Confessions of a Cheater

By JAY Winton

Published on Mar 31, 2011


So, what did you guys think? I am kind of approaching this project as just that, a project. I left out the disclaimer and contact info on purpose. I wanted the audience to connect with the story and the characters before the story unfolds. So lets begin.


This is a fictional story, but based on real life experiences. If it is illegal to read adult content in your jurisdiction please exit now. Contains graphic male-on-male sexual encounters.

"What do you think Jay?" Danny asks me during a conversation about gay marriage.

"Uh...well babe ya know, I'd rather not get into that." I respond, trying to change the conversation.

"He doesn't really like gays." Danny turns and tells his friends with a jest of his wrist when using the word gay.

"That's not true." I retort.

"Yes it is, every time I bring it up you change the subject." Danny says.

"Why talk politics when we are out with friends?" I say to Danny, while looking at Kyle for some help to change the subject.

"Oh, so being gay is politics now?" Danny says crossing his arms.

"Maybe-" Kyle starts before Danny cuts him off.

"You know Jay, some people care about equality, and the right to marry who we see fit. Is it not our constitutional right to freedom and equality?" Danny challenges me.

"Wow, you use that word equality a lot." I shoot back.

"Yeah because it's unfair." Danny says while pounding his fist on the table. It must have been the snicker I gave in response that set Danny off, because before I knew it I was getting a history lesson.

"Whoa whoa whoa" I say throwing my hands in the air.

"Why should I be in support of a cause that is the hypocrisy of fair and equal? Marriage is for convenience; there is no need for me to need a piece of paper to tell me I love someone. And another thing about equality, how can we as a community demand marriage and equality, when we ourselves are not willing to give that to each other? It's all about who can undermine and out bitch the next "girl" I say, feeling alive for the first time, feeling adrenaline course through my veins.

I looked around at the table; no one spoke for a while the silence was sharp. Finally Kyle spoke.

"I agree." He said with a smile directed at me.

So, needless to say that was the last of Danny. Two months was plenty of time to know he just was not for me. There is no reason in wasting time in a relationship that you know will not work. I'm really going to miss the sex, but let me tell you...Kyle is pretty good too.

"Baby, ride my dick...oh my god." Kyle moans out.

"Mmm, yeah baby fuck me harder." I moan into his ear, as I start to lick and nibble on the warm lobe. Pressing my body against Kyle, trying to feel every inch of his muscled body.

"Stand up" Kyle demands as he slides out of me. The emptiness was overwhelming and I half whimpered from wanting his dick in me again.

"Put it back in me" I beg Kyle.

"Bend over." He demands, while taking control of my hips as I leaned forward. Kyle forced his hard, thick dick back into me and I gasped, as I felt complete again. I could feel his long dick in my guts. The feeling was overwhelming. I was moaning and throwing my ass back while his dick thrusted inside of me.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum" Kyle moans out while holding onto my ample, smooth, bubble butt.

"Cum in me baby." I say back to him, squeezing my ass to make it tighter.

"Oh yeah baby." He moans out while thrusting one last time deep inside of me. The feeling of my inside flooding me made my dick twitch and squirt out four or five jolts of sperm on the floor.

After sex, I always get this feeling of wanting to leave. I blame it on instinct and usually just get up and go. For reasons unknown, whenever it comes to a boy that is interested in me, that task seems to be unsolvable.

"That was...amazing." Kyle breathed out, while rolling over.

"Yeah." Was all I could say.


I rolled over to check the phone in my jean pocket. I looked down and realized I had five missed text messages and two missed calls. Geesh I guess I am a popular guy.

"You need dick that much that you forgot what day it was."

That was the most recent message on my phone, from Stephen sent a minute ago. What the hell? I thought to myself. As the light bulb went on in my head, and the connection was made out loud, the realization and a quick "Oh Snapple" Had me throwing on the same pants Kyle was tearing off of me.

"What the fuck is going on?" Kyle asked raising his eyebrow.

"I forgot today is Thursday." I replied while running around the room in a mass panic.

"Okay, and?" Kyle questioned.

"And, what?" I reply

"What is so important about Thursday?" Kyle probes while lighting up a cigarette.

"First off, do not smoke in my bed," I say to him while reaching for the cigarette in his mouth.

"And secondly, I do not believe I have to tell you anything I do not want too, but if you just have to know, Stephen and myself always go to a comic book store and get graphic comics." I say while putting my shoes on.

"Wow, that sounds so lame." Kyle says with a chuckle.

"Smoke in my bed again, and I'll kill you." I say while shutting the door behind me.

The disrespect of that kid- ugh, I didn't even have the time to think about how much that just pissed me off, because I was already pissed off with myself for missing my date with Stephen. I pulled my phone out and texted Stephen.

"On the way."

I was walking faster than I've ever walked in my life. Dodging the students and the throngs of people walking down Mass Street trying to make it to Stephen's house. Am I really that dickmatized that I cannot even remember a simple plan made by my best friend? While all these thoughts raced through my head I felt the vibration of my phone.

"Don't bother." From: Stephen P.

Well boys, girls, and undecided. I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! I left my email out of the first chapter for a few reasons. I wanted you guys to connect with the story and the characters before you connected with me. But here it is, let the praise rein down on me.

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