Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Oct 13, 2023


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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 6

At some time in the middle of the night, I awoke to a gentle massaging of my cock and balls. I lay there enjoying the sensation of a sensuous massage of my private parts. It was a total contrast to the harsh treatment they had been subjected to just a few hours earlier. I slowly became aware that Robin was spooning me and I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. I was also aware that his erection was pressing against my arse.

Eventually I stretched out, opening my legs some more to allow him clearer access to continue his manipulation of my genitals. My movement confirmed to him that I was now awake and he whispered in my ear, `Can we talk about what happened this evening?'

I struggled to full wakefulness. I really didn't feel like discussing my sex life at this time. My real preference was to turn over and go back to sleep, as I was still physically and emotionally drained after my wanton display in the Lounge.

`Can't we leave it until tomorrow?'

`Just a couple of questions. Please,' he insisted.

`OK. Just two then.'

`Right. How did you feel while you were controlled by a machine that Phil and I were wielding? And how did you feel about being forced to a very public orgasm?'

`Very briefly, as I tried to explain to you yesterday, I get a huge kick out of handing over control to someone else. Think back to how good you felt when I wanked you, rather than you wanking yourself. And on your other question, public displays, even some types of public humiliation, are equally erotic for me.'

`OK. I think I understand, or maybe I think I am beginning to understand. I hope you don't think I am criticising you or your turn-ons. I need to think about things. Oh, and another question...'

`You've had your two,' I interrupted.

He went on anyway, `Will you fuck me?'

No,' I replied. My real turn-on is being the submissive, as you saw in the Lounge. I don't like fucking, although I do sometimes enjoy being fucked. Ask Phil. He can be very gentle and caring for a virgin. Now go to sleep.'

And sleep we did until the alarm woke us for work in the morning. Over breakfast I reminded Robin that we had swimming practice that evening and I forewarned him that I would be asking Phil to come round beforehand to give me a shave. As I think I have already said, I like to keep all my body hair shaven both as I think it probably enhances my swimming timings and also because I enjoy flaunting a totally bare body.

When I got home from work, I was surprised to see both Robin and Phil waiting for me and both were displaying broad grins that I didn't completely trust. I instinctively suspected that they had been plotting something, but initially they attempted to act in a completely normal fashion.

After I had stripped off my `normal' clothes, I put on a pair of my accustomed tight shorts – a thin white pair. We had a light meal (it wouldn't do to eat a heavy meal immediately before a swimming training session) and I saw that their grins had returned.

Right,' said Phil. Now for your shave.' He produced his cut-throat razor and added, `As we will have Robin as an audience this evening, I think you will have to be restrained while I shave you.'

To say I was surprised would be an understatement! We went to the shower and we all stripped. Using wrist cuffs and strapping, Phil secured my arms above my head, fixing them to the overhead pipework. Standing there naked and vulnerable with my back to two attractive guys forced an immediate erection. I looked over my shoulder and was glad to notice that they seemed almost as excited as I was.

Robin sat down in the shower pan with his back to the wall, sitting between my spread legs and this position was perfect for him to give me a blow job while Phil shaved my back, arse and the back of my legs. My erection hardened when Robin took my cock into his warm mouth. He fondled my balls while licking round my sensitive cock head. At the same time my whole skin tingled when Phil lathered my back, arse and legs and slowly worked the bare steel blade downwards from my shoulders. My feeling of vulnerability was heightened as, with my arms secured above my head, there was nothing I could do to influence what was happening. There is normally only a light dusting of hair on my back, but this didn't prevent Phil from carefully covering every square inch with the blade. The combination of sensuous stimulation to my skin and the sharpness of the blade as it moved gently over my back was erotic in the extreme. And my excitement was heightened by Robin's gentle stimulation of my genitals.

`I'm getting close,' I panted.

Careful,' said Phil to Robin. We don't want him to cum yet. You must try to keep him teetering on the edge of orgasm for as long as possible. Remember how you played with him using the estim last night?' Robin nodded. Well, do the same with your mouth.'

So Robin released my cock and, looking down, I saw that he has turning his attention to his own erection, gently stroking it. When his breaths grew quicker, he stopped his masturbation and began his sensuous massage of my cock with his mouth. I realised that his plan was to edge me, then to edge himself during the periods that I was `resting'.

By now, Phil was turning his attention to my arse cheeks and again my cock responded pulsing in Robin's mouth with excitement, because I knew what would come next – Phil was about to shave between my buttocks and I was really excited at the prospect.

Yes! Phil got Robin to use his hands to pull my cheeks apart to allow him access to that most private area and he proceeded to slowly and carefully attack the hairs there. At the same time, Phil also used some of the shaving foam as a lubricant to press one, then two, of his fingers into me. The tension I felt is difficult to describe. The invasion of my arse was a great stimulus and that made me want to thrust my cock deeper into Robin's mouth, possibly in the hope of cumming, but any such movement, especially the spasms of an orgasm, would risk serious injury to my anus. The self-control I showed in that situation was outstanding. I think Phil must have been aware of my difficulties at this point, as he very swiftly finished off shaving the backs of my legs.

They then turned me round so that my front half could receive a shave too. My twitching cock was now available for Phil to see. He told Robin that he was impressed with his abilities at edging me. Secretly, so was I. I was also delighted to see that both of them were very obviously excited at the whole situation. I knew that Robin had been edging himself, but now I realised that Phil, too, must have been wanking while carrying out his erotic shave. I thought that this boded well for some fun before we went to the pool.

With my arms again securely fixed to the overhead pipework, Phil set to work on my front. He lathered me from my chest right down to my groin area where he applied the foam liberally, using it as a lube to keep me right on the edge.

While Phil was at work, Robin resumed his position in the shower pan, but, of course, now he was able to work on my smooth arse with his fingers and tongue. Firstly one, then two and finally three fingers probed my hole and, probably by chance, found my prostate. This caused vast amounts of precum to ooze from my cock.

Phil was amused and delighted with this, saying, `I needn't have used shaving foam on his cock. I could have used the precum instead! Whatever you're doing, Robin, keep on. He's loving it.' He was right!

At times Robin would remove his fingers and replace them with his tongue and at the same time reach through my legs to massage my throbbing cock, until I warned him that I was close again. Meanwhile Phil was working the blade slowly across my pecs and tweaking my nipples at the same time. All this attention to my erogenous zones tended to make my knees buckle, so it was as well that my wrists were secured to the pipes.

Phil worked quickly and efficiently down my armpits, torso and abs until he reached my groin. Then he went to town! He seemed to spend an inordinate amount to time running the blade over my balls, at the same time slowly stroking my shaft (I tried to keep very, very still!) and Robin's tongue, alternated with his fingers, was probing my anus. Every time I got close to orgasm, all activity ceased leaving me standing there, cock twitching while I humped the air, vainly seeking the relief I needed.

When I calmed down, Phil resumed his task, now working the blade along my cock in slow gentle strokes. I swear that I felt each and every trace of stubble being removed. That sensation alone was almost enough to push me over the edge, but I managed to control myself. It is very strange how I was feeling conflicting desires – to cum as quickly as possible and to prolong the excitement for as long as possible.

When Phil had completed the shave to his satisfaction, he told Robin to get out of the shower while he hosed me down. I was still secured in position and the bastard used cold water. That certainly curtailed my excitement and my cock quickly lost its erection.

Once I was released, I quickly towelled myself dry while my tormentors showered together in full view, using warm water. The sight of these two friends enjoying themselves under a stream of flowing water turned me on again.

Once they had finished and were dry, they approached me with those grins again on display.

`Now,' said Phil.

I didn't understand, but Robin obviously did. My arse had still not fully tightened after the work out Robin had given it in the shower, so it was fairly easy for Phil to drive his hard cock in. At the same time Robin knelt down in front of me and started blowing me. An additional pleasure for me was that we were positioned right in front of the living room window in full view of anyone looking out of the windows in the block opposite. Sadly, I was not able to hold back for long after the recent stimulation to my anus, prostate and cock and very soon I was pumping my pent up semen into Robin's mouth. I was surprised and pleased that this didn't faze him and he slurped it all down.

As I collapsed on to the floor and crawled off to the sofa, I enjoyed the sight of my two friends reaching their own climaxes with a mutual wank session.

Almost without stopping to catch his breath, Phil announced, `You guys are in danger of being late for your swimming practice. The good news is that I have got your bag ready for you, Simon, and Robin sorted his kit while we were waiting for you to come home from work. So I'll give you guys a lift there.'

Hold on,' I said. That wasn't all you were doing while you were waiting, was it?'

No,' admitted Phil. We had decided how we were going to play with you. And you have to admit that you enjoyed it.'

Oh yes,' I grinned sheepishly. But how come you were so thoughtful as to get my kit ready for this evening? I'm not sure I trust you devious pair.'

`Don't worry about a thing,' said Phil as he grabbed my bag. I wasn't overly reassured, but there wasn't time to argue.

The three of us went down to Phil's car. The bags were deposited in the boot and we set off for the university's aquatics centre.

As we were driving along the road to the university, Phil said, `You won't mind if I stay to watch how it goes, will you? Besides, you'll need a lift back afterwards.'

Phil had never shown interest in watching me practise before, although he had attended many of my matches. This sudden interest in practice did nothing to assuage my apprehension as to what the pair had planned.


To be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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