Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Oct 6, 2023


This story is fantasy. Unsafe activities take place. You should not take part in anything that isn't safe.

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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 5

The following day seemed banal and boring – shower and breakfast (both with Robin), a day at the office (boring routine, but it pays the bills), visit to the supermarket to collect something for dinner and home. The only interesting thing was that I had contacted Phil who suggested that he and I take Robin out for a drink and a chat. The body shave could wait for another day. It seemed a good idea because we both felt that he ought to learn that a gay lifestyle isn't all sex, sex, sex, but involves socialising and other `normal' things.

When I got back to the flat, Robin had not returned from work, so I undressed and had a shower while I had the place to myself. I was just towelling myself dry when I heard Robin's key in the latch. He came in as I left the bathroom, naked of course. He was carrying a couple of bulging carriers.

I've been to buy some clothes,' he explained. I can't keep on wearing yours all the time. Where can I put them? And, by the way, how long can I stay? I don't want to outstay my welcome.'

Well,' I replied, you can stay as long as you like, until you find somewhere of your own. Weeks, months, if you like, but I think a year would be too long. As for your clothes, you can have half of my wardrobe and feel free to clear out one or two drawers from the chest in my bedroom. Just shove the stuff into the other drawers.'

Off he went into the bedroom while I made a fresh pot of coffee. A little while later – the kettle hadn't even boiled - he returned carrying a black plastic carrying case which I recognised.

I don't mean to be nosy and I know I shouldn't interfere with your things, but,' and he held out the case, what is estim?'

I had forgotten that my estim kit was in one of the drawers. I wasn't sure that Robin was ready for this, but I decided that my only option was to explain and hope that the whole concept didn't freak him out.

`It stands for electrical stimulation. You get sexual excitement from an electric current applied to your cock and balls. It is very arousing – far better than a wank.' I smiled and waited for his reaction. Would it be one of shock? Of disgust?

I was surprised and pleased when he, too, smiled and said, `Show me how it works.'

Well, there I was standing naked in front of him and this prospect appealed to my exhibitionist streak, so I agreed. My cock began to grow as I tightened one of the conductor straps round the base of my cock and balls and for the other I fully retracted my foreskin and tightened it just below the helmet. I explained that this particular system had a remote control while I connected the electrodes to the receiver unit which I placed on the table. I took up the controller and switched it on to the minimum setting – a gentle tickling sensation ran the length of my cock. I explained the controls, how you can increase and decrease to current to achieve greater or lesser intensity, how your can switch between continuous or pulses of current, how you can vary the frequency of the pulses.

Robin's only reaction was, `Wow!'

I played with the controls for a while, but as I was getting close, I stopped and removed the electrodes, dropping the whole caboodle in the open case on the sofa.

Robin and I got dinner together. He commented as we were sitting eating that he found it strange to be sitting enjoying a meal with a naked guy while he was fully dressed after work. I asked if he would prefer me to put on some clothing, but he said no, he was quite happy to admire my body. I explained to him that Phil would be coming round later and had suggested that we three go out for a few drinks. Robin was quite keen on the idea.

`Can we go to a gay bar? I've never had the courage to go on my own.'

At that moment there was the sound of a key in the latch and in came Phil (I had never asked him to return his key – we were still friends, definitely with benefits!). I made the necessary introductions and Phil sat on the sofa while Robin and I cleared away the debris from our meal.

I see you've been playing with the estim,' he remarked and a smile spread across his face. Changing the subject, he continued, Where shall we go this evening?'

`Robin would like to go to a gay bar.'

Fine,' said Phil. How about the Lounge?' He had suggested a place which, despite it innocuous name, was rather sleazy.

`Are you sure?' I asked.

Phil was quite sure and wouldn't discuss it further. Sometimes he could be quite stubborn, maybe a better word would be `masterful'.

`Right. I'll get dressed,' I said.

Stay there,' said Phil. I'll choose something for you.' And he disappeared into my bedroom. He returned in seconds with a pair of white compression shorts, a tight yellow cycling top and a pair of trainers. `You'll look good in these. Oh, and put on the estim electrodes again.'

I really didn't want to wear such revealing clothing to the Lounge, so I tried to persuade Phil to change his mind, but he was adamant.

`I'll have no pockets. Nowhere to carry my money. Nowhere even to carry the estim receiver.'

Phil was determined. `I'll pay for you and you can tuck the receiver in the back of your shorts,' and he smiled a slightly dangerous smile.

`What should I wear,' asked Robin.

Phil suggested shorts and t-shirt as the evenings were quite warm still. Robin went off into the bedroom and returned shortly wearing some of his new purchases – a pair of loose blue Adidas shorts with a matching t-shirt. He looked smart, but a little vulnerable. I don't know why, but the looseness of the shorts made him appear rather younger. The overall effect was of a little boy lost, and of course in many ways he was.

Phil drove us off into town and parked up close to the Lounge. As we got out of the car, he took the estim transmitter from his pocket, told me to tuck the receiver into the back of my shorts and then he set my cock tingling again. It started growing and I had to adjust it within the confines of my tight shorts. As we walked along the street, Phil gradually increased the intensity of the current coursing through my cock. To my embarrassment I could feel the first droplets of precum seeping from my piss slit and I knew without looking that a damp patch would now be visible on the stretched front of my shorts. And my erection was clearly outlined for all to see.

Through this humiliation, my cock grew harder and my feeling of exposure was increased greatly when Robin who was walking next to me said, `Look at that wet area on your shorts. You really are enjoying this.'

He turned and said to Phil, `This is amazing. Simon is letting you control his dick and he's loving it. I can almost see him throbbing.'

It was with relief that I pushed open the door to the Lounge. There weren't many people there, as it was a weekday evening and most people would have to go to work the following day. I quickly found a corner table in a quiet part of the room and sat down in an attempt to hide my erection. Phil and Robin sat on either side of me.

Well,' said Phil, what shall we have to drink? Let's order a bottle of Chablis and three glasses. You can go to the bar,' he said to me. `I need to go to the loo and Robin can keep the table for us.'

Reluctantly, I made my way to the bar, doing my best to look nonchalant and hoping that my state of excitement was not too obvious. I leaned up close to the counter trying to shield my erection from the other customers and the barman and placed the order. On my way across the room, I heard Phil get up and as he went towards the toilet I felt the current increase. He called over to me: `I forgot that you don't have any money. But don't worry. I've left my wallet with Robin. Just walk over and get it.' Again he smiled his evil smile and left, waving the controller at me as he went. As I walked back across the room, he obviously changed the setting from continuous to a rapid pulse. I was sure he had also increased the intensity of the current somewhat. This shocked me and as a result, I suddenly stopped in the middle of the room and grabbed at my swollen crotch. I guess that all the other customers saw and many would have guessed what was happening.

I reached our table and picked up Phil's wallet. I held it over my obscenely swollen groin area in a vain attempt to shield my embarrassment from sight. Unfortunately, his wallet was too small, being barely the size of a credit card.

Back at the bar, the barman, who was obviously fully aware of what was happening, said with a grin on his face, `I think you might have an accident if you try to carry a bottle and three glasses on a tray. You seem rather twitchy tonight. So you'll have to make two journeys.' As if Phil had heard him, the speed of the pulses suddenly increased again and I felt yet more precum soak into the material. I groaned at this extra intensity, but picked up the bottle and carried it over to the table. Again I made the seemingly long trip across the room under the gaze of all the other customers. I brought the glasses back without incident, but then I noticed that the barman hadn't removed the cork from the bottle. So once again I made the return journey to the bar.

When I returned to the table and finally sat down next to Robin, Phil was on his way back from the toilet. He sat next to me so that I was sandwiched between him and Robin. Phil poured the wine and we chatted about everything and nothing. Once or twice Robin tried to bring the conversation round to my predicament, but Phil deftly diverted the conversation to non-controversial, even banal, topics.

Then, suddenly, he removed the controller from his pocket and leaned over to Robin. `Let me show you how this works. Then you can have a go yourself.'

`I'm not sure that I'm ready yet to experience estim for myself,' he replied.

Oh no,' said Phil. I mean you can have a go with the controller. Simon will let you know how you're doing.'

He then went into a detailed description of how each of the controls worked and he demonstrated each one. Each time the settings were changed I emitted moans and groans of pleasure. The variations in the sensations that were pulsating through my engorged member caused pleasure and pain in equal measure. At one moment I was writhing in erotic agony as I was subjected to almost unbearable pain as the current increased. Then without notice, the pain would subside leaving me panting and moaning while I received gentle stimulation, almost tender in its caressing gentleness. The noises I was making had attracted the attention of everyone in the bar and several of them had stood up and made their way over to our table to get a better view of my suffering. No! Suffering isn't the correct term. Maybe ecstasy is nearer the mark.

The exertions I was undergoing had made me break out in a sweat and my t-shirt was beginning to show damp stains under my arms and across my chest. Phil noticed this and said, `Yes, it is getting hot in here. You ought to take off your top.' His tone allowed no objection, so I complied.

I was sitting in a public place writhing in alternating agony and ecstasy as Phil skilfully manipulated the controls. I just managed to notice the expression on Robin's face. He was intrigued at the effect this infernal machine was having on me. He was grinning at my predicament and I noticed that his shorts were displaying a large bulge at the front. He was turned on to see me at the mercy of another guy and I soon discovered that he wanted to take his turn at the controls.

He asked Phil for the controller and, with a wicked grin, he handed it across the table to him. The look of concentration on Robin's face was intense as he turned the knobs, carefully assessing the effect each change of the settings was having on me, his willing victim. Yes, I was willing. I was the centre of attention, receiving intense sexual stimulation, surrounded by several strangers.

After several minutes of experimentation during which by turns I writhed, moaned, grunted and cried out loud, Robin turned to Phil and asked, `What's this red button for?'

Phil replied, `I was hoping you would ask about that. When you press it, it pumps current at 100% power through his cock and keeps on doing that until you let go.'

`Should I try it?'

`NO!' I shouted.

`Give it a try,' said Phil encouragingly.

So, despite my protests, he did.

I screamed out loud for several seconds as maximum power surged though my whole cock. The sensation was of bee stings all over my cock, accompanied by an urgent feeling of needing to cum and piss at the same time. Robin released the button, leaving me panting and whimpering, as I slowly came down from the heights of agony and ecstasy. I was dimly aware that I was pumping out precum and that the front of my shorts was soaked and the liquid was glistening in the room's lights. The whole scenario was obviously much to the taste of my audience and, once I had recovered from the shock and pain, I felt great at pleasing so many guys by my wanton display.

At this point Phil decided to turn up the pressure by several notches. `Your shorts are very wet. I think you out to take them off so they get a chance to dry off a bit.'

This suggestion was greeted by cries of `OFF, OFF, OFF.'

I obeyed with excitement and a certain amount of trepidation, putting the receiver unit down on the table. I was now standing in a bar, naked, with a huge throbbing erection in front of total strangers. I was certainly in my element.

Phil had me move away from the table as far as the wire would allow so everyone could see and he suggested to Robin that he should continue using the controller. He challenged Robin to see if he could keep my cock visibly throbbing, but not let me cum for ten minutes.

By turns, Robin subjected me to gentle caresses from the estim, alternated with savage surges of power. The floor beneath me was getting wet with an increasing pool of precum as it poured freely from my piss slit, down my engorged shaft, over my retracted balls and dripped on to the floor. I was mostly out of it, lost in a zone where the only thing that existed was my throbbing cock and the need to cum. But in a lucid moment, I remember that I thought how quickly Robin had become adept at keeping me trembling on the edge of orgasm. He could definitely read how close I was getting. Whenever that happened he stopped all stimulation and only after allowing me a short respite would he start the pleasure/torture again. Always he started slowly, gently, gradually increasing until my moans became louder and louder.

As my suffering and intense pleasure continued the pauses for me to calm down were happening more and more frequently and the length of time I was undergoing stimulation became shorter and shorter, such was my arousal. The ache in my whole groin area was becoming almost unbearable, but at the same time the my excitement continued to increase. The only thing that I was aware of in the world was my throbbing, swollen, tortured cock. Apart from my obscene erection there was nothing else – no spectators, no up or down, no memory. Just the overwhelming need to cum.

At last I could take no more. Suddenly I became aware of an immense thrust of semen from my balls, up along the shaft and across the room. Several spurts of cum shot from me. The sensations were so intense that my knees buckled and I collapsed on the floor. Then, nothing. I had passed out.

I have no idea how long I was unconscious. The next thing I was aware of was that I was sitting in a chair. Phil and Robin were cleaning my sweat-soaked, cum-covered body with warm damp towels that I later learned they had borrowed from the barman. My audience were looking on with concerned expressions. My whole body felt limp and empty. Emotionally I was totally drained. My cock felt tender and not merely limp, but completely useless.

I knew that I had experienced probably the most intense orgasm of my life and at that moment, as it seemed no other orgasm could ever match it, I thought that I never wanted another as it would be such an anticlimax. (I have since changed my mind on this!) As I slowly became more aware of my surroundings, I gathered that the first four shots of sperm had reached the chests of people standing about six feet in front of me. When I had collapsed, they had seen my tortured cock continued erupting, although the strength of my shots gradually diminished.

Phil and Robin helped me back into my meagre clothing and they supported me back to the car. Back at my flat, they put me to bed and I slept like a baby.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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