an obvious erection and a large wet patch on my jeans.

Once we had decided on our desserts, Phil attracted the waiter's attention by upping the vibrations, so that I again emitted a loud moan.

The waiter approached and, with a knowing smirk in my direction, took our orders.

By the time our desserts were served my erection was again at full mast and the restriction of my cock in my tight jeans was causing me a certain amount of discomfort. Naturally, this only served to increase my excitement and to ensure that once again the precum stain on the front of groin area was becoming more and more of an embarrassment. I wriggled in my seat in an attempt to relieve the pressure on my dick and this merely served to drive the butt plug more firmly against my prostate. Effectively I was caught in a vicious circle – the more I sought to relieve the pressure on my cock, the more my prostate was stimulated and this increased the pressure on my cock as it tried to expand into the restricted space for it.

By the time we had finished our desserts, it was getting late, maybe about 11.00, and many of the tables in the restaurant were now empty.

Looking at the damp patch on my jeans, Phil said, `You really cannot walk out showing that shameful mess. Everyone will recognise you for a sex slut.' As if they hadn't worked that out already!!!

It's just as well,' he went on, that I have come prepared. I have brought you a change of clothing in the car.'

He handed me the key to the lock on my belt and told me to strip off my jeans, socks and boots. What??? Here???

`You won't need them. I will take them to the car and bring back your change of clothing.'

When I began to protest that I couldn't be naked from the waist down in this respectable restaurant, he merely encouraged me by sending a maximum blast of current and vibrations through my anus. As I was attempting to stifle my scream, I realised that I really had no alternative but to obey. And my cock was driving me to accept, much against my better judgement, that this would be an amazingly horny situation for an exhibitionist. So I complied, removing my boots and socks. I struggled somewhat with the zips in the calves of my jeans, but eventually succeeded. I unlocked the belt and unbuttoned my flies. Again I struggled when I lowered my jeans because they were tight and I didn't wish to stand up and reveal my nakedness to the few remaining customers.

Once I was naked below the waist, Phil gleefully told me to stand and bend over so that Robin could pull out the butt plug. Trying to make myself as small and unobtrusive as possible, I presented my naked arse above table level to Robin who sharply pulled the plug out. The sudden expansion to my sphincter caused me to emit an involuntary gasp. Luckily I think the people who could have heard me were too involved in their own conversations to notice.

Grabbing my clothing and the plug, Phil walked over to the door. On the way out, he stopped for a word with the waiter and the maitre d' who were both at the cash desk by the door.

So, there I was, sitting totally indecent in a very public space. The only thing protecting me from total exposure was the table which seemed to have shrunk in size. Then Robin grabbed my right thigh and hooked it over his left leg. I was now in some sort of slut heaven as he gently fondled my inner thigh. His caressing fingers moved inexorably nearer to my balls and shaft. I thrilled as he fondled my scrotum, sending shivers of excitement coursing through my whole body, but especially my engorged erection.

I abandoned myself to my sluttish instincts and reached over to his lap. I could feel his erection through his jeans and I was pleased that he didn't object when I fumbled to undo his flies and release it. We were enjoying mutual masturbation in public, in a completely inappropriate and unsafe area.

Robin drew closer and whispered in my ear, `You know, I am beginning to understand how you enjoy public displays. It really is so horny.'

I smiled at his new-found understanding and relaxed into the physical sensations of lust while he used the precum that was pouring from my piss slit as a lubricant while he massaged my whole shaft.

Suddenly, my feelings of bliss were dashed when I saw the waiter approach. He had changed out of his formal waiting uniform into jeans and t-shirt and was carrying several paper towels in front of him. He appeared to be trying to use them to disguise a bulge at the front of his jeans.

He sat down next to me in Phil's seat and said, `Do you mind if I join you? My shift has finished and, although it is rather irregular, the boss has told me that it would be OK for me to sit with tonight's most enjoyable customers for a while. By the way, your friend said that he thought you might need these towels in order to protect the upholstery.'

He was right and I quickly used a couple of the towels to keep my flow from staining the seat.

The waiter (I still didn't know his name) grabbed my left thigh and trapped it between his legs. As a result, my whole groin area was now fully exposed under the table. Before getting to work on me, the waiter undid his flies and pulled out his own cock which he proceeded to stroke to full erection.

I sat back into the padded seat, grasping a cock in each hand and let the other two have full access to me. My grunts and moans were beyond my control and frankly I didn't care. I sat back and relaxed into the scenario. A three-way mutual wank session in public scores very highly on this exhibitionist's scale.

As I slowly stroked their two cocks, I delighted in the attention I was receiving: fingers caressing my balls and shaft, hands gently massaging my inner thighs. I was confident that I could last quite a long time before cumming, as it wasn't long since the waiter had brought me off in the toilet. Then I was aware that a finger was circling my anus. It probed seeking entry. This was heaven. The one finger was joined by a second and then a third. They probed deeper, seeking and then finding my prostate. My cock was on fire. My guts were aflame. Suddenly I was on the edge again.

Please cool it, guys,' I said. I'm so close to cumming.'

They reduced the intensity of their stimulations and I looked up to see that Phil had returned. He was carrying a backpack which I hoped contained some clothing for my nether regions. What it could be I couldn't guess, as I knew he had not had the opportunity of finding any clothes of mine before we had left my flat.

He grinned broadly and said, `I see that you three are having fun. Well, I need the toilet. Why don't you come with me, Robin?' And he winked. Pausing only to stuff his cock back in his jeans, Robin jumped up and eagerly followed my ex into the toilet, leaving the waiter and me to continue.

I decided that I needed to learn this guy's name, so I asked him and he replied that he was called Aaron.

Aaron now proceeded to use both hands on me. I realised that it had been the fingers of his right that had invaded my arse and brought me so much pleasure and now he reached across with his left to take over on my cock where Robin had been working before.

Unbidden, the maitre d' came over with three Peronis and another mineral water which he placed on the table.

`I'm sure you are all working up a good thirst,' he smiled and he left us, with a knowing smile on his lips.

`He's a really cool guy,' said Aaron. We both took a mouthful of beer and then we returned to our under-table play.

Aaron was an expert at edging. He seemed to know just when I was about to reach my climax and he would stop. Several times he brought me to the brink and left me there. Soon I was a quivering wreck, panting, moaning, sweating and definitely frustrated.

I don't know how long Phil and Robin were away in the toilet, but it was definitely far longer than necessary for a pee. I saw them return, both with satisfied smiles on their faces.

`What have you two been doing?' I asked

`Robin can tell you later at home. Anyway, it's time you got dressed and we went on somewhere else.'

`Aaron, do you want to come with us?' I asked.

`Love to,' came the reply.

Phil rummaged in his backpack and produced a pair of speedos and a pair of flip-flops. Here you are,' he said, handing them to me. Oh, and you'd better take off your shirt. You don't want to get it dirty.'

What did he have in mind? My heart sank and then immediately rose again. So far this evening had been almost perfect, so I was up for anything.

I was really turned on that I now had to remove my shirt in the restaurant and then leave wearing only speedos and flip-flops. I had difficulty forcing my erection into the trunks and once it was lodged there, it was obvious to everyone who looked that I was like a bitch on heat. Of course, the sight of a grown man walking down the street in the evening wearing nothing but very revealing swimwear would attract the attention of all passers-by.

Once the four of us left the relative safety of the table, where I was at least partially shielded from view, we waited by the cash desk while Phil paid the maitre d'. He was careful to ensure that I stood next to the window and I was aware that several people walking by stopped and stared in at a semi-naked man with a huge erection, adding their gazes and, doubtless, comments to those of the few diners still in the restaurant.

Naturally, the walk back to the car was an embarrassment for me. I was manoeuvred to walk in front with Aaron beside me while Robin and Phil walked behind. There was no way I could hide my sexual arousal from the people approaching us. My predicament was not assisted when, from time to time, Aaron placed an almost proprietorial hand on my buttocks. He gradually did this more often until he was fondling and massaging them which added an extra frisson of excitement for me and an extra item for comment for other pedestrians. I was aware that I was flushed all over my body, a combination of embarrassment and sexual arousal. And again my speedos were sporting a damp patch for all to see.

Then Aaron thrust his right hand down the back of my speedos. He went on massaging my buttocks and I felt one of his fingers probe between them as he began circling my hole. The precum was now glistening in the light from the streetlamps and I was breathing deeply, trying to control the urge to rub myself to orgasm right there in the street.

Thus it was that we finally reached Phil's car. I was relieved, hoping that getting in would afford me a partial sanctuary and hopefully I would be able to gain some level of control over my lustful instincts.

Robin and Aaron got in the back while I sat next to Phil in the front. Before starting the engine, Phil said that he was disappointed at the state of my skimpy clothing and that I had to remove it.

Besides,' he went on, you won't be needing any clothing when we get there.'

My heart sank. Where was `there'? What would we be doing once we got there? The only upside that I could see was that now my cock was free to stand erect without difficulty for more or less the first time this evening.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 10

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