Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Nov 26, 2023


This story is fantasy. Unsafe activities take place. You should not take part in anything that isn't safe.

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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 13

I followed Jim's directions back to the village where we had spent the afternoon. We passed the pub, now all in darkness, and saw that Jim's car was still safely there. A couple of hundred yards further on we turned off into a small development of bungalows and I parked on the drive in front of the last one.

Leading the way indoors, Jim said, `Welcome to my humble abode.'

He was being unbelievably modest; his home was huge. He gave me a brief tour. There was a large sitting room, a dining room, a kitchen that you could have dropped my whole flat into, his office and then, through a door off the hall there were four bedrooms. `All with en-suites,' he smiled.

I was still tired and so Jim showed me into his bedroom where I collapsed on to the bed. Sadly, Jim had to go to his office to log on to the terminal for his work. When he returned to the bedroom, only a few moments later, I was almost asleep. He joined me in the bed and the last thing I can recall is his strong arms enfolding me in a warm embrace.

We awoke to the ringing of his phone, Jim cursed as he went to see what problem needed his attention while I had a lazy shower, luxuriating in the soothing warmth of the spray. I took longer than was strictly necessary for cleanliness and hygiene, and when I finally emerged, I found Jim in the kitchen making a pot of coffee and I could smell fresh croissants baking in the oven. I only had a towel wrapped round my waist, as when we'd arrived I'd forgotten to bring in my bag from the car. Strangely I felt slightly embarrassed at my near nakedness because Jim was wearing formal trousers and a neat shirt.

`I'll – I'll – just go and find my clothes,' I stammered.

`No need. I usually dress relatively formally for work. it's just one of my foibles. But you can wear as much or as little as you like while you're here.'

As we tucked in to a delicious breakfast of coffee and croissants, Jim asked me if I'd like to go for a swim afterwards.

`No thanks. I'd rather stay here with you.'

He smiled and explained that there was a full-size pool in the back garden.

`Anyway I haven't brought my speedos.'

`Not a problem. The garden is not overlooked. It's perfectly private and I often skinny dip.'

After breakfast we went out and I saw a large garden. It was surrounded by a six-foot fence and several ornamental trees. As the other buildings in the development were also bungalows, there was no chance of anything that happened in Jim's garden being seen by the neighbours. And there, taking pride of place in the middle, was the promised swimming pool.

Dropping my towel to the ground and smiling contentedly, I turned to Jim, pulled him to me and kissed him long and tenderly. I became aware of my nakedness when my body pushed and ground against his clothing. The CMNM situation spoke to the very depths of my being and I felt my cock enlarge between us.

`Let's hope no-one has a problem for the next hour or so,' he said.

With that he stripped and together, holding hands like little children, we jumped into the pool. The heat of yesterday's sun had still left a trace of warmth in the water and soon we were both swimming lengths, not racing but each companionably matching the other's speed and rhythm. Occasionally Jim's body would brush against mine. Was it deliberate or accidental? I didn't know and frankly I didn't care. I enjoyed the touch of his strong well-defined body. Each time he was near a frisson of desire ran through me. My erection felt as if it was a drag on my swimming style. One time as we turned at the end of the pool, I saw that Jim too was erect.

Still no-one had rung and Jim suggested that we get out of the pool and lie on sun loungers to dry off. The sun was now strong enough for towels not to be necessary. As I stretched out on a padded sunbed next to Jim's, he reached across and fondled my chest with what seemed like affection. My body thrilled to his touch. I tingled with desire for more from this man. I wanted, no, I needed his touch all over me.

Jim obviously read my thoughts, saying, `Let's both go and sit together on the swingseat. it's a two-seater. We'll be more comfortable there. And, besides, I want to kiss you.'

So two damp, but lusting bodies moved across. We sat side by side, our thighs touching. We enjoyed a long period of intimacy, kissing deeply and lovingly. Our hands were everywhere, each exploring the other's body. Our kissing seemed endless.

With one accord we began massaging each other's cocks. I was in heaven. This wasn't like any sex I had had before. Yes, there was lust; there was desire. But there was more. I was feeling a strong emotional attachment to this man I had only seen on three occasions before today.

Without warning, Jim slipped off the seat and squatted down between my knees. His hungry mouth engulfed my raging erection. I was so close to cumming.

Stop,' I said. I'm going to cum.'

Jim continued frantically working my cock with his lips and tongue. He thrust his head forward and as his throat swallowed me I came. The climax lasted a long time. My spasms continued as he withdrew slightly so that he could taste the last few eruptions of my seed. Then he collapsed with his head resting on my stomach. I could feel something drying on my legs. Then I realised that he had cum too, without touching his cock.

Fuck,' he said. That was so intense.' With a shy smile, he added, `You don't have to go tomorrow morning.'

`Well, I've got to go to work. And there's a swim practice in the evening.'

Jim looked crest-fallen. Then he brightened up. `What time is the practice?'

I told him and straightaway he said he would be there to watch. I was filled with a feeling of joy that he wanted to be near me, to share in my life – a sentiment which was sincerely reciprocated.

Then Jim noticed his cum running down my legs. Imagine how I felt when he began to lick it up. His tongue started at my ankles, worked its way up my calves, over my thighs and then he began a sensuous licking and teasing of my balls. I lay back as much as the swing seat would allow to enjoy the tender caresses of his mouth and tongue.

Come on,' he said. I want you so much. I want to feel your body close to me. I want to envelop you in my arms. He grasped my hand and led me out to the centre of the lawn.

Lying down, he said, `I hope you don't disapprove of outdoor sex.'

I smiled, `Don't you remember the first time you saw me?'

`How can I forget? I have wanted your body since that first moment. That desire was only increased by watching you in the warehouse and that first sex with you was amazing. And with an audience too. But now there is an extra layer to my feelings for you. In the last twenty four hours I've got to know you, the real person and not just a sexy man who flaunts his body in public. Please move in with me'

Look, Jim,' I responded, I feel a great attachment to you too, but it is important that we are sure before we make any serious commitment. I am deeply flattered at your offer. To be honest I am very tempted just to say YES, but I really think we ought to give ourselves time. Please leave you offer there and I promise to give you a definite answer in a month.'

Again, Jim was crestfallen, but he accepted my cautious approach. The sex that followed wasn't sex. It was love-making. The real downer was that the telephone summoned Jim away. The work problem was obviously quite serious: he didn't come back for a couple of hours. I amused myself with some serious use of the pool. After all there was a practice tomorrow.

Two solid hours of speed swimming, diving from the poolside and exercises on the lawn left me tired. So when Jim came back he discovered me asleep on one of the loungers.

`That's a beautiful sight' were the words that woke me, so I smiled drowsily to him.

As he seemed a little distant, I asked what was the matter. He explained that the client on the phone had a problem that he had found difficult to resolve and he was till trying to think through ways of avoiding a recurrence of the glitch.

In order to give him space, I asked him if it was OK if I went to explore his house. It was vast and very tastefully furnished. It was obvious that no expense had been spared in order to achieve a high quality home.

In the hall I discovered a door that Jim hadn't shown me when he had shown me around on our arrival. I opened it and discovered that it gave on to a staircase which led down to a basement. I fumbled and eventually found the light switch. Then what I saw amazed and excited me. Jim had a well-equipped dungeon – St Andrews cross, chains hanging from the ceiling, a fuck bench, even a rack for stretching his guests. Maybe victims? Hopefully me? There were also cupboards and cabinets which I didn't investigate.

The air was cool down there, but the sight of so much bondage equipment made my cock swell up again.

I wondered how long it would take you to discover this place.' Jim's voice came from upstairs and then I heard his footsteps approaching. Would you like to play here one day?'

`Oh yes.'

`Great! But not today. I have to be ready to answer the phone if it rings again and I like to be sure of an uninterrupted session with my guests...or victims. Ah! I see the prospect excites you.' Yes, my cock was upright again!

Then Jim prepared us dinner and later, while we were sitting in the dining room finishing off our wine, I plucked up the courage to ask the question that intrigued me: how could a guy of roughly my age afford such a luxurious lifestyle? The answer was relatively simple: when his parents had died a few years ago, they had left him a fair amount of money and he had used some of it to set up his business with his partner (of the work type rather than the sex type! Apparently he is straight.) and they had hit the jackpot by cornering a niche in the IT and gaming field. Jim again tried to explain to me what they did. Again he was unsuccessful.

Summing up, he said, `I could afford to stop working right now, but I can see no reason to do that. If I stop work, I'd sit around in a pleasant house all day, or maybe travel, or any one of a million other things, but I would be lonely. Oh I have friends, but no-one I would want to spend all my time with. So I keep going to work.' It saddened me deeply to hear this.

After our long conversation, we went to bed. A long night of love-making followed. Luckily the telephone remained silent for the whole night. We finally fell asleep in the early hours of Monday morning.

The alarm woke us at 7.30 and after a shared shower (OK, we didn't just shower!), I drove Jim back to the pub to collect his car and I made my way to work.

That evening I returned to my flat and found it empty. I ate a light meal and just as I was about to leave for swimming practice, Robin burst in really flustered. He, too, had been away all weekend. He and Phil had fully explored the joys of anal sex, both ways, he told me with a broad grin. He quickly got his kit together for swimming and together we drove to the sports centre. On the way, he tried to get me to divulge how my weekend had gone, but it was too important for me emotionally for me to talk about it yet.

As we got changed into our speedos, Ryan was, as usual, flaunting his naked body. Robin clearly liked the sight, but I think Ryan was disappointed that I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to take much notice.

When the team were ready, we all went in to the pool area. Looking up into the seating area, I saw two guys there sitting next to each other – Jim and Phil, deep in conversation. They waved, Phil to Robin and Jim to me. I wondered that Phil was there because he had shown no real interest in watching when he and I were an item. Maybe his interest in Robin was deeper than his relationship with me. Who knows?

But...Jim was there. He had come to see me. My heart was in the heights. His presence meant that I needed to demonstrate how good I was. That was enough motivation to spur me on to greater efforts than I had previously thought possible. In fact, after the practice, the coach singled me out for special praise. Ryan commented that he thought my prowess today was because the team's two gays were living together. He couldn't know how wrong he was!

After the practice, Jim and Phil came in to the changing room. Both Robin and I were still naked after showering, but nevertheless, we were both treated to warm congratulatory kisses from the audience of two right in front of our fellow team members. There were cheers and jeers, but frankly I didn't give a fuck!

Over the next few weeks, I spent my weekends at Jim's house, but during the week I slept in my flat, although Jim and I seemed to meet up for a drink and love-making several times a week.

Frequently I was alone in the flat as Robin spent more and more time with Phil. I was happy for both of them.

Exactly four weeks after the first Sunday I had spent at Jim's, he said, `The month has passed. Will you move in and live with me?'

Without a moment's hesitation, I said, `Yes.'



Dear Readers. The story of this part of Simon's life ends here. I have ideas and plans for his further adventures as he sets out on the next stage of his life with Jim. I hope the first chapter of this new story will be ready in about a week. Simon xx

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