Confessions of a Teenage Cock Slut

By young masbeth

Published on Sep 15, 2004



The next day I went to school and met up with my friends, went to class as usual, etc. Well, it happened after lunch.

I had just gotten to sixth period and set down my books. Danny and I sat on opposite sides of the room and we always mouthed words to each other during class. The teacher didn't seem to mind and hadn't spoken to either of us about in the two months that we had had his class. Well, that changed today, as Danny and I were "speaking" to each other for a brief period, when Mr. Sherr stopped us, calling out my name.

"Young man, is this something that you would like to share with the rest of the class?" he yelled at me.

I looked at him, completely speechless, with my mouth hanging open. I was a good kid, got great grades, and was generally worshipped by teachers as the model student. I finally said, "No sir," and turned back to say something to Danny about the absolutely appalling treatment I had just received, but he stopped me.

"Well, if you don't care to share it with the rest of us, then perhaps you can find the time to share it with me today after school, in detention?"

I was flabbergasted. Nobody, but NOBODY, put me in detention, ever. I was infuriated. When the period was over, I quickly gathered my books and stormed out of the room, angry that I would only have to return there in forty-five minutes.

Seventh period flew by, to my chagrin. I trudged to my locker, slowly opening it and depositing my belongings inside and pulling my bookbag out, allowing it to flop onto the floor. I heaved it onto my back, allowing time for a quick kiss from Danny before I began to slowly walk up the stairs to Mr. Sherr's room. I pulled my cell phone from my pocket, giving my brother a call telling him I would be home a little later than normal and giving him the excuse that my battery was almost dead, in order to get off the phone without having to explain about the detention.

I entered Mr. Sherr's room to find that he wasn't even there! I set my bag down next to my normal seat about halfway down the first row of seats you encountered when coming into his room. His was my absolute least favorite subject but up until now he had been my favorite teacher. This was not merely because he had let me talk to Danny all period (until now) but that he was the hottest teacher I had all day. He gave me something to go home and "think" about.

As I sat in my seat stewing about the fact that I had to stay here for an hour and a half and do whatever Mr. Sherr told me to do, I heard him walk in.

"Well, well, well. We sure took our time getting here didn't we?" He asked me, in a condescending tone, talking down to me as he walked towards his desk. "And while you have detention with me, you shall sit in the closest seat to me so that I can see everything you are doing," he told me, motioning to the first seat in the row.

I got up, dragging my bag to rest beside the first desk. I allowed myself to basically fall into the seat, looking daggers at the teacher I used to love. "So, what am I supposed to do for an hour and a half?" I asked in a rude tone.

"Oh, don't worry, I have a lot of things planned for you to do," and he motioned toward a large stack of papers and a filing cabinet. He quickly explained that I was to file all of these papers and then clean all the desks and the boards. I got up from my seat and started to my task.

All the while I was filing, he continued to talk to me. The subjects were fairly general, How many brothers/sisters do I have? Do I have pets? Am I involved in anything at school? To the latter I wanted to reply, "Why of course! Haven't you heard? I service all of the athletes, as well as anyone else who has the money to afford me, when they need sexual release!!!" But somehow I contained myself.

He did however get very interested when I mentioned I was a member of the school swimming team, telling me that he wanted to see me perform. I replied that I didn't have a suit and that the pool was locked. He quickly told me that there were always extra suits lying around in the pool room and that he had a master key. Seeing no reason not to, I said okay and we went to the pool.

We entered the pool area, and I noticed him lock the door behind us, telling me he didn't want us to be interrupted and I walked to the pool room. I walked inside, telling him that I would be right back out.

I looked around and couldn't find more than three or four swimsuits. Three of which were way too big and one was much too small. I decided that too small was better than too big and pulled the suit on. I grabbed a towel and walked out the pool. I explained about the swimsuit situation when he looked at me quizzically and dove into the pool with ease.

I quickly completed my routine and started the 200 meter butterfly, my best event. I think I beat my own record, even, as I touched the end of the pool faster than I ever remembered doing it. It may merely have been that the pool was not as big as mine, but I felt very good about it. He clapped for me and said that I did very well. Climbing out of the pool, I thanked him and began to say something when I saw his face look down at my crotch. I looked down and saw that my balls had begun to fall out of the side. I quickly turned red and turned around, pushing them back inside the constricting suit, excusing myself to change.

When I got inside the room, I kicked myself for not checking that I was fully covered before getting out of the pool. This was a hot guy and I had just exposed myself to him. I began to pull the tightly stretched lycra down off of my taut body and stepped out of it, admiring my form in the mirror before moving to my clothes. I would have heard the door open, close, and lock had I not been fumbling with my bookbag.

"I was right..." I heard someone breathe.

I turned around and saw Mr. Sherr standing there, with a noticeable bulge in his khaki slacks.

"About what?"

"I knew you were hung, from the minute I saw you walk, and just now when I saw your balls. I knew it."

"Um, thanks, I guess?"

He moved closer to me, moaning that he wanted me. I was scared. I had never had sex with a teacher before and Mr. Sherr was being kind of freaky about this. He kept creeping closer towards me, telling me that no one would find out and that I wouldn't get in trouble for it. I told him I was scared and that I didn't want to do anything and he called me a baby.

He put his hand on my waist, saying, "Come on, just let me do it. You don't have to do anything," and with that, he grabbed my dick and started jerking me off.

"No, Mr. Sherr, please stop. I don't want to do anything, please get off me," I said to him.

He just kept going, licking his lips and unbuckling his belt. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out of them, jerking himself off. He just shushed me and kept going. Then he pulled his shirt off with a flash and said, "Now for the fun to start."

I just kept saying no and that I didn't want to do anything but he didn't listen. When I refused to bend over so that he could fuck me, he got violent.

He called me a bitch and slapped me hard across the face. He screamed at me and forcefully turned me around, pushing me against the cold stone wall. He started rubbing my ass, saying, "Oh, this will be nice. You'll enjoy it, I know it."

He started rubbing his leaking cock into my hole and finally started pushing into me. It wasn't very big, but somehow he made it hurt. He pushed so hard and so fast that my ass didn't have any time to adjust. And then he didn't give me any time before he started fucking me. He started ramming it into me, moaning and grunting along. I was crying and screaming for him to stop but he punched me and kept on fucking me.

My ass was burning by this time and the thought crossed my mind, Why the hell is this taking so long. Then I smelled his breath as he told me he loved my ass and realized that he was drunk. How he had gotten drunk prior to the detention or before I finished my swim, I don't know.

He finally tired of this position and pushed me down onto the floor on my back so that he was lying on top of me. This was usually one of my favorite positions but seeing as his fucking was hurting me, I was not getting any pleasure from this. He kept ramming and ramming and I looked down at my ass and saw a little bit of blood on my ass cheeks. I had had enough. I started to pretend to like it, thinking he would cum faster.

I began to moan and say things like, "Oh yeah that's a hot dick, give it to me, Mr. Sherr," to which he would reply, "Yeah, I knew you liked it," and would keep going. Well, my method worked as ten minutes later, he came up my ass, grunting and collapsing on my chest. His liquored breath assaulted my nose and when he tried to kiss me, I moved my lips away from his. He punched me once more and when I tried to fight back, he got even more violent.

He began to kick and punch me, as he had withdrawn his dick from ass. He wouldn't stop kicking me and just generally beat the shit out of me until I had finally passed out.

I woke up the next day in a hospital room, unaware of how I got there. My mom was sitting next to my bed and so I turned to her to answer my questions. She wanted to know how I felt but I wouldn't answer her until she told me what had happened.

"Well, I don't know what would have happened had that nice young man not heard all that commotion in the pool room. He charged in there and hit Mr. Sherr with one of the boards that they used to keep the door open. After he told someone about what had happened, they came down and got you."

"So, Mr. Sherr is in this same hospital with me???" I asked with a look of terror.

"No, not anymore. He was just knocked out for a little bit. He woke up about an hour later and they took him to the sheriff's office to keep him until the trial."

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked who it was who had stopped Mr. Sherr.

"Well, speak of the devil, here he is!" My mom exclaimed. And in the through my hospital door strolled one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Jesse, I'm new at our school! Not exactly the best circumstance to meet but..."

I knew Jesse and I would have an excellent relationship in the future...and knew I would die if we didn't.

Next: Chapter 5

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