Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Oct 3, 2023


This story is fantasy. Unsafe activities take place. You should not take part in anything that isn't safe.

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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 4

It had been several months since Phil and I had split up. We were still friends and met for sex from time to time, but we had effectively grown apart. I still enjoyed indulging my exhibitionist side like my visit to the woods, but I must admit that I was missing the pleasure of lying down next to a guy and knowing that he would still be there in the morning.

I leaned across and kissed Robin tenderly on the lips. He responded and as our tongues explored each other's mouths, the kiss lengthened and it gradually became less tender and more passionate. This boy was insatiable. I was not complaining, but I was definitely a bit surprised. On second thoughts, maybe it wasn't so surprising – here he was a healthy guy in his early twenties who had hidden his sexuality for several years and now he had discovered someone who was gay and totally relaxed about it.

Anyway, our bodies moved closer together. Our limbs became entwined. The kiss seemed never-ending. As my hands explored Robin's chest and gently squeezed his nipples, I felt his fingers caressing my balls and the sensation spread warmth through my abdomen and especially to my cock which was soon pumping out precum as if it was about to go out of fashion.

As we had both recently released our passion, there was no urgency and now we could take our time exploring each other's bodies. We caressed, we fondled, we licked, we sucked. Sometimes we were face to face, sometimes I was snuggled up to Robin's back gently exploring his chest, allowing my fingertips to brush against his erection and beautiful balls. Later on we had moved over so that our positions were reversed and Robin's hands fondled my erect nipples while he breathed gently in my ear. As he moved down my body he came to my shaven cock and balls. He had seen earlier that I was shaven all over below my neck. Then he had not made any comment, but now he decided to ask questions, all the while gently fondling my balls and running his other hand slowly up and down my member.

I was in bliss – there was an attractive guy playing with my body, pressing all the right buttons and I had the opportunity to talk about my favourite subject – me!!! I explained that I had started shaving my chest and leg hair in order to help with my swimming. I had liked the look and had experimented with removing the hair in my armpits and finally I had started shaving my cock and balls. I really loved how this had the effect of making me look vulnerable. This was at the time when Phil and I were still an item and he had offered to keep me shaved all over. I really loved the sensation of standing there totally naked while he applied lather and ran a sharp blade all over my body. He always paid special attention to my cock, balls and crack. Even now that we were going our separate ways he would come over when I asked and shave me again.

I explained to Robin that I am an exhibitionist and that it is very important for me to look my best for when I go looking for exhibitionist fun in public and semi-public areas. The look of vulnerability is definitely a turn on for me and appears to do the same for other guys. That way I think Robin understood why I wore shorts a lot (I especially like the sports shorts from Addicted), even when the weather was definitely getting cooler, and he appreciated why I always bought shorts one or two sizes too small. I wanted to make sure that the guys who saw me would not have tax their imaginations overly, but would see immediately what was available.

Then I think we came to a slight problem. Robin was quite happy for me to take a pride in my appearance. He was happy that I wanted to display my body either semi-clothed or 100% naked in front of him and other people I knew, like Phil or the guys in the swim team. But he just couldn't get his head round the fact that I enjoyed stripping and having sex in public with total strangers. In fact, it wasn't just that he did not understand, in reality he disapproved. His disapproval was not only on the grounds of the risks I was running of being caught and hauled off to the local police station. He felt that I was being something of a whore and that I ought to `save myself' for one lover.

Look, Robin,' I said. It's difficult to explain, but I think I can show you what I mean. Just do what I say and I think you might start to understand. Get out of bed and go and stand in the middle of the living room.'

Off he went and I quickly got dressed – underpants, jeans, t-shirt, socks and shoes. I felt rather strange being in my flat and fully dressed!

I went in to the living room and saw him there standing naked in the gloom of the unlit room. The only light was what was filtering through the closed curtains from the street lights outside. I switched on the light and went over towards him, saying, `Put your feet shoulder width apart. Put your hands behind your head.' He did so and I slowly circled him, enjoying the sight of a good-looking guy standing naked in my living room. His cock was not erect, but I could tell that it was slightly enlarged. He was obviously feeling something of the vulnerability that excited me so much when I succumbed to my exhibitionist tendencies. I continued walking round him, inspecting his body and noticing that his cock was growing slightly.

`How do you feel?'

I'm not sure,' he replied. A little uneasy. Very naked, especially as you are fully clothed. But a little excited too.'

I smiled. I got closer to him and said, `I think you are excited because you feel that you are on display naked in front of someone who is fully clothed. You are vulnerable, but you still have some control. But now take your hands off your head and start wanking.'

Unsure, he did what I said and quickly his shaft rose towards full erection. He started tweaking and teasing his nipples to heighten his excitement.

`Are you enjoying this?' I asked.

`Yes,' was his simple reply.

I told him to stop and put his hands back behind his head. Then I stood behind him. With my right hand I grasped his cock and slowly stroked it. I could feel it harden more at my touch. I gently moved my left hand over his chest, rubbing his erect left nipple. After a few minutes I asked him again how this felt and whether it was better than when he was doing it himself.

He smiled. `Yes, definitely better. Far more erotic. I feel really turned on by this situation.'

I explained that I thought that was because he had handed more control over to another guy. That he was turned on by being naked and vulnerable and without control over when or whether he would cum. Reluctantly, he agreed with me.

I went on, `That is the sort of excitement I get from being naked in front of strangers, from handing control over to them, from running the risk of being caught having sex in public.'

Robin thought for several minutes while I continued playing with his body. I became aware that he was about to cum and so I stopped. He looked disappointed, still standing there with his hands behind his head and sporting a raging erection, his shaft glistening with copious amounts of precum in the light.

`Are you beginning to understand the kicks I get from exhibitionism?'

`Yes, I think so, but I couldn't go as far as you.'

I'm not asking you to,' I replied. I'm only asking you not to condemn me for enjoying sex the way I want. For me a huge turn on is giving up control, being vulnerable and running risks.'

He hesitated, then said, OK.' After a moment he added, But will you bring me off now? I really, really need to cum.'

I realised that he now fully understood at least part of my needs, so I willingly brought him to a shuddering orgasm. It's a good job that I have easily cleaned laminate flooring and not carpets!

When we got back to my bed, Robin was exhausted. He drowsily snuggled up to me.

`Thank you for everything,' he said.

`The pleasure was all mine,' I replied to his deep, steady breathing. I thought to myself that I would reply to Phil's email in the morning to ask him to come over to give me a body shave, not that it was necessary yet, buy I thought it might interest Robin to see another aspect of my exhibitionist side.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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