
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Sep 22, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the celebrities mentioned in this piece of fiction. If you are under the legal age to view this material in your area, please exit or go to

Concertina Chapter 1

"Hey pretty boy! Over here!" shouted someone. Nick Carter turned and shook his head. "I said get over here, bitch!" the thug screamed. Two large men came and grabbed Nick's arms. The young blonde looked around confusedly. What did they want with him. The two men brought him into a warehouse and quickly ripped his clothing. "Ha, saw you walking in the street, knew you was good meat."

All three chuckled and the second one held Nick's face away from the man so he couldn't see. His blue eyes darted wildly, searching for an exit when he heard a zipper being undone and felt the pain-filled ripping of his lower region.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP! OH GOD! THAT HURTS SO MUCH!" he screamed but his pleas fell upon deaf ears for the boss continued to pound into him. "NO! STOP!" Tears trickled down his face as the soft velvet of blood oozed out of his anus and onto the floor. One of the henchmen plastered duct tape to his mouth which reduced his cries to pained muffles. His blue eyes shot wide open as he felt the sickening feel of cum hit inside him. The radiant blue that held innocence and joy not long ago now were dull with the ghostlike quality of a fallen angel.

"I'm done here. Let's go boys." the boss said as he pulled up his pants. "You best not say nothin', you hear?" he snapped at Nick before leaving.

Nick didn't do anything. He simply laid there with dried tear streaks on his cheeks. Dried blood streaks traced his butt and the floor. What had he let those men do to him? He curled into a ball and cried.

Robin Tran jogged around the corner, huffing. He stopped when he heard anguished cries from inside the old warehouse. He looked around then slowly made his way over. He opened the creaky door and coughed at the dust. "Hello? Anyone here?" he called out. His answer was a sob. "poor kid. Must be lost." He walked over towards the sound and was surprised to see a man in the fetal position, his body wracked with sobs. "Hey kid, how'd you get here?" he asked gently.

His answer was a soft whine.

"Here." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around the shivering boy. The boy looked at him with dull, pale blue eyes. Robin gasped at his disheveled appearance. "Come on. Let's go home. Maybe I can call your parents or something." He led the mechanical youth outside and towards his apartment. He sat the boy down on a couch and wrapped a blanket around his cold shoulders. "Mind telling me your name?" asked Robin.

The boy stared with the same blank expression. Robin sighed and set the tea in front of him. The boy picked it up and drank it tentatively and gratefully. "Nick." he whispered. "My name is Nick."

"Ok Nick, my name is Robin." Robin smiled warmly. "You wanna crash here and tomorrow go home? Or do you wanna go home right now?" he asked gently.

"I'll stay." Nick whispered.

"You can use my room, I'll sleep out here." Robin offered. He reached out to help Nick up but the blonde boy flinched. "I'll show you where it is." He stood up and motioned for Nick to follow. He opened a door to a modern room. "I'll leave the door open so if you need anything, just holler."

Nick laid down on the comfort off soft velvet and silk sheets. He noticed a worn blanket neatly folded at the food of the bed. He unfolded it and wrapped it around his used body. The feel of the soft yarn lured him into sleep, the blessed unreality that washes away the harshness of the world.

His last thought centered on the mysterious, kind stranger that rescued him from the terror of that warehouse.

Robin sat in the kitchen, pen in hand and notepad in front of him. His laptop was open next to him. for days, he couldn't write a single thing. What happened, he thought, I don't usually get writer's block. His head bobbed to the sounds of Janet and Michael Jackson as 'Scream' played in his ears.

After two successful novels, the public wanted a third book in his Cristanine series. He had been writing ever since he could string together a sentence. His first successful literary work was when he was a Freshman in High School. He wrote all of the songs for the choir's fall show as well as their tours. His song even went national. But then he was an underground prodigy. He wrote beautiful fanfiction for a group and yet no one knew who he was.

He had done almost everything he wanted. He was even nominated for a prestigious award for his song. But that also separated him from his classmates. Every word he wrote was under a pen name, an alias. No one knew who he really was.

Now he was a full adult. He still secretly sold songs and wrote songs for friends and artists as well as wrote under a pen name. Bobby Pin. Robin smirked. Bobby Pin had 2 NY Bestseller novels under his name as well as 5 poetry volumes.

What he didn't have room in his life was a boyfriend. Robin sighed. Of course, he was successful with an adequate pay seemed a bit empty without someone to share it with. Someone to inspire him. Someone just to hold him and tell him to calm down when he got too wound up in his writing. Someone to put in little quirks to make the stories more humorous.

Robin closed his laptop and took off his earphones. "I can't write tonight." he sighed. "I'm such at a block."

He turned off the light and laid down on the couch. "Maybe tomorrow will bring me inspiration. Just maybe..." he mumbled as his mind drifted off to a land where reality is a thing of the imagination.

End Chapter 1 of Concertina

E-mail me with comments, suggestions, and so forth at:

Next: Chapter 2

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