Confessions of a Cheater

By JAY Winton

Published on Feb 2, 2011


Confessions of a Cheater

By. Jay

"Oh yeah boy, give me that pussy."

Yuck. It's so weird how easy it is to cheat. It's not like I'm meaning for it to happen. Honestly it's not my intention at all. It just, sort of...happens. Besides, before I hook up with someone I let them know upfront that I'm not a relationship guy, I mean what's the point? I just cannot justify putting myself in a situation that's doomed from the start. The problem with relationships is that people forget who THEY are and start doing stupid things. (I call this dickmatized.) Then they go and set unrealistic expectations, I mean they are boys. Do they ever listen or take heed?

"Is this daddy's ass boy?"

So, this really sexy guy is literally pounding my guts. I guess I forgot to get a good look at the appendage being rammed inside of me, but I could definitely feel it.

"Oh yes daddy this is your ass." I half speak half moan.

"Oh yeah boy, get ready for daddy's load." He speaks

So how did I get here? Bent over some hot tub in a college town in eastern Kansas.... Craigslist duh! Ha-ha, no. He is actually an old high school friend that I graduated with. It was the dreaded Facebook, that darn chat might as well be a hook up hotline. The perfect place for drunken straight guys to get out those locker room fantasies, and an even better place for a serial cheater like me to pick them up.

"That omg" He breathes out while laying on my back, recovering from his orgasm.

By this point I was already thinking about my escape plan, and also how uncomfortable I was feeling having this guy on my back. It's like they know I'm a bodybuilder made to support their weight. I guess he could read minds or something, no sooner had I thought about his weight on my back he had gotten up and walked to the patio door.

"You wanna shower?" He asks while rubbing his now soft dick.

"I really have to go, I have a class in twenty minutes." I said grabbing for my clothes on the deck.

"Well will I see you again?" He asks dejected.

"Yeah dude! You know where to find me." I say

"I'll just go out the gate."

"Yo. Skank face, come smoke with me" Read the text from my best friend Stephen.

I usually don't like the word best friend, I just have several good friends, but Stephen was the best friend I had. I started out hated his guts. We went to high school together, we had a few classes together and knew of each other, but never really knowing each other. It was not until some drunken night between a mutual friend that we discovered just how cool for school each of us where. He's nothing too special to look at, your average 5-foot 6inch skinny, geeky guy with bad skin, a really weird chest thing that pushes in his upper chest, but a smile that could stop me cold.

"Be there soon" I text back, while slipping the gadget back in my pocket.

Walking down Tennessee Street in the fall is like sucking a dick for the first thing. It's the most magical warm feeling you could ever have. I really had my moments with the state of Kansas, it could be the ever changing weather or the fact that the state will always be as red as a period that caused such moments, but something as trivial as the sunset could keep me in this state forever.

"Hey Boo," I say while walking into Stephen's cute one bedroom house.

I love how cute his house is, the way it fits his personality...and not to mention the location right next to fraternity row.

"Hey man, what's up?" Stephen asks me walking into the living room in just his boxers.

"Uh, nothing a little sore, I would ask what is up with you, but I can already see what is." I say with a laugh.

"Is that all you think about? My dick." He asks me while sitting down and reaching for his stash box underneath the futon.

"No thank you, I have had my fill today." I say while walking into the kitchen for some water.

"Oh yeah?" he ask while breaking up some weed. "So that boy you've been seeing is giving you dick on the regular?" He asked with a fuck under his breath as he dropped some of the pot.

"Who?" I asked "Oh right, ha-ha yeah I guess he does." I say while sitting down next to him.

"Jay, you didn't." He said while licking the joint paper.

"Alright Stephen, I didn't." I respond back with a smile.

"You're going to hell." He says while lighting up.

"Well at least then it will be a party eh?" I say while reaching for the joint.

"Why can't you be more like me?" He asks.

"And what is that Stephen? Dumpy, lame, loserish, stop me when I get close." I say inhaling.

"And that is why you will go to hell." He reiterated.

"Anyways, you'll never guess who it was with!" I said while dropping some ash in my lap.

"You're right, because I don't care." He said reaching for the joint.

Stephen is so weird. He is always the voice of reason. Without him I would probably have ended up in San Diego doing porn. I know he only does it because he cares.

"Jealous much pal?" I say jokingly.

"Of what? All I would have to do is ask and you'd give me that ass." He said with a chuckle, obviously amused with his lame joke.

"Damn straight, you know you're the only straight boy on campus I have yet to hook up with." I respond with a wink.

"Yeah, and I will remain the only straight boy you will not hook up with." He responded back with the same wink I had given him,

"What are you doing today?" He asked me while putting out the joint. "Or should I ask who?" He says with that smile.

"You know...people would kill to sleep with me." I say

"No, people would probably end up killed for sleeping with you." He counters.

"Stephen, you need some pussy." I half laugh out.

"And you need morals." He tells me while cleaning up the ash I had dropped.

"Well then, it looks like we won't be getting what we need today." I say while heading to the bathroom.

"Well I missed my class already thanks to you." I say while unzipping.

"Yeah whatevs" He replies, "you wanna get something to eat?" he ask,

"Nah man, I would but I totally have to meet up with Danny." I say.

"Oh" He replies.

"Sorry dude, ya know, gotta work on those moral, plus I already told him we could go to the hookah house and meet his friends." I say while putting on my coat.

"No sweat man, hit me up later." Stephen replies while opening up the front door.

"You know I will" I say with a smile, "Thanks for the smoke." I call out while heading down the stoop.

Walking down the street, feeling the wind whip across my face, and smelling the cold in the air, I started thinking about today. How could I be so stupid to risk everything...again? This isn't my first time cheating on my current beau. His name is Danny; He's a junior majoring in advertising. He's a short thing, but makes up for it. He's Italian with the olive skin complexion; green eyes, dark luscious hair and a mean streak that would make Joan Collins take notice. We have been together since the start of semester, which was only two months ago. Now why would I stay with someone when it's only been two months and I have already cheated?

"Hey babe." He whispers in my ear.

"Hey Danny" I reply. I hate nicknames.

"I'm really happy that you're gonna meet my friends." He says while looking at my face.

I have this thing where I can't look people in the eyes, so I just look between their eyes so they think I'm looking at them and paying attention.... I'm not.

"Yeah me too." I say on autopilot.

Don't get me wrong; He is totally a great guy. He treats me nice, actually takes me on dates, and is not afraid to let everyone know we are a couple. I mean the kid opens doors for me. So what was the issue...Well I think I found the problem? The "problem" was in the form of a sexy six footish football player built; bubble butt having guy whom goes by the name of Kyle.

"Jay, hello, this is my friend Kyle." Danny says making introductions.

"Hello" Was all I could say.

Dear god,

My name is Jay. I'm 23, 5 foot 9, and I'm a serial cheater...

Next: Chapter 2

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