Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Nov 22, 2023


This story is fantasy. Unsafe activities take place. You should not take part in anything that isn't safe.

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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 12

It was late on Saturday morning that I awoke again. I could hear Robin moving around the flat. I needed a pee so I left the bed and went to the bathroom to relieve myself and to have a shower – I really needed both. I could still smell the dried sweat and cum on my body and the shower would also help to relax me. Despite my deep sleep induced by the exhaustion I felt from last night's experiences and exertions, my muscles still felt tense.

The shower helped greatly and as I was towelling myself down, I felt really good physically. However, mentally I still needed to come to terms with what had happened. I left the towel on the rail and wandered into the sitting room. As I came in I feasted my eyes on the naked Robin, but, even more, I feasted my eyes on the pot of coffee he had just put on the table.

`Robin, you're a life saver,' I smiled.

`I thought you'd appreciate it. By the way, when you've had time to wake up properly, could we have a chat about last night?'

I thought about this for a moment and decided that it would probably help me to get my own head round what had happened. So while I was on my second cup and Robin was still finishing his first, I said, `Fire away.'

He said, `There are so many questions I have for you. There is so much I don't understand.'

I had forgotten that until a few days ago he had been very much closeted and his only knowledge of gay sex had been online porn which can be very explicit, but never seems to deal with the emotional and mental aspects.

A long and thoughtful conversation took place during which I did my best to explain the excitement I felt from exposing myself to the gaze of others, from being vulnerable, from surrendering control of my body to someone else.

Robin was certainly aware of the physical excitement I got from these situations: he had seen my performance the previous evening – a more or less permanent erection from anal stimulation controlled by him and Phil. This had been followed being brought off in the toilet by a (then) stranger. I had been made to strip in a public place before exposing myself on a stage, doing an erotic dance for strangers, and brought to public orgasms.

I did my best to explain to Robin the feeling of liberation I felt from handing my fate to others, the emotional and sexual excitement I felt from vulnerability and the kick I got from using my body to entertain and excite others. I am not sure that I was successful.

Suddenly, I turned the tables on him.

I said, ` Try to see it from the other side. Why don't you take control of me today? We don't have anything planned so let's see if you get a kick out of being in charge.'

Robin's face lit up at the thought of controlling me. I think he had been wanting to suggest this, but had been unsure of my reaction. The fact that I had suggested it made it all OK.

As you are inexperienced,' I said, I think we ought to have a safe word. If I say `plinth' at any time, you will stop and find out what problem I have.'

OK. Plinth – a good word. Very unlikely to crop up otherwise. So,' he went on, you'll do what I tell you? I can treat you how I want?'

At this point, I thought it was easier to agree, after all I had a safe word, rather than go through a long list of do's and don't's.

OK. Number one,' he said, Fetch the estim set and wire up your cock and balls.'

I could see that Robin was determined to establish his mastery of me straightaway. I quickly obeyed, tightening one of the conductive strips round the base of my cock and balls and then I fully retracted my foreskin to fix the other under my exposed cock head.

Robin's next instruction was to stand in front of the window, spread my legs and put my hands behind my head. There I stood fully exposed to his gaze, as well as that of anyone in the flat opposite who looked in our direction, although I guessed that it would be difficult for anyone there to see through the reflections on the glass. As I waited for Robin to start the current flowing through my genitals, I felt my cock twitch as I enjoyed the sensations of nakedness, exposure and vulnerability.

`Whatever happens, you must stand still,' came the instruction from my apprentice controller.


Then I was aware of a gentle tingling running the whole length of my cock from the base to the head. Again, I felt my shaft throb with excitement.

The continuous current changed without warning to insistent, sharp pulses and then the intensity increased. I experienced pain which almost immediately turned to a deep pleasure. Pain and pleasure – they often become the same thing when I am sexually aroused.

For the next while (I do not know how long), Robin changed the current between continuous and pulses. The pulses sometimes came short and fast, sometimes slow and deep. The power ranged from a gentle tickle, almost a caress, to deep, intense stimulation through the core of my shaft. I focussed on keeping still, as I had been instructed, but this became more difficult as I had no notice of the changes when they came, nor could I know in advance what the change would be. Soon I was aware of only the throbbing of my cock. Nothing existed except my engorged penis over which I had no control.

As the stimulation of my vulnerable dick continued and became more intense, there was no more pain, only a deep pleasure which I was revelling in. at one moment of lucidity, I looked down and saw a pool of precum on the floor between my feet.

Robin saw me look down and the current immediately ceased.

`I told you to stand still. I think you need to remember what that means.'

With that he told me to go out on to the balcony. There he used some rope to tie my arms at the wrists, elbow and shoulders to the top rail, so that I was bending down looking over the railing into the street below and my erection and the electrodes were clearly visible to the flats opposite. Although he was naked, when Robin was sitting behind me his nudity was hidden by my own body. Then I heard him pull up a chair. Sitting behind me, he made himself comfortable while varying the current that was flowing through my erection. Very soon, I was incapable of uttering anything coherent; nothing but lustful moans, groans and grunts emerged from my drooling mouth.

Then the current was reduced somewhat, leaving me panting and in need of orgasm. He got up and went inside. I felt disappointment and frustration: was he going to leave me here teetering on the edge of cumming? From inside the flat I heard the sounds of Robin rummaging through a bag. After a few moments he returned. He smeared something cold over my anus and inside me as well. Lube? Then something cold and hard was forced inside me.

`What's that?' I asked.

`You'll soon know.'

Vibrations attacked my prostate. It was Phil's infernal butt plug. The stimulation inside my guts moved me closer to orgasm again. Then Robin set the estim to a fast sharp jabbing current. The precum pool between my feet increased.

`I'm getting close.'

Then there was a knock at the door. Robin went to answer it, leaving me helpless to control an impending climax. Worse still, the geography of my flat meant that anyone coming in through the door had a clear view onto the balcony and my naked arse.

The front door opened. I could just hear the sounds of muffled conversation over my moaning. I heard Robin invite the caller or callers in. With some relief I recognised Phil's voice asking where I was.

Then both Aaron and Jim cried out together, `There he is. He seems to be having a good time.'

The unrelenting stimulation to my genitals and arse, coupled with this unexpected exposure, pushed me over the edge. I screamed with the release of my pent up sexual tension, as I added several spurts of cum to the pool between my feet.

Everyone approached to see the quivering wreck that was me. I hoped that the stimulation would cease and that I would be released from my bonds, but no! The electricity flowing through my cock continued and the pleasure of the climax quickly became a torment, only slightly relieved by the insistent massaging of my prostate. My erection refused to subside, even though I tried to think of other things – a shopping list, my mother, when the next bus was due.

Now someone was standing behind me. He leaned along my back and tweaked my nipples. He rubbed his hands along my sides, under my armpits, up and down my legs. This added attention caused my sex drive to surge again. Could I be heading towards another climax so soon?

It was Phil. I recognised his voice as he whispered in my ear, `Just as I suspected – you need a shave again. We'd better get you strapped up in the shower again.'

I was quickly released from my restraints on the balcony only to be strapped in place again in the shower, with my wrists affixed to the overhead pipework. I watched as the new arrivals undressed. Now I was enjoying the spectacle of four naked guys tugging on their slowly engorging cocks, clearly looking forward to my shave. Of course, Robin had already witnessed Phil's handiwork with his cut throat razor, but the others were intrigued and excited at what would happen. When Phil told me, I turned to face away from them, spread my legs to give him full access to my back, arse and the backs of my legs.

As Phil worked away, he gave a running commentary on the important techniques necessary to keep my skin taut to avoid nicking me. He was giving a master class on shaving and humiliation of an exhibitionist.

When he told me to turn to face the room, I saw him hand the razor to Jim.

OK,' said Phil. Robin and I are off now. I hope you all have fun.'

Pausing only to wink at me, he left with Robin right behind him.

`Where are they going?' I asked.

Well,' replied Aaron, while were were driving you back from the warehouse last night, we all had a chat about what we would do today. Robin and Phil are off to his place to explore the delights of anal sex. Robin was disappointed that you couldn't or wouldn't fuck him, but Phil is very happy to initiate him.'

And Aaron and I,' Jim continued, thought the three of us could have a gentle afternoon chilling after your shave.' And he gave me another wink.

Jim had obviously take careful note of Phil's instructions. He shaved me skilfully. No blood was drawn and I was quickly smooth all over, although my skin felt raw and overly sensitive. I was excited when Jim ran his hands gently over my whole body to check that nothing had been missed. Naturally he paid special attention to my rock hard cock which he soon had throbbing with desire and an overwhelming need of orgasm.

Throughout the shave, I feasted my eyes on Aaron who was slowly stroking his shaft. The sight had me teetering on the edge of climax. If Jim hadn't spoken at that moment, I would have cum just watching him.

Jim said, `Now we need to shower you off to ensure there are no traces left over.'

He took the shower head from its clip, checked the temperature (thankfully it was pleasantly warm) and played the jet of water all over me. When there was definitely no trace of hair left on me, he adjusted the spray to the smallest jet and increased the power to maximum.

He aimed the jet at my groin, saying, `Phil told me, and I've seen some evidence with my own eyes, that you get turned on with a certain amount of pain. What's your safe word?'


With that he turned the pressurised jet on my cock and balls, subjecting my most sensitive areas to a forceful water massage. It wasn't painful at all. It was stimulating in a way that I'd never experienced before. My cock stood fully erect and I could feel the impending orgasm stirring in my balls.

`This is great,' I said, still watching Aaron working on his own cock and caressing his nipples, pausing from time to time to pull his balls sharply away from his body. He was grunting with sensual pleasure and I was matching him grunt for grunt.

`Now it all becomes very interesting,' said Jim.

Reaching over, he gradually increased the temperature of the water, still playing it on my cock and especially my churning balls. As the temperature increased, the pleasant massage began to feel like red hot needles being applied to me, mostly my balls but when he judged that the sensation was verging on real pain, he moved the jet to my cock. All my skin was very sensitive from the recent shave and the hot water bit sharply into me. After momentary relief, again the jet returned to my balls. And still he increased the temperature. This was about to become unbearable when I lost my self awareness. I was only a hot – very hot – cock with balls churning with the intense heat.

Suddenly I screamed and the cum erupted from me, spurt after spurt of it. At the same time Aaron got into the shower with me and added his cum to mine.

Jim quickly switched off the shower, released me and wrapped me in a towel. I didn't have the strength to stand unaided, but I leant against him while I regained some control over my body.

`Well, how was that?' he asked.

I could only smile in reply.

Exhausted, I spread out on the sofa. I needed to recoup my strength.

Jim came over and kissed me. Initially it was an aggressive, commanding kiss, with his tongue demanding entrance into my mouth, but as I surrendered to him, he lost his aggression and the kiss was tender, exploring my mouth as his hands moved softly and erotically over my chest.

After this long, almost loving, kiss had continued for some time, Aaron became bored.

OK, lovebirds,' he said, smiling. How about lunch?'

Good idea.' said Jim. And I'm paying. I know a great pub just outside town.'

I was a little wary. Would this turn into another scenario like the restaurant last night? Jim obviously understood how I felt and he reassured me that he was aware of my need to recuperate. It would be lunch, maybe a few drinks and conversation.

I'll drive you,' he said to me. And Aaron can follow in his own car, because his shift starts at 5 today and personally I would prefer to have no time constraints.'

I nodded my agreement. As it was still warm for late summer (or was it early autumn?), I chose a pair of khaki shorts (one of my few pairs which were not sluttishly revealing!) and a plain white t-shirt. The others were similarly dressed in shorts and casual tops.

I hadn't seen Jim's car before and I was impressed with the powerful open-top sports model he led me to. A Porsche? We both got in. During the drive I could tell Jim was somewhat frustrated at having to drive slow enough for Aaron's older car to keep up!

In about twenty minutes we pulled up outside a lovely old pub in a nearby village. On entering, Jim was greeted by the landlord like an old friend. He ordered our drinks and asked for some menus. We sat at an outside table taking the opportunity of enjoying the warm sun.

During and after lunch, the conversation flowed freely, covering work (Jim was something that I didn't understand in IT, or maybe computer gaming), tastes in music, the best (and worst) films we had seen. We laughed. We were serious. We took the piss.

Suddenly Aaron said he must go in order to change and get ready for work, but Jim and I stayed talking, talking and talking.

The sun was setting and it was starting to get dark when Jim suggested that maybe we ought to be getting back. He had drunk far too much to drive safely, so asked the landlord to call for a taxi. We had another drink while waiting and still the conversation went on. It became obvious that we had a great many interests in common. We both clearly enjoyed each other's company, quite apart from the sex.

Once in the taxi, Jim seemed rather awkward. I thought this was rather strange, considering how well we were getting on, so I asked him what was troubling him.

`Well, I feel embarrassed asking this. Please don't be offended, but please can I come in and continue the evening when we get to your flat?'

I smiled and replied, `Yes please. I was hesitating over whether I should ask you in. I didn't want to seem too clinging.'

`Great. That's a relief.'

Once we were comfortably settled in my flat, I rustled up a quick supper and then we adjourned to bed. There we kissed, we fondled each other, each exploring the body of someone to whom we felt a strong attraction.

Mutual feelings of tenderness were interspersed with passion and lust. We kissed. We sucked. We tweaked nipples. We wrestled. Then, lying on my side, I felt Jim's rampant cock pressing its way between my buttocks.

`Are you alright with this?' he asked.

`Go gently. Use plenty of lube. I'll be fine. In fact I want this,' I said signalling that my reluctance for anal sex did not apply to him.

Gently, tenderly he entered me. Unlike the first time in the warehouse, he moved slowly into me, pausing to allow me to adjust to his intrusion. This wasn't fucking – this was making love. He reached round to grasp my cock and slowly, slowly stroked me. There was no hurry, no urgency. If this lasted all night, it would be over too quickly.

And it was over too quickly! Skilfully, Jim judged the level of my excitement and brought me to climax at the same time as I felt him erupt deep within me, coating my insides with his juices.

For some time we lay there feeling exhausted but fulfilled. Then Jim sat up and swore.

`Fuck! Fuck! I need to be at home by six.' He explained that his IT job was in fact running a company he owned with his business partner and they took it in turns to be on call at weekends. Jim needed to be by his home terminal for twenty four hours from six Sunday morning.

`I doubt if I'll get a taxi at this time on a Saturday night. Can you drive me? Bring whatever you need for work on Monday and you can stay until you go to work. With luck there will be no calls, so we can spend the time together.'

As I felt that I had sobered up enough to drive legally, I agreed with an overwhelming feeling of joy. It took me about twenty five seconds to grab the clothing I'd need for Sunday and Monday and we set off to Jim's house through the quiet streets of the early hours of Sunday morning.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 13

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