Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Sep 28, 2023


This story is fantasy. Unsafe activities take place. You should not take part in anything that isn't safe.

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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 3

Well I couldn't refuse Robin's request, could I? I sat back on the sofa and put my arms round him gently drawing him towards me. I nuzzled into his neck and flicked my tongue behind and across his left ear. This seemed to hit a sensitive spot for him because he squirmed slightly and drew even closer. As this was his first experience of gay sex, I was determined not to make too many moves too fast. I wanted Robin to enjoy this very special occasion, so I played things very cool allowing him to make whatever moves he wanted. This semi-passive role also suited me as I prefer to take the bottom/submissive/passive role in my sexual encounters.

Robin quickly moved his hand from my thigh to my cock which he began to hurriedly jerk through my shorts. OK. Slow down Robin,' I said. There is no hurry. We have all the night in front of us. Just go gently.' I moved his hands to my chest and at the same time I started fondling his nipples through his t-shirt. He quickly caught on that he should play with my nipples as well. He was a little clumsy but the sensations he sent through my body were very pleasant.

As gently as I could, I lifted Robin's t-shirt over his head to give me unhindered access to his chest. I took advantage of the slight change in our positions to kiss him full on the lips. I pushed forward with my tongue and his unresisting lips allowed me to enter his mouth. I guess this was the first time he had felt someone else's tongue inside his mouth, flicking, exploring round his tongue and teeth. He must have enjoyed the experience as he was soon responding in the same way and we were soon engaged in a tongue wrestling competition. The longer it went on the less frenzied Robin became and the more sensuous he was. He was definitely a quick learner!

I broke from his mouth and licked and nibbled my way across his chest. The effect was amazing! I don't think that Robin had considered that sex could involve anything other than cocks and arses. After all, his only experience was from some probably dodgy videos on the internet. I was sooo happy to be able to show him the pleasure you can find in slow, sensuous foreplay. The sensations he was experiencing caused him to wriggle delightfully. I raised his arms above his head and he put up no resistance, thus giving me unrestricted access to his armpits. Robin was experiencing sensory overload as I was licking and nibbling the hair in his armpits and playing with his nipples. Suddenly his whole body tensed, he threw his head back and thrust his hips upwards into the air. With a smile I watched his rigid cock pulsating against the shorts he was wearing and the spunk he was pumping liberally from that organ as it spread across the front of the shorts. It was a great feeling to think I had given him a massive orgasm without either of us touching his cock.

After some minutes, he came down from his high and with a grin as broad as I had ever seen on anyone's face, he started gibbering: Oh wow! ... I have never cum like that before! ... I am so sorry I messed your shorts! ... I never ever imagined that I could have so much pleasure!' I let him carry on for a few minutes and when I thought he would be coherent again I said, So, what did you think of your first experience of genuine man-on-man sex?'

I was wrong – he was still incoherent and he gibbered some more. So I embraced him in my arms trying to calm him a little. When he was calmer I got up and went over to the kitchenette to fetch us a scotch each. He definitely needed something to calm his nerves and I needed one to overcome my frustration – I was sporting a huge erection and I thought it was unlikely that I would get any more satisfaction that evening than I could provide for myself later alone in bed. I really regretted that I had not seen his orgasm coming and I hadn't cooled things for a while.

When I got back Robin had taken off the spunky shorts and was using them to wipe himself down. He was still embarrassed at cumming so quickly and unexpectedly. I told him not to worry and that I was glad that I had given him such an enjoyable first sex experience.

We sat down and enjoyed our whiskies. Robin snuggled up closer to me and we sat there enjoying one another's company and physical presence. When we had drained our glasses I suggested that we ought to shower before going to bed. Robin readily agreed and even suggested that we share the shower together. I just love that. While I was taking off my shorts, I think I noticed that Robin was taking in the fact that I was shaven all over below my neck. He made no comment and we both entered the shower cubicle.

We took turns to lather each other's chests and round the groin area. Very soon my erection had returned and I was pleased to see that Robin's cock responded well to the attention I paid it. Then I turned him round so that I could lather his back and arse. I massaged his shoulders, his armpits and his crack. I paid special attention to his balls and cock when I reached between his legs. His cock received a slow soapy massage with me running my fist up and down his stiffening shaft. When he was throbbing again I ran my fingertips round the head paying special attention to that so-sensitive area just under the head. His moans told me that he was getting close to orgasm again, so I washed his legs working down from his muscular thighs over his nicely shaped calves to his ankles. When he had calmed down a little Robin thanked me for so many sensory experiences which were new to him. I only smiled – for me it was such pleasure and joy to initiate an attractive guy into the pleasures I had known for so long.

Not to be outdone, Robin turned me round and repaid the favour, massaging my cock and balls first reaching through my legs and then round my waist. For a beginner he had certainly learned quickly how to turn a guy on (he later explained that he had only copied what I had done to him. He worked on the assumption that I did to him the things that I knew were exciting to me. He wasn't wrong!) Very soon he had me moaning helplessly as he ran his fingertips up and down my cock, stopping from time to time to massage my ball sack. Stop, stop,' I protested, You'll have me cumming!'

With a grin he replied: `I thought that was the general idea.' He carried on working my cock and as I finally came with a great shout he span me round and clamped his mouth over mine in a kiss of deep passion.

After we had dried off I looked out some spare bedding for Robin. As we began to spread a sheet over the sofa, Robin said, `Simon, I know you have only just met me and I realise that I know almost nothing about you or your personal life. In fact all I do know about you is that you have kindly welcomed me into your home and you have given me the most amazing experience of my life. But if you do not mind, I would rather sleep in your bed with you.'

I smiled – no I grinned. `Robin, are you sure? I do not want you to feel under any sort of obligation. Like I said before, I don't expect you to pay for my hospitality with your body. I want to be sure that this is really what YOU want.' But inside I must admit that I had hoped that something like this would happen.

Please, Simon,' he almost begged. You are the best thing that has happened to me in ages. I trust you not to do anything that I am not happy with and I also want to experience more sex. At the moment all I want is more sexual experiences and you are here and available. I know that is not at all romantic, but you might want to look on it as a business proposition.'

Well,' I said, I accept your business proposition as it is also environmentally friendly – it will save on use of the washing machine.' And on that romantic note we got into my bed.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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