
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Nov 14, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the celebrities mentioned in this piece of fiction. If you are under the legal age to view this material in your area, please exit or go to

I wanna give a shout out to a few friends who are probably going to join the Nifty Family in a few. So Hi Jonathan/Jonathen(?) and Heather (bai-bee grrl! lol)! ^_^

I LOVE email. I love to know how I'm doing, what will catch the readers' attention, and so on and so forth. I'm a very nice person, not really one to judge. My replies to fanmail are original as well as warm. Feel free to drop a line anytime. I'm at

AHEM i'd like to take this time and thank Aaron, Matt, Jimmy, Ed, and Ro for telling me that they are alive and reading. I'd also like to thank David the Nifty Archivist for his honest opinions about what I send in. Hats off to all of you.

Concertina Chapter 7

"Ooh, you've got it bad." AJ remarked. He felt the need for Robin to break away from his brothers a bit so he took the writer out to lunch at a quaint cafe.

Robin looked up from his tea. "Pardon me?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Bobby. You love Nick." AJ replied in a singsong voice.

"That's crazy, AJ. You're crazy." Robin replied.

"Yup, crazy as a loon." AJ replied.

"Anyway, AJ, I can't love. It's a long story." Robin replied as his face grew dark.

"Look, you can make a big deal about the Kevin thing and let it rule your whole life or you can let go of it and find someone new. It's not gonna be the end of the world." AJ said wisely.

"Maybe you're right, AJ." Robin looked at his writing.

They rode back to the hotel in the limo and Robin ran towards his and Nick's room before hearing something from behind the door. "I want it to be perfect for him. Yes, I want candles, rose petals, the works. No, Robin won't suspect a thing."

Tears clouded his vision as Robin felt his body become numb. Stupid, stupid, stupid. WHY had he let himself fall in love again? Within the split second his heart melted, his heart froze up again as he retreated into his shealtered world.

He got up and used his card key to open the door. Nick gasped. "Robin! How was lunch?" he asked warmly.

"I'm only here for my laptop and my stuff." Robin moved silently as he began packing all of his things.

"W-what are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm going home. Your book is finished." Robin replied. "I'm going to print it out and send it to my publisher. It should be on booksheles by next week or so."

"But Robin, I thought you were staying?" asked Nick.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't want to get in the middle of your romantic life now would I, Mr. Carter?" Robin replied. "I'm going to go get my car. Hopefully, it can still run from here to home." He grabbed his luggage and ran out. "Bye."

Nick spotted something that he left behind. "Wait! Robin! You forgot your..." He watched sadly as Robin disappeared around the corner. "Jacket." One lone tear slipped from his blue eye and landed on the warm leather. "Robin..."

Robin took off his glasses and wiped off his tears before driving out into the rain. "I guess they are all the same. Lure you in and eat you alive."

Nick sank into the carpet with the jacket in his arms like a baby. "I lost him." Nick whispered. "I had so much planned. I wonder what made him run out like that..." Only one person could answer. He picked up the phone and dialed for the room down the hall.

"This better be good. I was watching the Craft." a scratchy voice relayed.

"Good, you're awake. AJ, what would make Robin so ticked off at me that he'd leave early?"

"Well, Carter, what'd you say before he walked in?" he asked.

"Well, I was planning for the perfect dinner for him." Nick replied. "I was going to take him out to a fancy resturaunt then take him back here. Have rose petals on the bed and all over the floor. Only candles burning in the background. It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Maybe he listened in and thought you were going to break his heart or something. What'd you say?"

"No, Robin doesn't suspect a thing..." Nick replied. He smacked his forehead. "Oh my god, AJ!"

"Wow, something actually clicked in Blondie's head." AJ muttered. "Now, can I go back to my movie?"

"Hold up, AJ. How do you know so much?" asked Nick.

"Those trashy romance novels DO base on real life." AJ laughed before hanging up.

Nick pulled on his coat and ran out. He ran back in and grabbed his keys. Robin, just wait for me, he begged with his mind.

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Next: Chapter 8

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