Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Nov 14, 2023


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Confessions of an Exhibitionist

Chapter 11

The music ground on and I started moving in rhythm with it. I stepped round the stage, matching the grinding of my hips to the sleazy tempo. Now that I was coming down from my orgasmic high, I took the opportunity of looking at the audience. What I saw excited me. There were about thirty guys there, ranging in age from their early twenties to perhaps mid-fifties. They all appeared to be fairly good physical specimens, with muscular legs and nicely toned chests. Obviously my dancing had appealed to them, as they all seemed to have removed some of their clothing and several were totally naked. I must have shown some talent as an erotic dancer and stripper, as I spied many erections. There were guys indulging in mutual masturbation. A couple of guys were on their knees giving blow jobs, but the majority of them had their eyes fixed on me and stroking their erections.

Being the centre of attention was exactly what I needed to turn me on again. That and the smell of sweat and drying cum which rose to my nostrils from my chest! Quickly I was on heat again as I drove myself further into the dance. The rhythm took control of my movements. Pushing the open waistcoat aside, I moved my hands slowly over my chest, still sticky with cum, massaging my nipples, smoothing across my abs, bringing my hands down to grasp the bulge in the thong. I thrust my hips forward, outlining my cock and balls in their tight leather. Moving to the front of the stage again, I knelt down, flaunting my bulge to the guys. Again, I was treated to thigh fondling, nipple pinches and cock gropes. Precum oozed from between the top of my thighs and the tight leather. I put a finger into it and licked it off, sucking my finger until all the taste had gone. A couple of the guys did the same, greedily savouring the taste of my juices.

I was about to stand and resume my strutting, when the music stopped and again Phil announced that I would remove one of my two remaining garments. In order to draw out my excitement and their tension, I removed the waistcoat. As that had never been fastened, I was not revealing anything that had not already been seen, but the fact of its going served to emphasise the fact that I was nearly naked, wearing only a thong, with thin sides and whose back had disappeared up my arse crack long ago.

I stood up and resumed my movements around the stage, frequently turning my back to the audience and bending over while gyrating my hips, thus revealing my arse, covered only by what was really only a string.

Upright again, I could feel my balls were wet with precum. Again, I gathered as much as possible up on the fingers of both hands. My right hand I licked clean, but for the left hand, I advanced to the front of the stage, knelt down and offered it to the guys at the front. My fingers were grabbed by two guys who each slurped on a couple of fingers. They were both naked and I enjoyed the sight of them wanking while drinking my precum.

God! I was so turned on! I didn't know what Phil had in mind for the removal of the thong and the promised naked dance among these horny guys, but I was so excited that I didn't care. Deciding to act as soon as I retrieved my hand from the guys, I would get rid of the thong then and there.

I pulled my hand back and repeated what I had done with the shorts: I turned side on to the audience, but this time I went over to the guys right at one side. Holding the thong's pouch in place, I got someone to release the velcro on that side. Then I moved to the other side and got them to repeat the action. Standing in the centre of the stage, holding the pouch in place with my left hand, I moved my right hand inside to cup my balls and support my erection with my forearm. Then I threw the thong into the audience. I think I saw drops of precum fall from it as it flew over their heads. There seemed to be a scrum at the back, as some guys grappled for my precum-soaked thong, I guess, as a souvenir.

Now completely naked I resumed my dance. If possible, it was more suggestive and obscene than before. My nudity was covered only by my hand and arm. I knew that they had seen my cock when I had cum earlier, but they seemed to be enjoying the wait for the promised complete revelation. I was feeding off their excitement and anticipation. Behind my arm, my cock was throbbing with excitement. My balls were reacting to my grasp on them by churning away.

`God! I'm close,' I shouted to the room, as I ran to the front of the stage again. I knelt down and leaned backwards. I took my hand away. I revealed to everyone my nakedness and especially my throbbing and twitching erection. Hands emerged from the audience and they manipulated my cock and balls so that they rapidly pushed me over the edge. Again, several strong spurts of cum landed on my chest. I was about to rub it into my skin, when other hands reached over and scooped it up. Those guys were adding my cum to the precum they had previously enjoyed.

I lay still, recovering from my third climax since leaving home only a few hours before. I was impressed with my stamina.

Groggily, I became aware that the music was silent. Then I heard Phil say, `We'll give him a few minutes to recover before he resumes his dance among you all. And don't forget the promised special award for the most generous guy here. I now know who that is, but I will only announce it later.'

Someone very thoughtful must have been out to their car, because I was suddenly covered with a blanket. Although the evenings and nights were still quite warm, after my exertions, I was starting to feel a chill. A bottle of water was thrust to my lips and I gratefully and greedily gulped most of it down.

I began to feel drowsy, but, seeing this, Phil came over and asked me if I was ready to carry on. Smiling my best goofy smile, I said that I was – I wanted to get back on my high as soon as possible. This was turning out to be one of the best nights of my life.

Getting to my feet again I stood for a while, displaying my nakedness to the whole room. This blatant and wanton exhibitionism, coupled with the sight of sex acts taking place between several of the guys watching, made me grow erect again. Fuck! I was a sex slut on heat!

As the music began again, I took up my sexy, suggestive gyrations. Then, without warning, I jumped forward from the stage right into the melee of naked and semi-naked bodies. Naked and vulnerable, my body was subjected to stimulation from all sides.

As I moved slowly among the twisting bodies, I was rubbed, pinched, kissed, wanked. Fingers explored my chest, groin and arse. As I continued my pulsing, thrusting motions through those anonymous bodies, I was suddenly immobilised.

A tongue probed and thrust its way between my lips. I surrendered my mouth to the guy's intrusion. As I relaxed into the kiss, other lips encircled my cock head and slowly engulfed my whole shaft. Whoever this guy was, he was an expert at deep throating. Without a sign of a gag reflex, my cock head passed smoothly into his throat. As the swallowing actions of his throat engulfed my shaft, I was brought to higher levels of stimulation and excitement than I had experienced before. Fingers (were they his or someone else's?) grasped my balls and, with a firm but gentle twist and pressure, he massaged them.

I wanted to begin face fucking the cock sucker, but then I felt lube being applied to my anus. One finger, then two and then three, probed my hole. I knew what would happen next, so I thrust my arse back to receive a cock. Slowly, gently but powerfully, a cock pressed against the sphincter. I experienced a certain amount of pain, but the adrenalin flowing through my whole body counteracted it. Soon I was impaled on a good sized cock which began a slow rhythm in and out. It felt as though he withdrew until only his cock head was inside me before driving back in until I could feel his balls against my cheeks.

The word Slut' crossed my mind. It was quickly followed by Oh fuck it! Enjoy!' So I did.

As the guy in my arse got into his rhythm, I matched rearwards movements of my arse towards him in order to receive more of his cock. At the same time my own cock was driven into and out of the sucker's throat. This guy could now take regular breaths which meant that we could probably go on for a long time. I knew I could: after three orgasms already tonight, I knew from experience that it would be ages before I could achieve a third.

The stimulation was intense. I was the centre of attention of three or four guys who were kissing me, playing with my balls, sucking my cock and fucking me. If there is a heaven, this is what it should be for me!

Disappointment overwhelmed me when the music stopped and I heard Phil announce, `Guys, I am sorry to break it up, but we must now announce the name of the most generous guy here tonight, so that he can enjoy his special and very public award. Step forward, Jim.'

Jim? The name seemed familiar, but I couldn't immediately place it. All became clear when I looked round to see Jim walking towards me through the crowd of naked men. I remembered the guy who had said he wanted to fuck me after my recent display in the clearing.

The crowd parted to let him through and I had the opportunity of studying carefully the guy who I was to reward tonight. A good athletic build, without being over the top, a confident walk, a smile like a cat that has got the cream, but what really caught my eye was a generously proportioned cock which he was stroking as he approached.

I gulped. I knew it was expected that I would give the winner a blow job, and I thought I could just about manage to accommodate his in my throat, but I remembered very clearly that he wanted to fuck me. Well, I couldn't back out now, but I was apprehensive.

Then Phil continued, `Actually there are two guys who gave equal donations. Step forward, Aaron'

My waiter! Now I was to pleasure two guys at the same time and in public, on a stage, in front of about thirty strangers. Oh well, I am an exhibitionist, so I had better get on with it!

I got back up on to the stage and waited, standing naked for these two guys to claim their reward.

`Right, guys. How do you want me?'

They showed no sign of hesitation. Maybe they had conferred before and made their decision. Aaron stood in front of me fondling my cock, while Jim stood behind and grabbed my wrists. Expertly he clipped the wrist bands together behind my back.

`Bend over,' he said.

I did so and found myself gazing straight at Aaron's erect cock. The shaft and balls were shaven with neatly trimmed pubes. I steadied myself by grasping his thighs and felt a finger applying some more lube to my arse. This was followed by the steady pressure of Jim's cock against my anal sphincter. I was glad that it was not long since a cock had left it so the greater size of Jim's member didn't cause me too much pain, but I was definitely aware that something large and powerful was invading me. Then I was aware that I was no longer looking at Aaron's cock. It was pressing against my mouth. As Jim made his first strong thrust into me, I gasped and Aaron took advantage of my mouth opening to make his own entry.

For the second time in a matter of minutes I was being spit roasted. The pain in my arse gradually diminished as my muscles became accustomed to the greater size of the intruder and I soon began thrusting backwards on to Jim to meet his forward motion. Again, this ensured that I set up a rhythmic oral stroking motion on Aaron. He, too, latched on to the rhythm that Jim had started and as I moved forward to bring Jim's head almost to the point of falling out of me, I impaled my mouth on Aaron. I savoured the taste of that shaft, clean, but with that indefinable man taste.

To start off with, Aaron made no assault on my throat, contenting himself with enjoying the sensations I gave him by caressing his head with my tongue, sometimes licking round the head, sometimes teasing the slip with the tip of my tongue, sometimes tickling the underside.

Every time Jim entered he managed to find my prostate and the continual rubbing and jabbing ensured that a steady stream of precum poured from me.

I have no idea how long this situation continued – I handed myself over completely to the pleasure I was experiencing. There was no time, there was no audience. I was aware only of a cock in my mouth and that blissful feeling of a large cock stimulating my g-spot.

Eventually I became aware that Jim's thrusts had become more rapid and urgent and at the same time Aaron was entering my throat. On his first attack, my gag reflex kicked in and he withdrew slightly. The problem was that I hadn't been expecting it.

`Are you OK?' he asked.

`Yes,' I nodded.

And he continued ploughing into my throat and, as I was ready for it, I managed to swallow it and gratefully gasp in breaths whenever the opportunity arose.

Again I lost myself in the intense feelings I was experiencing. I gave up trying to match my forward and backward movements with Jim's. I just remained there, being used for the pleasure of two cocks and revelling in the experience.

I don't know how they managed it, but suddenly Jim thrust into me as deep as possible and, while I felt him spasming inside me unloading several spurts of cum, Aaron, too, came. I felt two cocks erupting inside me, one deep in my throat, the other far up my arse.

When they had finished, they withdrew. I was so weakened by the intensity of my experience, that I collapsed onto the floor and realised that my front was wet – I was lying in a pool of my own precum.

The audience whooped their appreciation of the show we had put on for them. The applause lasted for several minutes. I think both Jim and Aaron bowed.

Suddenly Phil and Robin were next to me. My wrists were released and they helped me to my feet. They held me up as it was clear that I would have difficulty standing unaided.

`How do you feel?' they asked.

OK,' I replied, but exhausted.'

`But you haven't cum yet,' said Phil.

`Yes I have. Three times.'

Yes, but not just now,' said Phil. And turning to the audience, he said, Just before you go, would you like to see one further load of spunk?'

`YES,' came the shouted response.

With that Phil, Robin and Aaron pulled me back towards the steel frame. Robin and Aaron bent me slightly forward and I could feel Phil pushing something cold and hard into my arse.

`What's that?'

`Your old friend the remote controlled butt plug.'

With the lube Jim had applied and Jim's spunk which was beginning to drip from my arse, the plug slid easily into my violated hole. Once my sphincter had closed round it holding it firmly in place, they pulled me back to the framework. As before, my wrists and ankles were securely attached, but this time there was an added refinement: leather straps were fixed round the tops of my thighs and my waist. There was no way I could now move the central part of my body more than a couple of centimetres.

The audience had now stopped getting dressed and, with several of them in a state of partial or complete nakedness, they were crowding round the front of the stage to see my final (I hoped) indignity of the night. Electric pulses and sharp vibrations coursed through my arse and into my whole abdomen. I moaned with lust as the pain mixed with pleasure engulfed me. Over the excited conversations of the watchers, I heard the sound of another vibration. My cock grew even larger than I thought possible when Phil applied a magic wand to my balls. I looked down and could plainly see all the blood vessels in my penis standing out.

I felt the stimulation in my arse grow more intense. At the same time the wand was run up and down my shaft, returning at the end of each pass to play intensively on my balls. It felt as though my cock would burst as the stimulation of my lower regions grew more and more intense.

My prostate was receiving more attention than at any point that evening and night. Precum poured down my penis. The spunk in my balls churned. I surrendered to the power of the impending climax which I felt was only seconds away.

But Phil could read me too well. Just as I felt that I had reached the point of no return, with sweat pouring down my chest, down my legs, he switched everything off. My cock was left spasming but unable to progress to the final release.

Please don't stop,' I begged. I need to cum now. I need release.'

Teasingly, Aaron gently stroked my cock, but stopped before I could climax. With an evil grin, he moved away, indicating to Robin that it was his turn to increase my torment. Then he stepped forward to tweak my nipples gently enough to keep my engorged cock at bursting point. A couple of seconds passed and then he bent down to pass his tongue gently, erotically over my cock head.

My moans were uncontrollable. My entreaties for release from my sexual frustration were in vain. All three of them stood aside to afford an unrestricted of my frustration to everyone. I was reduced to a gibbering state. I was unable to say anything coherent. I was only capable of moaning, groaning and whining to express my need.

Phil approached again, switching on the power to my arse and bringing the vibrating wand wand into contact with my genitals again. Quickly I was again brought to the edge and again Phil ceased all stimulation, increasing my frustration, if that was possible.

I lost count of the number of times I was brought to the edge only to be left unsatisfied. I guess that the periods of stimulation became shorter, because otherwise I would have achieved the orgasm I craved so much.

Finally, Phil took mercy on me. The vibrations and electric shocks in my arse went on, the wand worked relentlessly on my balls. With a shout and animal scream of release, I came. The spasming of my cock continued for a long, long time, although only a dribble of spunk was released. I had not been able to recoup the sperm I had released in my previous climaxes that evening.

I slumped down, supported only by my bonds. My exhausted muscles were incapable of supporting my body weight. I felt a thrill of pleasure at hearing the applause and cheers from my audience. Quickly, I was released. Aaron and Robin wrapped me in a blanket and bundled my unresisting body out of the warehouse and into Phil's car.

I had fallen asleep before Phil got in and drove off. The next time I regained consciousness I was lying in my own bed enfolded in Robin's arms.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 12

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