Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Oct 19, 2023


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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 7

Robin and I rushed into the changing room while Phil went into the viewing stand to take his seat to watch the team practice. Most of the other guys had already arrived and were in various states of undress. Of course, Ryan was wandering around naked, taking any opportunity to display his body, with it excellent definition, not to mention his infinitely lickable arse and beautiful cock.

He looked over as Robin and I entered and said, `I wasn't sure whether it would be worthwhile putting on my speedos as I wasn't sure if you would come tonight, Simon.'

With that, he came over towards us, making sure to show us his delectable physique. I knew full well that he took great pleasure in flaunting what I knew I could never have.

How are you settling in with Simon?' he asked Robin. I hope he hasn't corrupted you.'

`No. I'm still as pure as I always was,' came the quick reply – completely truthful and 100% misleading. Ten out of ten to Robin!

While Robin and I were stripping out of our clothes, the coach came in and asked Robin the same question, but without the suggestive undertones. Robin assured him that the arrangement was working out fine and that I was the perfect host.

The coach smiled at this reassurance and, turning to the whole team, told us to get a move on as we needed to improve our speeds in general and the slickness of our change-overs in relays was in need of particular attention. While this was going on, I was rummaging in my bag for my speedos and I was starting to panic – towel, yes – shower gel, yes – deodorant, yes – hair gel, yes – speedos – no!!!! Fucking Phil!!!! Then I found them tucked in the side pocket, at least it looked like them, but they definitely weren't mine. I checked them over. They were the right colour, but they were too big and they had been `doctored'. The drawstring had been removed. However, the lycra appeared in reasonable condition, so there was a fair chance that they would stay on with only infrequent times when I would have to hoist them up. Anyway I had no other option, as these were the only trunks available to me.

We trooped off to the pool. Before jumping in, I looked round to see Phil sitting on the front row. He was the only spectator this evening. He smiled and waved. I frowned back and in I jumped. I was slightly alarmed that, as I swam a few gentle strokes through the water, the looseness of the waist felt as if it was acting as a scoop picking up water and acting as a drag. The coach was definitely going to be pissed off with me this evening!

I was right. My timings were well down on what I could usually achieve because I needed to break my rhythm from time to time in order to hoist up my drooping speedos which were continually trying to come off. Of course, as an exhibitionist, I was happy to be naked in front of other guys, but it had to be in the right circumstances. I wasn't sure that I wanted to be naked in a swimming pool surrounded by my teammates.

After coach had seen the timings of all the team, he gave be a right rollicking.

`He's knackered. Too much sex.' That suggestion from Ryan was greeted with guffaws from everyone, and I saw that Phil was smirking. On the upside, I was pleased that Robin's efforts were well received by the coach. Robin, too, was delighted. I think he needed reassurance that he could be a success, after the trauma of being ejected from the family home.

Towards the end of the session the coach announced that it was time to practise the relay. We were divided into two teams of four. Each team member was to swim two lengths of the pool, so that coach could see all the change-overs. On my team it was down to me to swim the final stage, so I had an excellent view of how the race was progressing.

By the time Robin (number three on my team) dived into the water, we were about a metre and a half ahead. Robin's smooth, strong strokes made him scythe through the pool. I admired how the clear water streamed across his back and appeared to caress his lithe body and pert arse. My flaccid cock began to chub up a little.

However, this was not the appropriate time to think lustful thoughts, so I concentrated on the progress of the race. At the turn, Robin had increased the lead to a good two metres and was now ploughing through the water towards me while the coach cheered him on with shouts of encouragement.

I took my position on the block and, with a final hoist to my trunks, readied myself to dive in as soon as Robin's fingers touched the end wall.

He touched. I dived. As I moved swiftly under the water for about a fifth of the length of the pool, I felt my speedos dragging and descending to reveal my buttocks. Through the sound of water rushing past my ears, I was aware of some raucous catcalls from all the guys who had completed their laps.

As I went on, I could feel that my speedos would shortly begin to get tangled round my upper legs and thus slow me down even more. I was still smarting from the comments about my poor timings, so I made my decision. Everyone there had seen me naked in the changing room and showers, so I really had nothing to be ashamed of. With a quick movement which surprised even me with its speed and deftness, I shuffled off the offending garment and went on with the race.

At the turn I wasn't aware how close my competitor was, but on the return leg I passed him still approaching the turn. Now I was confident that I could not only win the race, but that I could increase the margin of the win. In fact the only problem that I encountered on the last leg was my discarded speedos which seemed to have taken on a life of their own. They tried to attach themselves to my face. I brushed them aside and powered forward to the end. It was only once I had completed the race that I dared look back to see where my rival was. I was relieved to see that, despite my problem with my trunks, I had not only maintained the lead that I had inherited from Robin, but I had actually increased it to about 3 metres. The applause from my teammates was wonderful and I basked in the glory that I felt. My pleasure was only increased when Robin and the other two jumped into the water beside me and gave me a celebratory hug. In the general excitement and celebration I had forgotten that I was naked.

Robin reminded me of this by fondling my balls and kissing me full on the lips. As his tongue made its way past my lips and started a lust-fuelled exploration of my mouth, my initial thought was that I should resist in order to retain some sort of decorum in front of my fellow team members. However, then the thought occurred to me that they all knew I was gay, they all knew that Robin was gay, they all knew that he was living with me and most of them knew that my flat had only one bedroom. So, I responded with passion.

Our clinch was only broken when the coach approached and said sarcastically, but with a warm smile on his face, If I can interrupt you two lovebirds for a moment, I want to congratulate you both on an outstanding effort. You have both earned your places in the team of six that I will select for our upcoming match in the county championships. But,' and here he paused in order to emphasise the following point, there are two conditions. Firstly, you, Simon, are to wear your speedos AT ALL TIMES during the competition, and, secondly, you are both to limit your celebrations, when you win, as I am sure you will, to a group hug with all team members.'

Yes, coach,' we both replied and I added, Now you must all excuse me as I need to have a word with Phil, who I used to think was my friend.'

I looked around the seating area and Phil was not there. So we all got out of the water. Of course, I was still naked and by now I was semi-hard as a result of Robin's ministrations in the pool. But I was too proud to worry about anything at the moment. My swim had been excellent, despite Phil's efforts. OK, so he had succeeded in getting me naked in a public area in front of the whole team and the coach, but that minor embarrassment was cancelled out by my success and my enjoyment of being forced to be naked in an inappropriate situation. In fact, before I reached the changing room, my erection was standing full and proud.

I sat there naked on one of the benches, basking in the praise from the team. I felt a little apprehensive when, after a few moments, Ryan approached. He was carrying my sabotaged speedos – he had gone back into the pool to retrieve them for me. He smiled broadly as he came over and he said, Well, Simon, my little gay buddy,' here he looked down at my groin, maybe not so little, after your efforts today you deserve a treat.'

He passed me my discarded trunks and then stood foursquare in front of me and started rotating his hips while he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his own speedos. Slowly and very erotically he lowered them, revealing first his pubic hair, then the base of his flaccid cock and, centimetre by centimetre, his whole member came into view. With a quick and practised move (where had he practised this? Who for? How often?), he pulled off the garment and gyrated erotically in front of me – for me!

Grinning wickedly, he suddenly stopped and said, `Not for you! I'm off to have a shower and get dressed – some of us like to maintain certain standards of decency.' He smiled and winked to me as he left.

Ryan was already wearing his underwear (disappointingly loose) by the time the others had finished their congratulations and I could have a shower myself. Although Robin joined me, there was no more play. I am not sure whether I was relieved or disappointed.

Outside in the car park, Robin and I found a rather sheepish Phil.

`I'll talk to you later,' I growled. As he turned towards the car door, I crept up behind him and shoved the wringing wet speedos into his mouth. He spat them out onto the ground, picked them up and deposited them in a nearby waste bin.

When we were all in Phil's car, he turned to me and said, `I owe you an apology. No, actually, we both owe you an apology. We both plotted this evening. We shouldn't have embarrassed you like that in front of your whole team.'

Robin nodded his agreement.

To make amends,' he went on, tomorrow evening I am taking you both out to dinner.'

To be honest,' I replied, I was really angry at first, but then I was turned on. The whole scenario appealed to my exhibitionist streak. But you can still pay for dinner.'

Phil dropped us off at my block with a cheery wave, saying that he would collect us at 7.30 the following day.

Once back in the flat, I quickly removed my shorts and t-shirt and Robin did the same. I sat down on the sofa to relax and Robin knelt between my knees and without my asking began a slow, gentle, almost languorous licking of my cock. His cool fingers caressed my balls. Then one hand moved upwards across my stomach and reached my right nipple which he proceeded to tease. Quickly I achieved a full erection. Robin's attention to my erogenous zones was gentle, sensuous and while I was basking in this, I was thinking about how I had been turned on by being naked in the pool, how I had enjoyed Robin's kiss in the water in front of everyone, how I had flaunted my erection in front of them, how Ryan had danced erotically for me.

Suddenly, my reverie was interrupted when I realised that I was about to cum.

Stop, stop,' I said. I'm so close.'

But Robin didn't stop. He tweaked my nipples, he kept on massaging my balls and his oral work on my engorged member became more intense. There was no stopping my orgasm now! And Robin swallowed it all.

As I came down from my high, I wanted only to go to bed to sleep. I was sated. Totally selfishly, I was aware that Robin was erect and I had no wish, no ability, to do anything to help him.

We both got into bed and as I drifted off into a deep sleep, I was aware that Robin was lying beside me wanking himself to a shuddering climax. My dreams that night were full of images of me naked in public places, me sucking and being sucked in parks, in the street, at the poolside.

The warm and excited glow was still with me when I awoke the following day.


To be continued.

Next: Chapter 8

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