
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Oct 1, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the celebrities mentioned in this piece of fiction. If you are under the legal age to view this material in your area, please exit or go to


My name is Nimm. You might recognize me from my works such as: Secrets, The Call, The Hands of Time, The Shadow's Riddle, Through Another's Eyes, Scared, Dead Rivalry, the breifs of Pure and Touched, and finally and most recently, Concertina.

I LOVE email. I love to know how I'm doing, what will catch the readers' attention, and so on and so forth. I'm a very nice person, not really one to judge. My replies to fanmail are original as well as warm. Feel free to drop a line anytime. I'm at


AHEM i'd like to take this time and thank Aaron, Matt, Jimmy, and Ro for telling me that they are alive and reading. I'd also like to thank David the Nifty Archivist for his honest opinions about what I send in. Hats off to all of you.

Concertina Chapter 2

Nick jolted awake. Where was he? Sunlight streamed in the windows as he squinted to get a better view of his surroundings. He heard a click and whirled around to the sound.

"Clouds descending...I'm not policing to what you think and dream, I roll into your thought from 'cross the room...just another trick, can I weather this? I've got a fever above my waist, you got a squeeze box on your knee..."

Nick groaned and gingerly rolled out of bed. He watched the mirror and the ghostly figure that stared back at him. The figure had dull, grey eyes and a ghostly pale face. His hair was tossed from sleep, eyes red from agonized tears, sticky trails down his face in place of those pure tears.

He stood stock still as he remembered the horror of the night before. How they pulled, how the pain had rang throughout the depths of his soul. His eyes clouded at that single memory.

But a clear face broke through most of it. He vaguely remembered Robin. His exotic and kind face floated in as he felt the warmth of his jacket around his shoulders. He barely remember the gentle touch of Robin as he was guided up the stairs and into the room. The courtesy of the man to sleep on the couch while he took his bed.

He walked out to thank the stranger when he was greeted with the most beautiful site he has ever seen. Robin lay sleeping with the sheet wrenched around his body. A pen threatened to fall from his sleepy grasp as a notepad rested on his tanned chest. Nick reached over and flipped through the notes. He nearly gasped out loud from what he saw.

'Max, hope these lyrics are what you're looking for. Your Pal, Robin.' a line read. The blue gaze wandered over Robin's frame. Robin was his hero and now his songwriter. He stared at the sleeping writer and ran his hand through his dark locks.

Robin moaned ligthtly and shifted in his sleep. Nick smiled slightly then gently shook the older man's shoulder. Robin's dark chocolate brown eyes opened. "Hmmm?" he murmured. It took him a minute before everything came back. "Oh! Nick! How you feeling? Any better?" he asked as he sat up and made room for Nick.

"Um yeah...I was wondering if, you know, after breakfast, I can go home? And I'll make breakfast too, you know to say thanks." Nick asked quietly.

"Nick, don't sweat anything. You just go prep yourself like how you are in the mornings and I'll make breakfast. After that, I'll take you home to where ever it is." Robin smiled.


Robin held up his hand. "It's ok. Don't worry about it." Nick smiled gratefully and went into the bathroom to wash up. Robin got up and went into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast for his guest.

When Nick came back out into the kitchen, his nose was greeted with the warm scent of scrambled eggs and bacon. He sat down and began to eat in earnest.

"Well, your appetite seems to be in shape." chuckled Robin.

"You're not eating?" asked Nick.

"I'm not much of an eater." Robin replied. He grabbed an apple and bit into it. "So where do you live at the moment?" he asked.

"The Hilton." Nick replied quietly. He was slightly confused by the fact that this man didn't know who he was. "I'm in a group."

"Oh yeah, that's right, you're in the Backstreet Boys, huh?" he asked. Nick nodded softly. "Max told me about you guys. You know him, right?"

"I meet a million Maxes a day." Nick grinned.

"I'm talking about Max Martin?" Robin replied with a smirk of his own. "He songwrites."

"Well, I think there'd be less questions for you if I took a cab." Nick whispered.

"Yeah, plus I have a meeting today." Robin rolled his eyes. "What I do for old lovers." He wriggled his eyebrows. Nick giggled. "Here's a 20 for the cab and a ten for a snack on the way. Mickey D's is right around the corner."

"Thanks." Nick stood up and put the dishes in the sink. Robin walked him to the door and opened it. "I'll pay you back. After all," he pointed to the door number. "I know where you live."

"Get outta here!" Robin laughed as he playfully shoved him out the door. "Crazy bastard. Cute guy, but a crazy one."

~At the Hilton~ "NICK! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" screamed Kevin.

"Hello Kevin, I missed you too." Nick replied sarcastically. "And I rather not talk about it."

"You better be on your best behavior today, Frack, Kevin's "ex-lover" is coming here today." Brian laughed.

Nick gasped dramatically. "There actually was someone OTHER than Kristen?" he gasped.

"Settle down, people, I wanna meet 'er without you baboons scaring her off." AJ laughed.

The door opened and closed as two men walked in. Kevin cleared his throat for everyone's attention. "Everyone? This is Bobby Pin."

"My name is really Robin Tran." Robin whispered. Nick looked up at him and gasped before hitting the ground.

As I said before, i LOVE emails. I have no life. so e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 3

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