Confessions of a Preteen Dominant

By Leafy

Published on Nov 29, 2017


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It was starting to get really hot in the middle of the day, and lunchtime by the basketball courts meant boys without shirts in 5-a-side. To a lot of people, even if they knew we were gay, we should be watching them, but of course as we leaned up against the mesh bordering the courts, we were watching the juniors play in the adjacent field. Our years were segregated slightly, so that younger boys and girls wouldn't be intimidated by the older ones. The fields were separated by a large fence, but people from the two sides of the school could still meet and talk through it. I was just considering that when Dan showed up.

"Hey Jay. Where's Jamie? He's usually with you."

"He should be here in a minute. He said he wanted to talk to someone before he met us. So who is this boy, anyway?"

"Richie Sanders. He's in Matty's class and has been over a few times, they play xbox and stuff. I think he's cute. He's quiet though. I couldn't guess whether he'd be up for anything... you know." I nodded. Jamie appeared from behind the corner of the court we were leaning against.

"Hey." He smiled at me, in that kind of sexy, dopey, I wanna kiss you and do more than I can in public kind of way.

I grinned. "Sup boi." Dan greeted him with a nod.

"So this boy Dan?" Jamie started. "It isn't Richie Sanders is it?" Me and Dan looked at each other.

"Yea it is. Why?" Jamie's face fell.

"His dad is a policeman. That's got to be too risky right?" I thought about it. "Well, it could end up being, but if we stuck to the plan, got him to come over to The Den, watch some porn – and not do any sex stuff – we could still see if he'd be ok with it."

Jamie didn't look convinced. "I dunno Jay. Matty would never tell, he clearly loves you to bits, and you've well... you know... and he's fine with it."

"Lets' just see what happens. What's the worst that could happen? We're young boys, we got some porn – get told off by our parents?"

Dan spoke up. "Yea but I've recorded all of you... you know. I don't want to stop doing that. I want to keep watching. I don't want to risk things. I like it how it is."

I still didn't quite believe it. "Dan, you don't want a boy? You just want to watch? What is that?"

Dan was quiet for a minute. "It's not just that its sex. I mean, we all like porn. But I like the idea of watching Matty. I can't explain. He's my brother and that makes it different. You are my friends, not some guys on the internet, and that makes it different. It's hot watching you guys." Dan saw he wasn't getting me to understand. "I guess I can't explain. I want to be there, I want to watch it being done, and I want to watch the porn I make of having been there. Since we started I've wondered if I'd like a boy just like you guys but I don't think I would." I could see he wanted me to understand.

"So... have you watched the videos you've taken later?" Dan got embarrassed and looked away, but nodded. "Wanked off to them?" He looked back at me, and nodded. "So... I don't get it. Do you find me hot? Jamie?"

"Kinda sorta. It's hard to explain."

"It's alright Dan. It's cool. I'm not judging. I want Jamie to have what he wants and I want you to have what you want." Dan nodded and looked away.

"You don't mind that I uh... think about you guys do you?" I looked at Jamie to check.

We both said nope, in unison.

Jamie came and stood right next to me against the mesh. In a quiet voice only we could hear, he said to me "I want to kiss you so bad right now." I held his forearm with my hand briefly, lightly squeezing.

Jamie said to Dan "Your coming over The Den today, right? With Matty?" Dan shook his head.

"Matty can't come. He's going to the dentists with mum after school. He was so upset when he learned he couldn't come with me. Last night he woke me up in the middle of the night, just to tell me he loved Jay." We all laughed.

"We still want you to come, right Jay?" I nodded.

"Of course Dan. I may be... uh... you know... with Jamie, but you are still one of the group. Your my bro from another mo...ther."

Dan shook his head, grinning. "Yea Jay, that doesn't quite work." He giggled a little.

Wednesday came around, and Matty had arranged with Dan to take Richie to The Den. I told them they should go on ahead, and we'd join them there. I picked up Jamie from his class and we walked home a bit slower.

I let us in, and got us something to eat. I pulled Jamie into a quick kiss and grope, and got some supplies of lemonade and crisps together.

We found the three of them already in The Den. Matty rushed for me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Matty, I need to talk to you for a minute, come with me alright? We'll be right back guys." I took Matty by the hand gently and lead him up to the house. As soon as we were inside, he hugged me again.

"I love you Jay. Please say we're gonna do stuff again today." He looked up at me, a mix of desperate and hopeful and anxious that only little kids can be.

I leaned down and kissed his head. "Yes, my little boislave. Yes we will. But we asked Richie to come here for a special reason. Jamie needs a boy too. Like you are for me. Today we're going to see if Richie would be ok with that."

"I've never heard him say anything about sex stuff. I dunno." I stroked down his arms and held his hands. "Don't worry. Jamie and Dan have got it covered. Just play along and then, either we do sex stuff with them, or after he goes." He nodded with a smile.

We rejoined the others, and Matty joined Richie playing the racer on the Xbox. I studied him while their backs were turned to us, concentrating on the race. He was slight, a bit shorter than Matty, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a cute little button nose. After a few minutes, I made a play of making it obvious I was watching something on my phone.

Jamie asked "Whats that?" and I waved him over. He sat next to me on my mattress bed and watched.

"Hot. I'd like to do that." I nodded in agreement.

Dan came over and looked. He was quiet, but then started stroking the outside of his trousers, hardening his cock inside them. He sighed slightly.

It worked. By now, Richie was stealing glances trying to work out what we were doing. I turned up the volume, and you could hear a young teen boy grunting and a little boy moaning being fucked hard and fast from behind doggy style.

"Whats that?" He asked, putting down his controller, and coming over to see. I didn't hide it from him, and angled the phone so he could see.

"Oh. Yea. Dad has this stuff on his computer." I was stunned for a second. "Er, cool. Yea we like it too. What do you think Richie?"

He kinda shrugged. "I dunno. Kinda makes my tummy feel funny. I watch it sometimes when Dad's out. But I keep the sound off so I don't hear this."

"Oh, so you've seen lots of this then?"

"Yea, dads got loads of videos."

I grinned, a plan forming in my mind. "You think we could see the ones he has?" He shrugged. "Maybe. Dad doesn't get home from work until 6. I'm not supposed to be home by myself. If I don't go to friends' houses after school I usually go next door. I just watch TV until he gets back. He usually calls when he gets in."

"Would it be ok if we were there with you?"

"Yeah, I've had friends over before. I'll ask him."

"Better keep the videos quiet though. Don't say anything about them alright?" "I can't. I'm not really supposed to go on Dad's computer but I do." He smiled a little mischievously.

After a few more moments of watching, I asked "So, who wants pizza?" Everyone said yes, no surprise. Just as I was at the door, Matty got up and looked at me. I waved for him to follow and he scampered up to the house with me.

I put a pepperoni pizza in the oven, and turned to my little boislave. He smiled up at me and I pulled down my shorts, exposing my hardening thickening cock, bouncing in front of him. He needed no invitation, leaned and began sucking me deep. I groaned in pleasure, his short range of experience was more than made up for with enthusiasm. Within seconds I was making him gag, forcing into his little throat and pushing so far into him his lips were mashed into my groin. I held his head and began ramming him, and moaning loudly. He held onto my slim muscular butt and gave it his all, nuzzling and working his neck as much as he could to pleasure me.

It didn't take long. He can't have been sucking for more than 5 minutes, but with the intensity of my use and the desperation of his need to please, I was sent over the edge. I shot inside him, my load becoming more copious by the day, and he greedily swallowed it down. Knowing what to do, he sucked all of my cum out, licked my cock clean and kissed the tip before stepping back.

"I love you Jay." He beamed up at me. I leaned down and hugged him.

"I love you too my obedient little boislave." I ran my hands over his body and squeezed his tiny ass through his clothes.

I hope you enjoyed. Chapter 6 to follow soon.

Next: Chapter 6

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